Showing Posts For Gajarell.4370:

Anet has done a marvelous job

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Oh look, another troll thread posing as “a longtime supporter of Anet.”

Here’s a hint, your posting history is just two clicks away. It doesn’t take long to see the utter lack of “support” you’ve offered.

Whoru? Really? If you don’t like it, go away and leave us be. Just leave this topic. We don’t want you here with your arbitrary comments.

I’ve had my constructive input written and posted long before you wrote a word on these forums, I’ve been posting during BWEs. I’ve contributed in a ‘Lost Potential’ thread/ Check it out, even though it’s probablty TL;DR for you…

I literally despise such behaviour. We are free to share our feelings in a non-offensive manner, which we did and you dare to come here and attack us?

Leave. Now.

His post was not arbitary, you are hiding behind the “us”, you are not allowed to restrict access to threads and you are the one getting really offensive.

The topic itself lacks substance to comment on.


No ladder, no MM = people leaving the game

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370



I think it is exactly the other way around, any esport in excistence was created bottom->top.

A casual crowd gathered, had fun, grew, some guys started to play more and more, formed teams and clans, battled each other, which in return was watched by casuals to improve their own gameplay or just to have something to talk about with friends.

This seems way more natural, than the top->bottom approach like new game with “potential” comes out, play 14h a day without having fun or not, hoping that you can make money/show how good you are, dragging some casuals along.

Of the top of my mind, nearly any great pvp-game developed over the first way and only a few successor games have aspects of the second (just because the first was great -> lets get a headstart on the second). SC2, which could be counted into that category, has massive problems with its user base (just read some if you dont believe that), which in return cuts its proffessional base (less $$$).

Overfocussing or even announcing to create an esport is, in my oppinion, totally kitten – create a fun and addicting game (LoL comes to mind, nvm my personal dota-preference, which started out the exact same way), the rest will follow.

Final thought: Ladder is just icing on the cake, if you just play to ladder, you probably wont play long at all.

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

No ladder, no MM = people leaving the game

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


I want to have a ladder too, but don’t make the mistake to believe that this is the only thing that can keep the game alive for casual players. The vast majority of LoL players dont play or care about ranked, same with dota, same with bf3, WoW etc. SC2 is even going to implement a non-ladder-gameplay-mode because of the strong demand.

People just want to have to do something, unlocking new content would also be fine.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


As a fellow mesmer, you have more f-keys other than f1, try pressing them. Even pre-nerf you shouldn’t have had problems with thiefs.

You’re talking about high initiation (“Get In”), extreme Burst (“Kill”), and high durability (“Get Out”), that makes a class overpowered.

Incomplete, because its get-in | burst | get-out | be useless. And what does that have to do with “durability”, getting out doesn’t necessarily require you to endure anything (teleport, stealth…).

Complete failure

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Asuming that this is a technical/source issue and not by design invalidates your post. Not because it is totally kitten to believe something like that, it’s because that way you avoid wasting a second to think/write about why that was done and why this reasoning is or is not faulty.

The other option would be that you think all game-designers (GC wave) are stupid, they never had that idea/a discussion about that topic. And that is pretty rediculous.

Please start involving the community

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


I do agree with spvp lacking incentive to play long term, but new game modes are a heavy development effort, something we, regular users, can’t really estimate easily.

One simple and direct way would be giving out pve-world-rewards for glory, this would reattract users to spend some time with spvp again. Although this may be more effective after some other pressing spvp issues are fixed (like a real ranking).

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


The next time another true random, without any prior knowledge of software-, not to mention game-, developement, chimes in and complains about the poor communication or how entitled they are to whatever they concieve to be their right i’m going to seriously consider punching a kitten.

If you think a gamedeveloper/designer will or can join a major complain-thread, just acknowledge problems and post an idea (or ack user-ideas) for a fix including an ETA, you should hang yourself. Everything posted in this thread by an official would be taken as a promise and repeated until the end of time by “the community”, this fact alone requires that everything released needs to be checked with the team, discussed, proof read etc.

Additionally with a game of that size there will be no single person who knows everything about the project, like source-developement, team-management, press-stuff, graphics-design, beta-team, QA – there is no white knight who could jump into the forum, post some helpfull advice and just by the way determine the future of the game. Attacking a single person is so ignorant i lack the words to describe my disgust.

The one thing you are currently entitled to is to leave the game, you have no right to demand anything outside of the contract propesed to you a while ago, so i would suggest proof reading your stuff twice, filtering some emotions out and getting a grip on how a buisness like that works.

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

killed in 1.5 sec by a thief litterally

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


I’m not going to link a video of a player I like getting cheesed by an OP build, its common knowledge if you watch or play high level games. You can find examples yourself very easily if you want, literally every tournament stream will have an example of this happening if they play against a good thief.

There is no “high level” currently, due to the complete lack of a ranking – streaming and stomping is not the same. and it is common knowledge that in any given pvp-game 80% of all players think they are in top 20%.

Am i right with assuming that you don’t yet have “champion illusionist/…”?


We are talking about the oneshot – i cant react – rogues as far as i got that. Ofc you can be outplayed by a better rogue, but that is an entirly different topic.

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

killed in 1.5 sec by a thief litterally

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


I really dont know how people can say things like " just play mesmer longer, if you lose a 1v1 it is always your fault." when very good players in top teams on streams routinely get oneshotted by thieves without being able to do anything whatsoever.

All known stream plattform keep the videos and i request the link – now -, i’d really like to see “top players” play againt the 14k life rogue build (the only one who has a slight chance to oneshot anything) and themself not having a amulett to counter this style in their bag and kittening up the gameplay.

Mesmers In TPvP: Let's Talk Nerfs

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


> sword/pistol/staff/shatter the one and only build

Still assuming that staff/gs beats this build and i am sure that the gap is not nearly as wide as you think it is.

killed in 1.5 sec by a thief litterally

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Mirror Images (2 Clones) (+ Evade) = 3 Clone
Decoy + Evade + Evade = 3 Clones
Decoy + Evade + Phase Retreat/Mirror Blade…

Use Distortion (f4) or go aggressive (against 14-15k health rogues very doable) – Decoy into Moa for free win, Phantasmal Berserker/Phantasmal Berserker… just play mesmer longer, if you lose a 1v1 it is always your fault.

And btw targets get autoselected – -"

Clone Army? I'm genuinely intrigued.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Just summon 30 clones with a condition spec, they dont deal noteworthy dmg anyway, they wont kill anything by themself, take on death-effects (you need at least confusion for this) = fun.

evade → clone, Mirror Images, Decoy… you can keep this stuff up quite some time

(This actually also does work in spvp against anything melee/aoe as a single mesmer)

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

Post Your Build Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Still prepatch:

Short: 30/20/0/0/20, GS/Staff, Knights-Amu, Dolyak-Runes (amu / runes just most of the time – with the burst nerf for thiefs i could maybe go slightly more aggressive)

Staff vs GS Spvp question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Couldn’t decide either so im running (most of the time) GS/Staff since ~week 2, never had problems in tpvp, not against other champion illusionists nor against other premade players on other professions (as long as i played well, like not casting unprotected moa’s facepalm).

PS: I did not have the time to play the new patch yet – that may have changed depending on the severity of the iwl nerf.

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

Why I thin'k GW is not going to be an E-sport

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370



excellent post, one of the best i’ve read in this board. Thank you!


the exact opposite.

Bad Mechanic will cost Anet AAA title

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


All players should have the same skills.

This would remove 100% of the balance headaches and skill issues.

PS: Downed state is fine – although some slight adjustments could become necessary , rally in its current form maybe not, you can still 1v2 (stealth, pets, sometimes stability…)

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

Thanks for all the new spvp content(!)

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


You are still below standard when it comes to complaining.

In a non-monthly-fee-game the first thing, if content isn’t released the moment you want it or something is bugged you go directly for “they want us to leave the game, we allready paid and are wasting server-ressources, with the next addon/dlc ($$$) they will deliver..” – that’s a basic.

Furthermore I would suggest going deeper into WoW-comparisions, hell, you could at least expect them to be that good.

I see some threats to leave the game, but not enough “gw2 is dead”.

Guys get up to speed,
you can do better.

Great patch. Unfortunately, meta is still the same

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Only had problems with bunkers who clearly outplayed me

- a mesmer, who is not using moa like duh

Loving the way Assassins signet works now!

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


Anyway, if a thief lands his cnd>steal>bs> auto attack(first combo x2 hits), its now 75% bonus damage instead of 50%, its just even more of a “noob killer” now.

So? The amount of procentual bonus damage means nothing.

6k * 1.5 = 9k = 3k Bonus DMG
(6k+3k+3k+3k+3k) * 1.15 = 20,7k = 2,7k Bonus DMG

Did i pull this values out of my kitten Yes i did, does “75% > 50%” mean anything without context? No.

PS: Just something to think about – new signet + autoattacks.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


20-30-20-0-0, take mug-stealth and mug-damage

zerker amu, scholar runes

assasins signet + basilisk venom

— apply venom, press f1 for mug (applies basilisk and stealths you), press signet key for backstab, together hits squishies for >14k

Very easy to play

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

Facing a good thief

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


“Seriously take the time to roll up a thief and test it on the golems. A signeted backstab does max about 8k damage to the heavy golem. The whole combo hits for about 10-12k on golems. If you’re getting hit for all your hitpoints you have 0 toughness, and low vitality.”

slightly under 9k, 20-30-20, scholar, zerker – (not 30 power, only one signet (might stacks))

(edited by Gajarell.4370)

"Save yourselfes!", for Guardians, needs a nerf.

in PvP

Posted by: Gajarell.4370


I think we can agree that until this game has a rating system, all of you should just shut the kitten up.

Or in the words of aj, no glad = gtfo.