Showing Posts For Cycloney.2640:
If you or anyone else are still looking for a gaming laptop, try Eurocom X8. Go to their site and build your own laptop. The prices jump up and down depending on your currency every few minutes. It turned out to be cheaper than what Asus offered me, however it might be different at your region.
How can dead people force you to hold hands? xD
Got 25 black lion salvage kits from today’s daily. I’m happy with the changes to be honest. Felt like the contribution reward for doing dailies is bit too much tho.
The patch added two new waypoints, one of them is around the south in Cursed Shore. Where is the other one?
Cycloney, if someone was slacking the entire fractal, you had plenty of time to kick them before the end. If you didn’t do that you’re just an kitten and a griefer.
My pleasure. For your information, the person slacked in the end of fractal and was not giving any care, even when “WE” asked him to help us multiple times. I consulted with the rest of the group and we agreed to kick him, not only because he was slacking, he was getting us killed and was being obnoxious with his chats at the same time. Anyone else want to be ignorant?
Thankfully, this was the only case in fractal that was abit harsh from my side. Majority of people i met from level 1 to 30+ were friendly.
I can say likewise Biohazard, if you are going to slack the entire fractal, then give the team a good reason for letting you stay in their group, assuming you read my post correctly.
Oh, and don’t forget to complete the map completion of the zone you are in.
-Here is how i leveled up my necro really quickly.
-Do all the starting zones.
-Don’t miss any story quest, even if 2-3 levels higher (optional if the story is higher level).
-Level profession as you level, i leveled tailor till i could use the gear i made. Example, if you are level 10, keep leveling up your profession till you can make and use level 10 gear. I had bonus crafting exp from WvW since my server was in control of all battlegrounds.
Around level 40-50, i started leveling a second profession to 300, i took cooking. After leveling up with personal stories, few quests, and two professions, i gained around 10 levels in a day. In the end, i kept on doing personal story and leveling up my two professions. I hit level 80 without doing Orr apart from the areas around Fort Trinity.
Leveled from 40 to 80 in 3 days.
<Casual player who spent less time on leveling.
If you kick someone at the end of fractal, the entire party gets teleported outside. I tried kicking a slacker during the end, all 4 of us got teleported outside.
1000+ hours and still didn’t kill Zhiatan or different character? :P
Looking back at your character while using the Warrior GS Rush ability. When you move your camera front, you see a edge leading to hell.
R.I.P Keyboard
The bear sprint, (ability 5) seems neat. You can basically troll a zerg by running straight through it and then half across the map.
It the dance of course. Who doesn’t like defying gravity as a human or spinning a sword over his head as a Charr?
Imo, most people continue fighting. I normally run away with GS abilities, once i see the class wasting his dodge or some other abilities to reach me, i bull rush + frenzy + hundred blade them off.
Surprise them.
I thought the rings dropped from the bonus chest (Prevent the grawl from pushing ate humans) after 10? Anyway, agony resistance does help but you can do a few more scales after 10 without agony. You have to becareful and not get below 60-80% health or you will just get downed. Different damage/duration are applied from each bosses in fractal, some similar.
The only thing that kept me from expressing my rage was the new fractal dungeon, which i loved. The thing that irritated me most was people spamming “Dawn” and “Dusk” etc etc. A-net did indeed restart the events on some overflow but it was around 2 AM GMT which caused many people fatigued. Some even had exams at the morning and decided to stay up!
If this cycle happens again, i might just move to another mmo.
If you are relating to WvW, then it out of the question. Gear DOES matters if you are going 1v1 with any other professions. The only thing i dislike fighting certain professions like Guardian or Thief is that i have to change my skills asap before they or i engage in combat. It like i am getting forced to spec into certain skills/weapons just to defeat a over-rated profession in 1v1.
Axe/Shield for thieves, shield and endure pain should outlast it beginning burst, becareful of skilled one tho, they can just trick you. Once he used all his burst, use bullrush + frenzy along with greatsword and good game
Tho i do need some tips against Guardians and Mesmers.
Because the target is meant to die with the first three attacks, when the character realizes that the person is not dead, he/she gets pissed and starts chopping up some more like cutting off someone’s head with a dull knife.
Found it giggly the first time.
Only problems i have is thieves stealthing every 3-5s using pistol or so. Another one is when they run. Mage with 10 seconds cooldown blink along with permanent speed buff! They can teleport across half of the map within 30 seconds. :/
There is a trait in Disc which gives a slight passive speed boost. If you are not satisfied, then use fury and run with a greatsword with a speed of 1Km/Second.
I liked the b**** slapping animation of 1h sword as human. ^.^