I have to say I’ve been playing an engi since launch and I absolutely hate this class. Literally it’s like playing an orchestra on my keyboard having to juggle a minimum of 3 kits. It’s absolutely frustrating and just not fun. I took a break from this game for a bit. Almost a whole year—however I came back hoping that my lvl 80 engi got a rework. Making the class easier to play. NOPE.
I just don’t understand the purpose of this class. We’re kind-of-tanky. We’ve also have to jump between 4 toolbelt abilities, 1 reg wep set, 2 full kit sets, and an escape. I should point out I mainly do WvW. It’s mind-boggling when I play my Warrior how the comparison is—it’s outrageous. The class is just too hard to play. Honestly if this was a viable class there’d be more engis running around. There aren’t, and there’s a reason for that. The reason is L2P just so you can be almost pretty good
I think that in order to make this class work better some minor things can be done to enhance play specifically for WvW. I think honestly there should be some need for Flamethrower in WvW. Almost all builds are built around conditions, and they rotate between Nade/Bomb—Bomb/Engi/Boots. Flamethrower seems so great for WvW because of the Jugg trait, but it’s useless. I’d say add a bigger toughness bonus, or replace the flame wall for a jump.
I just think that accepting the status-quo on this class will only harm it further. I pray for a rework, and hopefully the normalization of this class. Until then I’ll be playing a Warrior/Thief in WvW because they excel in both Zerg and Roaming and are much more forgiving and effective at what they are designed to do.
I have to say I think you are totally wrong about this one. I think engi is relatively easy to understand and trait for. I think using all of the skills are intuitive. I am never frustrated when I play engi or feel like it is a chore and not fun.
I love that whenever I play that I am bouncing around kits, spraying fire everywhere, launching foes with bombs, flying around with rocket boots, dropping freight on peopls faces, smacking kneecaps with crowbars, pew-pew ing my way with pistols, etc, etc, etc, etc.
Because I am keeping track of so many different things I feel like i have tons of options for every situation and there are so many build combos. Whenever I switch to another class like guardian or thief or warrior I am bored to tears. So boring. They are good, but so 1-dimensional in design imo. They will never have the same level of fun that I experience with the engineer.
Is the skill cap higher than other classes? Yes, compared to some. Do you have to mash some more buttons? Yes. Is it way more fun ??! YES !!
You state that Engi doesn’t have utility in solo-roam or the zerg. As far as the zerg is concerned i definitely think you are wrong here. You can support your allies in so many ways as an engi in the zerg. You can also put out serious damage if you are protected by the zerg and thus afford a high damage build.
As for the solo-roam, your right engi isn’t as good as thief or warrior…. but alot of other classes aren’t either. If the solo roam is what you like to do, then it sounds to me that you are trying to force a round peg into a square hole—hence your frustration. So I agree, don’t play an engi.
Engi can solo roam tho, You just have to change it up and run a really defensive type of build, But it can work, you can reset for days just like thieves too, so its pretty easy to get away if it isnt going your way.