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[Suggestion] Cancelling Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


I would post this in the Suggestions forum, but that’s been archived with nowhere else designed for it, so here this goes.

My idea is to allow the ability to Cancel an Upgrade that is currently in progression, either for a Camp, Tower, Keep, or the Castle. Cancelling it will only return 50% of the original Supply used. However, in order to cancel it, it must be physically requested by the players.

Similar to how a set number of players must “Talk” to Siegecrusher to activate him, this method will be used for the Supervisor of the according objective.

  • 5 People are required to Vote towards cancelling the current upgrade on a Camp.
  • 10 People are required to Vote towards cancelling the current upgrade on a Tower.
  • 25 People are required to Vote towards cancelling the current upgrade on a Keep or SMC.

In the very similar method of Siegecrusher, these people must not only be able to vote, but also be present during the voting process (near the NPC).

Why is this necessary? Well, come on, you all know how it is to defend something when some noob (or spy) queued up an upgrade on that objective, to drain the supply and lose the objective.

This would provide an easier means of defending the objective when necessary, at a cost of half the supply, and progress towards that upgrade would be lost.

The Keeps and SMC would require 25, to ensure that enough players support the decision to cancel the upgrade. The sheer number of 25 would most likely limit it towards Guild-orientated decisions.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

WvW -- Repairing Doors/Gates

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Certain select Doors/Gates of Keeps have been (for the longest time, unknown date) unable to make proper use of the skill: Repair Mastery.

I have had Level 2, and now have Level 3 of Repair Mastery on my main character, yet for select certain gates, they still deny me the ability to repair at the proper amount per tick.

I’ve narrowed the doors down to as follows:

  • ANY of the Underwater gates that are still capable of being destroyed, despite the fact that the inner doors are permanently sealed.
  • The upper/inner paper gate of Garrison.

These are the only two instances that I have found where this bug is in play. Also, this only affects Keeps, not Towers or the Castle.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

WvW -- Rebuilding Objective Siege

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


This bug has been out since the start of Season 1 (literally, that very day it started). I have reported it over a dozen times in-game and was expecting some sort of fix near the end of Season 1. It is now December 26th, 2013, and it has yet to be fixed.

The bug consists of the ability to spend ALL of your supply into any siege built by an objective, for that objective, such as, Oils, Cannons, and Mortars.

I checked the patch notes, this was not included.

The amount of supply able to be placed in is not variant based on your skills acquired and is not affected by in any way, shape, or form. The only limitation is the limit that you have from holding supply on your player. I’ve used as much as 15 Supply in a single hit — this is currently not possible with the current skill specs.

To be clear, my skills since Season 1 started have been Level 2 for Siege Build and Repair Mastery.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

LFG tool buggy?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Same thing happened to me the other day. I joined a group for CoF p1, but it was bugged for someone, so we disbanded the group and retried, which then worked. I tried to requeue for P2 of COF and it said this same message.

I completely relogged — didn’t work. I completely shut down the game — didn’t work. I restarted my comp — didn’t work.

It only fixed itself on reset the next day (which I had to wait like 20hrs for).

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Guardian Skills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Auto target shouldn’t be interrupting something if you have a target already made out… The same thing happens to me for Judge’s Intervention, as it’ll teleport to a random target, even I already have a target made. However, Leap of Faith does work for me, if I already have a target.

OS: Windows 7 64-Bit

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Unable to connect to log in server error?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


If anybody is having any other problems, try removing “Speedbit Video Download Accelerator” or “Speedbit Download Accelerator Plus.” If that doesn’t work, then contact Technical Support.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

WvW - Ability to Repair Siege via Player

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Sirsquishy, you do realize that Siege Decay Timers already exist, correct? It’s a little “Castle” icon that is blue and right above the siege bar when you click or mount on it.

In terms of being under attack, that is already in place via the 3 minute timer for an objective to dictate whether it is under attack or not. As for other player-dropped siege, what is 10 supply going to do when you could’ve built a siege in a more strategic location? One that clearly cannot be attacked, while attacking another siege.

A new WvW rank mastery is an iffy, but it would make it easier for Anet to control the amount of rank points required and reduce their coding work involved.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Fee Required to Claim Forts!

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Well ideas can always be edited, which I fail to understand why people don’t see that when posting idea suggestions. This is like alpha state of my idea and people automatically assume that this has been in the works for years now.

Tibstrike, your suggestion is to draw it directly from a guild bank? That’s not a half-bad idea.

Tongku, your idea is to replace the Gold Fee with a Badge or Karma fee — well considering how much Karma got nerfed (I think the figures are like 35% or something), that is automatically off the table. However, Badges can be on the table, but the amount of precision would be much more difficult to come by.

Lets say that supply camps require 1 badge, tower requires 2 badges, keeps require 5 badges, and the castle requires 10 badges to claim. What’s 10 badges when you follow a 20man zerg? Absolutely nothing!

Lets upgrade these by double. What’s 20 badges when you follow a 30man zerg and steamroll a 20man zerg? Absolutely nothing! What’s 20 badges when you steamroll the castle or its surrounding towers. Absolutely nothing!

So, you see, these other currencies are currently very problematic in that it is expensive for Karma usage or it is too cheap for badge usage, especially when noobs are able to follow a zerg VERY easy and its like telling a fish NOT to go after a shiny object — it’s NOT going to happen!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Turn WvW into 2factions when pop low

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


I already suggested this idea about 7-8 months ago, took 3 hours to properly come up with every possible reason why it would be a bad idea or any problems involved, and people hated it then, so they’re still going to hate it now.

P.S. In reference to the implementation, I had already solved that issue as well, so it is possible, you guys are just not seeing it in the proper perspective.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Ability to Repair Siege via Player

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


So, Corpsy McCorpse (Lawndart) had this brilliant idea!
The idea is to be able to repair the siege that you are most invested into. For example, if you have Arrow Cart Mastery level 5, then you could repair Arrow Carts.

However, we’ve discussed this a bit with some people on our server and it seems that we need to limit it immensely.

So, the general consensus is to limit it to require:

  • Level 5 of that siege mastery
  • Level 5 of Supply Mastery
  • Level 5 of Repair Mastery

This way it’ll require a minimum of 115 Rank Points just to even make this a possibility for the individual player. That, and it’ll revolve around the siege mastery you have, so you’d have to invest 75 points per siege mastery.

Another option is to limit it to only be able to repair it while manning the siege, via a little button above swap weapons or an additional skill.

This will open the ability to repair Cannons and Oil from that 1% that smart people leave them at when preparing for a golem rush.

Some people are even suggesting to limit it to until the player is out of combat, but I think that even in combat a mere 10-20 supply would be fine for a repair of a single ac or something.

So, start yappin’ people! Let’s make this a possibility for ages to come!

(Topic copied from Suggestions, due to absolutely no attention)

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

WvW - Ability to Repair Siege via Player

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Bumping topic to ensure that people read this.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Fee Required to Claim Forts!

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


So, when I woke up this morning, I had a brilliant idea that Arenanet would adhere to and the players of WvW might even agree to.

The idea is to create a fee for each designated Fort that a guild or member of the guild who can claim, and this fee would be dependent on the type of Fort that they wish to claim.

The reasoning behind this is to help prevent noobs and new guilds from claiming a fort, while providing no supply buffs for that fort that would otherwise mean the difference between defending your objectives or losing them. Especially, when we currently (in Ferguson’s Crossing) have about 3-5 top guilds that are constantly running fort buffs, and another 12+ guilds that save their fort buffs for when they are needed. Meanwhile, we still have 1/3 of the objectives that we capture and intend to defend that end up being claimed by select guilds that no one has ever heard of or have no ways of contacting anybody in that guild.

Many people claim forts for a variety of reasons: to be “cool,” to advertise the guild, etc. But none of those reasons are directly helping out World vs. World for that server, in fact, they are deliberately getting in the way.

Fees will be as followed:

  • 50 silver to claim a supply camp.
  • 1 gold to claim a tower.
  • 2 gold 50 silver to claim a keep.
  • 5 gold to claim the castle.

This should help reduce the chance that something will be claimed by an unknown guild, while still assisting Arenanet in their goal to stabilize the economy via having us drain our gold into more expensive vendor-ful products and claims.

It works both ways, for both parties — the company and the players, so there’s no way that this can go wrong! +1 for support!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

WvW - Ability to Repair Siege via Player

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


So, Corpsy McCorpse (Lawndart) had this brilliant idea!

The idea is to be able to repair the siege that you are most invested into. For example, if you have Arrow Cart Mastery level 5, then you could repair Arrow Carts.

However, we’ve discussed this a bit with some people on our server and it seems that we need to limit it immensely.

So, the general consensus is to limit it to require:

Level 5 of that siege mastery
Level 5 of Supply Mastery
Level 5 of Repair Mastery

This way it’ll require a minimum of 115 Rank Points just to even make this a possibility for the individual player. That, and it’ll revolve around the siege mastery you have, so you’d have to invest 75 points per siege mastery.

Another option is to limit it to only be able to repair it while manning the siege, via a little button above swap weapons or an additional skill.

This will open the ability to repair Cannons and Oil from that 1% that smart people leave them at when preparing for a golem rush.

Some people are even suggesting to limit it to until the player is out of combat, but I think that even in combat a mere 10-20 supply would be fine for a repair of a single ac or something.

So, start yappin’ people! Let’s make this a possibility for ages to come!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

10/25 DH/GoM/FC (Week 2 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


My server is gonna hate me for saying this, but FC has currently had one of their kneecaps shot off. Many, many people have reported this bug, yet it is STILL not fixed!

Basically, our Bay keep in FC BL is currently impossible to send supply via a Dolyak from Arah’s Hope. That means the only way to get supply into Bay is via Vale or Victor’s Lodge — south camps which are taken VERY often.

Curious, is anybody else having this bug?

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

TP - Offering Money to Buy Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Oh, wow! Thanks!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Supply Cart Idea!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


@Kraag, I just wanted to say that I always appreciate a well thought-out response, especially to a suggestion!

You had some great ideas involved in your response and very good reasoning for that. However, I may like some of your ideas, but others lack certain, select advantages and disadvantages that would come as a bi-product.

1) Agreed. Making the supply carts more vulnerable would actually reduce the chance of trolling and reduce the chance of a zerg having 30 Supply Carts and abusing their advantage on a massive level.

2) Maybe. But why not the same for dolyaks? See, when making this suggestion, I had to consider the supply situations that we already had, and when I see dolyaks take damage — they get no supply drains. This idea provides more care to be provided by players when escorting them, but prevents sneaky maneuvers at the same time.

3) Maybe. This one is a big iffy. The only way I would consider this viable is if Anet changed the current system — make it so that you can take supply from an open supply depot (seriously, no guards on it, you have to get inside the tower/keep, etc.) whether it be claimed by the enemy OR friendly!! I am sick and tired of staring at 2600 supply in a full upgraded castle, while it’s claimed by the enemy, and the zerg (small one) might run out of supply — yet, there’s 5 stashes right NEXT to them!!! SO STUPID!!!

But, I do agree that enemy server cannot take control of a supply cart.

4) Agreed. But, only allow the self-destruct after a 10-sec warning has been announced.

5) Agreed. This is a simple idea that I had forgotten to calculate.

6) Maybe. Yeah, not sure about invisibility either. But I am leaning towards yes, for the most part, because current siege cannot be placed invisible, except for Golems, but it will be, literally, attached to the player dragging it, just like a Golem.

However, what I do propose is to add the ability to still be shielded by the Level 5 Catapult skill and Guardian Shields to reduce damage taken. Remember, the siege will be attached to the player while being dragged; thus, it’ll be more reasonable to have Guardian Shields count towards it because the shield will encompass the Guardian and the siege attached to them. Besides, if you want to make them as vulnerable as you say, then they’re going to need more strategic approaches to protecting the Supply Carts.

Think about it, if you have an organized zerg, have a thief and guardian swap between protecting it, or have an elemental drop it and give it to a thief to protect it, similar to how we protect Golems right now. Do we not invis Golems? Do we not WP them back when immediately in harms way?

Also, in reference to that, the ability to Waypoint them should be allowed, because like Golems, they are attached to the player on a physical connection.

I agree with ownership permissions remaining the same, but Anet might not, because they removed that ability from Golems — and that’s what we have here, a useful Supply Cart with a lot of similarities to the freedom of a Golem.

As for Supply used to Build it — I made 25 and 50 to be more precise, but we could always up that to 50 and 75 for Regular and Superior, respectively. A dolyak gives 5 supply, so finding that 5 supply should not be difficult.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Thick Leather Section...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


… needs to go!!! Seriously people, if you’re one of the people selling over 7.316 million Thick Leather Sections for less than 12 copper each, then you need to vendor that crap and make your monies worth, while at the same time help clean up the market on this item!!!

Vendor buys them at 8 copper each. 8 copper times 7.316 million (yeah, I know they’re not all priced at 8 copper each) = 570.88 Gold worth on the trading post, at the moment.

P. S. Trading Post is across all NA / EU servers; thus, this post does count towards those on other servers of NA.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Supply Cart Idea!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


OK. So, I edited that part to compensate for possible trolling. I set it so that after 10min of inactivity, the Supply Cart would then be rendered into a neutral state, where another person can claim the Supply Cart for themselves. But after 50min since the neutral state, it will self-destruct (following the same timer of self-destruct as the other siege).

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Supply Cart Idea!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Add a siege called: “Supply Cart.”

This siege would give users the ability to load it up with supply, up to 50 supply. This supply must be deposited by friendly players manually. However, in reverse, it can be withdrawn by friendly players. The Supply Cart can only be moved by its owner and builder.

It would cost 25 Supply to build. Superior would cost 50 Supply to build, but it can hold up to 75 Supply.

The supply cart would move in speed directly based off of its owner’s speed. The only time that a supply cart would disappear is when it is destroyed by an enemy or when you leave the borderlands/battleground zone.

Also, after 10min of inactivity (not being dragged around), the Supply Cart would no longer be claimed by its owner, and can be claimed by another person. 50min after not being claimed by another person, it will self-destruct and the supply inside of it will be lost forever!

This Supply Cart could be VERY useful for many applications, such as:

  • When a zerg intends to attack a keep, has only 10 people, and can only carry 100 supply, but may need a bit more to build the extra Rams or Catapults on inner.
  • When a solo person is rebuilding a cannon, oil, mortar, or repairing a gate / wall, it can be useful to load it up at the camp, drag it to the keep, and then repair on the spot.

Give support, feedback, etc.! Make this possible please! +1’s are greatly appreciated!!!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

(edited by Deathdealers.2108)

WvW Rank Abilities Display

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


So, now that we’ve all placed our lovely WvW Rank Abilities into the designated desired masteries, we still have the biggest problem of all: no possible way to automatically display our masteries to the public population or commanders while in a group.

There is currently no way to know for sure if someone has level 5 Catapult Mastery, unless you physically ask them and they tell the “truth.”

Please, add a way for this to happen! A simple overlay that’ll occur when you hover over someone’s character avatar, or if they manually join a commander’s squad, then you can type a command, such as, “/masteryinfo” and receive the corresponding stats.

This would greatly improve the performance and use of the mastery skills in WvW, and allow the actual level 5’ers to make good use of their skills, by having volunteers dismount off of a siege to allow a level 5 mastery to take their place (or by forcing them off, if the person who laid down the siege is present).

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

TP - Offering Money to Buy Items

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


This is a simple and very obvious request, but I think those that offer to buy an item given a set amount of price and a set amount of items to be bought at that price should be allowed to remove their offer at will — even if it had a 3 day restriction, it would still dramatically clean up the TP and help people get their money back!

As a side suggestion, you could also add the ability to order your items for sale by the amount of items you have. For example, if you have 1350 Elder Wood Logs for sale, then that’ll go to the top, and below it will go the 386 Mithril Ore for sale.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

FC -- [SAS] Soldiers and Seers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


We now have a website that is up-and-running! I am slowly providing useful articles to help those in need of beginner tips / instructions on how to do things or how to learn your class.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

WvW Ability to repair Damaged Siege

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


OK, I’m sick and tired of this stupid crap and no one on Anet is doing ANYTHING about it. I keep sitting here in keeps, towers, and the castle staring at siege, built specifically by the upgrade system, and they’re sitting at 1% and 5% life, with no possible way to repair them.

How defenseless do you think that makes a tower? Let’s see, it builds a cannon, oil, and a mortar. A zerg or smaller group decides to come to the tower and drop the cannon, oil, and mortar down to 5% each. That way, they can prepare for the incoming zerg to roll in and take a tower without defenses, because if they destroy it, then it can be rebuilt, but if only left so low, then you cannot repair it, period. The worst part? There’s max supply in the tower (700/700) and the workers have NOTHING to do.

My suggestion, is that after the 3 min are up for the swords timer, then the workers will get to work and repair/rebuild the siege, using the supply inside of the tower, keep, or castle. The very same workers that made that upgrade complete successfully, should be the same workers to give the ability to repair those very same upgrades that they spent the time building. Makes sense right?

This should also be done before the first or second season, if possible. How pathetic would it be to have players exploit the issue at hand here and result in the loss of a fully upgraded keep or castle or tower, because there’s no way to repair the cannons or oil or mortars inside of the building, unless they are fully destroyed?

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

FC -- [SAS] Soldiers and Seers

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


We’re brand spanking new, was just made tonight! I’m setting up a guild website, making this forum post, already set up the ranks, going to use the public FC Teamspeak available to us all, going to mass recruit, and spread the word to other guilds!

We’re seeking primarily WvW active members, but are accepting all forms of players – PVE, sPVP, and WvW!

So far, it’s just me, but most of you know me in-game by the character name of: Draectari (or Drae for short). I am a commander in WvW that is commonly known for commanding at night time, and I am also a grunt in WvW for whatever tasks are primarily needed and unwanted to be done, such as, running Supplies, Repairing Walls, Repairing Siege, Escorting Dolyaks, etc.

As a commander, I am very unique and different from other people that you may know. Sometimes, I stop for a particular herb or mine or wood item midway of running a zerg, if this happens I allow others following me to do the same. I also prefer the methods of Deception and Misdirection while leading a zerg (or any group).

As a guild leader, I will do my best to attend to the guild requests, help needed, and anything else that might call to my attention. I have been a leader for 8 years now, including only this lifetime, but not particularly a leader for a guild.

PM me in-game or send me a message and I’ll get back to you with any questions that you may have!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Globs of Ectoplasms

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


So, oddly enough, I’ve noticed that the Globs of Ectoplasms are remaining relatively the same price as before, if not a bit lower. This is odd because higher demand and lower supply and/or equal supply should mean that the prices would go up. At this very moment, they’re 30s97c each being sold on the TP. They’re also only being bought for 28s79c from the TP.

On top of the fact that they are used for crafting items level 350-500, they are also salvageable and can drop Essence of Luck or other necessary items used in Crafting.

So, I don’t really understand why this is, but I recommend buying as many as you feel safe buying at the moment, because if people finally catch-on, then they’ll realize how much they need Globs in the long run (and short run).

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Question about (Color)Lake capturing!

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Thanks guys n gals, for all of your answers!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Question about (Color)Lake capturing!

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Thanks for your input, but I’d like something more than just “I believe,” as anything could’ve caused the dissuation of the attempt to get into the tower after the bridge was down.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Question about (Color)Lake capturing!

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


So, I know that it’s kind of stupid to give away my awesome idea, but I also at the same time need to know the answer, and was curious if anyone knew the answer. Just to be clear, the area we are discussing is located in any one of the 3 main borderlands (not Eternal Battlegrounds).

The question is: can you destroy the bridge with a catapult from the outside of (Color)Lake, then slip through a crack in the wall as a result of the destruction, as a means of capturing (Color)Lake as stealthy and quickly as possible?

Another side question is: does the bridge scale in damage reduction via the wall upgrades, or no?

I hope to receive as accurate of an answer as possible! Thanks!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

8/16 DR/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Was fun this week ET/DR! But inevitably, FC came out on top!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

The Wallet! New fixes, new problems!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


First off, I love the idea and concept behind the wallet, but releasing something with changes, without seeking approval from the players, is automatically a mistake.

Secondly, the wallet was designed to improve currency organization, not screw up currency organization.

So, with this, I’d like to point out a major issue that has brought with this new “Wallet” feature in place: Banking of money has been discontinued! Why!??!?!

In real life, we have a wallet (or two), a checking account, and a savings account. Now, if everything was perfect, we would only need one combination of all 3! But everything is not perfect.

The reason that people have a savings account, is to force themselves to save money. If you have 50 dollars in your wallet, you can spend that in as little as an hour by just buying “little things.” It’s extremely hard when you see that candy bar that you can buy your kid for a dollar, then you see a new phone charger to replace your half-broken one (that still works) for only 5 bucks! Then, you see a new burger at McDonalds for only $2.19! Then, you see a bottle of perfume on sale for only 15 bucks, when its usual price is 60 bucks – and you think, why not get a gift that beautiful girlfriend of yours?

Continue at this pace, and you’ll end up looking into your wallet, and seeing: nothing. No more money left. Spending money is easy. Saving is hard. Saving is hard due to the temptations provided in life.

Now, replace those dollar signs with gold coins in-game, and you have the exact same scenario. This is a huge concern with this new: “wallet” feature. I understand organizing the currencies into a single place for security and ease-of-mind, but I do not understand why there was a need to remove the ability to deposit money into the bank! That bank of ours, is our savings account. You just removed our savings account, now we’re going to spend, spend, spend!!!! With little control over ourselves!

Please, re-add the bank account ability to deposit and withdraw money! Give us our savings account back!!! Please!!!!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Equipping a Farming Equipment In Combat!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Tell me something Arenanet, what is so wrong with equipping a Sickle, Mining Pick, or Logging Axe while in combat!? I mean, seriously, all I’m doing is trying to herb/mine/chop trees in WvW and here I run out of “equipped” sickles ankitten ot allowed to equip another one, and then I die and am unable to gather that omnomberry due to an 11-NSP pile up.

My suggestion? Change this, please! Allow equipping of farming equipment during combat!!!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

AFK'ers on Siege - Needs to Stop!

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Arenanet needs to add a system that automatically kicks off a player from a Siege equipment that has been setup after 3min of inactivity on that siege equipment! Heck, I’m sure that some players would even suggest a lower time frame for kicking people off of a siege equipment!

Arguments? The owner of a built siege equipment can kick a player off of their siege; however, the exception to this are for the much, much more crucial siege, such as, Cannons, Mortars, Burning Oils, and Golems! There’s currently no possible way to remove someone from the siege equipment, unless they end up going afk from the 15min of inactivity in WvW.

Another option for removing people from siege that cannot be kicked by the owner, is to add a voting system in place. Someone could go up to a siege equipment, select the player on that siege equipment, then right-click their portrait and select “Vote to kick off.” After 5 votes of “yes” to remove them, then they are kicked off and banned from the use of siege equipment for a time frame of 3min. 3min is not too long, but not short enough so that it wouldn’t make a difference. It’s also a good time frame to prevent bullying from occurring on a wider scale.

The only reason that I suggest the voting option is because people complain about “noobs” manning siege equipment and doing a very lousy job at it. However, the downside to this is that there is no current system in place to tally how good someone is at using that siege equipment. For example, if there a rating system in place for use of a siege equipment, by tallying the number of kills, damage done, interrupts occurring, and successful achievement completions of defending the tower/keep/camp/castle while using the siege equipment. It could significantly help zergs, parties, squads, commanders, other players, etc. track who is best at a siege equipment use.

If someone is Rank 1, but has a rating of 10 stars out of 10 for use with Cannons, then they will be privileged by local players to use that cannon to have “their backs,” meanwhile giving the Rank 1 player WXP to help them rank up easier. It’s a win-win!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Unfair Dolyak Escorting

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


First off, I’d like to point out a fatal flaw in the current system of tracking a “completed” dolyak escort task. Currently, it will only provide completion effort if the dolyak travels all the way to a keep or castle, but if the team that owns a camp does not have that keep or castle, and someone escorts/protects the dolyak to each tower (the half-way point), then those people are NOT given any achievement completion for completing that tasks. Last night, I escorted over 60 dolyaks to Quentin Lake Tower and received 0 achievement completions as a result; however, my team did not own the Castle; thus, for some reason, Anet does not consider this to be enough for an achievement completion.

Secondly, there are no rewards!!! Sure, a title when you escort enough of them (and mind you, escort them all of the way to the castle/keep), but when you complete the achievement for escorting them – you no money, no karma, no experience, and barely even a pat on the back!!! Really!?!?! I could spend 30min running around and killing Sentries and make 10 times more rewards than I would spending 4 hrs escorting dolyaks. The only rewards given is 10 WXP per mob killed that had been intended to destroy or stall a caravan.

Third, on top of the fact that nothing is given for those dedicated few that wish to escort dolyaks, there’s the fact that when a zerg passes through a friendly dolyak and accidentally (or purposefully) gives them a speed boost – they are given a bronze achievement reward for completing that task. Should a single speed boost per player really count as an entire achievement being accomplished!? That’s like saying that someone who runs the entire 1-mile track is no different than the person who ran only 3 feet of that track. It’s unfair and needs to change.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Delete topic please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Well, I’m a huge fan of people escorting dolyaks or scouting out for zergs, because these are crucial yet unrewarding tasks for any battleground in WvW. Yet, despite the fact that these tasks are absolutely crucial to winning, they are given very few – if any rewards at all. So, any time someone supports giving these people rewards, then I will support them.

As to your idea on dolyak slapping and possible stealth with a long CD, I think those are great ideas that would add a significant value to allowing Anet to easily track users that actually escort the caravans. For example, a single slap to the dolyak would result in 0 reward. However, 3 slaps would result in a bronze reward. 9 slaps would result in a silver reward, and 15 slaps would result in a gold reward. It’ll help distinguish players that are passing by and giving random speed boosts to the dolyak by accident; yet, they accomplish the achievement for it. Although, to limit this, you would have to force the dolyaks to deny any acceptance of Speed Boosts from player abilities – it’ll create a much more balanced gameplay.

I dislike the fact that the dolyak abilities would have to research into a guild research for it; however, I would like the idea of additional options provided by guild research into wvw abilities. For example, “Dolyak Slap” would be freely given to all players in WvW, but “Sneaky Dolyak” which would provided 5 sec of stealth with a 40 sec CD would need to be researched first.

As for scouting, why not create an additional option in the Ranks and Abilities menu? For example, you could have an option to choose your role to play in a group/party of 5 people or in a squad of up to 30 people. The obvious option would be given to Commanders of: Leader; however, you’d only be able to have one leakitten er squad (doh). Next options would be Officers or 2nd in Command – which would require at least Rank 30. Another option could be: Scout, which would only require Rank 1, and you could only have 5 official Scouts per squad.

This would provide a much easier way to allow Anet to track actual effort and provide rewards on this effort.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Feedback: Mobile Two-Factor Authentication

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


There’s no option for Blackberry, please, make one!!!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

WvW Balancing / More Fairness / More Fun!!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Hello, I currently reside in the server called: Ferguson’s Crossing. It’s a PVE Realm that a lot of my friends play on, but where it has great PVE, it severely lacks in PVP / WvW. We are NEVER winning in WvW – nor is Eradon Terrace (our competition server). The server that ALWAYS wins is: Sorrow’s Furnace. They are very PvP orientated and they will never back down from a challenge, and they have extreme organization and 10 times more commanders than we do.

Also, we’re almost always outnumbered and we get that stupid and useless buff that really doesn’t do anything for us.

Thus, I have a proposition that popped into my head today when I noticed just how badly we were getting our butts kicked (again, and again) and how Eradon Terrace has 2 control points total in Eternal Battlegrounds. My proposition is to allow the losing two servers to join-up in a temporary alliance to help each other out in taking down the third server in WvW Eternal Battlegrounds.

What is theirs is our, and what is ours is theirs – including Waypoints!! Think about it, how much easier and fair would it be if we did a temporary team-up to take down Sorrow’s Furnace? Sure, one could argue it would be unfair for Sorrow’s Furnace, but they don’t beat us by 5-10k, no, they beat us by 70k-200k PER WEEK!!!! So, maybe when the strongest team is in the lead by 50k points, this temporary alliance can occur.

The temporary alliance would end when one of our teams surpasses the third opposing team by 50k points and/or when the weekly reset occurs.

Feel free to weigh-in on this idea, because I feel that this really, really needs to be added in. It’s been 4 weeks that I’ve been doing WvW on my server, and all 4 of those weeks we have lost (Eradon Terrace almost always falls behind us).

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Name: Anthony
Main Character: Draectari – Level 48 Sylvari Gaurdian
Current Server: Fergusson’s Crossing
Interested Activities: Jumping puzzles, discovering maps, doing achievements, exploring the world and farming while doing so, looking for a girl to hang out with in-game (and maybe do more things!), helping gain influence for my guild, and the occasional dungeon when I feel up to it.
Active: Approx. 12pm – 6pm, sometimes later, sometimes earlier (I has sleep disorder, so it varies much).
Additional Comments: I live in Florida, USA, I only speak one language – English, I am 20 years old, I have no job in real-life, no life in real-life, and I rarely am off of the computer. I am very shy, and relatively new to Guild Wars 2. I would like a girl to chat with while leveling, doing jumping puzzles, etc. I am still searching for that special someone, but due to past experience I am fearful of attempting to do so in real-life. If you ever wanna chat, hit me up in-game. I will not be joining the guild, as I have no freakin clue how (went to the website, still clueless), and if I even remotely do join it, I do not intend to represent it.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Is there a way to make leveling entertaining?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


I’m surprised no one said this, but, everything is better with a female (or male) companion!! Find someone in real-life or in-game to do quests with, explore, farm, craft, etc. If you don’t like exploring, then do Jumping Puzzles or farm Achievements – they give you influence, hefty chests filled with nice items, and lots of gold/karma reward – with special rewards, as well!

This game is about adventure, not hardcore grinding. You just have to find what type of adventure intrigues you the most. Maybe you could find an RP group/guild that likes to farm during the RP – you would gain exp and entertainment in the process.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Graphics - More Performance Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Bear in mind it’s not just graphics rendering that impacts frame rates. All the events taking place within the game take CPU cycles to compute and if your CPU isn’t up to scratch, then lowering graphics settings will likely have little impact. There’s a good chance that your CPU is the bottleneck.

When I first played GW2 I had an Intel Core 2 Q6600 and a NVidia Geforce 560 Ti. I was using medium settings and getting poor frame rates (< 30 fps). I was a bit disappointed seeing as other modern games (e.g. CoD:MW3) played very well on my system. I recently upgraded my MB/memory/CPU to include an Intel Core i7 3770K while sticking with the 560 Ti. I got a massive boost in the performance. This goes to show how CPU intensive GW2 is. Allowing for even lower graphical setting will probably have little if any impact for you.

It’s not my CPU, when I play GW2 I always set the CPU setting to deem GW2 as High priority over other programs, and it only uses 40% of my CPU.

Also, for those trying to give me advice, thanks, but no thanks. I’m like 3 steps ahead of you. I’ve been playing MMOs for a long time now (8 years) and I know just about every trick in the book – including Leatrix Latency Fix (which runs a script on your computer to reduce latency lag between the game server and your computer). However, I did not know of Game Booster, so thank you for that (to the person who told me of it).

Here are my specs that I’m currently running at for the game:

Windows XP 32-bit
Nvidia GeForce 7300 LE 64mb (latest Driver Update is 306.81 WHQL)
4GB Dual-Channel DDR2 RAM (but only 3.6GB is read-able due to 32-bit)
Intel Core2 Duo E6400 @ 2.13GHz
Leatrix Latency Fix 3.00

I use CCleaner and Defraggler daily to keep my computer running as fast as possible (typically 100mb/s random read-write speed).

I’m running the game at:
Bottom low graphics
Enabled Vertical Sync to increase Stable FPS by 1
Windowed Mode – Shrank a bit

Good News:

I did some more research in the past few weeks and found out that the Nvidia GeForce 7600 GT is the mid-high ranged card of the 7 series. I sent messages to sellers on Ebay and they all confirm the size, so it should fit! It should double and possibly triple my current graphics performance, so we’ll see how things go when it arrives. Hopefully, it’ll boost me to at least 20-30 FPS in-game.

Also, running Game Booster and checking as many things as I could (except important things like MBAM, MSE, etc.) I was able to acquire 1 more FPS Stable while in-game! Woot!

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

(edited by Deathdealers.2108)

Graphics - More Performance Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


I’m running 40-60 fps in “NORMAL” conditions (city, spvp, dungeons).

In WvW during zerg fights the fps drops to below 15, and stays in that range no matter how high or low I set my settings.

This game NEEDS more graphical options, ESPECIALLY on spell effects, looks to me like that is the main fps leak.

Just fyi, I’m running a rig that can still be considered good enough to power latest games: i3-2100, 8GB RAM, HD 5770.

Sounds like you’re running a laptop, but a nice one nonetheless. But, yes, it does need more graphical options and apparently WvW hasn’t been perfected in terms of performance – at 15 FPS you could easily be killed before your computer is able to react to the keyboard buttons that you’ve pressed. Anybody knows that in PvP combat and PvE dungeon combat (hardcore mode games) can be severely ruined in your attempts at success just from a little bit of lag – and even worse if your game freezes due to an extremely heavy load in-take. If you’re able to run at 40-60FPS Normal (and I assume that’s not Vertically synced due to the 20 FPS range, either that or 60 FPS is when doing nothing and 40 FPS is when fighting enemies), then imagine if someone was running at approx. 20 FPS Stable and then decided to join WvW – that’s a near guaranteed freeze of the game system due to heavy load in-take.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

Graphics - More Performance Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


I would prefer more image quality options. GW2 already performs well.

You consider 8FPS Stable to be “doing well”??? Heck, my computer is slightly upscaled than the average basic user’s computer, and mine is still doing crappy in terms of performance.

On World of Warcraft, I get 45 FPS Stable. On Entropia Universe, I get 20 FPS Stable. On here I get 8 FPS Stable. Now, I realize that that’s due to the heavy graphics detail that is on my crappy Graphics Card, but if they enabled the ability to tone down that heavy graphic load, then it would make it much easier for my Graphics Card to run GW2.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

(edited by Deathdealers.2108)

Graphics - More Performance Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deathdealers.2108


Hi, I have one of the crappiest graphics cards and a Micro ATX motherboard in my computer that causes problems when I want to upgrade my graphics card. So, I’m sitting at 8 FPS stable (on a good day, not in a city) and 5 FPS stable in a city when I play. I have ALL the graphics options turned to bottom low, but I noticed there is soooooooooooooooooooooooo much more that could be turned down for those players on the bare basic computers that over 70% of the population of U.S.A. owns in their personal household. I have done, literally, everything that I can possibly do to improve the performance, and 8 FPS stable is the max I can push it to – and that’s overclocking my Graphics Card!

Here are my suggestions to add the ability to increase or decrease the way particular things in the game may appear:

1) Characters and NPCs. I play a game on and off called “Entropia Universe,” and this game allows you to reduce the way you view a character or an NPC all the way down to a freakin CLAY MOLD – no joke. That Clay Mold alone buys me 5 FPS on Entropia Universe.

2) I also used to play World of Warcraft for 5 years straight before quitting before Cataclysm release. World of Warcraft allows you to knock down soooooo many more graphical items. Such as, character spell effects – what do you need to see these for if you can’t even run away from the boss’s spell effect? Sure, you need to see the boss’s spell effect, but you don’t need to see your own. All you need to know is that it’s going to hit the boss and do some damage, or it’s going to heal your allies. Another example is that W.o.W. allows you to turn off certain effects made by the environment around you – such as, water and splash effects, leaves blowing, etc.

3) On top of this, W.o.W. also allows you to turn off Sound Quality effects, music reverb, music loop, etc. Sound quality and performance can go a long way to increasing your performance – I tried turning “off” my music and sound effects, but there’s no button for it. Sure, I can turn it all the way down, but after 5min I saw 0 FPS increase or decrease. It should have a box at the top of the Sound menu to be a main override switch – that way upon clicking it, it’ll shut off ALL possible sound effects, with minor exceptions.

All in all, it is in my honest opinion, that you can increase your amount of players by giving the ability to decrease your game farther than it currently is capable of. Plus, I’ve read some articles on here suggesting to increase the Graphics Detail – so, why not add another layer of performance options and another layer of quality options. Both would provide higher satisfactions to your customers – those with a beastly computer capable of handling almost anything, and those with a bare basic computer, barely capable of sustaining a straight path when running in the game.

I love Dragons!!! :D

[Quote]Life may not be fair, but at least we can make games fair.[/QUOTE]

(edited by Deathdealers.2108)