- Breakbars are flat out awesome. In the long term consider enhancing them with custom animations to allow designers to relate complex enemy interactions with the visuals – such as having the break bar cracked or shattered once broken until the boss stops taking extra damage (at which point it reforms to show extra damage is no longer being taken), having a red area at either end of the break bar to tell people bad stuff will happen if the boss’s stun bar isn’t kept about midway across the break , ect. The more flexable the animation set, the more designers will be able to easily relate.
GW2 Website:
- Add a way for people to jump to comments made by staff in threads instead of having to find the first instance of a staff post before they can be hopped between.
- Several WvW ts groups I’ve been on have requested I send them my GW2 API to prove I was from that server. Please add a description on the API request redirect login page stating what you are currently logging into the GW2 website for. I’m a programmer and at the time I couldn’t tell if signing in my details on that page would either give the safe API information the WvW people stated the link would provide or if I was dangerously compromising my account by signing into that blank Anet login page – until after I signed in and it all turned out to be fine -.-
- Resonating shards. Make them rare again please, they are currently worse than sellable trash.
- Until they worked into a better system, add another option to the bottom of each recipe book’s recipe list which lets you extract a generic sellable trophy from the book instead (with rarer recipe books giving larger quantities of the generic trophy). Perhaps only give this option if every recipe in the book has already been unlocked.
- With future living world maps, consider adding in a single remastered cultural armor as a reward for each of those maps. The cultural armors are some of the most unique pieces in game but the lack of detail, tech and texture on several of them really shows (they are the oldest of the old). If a single weight of a single class was redone with each episode (given some new shaders like higher tier PvP or WvW stuff, perhaps the carapace armor enhancement or the foefire shoulders enhancement) I’d assume all around praise for far less effort then creating a new armor set.
- At the end of the season, please give a mystic forge chain to combine all the 25-25 sentient and anomaly gobblers into a single store gobbler (like the ley-line matter converter) and if you feeling generous, extend that into some variation of an ascended/legendary construction process to unlock invisible shoulders which feature the 6 anomolies flying around and trailing after you (as pure fx) and when combat starts, all 6 anomalies ram into you, disappearing and giving you a slight aura of the leyline- distort effect until you exit your combat stance.