Showing Posts For Elixir.2169:

Distracting Daggers not working correctly?

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


As the title says I was doing some testing with my guild mates to see if when I interrupted someone with a Distracting Dagger it would put that skill on a 10 second CD.When I did interrupt a skill with the daggers it did not seem to work. Anyone else know anything about this or am I just miss understanding this skill.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Auto Attacks seem really hard to get off

in Revenant

Posted by: Elixir.2169


This is most likely a l2p issue, but I feel the same way. It is either very strict in registering the hits or the attacks have a very small “range”, which is rather strange, because I can better “randomly cleave” e.g. on my thief with a dagger than on a revenant with a staff.

Yah compared to me thief I felt like I wasn’t landing any autos.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Auto Attacks seem really hard to get off

in Revenant

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Just as the title says. It seems, for the sword or staff, the auto attacks seem hard to land. Feels like I am losing a lot of dps due to these weird hit boxes/range numbers, not sure what it is though(rougher in pvp). Anyone else have any input on this?

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

I've switched classes. Anet killed my thief.

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


RIP Thief. Hopefully the elite spec can save us a little or on to Shiro for me, if it ends up even being good. I can at least get close to the old assassin feel with him, figures crossed.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Suggestion: Shadow Arts

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Are you joking me? Too much sustain?!?!? I don’t think you actually play thief, the thing thief lacks most is sustain. I would give up some damage just to have good sustain like other classes. People run SA just to get some sort of sustain, the main problem is the lack of sustain in other trees or I guess now “specializations.” If they were to take your suggestion they need simply add more sustain else were, whether in the form of condi removals or heals, or really whatever.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Remove skill queuing for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


If you play thief you know that if you press a button twice then the skill will go off twice. Some may call this skill queuing and if done by accident this can be really annoying. Just wanted to see what everyone else thought on this and would like to know if you think it should go.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Popular Roaming WvW builds!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Hey guys, haven’t played an elementalist in really long time but looking to get back into it. Was just wondering what are some good roaming builds for WvW. From 1v1’s to 5v5’s. Can be any weapon set! Also if you know any good sPvP builds please feel free to post those too!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Some Thoughts By Your Local D/D Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Pre-read notes:
Keep an open mind as you read this post. Don’t go into it with a narrow mind.
SA- Shadow Arts

Part One: Why does shadow arts + d/d trigger so much Q.Q

Like honestly, if you even mention shadow arts around a pvp thief, 90% of the time they will rant at you about how bad you are at this game regardless of if they know you, have ever seen you play, or have ever fought you. Now I understand that d/p thieves using shadow arts abuse the traitline with easy permstealth that isn’t even target dependent, but d/d actually relies on the shadow arts line for survival, because none of its weapon skills have any defensive components unlike most other thief weapon sets. S/d you have an evade built into a weapon skill, d/p you have blinds built into multiple weapon skills, and so on. I understand that d/d has an evade built into its 3 abillity, but the 1/4 second evade isn’t worth 4 initiative, and it’s also poorly timed so it cannot be used for sufficient defense.

That said, it makes sense how d/d depends on SA for survivabillity. Since we have no active defense from weapon skills, it is impossible for us to mitigate as much damage as d/p, s/d, etc without SA.

SA gives us an invaluable blind to help us preform similarly to d/p.
Condi clear that we don’t have access to (S/d 2 skill clears one on the return).
Regen to help mitigate the damage that we can’t evade or blind.

This dependency on SA also hinders d/d more, as it forces us to spend 30 of our 70 trait points just for basic survival, where as other weapon-sets are free to spend those 30 points elsewhere. The playstyle of high single-target burst would be greatly benefited by 30 points into deadly arts instead of shadow arts, but unfortunately d/d builds like that aren’t viable due to their lack of survivabillity and damage mitigation tools. Now I understand the yolo-mode 25 30 0 0 15 style builds that crit very high are fun, and can even be useful in situations, but in solo or small groups that lack heals + condi clear, these builds aren’t viable.

Seriously, stop hating on shadow arts being used in conjunction with d/d. It just makes you look like you have no idea what you’re talking about. Which in most cases is probably true as pvp thieves do not have much experience if any with d/d.

Could not agree more about this!I I understand thieves and people who freak about about d/p people who use SA and just stealth/heal away. But for D/D it adds sustain and defensive skills that we need to survive in close quarters. Well said and I am glade someone out there has some common sense.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

When is the next balance patch?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Man if Anet put much more time into balancing this game could be way better then it is right now! These 4-5 month in-between balance patches is not the way to go. Also seems to leave a lot of people super frustrated in the end.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Give us the Choice to PvP ANYWHERE!

in PvP

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Could see something like this if they bring Cantha back and have factions again. Also they could do something like Wildstar did with open world duels where once someone gets to like 2% HP it ends the fight so it is just like you are sparring and not killing your friends. I would prefer a set area though like the queens gauntlet that could offer duels as a mini game almost.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Dueling needs to happen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Sorry Elixir, not specifically at you. But in response to the people on this thread who do want PvP(specifically dueling) in PvE areas. I have no objection to PvP in PvP areas.

Haha just glade we are straight and I do agree with you there does need to be separation because not everyone wants the same things.

Easy solution to add dueling.

1. you could make all players that enter the obs arena combatants, unless in the same party or in same guild.

2. You could just add a arena in major cities, anyone who enters becomes a combatant, unless in same party.

Idea number 2 reminds me a lot of gw1 where the majors cities had arenas for PvP and would, to me, be really cool!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Dueling needs to happen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


PvE is Player vs. Environment. It is distinct from PvP which is Player vs. Player. Those of us who do PvE exclusively do it for a reason. We don’t want to fight other players. If we did, we’d go to the PvP areas, which is what they’re for. Nor do we want to put up with a new type of SPAM in the form of dueling requests. To me, Fantasy MMO’s are about cooperating with and helping other players in quests and events. If I wanted to do deathmatch, I’d play a first person shooter. PvP areas are designed for Player vs. Player. Keep all PvP activities in PvP areas, and out of PvE areas, please.
<edited for typo>

Where in my post did I say it had to be in PvE. I completely understand that it should not be. I simply enjoy PvE and WvW STATS, never did I say it must be in PvE or any certain place. I would prefer a certain set place for duels so it can center all the people who want to duel in one area.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Dueling needs to happen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Ooh another one of these threads. Why don’t you pro duelers just keep this stuff all consolidated into one thread?

I don’t care one way or the other about dueling because I wouldn’t use the feature, but I still think anet’s time would be better spent on fixing other parts of the game that are broken before introducing another, broken, bug-ridden feature that, I think, only a small percentage of the population would actually use.

Just because you don’t like dueling others do. No need to come in here and bash everyone and there are no “Pro” duelers here. So if your looking to bash duelers go somewhere else. I made this post to keep the discussion alive about dueling and remind anet it is still wanted. I personally do dueling for fun and really enjoy it. I don’t appreciate people being disrespectful about what other people enjoy. I get you don’t like it but no need to be an kitten about it.

once again – no. You open up a discussion in a somewhat public forum. You don´t get to decide who partakes. You certainly are not entitled to only get responses in your favor. People may be affected by whatever Anet gathers from these threads. So people disagreeing with you can and should post. If you want to discuss your vision only with likeminded people, invite them to some private instant messaging tool or whatever. If you want to discuss with Anet, write them a message.

Im fine with people disagreeing but being disrespectful is not ok. No where in that post did I say he can’t post. I simply did not agree with the way he posted it. Constructive criticism is all I ask for.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Dueling needs to happen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


so we have:

PvE players have:
-open world

uhmm, i think PvE players have a say about this far more then the pro-duelers, there are plenty of places to fit duels so there is no need to add PvP in the only single place for PvE players.

I was simply saying I enjoy PvE/WvW stats over Spvp stats and if dueling would to be implemented I would rather use my PvE/WvW stats. Doesn’t have to be in PvE could be a mini game in WvW or so on.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Dueling needs to happen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Ooh another one of these threads. Why don’t you pro duelers just keep this stuff all consolidated into one thread?

I don’t care one way or the other about dueling because I wouldn’t use the feature, but I still think anet’s time would be better spent on fixing other parts of the game that are broken before introducing another, broken, bug-ridden feature that, I think, only a small percentage of the population would actually use.

Just because you don’t like dueling others do. No need to come in here and bash everyone and there are no “Pro” duelers here. So if your looking to bash duelers go somewhere else. I made this post to keep the discussion alive about dueling and remind anet it is still wanted. I personally do dueling for fun and really enjoy it. I don’t appreciate people being disrespectful about what other people enjoy. I get you don’t like it but no need to be an kitten about it.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Thieves Evade spamming is Out Of Control.

in PvP

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Dont use a sub par build then. If I go pvp naked and get owned im not gonna cry for nerfs. Melee only warrior is crap.

Use longbow+ axe/GS/hammer

It’s not a sup-par build.Also why should i be forced to go bow ? Ive had my fun with that months ago,im tired of running the same crap as anyone else is currently running.You got 99% warrs running with bow,thats not my thing.Also..i Can beat them with my current build…Its not the point im trying to make.
And Double melee warr is anything but crap.I can faceroll most hambow users out there.But thats not what this post is about..Its about the insane amounts of evading they have ontop of them being able to port around,blind spam,and still able to stealth away on top of it.

Welcome to Spvp your forced into running certain weapons because others just don’t add up the same. Why do you think thieves use s/d and shortbow. Because they cant live for kitten with out the sheer amount of evades. Most thieves in Spvp don’t even use stealth that much compared to thieves in WvW, not including d/p thieves.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Dueling needs to happen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


I personally don’t duel or do PvP much, so I will admit my fear of duelling lies mostly in the fact that allowing duels the open world means giving another foothold to people who like trolling me even when I’m out roaming in the wilderness.

My experience of duels comes from WoW, and having a persistent dueller run in circles around me and trailing me despite me blocking him left a very bitter taste in my mouth. I had to log-off and leave the game for a few minutes so I could break him off my tail before I could log-on again.

While I have nothing against PvP’ers, having this sort of griefing that should typically exist within competitive arenas spilling into PvE areas makes me apprehensive. I like the current state of the game where events are designed to be co-operative and helpful.

If you have seen wildstar, I really enjoyed how they did open world dueling. Never played Wow though so not sure if Wildstar did the same thing or not. The best way I think would be to make it like a mini game and just make a separate section in the game for it. Or they could, like everyone hoped, turn a part of the queens gauntlet into a place where you can 1v1 players too.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Dueling needs to happen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


I know this subject has been brought up alot but I want to bring it up again just so the devs don’t forget that it is something that could greatly boost many peoples enjoyment of the game. Some may say you can duel in WvW and Spvp but here is the catch. WvW it can take hours to find one person that is willing to duel or even fight that isn’t running in a giant zerg. Spvp sure you can duel. The problem I have with spvp is that it limits options to much build wise makes it hard to counter other builds. PvE/WvW builds seems to handle this better due to wide range of customization. This is just some stuff I had to get off my chest seen as all of this has been really frustrating lately and I have been hunting for some small group fights(which can take hours “waiting to have fun”) that seem to be impossible to find unless a system is put in place.

PS please ignore any spelling or grammar errors I did this from my phone!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Idea of 2v2 and 3v3 "Gladiator Fights"

in PvP

Posted by: Elixir.2169


I second this!! I would LOVE 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and 5v5’s. Would even take 8v8’s.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

S/D post 15 April?

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Been trying out a 6/2/6/0/0 build s/d d/d and its pretty good if you land all the burst correctly but still not sure if it is better than 2/6/6/0/0 d/d sb

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Revealed Training is a God Send

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


bye bye d/d QQ! Hello s/p s/d everything else QQ ! xD

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Your view on Thieves current status!

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


About me
Hey, I’ve been a long time Thief ever since the game came out and never really posted on the forums but I do make sure to read them as much as I can. I’m also a hardcore WvW roamer and recently tried getting into Spvp but it didn’t seem to suit me to well.

My Questions for you
I’m here today to basically ask Thief players how they feel about Thief as a class across all aspects of the game(WvW, Spvp, PvE) and how it compares to other classes. I’ve noticed there’s a lot of people from other classes complaining about Thief and I would really like to hear what other people playing Thief think about Thief.

My opinion
To get things started I’ll give you a glimpse into what I think the Thief class current status is. For WvW to me seems to be rather fine and to me is where the Thief stands out the most of all the game modes. Thief does very well in small group fights but does seem to lack in larger fights unless you stay on the outskirts of the battle. For PvE, from what I gathered and from what I have played, Thief seems to be decent but there are much better classes to run for things such as dungeons but still playable. For Spvp, from what I gathered and from what I have played, Thief is not nearly as good due to the recent damage nerf and the condi Meta really starting to take over(our lack of condi removal doesn’t help this). I won’t say anything else even though I could on Spvp or PvE seen as I have limited knowledge(3k hours played and 2k+ in WvW) and don’t want to offend any long term players in these sections of the game.

Please comment
So please feel free to respond on how you think the current status of the Thief is in these game modes! I would love to hear if people have similar opinions or different opinions to teach me something new!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Make finishers break stealth

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Lets face it, downstate should not even be a thing and if your in it you should already be dead. It should be easy for people to stomp you and NOT easy to get back up.

Just a note, if a thief is stomping in stealth and you know it use AoE’s (even auto attacks) they will be rooted in place unless they burn another cool down to teleport away and back.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Thief double Back-Stab bug/skill ques

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elixir.2169


One of the problems I’ve been getting really fed up with is when you go to backstab and you press the 1 button once it will back-stab twice. So if you miss the first back-stab it will without you telling it back-stab again and its driving me insane. Also seems to happen with other skills but not nearly as much. I don’t know if they can fix skill ques for thief where you press a button more than once it will immediately after doing the skill once do it again. (auto attack is off)

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Not sure about mesmer CC, but condi mesmers definitely need some adjustment and toning down. At least in small/roaming fights and 1v1. Infinite stunbreak/teleports, stealth, and continuous offensive pressure.

This is 100% right and from what I’ve seen in WvW is the only big problem with mesmers.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

My negative opinion about (most) stealth

in Thief

Posted by: Elixir.2169


What did this thief accomplish? Oh yeah, absolutely nothing other than waste 6+ people’s time

You sir are the man! “gives high-five

They only thing that is broken stealth wise for a thief is d/p because it’s stealth on the go and requires minimal timing/no target. D/p is just annoying to fight though so that’s what shapes my opinion about it.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

[PvX] Balance, Iteration, Wrongdoing

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Elixir.2169


The main problem is balance patches are few and far between. Also they seem to be ignoring build diversity in weapon sets. Hopefully one day all classes can have as many builds as warriors do. I can personally say my sick of my d/d thief because there are no good second sets of weapons. Yah short bow is decent and d/p is just too unfair I feel. I would love some p/p love that would be sweet. Hoping they will just focus on balancing class and weapons for a couple patches because I am pretty sure people feel the same about their own class and its crazy frustrating.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Anyone still want Guild Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


where do you get that PvP has no build diversity? Have you ever even played there? I just can’t imagine that you have after reading this statement. SPvP/TPvP is likely the most build diverse aspect of the game b/c there is ZERO cost/effort in creating a new build or trying something different out for a few matches. It is exactly this aspect that has led to more build discoveries of my own than any other part of the game could ever hope to accomplish. And NO battles where ever hosted in Guild Halls in GW1. GvG is what you’re meaning, I assume, and that’s not how it went down at all. They tried to make something similar in WvW but it just ended up being a clusterfudged area with campers waiting to thrash anybody that dared come in by themselves. What you are REALLY asking for is more game modes in PvP with a gear update as well from what I can tell or, maybe, just flat out GvG. The idea of ‘combining PvP with WvW doesn’t make any sense as they are two so completely different aspects of the game. You want to have roaming battles w/o the chance of running across a zerg basically?

Like I stated before that was my personal opinion one of my mains is thief which has very little build diversity. You can’t run d/d backstab builds. It all s/d or s/p with shortbow. The whole using a dagger or pistol is completely ruined in Spvp. Also spvp is now way to tanky. If I remember correctly at one point it was less focused around everyone being tanky but know it seems just like a tank party. The lack of build diversty comes from the limitations on trinkets is what I was mainly meaning and how some weapon sets that are good in WvW are completely useless in Spvp.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Anyone still want Guild Halls?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elixir.2169


To start off I would like to say that I am an hardcore WvW roamer who loves fights that have anywhere from 1-10 people vs 1-10 people. There’s nothing else I would rather be doing in the game. Some would say Spvp would be great (personal opinion ALERT) but for me but I find the lack of build verity and game play there weak and unsatisfying, nothing like how Guild Wars 1 PvP was. WvW has become more and more a zerg party and that’s fine but I think there should be an option where people can easily find fights in smaller numbers like we had with Guild Halls in Guild Wars 1. Where you could invite other guilds to come fight you in your hall XvX. My point being that I hope others would enjoy something like this that inst Spvp related or WvW related but a chance to show off your Guilds/Teams skill vs another Team(even 1v1) in small battle fights that are decently controlled (No gaurd stacks or stacks in general) while still having WvW feel. I guess what i’m trying to say is it would create a good mix between Spvp and WvW something that has the build verity but a controlled environment. I make this post solely because I love this game and have been playing since beta and currently getting real down about the game due to lack of fights. Something like this I hope/believe would strengthen the game incredibly. Please leave your opinions as this is a game for the community and not just me.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Elixir.2169



[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Tarnished Coast: Welcome to your new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Elixir.2169


How are the servers TC goes up against roaming wise? Also are there solid roaming guilds on TC? Also why should I go to TC over BG my old server(on BP right now)?

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Roamers looking for new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Currently on BP here and t3 has become only zergs. All the roamers have seemed to vanish. Couple people from my guild are looking to move to a new server/tier right now that has good roaming and there is always a decent amount of people on. We have been to the low tiers and while the roaming is good there seems to be completely dead periods which is not what we want. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Hows EU roaming?

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

WvW d/d roaming/group builds?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Anyone know any good dps builds with decent healing kinda like this that doesn’t need celestial?

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Help fixing lagg!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elixir.2169


It sounds like you are getting internet prime time lag, not sure there is a fix you may want to contact your ISP. Also try running a ping path test could be packet loss on one of the many hops it takes to get to the game servers. Now you will most likely get 100% packet loss at the last ip this in not Anet servers causing the issues like most people assume and completely throw a fit and blame Anet it is the servers denying the ping request for security reasons most servers do this. The packet loss is most likely coming from Level3 an internet backbone company that handle all of the internet traffic threw most of the southwest US. I’m thinking everyone that is experiencing packet loss with Level3 should email Level3 with their ping path Logs.

I live on the east coast and why would Prime time all of a sudden start becoming a problem.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Help fixing lagg!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Elixir.2169


So Guild Wars 2 is the only game I own that laggs now. Ever day from 6-8pm to 12-1am I get lagg. This lagg comes in a form of skill lagg and rubber banding. EVERY other game I play during this time is completely fine. Some of my guild mates and others I have talked to have had similar problems. This has been going on around two weeks now and its making the game really unplayable. As much as I want to play I can’t because I play WvW as a thief which relies so much on timing that this lagg completely messes me up. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this I already tried doing the client port 80 and it helped very minimally. Please help all I want is answers, this is driving me crazy.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

lagg since hacking group shut down servers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elixir.2169


I assume you are referring to the DDoS/PhantomLord incident?

yes I am.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

lagg since hacking group shut down servers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Ever since this happend been getting weird skill lagg that happens like every 4-5 mins or less. My guild mates said they have had the same problems since it happend. Anyone else having any problems like this since the hacking group shut down the servers?

PS all other games are fine only seems to be gw2

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elixir.2169


kitten yaks doesn’t have any skills groups just massive zerg after zerg. SoCo is the closest thing you guys got and they are not even from your server props to them though. Great fights every time. Hope SoCo can rub off on yaks make them more fun to fight! Ebay, always fun to fight you guys good work! Oh I almost forgot yaks has some decent roamers though and you guys know who you are, thanks for staying out of those mindless zombie zergs!

/bows to Ebay and Soco

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

10/11 BP/IoJ/DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elixir.2169


SE, PWN and HARD. I have no respect for your guilds at all now.

The amount of you that are using the mes exploit is ridiculous.

Can’t fight, have to cheat.

Worst I have ever seen.

Learn to dodge roll when you see a mesmer falling from the sky you baddie.

learn to fight without exploiting you baddie

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Epic, fantastically epic tower hugging today from [VP], [LOCO], [AAA], and [HK] from Borlis Pass.

Congratulations, I’m astonished by your lack of individual skill.

Another roamer that cries when people don’t want to play the game the way they want everyone to play.

[VP] is not a roaming guild and has no interest in being in the roamers “scene”.

*We focus on running a 10-15 man team looking to fight 20.+*


Contradict yourself much?

I think you miss understand. He is saying when there are 10-15 VP in a group they look to fight more numbers. Not when there is 2 VP in a group of 10-15 random players.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Epic attack on our Tower from [GF], [FTF], and [CoF]from Ebay.

Congratulations, I’m astonished by your lack of being able to take a paper tower.

Ohhhh, you mean the single piece of siege (3) people put down in an attempt to drag you out of your towers???
Your right, we did fail… We failed at getting you outside. I underestimated how terrified you all are of dieing in a video game.


Yah got me! I’m terrified of dieing in a video game! That’s why i’m here complaining about how no one will fight me because people are to busy trying to play WvW like its suppose to be played!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Epic attack on our Tower from [GF], [FTF], and [CoF]from Ebay.

Congratulations, I’m astonished by your lack of being able to take a paper tower.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

(edited by Elixir.2169)

Armor and Jewls needed for Glamour build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Hi! I’m a pretty new at being a mesmer and was wondering what type of armor and jewls works best with a Glamour build? Also what should the weapon stats be and maybe what sigils/runes? I have also seen many types of the Glamour build and wondered which one would work best? I’m normally running around with a small group of 10-15 people!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Guardian PvE/WvW Greatsword Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Elixir.2169


well if you are looking for pure tank here you go

Full Tank

traits should be either 0/30/0/30/10 or 0/30/30/0/10

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Warrior in WvWvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Elixir.2169


I was wondering about how i should set up my warrior for WvW. I would like to use gs or hammer with long bow or rifle but im not sure which weapons work the best. Also i was thinking my armor should be toughness,vitality, power but i am not sure on that either. any build recommendations would be highly appreciated. If you have any input please comment!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

What class to play? Player input!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Level 80 engineer here: First off, you’re right: turrets are crap. Grenades, Elixir Gun, and Flamethrower, however, are AWESOME.

Engineer does not excel at straight damage: Grenade builds are our strongest burst damage. What we do excel at is versatility (main weapons + weapon kits allow you to tailor your play to the moment), support (Elixir Gun and Elixir builds), and condition damage. An engineer is a jack of all trades, master of some. Notably, we’re not super durable, so dodging must be your best friend.

Ranger: Sound ranged class that unfortunately relies on pet AI for part of their damage. Haven’t played much of them, but I hear some pets are pretty decent, especially if you switch them out a lot.

Mesmer: Depends on your playstyle, I think. I couldn’t get into them at all personally, so no comment.

Thief: I think they’re alright in WvW? I keep getting smacked down by them when I’m not paying attention, anyway. Haven’t played much, again.

How are Engineers in WvW?

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

What class to play? Player input!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elixir.2169


The Thief is not good in WvW


i know i thought they were good but guildies and friends keep telling me they suck =(

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

What class to play? Player input!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Hey guys i was looking to play a ranged class after getting my guardian and warrior to level 80. The only problem is i don’t know which class to play. I love the whole concept of guns but i also love the bow. My top three choices right now are Engineer, Thief, and Ranger/Mesmer. Here is my break down of these class from what i have heard over the release of Guild Wars. The Engineer is a pretty interesting class but apparently turrets are weak. The Thief is not good in WvW, which is what i am looking to play a lot of. The Ranger is apparently really messed up right now and is considered bad and i really have no idea anything about the Mesmer. Any input on what and how the classes work would be very helpful. Sorry if some of this info is wrong its just what i heard from other players.

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Looking for good Defensive/DPS Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Elixir.2169


Sorry to ask another question but what is the main difference between the arms trait and the discipline trait?

[vT] Loyaless – Thief

Looking for good Defensive/DPS Build!

in Warrior

Posted by: Elixir.2169


I’m looking for a good build for great sword and shield with some off hand weapon. I would like to have 30 in the toughness but I’m not sure where to put the rest of my points for a good defensive/DPS build. I was thinking 0/20/30/10/10 but was not sure how good it would be. Also looking for input on armor since i just reached level 80 for my warrior! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

[vT] Loyaless – Thief