Showing Posts For Doll Mistress.9267:
I have to agree with the OP. Being outnumbered and dying over and over and getting nothing for it SUCKS. You can’t outmaneuver a zerg big enough to split into two groups of 20 when you have 10 ppl...especially when another zerg shows up of the same size from a different server. That’s what’s been happening on the server I’m on. It sucks!
DH and DB are two very different servers with two very different play styles. it has become tedious, and no longer beneficial to either server. People are being trolled and ignored.
The pairing has soured to the point that many of us have decreased our game play and some are looking for new games.
As for myself, the majority of my game play is WVW, and even the new pip system doesn’t make me want to play much. I’m tired of our small group being wiped over and over by 2 huge zergs working together while we have a max of 20 ppl on a map.
Please FIX this ASAP!
It’s been a long running joke that Anet hates DH....and that wvw is Anet’s kitten doesn’t feel like a joke anymore...enough is enough.
It’s not fun, and pips are not worth it.
Get rid of awful server system and make a game that has active team balancing?
They could replace the outnumbered buff with something that prevents outnumbering to begin with…
The only server I dread getting linked to is DH because they are non-existent at night.
Just start winning and they will all show up… NSPPT did it and it took them all the way to T2 in the past link. We don’t call it FairweatherHaven for nothing.
You’re not wrong…but…it’s rather impossible as-is. :/
In a competitive mode, people can only take losing for so long.
My point exactly!
When you have people that MAINLY or ONLY did WVW now mapping for the first time in 4 years, something is definitely WRONG! When you have the persons who normally defended and sieged our home BL for 4 years now playing other games primarily...something is definitely wrong!
As for it being the fault of the server...people tend to want to go where they have some chance to win....and have tried to take the DH loyalists with them in most instances, but, there are a few holdouts who are still too stubborn to leave. Most guilds are not server loyal anymore and have not been for a long while. I can’t blame them....who wants to lose all the time when you can get paid to go to a winning server? Why would they stay? Where’s the incentive?
Namer, most of the people who originally complained have already left. The biggest migration off the server came when we were paired in a couple of impossible matchup because of Anet’s faulty population logic. How they thought DH could fight 7 other servers with only a small server helping it is beyond me.
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
Monetizing “hate” just seems like a good idea in a fighting game. Lots of ways to exploit it though…
People would end up quitting the game entirely too.
1. More new maps that are less intricate then the desert borderlands, but still hold there own unique flavor (beach maps, swamp maps, plains of ashford maps, forest maps, there is a lot of potential for map expansion that would add some unique map rotations)
2. New siege: siege tower (moves real slow, extremely vulnerable to trebs, catas, and mortars), constructable walls (lower health then gates, can be pvd’d, though it’s not exceptionally fast. Die fast to siege), barb wire, asuran cannons (in between trebuchet and catapult, can only hit one wall, damage of a super cata with the Same speed, can kill siege and enemy players well too, requires target like a bali)
3. Add a third set of gates on SMC and move lord to the third floor. Make the vertical aspect of SMC more dynamic and add gates at the end of the inner corridors to make defense easier on inner.
...and stop mesmers from being able to blink into areas they shouldn’ through ceilings and walls.
...make hiding a thing again.
...someone else mentioned balancing the servers. I agree and have been mentioning a way to do that. Instead of the nearly useless outnumbered buff, change it to disallow more players from entering until the numbers are more even.
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
I’ve been on Darkhaven since Anet started charging to transfer servers. I’ve seen a lot of changes that contributed to the eventual death of the server. Yes I will be as bold as to say death because at the highest estimate, after talking to many people, I can only come up with about 15-20 names who play regularly(excluding EOTM, and reset night). The running ‘joke’, usually before a guild transfers off DH, is that Anet hates DH.
Pairings have not worked out well because 2 servers often have different ideas as to what they like to do, and where. There are also personality conflicts…after all, these people are former enemies, and there are different “general rules of conduct & maturity levels” on each.
For instance, our current pairing prefers to focus on EB and SM, leaving handfuls of us to play in our own bl and try to defend against blobs of 20+. They usually help when called, but, it is often too late, because the other servers have bigger blobs. Previous matchups left DH with servers refusing to play with them because of personality conflicts and unresolved grudges.
WVW has gone consistently downhill(on some servers) since the mega-servers were created. It was great for pve, but, a death knell for some in wvw. We were left with the inability to communicate as a server, and server pride quickly became a thing of the past. The ability to transfer easily, and often to winning servers put the nail in the coffin. There is no reason to be dedicated to a single server if you can just go win somewhere else.
IMHO, wvw needs to be completely redone. I doubt that even guild alliances could fix it at this point because so many on some servers have left. Who wants to be paired with a tiny guild that once was huge….and what close knit guild(or server) wants to be told what to do by another?
Awhile ago, there was a topic about what could be done, yet, I’ve seen no update about what will be done. People are starting to quit the game entirely….so, I’m asking..
Is there anything we can look forward to? Is there going to be an overhaul? Any suggestions?
It’s not just wvw, it’s pve maps as well, and happening at the same time as wvw.
Anet, I believe you are taking a wrong approach. This is a band aid on a gaping wound. Instead of getting balanced mathcups by lowering server population caps you should be focusing on bringing in NEW players into wvw to fill up the smaller server.
How to do this? One very very simple answer, wvw only legendary backpiece and more unique wvw only skins.
Personally, I don’t think wvw only skins will ahve enough "oomph" to get many new players in, but a long grinded wvw only backpiece will.
This person may on to something. It’s a good place to start at the very least.
I am on a server which is considered higher population, but, we have few people who actually wvw regularly or work together in large groups for long periods(We do have many that turn out for reset and dailies). As soon as we stopped having "server only" places, I noticed our server’s participation in wvw begin to decline. We have had many people and guilds come and go. Those who are left are mainly the diehards who run around in groups of 3-5.
Along with the above suggestion, we need "Server Chat", and a something for small groups to embark on in wvw. Something involving strategy would be fantastic for those who don’t want to blob everything all the time.
We also need another way to "balance the maps". My suggestion for this would be that instead of the "outnumbered buff", that you close the map to the side of those outnumbering, and send them to another wvw map of their choice. Otherwise, make the outnumber buff something that can truly help those who are outnumbered.
What I would like most of all is for you to fix what is broken in wvw. Mesmers should not be able to "Blink" up to the 3rd floor of Stonemist, or for that matter, through any floor or wall...especially those that normally require siege to enter. Thieves should not be able to kill and stomp without ever being seen.
My final suggestion is probably not going to win me any friends. I would suggest to open a few more servers(maybe about half of what we currently have), and have transfers free for 1 or 2 or months. After that time, only allow people to transfer up to 3 times yearly, have it cost more each time(reset annually), and do not allow the person to participate in wvw for a period of time after transfer or before lvl 70.
If you have a yearly wvw celebration/competition/tournament, and if it includes free transfers for a week(beforehand), as well as unique items/incentives/prizes, it could drive up interest in wvw, and give us something to use our leftover WvW Claim Tickets on.
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
I am very disappointed to see that the ToT bags/seasonal items replaced a regular item instead of being something additional during celebrations. We already get useless Tomes of Knowledge.
At this point, I can’t justify spending cash on chests with this additional chance of getting another abundantly dropped item.
I would be more apt to buy keys when additional items are offered or when they are on sale.
I’d like to see added to the bank(or wallet):
doubloons, jorbreakers, silky sand, mystic crystals, icy runestones, philosophers stones, petrified wood, amalgamated gemstones, baubles, bauble bubbles, blood rubies, chak eggs, tenebrous crystals, vision crystals(both kinds), all basic scribing materials, reclaimed metal plates, and all "new currencies" that have come with HoT.
I’d like to see added to the wallet:
BL claim tickets and scraps, all manner of keys, passes, entrance tickets, and circus vouchers.
One last thing...please please please stop giving us so many tomes of knowledge...especially in BL chests, give us somewhere to store them, and/or give us something good to do with them. Also, we need something to use the Experience scrolls on...there’s no way I’m making 30 characters to level to 80...
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
Honestly, they weren’t… In the first week of the links we had 2-3maps queued on reset and we would had EBG queued constantly during pirmetime. But as the match goes on, people leave out of boredon. Fighting CD omniblobs at every corner gets old quick. Hell I bet even CD is bored at this point since there is barely anyone to fight anymore. Sometimes I just log in wvw for a few minutes to do my dailies and if there isn’t enough guildies to form a good party, I don’t even bother in keep playing it. I’ve made a lot of PvE progress thanks to that.
I see it a bit differently, but, the result is the same…even the diehards have all but given up now. Few of us wvw regularly anymore. No longer is skill a factor, it’s just blob vs. blob…except DH doesn’t have much of a blob anymore.
It’s not enjoyable to play 7 servers vs 2. It’s no fun to be spawn camped. It’s ridiculous to have servers that greatly outnumber us using siege to defend camps in the bl. 15 vs 4 shouldn’t need siege. Nobody wants to just die over and over.
I don’t know what the answer is, but, the pairing has definitely not worked out for DH or CD. Perhaps it’s time to rethink the whole process.
How about ditching the outnumbered buff and having the BL’s queue for the team who is that much of a percentage higher instead? Then people would have to fight based on skill, not blobability.
Something should be done...the refresh is far too long.
On the upside, at least we get a headsup that an attack is incoming when that happens.
I think it’s important to see exactly which server a person is from. So many people are transferring back and forth now that it’s nearly impossible to tell by a guild name alone. It would be great to be able to give credit to certain servers for their effort at any particular time.
I don’t think it’s fair to a smaller server to lose their identity to the larger server, and can cause conflict and hard feelings. People like to have server identity. They shouldn’t have to lose it because they are small.
I agree with those who say to use a shortened acronym of 2 or 3 letters for the server.
As for rank, How about making it appear like a title only when you click the person? Another option might be to shut off seeing rank, like we shut off seeing names...
- Less to load unless you want to see it.
Last night was about the worst wvw experience I’ve had since the first week of launch.
Skills were not going off, players were not moving or loading, skills and siege were not hitting players, I can see player names through walls in some areas, and my character felt like she was running through jello even though I had a speed buff and travelers runes.
After last night’s patch, some siege I had thrown and refreshed was no longer there, and it wasn’t anything that could have been accessed from the outside. Also the Garrison Keep Lord suddenly had RI even though it was a fully upgraded keep.(Darkhaven Borderland)
I usually play wvw on the lowest settings to avoid lag.
I’m on Mag and we spawn killed your server to 2 weeks before the server mergers.
Spawn camping…that speaks volumes about one’s character…
People from enemy servers have been pulling tactivators just prior to’s actually helpful because it lets us know where the next attack will be.
Yeah we’re getting ktrained last couple weeks. All fun and games until you’re trying to defend your corner with 5 v 50+. When queues are up we at least get some decent fights as things are relatively even.
Ktraining and back capping is boring. It’s never ending and ultimately useless. Will wait in queue for good fights (if we ever see queues again on our server pair).
I’m seeing that on my server as well, with other servers talking about 200 person queue’s. The server that got paired with ours refused to cooperate with us, and I guess some on our server did the same(before they left). There are rarely any queues, and we get to defend against 40 man zergs. We’re always outnumbered, and small groups are useless. This has not worked out well.
Our primary motivation for avoiding running another tournament, is that at the end of every tournament we saw a permanent dip in the number of players playing WvW. Presumably this was due to players burning themselves out during the tournament.
However, we can still run a poll to see if the majority of the community wants another 4 week tournament, even if it might be bad for the long term WvW population numbers. Though even if ‘running another tournament’ won the poll, we’d probably hold off until we get the scoring updates in.
I really hope you do hold anotehr tourney…would like to be able to get a weapon….can’t get one unless you have another….don’t have enough to turn in.
10 PM...too late to "start" doing east coast players have to choose between sleep and playing a game...gee thanks.
Plus, it puts servers with a high east coast population at a disadvantage...
If you had it waypointed there is a bug that enemy teams can sometimes use the waypoint.
That may explain it!
Sweep after recap in search for mesmers?
Check the watter, there is some places where u can even hide golems underwater.
If i recall there was a spot where a player could clip a bit on top of norh wall near the montain, but i think it was fixed long time ago.advice prepare frap to record the happening if cought on tape, PM or send info to Anet not on the forum.
Yesterday, it had not flipped since the night before…as far as I know….I had been on for 6 hours with no wall or gate breaches.
A particular server has gained entrance to Bay, and then captured it…without any walls or gates being opened.
I saw it firsthand last night, and just now am on TS with someone who mentioned it happening as we spoke. It was the same server each time.
What’s going on?
It’s downloading extremely slowly, then stops. I have tried several times.
Is this happening to anyone else?
I play mainly wvw when I’m not in LA. I usually ONLY do the wvw dailies. There are several people in my guild who also play similarly, and many on my friend list who do the same.
That is " coverage wars" issues not a 2 v 1 issue. The issue is a server that only has 8 people to defend should not be fighting servers that have 30 on the other teams. They need to resolve coverage wars by not having too many servers open or unlinking wvw from servers all together. They have done nothing at all to help resolve the coverage wars issues as holding people hostage into low pop servers does not suddenly give them 24/7 coverage and battles, it just ensures you have more unhappy players.
They need to once and for all solve coverage wars instead of breaking it worse to solve that issue.
I agree somewhat. The “coverage wars” issue is made far worse by servers that 2 vs 1. Coverage wars is why many gripe about the short length of time on siege timers….they don’t even allow the person refreshing siege to break for a bite to eat. However, that is only part of my gripe.
I’m on a mid ranked server. I have seen teaming of servers that lasts for match after match almost endlessly. It gets old fast. When your numbers are low, even if a server has better skilled players, the sheer blob wipes them in a few seconds. The mid-ranked wvw servers have this problem frequently.
That’s why I’ve asked for a percentage balance in one of my posts. If a server can only be outnumbered by a certain percent, then fights would be more based on skill rather than blob.
I also believe that server transfers should be limited to only twice per year, although I think they should be free or much cheaper for at least a week or two so a player can better find a home.
I actually love it when they 2 v 1 us and love it even more when a Anet Dev is on one of the teams doing it at the time. LOL
That is hands down the best gameplay as far as I am concerned. When we are outnumbered, all walls down no siege fighting for hours in lords. If you fight and win all the better, you earned it. If you fight and lose, you should have fought better and learn from your mistakes to make sure it doesn’t happen next time.I want them double teaming us in our keeps, otherwise we would be bored. That is the purpose of the 3 way fights.
Yeah because 8 people defending against 50-60 is loads of fun. SMH (There have been countless times like that on my server during the time of day I play)
If it were balanced fights, I’d agree that it can be fun, but, I’m not talking about balanced fights.
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
why would u want to bandwagon the tops.
still dont understand the tiers 6/5/4/3 are far better then t2/t1 even tho my server got bumped to t2 this week
Some people have friends on the top 3 servers and have even tried to make a second account so they can play with their friends on those servers in wvw and see how things are done...just an doesn’t work that way either.
Added: It would be great if new accounts got a 2 week free transfer period and were able to play in wvw to see if they like it, instead of having to choose a server blindly....but then we’d have hosts of enemies mucking things up....
What about letting them play for a limited amount of time in wvw each day just to get a feel for it before choosing a permanent server? Perhaps an hour a day, to reduce the chances of possible damage to an enemy server?
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
They need a campaign system with a guesting system, like ESO has. Basically you would have a server, but if your server is full you can guest on a server of the same alliance with a loot penalty and lack of reward, just for fights. You can only guest on 1 server per week. (so you have a guest server and a home server)
The only reason EotM is a useless Karma train is because they have removed it from the PPT score and made the walls non-upgradable.
In a perfect world, that might work....but, this isn’t a perfect world. We’ve had guesting before, and enemies would guest to other servers on their accounts to gain information, and generally muck things up...throwing troll siege, wasting supplies, destroying golems....much like they do with cheap alt accounts now.
What would be helpful is a system which only allows a percentage maximum overage of players instead of the outnumbered buff. Outnumbered only works if you have enough players on to actually fight. If a server only has 20-30 players across all borderlands at a given time, they cannot possibly fight and win against two 20+ man zergs on each map. We need a better balanced system.
Added: We also need a system which discourages any 2 servers to work together against another. It ruins morale to have 2 servers focusing one, and does cause hardcore wvw’ers to leave the game both short and long term....this is not good for the balance of the game or Anet’s pocketbook.
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
I’m glad to hear of these upcoming changes!
Another thing that would be helpful is a chat or areas that is for our server only. It is extremely difficult to contact people that are not on your friend’s list, to recruit help in wvw, and a person simply cannot be friends with the entire server. This would also help encourage new players to enter wvw with people from their own server.
Any updates on rewards for defending, building siege, siege refresh rates, etc? I personally wouldn’t be opposed to having another tier of siege which was more expensive, but, lasted 6 hours without refreshing. 1 hour is fine for the basice siege, but, superior should last longer. Some of us are chronically broke defending.
I remember all that you mentioned, plus a working Hall Of Monuments, when released and re-released weapon skins that only cost 1 ticket to buy, when the cake gun gave your own character a buff when you consumed the cake, and so much more....I even remember being able to recruit from your own server for wvw because the only people that could see chat were those from your own server. Gee it would be nice if we could have at least one town, or even a chat option that was JUST for our home server.
I remember when playing GW1 we heard about people being banned for hacking or even chat that wasn’t appropriate.... in front of a great display of power....
Sad to have these things gone.
While the Itzel event change was a lot of fun from a gameplay perspective, I found the story rather disturbing, to the point I actually had to give up part way through because I couldn’t really stomach continuing.
So basically there’s another tribe of Hylek trying to convince the Itzel to change to a new religion. Now maybe there’s some context which would explain why this is apparently causing the Pact to have a royal freak out, but it certainly isn’t being presented in the game. In the game we’re running around launching unprovoked attacks of people merely for talking about the "wrong" religion, culminating in us desecrating a church and assassinating a religious figure in the middle of their worship services like The Pact’s suddenly turned into the Tyrian version of ISIL.
So... what’s up with that?
The more I hear, the less I want to play the new content. We have enough people in game insulting others over religious beliefs...we don’t need more reason for it to happen.
(edited by Doll Mistress.9267)
I certainly hope it’s not going to be all doom and gloom as many have said, and that there will be many moments of light put into this release. Many people play this game to escape the doom and gloom of their reality. I hope Anet will keep this in mind.
I think he means as in if you type “lfg SFR people for wvw raid tonight” in map chat in SW people from all servers will see that. He wants that only people from his server on that map would see it.
Yes, exactly. I’d like to have a chat option that only people on my Home server can see. Megaservers took away our ability to speak only to people on our server. If we need help in our borderland, we cannot communicate this at all without alerting our enemies. This is a huge disadvantage to servers which need to recruit person to play wvw.
Another idea would be to make one of the cities(such as Lion’s Arch), a Home server only area.
I’m looking forward to the upcoming changes to wvw, however, it is nearly impossible to recruit people to play in your server’s wvw w/o letting the “enemy servers” know what’s going on. If we had a “server chat” option, we could recruit people to come have fun in wvw, announce wvw events, or yell for help.
Please enable us to better communicate on our servers.
Couldn’t Anet make it so you can only drop rams in a “X” radius of gates in the first place? other siege would be harder but at least other siege wouldn’t be completely useless
As has been said countless times before, flame rams have other uses than just smacking gates. If you want to limit how players use siege, then just do like siegerazer, smack a tower, ring pops up, you wait to ‘cap’ the ring and then siege appears, build it, ram a gate. Yet some people are going to think this would be a good idea too >.<
Kindly tell us what other use a flame ram has, please?
New accounts especially should be able to try servers before deciding which one to commit to...rather unfair if they get stuck on an awful wvw server if they like wvw.
OP’s got dat medieval witchburning mentality I see lol. You make accusation, you have to prove it. …
You’re not allowed to prove it on the forum, and you can get banned for it. I have seen several players from a guild with the same acronym go through the floor, and walls. Usually mesmers and thieves…often asuran race. I have screenshots, and I know of several people who have screenshots and videos.
Example from my server:
Blue – Main Open Raid
Yellow – Guild / Closed raid
Red – Scout / Sentry / Dolyak Bromance
Purple – Roamers / Strike Team / RP – ?
It seems we all agree that blue is main at least
With the mega server, it doesn’t matter what server you are on for PvE and PvP. It only matters to WvW.
Unless you are in a PVE, and PVP only guild, it matters. It’s quite uncomfortable, to say the least, when your guildmates are enemies on an opposing server. This is especially true if they have access to items in the bank which could help them defeat you, as well as access to all the buffs curently running.
The ONLY way it will ever change is to give significant exp. and karma for defense. They don’t call it a karma train for nothing. Anet created this problem the way they structured wvw. You get nothing for building siege, refreshing siege, running supplies, etc.
Some servers do use color, being the original, is usually main commander. Yellow is often secondary. Red and Purple are often for havoc, guild OPS, or scouting.
Several of my guildmates reported random lag and DC around the time this was posted. I also was DC and had bad lag. Some were in wvw, and some in PVE areas.
Yesterday I (EU deso)was using cata against SM wall with couple of other people. Suddenly, golem grenades starts to fly from somewhere and our cata was destroyed. Nobody saw any golems or other players, nothing. So invisible golems? Whats next? How do I report these when I cannot see anything to report?
Not to say it couldn’t be a hack, but, stealth skills work on golems…
I transferred to Darkhaven myself over 2 years ago. For the most part, we have a good community. We are going through some growing pains atm because we have recently had an influx of players from a few different servers, and it does take a little time to get to know each other. As far as helpfulness in wvw, I find Darkhaven has been about the best in willingness to teach.
Arius has mentioned a number of our newer, bigger guilds in his post. If you’re looking for something more close knit, ZPM and WYLO are my recommendation.
We have a report option for a reason. If you are uncomfortable with players using hacks or exploits, (as you should be) then report them. That is the purpose of the report button; for players to be able bring attention to the GMs that someone is transgressing the rules of conduct.
I think your question highlights a lack of faith that Anet will respond to a report, which might be reasonable considering how many threads about hackers, exploits and trolls I see on these forums.
You are correct! I do have a lack of faith in Anet at this time along with many others. I wish I couldn’t say that! Aside from what has been posted here, there are daily mentions in teamspeak and map chat about people doing what I’ve mentioned. Many people, after reporting the cheaters, add them to their blocked list to see if anything has happened…you know it hasn’t when you see them still login and play daily.
well these so called cheaters can just transfer and cause mayhem anywhere. It is not the server’s fault.
My post stated that some transferred to mine….servers do get labeled once it’s know that there are hackers there…I asked what can be done. The answer is apparently NOTHING…others have asked the same. None have received a response.
Does Anet really think that people are going to flock to buy an expansion when we have ongoing issues that haven’t been fixed? I have 4 people here who probably won’t.
There really should be a way to report a person for deliberately taking actions to harm a server...actions such as dropping rams in an area we’re trying to quickly build defensive siege in, and purposely killing golems should be reportable.