Showing Posts For Friday.9078:

Support inacessible - error page

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Friday.9078


Please could someone help, I don’t know how to correct this.

I tried to go to the support page to log a support ticket, but the page will not load in Firefox and I get the following error:


Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Things I Want

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Friday.9078


- Rubber matresses that bounce you back to where you fell from in jumping puzzle.

This… forget all the other stuff, just give me this….

Oh I almost forgot to add:
“After all it won’t take much resources/it’s easy to code/what do your devs do all day anyway”

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Suggestion: Inerface interfering with combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Friday.9078


100% agree on this – the UI is so cluttered! I would love to see the story/daily info pane and squad/party pane on tab sliders on the side and the chat pane collapsable to just the typing line. And the target info – I can’t count the number of times I’ve had target skills misfire or just not go off at all because it’s huge, center and way too low on the UI. The map-wide announcements also need to be shifted to not splash across the middle of the UI essentially halting any targeted skills until they vanish – no a little "x"on your tool tip is not enough when you are using targeted skills.
OR everything should become click thru when you enter combat.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Disappearing glowing figure

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Friday.9078


This and my character randomly screaming at the top of her lungs for no apparant reason – my husband tells me “Stop that!!” and I’m going… “wtf”???

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

On coming back & Inventory Boatload

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Friday.9078


I don’t have a problem with the normal loot taking bag space (I just stop somewhere safe, sell to TP, salvage or go find a merchant – no merchant and those runes and sigils get dumped) and I think the loot bags (boxes, caches, bags) are fine as each kind does stack. I don’t even have a problem witth the map specific currencies (petrified wood etc) as once they are in your bank the game “sees” them account wide and they are salvagable into unbound magic which goes into your wallet. I have farmed myself extra bag tabs for all of my chars, plus 3 more bank tabs. While these are a cash shop item, I agree we won’t see them for free.

I do however agree completely that if an item’s use is only for crafting please, please could we get it into the crafting material storage!

The other thing I totally agree on is the keys – for heaven’s sake give us an account wide “Keyring” – bandit keys, shovels, chak acid, machetes etc etc etc ad nauseum.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

The Last Days Of Multiloot

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Friday.9078


“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack zergs on fire off the shoulder of Auric Basin. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the South Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.”

That took me back a long time! Awesome performnce by Rutger Hauer that had me in tears!

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


I also don’t have my reward chest either. Just putting my name here along with the rest.

Meta done in 1st 2 weeks of Tourney. Never transferred. Got the achievement showing 1st place in my hero panel, but no reward chest has arrived.

Hubby who only finished meta in the last week of tourney got his reward chest when he logged in on Saturday.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Killing WvW eventually

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


mmm does Sevenn have a vested interest in this not being “fixed”.

Seems he is on the very server that people experiencing this over the last few months have been matched up against.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Why would travelers runes get nerfed?

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


What is senseless is wearing Traveler Runes for the ferocity/crit bonus…

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]


in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078



Assuming Anet owns said servers and is not re-purposing them to another game, Anet now has a HUGE amount of excess server power to dedicate to…WVW.

There is a possible Platinum lining to this for us WvW players.


No. Anet leases their server capacity. This whole thing has only one motivation and that is cost saving by reducing lease costs – there will be no “excess power” for WvW.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

WvW Glossary (Tongue firmly in cheek)

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


Don’t attack the door : A Commander will tell you this when he does not want to give the enemy advance warning of your attack by popping orange swords on their map. You should ignore this order completely.
F—- It, just PVD: A term usually used by the Commander almost immediately after the above order, because half his zerg just face-rubbed on the door and popped said swords.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

WvW Glossary (Tongue firmly in cheek)

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


PUSH : a term the Commander will use to signal a headlong rush into the enemy zerg. You should stand dead still and wonder who is having a baby there on the battlefiled, then melt as their front-line runs over you.
BANNER : the dying shriek of the Commander when only two people pushed with him.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

WvW Glossary (Tongue firmly in cheek)

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


Scout reports : When you round a corner and see an enemy zerg blobbing it’s merry way along, shout out “enemies here”.

Heads-up Shouts : When you see players with red words above their heads, call out in map chat “INC”.

Attack reports : When you are in a tower/keep and the enemy zerg is heading for the door shout in map chat “GATE!111!!”, and when asked which tower/keep and which gate shout out “TOP GATE!!11”.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

(edited by Friday.9078)

[EU] Server transfers and overview

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


Frozen – Our WvW players are a little shell-shocked at the moment. Please forgive the impression that you are not welcome. We have a very vibrant PvE community who will make you feel right at home. They have a server alliance that makes sure everyone gets the opportunity to complete the big LS events and regularly do the world boss events. Even though our high PvE population means we have overflows for these events, most overflows get the job done as we have really good PvE commanders spread throughout – I managed to complete the last LS achievements in overflows because of our excellent PvE commanders. Welcome to Gandara [NE], I hope you settle in well

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Gandara invites NA, RUS, SEA, Oceanic

in Looking for...

Posted by: Friday.9078


Hi Fringilla

I’m going to respond because my first steps in WvW were guided by the hands of some of our awesome Infantry Commanders. (btw, we try to avoid using the word “pug” because of the negative connotations it has in PvE and the negative light it might project to PvE players stepping into WvW for the first time – We want to be inviting, not elitist).

Our Infantry Commanders are great! Most of them lead fast hard-hitting guild groups but will Tag up often to lead our infantry too and we have some dedicated Infantry Commanders who are simply fantastic. They are experienced and knowledgeable and most of them will be teaching (explaining tactics and play) when they lead too, which makes for very effective infantry groups being fielded by Gandara. I must say our infantry groups are usually a cut above the enemy servers’ and we can usually take on even enemy guild groups and much larger zergs and win.

Because of this ongoing teaching, I find that our infantry is also completely capable of “leading itself”. Sometimes I have noticed our infantry looking after the Home Borderland on it’s own and a Commander will only tag up if a concerted push is needed.

Our scouting reports are posted into Map chat so that everyone on the map can keep up with whats going on, so technically you wont “need” TS. It does help to have TS though when a Commander is leading, because it’s easier for them to verbally give instructions and information, but it is by no means “required”. You don’t need to have a mike, just be able to hear what is being said, for example with Infantry groups it helps to hear when and where water fields, statics or veils are being called or which way to turn after exiting a choke point – All quite doable by sticking to the commander like a flea though!

So if you are looking for play time where you can just join up with the map Commander for the limited time you have, you will usually find one to join and enjoy the fun… or just roam about solo and irritate the hell out of our enemies!

We’d love to have you join us! Do what you love to do, just do it FOR GANDARA!

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Gandara invites NA, RUS, SEA, Oceanic

in Looking for...

Posted by: Friday.9078


Tipsy is completely correct. Gandara will welcome dedicated Guild Groups with open arms and will love to have new groups with us. I was just letting the individuals out there know that we have a great 1st home and launching pad for them and they would not be coming in cold without a place to call Home


Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Can't update client, slow/stops

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Friday.9078


Anyone experiencing this problem from South Africa, please try the DNS change solution, it will more than likely solve the issue for you.

I am sure this is a routing issue with either IS or SAIX. I have had to do this with other games where we get routed through so called “blocked IP regions”.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Launcher stuck

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Friday.9078


From your name I will take a wild guess and say you are in South Africa. Check this thread out:

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

STILL Can't Download the Patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Friday.9078


Give that man a Bells… met eish!!

Worked for me, Southern Cape, South Africa.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Gandara invites NA, RUS, SEA, Oceanic

in Looking for...

Posted by: Friday.9078


Gandara has a lovely home for those who are not part of a dedicated WvW guild, but would still like to make Gandara their home world and get involved and take part in WvW. If you belong to a PvE Guild that does not have a dedicated WvW team or you simply would like a group of friends to join up with when going into the Mists then we have just the group for you!

We have an awesome guild [GTFO] dedicated to guarding and defending our Home Borderland.

We focus on upgrading our Towers and Garrison, sieging-up and defending our towers, defense of our camps and escorting our Bessies through to maintain supply lines. We take time off from this sometimes to roam solo, make small group havoc excursions or to run with the Infantry Commanders as support and to fill our bags with loot – it all depends on your mood at that moment and we have no rosters or schedules. There are no repping requirements so you are free to do your own thing in your own time – just do it FOR GANDARA!

So if you are an individual looking to come home to Gandara: Contact Jojenks ingame if you have any questions.

We are a group of rather off-beat individuals who enjoy slacking guarding in a tower, sending scouting reports of any activity we see around our chosen abode, naming our siege and then defending it to the death, facing down the roamers and small groups that harass our Bessies and chasing off small groups trying to steal our camps. We are quick to answer the call for help from any tower and will die glorious deaths standing till the last at our Arrow Carts or ballistas as an enemy zerg rolls over us – we WILL take as many of them with us as we can!

We sometimes get a bit fantastical and nutty serious about defense, hence “proper” siege placement in camps:


Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

(edited by Friday.9078)

Taimi mini for Christina

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Friday.9078


Here’s one to help the campaign … my real one!


Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Map Completion gift fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Friday.9078


Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

World First Worm Kill!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Friday.9078


I’m extremely disappointed in these skins.

Seriously? Red? Green? Yellow?

Why aren’t they shiny?!

Just allow max particle effects in your graphics settings… you will see they are the new glow-wurm skin…

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Skill Lag - Or "I've had enough"

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


Frans, it’s not a tool of their making. After doing the Anet built in tests they sent me the link to another tester program… It’s “pingplotter”.

Here is the verbatim copy paste from the mail their support sent me:

You can find the program and information on how to use it at Please note: this program is not supported by NCSOFT or ArenaNet.

Please download and install the standard version of Ping Plotter from the direct link below:
Note: There is a trial period for the Standard version but you will not be obligated to make a purchase.
Run the program, and in the upper left corner, you will see an “Address to Trace” section.
Next, log into Guild Wars 2 and type in /IP in the chat box. Doing so will display the IP address of the server to which you currently are connected. Put that IP address into the “Address to Trace” section in Ping Plotter. Make sure you leave off the “:0” at the end or the test will not be able to be run correctly.
Click “Trace” and allow the tool to run for at least 30 minutes while playing Guild Wars 2 and preferably during the timeframe in which you experience this issue. Also, please keep the trace running for a minimum of 30 minutes even if you get disconnected from the server.
Once you have run the trace for at least 30 minutes, click on “Stop” then “File” -> then “Save Sample Set” and save the file to your computer. Please be sure to save it in a location that will be easy to find, such as your desktop.
Once saved, please open the file and review the results. If you see solid red lines throughout the test, you are suffering from packet loss and will have to contacting your ISP for assistance in resolving this issue.

SO go ahead and try it for yourself

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

(edited by Friday.9078)

Skill Lag - Or "I've had enough"

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


“Testing” in other games is not going to tell you if you have something like a packet loss problem – unless you are going to be playing a similar scenario (like the blob fights in WvW) in the other games where you have a similar number of players executing a similar number of “instructions” thus the sheer number of data packets needed to make the game playable is similar to the WvW scenario.
You need to run the testing program that the Anet support will send you, run it for 30 mins while playing GW2 ( and if you want to check on the other games, then run it for 30 mins while playing the other game too). Then compare and see for yourself.
I put this all here so that hopefully it will help some of you solve your problem as I DO know the frustration and rage at the sheer unplayability of the huge fights. But I also know that to regain the fun of playing, you need to be proactive in solving your specific problem – it’s lazy and the easy way out to blame Anet servers before finding out exactly what is causing this – if your testing shows it definitely IS the Anet servers, then, be my guest and rage as much as you want.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Skill Lag - Or "I've had enough"

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


Between your PC and the Anet servers lies a multitude of hardware that the data has to travel through. Most times it will be a problem (for whatever reason) somewhere along that route.
Packet loss won’t impact your normal day to day net experience very much unless your vital data transfer rate is high… it won’t even affect your normal playing in most games – where it will have a huge effect is in the kind of huge data transfer situation in a blob vs blob fight where thousands of instructions and bits of info are needed and every little bit of data is needed for your game to function right.
Mine turned out to be a hardware issue at the first ADSL exchange that my DSL line routed through. The tests showed between 70% and 88% packet loss at that specific point on the route. It took some convincing to get my telkoms provider to even look at the problem, because THEIR kneejerk reaction is automatically “it’s not us” – but they could not refute the results of the multiple tests – which I had to send them a few times for them to even take me seriously. Eventually, after days of insisting that they sort it out, it was fixed.
If the problem lies further down the line (i.e. after you connect to your ISP – then you need to contact your ISP support and get them to sort it out – also a thankless task, but with perseverance you can get them to fix stuff like this.
Also note that raging and throwing hissy fits will get you absolutely nowhere with these service providers – you have to politely but doggedly keep at them until you get the response you need BUT if you truly love to play WvW then it is worth the effort!!

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Skill Lag - Or "I've had enough"

in WvW

Posted by: Friday.9078


Guys, I know you have the pitchforks and torches out and frustration is causing you to want to “uninstall”, and yes there are some server side problems, but please do some testing before you rage quit – we need you in WvW!
I had the exact same problem – huge skill lag times, random disconnects after everything stopping etc etc. I was raging too at the servers. Then I submitted a ticket and they helped me track down the problem.
Please be aware that latency and “internet speed” of your connection is not the be-all and end-all of where your problem may lie. The problem that emerged for me was massive packet loss on the data being transferred between my PC and the Anet servers – Packet loss was resulting in the symptoms you all describe and I was experiencing.
Please submit a support ticket, do the tests they give you to run – then check the results for yourself too when you send them back. I can guarantee that some of you will be able to resolve your problems when you track down exactly where the issue lies.

Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]

Thank you.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Friday.9078


People tend to complain loudly when something is not to their satisfaction, so this section is filled with threads about problems and complaints, which probably gives a skewed view how the Support teams are doing. I would like to post this as a counterpoint:

Thank you so much for your help. I recently submitted a ticket for a technical problem and I got my response within 24 hours, the team members that helped me (Brian and Ashley) were polite, quick to respond to my updates and were super helpful. They helped me to find the source of my problem and even provided me with the tools I needed to solve my problem.

So just a shout out to the Support guys… Thank you for your effort, friendliness in the face of raging gamers and going beyond the call of duty.


Leia Friday
[OURS] [quaK] [Dawn]