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Launching inventory endpoints

in API Development

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Activated a handful of new endpoints — mostly authenticated and require the “inventories” permission — that provide access to an account’s various inventories:

Note that, as with all authenticated endpoints you can pass the API key either via an “Authorization: Bearer $key” header, or with the access_token parameter. Details about each of the endpoints can be found in the CDI pull requests on Github (linked for each one).

Finally, there’s a bug in the API enumeration that incorrectly and unconditionally lists the characters inventory/equipment endpoints as disabled. We’ll look to fix that at some point in the future so it shows the status of those endpoints properly.

Questions/comments? Happy developing

This stuff sounds really important…. but I don’t get it? What does all of this stuff mean?

These API endpoints will allow a user to generate an API key which will give an application access to various pieces of information about an account.

Some new possibilities for websites/apps include:

- View inventory away from home.
- Cross-list bank contents against one of the various market trackers to see current wealth, as well as find stuff like price spikes in some old dusty skin on your storage ranger.
- Get currently equipped gear/traits(eventually) loaded directly into a build calculator.

Any guardian who actually killed Liadri?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Knight’s armor, boon duration runeset, rest pure zerk.

10/30/0/30/0 traits, scepteter/GS, key traits were right-handed strength, pure of voice, shelter, triple shouts + renewed focus.

Patchnotes regarding WvW, May 28th

in WvW

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Possible tasks

[Regional] Event Completer 0/4
[Regional] Killer 0/40
[Regional] Veteran Killer 0/3
Ascalon: Ascalonian Catacombs & Citadel of Flame
Kryta: Caudecus’s Manor
Maguuma Jungle: Twilight Arbor & Crucible of Eternity
Shiverpeak Mountains: Sorrow’s Embrace & Honor of the Waves

Ambient Killer 0/25
Condition Applier
Condition Remover 0/20
Costume Brawl Champion 0/1
Crab Toss Champion 0/1
Daily Aquatic Slayer 0/25
Daily Champion Slayer 0/1
Daily Crafter 0/10
Daily Dodger
Daily Events 0/5
Daily Feast 0/25
Daily Fractal Runner 0/1
Daily Gatherer 0/20
Daily Healer
Daily Kill Variety 0/13
Daily Kills 0/50
Daily Mists Caravan Disruptor 0/5
Daily Mists Invasion Defender 0/10
Daily Puzzle Jumper 0/1
Daily Puzzle Discoverer 0/3
Daily Veteran Slayer 0/5
Dungeon Completer 0/1
Event Mentor 0/5
Group Event Completer 0/2
Karma Spender 0/750
Keg Brawl Scorer
Keg Brawl Stealer
Keg Brawl Fumble Forcer
Leveler 0/1
Mystic Forgesmith 0/5
Personal Story Completer 0/1
Recycler 0/10
Skill Interruptor 0/15
Skill Point Accumulator 0/3
Story Dungeon Completer 0/1

Now, of these, without stepping outside of WvW, I can easily complete

Ambient Killer 0/25
Condition Applier
Condition Remover 0/20
Daily Aquatic Slayer 0/25
Daily Champion Slayer 0/1
Daily Crafter 0/10
Daily Dodger
Daily Events 0/5
Daily Feast 0/25
Daily Gatherer 0/20
Daily Healer
Daily Kill Variety 0/13
Daily Kills 0/50
Daily Mists Caravan Disruptor 0/5
Daily Mists Invasion Defender 0/10
Daily Puzzle Discoverer 0/3
Daily Veteran Slayer 0/5
Karma Spender 0/750
Leveler 0/1
Recycler 0/10
Skill Interruptor 0/15
Skill Point Accumulator 0/3
+aditional new wvw only.

  • Note that three per day will always be wvw-only.

It is not difficult to finish the daily in wvw, and it never has been. Before the additional wvw options were added, at most the daily would require completion of 1-2 easy categories that took all of 5-10 mins tops. I doubt need to step foot outside of wvw for my daily with the new options.

I came to this thread hoping for updates on when the new tier modifiers would be out, instead I got 9 pages of QQing about a non-existent problem.

Why Not Balance Thieves In WvW Like Spvp

in WvW

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Wow, wtf? Weren’t you wearing any armor OP? I can’t remember dying to a thief anytime recently.

btw, you know that backstab and mug are the same in PvP and WvW right?

The 7k dmg from cloak and dagger part of the combo hits harder in wvw. It was nerfed by 50% in pvp.
Also Food buffs and oils allow for higher burst dmg from all 3 hits of the combo.

And if the target survives the first wave, the second wave of cloak and dagger+backstab will hit them 25% sooner due to shorter revealed.

These are the main differences I can see with the OPs screenshot.

In spvp I can get a total of 50% critical damage on my thief. 20% from zerker amulet/jewel, 30% from traits. In PvE/WvW I can get upwards of 120% total. That right there is where a bulk of the damage difference comes from.

WvW is not intended to be balanced PvP, it isn’t just thieves. There is a long list of skills that use the PvE versions in WvW.

It's time to balance PvP apart from PvE/WvW

in PvP

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Honestly I’d rather the split be PvE vs WvW/sPvP. The half damage for confusion in sPvP was a needed nerf, but now in WvW…

So about those laurels...

in PvP

Posted by: Fatali.4819


It would make sense to add gear chests like the ones the tourney ticket vender sells. Not sure what else they could sell for laurels in PvP, other than finishers/dyes since there seems to be a love of RNG for obtaining gear.

Want to play ranger, waste of time?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Ranger is a solid, viable spvp class, and great in smaller wvw fights that you find in T3 and below. For fractals/dungeons, I have my alts.

sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: Fatali.4819


T1: sword/sword kick double banner rampage warrior and minion necro, turret engies, s/d+s/t quad spirit ranger
T2: engi, mesmer, thief, guardian, ranger
worst tier: ele

deal with it


Fixed it again.

We are all so innovative!

You missed a spirit in that ranger build. Fixed.

Now that Quickness was nerfed, can we....

in Thief

Posted by: Fatali.4819


In the case of Pistol Whip, I personally don’t want to see the damage nerf undone. Instead, I’d like to see the half second delay before the stun lands shortened, which will both improve the DPS of the skill when weaved into a combo, as well as empowering the stun aspect of the skill.

That would have the added benifit of allowing the skill to be intentionally used for its evade. As it stands now, the evade portion is more incidental, as only the most telegraphed attacks can be intentionally evaded with it.

3/22 Dragonbrand/Sea of Sorrows/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Good fight last night on SoS BL. Our team of five got into inner bay only to be pushed back by the only 7 SoS remaining on the map after a long fight in inner. We eventually busted back in thanks to some catas that were left there by another force hours ago.

We were surprised to find a bunch of our siege sitting around inside (and outside) bay left over from whenever we held it last. Not sure why it was left there, and really not sure why it didn’t despawn.

Why can't you make money through crafting?

in Crafting

Posted by: Fatali.4819


First, you would get more than 10 lvs from crafting 1-400.

The experience gained from leveling crafting is based on a percentage of the exp required to reach the next level. Leveling a crafting discipline from 1-400 will give 10 levels of exp.

Second, im pretty sure the reason you craft is to make items and make money.

I leveled jeweler to 375; cooking and artificer to 400 on three or four characters now. I did not do so to make items and money. There is absolutely no faster way to level than crafting.

How do I get credit for guild missions?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatali.4819


It doesn’t work with guesting.


I just did a guild mission with my guild, the members that started it were on a different server, and I was guesting there. The reward I got from killing both champions was a whole 1.3s. Most disappointing.


(edited by Fatali.4819)

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Fatali.4819


Had a frustrating night. Between the FA thief abusing C&D on our EB keep to keep it contested all night, the eles clearing Mendon’s siege by jumping to glitchy spots on the wall, and FA players spamming /laugh and jumping on corpses in a most unsportsmanlike way, I can safely say this is the least fun WvW match I’ve encountered (and I was on henge for a while). I’ll see the rest of ’ya Yaks on the next reset night.

Perma-stealth via Cloak & Dagger vs. Wall

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fatali.4819


This is being used in WvW to keep keeps continuously contested, and to destroy siege. There’s just a thief permanently stealthed somewhere around the walls, who nukes down siege when no one is looking and is more or less uncatchable. Since the stealth is permanent, unbreakable, and effortless, this makes thieves invincible in or around keeps.

This needs a fix ASAP.

Verified as still bugged, 2/26.

2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Fatali.4819


This is the first time that CD managed to take SMC on reset day in the last couple of weeks since reset. Quite an achievement considering we were outmanned during the first 10 or so minutes and nearly lost our supply camps right off the bat to some tricky (and annoying thieves from yaks bend).

Yak’s Bend thief here! Don’t worry, we stuck around to snipe yaks for quite some time after that. We noted that eventually CD had 3-7 player yak escort teams, in some cases autoattacking the air around them.

Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fatali.4819


To answer the question about guild influence:
You will gain guild influence on the world you are guesting on.

Will we also gain the benefit of any active guild upgrades? such as “+10% Magic Find for 3 Days”?

12/7 ET vs HoD vs GoM

in WvW

Posted by: Fatali.4819


I can’t speak for ET, but as a HoD player, well, beating us is not anything special.

I looked up scores from previous matches from and the furthest back they have match scores, the oct13 match, we lost 154k to 346k. Every other match since then, the wining team has had no less than six times our score, thirty six times in the worst case. That is over two months of pure utter crushing defeat, and an unbalanced broken WvW.

We’ve been bleeding players every single week in part due to the poor morale and terrible match balance. You can call them fair weather players, but I simply cannot blame anyone who leaves looking for a functional, playable WvW match. We feel it impacts the rest of the game, in poor PvE bonuses, and from a lower population, but the true impact is hard to gauge.

I was hoping our race to the bottom had ended, but alas. Maybe when we finally hit rock bottom, we’ll have a halfway decent match, maybe I’ll actually be able to see us take and hold something substantial off our borderlands.