Showing Posts For Fievre.4510:


in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


There are threads discussing this already :/

There is a desire for mounts! [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Peoples’ main reason for not wanting them, though?


Just because mounts ruined WoW doesn’t mean they would do the same to GW2. They couldn’t even be implemented in the same manner that cause so many issues in WoW because the games aren’t similar enough.

That’s the sad truth. This and “we don’t need them because we have waypoints”.

“because every other MMO has them”, “I don’t want to spend money for waypoints” and “Waypoints stifle exploration” are not good reasons to have them when the game has more problems that need to be fixed. This game does not need more kitten to process.

Seriously…. If you guys refuse to use waypoints (that you must unlock via exploration) because you don’t have enough money (which can be earned through doing anything), it is your fault for limiting yourselves.

A bit late to the party, but um.

I don’t think not being able to afford waypoints was one of the points I made. I mean, I could be wrong, but I’m prettyyy sure.

More/better titles for PvP

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I don’t mind the titles but I’d also like something more. HoH had a nice incentive to keep playing because the higher ranks weren’t too common, since it took such a long time to get them (or at least it used to, I’m not sure if the ever changed anything that broke it) but on top of having those Hero ranks, you were also given emotes:

(do yourself a favor and 1) mute it, 2) skip a little over a minute in; this also doesn’t show rank 15, oops)

Your guild’s cape could also get a bronze/silver/gold trim for doing well. It’d be nice to see a few extra bits that you could actually show off outside SPvP besides some text that a lot of people might not even see.

1v1 super smash bro. meelee style pls.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510



Yes yes yes. Please, yes.

There is a desire for mounts! [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


NO. Suddenly, nobody did anything anywhere. People would fly around, spot a node on their mini, drop down, mine it, and fly away. No risk of fighting, no quests, no cooperation, no helping others.

Even with ground mounts, people just ran through areas, ignored mobs, ignored events, quests, & other players. It became boring and anti-social. Mounts made fighting your way from place to place trivial. Especially flying mounts.

Some players want mounts just for something end-game to collect. I can see that, but let’s make it mini-pets. A little companion that stands next to you and signifies your accomplishment. Oooh, he has a mini-risen-chicken; he must’ve done that awesome chain in Cursed Shore. Oooh, he has a mini-burning-effigy; he must’ve gotten that achievement in CoF. That kinda thing.

1. Even without mounts I’m running through things I don’t feel like bothering with, so I’m not really sure that’s a valid point, especially when you consider that even a lot of group content on WoW was easily solo’d whereas most here is, well. Not.

2. Some people like to collect minis. Some people like to collect armor. I don’t personally care for minis, and while I love hoarding armor I can’t be bothered to spend so much time grinding dungeons I’m not fond of (not a big PVE fan, tbh; the first couple runs might be fun but after that? Nah) for one set. Why NOT mounts, why not purely cosmetic mounts? Everything about this game is gorgeous, I’d love to see how mounts were implemented. What armor they’d get, what unique animations we might see, etc.

I don’t want to see them come with some buff that would make them necessary. I’d rather see them become an option. I can choose to play without ever waypointing if I’d like, so it’d be equally fair that someone could avoid ever using mounts if they wanted.

I’ve pointed out that they’re not lorebreaking, and it was said once upon a time that the devs had considered mounts for a while. Peoples’ main reason for not wanting them, though?


Just because mounts ruined WoW doesn’t mean they would do the same to GW2. They couldn’t even be implemented in the same manner that cause so many issues in WoW because the games aren’t similar enough.

edited because emotey faces make me rage uncontrollable ._.

(edited by Fievre.4510)


in Lore

Posted by: Fievre.4510


(Opting out of reading all the posts in depth because it turned into a drama bomb)

I think they could do some neat things that are more similar to ritualists with a Shaman-type character than what has been incorporated into Guardians/Necromancers. Shaman are still around in the game, so it seems plausible enough IMO.

My main issue would be that I don’t think I’d want a reworked Ritualist. I mained one for so long on GW1, and preferred healing more often than not… No dedicated healers in GW2 would kinda put me off, but who knows. That’s just me, not a huge fan of change lol.

LOL. You are right, it did turn into a drama bomb. I’m sorry I was involved. And sorry that you all had to endure it. I can’t believe I wasted my time with that.

I get what you are saying about rits. I was a spirit spammer. It was my main as well. Only I am curious to see what they would do with one. One of my favorite things was discovering what they did with the returning classes. I think I would be equally curious to see what they would do with any of the other classes that we haven’t seen. Even if they had evolved into something totally different than what they were.

I’d like to see how their return was handled, too, honestly. I just don’t think I’d be inclined to play one, my nostalgia goggles would break into a thousand pieces.

Titles Should Have an Effect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Yeah definitely wouldn’t be a fan of this.

Unless we indirectly were given a new way to display them, likeee… Master Carver Character Name or something.

Like when I saw the Master Carver title my Dragon Age fangirl got excited and I was gonna make an alt named Hawke. >_> But then I remembered titles don’t do that. I would deal with your proposition if this change accompanied it. For real.

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Here are a few. Was super pleased with the Holiday-themed ones, still haven’t decided on an everday one to use currently, though. I might see about using the Christmas one with different colors (but that means finishing the set and really I just cba)


GW2: Great Suggestions A++

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Most people who want mounts want them for cosmetic purposes. We can collect armor, we can collect minis, why not give us something else? If you can agree with a boat for travel that would actually add new things, but not cosmetic “mounts” I just… I don’t even understand.

The maps are not too small. Sure, maybe they’re small if you waypoint everywhere, but not everybody does that. If I’m leveling a new alt I’d rather run around and kill everything between A and B, just out of habit. I wouldn’t mind having a fancy little thing to ride around on while I do that.

And as far as it being a WoW copycat idea, like… What? WoW isn’t the only game to have mounts, and even if it was, it’s been successful for a longgg time. I don’t understand why people are so against using anything that even reminds them remotely of WoW. That’s a good part of the reason why I personally think Wildstar looks like it’ll be awesome. It’s basically WoW with a few differences and various improvements.

There’s no shame in taking heavy inspiration from a great success, stop acting like it’s some terrible idea because once upon a time WoW existed. Especially for something that can be collected lol, ANet has always given their players so much to work for. Weapons, armor, minis. Mounts definitely would be a plausible addition to the list, if people would stop getting immediately kitten and terrified because ‘OMG WOW HAS MOUNTS.’

So does SWTOR, Wildstar will, Tera does, Neverwinter does. What is the issue?

Legendary Armor?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I wouldn’t mind “legendary” armor, but not done in the same way as weapons. But first things first, I’d rather see more readily-available armor skins. (I also wouldn’t mind buying dungeon sets with gold or something, but I guess that defeats the purpose of “dungeon sets,” so maybe just… a bit less grind.)


in Lore

Posted by: Fievre.4510


(Opting out of reading all the posts in depth because it turned into a drama bomb)

I think they could do some neat things that are more similar to ritualists with a Shaman-type character than what has been incorporated into Guardians/Necromancers. Shaman are still around in the game, so it seems plausible enough IMO.

My main issue would be that I don’t think I’d want a reworked Ritualist. I mained one for so long on GW1, and preferred healing more often than not… No dedicated healers in GW2 would kinda put me off, but who knows. That’s just me, not a huge fan of change lol.

There is a desire for mounts! [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


When people talk about mounts, they typically want flying and speed boosts. As long as they don’t give that, I can’t really say I care how Arenanet handles it.

It’s unfortunate that more people don’t think that. I’ve talked to a few who are so opposed to the idea of mounts at all that they’ve basically said they’d quit if they ever were implemented, even with no speed increase or anything.

Which is really a bummer.

GW2 Ritualist: Profession Outline

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


The Dervs and Paragons were merged into other classes/races this time around because they didn’t really have a niche of their own in the first game. SOS Rits were way too powerful, no matter how they nerfed it. I doubt these classes will ever see the light of day again, and for good reason.

To be fair, SoS has a really ridiculous buff. It wasn’t quite as OP until they removed the cast time of all spirits in PVE.

The nice thing about GW2 is that you can see traces of each class that didn’t make it, in all the ones that did. The nicer thing, is that they reworked all the original classes and honestly I don’t think anything is too far fetched.

That said, they wouldn’t be the same as they were in GW1 (which I guess is the point) and that might turn some people off pretty quickly. I mained a rit in GW1, but i would probably not play one in GW2 even if it was possible.

Switching recharging utilities out of combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


i think being able to switch out utilities that are recharging while out of combat would be fun and that it would ease some frustration

retain the recharge timer of the swapped out utility to keep it balanced

Ugh yes. I wouldn’t mind doing so with elites either, since sometimes I just want to switch and stroll around as a tornado while I’m chatting in LA, and afterward it’d be swell to whip out a FGS and spam all that ._. But it makes me wait.


Perfectly Logical Nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fievre.4510


People who nag that engies/eles can’t swap in combat seriously should just roll a class that can.

I’m pretty sure they’re 9/10 times the ones who don’t care to learn to really play their class and blame the game instead of themselves.

Neither class NEEDS an in combat swap, they work fine as they are. There’s on reason to redo everything to change it because some people are lazy. There’s also no reason to continue to keep the complaints going.

Weapon Dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I’m sure they have their reasons for not including it, since it was a feature in GW1. I sort of miss it, but at the same time some weapons looked really… dumb.

I only really would like to see my felblade be black again ._.

So +.5? I guess

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I had to do research to get skimpy armor for my female elementalist.

Seriously speaking, there are far too many non-revealing armor in the market (and no, I’m not attempting sarcasm). For light armor, the first two armors and the last few armors are revealing. The rest is pretty much the things you’d wear at UNICEF meeting. Medium and Heavy Armors are even worse, as the number of revealing armors can be counted by hand, most are heavy trenchcoats or full-set platings. IIRC the

We have enough non-revealing armors already to shut all the people that screams “OBJECTIFICATION!” up.

By the way, I’m not asking for bikini-level revealing here. I just want to see the effect of that “skin color” setting I chose to be more pronounced. Take the Human T3 light armor for example. Skins, yes but also quite elegant.

Basically this. You can mix it up for a semi-revealing set of armor but it takes a good amount of time and effort to find something that mixes well. I had a hard enough time just mixing it up for anything to fit the holidays.


There is a desire for mounts! [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I’d like to see mounts, just as another vanity item like minis. No speed boost, no benefit of any kind. They’d just look neat.

I’m pretty sure the other mounts thread was over 100 pages last I saw, and people in favor of mounts made a ton of great points, while people against the idea basically just said they personally didn’t want them.

I see no reason to not give players something else to collect.

Sure, horses are extinct. There are other things you could saddle up and ride around. Dolyaks (which were NPC mounts in GW1, along with these ugly giant hamster things), cows, oakhearts, bears, drakes. I could even see an undead mount, honestly, if we’re going for lore-ish reasons they could exist.

Sylvari, rangers, maybe even elementalists could probably ‘charm’ an oakheart. Undead mounts? Necromancers.

And let’s be real here. They had us killing giant rabbits and moas and nobody complained, but talk about wanting to sit on a pretty beasty? Oh no. That’s blasphemous.

Also the Junundu were basically a mount, similar to the Seige Devourer.

There’s no reason to avoid it if it’s simply another vanity item. If you don’t want them, don’t get them. It’d be silly to add a speed increase since, as has been used to counter any reason to add mounts, waypoints exist.

Social Dance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


i want to see the gw1 dances, all of them

This. A thousand times this.

GW2 Ritualist: Profession Outline

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


This just really makes me miss my rit.

I’m just going to go sob in a corner and mourn.

Elementalist able to weapon swap ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I wouldn’t want an in-combat weapon swap. Eles are fine without that. The only thing I’d want is an out-of-combat swap, mainly because I get tired of swapping between weapon sets based on what I’m planning on running into.

Like when I’m running with a small group in WvW I’ll play with a set I might use in SPvP in case we run into another small group. If I’m at a keep I’ll switch to staff so I can faceroll some aoes. It’s just easier to hit the tilde instead of digging through my bags.

And yes, I know, I can get fancy bags and organize my stuff, but seriously. My inventory is so full, no matter how I set it up it’s going to be a pain to find.

And on the note of D/D survivability: I don’t have issues playing my ele in SPvP. If it isn’t working for you, set up your traits and armor differently. I stroll around with ~20k hp and do fine. If I run into things that give me issues some days, I might switch to D/F MAYBE, if the extra defense would be worth it. But given that SPvP isn’t just 1v1s everywhere sometimes it’s not a big deal.

You have auras and combos and a bit of healing. Honestly if you play right, you shouldn’t have many issues unless you’re being focused.

More Skimpy Armor Please? [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I sort of think it’s silly to try and deny people additional armor options based on the fact that it’s not realistic or that it’s objectifying pixels.

For people who RP, skimpier clothes could be in character. I mean honestly do you think most light armor would realistically provide much protection anyways?

ANet is pretty capable with designing a wide variety of armor, and even when it’s skimpy it’s still tasteful.

I was going to link to specific armor sets that I personally liked and would dig seeing something similar, but then I realized that’s way too many links… So I’ll just solve my issue by linking to basically everything.

There are a lot of sets where both genders show (or hide) an equal amount of skin, that aren’t just kitteny. Also ritualist, some monk, and necro armor show a LOT of skin but by use of tattoos have still kept it pretty tasteful, imo.

I seriously like. If they reintroduced old armor sets or made something similar to them I would probably spend all my money to get them. For real.

Armor was what kept me playing GW1 for as many years as I did. I’d like to have that incentive keeping me around on here, too. (I’d also rather grind gold than dungeons but hey, baby steps.)

Vanity: View your own character title.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


It’s only inappropriate if the character name isn’t already there. The custom title itself isn’t bad, who is offended by butts?

That said, I really do want to see my own titles.

I painted a 360* panorama shot of lions court

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fievre.4510


That is really very impressive. It looks like a screenshot at first until you zoom in.

Definitely, for a second there I thought I’d misread that it was painted until I zoomed in lol.

Very niceee.

Come See the Results! Fan Art Exchanging!

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Display Name: Fievre.4510
Links for reference:
Ref 1
Ref 2
Request: Just a sketch I think. Portrait or waist up, or whatever you want really lol. I don’t care if you color the sketch or just color over the lines, I’m not picky. I just want the Christmas outfit :B
Do you plan to use color or just make a line drawing?: I’m not going to lie it’ll go either way lol, so I’ll say line and make no promises that someone might get something colored.
Do you receive/check your PM’s?: Sure do

Also, because I’m shameless feel free to get at me on Tumblr (this page links directly to things I’ve tagged as art since I’m sure you don’t want to see the other crap) if you want something specifically :B

(edited by Fievre.4510)

Anyone Interested in a Community Art Trade?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I’m sooo down for this, totally.

Nerf DD ele

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Pretty sure that means those players were outplayed.

Was it the guardian who was straight dps? in that case, if the ele is built right then yeah it’s probably going to last longer. I know it’s hard to believe but eles are not limited to being glass cannons.

Or, if it’s the ele who was straight dps, well… The guardian did something wrong, lol. Anything can beat an ele that stacks damage, they have no survivability. In fact, it shouldn’t be too hard to beat any class that stacks straight damage as long as you’re actually able to hit them, because they’ll be squishy and cute.

NEW reason for weapon swap/slot for Elem/Eng

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Just throwing this out there, but if the cooldown was larger AND an activation time was placed on Weapon Swapping (1-5 seconds for swap, 30 second recharge to avoid manipulation) would you consider it less Op? Right now ele’s are really good in any players hand if you have the right set up, so this is probably pushing some builds way past OP.

No. Maybe if this weren’t an MMO and just a single player game, because I don’t mind being OP there since you can just up the difficulty (unless OP is what you’re after) but seriously… Eles have 20 skills. They can switch to a different 20 in mid combat? No thanks lol. A clutch switch has a lot of potential to be REALLY stupid.

The whole point is acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses with any particular build. Each is built already to work as any classes’ two weapons would. There’s no reason to double it.

(edited by Fievre.4510)

NEW reason for weapon swap/slot for Elem/Eng

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


It really depends how you think of that bonus to inventory space. While, sure, it’d be nice to have two extra spots, it’d be nicer to not keep losing my different weapons in my inventory when it gets cluttered. Especially if I’m in WvW where I’m switching between staff and something that can handle smaller group combat a bit better. Nothing is more fun than being stuck with my staff when I’m not with the zerg (or worse with just one weapon of a two-weapon set) because my inventory is a disaster.

We have different types of bags for that reason. There’s a bag for equipment pieces, a bag for vendor trash, a bag that doesn’t show up at vendors and is ignored by autosort and bags for crafting material.

True, assuming you don’t have other things in those bags. I shouldn’t have to completely reorganize my inventory if I want to do wvw instead of spvp (because yes, different spvp weaps are in my inventory even outside hotm) or dungeons.

I’m not wanting a second set to use in combat, just to hold a second set for a quick switch between mobs. Dunno why that’d be an issue.

NEW reason for weapon swap/slot for Elem/Eng

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


It really depends how you think of that bonus to inventory space. While, sure, it’d be nice to have two extra spots, it’d be nicer to not keep losing my different weapons in my inventory when it gets cluttered. Especially if I’m in WvW where I’m switching between staff and something that can handle smaller group combat a bit better. Nothing is more fun than being stuck with my staff when I’m not with the zerg (or worse with just one weapon of a two-weapon set) because my inventory is a disaster.

Forum Avatar

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Definitely this. If I can’t have an image in my sig at least let me have an avatar Even if it’s just small.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Another little thought just ran through my head …what if the mounts were not racial but were professional…
for instance the Necro would summon a MEAT Horse. A Mesmer would make a Illusionary Moa. The Ele would Ride the Lighting. A Eng would make a buggy or something to that effect. Rangers would ride a pet. A thief would just Steal one from the other people near him.
Not sure what a Guard or War would do …I am sure, you all can figure out something for them to ride. What would it be?

Meat horse… xD Lost it. I want this.

Gender and armor?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


The three orders, IMO, have armor that aren’t too flashy or anything like that. I don’t want to go out on a limb and say it’s got the exact androgynous appearance you’re looking for because that’s a personal preference. But I dig ’em.

Other than cultural armors for humans, sylvari, and norn, I really wouldn’t think the differences for the majority of the armor sets might be a problem. But like I said, personal preference I guess lol

Increase Elementalist Staff Projectile speed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I… what… Your cooldowns are short enough auto attacking shouldn’t be your main means of damage, but on top of that I haven’t ever felt like my auto attack wasn’t hitting hard enough. Staff is usually my go-to weapon when I’m feeling lazy because I can sit in fire and strafe in circles to kite mobs around until I’m so bored it motivates me to stop being so lazy.

The other 3 might be a bit puny, sure, but in water the auto attack heals and in air it bounces between targets. Pretty sure earth puts weakness or something up, I can’t recall off the top of my head.

Left handed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I’m a lefty too and I always thought it’d be kind of cool, but at the same time over the years I’ve gotten used to characters always being right handed. I think it’d be kind of weird lol.

Elementalist Improvements...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


If we ignore the bunker build, which is incredibly boring, it’s true that Elementalist have currently a hard time playing solo. Just to make an example, my War lv40 is much much easier to play in lv40- areas than my Ele lv80 in the same areas.
Elementalists play just fine in groups, where they can support the entire team and deal huge AoE damage, but they struggle when they are alone.

The problem is not the lack of weapon swapping, but rather the lowest hp and armor in the game together with the almost complete lack of defensive mechanism (unless you use focus, which has some). Also, I think some skills from air and water attunement need a buff: I find myself using those only for running, desperate healing, or when all strong skills from other attunements are in cd.

Bunker is fine, not my cup of tea though so I don’t play it.

I usually roll with scepter/dagger in SPvP and have no issues – none, other than being outplayed sometimes – with surviving. You just really have to pay attention lol. In PVE I can run around kiting with a staff, or smacking stuff with daggers and there aren’t problems unless I’m just standing there.

Back to SPvP, if we’re looking at lack of survivability, and this is just in regards to S/D and how I run it:

I have a bit over 19k HP, I believe I put the image up of stats and stuff (I’m pretty sure it was this thread at least lol)

With Rock Barrier, I’m up to almost 1600 toughness/2500 armor. Dust Devil blinds, Earthquake is a nice knockdown. Updraft knocks back, Blinding Flash is another blind, if I need to I can use Ride the Lightning to get away. Frost Armor slows. You can use Cleansing Wave as a small heal and condition removal, and Water Trident as another heal on the run (so long as you put WT in the right place and it doesn’t end up behind you while you’re moving). Mist Form is always good to have, Cleansing Flame is good condition removal, and Signet of Earth is another snare.

Applying auras gives me protection, fury, and swiftness; switching attunements gives me a boon. All of this plus dodging and a bit of awareness makes eles a lot of fun IMO. I don’t die unless I was dumb and didn’t dodge a stun before HB or something silly.

Basically, when I die it’s almost always because I wasn’t paying attention, or because I was outplayed. Not because I’m on an ele lol. I can’t faceroll as hard, sure (A few weeks after the game was released I made a necro and made up some terrible wells build and had no idea what I was doing, I just put wells EVERYWHERE and crossed my fingers. I used my elite and just hit all the buttons, had no clue what they did, and like.. never died. It was bad) but it’s not bad once you start figuring things out.

It’s just that a lot of people don’t seem to want to lol.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I think Devata is possibly my favorite person to post here lol.

Mounts would ruin this game. If players had the ability to bypass mobs and events by outrunning them, there would be no sense of danger in the world. Areas like Cursed Shore and other Orr zones would suffer the most from this. All that would be left would be karma farmers at Plinx, players outrunning the undead around collecting material nodes, and one or two folks actually trying to do the other events for map completion. A lot of the friendly random help you receive from other players passing by would end, because they can just outrun whatever danger YOU are in.

Plus it would just destroy WvW

Um. If I don’t want to fight a mob, I run past it already. Karma farmers already exist. Escaping mobs is already not terribly difficult for certain classes/builds. All of the issues you’ve pointed out already exist in one way or another, and as a head’s up, like we’ve said a zillion times already: Mostly, we just want mount skins. Not speed increases.

well hopfully ANet will not introduce them. Where would we stop, first mounts then players would want flying mounts, and then come the speed issues etc etc. if you want mounts, then go and play WoW.

This is horribly close-minded. For one thing, WoW is not the only other MMO to exist, and it is certainly not the only one to have mounts. Not to mention, if we do see mounts it isn’t going to be any time soon. Plus, ANet isn’t dumb lol. I know people on the forums seem to think that they’re superior to all other people, even the devs when it comes to changing a game that those people have spent YEARS of their lives on, but seriously. I promise, if it won’t work, they won’t do it.

They’ve never outright said “no” to mounts, and it’s likely that any definitive answer won’t show up for a while yet. They’ve likely considered it but until they’re able to test it and see how they’d want to implement things like that, we won’t know. Also, nobody has even mentioned flying mounts other than when crying about WoW having them, which is silliness. This is not Warcraft, it won’t be. But in order for it to really thrive, people need to stop shunning any idea that might even remotely remind them of another game, that’s unnecessary and… just, dumb really.

Also I’m not convinced you’ve read any of the arguments and counters made here because you’re out of order already. The speed issue has already been brought up time and time again, because nobody is reading what’s been said. They’re coming, posting ‘OMG WTF NO NEVER TERRIBLE, CONFLICTS WITH LORE, WILL RUIN GAME, NO PROOF OR REASON BEHIND IT’ and leaving.

Yes, the caps were necessary.

PS, People who do not want mounts: If they’re added, don’t get them. I’m sure Anet isn’t about to throw in an enormous 3-person mammoth and let 500 people run around with them in LA, anyways.

And if they’re not added? Whoopdidoo, you win, go ahead and gloat like all (except maybe three) of the posters here would.

(edited by Moderator)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Good reason. I love good reasons.

Ranger pets grow as they level.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Most definitely. And probably with an added option to keep using the juvenile model should you so choose, since I’m sure someone out there would hate the idea.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Giant yeti-hamsters? Ill take two.

They were quite adorable.

And then they spammed you with knockdowns and suddenly you wanted nothing more than to stomp on all of them and never see another.

Raids - A Reason to log in!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Just as a note for people who seem to forget this: It’s entirely possible to disagree and not be rude or childish. Calm down lol.

I don’t necessarily think I’d want to see massive 20+ person “raids” at all. But adding a few more people (Even if we go back to GW1 standards of 8/12 being the norm) could be fun. I do kind of miss Fissue of Woe, Underworld, The Deep, etc.

It’s always nice to feel like a bamf because you solo’d some big bad dude, it’s also really nice to feel awesome because you worked together with a handful of friends to do the same thing, on a larger scale. Coordination can be a ton of fun here with combo fields and all that. There’d definitely be potential, I think.

Granted, does that mean I’m expecting to see something like that? Ehh, probably not.

Small tweak for Elementalists

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


…. why would you use a staff for pvp? are you one of those nubbins who plays bunker ele? if so… don’t…. abusing broken mechanics doesn’t make u a good player it makes u bad…. play a build that’s at least not broken….. basically… anything except bunker… and if you complain about bunker ele’s being underpowered it’s prolly cuz ur bad and if you’re using a staff for anything besides bunker in pvp… i’ve found your problem…

While I somewhat agree… I have run into staff eles in tournaments with groups built around knowing how to use the combo fields.

But more importantly, I’ve never seen a bunker ele roll with a staff o: Usually they’re scepter/focus, from my experiences anyways. Then again, I haven’t done SPvP reguarly in a while.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


when are people going to realize there’s no such thing as a lore conflict?

When there actually isn’t such a thing as lore conflict. For now, there IS such a thing as lore conflict.

is there anything in the lore that say mounts don’t exist? not that i know of, and even if there was they could say “oh look the asura bred a new breed of X animal” or oh look, new magic resulted in a bigger version of X animal"

that was hard.

Lore conflict exists, sure. But not here. “Mounts have no place in GW lore at all.” Really? Tell that to the dwarves, who rode dolyaks and giant ugly yeti-hamsters. Or the Junundu, who functioned as an enormous mount that ate you in order to get you from Point A to Point B. Or the giant devourers in EotN?

Like I said before, when it comes to lore: Please explain how miniature versions of characters exist and why they walk around following us when all we do is lock them away in our banks when we want nothing to do with them? Mounts make more sense than minipets.

Elementalist Improvements...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


My ele doesn’t have issues in sPvP as long as it isn’t, like, 1v4 or something stupid. I’ve got sup earth runes and a knight’s amulet. Stats:

Not as buff as my necro or mesmer when I SPvP on them, but it kills faster and survives better in my experience.

Eles may have the lowest base hp but that doesn’t immediately translate into lowest survival. You won’t survive if you sit there trying to tank hits, but that’s not what the class was designed to do. Even if you go D/D and are in melee range, you aren’t just standing there wailing on the dude and still taking hits, you have to move. It’s a really mobile class.

You also have to build around your weaknesses as a player and according to what you’re going to be fighting. If something keeps catching up to you? Bring snares. Hits hard and hits often? Blinds. Poisons, bleeds, burns, etc.? Condition removal. Need a personal tank? Ele glyph will give you some time, a bit more if you’re thinking enough and are able to put out a few heals that hit it.

Like I said, eles are really mobile, and versatile. You should almost always be moving and switching attunements.

Sounds like a fun and challenging class. Think you’ve convinced me to roll an ele next. Btw what’s the mask you have there in the pic as your helm? What does it look like when it’s seen and where is the most likely place to get it?

That’s exactly what they are. When people can’t nail down a playstyle in two hours they get all irritable and blame the class. You really just have to stick with it. Also it’s just the Heritage mask, which unfortunately clips a bit with the hair I’ve picked. :C


Small tweak for Elementalists

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Yep this is all I want.

The lost of interest in sPvP and how to fix it.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Their idea that having different formats causing split-up in the playerbase is just completely flawed. With just stale boring Capture Points there won’t BE a playerbase.

Yesss. Capture points are kind of lame. Fun sometimes, but it isn’t what I want to always be doing. Death match, capture the flag, etc. would all add a lot of flavor. Even just a few new game types would hold me over for now.

need more high-heeled design for heary armor shoes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I do have to say high heels aren’t the least of my worries, I just miss more armor variations. I didn’t mind the fact that some were so skimpy they made no sense, they were awesome.

I want more GW1 armor sets to come back :(

Also for people who like realistic armor, don’t get that skin :p Maybe it’s just me but even if I were an ele/mes/necro IRL or something, I wouldn’t be wearing the acolyte set, uh, ever.

Post Count

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I sort of agree. It isn’t something that really bothers me, but it would definitely be nice.

Elementalist Improvements...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


My ele doesn’t have issues in sPvP as long as it isn’t, like, 1v4 or something stupid. I’ve got sup earth runes and a knight’s amulet. Stats:

Not as buff as my necro or mesmer when I SPvP on them, but it kills faster and survives better in my experience.

Eles may have the lowest base hp but that doesn’t immediately translate into lowest survival. You won’t survive if you sit there trying to tank hits, but that’s not what the class was designed to do. Even if you go D/D and are in melee range, you aren’t just standing there wailing on the dude and still taking hits, you have to move. It’s a really mobile class.

You also have to build around your weaknesses as a player and according to what you’re going to be fighting. If something keeps catching up to you? Bring snares. Hits hard and hits often? Blinds. Poisons, bleeds, burns, etc.? Condition removal. Need a personal tank? Ele glyph will give you some time, a bit more if you’re thinking enough and are able to put out a few heals that hit it.

Like I said, eles are really mobile, and versatile. You should almost always be moving and switching attunements.


Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Still not seeing the problem. Honestly they could do it similarly to tonics, which change your appearance with no speed boost (and honestly, isn’t that essentially what a lot of us seem to want?) and just, instead of transforming YOU into the creature, they could pop you onto it.

Tonics work in a way I’d like to see mounts work, and they’re already in the game so.

As far as mounted combat goes, turned off to the idea. But that’s probably because a certain other game that people will have a stroke if I bring up, has influenced me. Not to say Anet wouldn’t do it’d differently, but meh.