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Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Healerith.5921


Stupid forced logout for rebuild! I was working on the clocktower incognito with one other sneaky person. We had both camped out there and the server was still going even though the event had ended. If I had been smart and logged out and back while the other person was running the tower I could have saved the instance! Part of Halloween ending was not allowing any new instances of the Clockwork tower to be started. My plan almost worked.

anet: can precursors drop from the mad king mini dungeon chest?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I doubt they will answer this but I think it’s a safe bet they can since the chest can drop exotics.

Clock Tower Groups Need to be SMALLER

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Healerith.5921


Is that all you people do is complain about things? They do not need to redo their content every single time because some people have a problem with some aspect of it.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Healerith.5921


The amount of sillyness in this entire threat is amazing. Is the range you can obtain these skins too much? Probably! Are you are ALL suprised given the range on anything else in this game? I certainly am not. Would I have wasted more than $25 for a chance at these skins? Most certainly not. This is as silly as the guy who got 4000 exoctics and no pre-cursor. Buy the skins, or buy the pre-cursor if you don’t want to take risks, otherwise enjoy the other aspects of the Halloween event or the entire game. Do not however whine and complain about things to a point that they need to waste time handing petty customer service complaints.

Account security and customer service

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I have mentioned this before but it was a month or so ago. There is an absolutely AMAZING security product to combat this specific issue and it is not virus protection, though I do recomend that as well. It is called KeyScrambler by QFX software. The free version works with Internet Explorer and Firefox and it does NOT yet work with the GW2 launcher.

— Click the download button then scroll down to the Free version.

Keyscrambler will scramble your keyboard inputs as you type them anywhere in your web browser. For example what I typed was scrambled into "r8;$1sz… etc so if someone keylogged it they would get garbage.

Here is what I would do if this happened to me personally. I would find an online safe anti-virus scanner from one of the reputable sites and scan my computer. Then I would use my personal anti-virus software to scan my computer. After I did all of this I would download and install KeyScrambler Free version. The free version covers Internet Explorer and Firefox.

After it was installed I would change my email password first and then change the security questions on my email account in case the keylogger/hacker had that information too. Then I would change my banking passwords next and lastly my GuildWars 2 password.

I have used this product for two years and in two years I have never had an issue with this kind of problem. Note that I did have the exact same problem before I found this amazing security product. The majority of stolen information seems to come from what you type on the web aka Internet Explorer. I would also recomend a reinstall of GW2 just to be sure the problem didn’t get into the software as well.

(edited by Healerith.5921)

over 1000(edit)tries taped...

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


1000 trys = 4000 exotics. 4000 exotics = 4000 or so gold. Average market value for precursor is 250-300 gold. Why would anyone ever try to get it from the forge?

Let's Start the Karma DR Dialogue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I have been playing this game since the early release and I have enjoyed every moment of it. I didn’t really do any dungeons, any WvW, or any Dynamic Events at first, I was too busy enjoying the rest of the content. I slowly leveled to 80 and did not rush as this was such an amazing game. Now I get to level 80 and I find out that I can’t get dungeon tokens as fast as everyone else did, I can’t get karma as fast as everyone else did, I can’t get fine crafting materials as fast as everyone else did, and I can’t earn gold as fast as everyone else did. I kind of feel cheated.

There is no punishment to those that actually exploited and ruined the market and to top it all off the market is still corrupt because the exploiters already made their lifetime Gold/Karma/Dungeon Tokens so they are not effected at all by any of this. Not to mention putting DR on Karma is 100% pointless as all Karma items can not be sold on the TP. What possible balance reason do you legitimatly have to justify this?

This entire DR system, Karma included, makes me sick. I can no longer recomend this game to anyone because now in addition to having little endgame (in terms of other traditional mmos), it also is no longer fun to play because I can’t spend the time I want to accomplish what I want. I now have to stop playing or have a completely negative experience if I play for long durations of time. This is no longer Guild Wars 2.

Ultimate Money-Saving-Leveling Cheap Crafting Guide?!

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


The BEST “beginners” crafting guide:

The most complete crafting guide with shortest path to 400:

Somewhere on these forums people have posted how to hit 400 in a trade with 2 gold or less on some crafting skills.

Is crafting just a waste of time?

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


Crafting is a huge waste of money but I am not sure it is a waste of time. Eventually everyone is going to want their Legendary and guess what? You gotta craft it yourself. All the gifts for the Legendary recipes are account bound which means you have to make them yourself. Usually you need at least 2 crafting types maxed for your Legendary depending on which one you are going to get.

Yes, you do out-level the materials required as you level. If you are in a hurry then just wait till you are 80. Then you will want to go back and get Explorer for your Legendaries. At which time you will complete 100% of the maps in all areas and as a result of that you will have more crafting materials.

I recomend getting a full “Masterwork” explorer set ASAP (green). I do not care what people say it DOES increase your fine crafting material drops. It may not increase every single material, but it does increase quite a few of them. Get an explorer weapon too, and 2 rings, 2 accessories, and an amulet. Also you can add more Magic Find to these items as well using their upgrade slots. I never had more than 50 silver at any time as a crafter until I had my explorer set.

Forging the Pact bug still...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I couldn’t complete this until the last time they fixed this mission. There is an npc you arrive at that is dead and you can rezz him. After that the 3 npcs behind him also become rezzable. Once I did that, then I completed the explosion. When I arrived at the cave the event started up fine for me where it was blocked on previous attempts.

Remove Waypoint cost on a death (once an hour or less)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Healerith.5921


On of the biggest complaints I have seen in this game is the amount of silver it costs to waypoint frequently. I agree that making them cost a few silver makes sense so that players are encouraged to explore the world rather than zip through it. However I also think that paying for a Waypoint after a death is penalizing players twice. Our gear is already damaged and if we die more than once the amount goes way up.

I propose to eliminate waypoint travel expense on a death. To prevent exploitation of this I suggest that it only works in the map you are currently in and perhaps has an internal cooldown timer of one hour or less. Here is my main reasoning behind this, as we level up many waypoints in the 60+ zones become contested frequently or nearly always. This creates a need to waypoint even further away than we would choose to do at an increased expense. This is unfair to be penalized twice, one by damaged gear, and once by something completely out of our control (events).

This is a minor change that wouldn’t effect the economy yet would effect a players enjoyment of the game. If there is one constant theme in this amazing game it is that every detail of a players experience is designed to make the game an enjoyable and memorable playing experience.

Anti-farm code does exist for Fine Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


Beware of this advice as it has the feeling of something ANet might accuse you of exploiting for.

Well I only learned this because of repeated personal story bugs in which the mission stalled and I had to repeat it over and over again. There were several personal story bugs that resulted in the mission being unable to be completed. Most of these were fixed, however several personal story missions still have bugs.

The Curse of Gatherless Professions.

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I salvaged everything and banked it all up till around level 60. Then the Fine Crafting Materials started draining my bank so I started selling the gear after 60. I don’t have leatherworking or tailoring but I easily have enough materials to level one of them to 400 off what I salvaged while I leveled.

Anti-farm code does exist for Fine Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


One thing I would like to point out is that in my experience this Anti-Farm code does NOT exist in your personal story mission. I started noticing this around level 60ish. The drop rates for materials and items are excellent in your personal story. If you skipped some trash during your mission go back and clear it out. Also you can repeat your mission over and over for materials by not completing the ending objective.

This is the perfect work-around for anyone who is working on crafting and has not finished their personal story.

Anti-farm code does exist for Fine Crafting Materials

in Crafting

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I have seen a fair amount of posts complaining about the length of time it takes to get fine crafting materials. One thing I have read and also proven to myself is there is an “Anti-farm” code in place as there was in Guild Wars 1. The way it works is basically like this, lets say you farm spiders for 1 to 2 hours for venom. You get some decent drops that first hour but then you may only get 1-2 venom the entire second hour.

When your drop rate goes from low to non-existent you have hit the anti-farm code. The solution to this is to pick another area and type of mob that drops the same fine material and farm them for awhile instead. This is probably one of the biggest reasons I have not reached 400 in a single craft yet. I understand the reason for the anti-farm code for things like bots though. However I think Fine Crafting Material drops could use a slight boost over-all.

Personal Story: Forging the Pact bug (blocking progress)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I also have the same problem and submitted a bug ticket as well with screenshot.

Dungeons are quite hard

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Healerith.5921


  • The “protection” fights in AC (Story), where you guard the NPC from attacks in the 1st and 3rd paths are near impossible to complete w/o the perfect player setup and communication. Unless you can talk to the other players and they know your playstyle, you will lose over and over and over again. The reason why players are now only doing the 2nd path is it has the use of spike traps which makes killing the mobs 10x easier.

I did AC story with a full group of noobs myself included and we beat it with 0 communication other than watch out for traps on the ground that spawn adds. I had never seen the dungeon before and yah we wiped a lot on trash but in the end we beat it without much effort. A large part of a sucessful group is making sure it is somewhat balanced.

While it was just a random pickup group, as a Guardian going into my first dungeon my traits were heavily focused on healing as were my abilities. I didn’t know how to heal in a group setting I was basically mashing buttons at first. I guess the point I am making here is that each profession needs to know what their best setup is going to be for a dungeon which generally means bringing more defensive and healing abilities and less offensive to obtain a balance of both.

Also keep in mind that many fights can be ranged and kited while you are waiting for abilities to refresh. I learned that early on while solo questing. If you get in trouble find an escape route and if you can kite without agroing more adds then do it. Rezz often, I can not stress that enough! I brought a Sword/Shield combo and a staff for ranged for my first trip into AC as a Guardian.

(edited by Healerith.5921)

Dissun Mines BScapade

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Healerith.5921


The funny thing is I had the same problem as the OP. In my search for this place I too scaled the mountain and fell into a glitch. I did find the correct entrance though thank goodness for the internet

Computer & Account Security

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Healerith.5921


I’m slightly bored while waiting for my karma appeal ticket to be resolved, and with the multitude of accounts being hacked going on, I figured I might share some things I do to keep my PC as well as my credentials safe.

  • Anti-Viruses – Get yourself an anti-virus and anti-malware program. You will be surprised at how many computers get infected just by not having something as simple as this. Ones I use (both free!) are Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Conducting scans weekly (as well as keeping your anti-virus up to date) is a good way to go about things.
  • Additionally, you can try Spybot Search & Destroy or stuff like AVAST! but I’m a cheap person and if security is free, why pay for it? Also, McAfee is utter nonsense. Get rid of that.

I would like to add a program to your list. This program is amazing and I have been using it for two years now to protect my account security for several different things. It is called KeyScrambler. It scrambles keyboard inputs as you type them for supported programs. The free version covers Internet Explorer and Firefox. The premium versions do not yet support GW2 logins but I am sure they will in the future as they cover most other games. Just the Internet Exlorer and Firefox protection alone will thwart at least 90% of all keylogging attempts. Think of where you type in almost all of your sensitive information, it is usually in a web browser.

Here is the link:

Click the Free Download button but not the Free trial pay option unless you want that.

I decided to try this program two years ago when my own account security for another game was compromised. I have never had another issue since installing this amazing tool.

(edited by Healerith.5921)