Showing Posts For Bradesco.9621:
Is there a way to buy a X number of items from a NPC instead of only one unit per “buy” confirmation?
You can use this to help you out:
I’d leave materials for last, the best way to get T6 mat I know is through Laureal.
This bag makes each Laureal worth about 1.5-2g.
You are likely to pay for all materials, there is no easy way to farm them, T6 drop rate is insanely low.
You can get loads of ectos through world events and fractals, selling weapon/armor’s incriptions are good way to get money if you don’t need the ectos.
You can get about to 15g/day with ~ 3 hrs or less by doing only AC all paths and Arah P1-P2. So gold is unlimited, your time and patience might be though.
Good luck!
I got a question about cultural armor (skin) and ascended armor:
For e.g. can I transmutate a T3 human heavy armor into my ascended armor set and use it on both a human and a norn?
Thank you.
I think mine is bugged then. It is currently only working while I am in a City.
Going to make a video and report as a bug then.
I found the issue, the boon does not stack with any food boon and if you have it on you can’t get the weapon’s.
It worked in cities because I never had a food boon there.
(edited by Bradesco.9621)
Are the buffs from the “Birthday Blaster” only granted while you are in a City?
Can’t I use it at WvW or PvE?
Thank you.
Server Information:
NA – Sea of Sorrows
Available hours (Server time):
11AM – 5PM (From Monday to Friday)
11AM – 2AM (Saturday and Sunday)
Personal Information:
Real Name: Philip
Age: 22
Country: Brazil
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese
Occupation: College Student
Other online games I currently play: League of Legends, Battlefield 4, FIFA 2014
Character Information:
Main: Guardian/Warrior
Armor: Full ascended
Stats: Berserker
AP: 5600
Gold: About 2000
Badges of Honor: Over 3000
Fair Knowledge of all borderlands
Good Knowledge of Eternal
Full Knowledge of EotM
Guild I Look for:
Main World v World
Mature and polite
Tournament focused
Headquarters on Sea of Sorrows
Contact Information:
Char: Khal Strunmah
Account: Bradesco
- Philip
(edited by Bradesco.9621)
I think some people started to find good ways to make real profit or gamble it.
“The more wealth is accumulated, the greater the spread between the rich and the poor.”
That’s absolutely true.
But I still think this price raise is not fair .
When you make a Legendary weapon, you need four items. Each item should be nearly 1/4 of the total cost to be completely balanced.
One can spend 1000 gold to make a legendary, both gifts should be 250g, weapon gift should be 250g and the precursor should be 250g.
Today you are likely to spend 50% of the total value on all gifts and 50% on the precursor.
If it is not intentional (I still think it is unfair), then there’s something really wrong with the drop rate of many materials in the game or the way you get them.
I always thought Legendary weapons were a waste of time/effort. I thought they were “impossible” to get, way too much work and money.
I guess it was because I didn’t know how to make quick money as I do now. And after few weeks I am able to buy/farm all materials and make the gifts.
It is funny, I research at many places, mostly at wiki, and at this guy’s research:
I remember few months after Guild Wars 2’s release precursor weapons at 100g.
At the end of 2013 “Samuirai” and his research they were about 500g.
So we can say its price have increased 5 times in little more than 1 year.
Today, half of 2014 you can buy a precursor for 1000g or more. Already doubled the value and it is almost 10 times higher 2 years after the game’s release.
I saw many posts/topics by 2013 saying that precursor weapons would be crafted at the feature pack of April 2014, nothing still.
I am not saying this is the right solution or if there’s a right solution, but things the way they are are becoming really bad.
We can “project” untill Christmas precursor weapons reaching easily 1500g-2000g and this number may keep growing and growing endlessly.
Hi folks,
I just started enjoying WvW and mostly Edge of the Mist, but I am really lost about the tournament information.
So here are my questions:
Are we still in Spring tournament 2014?
I don’t think so, because Wiki says Round 9 was May 23 – May 30.
The official Gw2 WvW ranking splits servers as Spring – Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Was this the “amount of rewards” each server won in the last season? (If already ended)
Are these Seasons related to US or UK weather or neither?
Are we in a new season, when did it start, when will it end?
Last but not least, Wiki says:
WvW Spring Tournament 2014 Reward Chest (Unlocked) is rewarded to players who participated in the WvW Spring Tournament 2014 and finished the meta achievement.
By “Meta achievement” it means all achievements?
Like those all:
Thank you, and good luck to your server.
i5 3570k @4.0
4×4 1600
My framerate is really unstable around people, even in dungeons due to the massive effect spam on the screen.
Already put Animation and LOD at low, but still.
Most PvE stuff where there’s not many people around is stable at 60.
I know this game is really badly optimized for VGAs, but is really frustrating to play with such low framerate with an i5 3570k @ 4.0.
I know people who got an i7 with much higher and stable framerate, even at world boss’s events.
My question is for those who upgraded their processors to:
i7 3820 or i7 4820K or i7 4930k (Intel E-Series)
Have you seem a massive increase in performance?
Does it worth the upgrade?
(edited by Bradesco.9621)
He can contact Support by clicking “Support” at the top of this page, then “Submit a request” on the linked page. CS will be able to assist him.
He did it yesterday, but none answer him yet. Early today he submitted another request and he’s still waiting for an answer.
My friend’s account email is currently blocked on hotmail, so he is not able to verify his email when logging into Guild Wars 2.
He has all informations, such as:
Game-Key, login, password, credit card, billing adress, character ID, character name, etc.
It seems like hotmail is not giving him any support so he is stuck, he also tryed guild wars 2 support, which hasn’t answered him yet.
How can he solve his problem?
Thank you.
(edited by Bradesco.9621)
In the commemoration of the first year of the best mmo,
I’d like to ask Arenanet and NCsoft to make 50% Off for 24 hours of the digital version of this game;
I’d like to ask, for everyone who pre-order this game, to be rewarded with couple “Invitation Keys”;
Thanks for one year of a lot of fun!
I just found this T-Shirt amazing fun:
I see no problems with PvE balancement, I’d like to see more combat mechanic instead of only dodge.
For exemple, warrios/guardians could use a “block” spending some stamina to block incoming attacks instead of evading them.
Mages could use a little “blink” aswell, only for a better magic design.
PvP has been forgotten for a long time, only now they are giving it some importance, with time it may be better and balanced.
WvW I really don’t care.
Should we been expecting a new class (which is an update as huge as a permanent content like Crystal Desert map) on those 2-2 weeks updates?
Maybe on a year of guild wars 2 release commemoration?
Has any plans or team working on it right now?
If so, I hope it is a heavy class.
Humm… thanks !
Humm… thanks !
Can I buy another race’s cultural armor/weapon…
… and use a transmutation crystal and wear its skin on other race?
Thank you.
Pretty sure it’s a R50 hammer skin. Quite cool looking.
But what is its name?
Get an anchor.
Get 15
I am currently using the Vigil Warhammer and I think it is so so.
I was wondering if are there bigger (if not massive) hammers.
Can you tell me its names? (PvP names)
Thank you.
If your friend deletes all the characters and the server he wants to move to is not full, then yes. Your friend should put everything they want to keep in the bank. As far as I know this also works with transferring from EU to NA or vise vera. I would suggest contacting support for a definitive answer in the event something does not work out.
“Ask A Question”But what about soulbound items? Will they lose their bounds?
No they will end up just taking up space in the bank until deleted. Your friend could transmute them onto a white item first to break the soulbind but if this isn’t done prior to deletion of the character that owns them then they will just take up space in the bank.
Thanks dude!
If your friend deletes all the characters and the server he wants to move to is not full, then yes. Your friend should put everything they want to keep in the bank. As far as I know this also works with transferring from EU to NA or vise vera. I would suggest contacting support for a definitive answer in the event something does not work out.
“Ask A Question”
But what about soulbound items? Will they lose their bounds?
Can I reset my account to the way it came in the first time?
Delete all characters, all money, banky stuff, reset server home, etc?
A friend wants to change from EU to NA, but for free, if he delets all characters he will be able to do it? And without losing the stuff on the bank?
Gw2 is skill, not gear game.
So, inspect would only encorage people to see what you are using and kick you, not even knowing how you play. And that is sad.
Samething too for people who don’t let level 35 people do AC Exp, the “80’s only” guys….
Sad too.
However the game has gotten so nerfed and so easy that “dodge”, “jump”, “move”, is becoming pointless.
If you played the first beta weekend you know what I am talking about. Or if you did AC during the beta or at the release you know how hard it was, and how pitiful it is now.
The only challange for while at the game is Fractals (which is not that big deal when you know tatics) or try to solo champions and not get a proper reward for that.
Today at 12 PM PST (8PM GMT) there will be a livestream about PvP.
Eyes and ears on:
" Who will be attending?
We’re joined by players from top competitive teams (and occasionally by a developer… or two) with the hopes of generating genuine and constructive discussion regarding the current state of the game.
This time around we’ll be joined by ArenaNet Developers Jon Peters and Jonathan ‘Chaplan’ Sharp.
General Information:
Host: Grouch
Date/Time: February 7th, 2013. 12 PM PST (8PM GMT)
Duration: Around one hour.
Special Guests: ArenaNet Developers Jonathan Sharp and Jon Peters
Players Participating: Java from Team PZ (NA) and Lowell from Super Squad (EU)
Where: We’re making the transition to You can find us at "
Chivalry medieval warfare is going to be my main game for while, while sPvP is on BETA.
Gonna play it a lot when it releases.
What time is going to be the event today? 01-28?
“January 28
The sky falls and the ground shakes in the lands of the north. Charr and norn refugees crawl from the wreckage of their homes in the Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau, struggling to find shelter in the south. The call goes out for volunteers to assist the victims in this time of need, when earth and sky seem to have become the enemy…
Flame and Frost: Prelude is the prologue to a multi-stage narrative that will bring big changes to Guild Wars 2 in the months to come."
I wish I could ride, just a simple horse, would be a bit less painfull walking along this massive world….
What’s the differences between Vibrant, Leather and Metallic Dyes, beside the price?
Thank you
About PvE —-——————————
Q: Will we see a “downflow” on place that has low population, attempting to keep all zones always live?
Q: Any plans on the Lost Shores zone which is empty right now. Any plans on Orr, new rewards, battles… ?
Q: Talk more about the Looking for Group Tool.
About PvP —-———————————
Q: Talk about the profession balancing you are doing on each profession for sPvP?
Q: Are you guys planning to add new game modes? Capture the Flag, Team Death Match, Death Match. Aswell battlegrounds of 20×20?
About WvWvW —-——————————
Q: What do you think about Mounts?
Q: Will be an auto-loot system for Badges of Honor? Dailys? New Siege weapons?
Thank you!
(edited by Bradesco.9621)
The one with the flag should be always visible (no stealth), should not carry any boon (Stabillity, swiftness, …), no portal/blink skills allowed.
For the rest a good balance of the limit of each class per team.
Runes around the map should help classes with low mobility giving vigor/swiftness (out of combat only)
5v5 Max 1 class per team
8v8 Max 2 classe per team.
PvP should be a top priority of the game for now on, PvE is just fine, problems there could be solved after “solving” PvP’s.
I hopped on today after a 2 month or so break from the game. I was curious about the new dungeon and wanted to try it out. I arrived in Lions Arch only to find it was for the most part, completely empty. I checked a few more places and also heart of the mists. Do people just not play this game anymore? Or am I missing something?
I thought the samething, but it can be easily solved by getting into a better server.
I left a “empty one” and como to an EU server.
So, keep looking.
My server is good, good PvP, good dungeon, good Orr.
To make this sPvP, how it is today, fun you need to:
-Play with a “good” class
-Stick with the team (zergfest)
-Run away from lost battles
-Leave bad teams.
I wouldn’t expect more game mods for months. Since PvP is not a priority and there is a lot work to do on it.
Its hard to rank up so people can play more, test other classes and getting better.
Without pushing it.
WvW is massively huge and painful for classes that lacks of mobility (swiftness, vigor, blink)
Mounts there are really needed (Or at least more waypoints at strategic points)
Maybe smaller pvp maps of WvW gameplay (max 20×20 for example) would be nice.
At PvE I see no need for mounts if not for free money for a-net with people farming gems to buy better skins.
Same for sPvP.
I think Quickness should be disabled on sPvP/tPvP.
Don’t need to say much about it, since everyone knows what it does and how it works. As well how we like it on ourself and dislike taking hit by it.
But overall I think this is a boon that should be disabled since it helps instant-high damage builds which are the easier way to not show the skills of players but get easy kills.
What do you think?
So, for that example, the one I have to aim for is:
Quiver/Book (Infused)
1 Ascended quiver or book
250 Glob of Ectoplasm
1 Glob of Coagulated Mists Essence
1 Gift of Ascension
I was wondering how was possible to get over than 15 agony resistance since each infusion gives only +5 agony resist and there is only 3 ascended items.
So someone told me you can upgrade your Ascended equipment, placing that “+5 Agony Resistance” on its basics stats and get a fresh new infusion slot.
My question is: How do I do that?
For example, I have the “Koss on Koss” Back equipment with the simple +5 agony resistance on the infusion slot. How do I make this item be called “Koss on Koss (Infused)”?
Thank you
“Legendary weapons are a set of high end weapons that have unique appearances. They are crafted in the Mystic Forge. Each legendary weapon requires four components: a specific exotic precursor weapon, a Gift of Fortune, a Gift of Mastery and a final gift specific to the desired legendary weapon. Currently, legendary weapons are soulbound, although Dev Lindsey has hinted that they may be changed to account bound in the future.”
This is a bug, hacking attempt to break the game or A-net trolling us:
“Legendary weapons are a set of high end weapons that have unique appearances. They are crafted in the Mystic Forge. Each legendary weapon requires four components: a specific exotic precursor weapon, a Gift of Fortune, a Gift of Mastery and a final gift specific to the desired legendary weapon. Currently, legendary weapons are soulbound, although Dev Lindsey has hinted that they may be changed to account bound in the future”
…It’s not a bug.
If it is not a bug, I guess Gw2 is just another pay for win game like any other.
A-Net didn’t realize yet there is a LEGENDARY weapon being sold at trading post all the afternoon.
Many people here is concerning about what Server you play, “my server is dead”, “my server is full”.
I will tell you, it does not matter.
If there is a hundred servers, if just one has this problem, the game experience is broken.
Got it?
It is not about, my server is empty, let’s change. All servers MUST be playable, lived and fun.
People leaving “empty servers” makes this problem worst.
Although there were many topics here with awesome ideas and things that make Orr what is now a days, I hope A-net take care of “thinking about”.
Some like:
-“guilds can earn prestige by capturing and holding waypoints.”
-“weekly achievement + reward for Orr to encourage people to play it.”
-“Anet nerfed open world loot drops and increased timers on events in orr in order to make people buy gems to convert to gold.” —> Nerfing Orr was a huge mistake.
-“So if you dont do dungeons and do open world stuff you spend 5X the work and time for the reward and by consequence give up.”
-“…it isn’t fun and the number of people willing to do it for Legendary is very low.”
-“nothing that a good grouping tool cant fix..”
-“Actually fractals in my opinion ruined the game.And thats my opinion and i dnt care what others say.” —> Total agree !
I also would say to try, as soon as possible, to fix all bugs before releasing new content.
I am not sure which employee gave the “amazing” idea to center all game into dungeons and forget the “OLD” content.
Orr has being forgotten since Lost Shores event, and now even Lost Shores is dead, people don’t go there, there is nothing good there but a rich orichalcum vein.
I don’t see Balthazar dead since… I can’t remember. Lyssa? She is up forever.
Melandru? it is just stupid.
The only one who dies somethimes is Grenth.
[Edited by CC]
I will say something is dead if it is dead. And you don’t have to spend much time walking on Orr, Lost Shores, WvW to realise these places are pretty much dead.
I won’t even say about Caudecus’s Manor, Sorrow’s Embrace, Crucible of Eternity, The Ruined City of Arah all these dungeons are dead.
You, most likely, will waste your time, standing at Lion’s and yelling for group.
(edited by Moderator)