Showing Posts For Gank.4957:
It’s annoying but sadly always part of any MMO.
Just like any major MMO developer they most likely ban people in giant single sweeps. This way they can monitor the botting and make a huge single blow to the gold selling activities. This also makes sure the botters can’t adjust their software when they figure out why they are getting banned.
How am I shutting down intellectual discourse by providing the community with a template that allows people to post more helpful feedback and criticism to ArenaNet. If we stop spamming this forum with complaints they will just eat cupcakes and stop working.
Just replace your suggestion, complaint, nitpicking or whining with the X. I feel that this is going to save a lot of time for people.
Hello I am insert name here I am from insert nostalgia MMO here that I played for many years and I am very avid hardcore MMO player. This means that my following suggestion about X is very important. I have this problem with the game about X that I (as a vocal minority) feel should be fixed right NOW. This game is about to die if X doesn’t get fixed. X is so frustrating GRRR! Listen to me while I write this wall of text about X that you all should read and care about.
So it all started with X! Man X is so hard and difficult, so it should definitely be nerfed. I suggest that X and X get a buff and X and X get a nerf, because I am obviously a game designer with way more experience than anyone at Anet. X should drop X amount more and X should be X amount easier. X is too easy! X is too hard!
Oh any by the way, I feel so lonely in this game! And X isn’t scaling with X correctly. And the bots are already here! GW2 is the FIRST game that ever had bots in the first few weeks of any MMO launch. This is a complete fact! And don’t get me started on the X, man what was Anet thinking when they made X? WTF! I thought this game didn’t have a grind! This game should have endless unique content and features that a 6 year old MMO should also have! GRRRR! I am entitled to X!
Until X gets fixed GW2 will never be successful and many people will quit the game because they also desire X. THIS IS A FACT! I am right! Me me me me me! I cannot wait ANY longer. This game should be addictive! Bring back X! Bring back X! Bring Bring back X! I don’t enjoy this game so I post on this forum because I’m bored. Please reply guys!
I am totally not using sarcasm, this is a real template.
Travel to the heart of the mists and take the free portal to Lion Arch and any major city.
Also, it’s only expensive for new level 80’s. I have a solid 10g at all time after 2 weeks of play and I only play much in weekends.
If you want to do a gear treadmill and call it endgame, there is WoW. If you need stats to keep playing a game you are addicted and beyond the point where “fun” decides what game you play.
If you want to do leveling content, WvW and dungeons as endgame without the addicting ever-increasing fake progression play GW2. I’m working towards multiple long term goals like legendary weapons, skins and titles. Just like GW1, this is what kept me playing casually for many years. Raiding? Boring after 4 months for me. Felt like a job to keep up the item level. That’s not fun, that’s lame.
You immediately dismiss 2 very good arguments and proceed to to claim that you know what “the majority of MMO players” feels about the downed state. Do you have any hard evidence to back this up? For all we know the criticism for the downed state comes from a small vocal minority like yourself. I certainly do not feel about the downed state like you do.
Questions I would like to see answered:
Why shouldn’t the biggest group win?
Why should you be able to solo a bigger team?
Why don’t you use teamwork and positioning, why get outmatched in the first place?
Why not use fear, knockdowns and stuns instead of asking for an easy interrupt on hit?
Of course I assume you are talking about sPvP and not WvW.
Your actual suggestion is interesting but it’s a compromise more then anything.
GW2 isn’t trying to be SWTOR or Mass Effect 3 but I really think that Jeff Grub, Ree Soesbee and the content creation team should take this video seriously and think what they want to improve for the next expansion/content patch. A lot of reviewers think that the personal story is the weakest part of GW2.
The final battle with Zhaitan, the copy-pasted mission templates for every order, choices having no impact, characters dying that you barely knew, fan-service, it all should be looked at. If you don’t have time, don’t rush something out that’s just completely embarrassing.
If a game that has been in development for 5 years doesn’t cut it. What will.
If you don’t want to farm karma, gold, dungeons or legendary weapons (that includes getting 100% world completion) then you have completed the game for now. It doesn’t matter because there is no sub, the game is build that way.
I like the little star you get for achieving 100% world completion so that’s an easy goal for now. And I still enjoy WvW and sPvP a lot.
Just imagine what this game can be in 2-3 years…
Yeah I was wondering the same. It would take a fair bit of time to get a set that would work just as well in PvP but it was like this in GW1.
However a counterargument would be that the gear you gain in PvP should specifically be for skilled PvP’ers. Being able to farm PvE for the same skins would beat the purpose a bit.
Just wait till you get level 80.
What’s going to change when I hit 80?
Well, personally, I found out that my personal story was bugged, so I’m stuck on my last personal quest, with no way to finish it because the NPC wont interact. Not that it matters anyway, but I’m dying to see the rewards, story is irrelevant.
But not much will change, expect that you’re not gonna have stuff to do.
That’s your opinion. Why are you in a forum of a doomed game anyway.
tl;dr because these huge wall of text “I played GW1 and hate GW2” threads pop up every day.
Hey at least GW1 servers are still up right.
Just wait till you get level 80.
Indeed! Level 80 is just the start!
I have been working on my second DPS exotic set and 100% completion. Great fun. And man, revisiting those old areas and doing jumping puzzles is a great way to keep people playing the game. I also did Orr explorable and that 3-phase boss. It was really hard and kept whiping. But I will beat him eventually! In a few months I will have my beautiful legendary greatsword. And I haven’t even stepped into PvP yet!
I’m so glad that Anet didn’t cater to hardcore PvP DAOC players or WoW carrot-on-a-stick raiding. Because man! That would totally suck!
(edited by Gank.4957)
Just wait till you get level 80.
You really are taking thekitten here. Go back to whatever god forsaken carrot-on-a-stick MMO you came from.
You can make as many sarcastic threads as you want. People will never get it.
Frnakly it sounds more like you want to copy WoW, you want “progression” introduced and you want PvP servers, that is WoW, Rift, SWTOR, etc, and guess what PvP falls off in every one of those games.
If you want the utter failure that is progression and the imabalance and bad PvP that causes, then guess what – GW2 is not the game for you, there are plenty of other options.
I never played Rift or SWTOR, but I did play some WoW – on a “PVP” server – and they were a prime example on how not to do PvP. I’ll give you an example, an old roommate of mine played WoW for a very long time, so 1 year ago i walked into his room and I saw he was grinding some PVE-content in the game. Suddenly, a member of the other faction pops up, and i’m like “OMFG, ALLIANCE! KILL HIM!”. He goes: “No, why would I?”
And there it is, point in case. There was no motivation to PVP on the WOW “PVP” servers.Then go and play EVE, Tera, Mortals Online(can’t remember whether it has factions), Runes Of Magic, etc, there you can outgear people and gank like a true Pver to your hearts content.
One of the key pinciples in GW2 is balanced PvP, so they are not going to introduce any meaningful gear stat/ skills progession to cause imbalances, nor open world PvP (which outside of EVE dies a miserable death in every MMORPG), you are playing the wrong game for that, try something else.
The WvW principle is unbalanced as a philosophy, and I don’t care if Anet tells you anyhting else. Gear will win. Just take a look at Kripparrians Berserker ranger lol. WvW isn’t balanced, and it never will be. Gear gives you an edge, why shouldn’t 2 years WvW give you an advantage over someone that just bought the game? It’s not like it’s not there already.
The gear takes very little time to get, that is the point. The advantage someone has over two someone new is experience, bads needing more of an advantage should look elsewhere, there are plenty of games with open world PvP and lopsided gear/skill/stat progression if you can’t cope with a more level playing field.
So what do you do once you’re in full exo? Kill people in the WvWs for no reason?
For FUN and other long term titles and badges for legendary weapons.
God, stop with the hurr duurr I need increasing numbers to have any incentive to keep playing the game. I played GW1 for 5 years without stat progression. Give me a break here.
“I don’t want to do anything the game offers so the game has no endgame!”
Might be harsh but that is exactly what I read from your post. Explain to me what you WOULD like. You are basically asking for endless unique content and WoW style raids with a holy trinity here. The game has been in development for 5 years! What you are suggesting is impossible for a recently launched MMO. Heck what you are suggesting is impossible for ANY MMO. You just set yourself up for disappointment.
Sounds to me like you just burned out yourself due to hype and now refuse to do anything the game offer. Have you even attempted stuff like Arah explorable?
I love these MMO nostalgia threads.
Your game is doooomned because I played “insert MMO here” for 10 years!
I think it’s more of a learning curve in explorable dungeons that most people haven’t figured out yet. Some people are running glass-cannon builds while you should really invest in toughness and vitality. Also changing your utility skills and weapons for every boss is really helpful. A lot of people are just zerging the bosses and not figuring out the tactics. And that is the part where you start killing mobs “1 at the time”.
The game isn’t supposed to be difficult every single second. That would be incredibly frustrating. Dynamic Events are more relaxing to do I guess.
However there is a big difference in difficulty between explorable dungeons. Some dungeons like Arah Explorable are a real challenge and meant for hardcore players, bosses have complex patterns and phases and can whipe your party instantly. Other ones like CoF explorable are easily farmable in 30 minutes and have more tank-and-spank style bosses. I’m not sure if this is a balance issue though.
If you get a good group together and communicate on Teamspeak or whatever it’s really doable. Yes you will die, but that’s part of the game isn’t it.
Wait… which server is having a problem with being out manned? But there isn’t a point to this because the whole idea of having 3 faction PvP is to mitigate the impact of server dominance in all forms.
True, but how far are you going to take this? There are already a few systems in place that balance the WvW battles in a more generic sense like the 3 factions you mention and the matchmaking system.
But Turek also has a point here because full dominance of 1 side can still happen and that doesn’t make WvW enjoyable for the losing team. What can you do at that point?
Of course your suggestion could fix the problem of low population vs high population. But is this really what Anet is trying to achieve with WvW? This opinion might be unpopular but I really think this is how WvW should be, a giant unbalanced zerg-feast full of siege crazyness and moments you will remember.
SPvP is the place where you will find “fair” battles. WvW is the place where you get zerged by 200 frenchies. And you know what? I like that, I like that the WvW is where anything could happen. Anet stated that they are not trying to “balance” WvW because it would be impossible anyway. Once WvW battles will take 2 weeks (instead of 1 day right now) I think more “fair” battles will occur anyway. I don’t see how the matchmaking system will put a 50 population against a 250 population in the first place.
Anyways, that is my opinion.
Thanks man! Worked great for my HD6970.
Especially the small annoying frame drops are gone now!
Use the PvP steady weapons to test builds and stuff. A DPS meter will just change the game into a dps race which is not how dungeons are supposed to be tackled at ALL.
Explorable Dungeon sets are supposed to be difficult long-term goals, but with a decent communicating team it’s really doable. Some bosses in Arah explorable for instance are extremely complex and are not puggable by any means. Yes it’s true, you won’t be able to spam a few rotations while your tank and healers do all the hard work. You need to have the required personal skill.
Did you do that gate part with a pug/bad team setup? Had no problem with some heavy AoE damage and guardian utility shields and really focusing on the kegs. Survivability is key sometimes.
Don’t want to sound rude but there are way harder bosses and to be found in other dungeons. That route in CM is pretty easy in comparison. Don’t get frustrated by it, just set a goal for yourself to beat it the next time with a better team and perhaps a different setup. Once you figure out the proper tactics it’s a cakewalk.
As for your question: It takes about 20 runs to get 1 chest piece which is a lot and could probably be lowered a bit. But once you put a dungeon on farm mode you can consistently finish a route in 30-45 minutes (unless it’s Arah). For a hardcore player that really isn’t that bad. Just think of the prestige of wearing a full set.
Got canceled. Instead they will release some kind of API I think.
May I ask what kind of builds you used in GW1 which were apparently, miles ahead of what GW2 offers? Even GvG builds could get pretty watered down to spamming mind blast or doing a single burst combo with eviscerate. Only rangers could get complex with interrupting and such but even there GW2 has similar mechanics with stuns and knockdowns…
Interesting read.
I have a few problems with your post which I will try to address though.
Firstly you are talking a lot about the reasons or motivations for playing a game and overcomplicated the whole subject a bit imo. There should only be 1 reason. Fun. Not progression, not endless gear treadmills, grinds or long term goals. All these things can help you achieve “fun” but ultimately it’s the gameplay that should keep you playing. However for many people this is not the case.
When I see somebody with a legendary weapon I am amazed by both the animations, art and dedication of the player. I have played over 150 hours myself now which is quite a lot and I’m nowhere near of achieving one. I don’t understand why having an inspect feature or not would make any difference. I am confused to why you praise GW1 on this matter so much which also lacked a similar feature. Yet people farmed obby armor in GW1 to look rich or grinded titles to show dedication without it.
You also reject dungeons as viable content because you found them too difficult. Last night I spend over 2 hours whiping on the explorable version of Arah during one the most challenging and complex bosses I ever faced in an MMO. I didn’t get frustrated or angry but rather saw it as a goal to beat it the next time. This is why having challenging grindable content is important. It’s meant for hardcore players with long-term goals, not people that want a quick easy experience and gear.
Once you completed the storyline of GW1 the game essentially turned into a big grind. GW2 allows you to farm karma, gold and experience by doing absolutely whatever you want. I think you are really underestimating the sheer volume of content in GW2 in comparison to GW1. You give examples like UW or FoW but those were also considered challenging content and weren’t meant for casual players. Same with Zaishen quest which were just repeatable content that you were forced to do for a bit of gold. Where is the “incentive” there?
Anyway there is more we could discuss but it’s quite a wall of text so I’m just going to leave it like this for now.
Edit: Oh one more thing, as the game progresses over the years more weapons and such will be released so more skills and builds will become available. GW1 was getting a bit ridiculous when it came to skills after EoTN and it was nearly impossible to balance. Just keep in mind that GW2 is still very “vanilla” so to say.
(edited by Gank.4957)
Read my tl;dr, you will be getting less rewards than your dps friend. If someone went FULL DPS, they would be rewarded tenfold for it, even though “they are playing the game wrong” according to many of you. The loot mechanics currently, if they could speak for themselves, say you’re doing it wrong if you aren’t AoE’ing everything to tag them and doing tons of single target damage to bosses.
EDIT: I’m also just giving feedback on how the loot mechanics are flawed, no reason to instantly flame it. This was brought on by me and many others doing boss events and getting silver or bronze if we revived people/did channeled support skills/etc.
Nobody is flaming you, we did mostly agree on what you said…
If you want to play the game purely to “get the most drops” you will be forced to play an AoE role like a Greatsword guardian right now. Creating a loot system where the system calculates your “participation” on the mob indirectly (healing, protecting) is difficult to achieve but is of course desirable. So what you say is true.
I just don’t think we should go back to the greed/need system or anything like that.
You already somewhat answered your own question because a support role in GW2 isn’t only defending or healing. Doing damage is part of whatever role you are playing just in a lesser sense. If you are in a zerg only trying to put down healing fields…well you are doing it wrong but you already knew that ofcourse.
I think you got a fair point and “participation” should be handled in a more correct way. Just like Necromancers complain about low participation on world bosses because they have to compete for bleed stacks.
But what stops you from switching to a DPS role for dynamic events and a support role for Explorable dungeons where they are definitely needed? It’s only 3 silver and a weapon switch.
I stopped playing because of the token system to be honest. I’m not done playing all together, but I don’t see myself playing for awhile (probably pick it back up after I get bored of borderlands 2).
I’m already stat capped, and the cosmetic grind is pretty crazy at the moment. I want to feel like i’m progressing, and cosmetic gear doesn’t give me that feeling. I wouldn’t be afraid to start grinding cosmetic gear, if it didn’t take 50+ runs for 1 set.
The system will make people quit, when it intends to keep people playing for longer. My 2 RL friends also immediately stopped playing at 80 when they realized the grind required for cosmetics.
Please change it ANET, this system will turn PVE players away quickly… If i’m going to do a 50+ dungeon grind, I want to at least feel like i’m getting more powerful. Leave cosmetics to sPVP and give WvW a “max stat” cap if needed.
I’m very surprised to hear people say this and is one of those things that you should have known when picking up this game. It’s one of the most important philosophies of Anet that you shouldn’t have to go on an endless gear treadmill to enjoy the game. You shouldn’t NEED ever increasing numbers to enjoy the game. Then game needs to be FUN. Stat increases are just a mere illusion of fun and is often related to subscription based MMO’s. Why do you think that GW1 has a stat cap that could be reached after a few hours? This isn’t WoW, or Diablo 3. This is GW2 and yes I WILL stop playing if they ever chose to implement the systems you are suggesting.
You don’t NEED to farm these token. If you enjoy the game you will get these items over time. You can stop whenever you want. You are not paying a sub. And that is what I’m planning to do.
And you wouldn’t NEED to farm gear that has 5% better stats than your current gear. Nothing in the game requires good gear. Just saying, there’s 2 sides to this story.
I fail to see how someone wouldn’t want to grind for cosmetics AND stats at the same time instead of just cosmetics anyway. It’s a win/win and I never got the whole argument that grinding for cosmetics is somehow magically better than grinding for stats and cosmetics at the same time. They don’t need to make the content so hard that it requires the last tier of gear, even with dungeon gear having better stats, it wouldn’t make it impossible for brand new 80s to do them.
I knew this is how the game was going to be when I bought it, I don’t regret my purchase. I do feel that 50+ runs for a single cosmetic set is a bit steep though. If it was more like 10 runs I would be willing to do it.
But why farm for stats if you know there isn’t any content created specifically for that higher gear level. Why is stat progression so addicting in games like WoW? I believe it’s because you always know you are progressing through content and gaining higher gear will get you access to new content, also making exciting content obsolete and easy over time.
A 100% cosmetic endgame progression has 1 simple advantage over stat based endgame progression. You are not forced to play content created for your current item level, making previous content obsolete.
I will agree that the grind is pretty big but they need to give hardcore players who play more then hundreds of hours something to do. And that is what these explorable dungeons are for. Difficult and long-term goals for those players that want to invest a lot of time.
Edit: Actually a slight nerf in cost would be reasonable.
(edited by Gank.4957)
I stopped playing because of the token system to be honest. I’m not done playing all together, but I don’t see myself playing for awhile (probably pick it back up after I get bored of borderlands 2).
I’m already stat capped, and the cosmetic grind is pretty crazy at the moment. I want to feel like i’m progressing, and cosmetic gear doesn’t give me that feeling. I wouldn’t be afraid to start grinding cosmetic gear, if it didn’t take 50+ runs for 1 set.
The system will make people quit, when it intends to keep people playing for longer. My 2 RL friends also immediately stopped playing at 80 when they realized the grind required for cosmetics.
Please change it ANET, this system will turn PVE players away quickly… If i’m going to do a 50+ dungeon grind, I want to at least feel like i’m getting more powerful. Leave cosmetics to sPVP and give WvW a “max stat” cap if needed.
I’m very surprised to hear people say this and is one of those things that you should have known when picking up this game. It’s one of the most important philosophies of Anet that you shouldn’t have to go on an endless gear treadmill to enjoy the game. You shouldn’t NEED ever increasing numbers to enjoy the game. Then game needs to be FUN. Stat increases are just a mere illusion of fun and is often related to subscription based MMO’s. Why do you think that GW1 has a stat cap that could be reached after a few hours? This isn’t WoW, or Diablo 3. This is GW2 and yes I WILL stop playing if they ever chose to implement the systems you are suggesting.
You don’t NEED to farm these token. If you enjoy the game you will get these items over time. You can stop whenever you want. You are not paying a sub. And that is what I’m planning to do.
(edited by Gank.4957)