Showing Posts For DavidTurner.3095:

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Iason — I am not sure about the answer to this. As pdavis and mtpelion point out, the wallet is account bound and does not have a limit. So I’m curious why you feel a second storage option is needed.

I don’t want to speak for others, but I’m pesonally something of a fan of not being able to blow all of my hard earned cash on shinies just because it’s sitting in my wallet. Personally I’m not rich enough for this particular cap to affect me, but others richer than myself might have similar concerns/fears.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Eeaster 2015

in In-game Events

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Zekki will take #4 on the list. I have a good feeling about that number.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Dye Changes Feedback/Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


“With dyes becoming account unlocks, the demand for dye will decrease and unidentified dyes no longer will drop as loot but still will be available from the Mystic Forge and select in-game rewards.”
Unless you want the gift of color… needed for legendary, demand will still be there for unid dye,

Fortunately they’re dropping the requirement by 150 dyes:

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Unable to Load into Gendarran Fields

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I’ve just tried to load into Gendarran Fields on two of my characters, and it looks like I’m unable to do so. After sitting for quite some time, the game kicks me out to the login screen with the error code: 7:11:3:191:101. I’ve been able to log in on other characters, but not these two…

I’ve been using the -maploadinfo flag on the game and it tells me that the map has fully loaded… but it is just hanging there. Attached is a screenshot of the loading screen I get before the error occurs.

I’ve already tried guesting onto another server, as I’ve previously read that this can be a solution to the problem, but no dice. Both on my home server (Aurora Glade) and the server I’ve guested to (Vabbi) I get the same outcome.

All advice greatly appreciated.


Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Single character can't enter World vs World

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I seem to be encountering a similar issue, but it seems to be affecting my whole account. I’ve just redownloaded my .dat file for the game, and deleted my local account .dat file as well, with no luck.

My issue seems to be that after waiting a short while and then I hear music and what sounds like waves. And it just hangs there in a loading screen with that sound effects.

Really unenjoyable to experience it.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

[iPhone] Stonemist - Realtime WvW scores.

in Community Creations

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Just downloaded the app, it seems that some part of it dislikes iOS7. Crashes on trying to load up any of the maps/scores. I’ve uploaded a copy of the latest crash saved in my Diagnostics and Usage stuff here.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Abaddons vs Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Thanks DavidTurner.3095 Its an honor to kill your Yaks.

It’s an effective, and wholly evil, strategy. I love, and hate, you for it.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Abaddons vs Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


tbh its all about the fun not points/rank/tier etc , cant see any logic in double teaming a server with +70 points with 1 tower on all 3 maps ….but o well

From what I’ve seen, and experienced, AG have mostly been going after AM. We’ve been scrapping across EB, our border, and AM’s border. So I don’t see where the idea of double teaming is coming from…

All i want to say is ,this isn’t the slighest bit of truth.I have been commanding this afternoon in eb for FSP after a Long break.AM was holding our keep during the day,camping it with 20+ ppl constantly,camping spawn constantly.I/We were trying to recap our stuff,had some success,but then AG kept moving to our side aswell eventhough we barely had one tower AG kept insisting on leeching everything AM took,you guys even tried to cap our keep aswell. AG kept hitting our towers with their full zerg when AM was roaming around and re-capping everything we capped aswell.Ag didnt even bother going to AM side since you guys just leech the easy server,we didn’t have room to manouvre or even try about getting our keep back since fsp cannot handle 2 huge zergs that insist on staying on our side and are even able to split their zergs up aswell.

I dont mind the occasional double-teaming,ive done it before,sometimes you have too and sometime it’s the smartest thing to do.But what ive seen this afternoon,hitting a server so hard with 2 full zergs when they barely got a tower and their keep is being camped all day long is beyond pathetic,i lost all respect for AG..never had any respect for AM for that matter ( sorry but its the truth ).You were double hitting us hard,while it wasnt necessary and we barely had a tower,when we did had a tower either AM or AG re capped it right away.

Sorry, but I’m going to have to disagree there. Yes, we certainly have had a presence on your borderlands, I believe [TUP] spent some time celebrating their guild’s birthday there (and I’ll leave it to them and any others who visited that border to talk about it), but to claim that we were going after easy points and ignoring AM’s border is, quite simply, wrong.

We had a team of people that made repeated forays into the AM borderland earlier in the day, right about the time you’re describing your own borderland being hit. We managed to take Redlake, Bluebriar, Dreadfall, and were making moves to take Hills when we received word that EB was without a commander, and moved back there.

We then went back in a couple of times, and even managed to take Bay a second time, but AM’s numbers made any serious push into their borderland a difficult task.

Shino has made comments to the effect that, on EB, we left you guys to try and retake your territory. I saw two attempts made on SM purely because we saw you guys were pushing on your keep. Would we have liked SM for ourselfs, and out of AM’s hands? Sure. But the reasons discussed on TS were to try and help you guys get your keep back. AM had too much mobility with it in their hands, and constantly fighting AM was quite repetitive.

I could say that some of your own forces attempted to doube team us on EB, but I don’t think that would be a truly fair accusation to direct towards your forces. You were trying to make the best of a not-great situation when you chose to ignore your own area of EB and instead swarmed down, multiple times, to attack our holdings, only to be wiped. It’s a strategy we’ve seen before, and it’s not a bad one at all.

It was great to see [PUNK] make moves against AM though, repeatedly taking Rogue’s from them, even if they did make quite a few forays into our own area. It was annoying but, honestly, I think it was nice to see something other than AM forces hitting us.

There wasn’t any concerted effort to double-team you on any map. There were, quite probably, fights that you guys didn’t like, but to insinuate that there was a concerted effort is mistaken.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Abaddons vs Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


It’s good to see the FSP keep back in their hands. There was actually a cheer on our TS server when we saw you’d reclaimed it. We made an attempt at hitting SM (for the second time today) to try and divide Abaddon Mouth’s Attention. Fighting AM all the time… it’s not very fun. Plus it would’ve been nice if we managed to take the place.

Plenty of great fights all evening on EB. Lots of AM needing squashed, the odd incursion by FSP, and good times (I hope) for everyone involved. We wrapped up our evening/night by hopping over to our own borderlands to defend our garrison from AM. It looks like, since I left for the night, we managed to reclaim a lot of territory we’d lost.

Shout out to [CARE] and [AvA] guilds from AM. You’re evil, what you do is evil, and it’s ingenius. I think this video sums up the feelings of quite a few of us towards you

As an endnote, league system will change most of these issues because server pride has meaning after it. Most of the now inactive semi-wvwv guilds what I have talked with will become more active. Hope the people and guilds that transferred found what they were looking for. Moving servers to me is same as giving up.

I’m curious as to the logic behind this. To me, the “server pride” aspect of WvW has always been there. It’s true that we on Aurora Glade might not play to win the points match, but we pride ourselves in bringing a good fight day after day, week after week.

The league system doesn’t strike me as something that will really change that too much. Sure, it’ll add new rewards to worlds over the course of the league, but there are already rewards for worlds that do well, and it strikes me that we’re unlikely to get anything too different from those existing rewards.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Abaddons vs Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


while I was commanding in eb, we didn’t attack FSP once, we only focused on AM, you had plenty of oppurtunities to attack your keep and you didn’t take them, so don’t blame us.

Heck, we even intentionally went for SM when we saw that Far Shiverpeaks were trying to retake their garrison. Neither of us managed to take our goals.

Shortly after that Far Shiverpeaks started attacking our area, pretty much ignoring their own territories.

tbh, I was pretty appalled to find us being accused of double teaming them after all the effort we put in to avoid it.

Yeah. I can kinda understand how it could happen. We’ve had AG people throw out similar accusations in the past, when nothing of the sort has happened.

I really hope they can get their stuff back though. I’d like to see a proper three-way fight rather than AG/AM matchup with the occasional FSP groups showing up. I much prefer fighting against FSP over AM.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Abaddons vs Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


while I was commanding in eb, we didn’t attack FSP once, we only focused on AM, you had plenty of oppurtunities to attack your keep and you didn’t take them, so don’t blame us.

Heck, we even intentionally went for SM when we saw that Far Shiverpeaks were trying to retake their garrison. Neither of us managed to take our goals.

Shortly after that Far Shiverpeaks started attacking our area, pretty much ignoring their own territories.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Abaddons vs Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


tbh its all about the fun not points/rank/tier etc , cant see any logic in double teaming a server with +70 points with 1 tower on all 3 maps ….but o well

From what I’ve seen, and experienced, AG have mostly been going after AM. We’ve been scrapping across EB, our border, and AM’s border. So I don’t see where the idea of double teaming is coming from…

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Abaddons vs Aurora Glade vs Far Shiverpeaks

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Some great fights from the AG perspective on both EB and our own borderlands. Had a nasty couple of lag spikes fighting around SM and a few terrifying encounters with ADAC on our own border, but I’ve found it all to be quite fun.

Between our matchup last week against Vizunah and Kodash and this week’s matchup I’m really starting to enjoy WvW again. Here’s to another enjoyable week of killing and being killed!

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Aurora Glade vs Kodash vs Vizunah Square

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


After a not-too-great couple of days trying to have fun playing on the Aurora Glade side of things in this warfare I had a really good time of it today. Things started on EB, before moving over to our home borderlands. It was a bit slow to start off, our side lacked the numbers to face off against vastly larger numbers we were up against.

Over time more and more people showed up and, before long, we were up to a decent sized group that was able to hold up against Vizunah’s numbers. It was great, but intense and non-stop. We’d fend off a group in one location only to have to waypoint and run into another fight. It was great. It was something I’ve not seen in quite some time.

As things progressed we chipped away at reclaiming our borderlands. Kodash showed but, for the most part, I didn’t run into them too often. They did fend us off quite fantastically at Hills once or twice though.

Over time, with some great leadership, we managed to retake the top half of the map. With a few more numbers or, more likely, with a little more supply (bouncing between fights and constantly-flipping supply camps can be quite draining) we couldn’t moved futher south. But it was fun.

Thanks for that fun Vizunah and Kodash, I appreciate it. Here’s to more fun over the coming week.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Haha I wasn’t trying to make it sound like you guys were bad if anything I’m presuming most of your EB zerg is coming to WvW for the week from PvE while you’re winning because they are very unorganised and we found a lot upscaled with magic find food on we’ve got the fight between sm and our keep on fraps so you’ll be able to see that soon but its not like you guys tried I mean most of your zerg ran towards valley without the golems only a small bunch maybe 15 ish tried protecting the golems

This is a recent phenomenon on our server. Last week we had a large blob/zerg running on EB. It’s almost always well led, but has a lot of people who are following because it’s there.

I’m really hoping to see this recent influx of people learning more about WvW. I started out pretty similarly to them, and I flat out love a good fight there now, whether I win or lose.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


For some reason clicking it doesn’t work, but copy/paste does.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


They’re also sneaky little gits when it comes to strategy. I’m loving it. I hope you guys are too.

Sneaky little gits? We prefer to think of them as Shadows in the Warp!

I mean it in the best of ways. I’ve not been in WvW too much since reset, but when I have, I’ve enjoyed my fights against you guys more than I’ve enjoyed any fight in a looooong time.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I have to hand it to RoF, even though they seem outnumbered in some of the fights, they aren’t outmatched in terms of skill. They might not be able to take on some of our bigger groups, but they’re great to fight against in even terms.

They’re also sneaky little gits when it comes to strategy. I’m loving it. I hope you guys are too.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

(edited by DavidTurner.3095)

19/7 RoF/Aurora/Drakkar

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I think that, post-reset, our numbers in AG groups have been quite a bit smaller. From what I’ve seen, with the exception of EB, most of our players are quite keen on smaller groups and strategy, rather than large groups and combatting skill lag, rather than players.

Unfortunately we’re just off from a match up against two servers that we needed larger groups (very blobby sized groups) to be able to stand a chance of holding our own anywhere we fought them, and I think some of that may have carried over into this week. I really hope to see smaller, co-ordinated, groups of AG players running around again. I think we can all agree it’s much more enjoyable that way.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Kaineng City: Is it still there?

in Lore

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I would think that Kaineng City wouldn’t have been hit nearly as badly, if at all, as the coastal areas of Kryta. It’s much further away and, if memory serves, was built in such a way that it wasn’t on the sea level, but was a little bit up from it, which would serve to mitigate potential damage.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


We’d planned to run smaller organised groups at reset on EB, but after about 15-20 mins it became obvious that both AB and MS weren’t really interested in that style of gameplay. So we decided to respond in kind and join the blob party. It wasn’t pretty, it felt dirty and the framerate was awful, but if that’s the way our opponents want to play the game it would be impolite of us not to oblige.

We’d been running two smaller groups on the AG side of things, but we rather quickly had to merge into one group due to the size of forces that were making their presence felt in our corner of the map.

I can’t speak for the whole of AG, but it has been my experience that we dislike blob fights, but we have also found that both MS and AM have been quite fond of using them against us. This week we decided to respond in kind, and it resulted in quite a different outcome on the battlefield.

With the reset out of the way I’m hoping things break down into smaller fights, but based on experience I, sadly, won’t be holding too much hope of that.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

12/07 Aurora glade - Miller's sound- AM

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


We had some good fun tonight on EB.
And I was very pleased to see both AM & MS on open ground fights.
Hope to get more ‘normal’ fights in that makes the WvW so much more fun.

Indeed, the fights tonight were awesome all across the board. It was… unexpectedly nice… and I hope it continues through the rest of the week.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

HoM and it's creators.

in Lore

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I think it’s a bit hard to believe that the HoM would be a creation of the Jotun. If they were able to produce this kind of building, then it would stand to reason that other buildings they have made would have had similar durability. To me, the fact that the only architecture that exists looks similar to this would imply that the HoM building isn’t of Jotun origin.

I’d really love to work out who is responsible though. It’s a rather… distinct… building, and seems to have always been rather isolated where it is.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Abablob your server makes laugh on daily bases, earlier you lads/ladies trying to storm a PAPER Anza with 2 Golems and a full zerg and you guys FAILED!!! Your server has the SHEER numbers in this match-up and it doesnt help you at all. Rethink your tactics Abablob because the only reason your server is first in the tally atm is because of your blob sizes…

Uh… I hate to point it out, but if they’re winning because of their numbers then their numbers are kinda helping them somewhat.

Uh… If i played on Abablob and we attacked a paper tower with a full zerg and 2 golems and we failed i would delete all my chars and uninstall GW2. Dont want to flame but what Abablob is doing is just simply pathetic, we all know how bad Abablob is when it comes to tactics…

I agree, I would feel pretty bad about it myself. I’m just pointing out the fault in your statement.

Best of luck with the further kills of AM players, I’ve been enjoying doing the same over the weekend.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Abablob your server makes laugh on daily bases, earlier you lads/ladies trying to storm a PAPER Anza with 2 Golems and a full zerg and you guys FAILED!!! Your server has the SHEER numbers in this match-up and it doesnt help you at all. Rethink your tactics Abablob because the only reason your server is first in the tally atm is because of your blob sizes…

Uh… I hate to point it out, but if they’re winning because of their numbers then their numbers are kinda helping them somewhat.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

06/21 - AM - AG - FSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Had a few good fights today on the AG borderlands. We might not have the numbers some of us would like but, with solid leadership, we can do a pretty good job of taking your groups apart. Though I’ve probably picked a really bad week to try leveling my thief up in the WvW arena.

Abbadon folks, going up against you is really difficult, partially due to the numbers, and largely due to the lag that comes with some of your larger groups. It’s a lot like a three-way fight for SM, it can become painful (rather than fun) when your mouse clicks and button presses no longer do anything. It’s also highlighted the importance of alternative strategies on the field.

So thank you for forcing us to up our game in order to combat you. And curse you for the skill lag (not really your fault but when you die because of it enough you need someone to point fingers at).

With regards to some of the comments on server populations, it doesn’t really matter a great deal, from where I’m sitting, which world has the larger playerbase, and that doesn’t show the interest in WvW at all. A high population (like we have here on AG) doesn’t really matter if our players are more interested in PvE, it’s all a matter of preference.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

(edited by DavidTurner.3095)

Smash the Town achievement bugged?

in Wintersday

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I was just completing this, there’s a building by the grove that seems indestructible. Turns out grabbing an unstable gift and swinging at it kills it off. Was the last thing in my way.

Hope that helps.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

I just need one solution for HoM issue, just need guidance...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


It sounds like you just need to get a stone for your character to get him to the HoM, as you seem to have been able to get the items on other characters on the same account. Fortunately this isn’t hard to do at all. Try the following:

  1. In Lion’s Arch, head northwest into Hooligan’s Route.
  2. At the Undermarket Point of Interest, find the charr karma merchant named Scornheart.
  3. View Scornheart’s offerings and, on the second panel, select the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone. The stone is available at no cost.
  4. Use the Portal Stone to access the ruins of the Hall of Monuments.

Each race has a portal to Lion’s Arch in their main city, and from there it’s a short walk up to the top left corner of the city, and into the caves.

I hope this gets you sorted.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

guild transfer : influence and improvement losed ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Guild upgrades are handled on a world by world basis. By moving worlds you will have to start afresh.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

If i kill the downloader, next time i load gw will it resume where its at?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Yes. It’ll pick up where it left off, though the percentage bar will start from 0% again, as it works based on the amount left to download, not the total game’s size.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Still no HoM rewards..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


A few things to check that might help:

  1. GW1 and GW2 accounts linked properly?
  2. Signed into GW1 recently?

The second fixed a lot of HoM related issues for myself and guild members when we weren’t receiving our own rewards. It might, with some luck, help you too.

Sadly if the above doesn’t work I’m at a loss as to what would fix the problem for you. Best of luck.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Reserved Names

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I hope they hold onto the reserved names a little longer. I know that it sucks for people that want those reserved names, but those of us that created those names are, in some cases, having a hard time claiming those names. I’ve had a ticket open about one such name from the first hour of pre-purchase access.

I don’t expect, or want, those names to be held indefinitely… that would be incredibly selfish. I would like them to be held until people who have had issues claiming these names have had their issues resolved. We’ve had some of these names for a long time, they matter to us.

Once these issues are resolved, I hope they rapidly make these names available though. I hope that all makes sense.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Transferring a Guild to another server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Influence is tied to a world, so whilst it’s possible to move the guild to another world, I believe you’ll lose the influence.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Hall of Monuments Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Try the following:

  1. In Lion’s Arch, head northwest into Hooligan’s Route.
  2. At the Undermarket Point of Interest, find the charr karma merchant named Scornheart.
  3. View Scornheart’s offerings and, on the second panel, select the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone. The stone is available at no cost.
  4. Use the Portal Stone to access the ruins of the Hall of Monuments.
Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Issue with Reserved name from Guild Wars 1 (from my own account, from pre-purchase access)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095



By chance, have you tried adding that name to your friends list in GW2? I would think you’d still be in luck if there isn’t an account tied to it (Or it gives you an error perhaps, since it may be still linked to your account?)

Members in my guild had tried before, but I hadn’t done so myself. I’ve just tried this and I’m being told that there is no player using the name in question.

Hmmm. The only temporary solution I could see if you still can’t register it is having a guildmate reserve the name, but that could cause a slew of new problems if it won’t release after 24 hours of deletion.

I keep trying to recreate the character anyway. The name in question was going to be my main character in the game, so I keep a slot available for trying every day, in the hopes that I can somehow get it.

Gaile’s words make me feel much more optimistic about it being resolved now. I don’t expect an immediate result, as helping people with compromised accounts is much more important than my name issue, but hearing confirmation that it will be looked into makes me feel a lot better about things.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Issue with Reserved name from Guild Wars 1 (from my own account, from pre-purchase access)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Now that I understand the timeframe of the deletion and recreation attempt, it is possible there’s a name glitch. With compromised accounts as our priority, we need to ask for extra patience with this, but it will be reviewed!

Thanks for the extra details!

Thank you for your response. I fully support getting people back in the game, it’s much more important than my issues. I was simply hoping for some kind of word that it would be looked into, as responses previously said it would be, but the events that followed those words heavily implied that nothing would happen.

Thank you for the follow-up reply on this, I greatly appreciate it.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Issue with Reserved name from Guild Wars 1 (from my own account, from pre-purchase access)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095



By chance, have you tried adding that name to your friends list in GW2? I would think you’d still be in luck if there isn’t an account tied to it (Or it gives you an error perhaps, since it may be still linked to your account?)

Members in my guild had tried before, but I hadn’t done so myself. I’ve just tried this and I’m being told that there is no player using the name in question.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Issue with Reserved name from Guild Wars 1 (from my own account, from pre-purchase access)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Hi Smooth Penguin,

The character name in question wasn’t Charrlie, that’s one that I’ve been able to secure that is tied to my account. The name in question is a two word name, and I mentioned it in my ticket, but don’t want to mention it elsewhere in case it does become freed up… I don’t want to lose the name because I posted it on the internet after all.

To restate what I’ve experienced:

  1. Created Character with name
  2. Deleted Character to redesign him
  3. Attempt to recreate character straight away
  4. Receive error message telling me the name is in use

All within the first official hour of pre-purchase access.

I’ve had the name in question in GW1 for 6 or 7 years now, so it bears meaning to me. I had been actively playing GW1 so it should have been claimed for my account. If the name has somehow been taken by another account then there’s not a whole lot I can do about it, but it shouldn’t have been available for anyone else to use.

If it can be confirmed that the name is taken on another account I’d be annoyed, I’ve had a ticket open from the first hour of the pre-purchase access, but I’d accept it. If it’s still attached to my account though I would really like to be able to make use of it.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Any chance 'reserved' GW1 names are gonna be freed any time soon?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Can someone pls explain to me the requirement of using reserved names from gw1? None of the names I used in gw1 were available in gw2 even though I linked my accounts. I have not played gw1 for years and dont have all the expansions, is that the reason?

You had to be actively playing Guild Wars during the months leading up to the release for names to be reserved. Unfortunately as you haven’t played in some time, your names won’t have been reserved for you.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Any chance 'reserved' GW1 names are gonna be freed any time soon?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I’m with Gnomegoddess on this, I’ve got a ticket open regarding an issue with one of my own GW1 names, and I’d really like to see the issues people are having claiming these names resolved before freeing them all up.

That might be a bit selfish, but many of us gamers have had these names for 7 years, we’ve grown kinda attached to them.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Issue with Reserved name from Guild Wars 1 (from my own account, from pre-purchase access)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


Hi Gaile,

If I had simply deleted the character and left it at that, or never created the character, I wouldn’t have opened a ticket and I wouldn’t be on here now. This all happened within hours of pre-purchase access, during the period where names were reserved for Guild Wars players, and the name was apparently in use within minutes of my deleting the character to recreate him, not 24 hours later.

The timeframe in my ticket reflects this, as the ticket was lodged within an hour of pre-purchase access, there wasn’t any time for a 24 hour period of time to have passed. The name should have been reserved for me, but it either wasn’t, or has been lost in the system somewhere.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade

Issue with Reserved name from Guild Wars 1 (from my own account, from pre-purchase access)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DavidTurner.3095


I’ve had a ticket open regarding this from 08/25/2012 12:57 AM, not too long after the official pre-purchase access and, whilst I have received some responses via the support site, I’ve had the ticket closed on me once so I thought I’d mention it directly on here too.

Ticket details:

Ticket Number: #120825-004183
Character Name from Account: Charrrlie
Issue: Unable to create a character with a reserved name from Guild Wars 1 after deleting a character with the same name, receiving an error code 29:6:6:402:101, stating that the name was already in use.

I wanted to bring it up here as I know my accounts are linked, I was able to create the character but deleted him so that I could redesign him. The character was deleted, but it seems that the name itself wasn’t. This was during a period where there were multiple login server issues, and I suspect that might be a part of the issue. If so, it’s as much my own stupidity as it is anything else.

Since this time the timeframe for claiming reserved names has expired, so I am somewhat concerned about the ability to be able to use the name. As the issue cropped up during the pre-purchase access and has yet to be resolved, I hope that I will be able to claim the name, as it should still be unavailable to anyone else for the same reason it is unavailable to me.

As I mentioned above, I received a handful of responses from the Customer Services people, none of which have helped, before being informed that the information I had provided was sent on for review by the Quality Assurance team. Shortly after this, though I’m not sure when, the ticket was closed.

I suspect that this might be some automated system that closed the ticket as I didn’t respond to it, opting to wait for a response from the Quality Assurance team. I didn’t receive any notification that it had been closed, and spotted it only because I checked the support site. I did get a survey email from NCSoft asking how support had handled my issues, but it ended up in my spam bin.

I’ve re-opened my ticket but have yet to hear a response since. I understand, and support, helping people who have had their accounts hacked and that are otherwise prevented from playing the game, as they have as much right to be playing as I do. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could look into this issue though, and provide some kind of response, even if it’s just to say that it is being looked into.

I apologise for the wall of text, but I thought it would be better to sum things up here so that people have some background before deciding to look up the ticket.

Thanks in advance.

Kaaleb Daarke – Missing his proper name…
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade