I am quite aware of the topic. I am talking about in general in any dungeon or instance since that’s the fact. FotM and Arah are no different in any way. I know that they are more efficient in FotM and Arah because I’ve ran both of those as well with that setup and it’s amazing. Again, this sentiment from you is coming because you have never seen it work correctly but the fact still remains. You do not lose out on DPS without a ranger either.. At all.. that’s probably the funniest thing I’ve seen all day.
Berserker warriors were only the go-to class in the PvE meta during the heyday of CoF1. Nowadays, while one warrior is a good addition to a party, multiples bring less efficiency than bringing a mix of professions, including, possibly, a sword ranger.
Wrong. 5 Warriors can crush every single dungeon faster than any combo of classes. You must have never been in a group with 5 good warriors fully geared. Champs go down like vets, and Legendaries go down like champs or faster. In PvP, Warriors own that too. Nothing can burst faster while negating dmg at the same time. Warriors destroy all. I however will never run berzerker, because people who do, don’t understand why it’s a waste of stats, and that you do not pull any more damage then if you correctly setup your stats and traits the correct way instead of going gimmick.
No, you’re wrong lol. It’s highly inefficient to run a group with more than 2 warriors on the team as opposed to mixing it up with a properly equipped & traited ranger, at least one ele, a thief/guard/mesmer depending on what dungeon path is being done. Warriors don’t reflect and in many circumstances it’s what deals the very most damage. Also stacking with 5 warriors with no blinds or reflects? Rofl, hell no.
As for berserker being a “waste of stats”, if you’re referring to the mix-match of 3 pieces of assassin’s from Nike’s guide, he even states that with the upcoming changes to critical damage he suggests against making an ascended set with assassin’s. We don’t know whether or not it will be optimal post-changes.
No, you are wrong. It is not highly inefficient to run 5 warriors. With proper banner setup and placement, with 5 warbanners, 5 frenzies. I’m sorry, you are wrong, nothing can out damage that in the same amount of time. You simply would not disagree if you had ever been in a proper 5 warrior group, and anyone who has will back that up. Anyone who hasn’t will echo your sentiment exactly. I wasn’t referring to anything from anyones guide. I was referring to math and probability of critting and contrasting that with full zerker.
You can go 20% less critical since there is a boon called fury. With proper Warrior setup you will always have that boon up when fighting, giving you the same amount of crit as the base crit of zerker. Those extra stats that are not precision, can be placed into any other line with zero damage reduction. This is what people fail to realize about zerker. The only difference between zerk and valkyrie is the precision, which can be made up with a boon, giving you the same chance to crit, giving you the exact same damage output just as frequently.
(edited by Bevillian.1260)
EXACTLY. It’s the game engine mechanics / AI of the mobs that need to be changed in order for anything besides zerk to be viable for PvE.
As long as everything is slow attacking, predictable, and heavy-hitting, toughness is useless. As long as the invulnerability window is as lenient as it is for dodges, it’s pointless to try to mitigate damage taken with any attributes on your gear and especially vitality. If you’re not dodging at the right time, how is having more HP going to benefit you? You’re dead either way if you can’t learn a boss’s mechanics and evade at the right time.
More HP could benefit you by having traits in the vitality line that give more dmg based on vitality than if you just load your traits and armor into the power prec crit line.. This is the only way for the developers to stop people from only running gimmicks like full zerker. Been saying this for almost a year.
(edited by Bevillian.1260)
Word on Zhaitan was that he looks the coolest, you only see him for a few seconds, and then you shoot stuff at him while not being able to be harmed, as he sits on a mountain while you win the game by spamming 1 button. That’s still the word.
Berserker warriors were only the go-to class in the PvE meta during the heyday of CoF1. Nowadays, while one warrior is a good addition to a party, multiples bring less efficiency than bringing a mix of professions, including, possibly, a sword ranger.
Wrong. 5 Warriors can crush every single dungeon faster than any combo of classes. You must have never been in a group with 5 good warriors fully geared. Champs go down like vets, and Legendaries go down like champs or faster. In PvP, Warriors own that too. Nothing can burst faster while negating dmg at the same time. Warriors destroy all. I however will never run berzerker, because people who do, don’t understand why it’s a waste of stats, and that you do not pull any more damage then if you correctly setup your stats and traits the correct way instead of going gimmick.
(edited by Bevillian.1260)
people check leader boards?
Yes, you should try it sometime.
Ya! then we can all guild hop to the one with the most influence and become one big kitten zerg under one big kitten guild that has more influence than it can possible spend.
Why would you want to be in a Guild with the highest influence? Having influence doesn’t do anything. Honestly, Guilds with lower influence are most likely the ones keeping upgrades on 24/7. My thought on this was that I was simply curious which guild had the most. One would think that players would want to be in guilds that keep upgrades activated and I guarantee the guild with the most influence doesn’t keep upgrades active all the time because you wouldn’t be number one if you constantly use it. Players don’t want to be in a guild with no upgrades active ever, so I was curious how that played out on the leaderboards. That’s all. People would have to pay like 150g, and switch servers to join if they really wanted to and were on a different server, and any member would still be approved by the guild leader to join. I don’t see your point.
Oh ok thanks that must be it
I click it and nothing happens. Restarted several times, tried on different characters with the same result. Anyone else?
I have often wondered how my Guild stacks up against the rest. I suggest a new leader board option that ranks Guilds based on their influence.
Guild - The Tyrian High Council [Herb] – Formed March 27th, 2013
Server - NA | Blackgate
Player Count - 109
Type - Experienced PvX – Daily Dungeons, World Boss’s, WvW and PvP Tournaments
Peak - 20 – 40 (Evening Server Time)
Off-Peak - 5 – 15 (Morning Server Time)
Representing - Members and Officers must represent
Website - Yes
Teamspeak - Yes
Upgrades - Fully Upgraded and maxed out
Guild Missions - Scheduled for 6pm Server Time Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but may occur when enough players (20 – 30) are logged during the week as well.
Ranks - Alliance / Member / Officer - Officers gain the ability to invite as well as use Guild Storage and activate banners. They may also start Guild Missions. To be an Officer we require that the Member be active and helpful. Anyone can be an Officer if they meet those two requirements. We encourage Teamspeak use but it isn’t required except for Guild Puzzles and certain other Guild Missions.
Right now we are recruiting players who are active and experienced in Dungeons or PvP. We’d like to grow in PvP and are looking for players with PvP experience in Tournaments and WvW.. If you are willing to learn and are going to be active as well please fill out an application here.
Message me in game alternatively if you’d like and we can talk about an invite, thanks for your time!
(edited by Bevillian.1260)
Please do as it really is only fair.
Of course Devs have special powers. What kind of question is that? They develop the game… They can do whatever they want whenever they want. Whatever systems they have in place to limit themselves or to record themselves doesn’t have anything to do with that fact that they are devs, and they can do whatever they want. But… they are devs… People who develop things can change it, or get around in it quicker than anyone playing it. This is common sense.
No, it isn’t yet. They still haven’t implemented anything new in PvP. They still call 1 round matches a tournament, and getting any rank finisher means grinding capture points all day and night every day since that is the only way to PvP after almost 2 years after release.
I’m not sure why these weren’t implemented from day one. My signature shows you that I have wanted HoH since day one beta. They took away the most beautiful instance of any game I had ever seen. On top of that, they never talk about it anymore, and most players respond by saying ‘get over it’. Hopefully one day we will get true tournament style PvP like HoH, and actual challenging PvE content, in FoW and UW.
I’ve looked and looked at your picture, I don’t see any horns, anywhere in that picture. Not floating, not in the background. No where in that picture are any horns. Attach a screenshot of what you are talking about please.
The dodging mechanic is the problem. Every single person can just press a button every few seconds and take zero damage and evade every single bit of dmg being thrown at them from every source. No need for any heals from anyone else, let alone a healing class. This is the reason Berzerker reigns.
Every player can heal themselves better than any healer ever could because of the dodge mechanic. There is no reason to have more health, or toughness if you can just press dodge instead, especially if you have vigor. The only way to fix this, is to put traits in toughness and vitality that increase damage more than zerker stats would. There are already traits which turn vitality into power. Do that more, make them more extensive, and you’ll see all this zerker garbage and all the players who subscribe to it, dwindle away and be called scrubs eventually. That is how you solve it.
Bumping this thread
What’s your timezone focus? At what time (server time) do you usually do your missions?
They are scheduled for 6pm server time Fri, Sat, and Sunday. A lot of times they are activated once we get 30+ players online though instead. Especially if we don’t have the numbers on during the scheduled times on those days during any given week.
Still looking for experienced players. We recruit for all aspects of the game. PvPers are encouraged to join, we have plenty of players who enjoy WvW and PvP and would love a few new additions to the roster
Bumping this again
We are now recruiting for WvW. We are starting to have a larger presence inside WvW and are looking for experienced players.
Bumping this thread
Experienced Warrior looking for solid tpvp Guild. r41. Champ Legion, Champ Paragon.
Bump bigidy bump to the blam.
You need to upload the screenshots to this website. Not to speedyshare.
Nothing is being watched, yet all monthly achievements show up at the top right like I am. See the first screenshot. If I click to actually watch one of the achievements it then makes them all disappear except the one I’m watching. Nothing should show up unless I am watching it. Please fix this.
I spent 600g in the forge and never got anything. I then saved up 850g and bought dusk. The forge is a waste of time and money, regardless of how many threads are created that pick out the few players who actually receive a precursor from it.
Peoples responses to this simple, obvious question are just ridiculous. It’s like people read these topics and must disagree, regardless. Of course we all want new maps, anyone who says anything different is awaiting a response so they can continue to troll. Anet could easily tell us what they are working on. That would have no affect on anyone except those who want to know what they are working on. People are responding saying “Why would you want a new map” and “EotM is a new map” and “What problems would a new map solve”. It’s almost laughable the responses some of you have to something that is common sense for players to stick with any game. Especially those who’ve done map completion 4 times and feel that waypoints have made the game feel small. Don’t listen to anyone saying anything except supporting your question OP, because it’s a solid one and needs to constantly be brought up. They are Good questions. Hopefully we get new content soon, or those players who need a change will leave on or around 4.14.14.
[Herb] on Blackgate is accepting applications. Our recruitment thread is here. Thanks for your time
[Herb] on Blackgate is accepting applications. Our recruitment thread is here. Thanks for your time
[Herb] on Blackgate is accepting applications. Our recruitment thread is here. Thanks for your time
[Herb] on Blackgate is accepting applications. Our recruitment thread is here. Thanks for your time
[Herb] on Blackgate is accepting applications. Our recruitment thread is here. Thanks for your time
[Herb] on Blackgate is accepting applications. Our recruitment thread is here. Thanks for your time
Bumping this thread again
Look how many responses to this thread Anet. Common sense is common sense.
This post pretty much descripes the trouble the devs have with difficulty in this game. By the looks of your signature you have played GW1 and know that most of the endgame content was tough (especially when it was released) and they stuck to that throughout all releases in GW1 because players enjoyed that. Now they have a broader audience and the majority of said audience doesn’t want hard content.
@weather: Lot’s of players requested that and I am huge fan of that proposition
@chairs: http://www.usgamer.net/articles/colin-johanson-talks-dungeons-dragons-and-chairs
“We kind of forced ourselves into a corner where we either go back and re-art every chair in the game, or we build this system for sitting. I think in the grand scheme of things, given all the other projects, we have going on, sitting, as important as it is, is not something we’re currently working on.”
Yes, I played gw1. I chose not to mention PvP although that is the only real end game for me at this point, and something I don’t play anymore until they add tournaments which are actual tournaments instead of 1 match. I don’t see how they can even call 1 game against random people a tournament. Tournaments need multiple matches to decide a winner, see the first definition of it here. Certain things like this have gotten on my nerves since the game came out and the only reason myself and thousands of others haven’t moved on is because we are waiting for another game, or for actual updates to be done to this one which create content. There is nothing left for thousands of people to do in this game except grind the same thing every day now because there hasn’t been any real additional content since Southsun Cove in November of 2012, like 3 months after the game came out.
It’s just disappointing to see where the time and effort of the developers go. Instead of creating additional areas and content we get different charr backpacks and mining picks along with some rinse and repeat living story mechanics that have been the same since the first one. Go from point a to point b, and here are some enemies in the way. There is no depth. I don’t know who is testing this game, but they don’t have enough hours logged. You need real testers, and real feedback from them that changes your game as it needs it.
(edited by Bevillian.1260)
I’d like to see more weather. Weather that effects game play and makes it hard to see in certain areas.
I’d like to see the ability for each race to be able to sit in certain chairs around the game made for them, and animations for us to see when they sit. See Skyrim.
I’d like to see a lot more trees you can harvest. Make larger trees that have more wood. In addition to this, add in the ability for players to make camp fires. These fires could simply give players swiftness and or regeneration for a little bit of time and be stoked by actual wood in the game. The higher the tier of wood the longer the fire could last perhaps. I know you guys like currency sinks
Id like to see more immersion in this game. Bring your NPC’s to life by having each villager have a story and send players on quests that last weeks and or months. Your current system is good but the longest chain of quests only lasts about 5 or 6. How about increasing that about ten fold? Let the players get involved and feel like we really want to save a town instead of not caring because it just means the waypoint doesn’t show up or some quest doesn’t start right away.
Breathe life into your main cities by making a dragon attack scenario where a dragon and its minions will attack a main city and the portal is closed off to that city in LA and everyone has to go take the city back. If they don’t take it back, the portal stays closed and everyone has to run there. No waypoints inside if its contested either. Have dragons switch cities every week or two to keep the pressure on the community in the game to complete the city attacks to keep them open.
This game feels small. After getting all the waypoints multiple times, and exploring about 10% as much as I needed to to discover everything in gw1, I feel like there is no depth to Tyria. We just waypoint to every single place in your game. Nothing is hard to get to, there are no challenges in exploring. Nothing hidden that was difficult to find. This place is massive but you have allowed your community to exploit it by putting like 15+ Waypoints in zones where it takes you 5 minutes to get from one side to the other.
Make your game more difficult. We can stack and smash everything in this game.
I’ve had a great time playing so far and really look forward to an expansion of some kind. I’d really like some more content.
Thanks for your time.
(edited by Bevillian.1260)
I was already in this guild until I accidentally represented another guild. DAT KICK lol
You would have been booted for inactivity. Any player that was booted for not representing when you were in the guild was given 2 to 3 warnings and at least 1 mail sent to them prior to being booted, with an attached message letting you know you could return if that was the reason you were booted.
Bumping this thread.
I am ranked in the 65%. I am 185 / 148. There is someone in my guild that is 10 / 25 and is ranked in the 85%. It says the % is based on Ranked Tournament matches. Exactly what in the ranked tournament matches is this percentage based off of, if not the win / loss percentage of those matches?
The Tyrian High Council [Herb] is recruiting experienced players for WvW! We are a fully upgraded active reputable guild on Blackgate, formed March of 2013. Guild Missions happen weekly and Teamspeak is available for players. 24/7 Guild Boosts, clean website, and a casual environment. Players are required to represent unless in their alt storage. We are now accepting applications here. Thanks for your time :]
(edited by Bevillian.1260)
It’s very simple.
1) Those who are afraid of dueling can enable an option which ignores any duel requests.
2)Dueling can take place anywhere. Why would this be a problem? I see no PvErs complaining when Lions Arch is COMPLETELY FILLED with people costume brawling.
3)People who use the excuse of “this game isn’t balanced around 1v1s so dueling will make people complain” obviously haven’t been to the profession forums. All you see are people complaining about how one class is OP against their class. It already happens. This isn’t an excuse.
Dueling is something that many games have. It’s something that you can do to pass the time while waiting for buddies to show up for a dungeon. It’s something that will help you become a better player and learn how to deal with other classes in a fight. If you take the game seriously enough that losing a duel would cause you mental anguish, you need to go outside and take a breather. It’s just a game.
Well said. Good points. I think though that dueling should take place in particular areas made for dueling so those who aren’t interested in it don’t have to see it.
I suggest increasing the amount of players needed to kick someone to three if the party has four players or is full.. I think making sure the majority of the party wants the player to be booted would be more fair than the current system.
Greetings! I am the Guild Leader of The Tyrian High Council, a link to my recruitment ad is on the forums here.
As a lot of you know it’s difficult to get Guilds moving and difficult to recruit using these forums and sometimes you get a response or two, and sometimes nothing. I was just thinking of putting this post up to ask current Guild Leaders with small to mid size guilds with 10 to 20 active players per day, if they would like to Merge with our guild here on Blackgate and use our name.
I would offer Officer positions to any Guild Leaders and their current Officers. Our officers are able to activate basic guild banners whenever they need, invite players to the guild, withdraw from guild bank, and activate guild missions.
Our guild is completely maxed out. We have all categories to VI and every single upgrade is grayed out because we have the maximum amount built. There is a lot of potential in the guild and it would be great to have a small influx of like minded players. If interested just shoot me a whisper in game or a mail and I am sure I will get it within a few hours. Thanks for your time and I hope we can bring our players together and create something even better.
Hey how’s it going Check out my post here
The Tyrian High Council [Herb] is a one year old guild that is fully maxed out and quite active. We are mostly PvE doing dungeons and world events daily but also have focus on all other aspects of the game including WvW and PvP.
We are currently opening up our roster and looking for players in all time zones. We run all Guild Missions every week at 6 a.m server time, and 6 p.m server time for both sides of the world, as long as enough players are present. Any player can become an Officer if they are helpful and active and show an interest in becoming one :]
-The Tyrian High Council [Herb]
-160 Members
-10 – 40 Active at any given time
-Casual PvX
-All Guild Missions, Dungeons, World Events, PvP
-Helpful, Noobie friendly
-Recruiting players of any skill level. Currently looking for players in the UK, Thailand, and Australia time zones but welcome players from everywhere. We are U.S East and West Coast based but have players from all over the world.
-Website, and Teamspeak 3
-100% Representing required IF you would like to be considered for Officer. You don’t have to represent but all of our members represent at the moment. It keeps the guild moving forward
-If you are not on Blackgate that is Ok as long as you don’t mind not being able to WvW. You will still be able to take part in Guild Missions.
Send me a mail in game or apply on our website here
Thanks for your time :]
(edited by Bevillian.1260)