Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Showing Posts For Dragona.4062:
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Is it hard to just add a second filter to the selection process?
Make it Ranked, Unranked and Soloyoloqueue.
Everyone would be satisfied.
If you argue now that Ranked and Unranked would lose all the Soloplayers that are going to join Soloyoloqueue then, well then this would even prove more that people like to play it this way and not how it is at the current state.
Quantity over Quality should never be an option to fit the needs of a gamers heart – refering to the “we have to reduce queue times, even if this kittens up some matches”. I would rather wait 10 minutes to have a good match. Everyone else can still join Practice mode for quick matches.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
It was one of the best changes they could make. Rezzing a completely dead was never the intention of a Battle Standard. People that cry about strategy and defending – a big “:D orly?”, with the siege disabler you have now one of the mightiest things in game to troll every attacker for far longer than a single person could do with a banner, so just shhh.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Pretty much everyone … u gonna fix it?
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Can someone from anet pls do me a favor and explain me why the matchmaking system is still broken? My server (Ruins of Surmia) got now since the release of the new awesome matchmaking system Abbadons Mouth, Miller’s sound and now Miller’s and Far Shiverpeaks. All these matchups had a possibility to happen that is lower than 2%… How is that even possible?
Best regards
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
That’s how you cata a wall ! Sorry was just to funny when I passed by. Catas by Drakkar.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Well who started “labeling” people and provocating them with screenshots here? Iam the warrior in your screenshot and I also enjoyed the fight, but that has nothing to do with respect – it’s my job to kill Drakkars. The offense here comes clearly from your side “closeminded” – When did I use any offense? Just saying dont turn things the way you want to see them.
Have a nice day
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Thief complaining about hiding. I have no respect for Drakkar in any way, sorry. Drakkar complaining about running into towers when health is low lol best joke ever.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Yeah, I totally agree. I mean although some Servers have queues on all maps they are still beaten (not a bit, totally beaten I mean) by other Servers with even numbers (I bet in Silver or gold league there are always queues especially on Reset). So it is really the question whether this are EVEN numbers or not. And Iam not refering to coverage issues, cause if you have queues over all maps the coverage should be the same. I mean something like this could have an impact on overall ratings and league ranks. Means if there are really differences in how many people can join a map / server, everything is decided from the start on.
Best, Jack.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
I actually have the feeling (especially since the new league system) that sometimes when it says there is a queue for a certain map, the enemy can get more players inside the map as we can do, although the player limits / server should be the same (I mean when we have a blob the enemy sometimes can have two and that has nothing to do with the fact that our people are running solo somewhere, it’s not the case). So my question is rather are there numbers on how many people can join a map, is this number fixed or is it vague? I know that there were some numbers, but are they officially confirmed? A statement would be nice.
Best, Jack.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Reset was like:
Really nice fights out there, finally the match everyone was waiting for. Expected Pushs from Drakkar, lets see how it goes on :o).
Ps. Sorry to WSR, I hope you guys also do enjoy, if not get some candy and watch the clashs when Guilds fights against blobs.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
RoT is looking for 10v10 or 15v15 GvG, if you are interested pm me.
Best, Jack
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
All I hear is blablabla blablabla blablabla. Our Guild moved because we were sick of complaining people in lowest tiers. Due to this forum (Iam not only talking about this matchup), Iam so glad we made this decision. RoS just has the nicest community. Complaining about things that were foreseeable for weeks is just bla bla bla. I think your way is not the nicest way to attract people to the lowest tiers. Keep the fights up, be nice and have fun.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Howdy. Nice fights so far for us. Keep it up.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Nonono you will not get it right now BT and AS >:D.
Btw Nc to the epic Skill Lagg..
Ty for Bt and As putting up nice fights :]
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Hey Guys and Hello Ruins of Surmia.
We are new to RoS and transfered from Fissure of Woe. Maybe you noticed us already [RoT] Reavers of Time. We are very happy and looking forward to work with you Guys together.
As a quick Intro, here is our first WvW Movie, I hope you Guys enjoy it:
Best regards, Jack
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Matchmaking system really hates us. Lose-Lose situation.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
WSR generally have reasonable numbers, and Vabbi can get them going too if given the chance. As far as Vabbi is concerned there is often nothing that can be done against the size of group FoW runs around in, we (guild at least) try but there are limits to what can be defended/fought (especially when we rarely get chance to upgrade).
Can’t speak for anyone else but most the time it feels like the second red objectives start appearing on the map WSR/FoW forget about each other and just go straight for it, like “woo free stuff”. People want their Wxp so will go for the path of least resistance, to be expected.
I still have fun trying vast majority the time, but it shouldn’t be surprising that you aren’t getting too much resistance in general as not everyone is a gluten for punishment. As for hoping for growing population, the effect that this type of gameplay has will cause the opposite effect
Propoganda it may be, but pay more attention to WSR and you’ll likely find less empty/defenseless objectives ;D Especially as Vabbi will build momentum when allowed to hold objective for more than 10minutes :P
Now, back to videos >.>
Most of the FoW WvW’ers are far away from thinking about free stuff and WvW experience. We got this server out of the lowest Tier not with Guild Transfers but with own motivation (we are still one of the lowest populations in general). We put a lot effort in organisation and getting Guilds together. Believe me these people don’t really care about WXP.
The statement about Vabbi itself i can’t confirm. We are the Server that has fought Vabbi for ages and they have never given up or decreased heavily in population, so I don’t think that our “gameplay” how you call it, will cause population decrease.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Sorry that I don’t share the excitement about this matchup. We had one good fight on Tuesday, the rest felt like taking empty keeps or towers and tbh this is just boring. Hope the Vabbi and WSR population is growing fast or that we get BT and RoS again. Looking forward for more large scale fights – the thing WvW is made for according to Anets release trailer with WvW.
Anyway thanks for the courage @ Vabbi and WSR, most of you can’t be blamed for your low WvW population.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
stop expecting anet to reply, it’s saturday morning
Stop expecting anet to reply, it’s 2013.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
There are three options:
1. They don’t read this.
2. They don’t care.
3. They are feared of answering due to so many bad criticism.
None of the points is a good sign from Devs that should care about their Community.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
I loved WvW played it night and day. We had Guild Raids and WvW was the best part of the game for me. Now I don’t feel any pride to fight for my Server, I’m just shocked by this update. Yesterday was the first day without any WvW since a long time for me and… it was ok, cause I don’t feel like I need to play the new WvW. As long as Anet is not loyal to their Community I will also not be, just downloaded the Beta of Wildstar. Ty Anet
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
I think most of the people, including the big GvG scene would be satisfied if they just would make it an optional buff that you can turn off. That would be very easy to implement.
Anyway I would recommend the following changes if they want to keep the buff:
a) Make the Buff additional, so that you can turn it off.
b) Give the Buff just for the people that are in the Ruins Area. (That would support the Roamers and sPvP people to keep on fighting and stomping to earn points) while the GvG people and Zergfights would still be balanced.
c) If you get the Buff remove it after 2 Minutes, like the Swiftness Buffs you can get in PvE.
Think about it.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
I’m laughing tears that this is the Post that is getting the attention.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
I think the best solution would be (if they don’t want to modify it) to implement a shrine or whatever where people can go to and decide by themselves whether they want the buff active or not !
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
(edited by Dragona.4062)
As if it is not already overpowered enough… Even the Dollys getting it.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
That was their theory:
" The ruins are set up to encourage a small dedicated group of players to be able to defend their holdings and prevent other worlds from gaining the bonus."
That is what is reality:
Getting rolled by 50+ in the ruins and ofc they already have the +150 Buff.
Result: Mission failed.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
I would recommend to add first person only to WvW too, so that you can see the 80 man blob trolling with 150+ stats over you a bit better.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Last matchup Fissure of Woe, Blacktide, Ruins of Surmia: Very close matchup between two middle populated Servers and the high populated (Blacktide). I wonder how this matchup would look like if Blacktide would run all the time at least +100 all stats because they have the buff on. We were most of the time able to beat them in group fights cause we were more skilled.
Anet ruined GvG because they want to force players indirectly to join the sponsored ESL?
This is just a question.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Don’t worry, most people I see atm in FoW are leveling in wvw and underestimating this matchup, some others (including me) moved to some higher tier servers for this matchup to get some experience. Maybe this is really the chance for Wsr and Vabbi to get some motivation from the last matchups against us back.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
RoS Reminder: Don’t park Omega Golems in a T3 Keep at night .
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Wasn’t us, we run max. 25 ppl and that’s really more than enough for most fights in this matchup.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Sorry, but we just need 20 people to wipe the 40 man BT zergs in open field fights :/ .
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
pls don’t use any exploits like the one at briar again, think this matchup does not deserve it.
25+ RoS killing lord at briar from outside (gates and walls closed).
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
At the moment I don’t see the same player representations. Most of the point differences at the moment are from nightcrews and the weekend scores. During the daytime i think BT has still the most people, it’s just our luck that most of them don’t know how to play :P
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Fissure of Woe is developing very fast and very nice at the moment. If you look on the score settings, our server got the last 10 matchups points. We are improving and I hope that more WvW active guilds get our attention and join us.
Best regards.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Our BL organisation is just insane atm, so don’t wonder if you get wiped taking camps. Thanks to all FoW’ers that are doing a nice job in our BL. Keep it UP.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Drakkar is atm really focusing FoW. Still wondering why AS Bl and two keeps in eb were for 2h untouched, a lill suspicious.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Sad thing that Drakkar has the power to decide who will get 2nd in this matchup :/.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
I’m so glad to have this matchup. We are still improving and doing the best we can. Loved how we wiped Dzagonur at Hills the first time. Also interesting fights with [WAR] from Surmia in our Garri, but finally then the Dzagonur blob rolled in :/.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
is wsr not existing this week? what happened?
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
@ WSR: Are you serious that 7 ppl of our RBh guild were able to take out 30 ppl of you at Bluelake? Was so much fun to fight you c:
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
We had a tough fight against the overgrown grub… nc, it was in our keep
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Morning surprises for wsr and vabbi :P
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Last night we really had fun in WvW. Maybe some will say, “our main guilds are bored, that’s why we don’t take this matchup serious enough”. Maybe some will say “we can keep everything green by just doing a little”. But some players of our server have very high motivation and spirit to just take “one tower” or “one keep” or “one time for 5 minutes SM” and if you succeed, this feeling is totally worth it, no matter if you faced many enemies or not. But we are showing some kind of resistance even when we are totally outnumbered. We are taking our chances, even if it needs to play until 6am to make the map more “blue” than before. I can understand both sides, anyway some of us having very much fun with this matchup. Some will say “but this or that is not WvW”, but what is WvW? Noone determines the way to play it. I’m very glad and looking forward to our WvW in FoW, last week was awesome with some new strategies, this week is also awesome to see that we are able to show spirit. I’m sure if it continues like this we will be able to beat BT or Arbor in future and that would be a great success.
Cause everyone is adding maps, last night:
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.