Showing Posts For Dubh.6359:
look at this way: the super speed covers you while the boots are on CD from the first charge
oh, and I’ve given these a spin in PvP and SUDDENLY I can pursue people trying to flee
I’ve noticed a significant performance increase in PvP and PvE. Been working with a gadgeteer build and using mines as my go-to control method.
Plus, there’s a hilarious trick now that you can drop two mines where you rifle 4 someone into the back mine, watch them get launched forward into the mine at your feet, and then finally get kicked backwards.
Total waste of the CC, but man it’s funny watching a player come out of that confused as heck.
Unfortunately that doesn’t help folk who solo queue for things (I don’t have many friends and guildies who enjoy pvp, for example, and I sure ain’t gonna pug a tournement).
Still, it would be a good spot to drop those sort of rewards in.
Hear me out.
5v5v5 :^)
Seasons last for eight weeks, allowing players to earn progress in each league. Prior to each season, there will be a planned balance update.
PvP League Season One (December 1, 2015 – January 25, 2016)
PvP League Season Two (February 23, 2016 – April 18, 2016)
PvP League Season Three (May 17, 2016 – July 11, 2016)
PvP League Season Four (August 9, 2016 – October 3, 2016)
PvP League Season Five (December 13, 2016 – February 6, 2017)
PvP League Season Six (March 7, 2017 – May 1, 2017)
PvP League Season Seven (June 13, 2017 – August 8, 2017)
Usual timeframe is between a month and a half and half, from the looks of it. Not sure how they’ll handle it this time since the current method was implemented after HoT hits. It would be weird to be mid-season right when the new elite specs drop. I’m hoping we don’t have to wait too long, but I’m also sorta worried it’s gonna hit right after PoF is released and distract me from exploring the new content.
Maybe something like a mini-season would be nice, but it’s unprecedented. HOWEVER, we did just have a balance patch. So, who knows?
Anyone else kinda chomping at the bit? The legendary armor reveal was what finally got me to finally commit to PvPing on a regular basis.
I can still PvP in ranked (which I do!) and it’s great! But kitten I really need those sweet sweet ascended shards. Given the usual timeline I know we’re not likely to see another league prior to the release of PoF, but that doesn’t stop me from watching the calendar.
I need put on Speedy Speed Boy when I play sPvP next
those rocket boots are the best
joke’s on you, I’ve always wanted to explode into a fireball
a busted wrist is gonna slow you down in any game, which sucks big time (one of my friends has some major joint issues – she manages as best she can, but some days are just a no-go)
and one of the things I like most about GW2 is how frantic it can be – but I still think there’s a lot of strategic depth in stuff like your build, choosing how/where you engage your opponents, and learning what other classes can do.
have you talked to other folk with similar physical issues? there might be some coping mechanisms
I don’t think I can give ergonomic advice on good faith because you’ve probably heard it a thousand times before
I’m honestly bummed out that alchemy is so head and shoulders above everything else, because thematically they’re my least favorite thing an engi can do.
Would totes be happy if they reworked a lot of the gadgets and gadget toolbelt skills. Surely there’s a way to make something like a mine have utility on par with Elixir U or R (which I swear by in terms of utility). I’d be a gadget + rifle engineer if it was more a viable option.
I’d be happy if someone took their time to tell me just how they owned me
it’s a learning opportunity, and good sportsmanship!
I’m in the same boat as you: I love engineer so much that no other class measures up to it for me. The holo-smith’s theme is totally my jam, and I’m excited to see it in action!
Playing the underdog also appeals to me, but it doesn’t diminish my enjoyment of the class if folk start flooding the servers with holosmiths. Complaining about it in that respect sounds too close to “Ugh, they made holosmith look TOO cool!” for comfort, lol.
I started at low plat, dropped to heckin’ SILVER, but finished at low gold. Got lucky in placements, I guess. This was my first season seriously PvPing – there’s a lot of catching up to do with folk who have doing this consistently since release.
Even though I lost a bunch, I still had a ton of fun! Plus I managed to make an engi build that’s both fun and effective in my hands. Next season, I hope to earn that platinum for real.
Shame that so matches were rolls, but I used the opportunity to re-examine what I was doing and drastically improve my playstyle. The close matches are always WAY more fun, and I’d rather lose in a situation where I feel like I could have turned into a win with better decision making.
Can’t wait until next season! I want those legendaries real bad.
Heya, I’m a returning player on Fort Aspenwood that’s looking for a trans-friendly guild.
In particular, I’m looking for folk to run meta-events and WvW with. I am a super casual player that’s focused on having fun over being the best (though, I still try to be a good player!).
My schedule is pretty open, so you could find me online anywhere between 12-11pm EST with a lot of flexibility to boot.
I am a thirty year old trans woman who runs pretty far to the left, politically, and would like to be around folk who are comfortable with that. My RL hobbies include tabletop RPGs, video games (surpriiiiiise), and madly researching socio-political issues until I give myself a panic attack. Oh, and I’m a mother of two ferrets who are my perfect little angels/devils.
My top ten favorite video games include Mass Effect 2, Mirrors Edge, Tyranny, and Timesplitters FP. Don’t ask me to name another five because it will get crowded.
As far as voice and chat options go I am willing to use discord via voice or chat for playing the game, or Grade A kittenposting.
Hopefully this will catch somebody’s interest! Have a lovely day! <3
It’s kinda funny to see the debate of, let’s call it, “serious” versus “silly” preferences for Guild Wars 2 content. Like, I would be thrilled if they made the quaggan hat wearable in combat. Even better- I would be incredibly happy to play a quaggan, one day.
Then there’s others who hate both of these ideas. For valid reasons, I think.
Yet, I doubt any significant number of people are going to quit if GW2 gets a bit light-hearted and silly, at times. There’s a load of people in your Lion’s Arch right wearing a menagerie of deadly looking spikes, sources of FIRE, and other such stuff. Is a few people wearing silly animal hats going to drown that out?
Personally, I would buy that hat in a heartbeat if they made it an armor skin. It would go with my backpack.
Being upset about an optional game feature is like being upset that a buffet table is offering tofu, when you came there for chicken. Nobody’s forcing you to do anything.
Personally, I’m not a big fan of the Tengu design for most of the reasons why I don’t play a Char. Though, I’m sure Anet could make them totes interesting, lore-wise.
Maybe packaged stimulants will offer a cooldown reduction, or a short regen effect when you snatch up a kit
Yeah, the toolkit syncs very well with a rifle/power build
I tend to favor precise shots, though, because that’s one less button you gotta push for vulnerability
crossing my fingers that some dream builds start working out
Oh, I stopped playing PS2 mostly because my processor can’t handle it
and then they changed how the female characters stand and walk into something more sexualized (and poorly done)
It’s probably my favorite class (I see a pattern, here) in PS2. The basic turret doesn’t hold a candle to the one with the guided rocket, but it’s still fantastic for holding down narrow choke points against enemy infantry
Plus, it has a shield on the front, making it good for setting up quick cover. Then you have your little repair gun thingy for healing vehicles and MAXs.
I don’t really see Quaggan being introduced willy-nilly. Making a new race takes a fair amount of work, hence why I expect this to be expansion-level material. There is an underwater elder dragon, though, so at some point we’re gonna see a lot more underwater combat.
I’ve been looking at the world map, trying to figure out what dragon would be fought where. Fun stuff.
Look at all that negativity.
I’m not a huge Char fan, but you don’t see me grumping all other the place.
There’s already Asura gates around. It’s not hard to find a place to take a dip- even allowing plenty of choice in salinity, and temperature.
That being said, I wanna see Quaggan added as a playable race. I’m having trouble deciding what class I’d make one- but I am leaving a character slot open, hoping that day will come.
Totally seconding the idea of Largos being included in the package. They’re a bit more intimidating. I wonder if we’re going to see the introduction of new races, with new personal stories, when the campaigns against the other elder dragons start.
let’s hope the bug fixes keep coming
customizable kits would be swell
I deck my asura engy out to look all tron-like
and every single pack clashes like whoa
holy crap, scope does’t work?
well, good thing I haven’t been running my sniper build for awhile
1) Pistols tweaks (make them more viable in competitive play)
2) Making tools tree synergize more with condition damage builds
3) skin customization for kits (glyphic, verdant, etc.)
I see another weapon type or two not being a bad thing. Hammers, maces, and maybe torches all seem like they could fit. Hammers first and foremost, though.
1) Pistol shots faster and cooldown reduction on shield.
2) Rework on the mine, make it a kit with various mine effect (steal boon, corrupt boon, …)
3) Complete rework on gadgets and their traits (goggle toolbelt reveal stealth for 5 seconds, rocket boots became a blink-like with better range and an animation, …)
But it will never happen
Make rocket boots work like a damaging blink? That would be crazy fun!
I’d also like to see the rocket kick be a bit easier to land.
chemical engineers exist
why you gotta hate
I really like the shield
looks cool, and both abilities offer defense and minor CC options, plus an easy to use blast finisher
in PvE/WvW I have it in a condition build, depending on confusion
of course, this is as an asura (Confusing Speech, Pain Inverter)
but every engy has access to static shot and the crowbar (of tool kit fame)
it’s not comparable to a mesmer by any means
but I have some flexibility for when things get tough, and I have to turtle up
as for PvP, I’ve been working a retaliation dealio
With magnetic shield working as a blast, you can use Elixir R to make a light field
the elixir gun has everything it needs to create another light blast
then elixir B just brings up relation like it’s no big deal
(since you’re relying on alchemy, Elixir X becomes a lean mean elite for pinning down a point)
use Cleric amulet/jewel
and enjoy buffing yourself and allies like the pest you deserve to be
your captain america shield is also useful for attracting attention, I found
Hey y’all, I know this isn’t likely to be picked up, but I’ve been thinking about this for awhile.
The Engineer medkit is a pretty neat item. It has all kinds of utility for a bunker build, a cure all, and a nifty little fury/swiftness buff.
However, I wikitten was more useful for healing other players. A little red + over the deployed bandages would be nice, for example. And maybe, just maybe, the medkit tossing trait could let you regain some HP whenever someone else uses said medkit.
Or area heals. Whatever.
I just have a dream of going into WvW, slapping on my Combat Healing title along with my specially designed “Doctor Dubh” outfit, and ply my healing arts on the road.
Anyways, I love you all. Unless I don’t.