Showing Posts For Frosti.4856:

Legendary Changes (please respond anet)

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Ill be mega kitten if my transmuted dreamer doesnt recieve ascended stats, its a legendary for crying out loud, theyre meant to be the best weapons in the game and they have wprse stats than ascended for goodness sake.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Dreamer, no footprint particle effect :C

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


When are they going to fix this, every legendary needs footprints! What is the point of running around with a weapon that only looks like a legendary once you shoot it…….

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Will Ranger ever get an edge? A balance issue

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Gasmask plays a ranger and he’s top 3 in the leaderboards. Not to say ranger doesn’t need work in other areas of the game.

Yes but how many more of each class is there up there compared to rangers. Your quite silly arent you Chopps?

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Improving the Legendary effects..

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Get the dreamer updated with rainbow footprints. Every legendary should have footprints so any that doesn’t get it updated ANET

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Delete character farming

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Dude seriously, chill out. It doesnt defeat the purpose, its a fun game meant to be fun not a challenge, everyone should be able to farm the skins easily enough

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

WvW Leaderboards

in WvW

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Also the highest ranked wvw players would be nice too per server…

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Dreamer, no footprint particle effect :C

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I feel really bad for people with the Dreamer. It’s such a subtle, understated weapon.

I completely agree, how long it takes to get a legendary and it has no footprints. As for swapping your bifrost for my dreamer, yes please! Anything that has footprints IMO is legendary it stands out, I know the dreamer has flying unicorns, but you have to shoot it to notice the person has the dreamer it doesnt even have a glow for goodness sake!!!!

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

100% Crit, Gear and Build Please

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Hmmm I have 103% crit DMG, good survivality if skills/dodge used right.
Yesterday, I was able to hit 16.5k in a risen elite of Arah dungeon. With stuffs & boons.
Its 5 to 12k with rapid fire in average. The high precision gives you no real chances of hitting criticals, omg. But when it does, it hits hard.

Can you Pm me a link to your build and write down your gear / link it? Id really appreciate it ! Sounds beautiful

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

100% Crit, Gear and Build Please

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


You should try knight set better.
Comparing to other classes, that 40 more critical damage isn’t such huge damage boost. It’s probably 100-300 damage per hit (not 2k+), and survivability is much much higher.
Else going cannon ranger is probably just waste of bow (dreamer as i recall).

Dreamer has been transmuted with berserker bow stats

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Commander Specific Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: Frosti.4856


If there was any commander ability I would want it would be the ability to see all allied forces on a map. I mean like mark their locations on the minimap but instead of the short range you normally get make it map wide. Half the time I have to make my zerg respond to threats on the other side of the map because I don’t know if we have any forces over there that can handle them.

See the ability to see all allied forces on the map would then lead to ridiculous zergs and commanders telling people to stop doing what theyre doing so that everyone in the map goes to one place, where is the fun in that. I would be in favour of radial bonuses which apply as the guy 4 posts up said ‘affecting how many players surround the commander’

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Commander Specific Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I agree with the signals issue – commanders should be able to communicate with people not in voice comms easier. But special abilities/buffs given to commanders would result in lots of spare commanders in the map – people would put their icons on not for tactical reasons, but just to get buffs.

Well what about the Banners like the warrior for speed buffs, as a ranger commander I am useless compared to a warrior commander unless I use warhorn. Infact guardian / warrior / elementalist/ mesmer are probably the best I think all commanders should be able to drop swiftness banners, protection banners etc etc. Do you not? Something to improve our survivability..

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Commander Specific Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: Frosti.4856


In a Squad Party, commanders can give commands like defend or attack on the map.

Also I do see what you mean about the innate buff. Maybe they should make commander status not available through gold (badges) any more without telling us and introduce this

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Commander Specific Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: Frosti.4856


How do you feel about adding in a Commander Ability System.

Abilities would include things like:

Banners Very much Like the Warrior Banners

Commanders Much like Guilds could drop Siege Equipment once every 6 hours x1 per eq, but they would be superior siege eq

I.e. 1 x Superior Ram
1 x Superior Catas


This would have a 6 – hour cool-down.

Commanders Should also get Innate Buffs

These buffs could be selected but would have different names, but you can only select one buff as a commander, these work the same way as traits. You can only have a buff based on a points tree for the primary attributes.

You get 100 points


You can trait in any tree for up to 100 points. In this way you could have commanders focused on downing enemy’s more easily through 50 power / 50 Prec which *10 per Trait Line = + 500 Power and + 500 Prec

In this way Commanders would survive more, or if you are in a blob and are wanting to do quick skirmishes hit up Power or Prec for easy kills.

Commanders Can issue Map Wide WvW Signals

There is Party signals and commander signals already implemented but you need to be in their party or squad to see. Commanders should have the privilege of being able to put these commands on the map for the entire map to see. If commanders abuse they get their commands taken of them for 2 hours , something like that. I.e. Spamming.

If you have any other suggestions let me know. I am a Commander to if anyone was wondering.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


The Rangers damage is balanced according to the pets damage. Also, the shortbow has very low direct damage, since it’s basically a condition weapon. Swoop on the greatsword has the highest direct damage, so try and see what kind of numbers you get with that.

Problem is cant get close enough without getting blown over.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


You mean they hit every 3 attacks … lol

No i meant they hit one in 3 hits lol

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

100% Crit, Gear and Build Please

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


So why is it that I cant use berserker’s with ruby jewels? Nd why the rampagers on the boots and gloves?

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Well if you’re critting for 1750 and your cat/bird is critting for 1400, then you’re actually doing more damage than the warrior critting at 2500.

Only problem is they miss every 3 attacks ….

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

100% Crit, Gear and Build Please

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I would love for someone to give me a gear and build link to obtaining the highest damage possible with 100% crit chance.


Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I suppose if you count the pets damage then it evens out, but there is no point having this gear then , I may aswell add toughness into my full berserker build as I am getting diminishing returns as a reward for purchasing the highest damage gear…

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Signet of the Hunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Ok I see the math, but we have no escapes except to utilise the warhorn or greatsword and using the #3 skill in greatsword is annoying to have to use it just as an escape tool. The way I see it, 25% of normal rate is different from 25% of in-combat rate, 25% of in combat rate is pretty much negligable, really making absolutely no difference…

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


It is by design , supposedly because rangers have pets .

So at what point should I have stopped stacking power and prec? Where is this level that I have hit?

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Signet of the Hunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I have a major problem with this signet. Why is it that the 25% movement speed is reduced while in combat, this signet should be 25% even while in combat, we are a primarily all ranged class and we have very little escape mechanisms? Can someone tell me if they have the same problem with this and if they could up vote this for a potential update?

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Power Not Working Properly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I have full berserkers gear, with berserkers jewellery, I have the two consumables that stack Power, Prec and Crit. Overall I have about 85% crit chance, with about 105% crit chance bonus when all of this is on. I have 3186 power about 2566 prec more probably haven’t had a chance to check. My weapons have +5% crit chance , shortbow “The Dreamer” transmuted berserker shortbow and lognbow. My question is.. Why is it that warriors hit more with full berserker on their auto attack and my ranger has everything you could dream of to hit the highest possible auto attack damage and yet with shortbow crits I only hit around 1750-1950ish and with longbow around 3800 max but that happens only every now and then, the average rating is around 2500 but it is far slower. HOW THE **** can warriors hit so much with their auto attack and I lack the ability to hit over 2k with my shortbow auto attack. IT IS RIDICULOUS… somebody explain this to me…

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

(edited by Frosti.4856)

Dreamer, no footprint particle effect :C

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Even Kudzu has footprints

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Amazing Ranger Build (Bunker/Crit/CnDit/BM )

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Can anyone confirm how unbelievable this build is. It will hit high numbers on the shortbow stacking bleeds like crazy with your felines which with even just 5 traits in BM hit 2000’s whilst being hard to hit and having enough regeneration to out-match anyone in 1v1 . I believe this build could easily go 2v1 no problem. Its Brilliant!

Please Critique.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

(edited by Frosti.4856)

Any viable longsword builds out there?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Hi sorry, there is no longsword.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Redesigning the Ranger. ?_?

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I love every idea. Get it fixed ANET.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Best Solo Roaming WvW Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Lert, I think it’s interesting that you never cite condition damage numbers anywhere in your post. Do you think it is inconsequential? If you don’t have high condition damage, stacks of bleed don’t matter, they just look cool (numbers flying off).

It is my opinion that Rangers are better at DoTing in pvp settings, but believe what you want. Traps are unblockable. And this build does 1500 condition damage or more with crystal/pizza and with stacks of corruption I’ve got up to 1950 condition damage. The greatsword is used to stun and apply bleeds, the constant poison is used to mitigate enemy healing, and the burning just plain old hurts. At this point, a full entangle—not impossible to achieve in the wvw setting—does almost 30,000 damage. I have had tons of solo success with it too, from 2v1s to camp capping. It’s a solid, all around build. If you’re going for conditions, why care about power? Ya know? Condition damage hurts big time. And this build is great for teamplay too because the traps pulse.

The best thing about it is you can get rabid armor from TA, buy the super cheap runes of undead (superior) and get your rabid trinkets with karma from Orr. You can’t really lose even if you just want to test the build in wvw because TA is a cool dungeon that negates a lot of the cheese that goes on in CoF. I feel useful in TA.

Of course you can with the right traits your pets will stack up to 18-22 stacks of bleed with BM build traits.

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Meteorlogicus - Effects or lack thereof

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


All legendarys need footprints atleast!

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Dreamer, no footprint particle effect :C

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Just give us footprints, make the community happy. Its no big deal. Yes it has shooting unicorns but the great swords have cool swish motions when they attack and have footprints. Its ridiculous all legendarys must have footprints!

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Legendarys, Particle Effects Fix

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


I just think they should all have footprints that is sort of what makes them legendary, then what makes them a unique legendary is like for instance the dreamer has unicorns etc and as you say the super shield effects are pretty cool too. But they do need footprints of some sort or as you say Kain – a trail or something…

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE

Legendarys, Particle Effects Fix

in Crafting

Posted by: Frosti.4856


Please can you make every Legendary have Footprints. I have ‘The Dreamer’ and for the sake of it being the best class of shortbow in the game it deserves to have footprints like most of the other legendarys. Also the other legendarys that don’t have footprints please give them. It is only deservant of that status of item…

Cheers Anet Hope you Listen

Frozdí 80 – Ranger Rainbows from my Bow? I Think So
Frózdí 80 – Thief IF you DARE be AWARE