(edited by Ferever.7014)
Thats how I would like to have a Bard as Mesmer Concept in regard of Skills so far, haven’t made thoughts about Traits so far:
Weapon: Warhorns
Mechanic: Rhythm System, Mood Gauge & Melodies
Unique Utility Skill: Songs
Unique Condition: Fatigue
Rhythms exchange out the Shatter System completely. Bards create also with their Illusions not anymore Clones or Phantasms. All Skills that earlier under Mesmer Skills created Clones/Phantasms create as Bard now instead “Melodies”Melodies are AoE effects, that can be attuned by rhythms as long they are up to change over time as you play songs their effects.
Melodies are a gameplay mechanic, that is based on the chaos principle and inspiration of the mesmer.. they can have at any given time either positive effects towards you and your allies, or change over suddenly based on the melody over to become hostile effects towards your enemy.Deciding does this, the “Mood Gauge” which is part of the Rhythm System, as the Mood Gauge decides over it based on how you attune the melodies while playing Songs, when exactly a Rhythm of a Song switches over from supportive to offensive and vise versa based on your mood.
When you use Songs, that attune the rhythm more towards a positive and happy mood, then you will get more supportive and defensive effects.
If you use songs to attune your rhythm of the songs more towards an angry mood, then you will get alot more offensive and controling effects.
Also unique for the warhon under this elite specialization is, that the Bard will be the most likely first classs that will make a stop for differentiating between offhand and mainhand, they simply can use warhorns for both hands, means, they get these 5 example skills when wielding two – one for each hand!!
Created Melodies while playing songs will synergize automatically then based on your Mood with the effects of the skillsThe Mood Gauge has 5 Moods
Happiness > Confidence > Relaxation < Depression< Hatred
Example Skills
Effects are described for now on Mood Relaxation1) Interlude > Crescendo > Symphony
Two ranged Sound Attacks that drive the Mood Gauge more towards Hatred, followed by a third ranged AA that makes you more happy.
Interlude starts the AA Chain by dealing damage and granting you Might, when you start with it a combat, before an enemy hits you, and grants more might, if you hit a target that has more than 50% health.
Crescendo grants you some Endurance and lets you evade attacks, while reflectign also incoming projectiles back. Symphony deals damage and shares all boons of you with nearby allies. If you share more than 3 boons with allies, do you lose also a condition everytime you use Symphony and create a melody.
Under Happiness = Increased Ranges and bigger Endurance Gain from Crescendo
Under Confidence = Increased Damage and Interlude grants also Protection when you hit with it Targets that have more Health than you.
Under Depression = Symphony removes not Conditions, it converts them instead over to nearby targets now and deals additionally Confusion when you share Boons
Under Hatred = Same like Depression, but instead of Confusion, its Burning now.Just some examples of how the moods should change slightly the effects of the Weapon Skills, in this case for the AA. The other skills do I leave open here now for Anets creativity (and because I’m too lazy right now, as the basic concept just stands with this :P and its enough to just describe the basics under relaxation to get the gist of it)
2) Charming Chant – Charming Chant significantly boosts your Mood towards Happiness
Charming Chant is a Ground Target AoE Skill that lets you teleport over a short range to that place and do for 3 seconds there a singing performance, that confuses per second nearby enemies, weakens and taunts nearby enemies, while creating at your location also a melody, having then a cooldown of 12s .3) Unfortunate Dissonnance – Unfortunate Dissonance boosts towards Hatred
Unfortunate Dissonance causes for a brief time Fear and Torment.4) Harmonic Expression – Harmonic Expression boosts towards Happiness
Harmonic Expression is a Sound Attack, that becomes significantly more powerful, so more Boons are on you. It causes a massive line of sight shockwave, that launches foes away from you when you are relaxed.5) Echoes of Destiny – Echoes of Destiny boosts towards hatred significantly.
Echoes of Destiny absorbs ranged incoming Enemy Attacks to reflect them back with increased force unblockable to the source where the attack originally came from and this skill removes boons by the reflected attack.
Creates melodies when you absorb ranged attacks with this skillMaximum amount of Melodies you can have on field are 4. Melodies are shown as colorful floating Music Notes that fly through the air while moving
Based on the Mood, each Song can have 5 varying small different effects that can lean either more towards being defensive, supportive, offensive or controlingHealing
Eternal Sonata
While you play this song, becomes your mood slowly over time more cheerful, going towards happiness. You heal yourself and whenever a melody synergizes with your weapon skills, will nearby allies get healed and you and them receive regenerations while you are happy, vigor, while being confident, retaliation while being depressed and might while beign still hateful. The healing effect is more powerful, when you are relaxed.Utility
Aria of Dominance
While you play this song, becomes your mood slowly over time more aggressive
You break out of stuns and you stun nearby enemies with a sonic wave of this song, which also causes high bleedings also when you are hateful, long weakness when being confident, confuses when being depressed and and makes significantly vulnerable, when you are happy. The range of this skill and maximum number of targets is increased, while you are relaxed.Hymn of Courage
The Hymn of Courage makes you instantly very aggressive, grants you and nearby allies Might, Swiftness and Fury while you play this song and grants your and your allies next 3 attacks also a healing effetc, that a part of the deal damage to a foe gets converted into a health gain. while having lesser than 50% health, or into condition removals, when they have more than 50% health.Lullaby of Memories
This song instantly makes you very happy and causes enemies around you to become slow, while you and allies, that hit slowed down targets gain quickness.
The moment you end this song, you create a melody you remembered on, that recreates automatically again the synergy effect of the last melody that caused an synergy effect.Elite
Requiem of Chaos – This song instantly makes you relaxed.
When you perform the requiem of Chaos will all your conditions of your allies and you get periodically changed into Boons, while all Boons of your affected enemies will get periodically get turned into conditions.
Playing this song frees you and all nearby allies from stuns and other cc effects and, while it also has periodically the chance as long you are relaxed to periodically daze or blind foes or to cause a new unique Bard Condition – “Fatigue”.
Fatigue will drain the Endurance of enemies and causes damage to foes, when they use Dodge Rolls and especially when Fatigue leads to it that a target gets to 0 Endurance, then it causes Knockdowns paired with a significantly higher damage.
Ohh wow this is an amazing read I do like the Fatigue concept will be great in PVP and WvW if your bard casts the elite they have to be a priority or the enemy will suffer from the effects of the song. I do love the aspect of the moods it can create some good builds. One thing I would like to see is the timers of when the buffs activate. What I mean is what is the time interval of the elite song where it turns buffs to conditions is it every 1-2 seconds?
So while we are on the bard topic if you had to choose what kind of skills they can have would you rather have their songs be a Upkeep skill that uses energy or initiative (If it was a thief) or would you rather the songs be shouts?
Currently working on 3 elite spec concepts that can fit in the world right now.
I’m tempted to see someone do an elite spec with elementist using a tomehmm perhaps I can make one sometime tonight and make my take on the thief being a bard.
As far as I know they are working on the second generation elite specs they hinted that one spec might get tomes as a weapon or mechanic.
Basically with the BWE2 coming up in 3 Days what are your plans is it play with the elite specs , some stronghold , explore the new map or just pvp test out some builds.
Me I plan on testing out Beserker tank and a herald of course.
As I’m assuming the all races being playable applies to Revevnant.
Male Norn Revenant to test out dual sword + weapon swap + shiro legend
Male Human Necromancer to test out greatsword (also make the necro I had originally intended to make, didn’t because Nolan North just doesn’t sound evil lol).
Male Sylvari Guardian to just see what longbow is like (I mean it has to be better than scepter playstyle wise for me I’d hope).
Only my Revenant would be going into Verdant Brink of the characters.
Yes you will be able to create revs of all races.
Basically with the BWE1 coming up in 4 Days what are your plans is it play with the elite specs , only play one , play the rev or explore the new map?
Me I plan on testing out Tempest and Ventari/Jalis Rev and do a Silverwaste map with the class to see how they stand up to the map.
Mesmer: Scholar or Professor
Weapon: Grimoire / Tome
Utilities : Consecrations
Class Mechanic:
Class Lore: Coming
Class mechanics
Free Cast - When activated you are able to freely move while casting spells. I made it that all the spells somewhat root you to cast.
Memorize Allows your next few spells to have cast time reduced
Hocus Pocus When activated cause your next five attacks to inflict a random boon on your allies or a random condition on you foes.
Tome Weapon Skills
Prism Spell: 3 Chain Auto Attack that bounces between two targets each bounce doing half damage.
Brilliant Radiance: Point Blank AOE that blinds for 2 second deals minor damage.
Crystal Warmth: Player placed AOE that grants regen to allies inside and deals burn damage to enemies.
Crystal Drive: Place insignia on the ground granting vigor for allies.
Crystal Sanctum: AOE damage spell causing freeze and slow enemies down
Heal Skill
Indulge - AoE Mist that heals then increases map hp for few seconds.
Spell Breaker - Single Target cause spells cast to be cancelled and asborb the spell as endurance.
Dispel - Target Based AoE that removes all buffs from the targeted area.
Mind Breaker Target Based AoE that causes pulsing Weakeness and Vul for 3 seconds.
Multi Cast - Grants everyone around you a buff that allows you to double hit any skills for 10 seconds.
Something to add to the mesmers adding more utilities and it sounded like fun to do.
If its anything like this http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Stormcaller then I can be happy.
Race you want to see in the next BWE as Rev?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ferever.7014
For me I would like to see the charr being able to become revs in the next BWE.
This thread will have some insight on those issues and I believe that patch is coming soon as well.
I know GvG is a feature that alot of people want to be brought back into GW2 ,but for me I don’t understand how the mode works to well..besides from the GvG scrim I see on twitch in OS and from what I read on the official GW1 wiki
Based on what the Guild Halls Presentation showed we can invite guilds to duel so how is this done. Do we set up permissions on which guilds can enter our arenas for scrims or is there something else I’m missing? Apologize in advance for lack of clarity I’m looking to understand this.
Why every 1 makes new topic and don’t buy expansion if you font like the price.
Maybe for dev exposure or vocal minority…or my favorite didn’t check the forums to see one was made?
I won’t judge you on the choices you make hope you come back and get to relive that magic you lost.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ferever.7014
I thought WoW was more expensive with expansion and on top of that a monthly sub to?
Not anymore. You purchase it once, then grind for gold to buy a token in game to continue your subscription. It’s really no different than grinding for gold in GW2, then converting it to gems. It’s actually starting to sound a lot cheaper now, where you will get the core game plus 5 expansions worth of content.
Ohh like WS did to as well thanks for the information.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ferever.7014
I thought WoW was more expensive with expansion and on top of that a monthly sub to?
Yeah, WoW is also designed to be addictive over enjoyable. Let’s try not to follow their example please.
Yea for what its worth that game was addicting when I played XP.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ferever.7014
I thought WoW was more expensive with expansion and on top of that a monthly sub to?
Basically with the Core specializations system , Wallet Changes and Condition changes does sounds like a feature pack is coming so just for discussion and stuff if we are getting a feature pack what would you like to see come with it?
One step closer to holy trinity with Ventari
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ferever.7014
While I’m up for the trinity I don’t want GW2 to break word on its promise of people being forced into roles just to complete content. If I can clear content as a tank , healer then I should do able to do it in a all DPS group to as well.
- Weapons – Staff (For heals and main weapon)
- Alternate weapon – Hammer
Armor Set – Full Nomads mainly this build for WvW and Small Scale PVP Fights. Also PvE Depending on what Heart of thorns offers us and my reasons why I chose those traits and also other options.
- Sigils
- Sigil of Purity (Condition Removal)
- Sigil of Frailty/Chill (If I want to inflict Vulnerablity or Chill) Hmmm good for my damage dealers or CC.
Rune sets
- Runes of Melandru That reduced condition duration will be most needed in WvW and PvP so this is my go to set. Also another reason why I chose this using ventaru with jalis you will have a huge target on your back so anything to reduce condition duration is a plus.
- Nourishing Roots – Well the reason I choice this trait is because normally in WvW fights the back lines are aimed for first so if I can keep the backline alive then they can keep providing the support. Also if you don’t want to be in the frontline you can keep this trait and be a backline Rev.
- Invoking Harmony – I plan switching between Jalis/Ventari in fightning so that 20% will be kept up however the second choice I like is…
- Eluding Nullification – Now if I’m more frontline rev (still debating on that) I will go with this and help Warriors and Guardians condition cleanse I can also see this work in the backlines as well only problems I see is the small radius and the internal cooldown.
- Tranquil Benediction – Hmm another good choice for frontline fighters just gotta make sure they are aware that the orbs are on the ground I don’t see this used in huge scale fights ,but more like 10v10s.
Overall I like all three choices so I will switch with those depending on the scenario.
- Natural Abundance – Phew for small scale fighting this will be amazing to use I can drop fragments with each skill use. I figure a ICD will be in play here if not hmm I can use it in frontline fightning. Other choices I can go with is.
- Selfless Amplifcation – Since I’m using Full Nomad my healing power stat will be really high.
- Momentary Pacification If I need to go more Crowd Control in fights this will work indeed.
- Close Quarters – Mainly to reduce damage from ranged DPS and use that chance while in Jalis to use the chain to pull them closer.
- Redeeming Protection or * Eye For an Eye – Both are good traits I would go for Eye for an Eye for a extra taunt though the 45 second cooldown balances it out or if I need more damage reduction I’m going with Redeeming Protection.
- Rejuvenating Steadfast Just to keep myself in the game depending on the % of each heal and the scales I can see myself being in the frontlines for awhile I am however worried about the burst damage though.
- Cleansing Channel – Just to clear conditions hoping to see if they have a ICD.
- Invigorating Howl – 5 Second cooldown if you can manage your energy usage I can see this being good for sustain of course.
- Shrouding Mists – A interesting last trait if my energy is a certain point I take less damage which is always good ,but if my energy is up I will heal my allies or myself more.
My build is subject to change once we get numbers and see how much each heal does.
(edited by Ferever.7014)
Well I agree that Ventari will be the Healing/CC oriented legend. Since he is a promoter of peace and nonviolence we can imagine one of the skills he use is like the elite tome of courage of guardians and does a AOE daze to stop people from attacking and his elite can be something like summon a tree that aoe pulses heals and condition cleaning.
For Shiro I can imagine him being the Single target damage legend and glint maybe AOE burst damage.
Hey just a confirmation if you are bringing the VO back is it confirmed that Ron Yuan is still doing the Charr male voices?
The [RAID] Guild will be hosting a Marathon Silverwaste sessions and we like for you to join us for some runs. We are expecting to hold forts , do successful breaches , wreck Vinewraith and complete maze up to tier 3. If you like to join us contact me ingame at Ferever.7014 and I will send you a ferry. We will provide buffs and a friendly environment and hoping some new found friendships. This is a NA event.
ritualist used already emotional spirits, mesmer is nothign at all about emotions, at least not the ones that have to do with negative emotions in that kind of way, how they would fit to the necromancer and its specializasting, as they already use “Fear” against their enemie,s which is kind a part of “Angst” already and very similar …
An elite specialization about negative emotions is not so unlikely as you may believe, maybe not now, but surely later with another elite spec.
Negative Emotions, hexes and Banner like Gameplay together with a melee weapon orientated condition hybrid weapon is imo, what a “Witcher” as GW2 version would stand out for me.So far, there is no greatsword build under the other classes that can wield creatswords, that is good for condition,s all through the bank just power build greatsword skill bardes. It makes only sense, that the greatsword ksills for the necro this time need to be some melee orientated condition hybrid skills so that theres finalyl also a build in this game, for that it makes more sense to use greatswords with condition damage as main stat, rathe than power.
PS: @ Ferever, this is no dumb concept, in fact this is also somethign that I had back in mind and not just only the connection between you and the the chosen emotional soul, but also to connect you with the souls of your allies.
There is 1 class gameplay I still have back in my mind that I want to see back in a good MMORPG of latest days, a gameplay concept, that I once played in m life in an old MMORPG and have never ever seen before beign used somewhere else in a MMORPG.The Soul Linker from Ragnarok Online
Mhmm I use to play that game and there was another skill in RO that paladins used…ohh it was devotions where you share damage as well.
P.S: Found it http://ragnarok.wikia.com/wiki/Devotion
(edited by Ferever.7014)
Your Soul Connectivity gives me a idea to as well..I was thinking you can link yourself to a party member and share damage with them and in return the linked people can get an increased in regen effects and share boons and also conditions. Silly concept I came up with on the fly dont hurt me.
Hmm I can see that actually lol male banshees….Manshees!! Jokes aside another concept that this spec.
- Glyphs – Where they do either Debuffs for a short perior of time.
- Manipulations – Well like mesmers where you can steal boons you can create a false state of fear in your allies.
- Banners – This is my favorite one where mainly because having a banner that causes debuffs in a area and you can move them can bring alot of party utility.
- Spirits – Perhaps pulse out debuffs to.
hmm, ok, surprising ^^
So the speculation about the necro spec name can begin…
I guess it will end up as “Reaper”, or in regard of DH it could also end up as somethinmg totally idiotic as like Dragonsummoner >.>
Hmm for me I will like to see Witcher , Banshee (Popular name around here) Reaver and possibly Desacrator (Not sure if spelt right). I also think they might get Shouts or banners like warriors where enemies gets debuffs in the area.
Looks smaller than I thought.
I know, verticality. And hopefully plenty more zones.
There will be its in layers and Anet has confirmed that this is only the 1st of several maps in the expansion.
And they also moved Rata Sum a bit as someone found out on reddit.
I will update the opening post. Thank you for providing the links.
Hello everyone,
Today I saw on reddit and that_shaman uploaded a completed map of Verdant brink which I will link below for your viewing. Now from what we know about the Maps is that its separated into 3 Biomes Upper , Middle and Lower and if you look at the map closely you can see the next layer below.
Overall What you think lies in for us based on what we seen here so far?
Update: Seems like Rata Sum has moved
(edited by Ferever.7014)
Me and my guild are trying to figure out which Anet employee it was that’s doing the airplane voices?
Well, at noon Pacific there is a Points of Interest live stream on Twitch that will show some of Revenant game play. Generally PoI doesn’t show anything not already blogged, but you never know.
Just close out the chat channel to the right. While some of the comments are insightful, you’ll lose focus on the actual presentation sifting through the vast bulk of trash talk and spam.
I learned that the hard way anyway gonna update the OP now with the articles and a PSA to read the first page.
New legends are unlocked via skill points this was from the polygon interview today.
I’m guessing specs to as well though I’m happy with any information that comes out.
Too many pages to go through but…isn’t slow already in the game, just called chilled?
Chill increases the cooldowns ,but slow will increase the time it takes to execute the skill.
The skills on the right half of your bar are tied to the legend which you are currently invoking.
Lets see if I can phrase this unambiguously:
When I am invoking Bob the Mighty, will I have a Bob-themed pool of skills to choose from when filling out my right-hand tray, or does channeling Bob the Mighty give me an absolutely specific set of 5 skills without variation from any other Revenant invoking Bob?
I realize the answer may be different for buttons 6 and 0 than it is for buttons 7, 8, & 9.
That is not set in stone yet and something we are deciding still.
As noted earlier in the thread if there isn’t a choice it appears the revenant will feature less customisation than other classes and may be quite inflexible.
There options really are the legends you bring which offer unique playstyles and skills, I can see your point though.
So its like a trade-off system if you wanna be a tanky be prepared to sacrifice your damage output versus if you go condition be prepared to lose your tankiness?
Revenants are the new Dervishes: Confirmed!
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ferever.7014
The one thing I’m worried about since charr don’t believe in gods would using the power of a god be contradiction?
Mhh i guess switching legends will trigger weapon swap sigils if revenants dont have weapon swaps.
On swap sigils will trigger when you invoke your inactive legend.
Ohh wow nice thanks for letting us know.
I don’t think its gonna be like standard MMOs taunting where its tank and spank from what I read it can be used to interrupt mobs from doing certain attacks to groups and in PvP it can be used to disrupt backline fighters exposing them to more direct damage. It can be used for position play to like if a mob has a aoe while the group is dpsing it down they can use it to lure it away from the group giving them a few seconds to do what they need to do.
Are the new boons exclusive to revenant or will other classes have them worked into current skills? Maybe classes will get them in their spec?
I believe that other specs and other professions will get access to them as well to.
I think he meant you unlock Legends using skill points not at skill challenges.
Oh well guess I read to fast about that.
New information from the Polygon interview about the Revenant
- Revenant’s design was influenced mechanically and narratively around GW1 concepts.
- New legends are unlocked via skill points.
- Healing skill cool-downs aren’t carried over when switching legends.
- Jalis utility skill —> call rune from sky, damaging & weakening enemies along the way, knocking them back when it hits the ground.
- Jalis elite skill —> Rite of the Great Dwarf: turn player and party members into stone, boosting power and defense.
- Revenants are anti-heroes, using whatever legends are necessary, no matter if the legends are “good” or “evil”. (I.e., revenants are Batman.)
- Mallyx utility skill —> Unyielding Anguish: jump to target spot, knocking back enemies.
- Legend and weapon skills consume energy. (This is important!!)
- Each legend should have at least one upkeep skill.
- Revenant preview on Twitch 2/20/2015 (Friday) @ 12 p.m. PST.
Hmm if we get new legends at skill points so we go where the legends energy is the strongest like gwens grave at ebonhawke?
Hmm a even curious question would resistance affect agony in fractals to as well? I think it won’t since its fixed damage ,but it could prevent one tick of it.
What if I got both Fear and Taunt?
Where am I going to run?But seriously… I really like the Resistance boon, we’ve always had protection which counters direct dps but never had a boon the counters condis!
They might have a rule where you can’t have both at once and some Diminished return where you have a small immunity period to it.
Roy Cronacher posted on twitter that we will see live gameplay of the revenant this friday
Seems like the revenant and the new boon, resistance, is the hard counter to rangers and condi builds in pvp.
I’m doomed :P
I loved the preview of the Revenant, can’t wait to try it out. I have the feeling that the Mesmer will get a Time Warp like elite skill but with slow.
Yea they gave us alot of information and as well kept some things hidden I can’t wait to see it in action soon.
There is one thing still very confusing to me about this blog post.
It sounds like the Revenant may get less customization than other classes. As per usual your first five skills are determined by your weapon, but unlike other classes they said your second five skills are determined by your legend. Are they determined only by your legend? As in, you pick a legend and get the five skills that come with it? Or will there be a selectable loadout of skills within each legend? And if so how many per legend?
Well from the blog post the type of legend you are invoking will determine the your 6-10 skills ,but they also might have more skills instead of just five predetermined ones.
Edit: Also thanks for everyone that answered concepts question.
So today we received a blog post on the 9th Profession in GW2 the Revenant showing off the weapons we can use and two of the legends so here is a quick overview of what they shown us today.
So far
- Hammer
- Mace
- Axe
- Unique profession mechanic
- Unique resource system
- Heavy armor
- Medium health pool
- Color scheme: red, black, and misty white
- Revenant’s design was influenced mechanically and narratively around GW1 concepts.
- New legends are unlocked via skill points.
- Healing skill cool-downs aren’t carried over when switching legends.
- Jalis utility skill —> call rune from sky, damaging & weakening enemies along the way, knocking them back when it hits the ground.
- Jalis elite skill —> Rite of the Great Dwarf: turn player and party members into stone, boosting power and defense.
- Revenants are anti-heroes, using whatever legends are necessary, no matter if the legends are “good” or “evil”. (I.e., revenants are Batman.)
- Mallyx utility skill —> Unyielding Anguish: jump to target spot, knocking back enemies.
- Legend and weapon skills consume energy. (This is important!!)
- Each legend should have at least one upkeep skill.
- Revenant preview on Twitch 2/20/2015 (Friday) @ 12 p.m. PST.
- MACE: Searing Fissure – You’ll slam down, creating pulsing area of burning fire. Essentially, it’s like an actual crack in the earth that burns a ton of enemies in front of you, and leaves a burning condition on them as well. MACE: Echoing Erruption – With this the player jumps into the air, slamming into the ground, and creates a shockwave that cascades out from the landing point into waves with each wave doing damage. Like Searing Fissure and other Mace skills, this is about lining enemies up and blasting them with finishers.
- MACE: Echoing Erruption – With this the player jumps into the air, slamming into the ground, and creates a shockwave that cascades out from the landing point into waves with each wave doing damage. Like Searing Fissure and other Mace skills, this is about lining enemies up and blasting them with finishers.
- HAMMER: Drop the Hammer – This one is a ground targeted AOE knockdown. You target a large area, swing your hammer, and then a giant Mist hammer comes swirling out of the nether knocks everyone in that area down. It’s only got a 15 second cooldown for now, but a higher Energy cost… still, imagine this in WvW?
- AXE: Frigid Blitz – This allows the player to hurl an ice axe through the air, chilling everyone (slowing them), and when it reaches the actual highlighted target you teleport to him and do a melee spinning attack that ends up behind the enemy, chilling him too. A key thing Jon noted is that you can use one Axe skill mentioned in the blog to pull together a clump of enemies, and then use this to go through them all and wind up at the rear-most one.
A new boon called Resistance and two new conditions called Slow and Taunt so lets discuss this class now with the information we have on hand.
(edited by Ferever.7014)
The only thing that fits that description is
You have to go to straits of Devastation to get it.