can you also fix the progress blocking bugs in AC p2, SE p2, Arah p2 and Arah p3, please? These are all NPC scripts failing
Probably not, but I’m at least looking in to Detha’s script when I get some free time.
as a player who love dungeons, the stories , locations and stuff , this is soo sad , you have a good potential content , and you are letting it die… dat logic… it’s like Twisted Marionette the best world event , and you removed it forever… always smart choises always
It’s not like we want to leave the bugs in, its just that they were built a long time ago with different tools, and fixing them requires a lot of developer time. Time that could be spent on making new fractals and such. Any time I spend fixing dungeon bugs is completely voluntary, and is probably going to be done on weekends.
1. You da man for volunteering to fix bugs on your own time… but..
2. Anyone else find it concerning that you are having to take your down time to fix bugs? Isnt there an allowance for that on the clock?
Aye. I was looking for information on this too. I was hoping we could have two, one in CD, and one in HoT for porting purposes.
Short version? As others have said, hard to compare to PVE, when in a WvW environment, plus, I am a bunny in PvP.
WvW tho..I tested with my two main classes, Charrdian and Mez.
Firebrand was surprisingly good for zerg warfare, but definitely a backline type with the constant cone casting. Far different from the front/midline guardian up til now. As someone else said, the mantras would be better as a PBAoE centered on the caster. Cones are for coneheads. I would NEVER, EVER solo with that build in WvW. It seems to be solely for worshiping the zerg. Oh, and whats with the mantras resetting when you go for a swim?
The Mirage.. was.. OMG, awesomely fun to play. Killed two opposing players solo without hardly even trying, before being cut down by two others.. so.. yeah, 4v1.. Totally for a soloist roamer. I did not see much group utility, but maybe I missed it. And, condis.. CONDIS EVERYWHERE.
Overall, good taste of the expac. Judging by guildies reactions, succeeded in goal of getting players to buy PoF. Beautiful landscape. Played a new class. No idea how a person coming back or new could possibly complete the story without dying many times. Mounts are cool. Race was disappointing, when game cancelled it for the city coin collection, AS THE EVENT WAS RUNNING.
BLTC needs to expand a SINGLE agent into the GH. Just saying.
Over all, I liked it.
For those being bored.. Yeah, ANet probably hid a lot of the story and quests for this demo. It was designed for a “taste” of the new XPac, not hours of playtime. MAYBE spending a few hours, at most. Not like it was a beta to go in and find bugs.
I main a Charrdian and a Mez. I came back from 7 months away to.. two unplayable builds for Charrdian and an almost worthless to solo Chronomancer secondary build. At least the condimez build still works, kinda. I am very concerned they are going to revamp more of their traits with the new XPac, so I cant decide whether to mess with replacement builds, or not.
The new Elites specs for them look.. Meh.. Channeling has never been my thing. The new guard Elite build seems to do it a lot, and the vid seems to feature it. The Mirage looks like a stronger version of the base mesmer, with extra steps, so.. maybe? But, seriously, is it stronger than BENDING TIME?
There has been a glitch going on in the EB camps. The enemy server will take a camp and claim it but on the map it will still show as ours even if the enemy has owned it for hrs. Last night a havk group spotted me and I saw we owned a camp near by. I ran to the camp hoping I could slow them down enough to escape but learned it was their camp even though it showed our color on the map. This isn’t the first time this has happened. It causes trouble when we have to supply up and we run to a cam our color and learn we don’t own it not to mention we will be relying on the yaks to deliver supply but we won’t get it since it is owned by another and we don’t know because it shows our color on the map. Not to mention it is probably messing with the point system. My guild mates and I have turned this into support and it still has not been fixed and it has been going on a month.
Two other things that need to be fixed when using a long bow even though you are hitting the cannon and oil it will say obstructed only the aoe works. And when you use ancestral grace and the teleport it sometimes says it’s. Ot a valid path even though it is a flat piece of ground.
I have delt with the obstruction and the path error for a long time and I can deal with it longer if I have to but please fix the camp glitch it is becoming rediculous.
I feel the pain. My workaround is.. for towers the supply changes color, even if the tower color doesnt. For camps, its more.. Desert BL, look to see which cows are moving weird, if there are two colors. For other BL, look for the dolyaks.
Sorry.. nothing fancy from me. I just color my clothes for Wintersday.
For those mesmers that dont know.., in my experience, Kodan tonic prevents firing Double Images and dodge producing clones, so far.
May I ask, has ANet discussed taking the program off their hands, or even buying them out, since they dont support it (or any forums for that matter) any more, or even have people to handle updates, so you can make any changes you need?
It fixes when I go to PVE and back in. Does not fix if I go from BL to EBG and back. Obviously, logging out of game and back in, involves visiting PVE, so that also fixes it. It will even show a tower’s supply as the enemy color, but the tower/keep will stay. The color sticks for both my team and for the enemy.
Rare? ROLF No.. happens daily. And, when I pop in and out of WvW doing a few things, it happens multiple times per day.
If you mean the ‘Game’ link above, and then ‘Professions’ from the sub-menu, I don’t think the Devs have ever updated the sub-menu.
This is why I submitted the “bug”. How long has it been a profession?
When I hit Game and Professions, why dont I see Revnant? I see Necromancer.
Ok.. this may be ANet, may not. But, ever since the accidental spam of many languages a month ago, the Facebook shares that appear in my timeline have been in German, not English, my native language. And, my link for GW2, that I set up on the English Facebook page pre-launch four years ago, now goes to the German.
Well.. I also was unable to take a camp by myself in WvW. Took one, but had another on the ring with me. How do you get rid of the buff?
Actually would be cool if you could actually, I dont know.. say that you have to encourage her to gnaw on them somewhere.. your hint is too vague. I was looking for another device I had to find in the maze.
How is it a massive update affecting gameplay? You get a 3 hour window to log off at your convenience and you are no longer forced out when you zone or switch character.
Given it took just a few mins to fully update and it was listed as a maintenance build (common in any MMO), I’m not entirely understanding what the issue is. I went to make a cuppa and it was done on return.
Thank you for the clear voice of reason, Randulf.
As to the update, it was, as the notes said, a maintenance update. It didn’t change anything within the game, although yes, the download was large. But I believe it was maintenance on the update system itself. The update really was exactly what the notes explained, and any changes to the game would have been mentioned within the notes.
My appologies lady, but.. frankly, “maintenance” means so little as to mean nothing. Each patch, whether its to fix problems in Brisban, change routing information in the game to reduce DDOS attacks, or to launch new content is “maintenance”. Now, what you said about updating the game “update system itself”, THAT is what some of us nerdy network admin/programmer types are looking for in “patch notes”. TY for clarification, even tho, as I type this, I am waiting half an hour for a new game patch to finish downloading on my 20M connection, as it apparently did not download last night while I was playing.
Hi there,
So sorry for this error. We’re aware of the situation and are taking steps to address it for future mailings. Again, very sorry for the flood of mails.
I just got my four HoT emails last night. One in Spanish, one German and what looked like a current player and past player email. Is this still the same issue, or did the fix fail?
(edited by Darlgon.9273)
Same here, although I’ve been plagued by disconnects since trying to come back to play the game the last two weeks.
Just a FYI, when I came back after a few years, (left before HoT was even dreamed of, and came back this summer), I had weird glitches and DCs. I did a total uninstall, reboot, and then reinstall. It seems that every MMO I play, doing this process when I come back fixes a lot of weird glitches that even the /repair in the launcher exe doesnt fix. Since you been having this a few weeks, that may be your solution, not what Gaile is posting about.
Just throwing one into the mix:
Mentors get “Mentor” in front of their name in chat. Can Commanders get “Cmdr” or “Comm”. Sometimes its too easy to think the dude talking like an idiot is a plebe instead of a guy trying to organize PUGS who are following his tag but not in his squad.
Who gets to update the Wiki? It still has Mad King on front page.
The team has been looking at ways to improve the server identity within the World Linking System. We have come up with several potential solutions, and we’d like your feedback on them.
Sounded good the first pass. Not so good after reading and thinking on it. On the flip side, server identity kinda went out the door when you started linking servers in WvW.
Solution 1: Alliance Names Proposal
<edited for length>
So.. totally REMOVE the server identity is the first solution? Err.. no? I been with my server since launch, picked out before pre-launch. And, using your example, if CD and ET were linked with just themselves, (call it the Ed BL pool) and then had HoD added to the matchup, you would have to start a new pool (the Frank pool)? Then, ET drops out and you have to hit another new pool (the Garmin pool)? Sounds silly complex, much moreso for casual players to keep track of.
BTW, this is the idea that sounded the most cool to begin with and now has the most issues.
Solution 2: Guild Focused Proposal
Instead of having an alliance name, worlds would be referred to by their color.
• The borderlands would now be called Red Desert Borderlands Green Alpine Borderlands, or Blue Alpine Borderlands.
• The color designation would replace the “host” world’s name in almost all areas except within announcements.
• When objectives were captured, the name of the guild that contributed most when capturing the objective would be displayed. For example, “Objective Captured! [Guild Name] has captured [objective name].”
SOME players already call BLs by color a lot in TS. That said.. where does it fit into your goal of “improving server identity”? It would, however, remove any issues with those smaller worlds that are constantly linked feeling like they are inferior to the so called “main” world. The third part.. sounds not only needlessly complex, but, frankly, I dont care which guild contributed to the taking of a camp on the other side of a map. Sounds like tons of extra needless calculations. Esp if it is me, on my mez, flipping camps solo.
Solution 3: Some Guest Names Proposal
In areas where there is more player involvement, such as capturing objectives, guest world names may appear.
• When objectives are captured it would now display the guest world’s name: “Objective Captured! [Guest World Name] has captured [objective name].”
<edited for length>
• We would not display guest world names to enemies because we believe that would make fighting enemies more confusing since it would be harder to tell which world you were fighting.
Again, sounds like needless calculations. I mean, if a BP, a DB and a Kaineng all participate in a camp flip, which do you choose, what criteria? And, what about a 40 player zerg taking a keep and all those factors? And, who cares over all, as long as it flipped Red, our color of the week? Also, frankly, if the player is red to me, I dont really care which server he is from. Either he is trying to kill me or not.
1. Which proposal is your favorite?
2. What, if anything, would you change about any of the current proposals?
3. Is there another proposal you think is better?
I pick option 4. None of the above.
Your proposals all pander around a system that dilutes server identity by combining players from different servers into pools, yet desires to promote server identity. That, my dear Mr Watson, is a logic problem.
How about..
1. Take Item #2s “call BLs by color, not a main server”. YES, it neuters the server identity. But, that concept is already spayed by combining multiple servers per team.
2. Take Item #3s “not display any opponents server names”. Just call each team by its color. Guilds can be multiple servers, so .. who cares which server he is from. After all, a guy from Gods from DB can fight a guy from Gods from HoD right now.
3. Do, if you must, give players a chance to see which server an ally is from. Even tho, frankly, if you, as a DB, are allied with K and BP for a week, wont care what server a good or bad player is from, after that alliance is done. If they are an ally, you are happy. An enemy and you are dead.
Somehow.. some way… server identity is really lost right now. Not really sure how to make this ethereal thing of pride in community work, unless you guys pick a different path. I saw another proposal about smaller servers and transfers proposed. That would only work if you blew up the current server system all together and started over. I can see that blowing up what communities there are already out there.
Just a thought, with the PVE multiserver enviroment, server IDs only matter in WvW.
So why a “High” server like Dragonbrand has 2 other links?
DB hasnt been high since they won.. ONE week. The WvW guilds left by the droves in the two weeks after that. Personally, I had two guilds that left. DB has been a wasteland. The few players who stayed could chat for hours in map/team and no one else would respond. We had four (?) main guilds that stayed.
Logging into our own BL became, “Is anyone here?”. No answer. No keeps or towers held. T3 servers would steamroll our BLs and EBG because no one was there. Commander tags? Lucky to have one for a few hours in the SEA times and 1 at NA prime.
The last two days and nights were awesome. There were people responding to call outs. There were three commander tags in EBG. WvW felt alive again, instead of the walking zombie it felt for the last month plus.
I too, dont understand how the links are determined, but at least they are trying something, admitting what was happening before was not working.
Completely lost at the bold words.
Anyway, DB is a legit “High” server, “High” as in “High” status population server. DB is similar to JQ, high off hours population and in DB’s case, high SEA population. Thus, unfortunately for you, if you are from NA, you are in an asia dominated server. Your NA therefore become similar to other servers’ off hours situations which is sometimes quiet. Regardless, again, DB is a “High” server.
Now anet decide to add two links to it, in hope to boost its NA I assume, however without a care about how it will affects the off hours. DB already dominating SEA will gain even more numbers with morning NA. In fact, I already seeing it happening.
Up until Friday, if DB had 20 players in EBG and the three BLs, in the early morning of a weekday or afternoon NA, they had a population explosion. It has NOT been a “High” server for weeks. Queues? Lol.. non existant on a reset night.
So why a “High” server like Dragonbrand has 2 other links?
DB hasnt been high since they won.. ONE week. The WvW guilds left by the droves in the two weeks after that. Personally, I had two guilds that left. DB has been a wasteland. The few players who stayed could chat for hours in map/team and no one else would respond. We had four (?) main guilds that stayed.
Logging into our own BL became, “Is anyone here?”. No answer. No keeps or towers held. T3 servers would steamroll our BLs and EBG because no one was there. Commander tags? Lucky to have one for a few hours in the SEA times and 1 at NA prime.
The last two days and nights were awesome. There were people responding to call outs. There were three commander tags in EBG. WvW felt alive again, instead of the walking zombie it felt for the last month plus.
I too, dont understand how the links are determined, but at least they are trying something, admitting what was happening before was not working.
Why do you offer to let me use a Revive Orb, when it wont do anything? Say, in the Mad Ascent. It wont let me revive where I died, nor even to a WP until combat is dropped. Then one of my teammates had to rez me anyway. All I did was waste two, because I wasnt sure I succeeded in trying the first time. Just now, in Fractal 24, I used one in the energy room.. and stayed dead until the group wiped. How about screening where it CANT be use and DONT OFFER IT?
Please remember that this is “Material Storage”. Not “Stuff I Don’t Want To Spend Bank Slots On Storage”. Items that are not used in crafting or mystic forge recipes are VERY unlikely to be chosen. Sigils, Runes, Tomes of Knowledge, Boosters, etc are all not going to be chosen to add.
EDIT: That said, I am still very seriously considering things like Chak Eggs, Blood Rubies, and Petrified Wood.
Well.. those ARE actually currencies. but it would then take a tool to extract the UBM from them, like the currency exchanger..
Oh, and add Reclaimed Metal Plates to that list….
What about the different levels of luck and agony resist stones tho? Both are used by artificers, and to create epics. Oh.. and Doubloons.. and stuff like Icy Runestones..
Then there are all the items you accidentally by from the forge keeper.. like elonian wine.
What about things you .. like.. rarely use to decon to make crafting items .. like Ascended Salvage tools?
Thanks for the consideration btw.
(edited by Darlgon.9273)
Sorry, but is it the 24th or 25th? as you have made another post here saying its the 24th
It is on both days
The one you linked says, “Brief”. This one doesn’t.
Yeah.. I tried looking for the thread about the excessive lighting yesterday and gave up. Glad someone got to report it.
Things I wish I had today:
1. An easy way to see if I did stuff like the leyline guy since reset, since you only get the good rewards once.
2. A way, at the repair guy, to have my armor repaired and THEN to go back and sell stuff. Currently, choosing repair ends conversation, meaning I have to rehail the dude to sell.
3. I wish I could “/mentor” in a party. After all, “mentor” is a party function, right? That way, I could get zonewide support for something, while still being able to do invites.
Thanks for the information McKenna. Any communication, even if its not well received, is better than none, or doing stuff without anyone knowing about it.
As a Dragonbrand original from launch.. can you make it -1000? We really are not even hardly fielding enough to keep our BL atm. A group of five could take everything in about an hour in NA primetime. Oh.. and for linking.. How about NOT linking tier 1 and 2 guilds, which are pretty much zerg on zerg battles anyway, only starting at tier 3 and down? Then, change the links weekly, at reset, like.. you know.. when the matches reset.
Having massive problems connecting to the game after launcher logs me in. WHEN I can get to character select, times out. IF I get into game, the screen times out after a few minutes.
Happening to anyone else?
Sigh.. not exactly how I read the Mursaat journals. IF they are to be believed, when the dragons get to the height of their power, they absorb ALL magic from all magic using races, by killing them off. The surviving Mursaat sidestepped into an alternate universe until the dragons went dormant again, to keep their magic.
Now, combined with Taimis theory about when a dragon dies, the surviving greater dragons take on its powers and absorbs all unbound magic around it, means one thing. Since Glint was to be the next “Great Dragon” to replace her master, and her egg takes on her qualities, her spawn is the ONLY dragon we want to survive and take on the powers of all six great dragons. Of course, who is to say it wont take on its father dragons qualities..
As another poster said above, her taking on more power than planned would affect the barrier, but that would make it stronger. I also favor the theory that Lazarus used the knowledge he had of the Forgotten from their alliance against the dragons from before to drop the barrier. He wanted to see WHO was the egg’s protector.
But, I have the disadvantage of not playing GW1 to know who his race is.
Primordus’ goal in the end does seem, unlike the other Elder Dragons, to be global extinction. When GW2 was first being revealed, and the truth behind the Great Destroyer told, it was mentioned that the Great Destroyer was Primordus’ herald who’s purpose was to “prepare the way” for Primordus’ coming by wiping out all civilization on the surface.
Primordus has no need nor want of living species. So causing volcanic eruptions is fully okay with him given that.
Err.. gonna disagree with this. If true, he would not have creatures serving him that LIVE in FIRE and LAVA. He just wants his creations, like the destroyers and fire elementals, dominant. They are his “Sylvari”.
Yep. Same with Lions Arch. Could port inside zone, but could not leave the zone. Tried logging out to see if patch. Now, cant login.
So, every recipe on the page of that vendor is locked because I dont have the mastery.. except “Hypothesis”. Going out on a limb to say its a bug.
Putting here in case it takes a while for the /bug to go through.
Does that include the Notes from Rata Sum and the vids? Taimi has a big mouth..
Frankly, I been gone two years. My gear is all gold, with mostly Carrion for PVP and Rabid for PVE, with Superior Runes of the Undead. I used to run an altered Shattercat build, and do pretty good in 1v1s and open world WvW. At least before, I was able to get to a draw, if not get a kill. I can still solo camps like its no big deal. HOWEVER, now, if I am 1v1 .. well. .pretty much anyone, I am dead. Its like everyones weapons chews threw my armor, but the NPCs are the same. Any ideas on a valid build for HoT and WvW? The build chart stickied at the top says its out of date by two years…
Grtz to all the teams, but esp the winner.
Interesting.. I came back to say, after a reinstall Overwolf addons ONLY work with windowed mode.
Oh, and the reinstall wiped what addons I had.. sigh.. cant find which ones I had.
I.. must be missing something here. When I use overwolf, and its overlays, the game sounds go quiet and I cant interact with the game. When I click the game, the overlays go away. Overwolf itself has an icon ingame, but the overlays dont show. Maybe this is another Windows 10 sucks thing, who knows..
That is something that’s called a bug, reinstalling ow should resolve it. And no it’s not “windows 10 sucks thing” as you ever so eloquently put it, just gotta face the fact that ow is a shoddy software even if it is the best one available
Nope.. reinstalled and still makes all the apps external. I have to alt-tab to each individual app to see it.. then click on game to get back into game.
ROLF… in a sad way.
I.. must be missing something here. When I use overwolf, and its overlays, the game sounds go quiet and I cant interact with the game. When I click the game, the overlays go away. Overwolf itself has an icon ingame, but the overlays dont show. Maybe this is another Windows 10 sucks thing, who knows..
Ok.. this will probably sound stupid.. but…
When I was playing 2 years ago, I could have sworn I had the dragon spawn timer and other WvW interfaces integrated where I could be in-game and still see them. Right now, when I am in-game I have to alt-tab out of game to Overwolf to use the overlays. Any idea what I need to tweak?
This is an interesting thread.. as I am burned out on BDO, tired of ESO and was a founder/beta tester for this game. Then I left because my guildies wanted something else while the Lions Gate was under attack… Now, I am back to lone wolf status and wondering if its worthwhile to buy HoT.
(edited by Darlgon.9273)
Just letting people know, it took OVER an hour for my authorization of my accounts new IP email to arrive. The second took an hour and a half. SLOW….but at least it arrived. Spend that time finding my account code email. Sigh..
Possible Heal-o-Tron/Hobo-tron heroics?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Darlgon.9273
He was not smart eno to run from the Seraphs, so he is now a janitor in their jail.