(edited by FlashGamer.4017)
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I killed the Lich on January 1st right in the morning on first try, when everyone had a hangover and was probably sleeping.
If you have tons of gold, try getting HOPE for your thief as a fitting asset to your dagger. Even with all the gold in the game, the collection will keep you busy a few weeks.
Funny, I just killed a Veteran Vinetooth, Veteran Brizzleback, 2 Mordrem Punisher and 1 Mordrem Sniper at once. It got close in the end, was very fun and I felt amazing after pulling it of. If you don’t like what you bought, that’s on you. I for my part am having an amazing time taking on as many foes as I can at once. No PvE snoozefest anymore.
1) We have 2 sets to swap, it’s a give and take there. It’s not weak, that’s just your opinion.
2)…racials? Really?
3) The profession specific stat doesn’t exist anymore. It got removed with the trait overhaul last June.
Can the developpers please stop ignoring us?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: FlashGamer.4017
Seems to be the environment here, they post every few days on reddit…
I find Herald rather strong, if not op, even with full zerk I have much sustain than I ever had on warrior. You just have use your skill strategically. Use Glint heal when you are about to get a big hit incomming, use Shiro heal when you are about to burst. Use Staff 5 and Sword 3 for Evades, pretty easy.
Oh and please tell me more about how I am the only person who feels this way about this expansion that I spent my hard earned dollars on. Go look around the forum, there are thousands of posts like mine.
There are thousands of posts but a lot of that is five people posting in every thread. There aren’t thousands of different people complaining. And it’s still a tiny percentage of the over all player base.
No one is saying you’re wrong for feeling bad about your purchase. That’s your prerogative. But saying that you deserve a response without directly contacting the company is a bit rich, that’s all.
This isn’t a way to contact the company, it’s a way to communicate with fellow players. Anet certainly has people reading this, but then you run into the issue of this.
I don’t like the game because XYZ.
Now a representative who’s not a dev talks to you. Sorry you don’t like the game. I’ll bring your issue to the attention of the devs. That’s all they can really say. It still comes down to that.
The bottom line is, people want validation, which is perfectly normal. But posting to a forum doesn’t get you a response and even if you got one it would be meaningless. It would be lip service and nothing more…unless it came from a dev.
Even if “thousands” are complaining, Gw2 has apparently 3.5 millilon aktive players. “Thousands” are complaining and posting negative stuff on the forums, rest is actually enjoying the game. WHile I find some critisim valid, no one is forcing you to play the game and why should Anet change anything if only a very vocal minority dislikes their stuff?
Yes, I’m rich you know.
Nice, you can send me your stuff then?
UA does feel to strong in PvP in my opinion. There is almost no counter play to it. It’s a one button, high reward skill with no risk, you don’t have to think about using it wisly and that is my problem with it. My fix? If your opponent dodges the first strike, the skill will stop and go on full cooldown. This way you would need to think about when you use it, instead of just press it whenever it is off cooldown.
Elite spec is just an extra traitline which also lets you equip a new weapon
Use it how you would choose arms over defense or tactics over strength vice versa.
If I would want to go full dire condition cheese warrior, I would go defense,discipline and berserker
If I wanted to go full dps warrior, I would strength arms discipline or strength defense discipline. (yes berserker gives you a lot of % modifiers but in the end, I wont have much use for the berserker mode because in most situation the enemy will be dead with my first adrenaline bar filled up).
Just another traitline which opens up warriors to be in balance with the roaming dire/perplex mesmers/thieves/guardians in open world pvp and pvp. (implying its extremely great spec for condition warriors or even hybrid ones)
*I feel anet just messed up on calling the elite spec berserker, they shouldve called it something else. *
Meanwhile the elite spec for literally every other class is meta because they give them a massive power creep lol
Well Berserker is meta….. http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Berserker_-_Phalanx_Strength
I don’t think the healskills should be as powerful as on other professions… why? Because you have two of them! Balance guys :P
Well, turned out Berserker can do quite high burst with a PS-Berserker build. But just look at the screenshot :P Managed to get this little baby off against a DS Boss, it’s not the most I ever did, but the most I have on screen. At least in PvE I cannot say this Elite Spec is underpowered.
Edit: For referance, what you see in the screen is a 43k Hundret Blades, achieved with nothing but Berserker selfbuffing.
1) About 2 Hours with random PuGs. Got it down to 50%.
2) It was amazingly well designed, challenging and very fun! Seeing how you improve after each death felt amazing!
3) 8 – 9 I think you are not forced into using set professions, however you are set into roles, you wanted to have a tank, a healer and as much DPS as possible (Condi & Power).
4) 10 I think it is impossible without voice communication. One guy makes a mistake, everyone dies.
We have:
-The highest Armor available
-The highest healthpool available
-2x Endure Pain (once as a utility, once as a trait)
-Several blocks on weaponsets (Mace, Shield, Sword)Do we really need more Damage Reduction?
The health pool helps a lot, but the game has changed a fair bit to the point that each class’ mitigation options should be looked at.
For example, the math above more or less shows armor difference between heavies and other classes isn’t worth much.
All but one block ends with a single melee attack, and as noted there’s been some proliferation of unblockable skills. The stances have long CD, are short lived, and apply to one damage type.
I don’t think warrior is “in trouble” per se, but its staying power in a fight has been lessened due to the diminished value of its mitigation options.
Blinds, evades, stun breaking teleports, aegis, protection, and particularly stealth are the much more valuable damage mitigators, after dodge.
Don’t forget we also have alot of access to Regeneration as a boon and not as a boon so we actually can have it “twice”. Aegis, protection and stealth would not feel right on a warrior in my eyes. However, blinds and evades, while being more a thief thing would fit the warrior. But well we still have our elite spec to be announced and I’m looking foward to it. Dagger could be evade focused and Pistol or Torch could be associated with blinds. I’m placing my bets on Torch btw
To be honest I rather wait 2 or 3 months more than seeing a Zhaitan 2.0 Fight. I also see why Anet isn’t that transperent about everything they are working on.. imagine if they were.. you would know EVERYTHING about the Expansion before even playing it, sound pretty boring to me. Why aren’t they announcing a release date? Probably because they don’t want to set themselves a “deadline”, also people would QQ if it got pushed back. It will also be a bigger surprise for everyone, leading to more hype and more sales of course.
My theory: They wanted to release it in August, thus the spec release pattern, but then -something- came up and they had to fix or rework it, they realized a release in August is impossible and therefore had to make a 2 month break. That does not mean that we will now get 3 reveals and another 2 month break. However it also doesn’t mean we won’t have a 2 month break.
We have:
-The highest Armor available
-The highest healthpool available
-2x Endure Pain (once as a utility, once as a trait)
-Several blocks on weaponsets (Mace, Shield, Sword)
Do we really need more Damage Reduction?
I don’t think it will happen, because offhand weapons give you less stats than mainhand weapons, therefore to give warrior mainhand shield they had to buff it to bring it in line with the mainhands.
Of course they are not META, there is only one Most Effective Tactic Available (META)…
Ele has d/d, d/f, staff that are all viable. Thief has d/p only.
Keep in mind we are talking PvP here. D/D is the only viable loadout in PvP. But yes, on a standpoint talking about the whole game, thief is in a worse place than almost any other class, which disappoints me because I main it.
D/F and staff aren’t meta in pvp, but they are a hell of a lot better than the weapons on many other professions. In the whole game, thieves are probably 5th or 6th just above rangers and necros. S/D and P/P need significant changes, and their elite spec needs to bring support so they are worth taking in wvw zergs.
Hello and thanks for clicking on this thread. As the title says I’m looking for a guild for fast Dungeons and Fractals on a daily base.
Stuff about me:
I know almost every dungeon path, there are some I run rather rarely like CM, HotW or Arah, I did run each path at least once. I have no or rather very little experience in Speedrunning but I would be eager to learn. I have 4471 hours played over all. My main classes are Warrior (1075 hours) and Elementalist (~600 hours), I have however experience in dungeons with all classes. Classes I don’t like are Mesmer, Thief and Ranger. My builds are Metabuilds which I tweak according to the encounter. I carry a ton of gear on my toons which I adjust according to the situation, I have only one of each kind of weapon, but I would get special weapons with special sigils for certain situations if needed. I do not use potions and on a regular base since I do alot of PuG runs, but I would use them if needed. I run Phalanx or DPS on my Warrior, according to situation and I’m able to play Staff and Dagger/Focus on my Ele (I had no chance to get into Scepter/Dagger LH, since you need a second Ele for it, yet, but I would like to learn that too). I also used to play Guadian (~800 hours) a lot, but I would need some time to get into it again. My fractal level is obviously 50 and I have 70 AR on Warrior and Ele. I also consider myself a good player who has however room to improve. I’m also able to use TS and I would prefer to do so. I’m not explicitly looking for a speedrunning guild, I just want to get dungeons done smooth. I’m 19 years old and from Germany.
If you are looking for a decent player, who likes to take advices and improve and would like me as a part of your guild, hit me up ingame.
~FlashGamer.4017 aka Hebs
I want an Asura plushy…. please >.>
Alright, going for it. Number 100 please.
Koneko Nensho