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More spoken articlesFigure 1a. The Mandelbrot set illustrates self-similarity. As you zoom in on the image at finer and finer scales, the same pattern re-appears so that it is virtually impossible to know at which level you are looking.
Figure 1b. Mandelbrot zoomed 6x
Figure 1c. Mandelbrot zoomed 100x
Figure 1d. Even 2000 times magnification of the Mandelbrot set uncovers fine detail resembling the full set.A fractal is a mathematical set that has a fractal dimension that usually exceeds its topological dimension1 and may fall between the integers.2 Fractals are typically self-similar patterns, where self-similar means they are “the same from near as from far”.3 Fractals may be exactly the same at every scale, or, as illustrated in Figure 1, they may be nearly the same at different scales.2456 The definition of fractal goes beyond self-similarity per se to exclude trivial self-similarity and include the idea of a detailed pattern repeating itself.2:166; 1847As mathematical equations, fractals are usually nowhere differentiable.268 An infinite fractal curve can be perceived of as winding through space differently from an ordinary line, still being a 1-dimensional line yet having a fractal dimension indicating it also resembles a surface.1:482:15
The mathematical roots of the idea of fractals have been traced through a formal path of published works, starting in the 17th century with notions of recursion, then moving through increasingly rigorous mathematical treatment of the concept to the study of continuous but not differentiable functions in the 19th century, and on to the coining of the word fractal in the 20th century with a subsequent burgeoning of interest in fractals and computer-based modelling in the 21st century.910 The term “fractal” was first used by mathematician BenoĆ®t Mandelbrot in 1975. Mandelbrot based it on the Latin fr?ctus meaning “broken” or “fractured”, and used it to extend the concept of theoretical fractional dimensions to geometric patterns in nature.2:4057
There is some disagreement amongst authorities about how the concept of a fractal should be formally defined. The general consensus is that theoretical fractals are infinitely self-similar, iterated, and detailed mathematical constructs having fractal dimensions, of which many examples have been formulated and studied in great depth.245 Fractals are not limited to geometric patterns, but can also describe processes in time.3611 Fractal patterns with various degrees of self-similarity have been rendered or studied in images, structures and sounds12 and found in nature,1314151617 technology,18192021 art,222324 and law.25
Yah all this has something to do with the game and never ending grinding.
And Mountain Dew isn’t really drops of condensed water vapour.
I rather you did not enter the data at all if it is incomplete. Your result which excludes the karma potions would skew the data table.
The formula used to calculate the percentages in that table is already skewed because it divides the number of drops in each category by all the total number of items received (not the number of boxes opened). This doesn’t work because you always receive more than one item in each box. You can get 20 unidentified objects in one box, which vastly lowers the percentages for all other objects.
IMO, the best way to fix the percentages at the bottom of the table would be to just divide by the number of boxes opened, then you would get a result like 3.5 unidentified objects and .005 onyx lodestones per chest or something similar.
My data show that the chance of getting a lodestone is ~3%, which is about 5x higher than the table suggests from the percentages alone. Chance of getting an obsidian shard is ~13%, much higher than the 3% the table shows.
I do not disagree that the percentage calculation needs reworking; but whether that happens or not is independent of whether data entered is accurate, which is my concern.
I’m quite pleased with the rewards. I got enough gold to buy 4 pieces of the human cultural armor (just need gauntlets now) and enough obsidian shards to get 77 mystic clovers.
I’ve added my results to the list on the wiki, but I didn’t keep track of the liquid karma (since I drank it to get more boxes)
I rather you did not enter the data at all if it is incomplete. Your result which excludes the karma potions would skew the data table.
Opened a box in Gendarran Fields a few minutes ago in a level 31 capped area; it spawned 3x-5x level 30 sprite monkeys and 2x level 43 sprite monkeys. I was the only person in the area initially. Is this an intentional random chance, scaling, or error?
No, it’s not just you.
Why not just have regular Dragon mobs classed as vets/champs? Every dragon doesn’t HAVE to be a boss but Anet seems to think otherwise..
I prefer my dragons to be impressive.
The point of making something bound on use is so that it cannot then be traded away again. Salvaging or mystic forge is the only way to recycle bound items. Certain routes of transmutation will also allow you to make the skin account bound.
(edited by CHOAM.7852)
I imagine he meant Skale
Some work, some don’t. For example, none of the guardian shouts will work for this purpose. Warrior’s FGJ does.
Someone in Lion’s Arch tonight was shouting to find a buyer for his guild, asking for a moderately big sum of gold. This guild had enough assets for guild missions. Even if we assume this isn’t a scam, it still opens up a number of potential problems.
How bad are the problems that can be created by guild sales? Should there be any intervention by the designers to prevent it becoming more commonplace?
I do not think this is possible at all.
In Guild Wars 2, it appears that the original ownership transfer of guilds is impossible.
The guild is disbanded if the original guild founder leaves the guild.
I bought one for 5 gold. I kicked everyone except me after the original leaders stood down and the guild is still there. So, it is entirely possible.
Not to propose a technically feasible solution, since I do not have one; but a hypothetical solution would be allowing players to complete 30 dailies in 30 days, but not necessarily requiring them to be done on 30 separate days.
This sounds suspiciously like our Monthlys.
It does; and the OP had no complaint about being able to maximise his monthly. The topic in discussion is that dailies have a short turnover.
Some people are born in countries with no food or running water, and certainly no video games, so this kind of whining about equal laurel pay for equal time is completely selfish and childish.
How is this a counter argument to proposing reasonable and potentially attainable change in a game? Will the effort that go into game suggestion and design take away from the effort towards improving the living conditions of those you mentioned?
Does no one realize that you can get ascended from Fractals?
Just wondering…
There are other ascended pieces besides backpiece and rings.
You have to use a transmutation stone. Really stupid tbh, why couldn’t they just make them like the holiday skins?
To make people use transmutation stones, which is a source of their revenue. I say this with no condemnation; it has to come from somewhere.
15 merits a week, small guild cant even make full merits a week.
There is no point doing guild missions more than one a week. That is not content which brings guilds together.
World bosses are better in bringing guilds together,because you actually get reward for doing then when ever you want. You can do them on monday and also on thursday and you will get reward.
Smaller guilds also earn influence slower than larger guilds; why not merits?
As for the once a week thing, that applies to all guilds regardless of what tier they can complete.
why did you implemented T1 and T2? Why?Why?Why?
Small guild will never be able to do T3, maybe not even T2
But they cannot because they wont get anything.
T1 you get 15 Merits
What’s wrong with saving up 15 merits a week instead of 25, if that’s all you are capable of?
(edited by CHOAM.7852)
Are they meant for transmutations or does that ruin their unique prestiege like legendary weapons?
They are exotic. They do not have unique prestige, just skins.
They are quite clearly meant for transmutation because while exotic grade, they lack the stats associated with it and have the same attack rating as equivalent type exotic weapons.
Wow…just wow
So you have worded it differently but still managed to say that you are too lazy and can’t be bothered to do easy tasks to get a reward.
Only difference is that….somehow you lumped the guild missions in too. I am baffled.
I applaud you.
We need mines, and oil rigs, and CSG, because these industries produce the metals we build our PCs with, and the electricity we run them off. Those of us who willingly work in this industry don’t work a 9-5 job in a city office, we work in remote locations with little to no internet access, long hours, and typically spending only one week of every month at “home”.
I applaud your selective reading.
Yer right…I should have also addressed “We need mines, and oil rigs, and CSG, because these industries produce the metals we build our PCs with”
How about you people stop posting essays and get to the point. Which is what I replied to…the point. I ignored the fluff…sorry. Not in college.
You believe calling “not having internet” lazy is addressing the point?
It seems the point was more a discussion on how time-gating content/reward is not inclusive, and perhaps there are other options.
Time gating? Are you serious?
If you don’t invest the time into getting something, then you shouldn’t get it. It’s a sad fact of life and it’s not going to change. It’s not “inclusive” after all, but why would you be included in something you don’t have the time for in the first place?
The only alternative to this is to make the rewards purchasable which is NOT a practical solution even admitted by the OP himself.
Time-gating, if you read the OP, refers to spending the same amount of real hours in the game, but in different distribution.
The OP proposes that a regular player who has internet access/gaming capability all month round can put in 30 hours, 1 hour a day and get the full daily rewards. As compared to others who can also put in 30 hours, but due to work circumstances cannot distribute that over 30 days, but instead can only invest that through 7 days. That player, such as the OP, will not get the full dailies reward.
Not to propose a technically feasible solution, since I do not have one; but a hypothetical solution would be allowing players to complete 30 dailies in 30 days, but not necessarily requiring them to be done on 30 separate days.
Wow…just wow
So you have worded it differently but still managed to say that you are too lazy and can’t be bothered to do easy tasks to get a reward.
Only difference is that….somehow you lumped the guild missions in too. I am baffled.
I applaud you.
We need mines, and oil rigs, and CSG, because these industries produce the metals we build our PCs with, and the electricity we run them off. Those of us who willingly work in this industry don’t work a 9-5 job in a city office, we work in remote locations with little to no internet access, long hours, and typically spending only one week of every month at “home”.
I applaud your selective reading.
Yer right…I should have also addressed “We need mines, and oil rigs, and CSG, because these industries produce the metals we build our PCs with”
How about you people stop posting essays and get to the point. Which is what I replied to…the point. I ignored the fluff…sorry. Not in college.
You believe calling “not having internet” lazy is addressing the point?
It seems the point was more a discussion on how time-gating content/reward is not inclusive, and perhaps there are other options.
Wow…just wow
So you have worded it differently but still managed to say that you are too lazy and can’t be bothered to do easy tasks to get a reward.
Only difference is that….somehow you lumped the guild missions in too. I am baffled.
I applaud you.
We need mines, and oil rigs, and CSG, because these industries produce the metals we build our PCs with, and the electricity we run them off. Those of us who willingly work in this industry don’t work a 9-5 job in a city office, we work in remote locations with little to no internet access, long hours, and typically spending only one week of every month at “home”.
I applaud your selective reading.
More likely the bow than the capacitor. The capacitor glow is whiter.
As if laurels aren’t easy enough to get already. As a matter of fact, getting a single laurel is one of the least time consuming activity in GW2 as far as daily rewards are concerned.
If you don’t even have the time to get a laurel, you’re probably not even playing the game at all.
He’s not, on some days; as he described with his work schedule in the OP.
Yes, you can still upgrade it.
Yes, you will lose the slotted infusion, which you can replace.
Yes to deleting characters. Editing in source:
If you do not want to delete characters because you have already made progress you do not want to erase, you can also change servers with Gems. Provided the destination server is not “Full”
(edited by CHOAM.7852)
I feel dirtier killing Skritt than ambient creatures, at one point you are trying to save them, the next you are killing them.
Same with Jotun, once you know their history.
Or ogres.
In truth you could become an NPC, stay at home and bake cookies, since if you don’t travel outside the kitchen there is little chance any of these creatures you are out wailing tar on will find their way to your home.
Make sure you cook vegetarian.
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
You can have a character.
Level 80.
Wielding weapon.
That doesn’t give any power.What is so difficult to understand?
I can ask you the same thing. Your Attack as shown in the Hero menu (not in terms of actual damage when hitting an enemy) would still be above 916 even if your power is 916.
Unless your weapon has a damage rating of 0-0. Even a white level 80 1-handed weapon would have a rating of around 500.
Because power boost Attack at a 1:1 ratio, the terms are often used interchangeably, and what really matters after all is your Attack power.
(edited by CHOAM.7852)
Isn’t 916 the amount if you don’t have any weapon equipped? That doesn’t seem like a practical comparison.
- Weapon doesn’t necessarily give any Power. 916 is the amount every character has at level 80 from level ups, when there is no +Power from any equipment, traits, slot skills or boons.
Weapon doesn’t give power, but it does give “damage”, which is what the sigil describes. So a weaponless character, while serving as an objective baseline, seems impractical.
105 power means 105/916 = 11% damage increase at the lowest possible Power amount. As you stack up power the increase is only additive, but Sigil of Force’s benefit is multiplicative. Also take into account that some traits grant extra benefits from boons.
Isn’t 916 the amount if you don’t have any weapon equipped? That doesn’t seem like a practical comparison.
…. should be removed.
Yes its just a pixels and 95% of guild wars population wont become animal abusers because of that but we have children playing here. Proposing that bashing rabbits or kitties to death is rewardable ( which is what anet is suggesting here ) is wrong and i bet in some form – illegal.
Yes yes this is a game but we have too much violence in games already, why add more?
You are proposing that 5% of us will now commit atrocious acts of animal cruelty?
Neither will I ever have 100%. I got 3 POI and 3 Vistas left and the only way to get them is be on the RED server – I’ve been waiting for my server to be RED for 5 weeks now.
Seriously, why can’t servers be rotated. This would solve the problem.
Come on ANet fix this pls…
Your server will draw red next week if you come in last for this week of WvW (but not so far down that you drop a tier).
Every POI and vista is technically accessible by conquest.
In the 3+ months I’ve been checking in WvW, my server has only been green maybe twice. It could still happen for you too.
Is it possible to guest on a server that has control of that map?
No. You cannot guest for WvW.
I had this problem the other day, near the end boss and the guy has to leave for the day to go to work.
The game is doomed.
In the future, advise the instance starter to exit the game without dropping party. This should not dissolve the instance.
but still no account medal. My sunrise also counts toward the title, twilight didn’t.
There’s no title on that achievement; there’s no crown at the end.
So basically the person who created the instance becomes the server.
surely this cannot be right?
I agree there is ZERO chance of this being true, imagine the exploits this would open up if the client was the server and in charge of the drops………
That assumes that the client could control the drops. Is there any such toggle in-game?
First, they’d have to know the ins-and-outs of all the game’s protocols to do anything like that.
Second, you’re still connected to ArenaNet’s servers. I imagine anything inherent in the game’s functionality (like generating drops and your inventory space) is probably handled by their server.
The map itself is “hosted” by the instance creator. I imagine all item generation (and your inventory) is still performed by the server. You still have to be connected to ArenaNet, after all.
I doubt anything is truly “hosted” by the player, there are people who run this game on bare minimal settings and we have never had reports of “I cannot start a dungeon, but the rest of my party can”.
I would find it easy to accept that servers can and do handle the “hosting” of all the instances of fractals and all dungeons at a given time.
You’re really just wasting 1 ecto and one orichalcum filigree, which compared to the 5 ecto/filigree cost of the base item isn’t that much extra
Before with a karma booster +50%, a banner +5%, i was getting 680 karma from a karma drop…
Today, I got a 10% banner, plus my karma booster, only gave me 640 karma…why is that?
can someone answer that for me?thank you.
The guild karma bonus would be consistent with the numbers given.
680 is 170% of 400, so it would have been the 50% booster, 5% banner, and 15% from the guild bonus.
Without the guild bonus, 160% of 400 would be 640.
im sorry what? by that logic lets make this a single player game and never play with EACHOTHER. No what we need if were going to do this is a dungeon and fractal finder where it just slams you together, using that service should REQUIRE the party to complete a dungeon path or fractal path ONCE before allowing the kick.
Unless they are so bad you can’t complete anything even once.
Nothing is solved. Can you think of any, apart from gear inspection, reliable ways of early identification and elimination of MF leeches, AR leeches, full P/V/T players joining speed runs, etc?
I don’t want ungeared noobs in my speedruns and fractals as well, but it seems we can’t help it. Anet has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the group, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
I don’t want poor uneducated people in my society, but it seems we can’t help it. Government has decided that we can’t be allowed to sort out leeches and burdens on the Society, we have to pretend they just don’t exist and carry on.
>> fixed so some of you might actually understand what you own reasoning actually means. just because its a Game it does Not mean Social mechanics are not in place.
I wouldn’t want someone underqualified to say… design the safety feature of my car.
Doing dailies for gold is not the best way to farm; it is decent for karma, but not gold.
The OP seemed to have ended up in a different place than where it started.
I agree some consistency in dailies would be nice, though. Maybe they can rotate only some of the choices.
I just think if their intention is to not forcing people do the same content over and over again
And they aren’t.
(Emphasis mine)
If we ever have another event similar to the Ancient Karka attacking Lion’s Arch, PvE culling may be all that stands between some players and total immobility.
BTW, It’s now created sort of an interesting problem. Temples just aren’t getting done as much it seems, because why do them when you can farm the “easy” events (low level and dragon) on multiple alts all day for the same loot? Is people doing frozen maw every 20 minutes on 4-8 different characters a good idea in the books of all these people defending this?
People willing to do an easy event on 4-8 different character post-patch were not the ones going to Orr to open temple on their only one character pre-patch either. From your speculation, the conclusion would only be that things didn’t get better, but they did not get worse.
You could compare your map with the complete ones on the wiki.
the problem is the map out side looks same and there are some hiden caves and so on whic i cant find and u cant find undergroud maps
Except the complete maps will still show the names of the region, so compare it by name.
Guilds have merits. Players have commendations. Which do you mean?
I had the same event happen, but with a reference to Tybalt instead.
Currencies of Guild Wars 2:
- Experience
- Skill Points
- Traits
- Coin (copper, silver, gold)
- Karma
- Glory
- Supply
- Gems
- Influence
- Ascalonian Tear
- Seal of Beetletun
- Deadly Bloom
- Manifesto of the Moletariate
- Flame Legion Charr Carving
- Symbol of Koda
- Knowledge Crystal
- Shard of Zhaitan
- Badge of Honour
- Captains’ Council Commendation
- Candy Corn
- Ugly Sock
- Ugly Hat
- Ugly Sweater
- Fractal Relic
- Pristine Fractal Relic
- Laurel
- Guild Commendation
- Guild Merit
- Pact Victory Token
- Karka Shell
And soon to add:
- World Experience
ANet, stop.
This intentionally misleading list is doing more harm to the proposal than good.
No, thanks. Quaggans aren’t adventurous nor do they relish combat. Playable would overpopulate the world with “strange” Quaggans.
Stow weapon is the most effective way to stop attacking, I have found.