I would love to RP with you. I would also like to write a long detailed reply, but I am on a bus going to town. Please, contact me if you would like to play sometime.
I just need to comment on the ‘bro’ thing as it has both amused and slightly irritated me. Being called bro is great when I play one of my male characters. But I am a woman and when my character is also a female, it makes me both chuckle and sigh. For some reason many people still seem to think players are male.
If you cannot use it at all something is wrong. But there are lots of things free accounts cannot buy or sell. Try to buy or sell a tree log to rest it. Log, not plank. Planks are not available. If you cannot trade a raw material, contact support.
When I mentioned that there was a circus in the new area to my kid their immediate response was: “Is that connected to Caudecus?” I wouldn’t actually be surprised if the ‘good’ minister or his henchmen had a hand in it.
The content is not going anywhere. You just need to have logged on before the 20th to have the first part of S3 unlocked. There will be less players in the area than now, but that does not interfere with the story.
People who do not log on before the next episode comes out will lose the opportunity of getting this one for free, that’s all.
Probably. Unless the current level was acquired by exploring even getting go the story instances will net a lot of XP. Try and let us know.
I really, really wish they will add the option to dye all backpacks, so everyone gets to enjoy it.
I got my 4th birthday gifts on the 25th of August just as it should be, since headstart did begin on that date. Are all the people who got theirs a day early Americans? Because the the GW 2 day starts at midnight GMT, which is in the afternoon/early evening across the Atlantic, the reset for the 24th would actually taken place on the 24th over there.
If you do get the characters back, choose the backpack wisely. There is only one we can have per account.
Unless there has been a recent change ftp can use guild chat.
Can you lower the requirements for the chest piece? Can you add more ways to get it?
Are the WvW and PvP reward track completely out of question for you? It is not very hard to get that armor that way.
Only the consumable recipes are account wide. The recipes learned in the discover tab are still character bound.
Oh. That is good news.
Why do you feel like you need this? It is not that awful to log on the alt with the craft. Also some people like to level their alts by crafting. Your suggestion would take that away completely. Recipies being shared by the account already makes it harder. ( I like account wise recipies myself.)
Revenant gets exotic soldier gear. It.works just fine in HoT PvE.
Most newer and more intense content de facto demands the new classes. Raiding as “core” classes will be significantly more difficult for example.
Raiding without HoT is not possible at all. Besides, not everyone raids.
Only you can answer that question. But it costs nothing to try!
The game is there, there are people about. There has been new stuff added since you left, of course, and a few changes. There is a ton of things for you to do, even just in the core game. Jump in and start exploring places you didn’t get to see.
If you have the character/characters from the start, do not delete them. They are getting birthdays present for every year they existed. 4th birthday will be soon too!
Well, first of all it is extremely unlikely there will be another profession. The plan is to go with more elite specializations. Second, the next expac is not happening for a long time. You can easily have staks of tomes of knowledge by then. I think the shared slot is more useful.
This is why I originally got a second account.
One side note: When a free account is upgraded to HoT it gets one free transfer. There is no notification im game, but when doing it the price is 0 gems.
Indeed, if you use it on a lvl 80 character, you gain all the material benefits of the boost. Since you don’t have a character slot, maybe that is the way to go. Or you could buy either a character slot or a shared inventory slot. Unless you are maxed out, of course.
Using it on a new character makes it lvl 30 immediately. Useful only for those who do not have any in the bank from birthday presents, but since it costs the same as character slot alone, no harm done either.
Intercultural interaction causes people to borrow fashion from each other. The hairdo swap has actually been asked for by players many times.
Please, don’t remove downed state. The game would lose part of the charm.
I am on a coffee break and on a phone, so I’ll keep it to the most important bit.
Do not delete your old character even if you start a new. Birthday gifts are character based.
No. Just sell your extras to the merchant. True, you won’t get much, but it is for free. Just because you have too much should not be a reason to make it hard for the others.
It is not all. Just all heavy. And ascended is crafted for stats.
All ascended armor looks the same when ‘out of the box’. People then use their favourite skins from the wardrobe to get the look they like.
Go to your bank. There is a wardrobe tab. Search for illustrious.
Welcome to the forum! And HoT.
It may be possible, but the cost would ne exorbitant. Those who go by the crafting route mostly just get the base crafts to 400 and get the few remaining levels in some other ways. Crafting beyond 400 is expensive and scribing is so from the start.
Deluxe, unlike Ultimate, does not come with gems, instead the upgrade is paid in gems. The core game deluxe upgrade did go on sale but that was not the first or second time there was a sale. At the time it went on sale the core game was being sold for $10. So, when HoT sells for that, maybe we’ll get a sale on the upgrade too. Or who knows, the anniversary gemstore sale does happen next month.
Hah. I seem to have given up on the Summer too soon. Fixing rhe original.
First of all, keep your thief. Even if you start another character, keep your old friend. Characters have birthdays and get gifts.
I cannot advice on the crafting and making money. I craft because it is fun and I get to make stuff for my characters, but it costs. However, I know there are in existence websites that help calculate what to craft for profit. I am sure someone will have a link.
I play casually and mostly alone though not necessarily by own choice. Things I do include gathering stuff for crafting/selling to buy other stuff, I do the dailies, recently I have spent quite a bit of time in WvW trying to get Triumphant armor skins and I am leveling my Scribe finally. Things mostly not done alone are the guild missions.
HoT does give more stuff to do. Elite speciaisations, collections, new areas with new events and a new story. And masteries: Gliding is fun.
July 26th Living World season starts. It is free for all who log in while each chapter is live, but to actually play it one needs HoT. Still, it is better to log in and unlock the chapters for free even if not sure about getting HoT. Later they will be sold in the gem store like Season 2 is now.
(edited by Garambola.2461)
FtP can donate to treasury, but only through the actual Treasurer, who stands by the entrance waypoint. They cannot interact with the proprietors.
The Scribing station works as a personal bank for all, but the scribing master will not sell even a humble mining pick to those without upgrade. As mentioned, thankfully, there is the general merchant for everyone for the meager price of 30 gold.
Not being able to buy new guild armor or weapons recipes goes deeper than just interface: the price includes crystalline ore. But the old guild armor and weapons and the backbags are available. I’ve no idea if the very expensive miniatures are for sale for all or not.
Personally, I find it embarrassing when showing new people around. “There is this cool feature here, but unfortunately you cannot use it, since you don’t have HoT.” If it were up to me, I would give access to all things that don’t require HoT currencies to all guild members.
Don’t wait for season 1. If it ever gets redone, it will be a long time and you will miss all the new stuff.
Aww. I miss him. Good job!
[Either Region] Hello all you wonderful people!
I have an unusual request. I am going to be alone this coming weekend and I will be stuck home too. Therefore, I am looking for any kindhearted individuals who would play GW2 with me. Help me or let me help you or just do stuff.
I’ll be available Friday from about 4 p.m. GMT to about 10 p.m. GMT. Saturday most of the day until that same time at night and Sunday I need to leave two hours earlier.
If you want to help, leave me a message either here or in game.
Without Trading Post at hand crafting stations would not reach their potential.
Actually ( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-June-14-2016/first#post6212427) says:
“The Silverwastes PvP reward track Carapace Armor Box now contains all pieces of Carapace armor instead of just the gloves.”
However, the track is not available for anyone who has already done it once.
Over the years there have been many changes, of course. But I think nothing has changed so much that you could not play much the same way as way back then. It won’t be that hard to catch up.
There are people around pretty much everywhere. You won’t be alone unless you want to be.
The current plan is to have a bigger content update 4 times a year. The next is coming very soon. There has been content added that is still there to enjoy, but people forget so fast. And, of course, if the content is not for a part of the game one enjoys it is not content.
Cash shop offers cosmetic stuff mostly. No way necessary to playing, but can be fun sometimes.
If you want to, I have time to chat with you in game once you have downloaded. It is easier to answer specific questions that way.
New? The leyline events and legendary bandits.
It is not about flaming. But we are saying that if your target audience does what you want, a lot of us will lose all faith and leave.
I got mine from the Mystic Forge.
This sounds very much like the V.I.P. system from China, which we were promised would not come here.
This is something I have wished was there for a long time.
It also makes guild mining upgrades very hard. Unless there are dozens of contributors or a lot of gold to spend, of course.
I kept getting a lot of tomes of knowledge yesterday when playing WvW. WvW does not directly add to your leveling xp anymore, but it gives tomes. Instead you gain rank and reward track there. And, most importantly to me personally, Proofs of Heroics.
Fastest ways are not the most fun ways, I think. If I wanted both it would be to use all boosters I can and go off to the ‘corners of Tyria’ expolring, doing events and killing things off the beaten path with a big bonus XP.
Guilds eat a lot of Auric Dust/Sparks. Please, don’t ask them to be made hard to get a gain. Some of us only have a handful of people willing to contribute to upgrades.
I was delighted at the news. But found out that it is not available for those who have completed the track already. I hope it is just an oversight.
That is called ’Adventurer’s Spectacles’. They drop from the chests in Dry Top or you can just buy one from the TP. Even the medium one is under 2 gold.
In the last couple of months there hasn’t been many dramatic changes, but there have been quite a few changes that make things more pleasant.
You can see what has happened here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates
Without going to details the pre-events for LS 3 have started. They are meant to be teasers, so don’t expect anything huge. Still nice flavor and some rewards to be had. You did not say whether you have HoT or not, but these events are open to all players.
Someone on the GW2 board did recommend posting on the Ranger subforum. I don’t know if you did, but if not it could be useful. There are people there who can advice on the most efficient ways to play a Ranger. I just play what feels fun, so…
The only way to learn to play a class is to play it though. So just jump in. If you would like to have someone to run around with, I am often free. And I have accounts on bout EU and NA.