Really? Why? I DC during a match which we are winning, I make it back in and score is 380-360 ish. We win. I get no pip and I get dishonor?
yeah Guardians according to Karl are “in a good spot” even though both core and Dh are heavily flawed imo
Guardian is in good spot, it is the others that arent, but while other are better(in a much easier state to play them ) player will continue to play.
Can u imagine if other classes were balanced as guardian are? can u imagine the rage of players that would need effort to win?
So I play every class in sPvP except for Warriors and Thieves. My main has been Mesmer since release. I’ve seen the good days and the bad.
But I have to chip in after reading what you’re saying about guardians. If I’m honest, DH is the class that I feel has one of the lowest skill floors. Just the other day, I played DH in ranked pvp and managed to deal on the border of 700k damage. 700k! I am currently Diamond 2, so not Legendary, but assuming the league system has some semblance of correlation to realistic skill, I was not fighting potatoes. And I didn’t know what I was doing, either. Sure, I know the basic burst combos, but I have by no means even approached mastering the class, but was still able to dish out tons of damage and felt rather useful to the team.
I really don’t want to start an ego stroking contest, but to say that Guardians are the only class that requires “effort” to win is not only hilariously inaccurate, but rather insulting too.
700k damage in a ranked match? As a DH? I need to see a screenshot…
I am regularly above 550K in ranked PVP with DH. I am in Ruby. This isn’t extraordinary.
Two questions:
1. I am ruby, I grouped with 1 other ruby. we faced a team with a diamond. I thought that wasnt supposed to happen.
2. The team we faced had a 4-man, a diamond, a amber, a sapph, and an emerald. Our team actually had 2 diamonds. We lost 500-120. Are diamonds throwing games?
people need to upload losing matches not winning.
Why does it have to be a losing video to comment on an individuals play? Makes no sense.
hard to comment what OP did wrong when the whole game, they are winning. all u can say is maybe u can do this or do that. when enemy is destroying u, u can see all ur fault and team fault is why is that happening.
OP never asked what they did wrong. Simply asked for advice based on their play in uploaded video. Plenty are finding that video sufficient for providing advice based on that videos performance, and plenty of solid advice has been given.
Nobody should be uploading loss videos in the forums simply based on the evil, immature, unwarranted abuse that has been going on for those that have.
people need to upload losing matches not winning.
Why does it have to be a losing video to comment on an individuals play? Makes no sense.
Its all our skill guys. Who you are paired with or against due to MMR has no bearing……you are all gods.
I am definitely interested in a team. Trying to reach diamond this season. Ruby T2 right now. Order of preference of class for me is Druid, then DH, then Necro. Trying to learn Mesmer and thief in unranked as well. I play mostly after 5pm eastern US.
If you are sitting on a point with no action from the opposing team, then your teammates are being killed because you are forcing them to 4v5. And those kill points could be the cause of your losses. You will never outscore your opponents by sitting on a point uncontested.
It is simply not true that the achievements reset
Sounds like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be
Lol, if this was a real answer I’d still be stuck in ruby since I hit a barrier there too. Tbh, so sick of seeing this lazy troll answer on forums, wouldn’t mind seeing it get infracted.
Funny this answer was given as sarcasm, because that’s all the elite players have been saying to everyone stuck in mmr hell.
It’s matchmaking period. Teams with higher individual MMR players are matched against teams with lower individual MMR ratings.
Now if you want to type out your monologue about why players earn lower MMR, be my guest.
omg, really? You are in diamond. How many 18 game losing streaks did you contribute to on your way there?
I contributed through all games, even at a loss stake i always thought there could be turn points in a game, sometimes there would be but it would be to late to change the outcome of winning
I was asking you, how many people have you defeated contributing to THEIR 18 game loss streak on their way to diamond?
omg, really? You are in diamond. How many 18 game losing streaks did you contribute to on your way there?
the good players ending up one side is how it works if your are on the other side you are a bad player lol because the game is putting you with people your skill level verus whoever is near you in the league. The other things are legitiamate concerns. Regardless though things like uneven matches are not necessarily a sign of naything things tend to snowball and season one had tons of uneven matches.
not ok if you are trying your hardest to improve yourself but keep getting matched with the losers – that’s MMR hell
fine if you are lucky or good enough but doe snot cater for those who might not start god enough and so get rubbish MMR and then even if they improve still are stuck and this is driving the pvp player base – so those at the top can enjoy the ever diminishing base, they system does not cater for those looking for improvement
Those at the top….are not at the top anymore. They are creating alt accounts to do it all over again. A new alt account starts with higher mmr than you, so they start “better”.
The good players are rerolling everyones face right now.
The model was supposed to be, the good players escalate quickly and it will get easier for the others…
So much rage maybe it’ll be heard now because it’s from an elite player.
thanks for all the support guys!!
love the matchmaking, 10 games not even close, quitters, afk’s, people not reading map chat or working as a team
this game is dead
I am not the greatest, maybe not even average. This is not a complaint against my teammates. Yesterday I ended on a 8-2 streak. Today I log in and…..How is my total teams ability so far behind the other team?
Again, lower MMR = AFK’s, people not willing to accept constructive criticism or read map chat, people unwilling to change classes to counter opponents, and more people rage quitting.
Once your MMR starts down the spiral, there is no escape.
BTW, I did advance 3 tiers in emerald yesterday ankitten ow Sapph.
Alot of the more skilled people are doing free to play account to not be stuck in long ques at legendary, so you are propperly facing them agin on there new accounts cause they fell so skillfull killing new players. its sad but a reallity for some
Makes horrible, devastating, depressing sense. I get it now. The leets have gotten tired of long queue’s and having high MMR leets destroy lower MMR leets, that they make alts to wreck everyone that is simply trying to get to ruby.
Second game today….2 quit very early. One quit after first fight, the other sat in the spawn point after we didnt take mid.
But I should gitgud
I am not the greatest, maybe not even average. This is not a complaint against my teammates. Yesterday I ended on a 8-2 streak. Today I log in and…..How is my total teams ability so far behind the other team?
Again, lower MMR = AFK’s, people not willing to accept constructive criticism or read map chat, people unwilling to change classes to counter opponents, and more people rage quitting.
Once your MMR starts down the spiral, there is no escape.
BTW, I did advance 3 tiers in emerald yesterday ankitten ow Sapph.
The people complaining about matchmaking are not claiming to be flawless know it all leet gods. They are simply saying they are being rolled by 5 pro’s while watching people repeatedly rush a point to die, or double/tripple cap, or things like that.
Also that being lower mmr increases their chance of having afk’s, which lowers mmr even more. Higher mmr players are less likely to afk or rage quit.
They are not claiming to be gods, they just want even matches.
In the beginning, it was “wait a few weeks and the blowouts will be over”. But the blowouts will never be over and they are happening at all levels.
(edited by Buffalo Bruiser.3567)
i dont expect a good player to carry me. but people say good players should be able to do so. just never happens for me
because, if you blow out every game every night, you are not getting grouped with good players, so no one is going to carry you anywhere.
I don’t know if you are so bad or you just landed in a mmr hell. Have you tried teaming up with other players? also, i discovered a couple of days ago (better late than never) that matches are indeed a lot easier before 00:30. I always play around 1am or later, and i never suspected the difference would be so noticeable.
Yes i have grouped and found success. And those groups are happy with y play. At 6am est i have the most success, but i cant play then often.
i dont expect a good player to carry me. but people say good players should be able to do so. just never happens for me
This is what I get every night. Even if I am the worst. Aren’t “good” players supposed to carry? MMR hell.
Wait, you must have no skill. If you lost. Try learning the builds and classes and when to use each. Try to learn the maps and rotations. At least that is what I was told at a much lower plateau.
I love how everyone, regardless of games played, if they ever even played in a semi-competetive team or not, which league they are in etc, always assume that they are doing nothing wrong….
And at first glance I see several things the OP could’ve done better… -.-°
Never once suggested I was leet or that I did nothing wrong. Please point out all that you observed was wrong from glancing at a screenshot. The original post was a general statement about AFK’s and people who don’t know what they are doing. The screenshot presented evidence of an AFK…which was actually not AFK, but rather, running around the map avoiding everything, intentionally throwing the game. And I was RANDOMLY matched with that player 3 times in a row.
Your ability to play your class is fine. Your ability to work as a team is what your lacking. The games I’ve played with you, you spent them abusing your team. As soon as the first push fails it is everyone elses fault.
Yes you have been put in uneven matches, yes sometimes team mates will do illogical stuff. Abusing them doesn’t help. Making multiple post on forums as to why your better and every one else messed up your game is why your not improving.
Take some time to look at how you can improve instead of blaming it on every one else.
Thanks again for your input. I don’t believe my posts have claimed that I feel I am better. I am trying to get better, understanding what builds/classes work against others.
What people cannot overcome:
1. MMR Death Spiral
2. AFK’s
3. MM – I was teamed with a guy last night 3 times, and that guy intentionally had 0 points all 3 games.
Those 3 things have nothing to do with a players ability.
I have QQ’d a lot. And I am not a great player. But why in mid-emerald am I seeing 2 teammates go right home in Nifhel and stand there?
Also, all the elite layers were supposed to be way past emerald by now. Why are there still obvious mismatches?
I have played with you a few times Buffalo. It’s you. Have a good day.
Thanks for the feedback Sailor!!
Fun fact: today i had a match, we ended up with 2 thieves on team (me and other guy). The team kept blaming us for not doing well etc.
Then we split during the match, me and thief were fighting 2v2 at far and our team had 3v2 fight at home (5th enemy was at mid). Our team at home managed to wipe. They had “proper” classes, were outnumbering enemy and yet they managed to wipe. CLEARLY sole reason why we lost that match is because of double thief…. el oh el.
wasnt trying to bash thieves, i have seen some good thief play. was just a way to say 2 players kept going back to same spot to be killed, sorry
Yumeokami, was on my team 3 games in a row…..0 points. Was running around, avoiding fights, not capping, and not hitting bosses.
Bad play, I need to “l2p”, horrible matchmaking, even when i win 2 in a row I get placed with 4 first timers for the 3rd game. AFK’s and people who do not know what they are doing.
This was a match after i had won 2 in a row. The 2 thiefs kept running to far and were killed everytime.
Why bother? How can the other team which were all SoloQ, have that composition….and they throw the 5 members of my team together?
Its clearly my skill. I should L2P.
I have seen this…..someone tries to solo lord at the start of the match…..fails…..runs back for second attempt, or third (all the while teammates are asking him/her not to)… the time the lord is actually defeated, the team is down 150-200 pts. So now the score is even or still down. And that player will say “the score is close because I am keeping us in it by killing lord”. But in reality the score is close because your team had to 4v5 while you were attempting lord, instead of helping them cap/defend.
not at all, what would be exaggerated?
I have never made a claim at being the best or even elite or great. I do believe I can hold my own in multiple classes.
I do know not to run to mid to be repeatedly killed, and I do know that most favor mid first then monster.
I do know that capping/decapping far can be a tool to remove pressure.
I made it to emerald solely due to the fact pips are not lost in amber. now i cant get past first tier of emerald.
People want to attack boss with 4 teammates at beginning.
People want to continue to rush mid and wipe giving up kill points.
People don’t know there is a far point that could be used to releive pressure if needed.
People 1v1, down a player, AND DONT STOMP OR FINISH, and leave them there to res themselvles.
I played on day one and lost to premades. Now I am placed with the lowest players possible.
I do not understand how I was trying to hijack your thread…sorry.
FYI, there have been plenty of AFK threads and nothing has been done in 4 year
I am truly sorry you had a negative experience.
Also, there have been so many that have said to me – “qq.” You’re just mad and frustrated because you lost and you’re blaming it on others. Take a wake up pill – I’m sure, like so many others are, and so many others have said to me, that it must be your skill: i.e. – A good player should be able to carry an entire team, never mind one little afk’er.
Gee, are you complaining that your mmr is getting tanked cuz of others? I thought mmr was only reflective of a person’s individual skill level!
Don’t tell me you actually lost games because of a teammate who didn’t give his/her all – I.e. a flamer/afker/griefer – and you couldn’t carry the game to victory? If you did win, what are you complaining about? If you lost, and you believe it was due to an afker/griefer, why do you expect this situation to be corrected simply because you are frustrated by it, when so many peoples’ complaints of getting stuck in tiers due to losing streaks caused by the behaviors of others falls on deaf ears and is summarily dismissed by smug “higher skilled” players?
My point exactly. When the “elite” have an issue, THEN it’s an issue. The people who somehow have been struck with low mmr from the beginning (more so because they played from day 1 of S2 and have been getting crushed by pre’s since the beginning) only suck. it’s that simple, they suck. It has nothing to do with 5 lower mmr players being matched against 5 higher mmr players. But the “elites” say “if you are that good you can carry your team….” blah blah blah, i hope GW2 kittening blows up and doesnt’t exist anymore.
I am sitting in emerald, looking for a team. can play weeknights after 4pm est.
To those losing it’s not. And it’s not simply because we are not good enough. Last season I made it to Diamond. This season I am sitting in Emerald with no pips. I have waited days between playing and no change. The high mmr are not moving on. If they are, then new players must have a higher mmr than those being beat down daily. Its a death spiral and Anet knows it. Where the kitten are they?
Adjust your comps or be prepared for the blow outs. People still insist on not profession swapping if you’re, collectively, at a disadvantage based on team composition.
Or hold anet accountable to actually you know balance something.
And you know that’s not going to work so you can adjust your comp or continue to lose and come to the forums and post about your losing streaks.
said by someone who is winning i bet
The system is currently in disequilibrium, this will resolve itself over time. After X games, our final division placement should be an accurate reflection of our MMR. That is, most people will get lots of even matches eventually.
The problem is that X is a fairly large number (like 100 at least) and players don’t play or think in increments of 100 games, they play and think 1 game at a time.
Even though player might consciously know that their mmr and matchmaking will even out over time, that’s a poor consolation for a 500-100 game.
The crux of the issue is deciding whether you want ranked to accurately reflect skill or whether you want ranked to be enjoyable. Being fair and feeling fair are not always the same.
you say “ranked to accurately reflect skill”. all pitting high mmr teams against low mmr teams prove is that 5 good players are better than 5 bad players. do you really need a tournament for that?
Its not a tryout. ITS 5v5, 5 varsity players against 5 modified players in a live match. So, the 5 modified lose, and they get demoted. And the 5 varsity players who win, think they are elite because they beat up middle school kids.
Then the 5 varsity move on to another division and the 5 modified stay in modified playing against modified.
The 5 modified stay in modified yes, but they don’t play other modified. They continue to be matched against varsity, that is the current model.
And if a new player, or a player on another account, wins their first game ever…..they will have a higher mmr than the player who has playes 2000 games and is 50/50.
a player from one of the best teams in the world was caught in amber-loss-lower mmr-spiral, and complained
I have no problem with 5 high mmr players on a team, however, they should be facing a team with similar mmr average.
Its not a tryout. ITS 5v5, 5 varsity players against 5 modified players in a live match. So, the 5 modified lose, and they get demoted. And the 5 varsity players who win, think they are elite because they beat up middle school kids.
That’s what you are doing. Tell the modified they suck because they cant beat varsity. And reward the varsity for beating up JV and modified.
So we are rewarding the varsity for beating the modified.