Showing Posts For Brutus Tarsi.1283:

Gearing Question...

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

So I really enjoy running a go-go gadget engineer, with things like rocket boots, PBR, goggles and the like for my utility. I don’t use p/p but I do enjoy p/s and rifle. My question is this…

I know with rifles you stack on power because they scale with power, no problem. But when I pull out my shield and pistol… what should I be gearing towards. I know that pistols don’t scale well with power… and that they are more conditional… but I don’t focus on conditions anywhere else. I enjoy the EG but I don’t really focus on applying massive damage via conditions… rather, just weakness which I can keep up constantly with no traiting or statting for. So what should I do with pistols? Stick with power/tough/vit gear? or have two sets that uses precision?

Side note… precision and rifles seem to make sense… but does precision make sense with pistols much? Would I have to trait all the on crit hits traits to make it really effective?

So two gearing questions in one… yay!

Regeneration on Downed Players?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Engineer’s Elixir R can be tossed and it will revive for 5 seconds, either on yourself or on someone else… its been a handy utility a few times.

Bring back some GW1 armor skins.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Man I loved my Vabbian Male Dervish armor so much, I wish I could have it back…

BUG: Under Siege (Vigil)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I had the same problem, but I tried to fix it by bring up a full screen image… like my map, and then closing it and hoping it would fix my camera.. didn’t work… it exploded and crashed my game… I have ran it twice and yet to get past this point… I will have to try and run my guy back and get the leave box tonight…

"Under Siege" Personal Story Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I am playing through the Vigil Campaign, and during the Under Siege portion of my personal story, I crash and can’t complete the mission. There is a portion of the story where you have to use Trebuchet’s to destroy Orrian Siege Equipment. Once done, there is a cut scene, and then the camera pans back to my character, or atleast that is what is supposed to happen. The camera however, pans back to the trebuchet. My character can move, but I can’t follow his movements (unless its on the minimap).

I tried fixing it by loading something full screen… like my map, everytime I do, the game crashes.

I don’t know what else to add so… please fix?

Mystic Forge Salvage Kits Questions...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

So I am relatively new to the Mystic Forge, occasionally tossing in whites and blues to see what came out about 40 levels ago. I understand there are specific recipes, and if I am not mystic, the recipe for the Salvage kit was 1 blue, green, and yellow kits, as well as 3 mystic coins? I am uncertain on the last part, but that isn’t my question.

My question is this: Do the three precursor kits have to be full kits? Or can I get away with throwing in a a half used yellow, a full green, and a blue with 4 charges left?

I figured ANet made it full, but I ask hoping maybe they didn’t…

How does armor rating work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I think I remember a formula in the engineer forum a few weeks ago… I will check in a bit and see if I can find it for you.

Minor runes: Krait vs Afflicted

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

As far as I know, Runes don’t stack, so your best bet is to go two of each if thats what you want to do.

Mesmer or Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Selfishly, I would choose necro, because honestly, I hate playing against mesmers and anything I can do that will limit their numbers is a good thing. All their stupid clones, I hate those guys… you know, in a fantasy world kind of way lol

Apparently I need to L2P

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

1 thing I do is once i pop my heal I start planning to drop. If there’s more than one enemy attacking me i try and make sure one always has low health for when i fall. I may actually switch off an almost dead target and start hitting a stronger one until i drop so i can target the almost dead one after I drop and get the rally. Condition damage is your friend here too. Sometimes when i’m tanking several mobs I’l drop and rally several times.

I laughed when I read this, that is great. I always look for a near-dead immediately when I go down, but I never thought of switching off of one to have a rally monkey so to speak if I go down.. will have to remember that one lol.

Apparently I need to L2P

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I played GW1, a bit of WoW, and a ton of First Person Shooter CPU games like Counterstrike when I was younger, so for me the movement was natural and fluid. I was used to the ASDW and I was even used to having keys to turn with as I would always bind those myself. So first comment is, getting used to movement is a chore, and for many who seem to be natural at it, it is probably because they have obscene amounts of time in practicing lol. For instance, I am teaching my wife how to play, the closest game she has ever played is tetris, so lets just say, I have taken movement for granted up to this point lol. So point 1, just a lot of practice with the movement is needed, and thats okay.

In terms of the downed state, you aren’t allowed to move. The downed state is a transition state from alive and adventuring to dead and respawning. In the downed state, you have two options to get back up on your feet. Defeat an enemy, or bandage/heal yourself back to health. If you can’t do either, eventually your enemy will kill you. So, though the idea is to avoid damage, if you took it, the downed state is the last resort to get back up on your feet (Rally!) and you can do that by either killing an enemy (ideally its a low health since you have been fighting it) or being healed, whether by yourself or by someone else.

In terms of help surviving, I don’t have any resources to offer, just advice. I don’t know what class you play, so some of this might be different, but let me give you an example, for me, I play an engineer and I love the class. I love the class for a variety of reasons, but the top of the list is survivability. I feel like my engineer can take on 3 or 4 mobs no problem most of the time. The reason I say this is because I have a lot of defensive type abilities at my disposable. I have all of my abilities that have some element of control. Something like a knockdown, a snare, a stun, a blind, etc. All of those things keep enemies away from me, and allow me to continue to use my abilities. On top of my abilities (both weapon and utility), I have my dodge, I have heals (my self-heal and my elite is a healing skill), and I have pretty good means of escape if things get too hairy. All of that allows me to live through some things I don’t think other classes could as well as engi’s do. So from that the advice is, get to know your class. What do your skills do outside of damage. Do they add conditions, if so, what kind of conditions do they add. Do you have any mechanic in your class that can take some attention from you, pets, summons, or for engi’s – turrets. Can you give yourself boons, if so what? Getting to know those things will really help your ability to survive.

Lastly, Dodge… dodge is your best friend, and something I haven’t even started talking to my wife about lol. But getting to know when an enemies BIG attacks are coming, normally seen with a wind up or some other kind of animation, and dodging the crap out of the way will go a long way in saving your rear in most situations lol.

Is it just me or are engineers under powered in PVE

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I run either a rifle + gadget + elixir build or a p/s gadget elixir build on my Engi, and I will concur somewhat with the OP. Engi’s don’t do top notch damage. But an engineer can definitely put out a pretty decent burst, especially if you are loaded up on gadgets. Personal Battering Ram, Rocket Boots, etc. numbers can add up in a jiffy.

I think what outweighs other classes, outside of their versatility, is their ability to survive. Between all the CC’s and conditions on the rifle and pistol, the ways to keep an opponent on their backside, and the amount of heals and and such an engi has access too, that no other class I have played compares to its ability to survive and damage at the same time. Thats why I keep coming back to my Engi. When I pull 4 or 5 mobs, no biggy. With other classes, I feel like if I pull 2 mobs I am in trouble.

Anyone else use kits as main weapon? Loving the elixir gun.

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

This is why I love the engineer class so much. Here are a bunch of folks who play with kits, kits, and more kits. You guys enjoy that, but for me, I play with kits occasionally, but for the most part, I run a gadget oriented build as the burst that they provide is absurd when paired with a rifle.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Helequin, man I thought I was going to be the only Stormbluff Isle’r to post, but you beat me to it, and your story is remarkably like mine, I enjoy RP, got pulled into SI by friends, and would love to find some community to play with..


Main Character: Brutus Tarsi, though I have filled my character slots with alts I enjoy lol

Current Server: Stormbluff Isle

Interested Activities: PvE, Occasional PvP, World Completion, Socializing, helping other players

Active: Play mainly Friday and Sunday Nights

Additional Comments: My computer is not the greatest so I am forced to stay out of WvW, which is going to make world completion really hard.. but nevertheless, its worth noting lol

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: Yes, and send me a HUB invite as well, would love to join in the fun!

Helping finding a leather armor look.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Isn’t the “Leather” armor in the PvP chest the stuff that leatherworkers craft in the first 25-50 levels?

Can't decide wnich class to play

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

My first character was a human engineer, and I have to say, though that class, (like every other class) has some bugs, I have to say I don’t know of any class that is as fun in terms of CC and control abilities. It has a ton of utility, and has the ability to put together a good burst. I avoid grenades for steady dps because to me they are boring.

So looking for a class with CC/mobility/burst, to me reads as an engineer…

Skill Capture

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Would love this, by far one of the best ideas that GW1 came up with and one of the worst things to be left out of GW2 I think.

The only problem, with so many skills tied to weapons, they would almost have to be made into util. skills. So between 4 slots, instead of 20 abilities (or whatever it is we have now, we have 30 or 40) It would add some new ideas, but still half of the skill bar would remained unchanged.

It would be nice to be able to acquire and then change weapon skills and interchange those as well but, call me crazy, I doubt that is happening.

Less confusing way to level?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

The mentality is definitely different than other games that I have played, (GW1 specifically).

The way I understand it, is there is the personal story that is going on, and outside of that, you have been asked by the powers that be, to lend your aid to your fellow citizens. So the “quests” has evolved into a, go explore the world, and lend your aid to those who need you. And by the way, your life is going on at the same time.

Adopting this mindset, that the hearts are all one big giant quest to aid my kingdom and its allies in its fight against Zhaitan has really helped me endure some of the randomness that is the hearts.

To balance the two, what I have opted to do, is go clear a zone or two, get roughly 10 levels ahead of my personal story, then blitz through 3-5 episodes at a time. I catch back up to level, I close the chapter of that personal story, and I clear a few more zones, readying myself for the next step. Not saying its the best way, but it is what I have found to be most enjoyable.

i unlocked a skill that cost 6 skill points by mistake :(

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

10/30… I think you get some of both options.

I would also advise, go do some skill challenges. Each map has them, and when completed you gain a skill point. You can hit a few starting areas and come away with 10-15 or so not counting level gained skill points.

Tag Team Possibilities?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I have been thinking about what classes mesh well together, specifically with two person parties, trying to remember the potency of some of the combo fields and effects. I would think a necro would be really good with a ranger, in that shooting through one of their darkness fields would blind each attack… thats a heck of a powerful condition to be able to apply relatively often.

Outside of that, I don’t know enough about every class, so thats my idea

Travel cost at higher levels.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Travel fees are really cheap compared to the money you make. Just do an event (1-2 silver) and kill a few mobs (~60c per drop) and you break even. The only way you lose money on this is if you teleport just for the sake of it.

Also, the waypoint fees are effective gold sinks, and without it the inflation would be higher, which means everything would be more expensive, which kinda defeats the point of saving money on waypoints in the first place.

Yes, without the goldsink of waypoints inflation would hit. But that doesn’t mean its a bad thing. Sure items would be more expensive, honestly, outside of precursor items, other items should be more expensive. The sad thing is most items are selling for vendor +1 copper. I can’t make any money on that. If inflation hit, I could make some money, which would be nice for once.

Other point… what would you rather pay for? Would you rather pay for that epic sword you have been looking for, or the chance to travel across a map to help a friend, and then have to pay double to go back to where you were. Gold sinks, though arguably are necessary, they should be placed appropriately. The issue is they aren’t, waypoints are a terrible place to put a gold sink on a community oriented game.

A disillusioned GW1 player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

" Game doesn’t feel like a true sequel to GW1; it feels more like another MMO with Guild Wars lore."

This is probably the best way I have seen this sentiment expressed. I agree wholeheartedly. This game doesn’t seem like a sequel, but rather a different game entirely using the lore and the world. I like GW2, I am yet to be in the disillusioned position as the OP, but this would be my only gripe.

Arc Lightning Goes FOREVER

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I had this going on today as well. I was in Caledon Forest and was attempting the jumping puzzle for the floating island. I killed a risen brute on ground level, and was still casting Arc Lightning from the middle of the jumping puzzle. I finally /sleep and it made it stop, but it drives me nuts. In fact, I avoid using air and scepter as much as possible because of it.

Teleports/ShadowSteps should work like Rocket Jump

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Call me crazy, but I think no one is going to support this if for no other reason because it is being nice to thieves and/or mesmers, which, according to popular commentary in other forums, seem to be the most OP/hated classes right now. I could be wrong, but as an Engi, the fact that I can do a couple jumping puzzles a bit easier than a mesmer … makes me smile a little on the inside lol

Trait Q: can we really achieve 50% tool belt recharge rate?

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

One important this to note is that on top of the 20% gadget recharge (10 pt trait), the 15 point minor trait in Tools recharges your toolbelt skills at 25% health. This is REALLY good with the medkit (recharges the burst heal), but is also great with burst gadget builds (using PBR/Rifle Turret shot/Grenade Barrage/Throw Wrench/Goggle analysis thing/etc.), as all of your burst refreshes at 25% health and you can hit them with a whole new wave. Pretty powerful trait. Now if only they would make the 50% endurance regen a minor trait since its a 5 point minor for rangers and a 30 POINT MAJOR for us…

So the gadget cooldown works on the Toolbelt skill as well? See, this is why I play an engineer… lol

I face a dilemma between Alt and Main...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

So I found my first Celestial Dye today… This might not be big news in anyone else’s neck of the woods, but for me, this is big news. In GW1 I farmed for months (as much as I could as a newly married guy with a full-time job) to get the sapphires and rubies required to make an elite set of Vabbian Armor for my dervish. The finishing touch to such armor was dying it all white.

It was awesome! I have been eagerly awaiting a white dye drop for some time, and I finally got it, needless to say, I AM EXCITED!

Here is the problem though. I found it on my ele alt, an alt that I am really really enjoying. I have a engineer main, and he is fun, but I am really enjoying my ele alt. I also have a ranger alt I like, a thief alt I can’t play, and a mesmer serving as a mule. Here is my predicament. Who do I give the dye to? Seeing as its unlockable on Character only (not the point of this thread by the way…), I have to choose one. My Engi alt who is lvl 52 or so, or my ele alt who is lvl 11, or my char ranger alt who is lvl 12.

Any advise? (They are all male by the way if that helps your suggestion making…)

Trait Q: can we really achieve 50% tool belt recharge rate?

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Is there any trait that reduces the CD of the toolBELT? Outside of the 30 point investment?

5000 killing with shield...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Engi Shield 5 is a damage skills.. so not the only damage skill, just one of the few lol

Kits and our love/hate relationship with them...

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

In end, not sure what your saying…if your just suggesting to fix the cosmetic issues, then i’m glad we’re on the same page. Otherwise i’m not sure what your suggesting.

In terms of the suggestion, it is a mixture of the mechanical issues as well as the appearance issues.

Mechanically, kits work as “bundles” right now. Because of this, they don’t get weapon sigils for instance. (First one I could think of, I am sure there are others) Mechanically, there are some issues with kits. My thought would be wouldn’t it make more sense if instead of kits as bundles, they are actually viewed as things added to the weapon. Meaning the base weapon stays the same, we could keep the sigils from our current weapons and then get them applied to the kits that have altered the base weapon.

Visually, I hate the idea of having the majority of my weapons be something that I can’t find a cool skin for. I think it would be cooler (given a ton of work..) if my rifle/pistol skins were the base all the kits, but the kits themselves applied an additional upgrade to whatever it was that I was using.

Honestly, given that we are post release, I don’t think this could/would be happening, but to me it would be a move in the right direction in terms of the issues that many have with the kits.

Sniper kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

oh wait why not turn elixir gun into a sinper kit long range poison dart that make sense

drools a 1500 range poison dart that deals keeps weakness up 100% yes please lol. Not ever going to happen, and I caught the sarcasm, but nevertheless, I want one of those lol.

Kits and our love/hate relationship with them...

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I like some of the uses for kits, but in general, I hate kits. I would rather not use them period. Nevertheless, I am currently forcing myself to play a full kit utility bar to get to know them a bit better, before I solidify my opinion. I have read a lot of threads on this forum that complain about kits in any number of ways. Kits take up a utility slot, Kits don’t get weapon sigils, Kits are UP, we need more kits, we need less kits, I want a sniper rifle (or at least a sniper kit…). I don’t disagree with these complaints, but I do have a question…

Kits currently work as bundles, but here is my question/suggestion. How hard would it be for an engineer to apply a kit TO his weapon? So the Elixir Gun Kit is a utility skill that gets applied to his weapon. Flame thrower is a attachment/kit that gets applied to his weapon. If that were the case, couldn’t adding a sniper kit, something that expanded the range and skills of the weapon to a further distance, be something that is much easier to do?

Would that not also fix the sigil things? To me, that would make sense for a utility skill as well, in that I am altering my weapon for improved utility, instead of pulling out a completely different weapon that should go in a weapon swapping slot.

Just thinking out loud a little bit and wondering what anyone/everyone thinks about that idea?

Playing more then one character question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

My advice would be, if you really like your main, try an alt that has a similiar playstyle. I rolled an Engi first, and really enjoyed the playstyle. The CC’s, the Conditions, the survivability I felt like I had. So I rolled something similiar, and have a decent Ranger alt that fits those types of molds.

Also, the more I play sPvP and dungeons and see the benefits of the other classes that are outside of that playstyle, the more I am drawn toward trying something new. I also have goals I would like to achieve with my main first, like 100% map completion, finishing story quest that I want to do before I feel like I can devote much time to my alts. So if you are like me, you might need to “finish” (if that is even possible in a game like this,) your main before you start seriously playing some alts.

Engineering the Engineer (theorycraft and testing)

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283


I think I misunderstood you, so if you would bear with me… can you choose between the three options below as to what you are trying to say:

1) A weapon with max damage of a 1000. Power of 1000 (lets say that means 60% since I have no idea how power actually affects anything…). My damage to a heavily armored like-leveled character is now 600 on a consistent basis not accounting for crits?

2) Same Scenario, but instead of power revealing how big a percentage of the max damage one gets from their weapon, now it is added to weapon damage, and so the damage I would get against heavily armored like-leveled enemies is now 1600?

or 3) None of the above, I misunderstood you, and am a moron.

How much healing?

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I have been contemplating a number of build options, and one of the things I am contemplating is my healing skill. I have a lvl 51 engi, and have stuck with elixir H most of that time. I am currently playing around with a med kit, trying to get used to it and see what kind of advantages it might have over the elixir, and I must admit, I have used the healing turret twice.

That being said, I must admit I am curious about the healing turret. I have ran across the strategy many times now on these forums that says, drop a healing turret, wait for it to send out its water field, and detonate it for the AOE heal you get.

I am confused about two things.

1) Does the healing turret give a lump sum heal when it is first laid? I might be inferring this from some posts, but it seems that some people are saying it does, which I must confess, I have never run across.

2) In terms of hard numbers, how much better is that AOE heal from the water field + detonate then say… the regen it gives? How does that AOE heal compare to say… the heal from Elixir H?

What keeps drawing you back to the engineer? What pushes you away?

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I just really enjoy the variety. I can play turrets, I can play kits (I never do.. but I could…), I love the ability to use gadgets, the utility of elixirs, I feel like I have a skill or two that fits any situation. That means, I should have the necessary skills to meet any challenge, and whether I do or not is totally up to my skill. I know that I struggle with say Mesmer’s and Theives spvp damage, but I don’t feel like there is a hard counter to the engineer class as a whole, because if one thing isn’t working, I could go and change up my skills and be a radically different beast, which is pretty cool for me.

Panscopic Monocle skin

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I chose the backpack to begin with, and as time has gone on, I have grown less and less attached to it. I decided I was going to try and get the monocle for him. I made a new engi character, and then went to the bank. Grabbed a random helm (I think it was a crafted white one…) and a transmutation stone, took the look of the monocle, stat of the other item, and then stuck that item in the bank. It says soulbound, but it is actually a soulbound on equip, not on acqure.

Hopped on my main, grabbed the monocle, transmuted my current helm with the monocle and put it on his head, worked perfectly.

Hardware Question...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

So I am mildly computer literate, doing a number of custom builds years ago, but I haven’t messed with it quite so much recently. I am playing on a computer I built a few years ago, and I am to the point where I think I need to upgrade my processor.

My Vid Card is a NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
I am running XP
4 gigs of RAM, but being a 32 bit system, it is an effective 3.25 gigs of RAM
and my processor is a Intel Core2Duo 4300 1.8 ghz processor (slot 775)
My mobo is a Asus P5N-D

I bought a refurbed (used) processor from that was a 3.4 ghz and I thought, thats an upgrade. It was a pentium D (I guess older processor) and ended up being a terrible downgrade.

I experience a lot of stuttering in my performance, not because of video, but because my computer has a problem handling a lot of data to process. Hence why I am looking to upgrade the processor. Here is the problem, with a slot 775, I am outdated in terms of architecture. That means that either, I could upgrade mobo and processor as well (much more expensive of an option and would rather avoid this) or buy a used/refurbed slot 775, but have no idea if its a real upgrade or not.

Can anyone tell me what kind of slot 775’s are going to be an upgrade for the core 2 duo’s and some good places to find them?

(edited by Brutus Tarsi.1283)

Engineer Complaints/Oddities

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

So Anet’s idea of balance in this instance is… we will give every class a passive boost in performance, and to the engineers… here is a potion that MIGHT give you something good.. or it might give you something utterly useless for your situation… How does that even make sense?

I mean, there are always oddities in the game, and thats great, but this seems a bit… illogical to me.

I missed the part everything had to be exactly equal between all classes and races. Do you find it reasonable for all classes to demand to have a special class mechanic for each utility as we do?

I never said things had to be exactly equal… but saying elixirs is our signets raises the question of balance. Are our elixirs balanced to other classes signets? Signets have a passive boon that is on as long as the active ability isn’t used. We … don’t.

Elixirs provide multiple boons (maybe that is the balance, I don’t know enough about other class signets to speak to this well) only when activated, and provide nothing while on cooldown, or while not being used.

So signets = provide something all the time, either a passive or an active (the only down time being the signet CD itself) compared to elixirs which provide something only when activated. There has to be something else involved if we can say that ANet has these two balanced. The randomness of the elixirs tossed in makes for an even screwy mess in terms of balance.

Guide : Ebonhawke - Hidden Achievement

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Do you have to read them in order? What is the achievement?

Engineer Complaints/Oddities

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Engineers do not use signets, because of 2 reasons. One explanation Anet put out on this question in beta was that engineers do not believe in magic and signets are pure magic. 2, we have elixirs in place of signets. There for we essentially have signets, only they are named elixirs.

So Anet’s idea of balance in this instance is… we will give every class a passive boost in performance, and to the engineers… here is a potion that MIGHT give you something good.. or it might give you something utterly useless for your situation… How does that even make sense?

I mean, there are always oddities in the game, and thats great, but this seems a bit… illogical to me.

Engineer weapons \ weapon kits

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Toolbelts are effectively extra utility skills, by choosing one utility skill, you get two skills with different effects. Other classes only get one skill per utility slot, while Engies get 2. Sure, if you pick a kit, you’d get 5 weapon skills and a toolbelt skill, but that’d be like a Thief having grenades in the secondary weapon slot and having grenade barrage as a utility, except you would’ve have nearly as much switching cooldown. Or you could take Rocket Boots and Rocket Kick for what is effectively extra utility, something another class would have. The reason Engies have toolbelt skills is so that they aren’t sacrificing a slot just for the weapon skills, they still get something to use when they’re not using the kit. So basically…the toolbelt skills act in place of the lost utlility skills.

So basically…Engies get 4 extra skills to use to their discretion. Most of them tend to stand on their own, especially the kit ones.

Here is the thing, tool belts are our class mechanic. Engineers are supposed to be more utility focused anyways. Rocket boots are a great example. They can be a great defensive ability, or, thanks to our utility, they can be a great offensive ability. It goes with the flavor of the skill. For the devs, those extra skills are equivalent to the elementalists attunements, a ranger’s pet, a mesmer’s illusions, etc. So yes, we have extra skills, but at a cost of not having a pet, or illusions, or whatever. That is balanced, and doesn’t fall into this conversation, because everyone else has the same skill bar, so yes, we get a tool belt, but we get that because we don’t get attunements, or pets, or illusions, or something else.

Now, the core issue at hand is, the weapon’s kits themselves, have no utility in them. If I have the FT slotted into my first util slot, and I hit 7, I don’t get utility; instead, I holster my weapon, and draw out of my backpack of hidden objects, a very large FT. There is no utility in that skill. What happens though, is my weapons skills change, and now I have 5 new weapon skills at a cost of one completely dead utility skill slot. Is that worth it?

That is like saying to a warrior, I am sorry, you can’t use a great sword unless you put it on your skill bar as a utility skill. When you hit that utility skill, you pull out a great sword. They didn’t do this for any other class, but the opted for this route on the engineer. Whether it is OP or UP, I am not saying, but the argument that is being made that as engineers, kits kill a utility slot is utterly valid, and ignoring the tool belt as a utility is likewise utterly valid, because it is our class mechanic, unique to the engi class, and balanced by other unique class mechanics.

Elixir B - random or not?

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Ahh… didn’t realize the toss option was different. Thanks!

Elixir B - random or not?

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

My understanding is that Elixir B is supposed to give might and a random effect. Did that get changed so that it now gives all of the boons. I was almost certain it said or in the tool tips, but when I use it in game, I get all 4. I am wondering if this is a bug, or an intended change that I missed.

Coated Bullets and pistol Shots

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

My vote would be for an increase in firing rate…. Seems odd to have rifles and pistols on the same firing rate

Changing Elixirs in Combat.

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

I like the idea of a elixir kit I must admit. Pull out your kit, then you have Elixir B, S, C, U, and X (I know its elite, but I can’t remember if we have any others lol) they are on similar cool downs and such. I think that would be cool, but would that over power an engineer? Given the fact that they currently take up utility slots and all, giving us a kit and saying, here are 5 utility skills might not seem that fair (though I guess it could be argued thats what they did with every other kit…)

Interesting none the less…

Coated Bullets and pistol Shots

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Why, specifically, don’t they scale well with power? Is it because of a low base damage? I guess I just never fully understood this (though I have accepted it as fact, I have no idea why lol)

Multi Kits and how awesome they are!

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Drac -

I appreciate this thread, because I play my engi the exact opposite from you. That is one of the things I enjoy so much about this class, there are a ton of different options, and it is really quite flexible to a number of different play styles.

Like I said, I play radically different, sticking with Rifle & Elixirs in sPvP, if only because, I don’t feel like I can switch through kits that quickly. So I am wondering, how do you handle kit switching and such? Do you have your keyboard re-binded? Do you switch directly from kit to kit, or do you go back to weapon first? I ask because I have a ranger alt, that has weapon switch (so jealous of by the way…) that I bound to a side button on my mouse. I have been trying kits a bit more (not very successfully mind you lol) and find myself hitting that weapon switch button, which takes me back to my main weapon, before entering into another kit.

So I guess here is the heart of my question… how did you make switching between kits comfortable, given that normally they are bound to 6, 7, 8 keys which I can’t reach comfortably on my keyboard?

Key Bindings

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

Bogey, I was thinking about doing this when I saw the OP, and I got down to your post and said, Genius!

I have used WASD movement since Half Life 1 which moved me towards more action oriented games and away from sim city, etc. That being said, I am wondering, how easy it is to get used to having your hand in the middle of the keyboard when for so long it has been on the left side? Sounds stupid, but I wonder how quick it is to adapt to that kind of thing?

Transmuting items

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

As far as I know, you can only transmute something that your class can wear. So no light armor for Guardian’s as far as I know.

Any Achievers Out There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

My main is level 43 and I have 620 points or so… I am pretty happy with that lol