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ATTN: Devs 7 Easy ways to better Dungeon Play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Just REALLY hating it right now and seriously considering buying WoW: WoD over the new GW2 expansion – and paying $15/mo to Blizz instead of the Gem Store.

I do see how they are trying to fix it with Fractals – or how they are saying they are trying to fix it anyway. Like they’re “fixing their dungeon fails with fractal wins” And I hope that the raids are all they are puffed up to be. I just miss a challenge. There has to be a way they can make it (in 5 mans) that it’s truly a challenge. What it really comes down to -I guess- ARE the mechanics, and the lack of interactive mechanics – “get out of the red circle” isn’t exactly as interactive as “Stay out of that spell effect, kill that add, push that button over there on the wall, OH GOD Phase two – everyone get to the middle of the room, sheep that, trap that, silence that, okay, we’re rotating interrupts on this – OH GOD I’M STUNNED” on fights like you get with a WoW Dungeon Boss, those “keep you on your toes”, unavoidable mechanics. The mechanics that make your heart pump and your palms sweat! Everything on GW2 can pretty much be burned right through while I’m eating a sandwich with the other hand – aside from the ever-present red circle threat (most of them anyway) and the occasional – “move from here to here”. There are a COUPLE bosses with the heart-pumping, sweaty palm moments, but not nearly enough.

I can’t explain how bad it bothers me that stuff that is supposed to be meant for 5 people can be solo’d – especially when you are down-leveled. And when the “hardest” content in the game (Lvl 50 fractals) can be solo’d. I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but it does.

I guess I’ll just hold off on purchasing either one until I see if the xpac is worth it. But if I see vids of new content being solo’d – or people just stacking and standing there, it’s off and I’m getting WoD…

Until then I’ve been working on readying a guild on GW2 dedicated to finding kindred souls who want to run stuff “old school” for the laid-back fun and enjoyment of the game.

ATTN: Devs 7 Easy ways to better Dungeon Play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


You make some good points. Let me give you a bit more insight as to where I am coming from.

1. Absolutely! I’m not trying to “force” everyone to play as intended, I’d just like to increase the difficulty. If you want to skip – go ahead and comp the group to do so. But if they do it right there will be runs that can’t be stealthed through – otherwise what’s the point?

2. Been here since Beta, I run plenty of dungeons – pug and otherwise. You don’t all know the tells, that’s why I spend half the dungeon rezzing most “zerkers”. Again, not taking away your “right to Zerk”, just providing a means to an alternative. Increased damage by mobs would mean you would A – Round out your Spec or B – Bring Support/Control. I don’t think you quite understand the impact this “Meta-lomania” has on the the game, and how it’s ruining it. Shoot, let’s just have ANet remove all the other gear and builds if that’s what is standard! Cause right now, that’s what it comes across as – Elitism, “Zerker only”, “You should run _ or you’re a noob”. NO! People should play how they want, and choose stats to accentuate that without game-wide ridicule. I know it is inevitable – there will always be a “top Damage” setup, but what’s wrong is that, that is all that is viable – there should be more to it. It’s pretty cheesy actually. There is no “Trinity” but there are 3 play styles – a sort of “Soft Trinity”, and right now they aren’t being utilized – in 99% of content there’s no need for control, no need for support – 5 Damage can just go in and down it – or one can go in and solo it. Oh yeah, what a challenge.

3. This would be important with changes 1 and 2 – my plan works together. If you get hit harder, you’ll have less chance to burn it down, you’ll need to know how to manage it.

4. In what world is 1-3 gold (and maybe a few sellable drops) “flowing”? And it’s flowing because you don’t DO the dungeon! You run through it, hit a guy or two and collect your chest. What a waste of pixels and someones hard work. NO wonder they gave up on dungeons and are focusing on Fractals… people only ever fight the bosses anyway.

5. Yes, because mindlessly following the train commander is such a great way to spend the day :-P When you increase the dungeon difficulty (i.e. the proposed Champion Explorable mode) that is when your gear would increase (I had originally thought to have an Ascended Vendor at the end of the mode , perhaps that would have been the better way to go)

6. Well… yeah, much like Perplexity Runes. Not a big deal.

7. This is my point exactly – you should not be able to solo a dungeon meant for 5 people, this alone sums up the tragic state of dungeons. If even a level 50 Fractal can be solo’d – something is WRONG.

8. The only incentive ANet would have to work on dungeons is if there is a way they can increase profits through them – and why not, they have provided us with an AMAZING world. So, Yes, remove those pots, and as for the stacking – that’s for Anet to toy around with.

Dungeons are the bread and butter of MMO’s and is where this game is TRULY lacking. And now they’ve even made fractals “pick and choose” so there isn’t even the loading screen anticipation of “what’s next”. If you want to destroy the competition (even more so) then you have to cover every gaming need.

We need dungeons where strats and tactics are the key to winning, not “zerk, skip and stack” – and they payoff should be worth the time and skill invested. Which is exactly why you only get 1-3G, cause there’s no time requirement or skill necessary. Luckily we have raids now to HOPEFULLY fulfill this challenge for 10 people, but still nothing for 5 people – especially since most of the 5 man content can be done by 1.

Like I said, I LOVE this game. But when I look at my screen and most of the time I see 5 people huddled in a cluster slamming their buttons…no strategy, no challenge – it makes me REALLY sad, because that’s pretty pathetic. This is the weakest link of a game that has the potential to be the best MMO EVER.

ATTN: Devs 7 Easy ways to better Dungeon Play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


That’s really sad, because I view Dungeons and Fractals as PvE’s main source of “practice” for Raid content, and learning your overall functionality in a group setting.

I’d also love to have more “Life After 80” – and good dungeon participation fills a huge void for people who aren’t quite “raid ready” – or something to do on the other 6 days of the week.

Dungeon involvement stokes the fire for raiding and therefore expansion sales. It’s a mistake to abandon it just because it’s a weak area. Heck, Dungeons are the “core” activity of most PvE MMO gamers – especially after we’ve participated in the Living Story events. And like I said, Fractals only satisfy so much of this “need”.

I hope they reconsider.

ATTN: Devs 7 Easy ways to better Dungeon Play

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I find myself straying to older MMO’s like World of Warcraft, when I would much rather be playing GW2. I sat down and got to the core of why this was happening. Of all the MMO “needs” GW2 does fulfill, a true sense of progression as far as character development is lacking, there, but lacking. As of right now, you have the Fractals, and Crafting as your method of attainment for “top” gear, and now with HoT there will be legendary gear available to Raiders. Gold is hard to come by, and the Dungeons are full of “Zerker Only” groups and the utilization of exploits. And Mat Farming can be an eye gouging, boring experience. Fractals are fun and challenging, but it can get boring doing the same limited scenarios – so: Make more fractals? or Improve a currently lacking part of pre-existing play mode?

I propose the following changes to Dungeons to make them worth playing, and not just speed run/farm them.

1. Cut the Leash. You can’t skip mobs if they’ll follow you to the end – you have to deal with them (or use an “anti aggro” mechanic like Stealth, via Bird Feathers or class mechanic). So either learn some LoS pulls, or find a run and stack point, cause – they aren’t going to turn around. This will increase Strategy within different group comps.

2. Increase the damage of all dungeon mobs by 5-10%. Make us work for it! Make us watch tells and CD’s, get out of the way, pull smaller groups, utilize builds and utilities in certain pulls – instead of just stack and kill while the mob lightly slaps us like Roger on American Dad. This will also cause 2 things to happen – People who like to “Pug” will be more inclined create well rounded builds with equal parts damage, control, support. 2. People in guilds who do planned “structured” runs can utilize the “Pure” builds and group make-ups – 1 Support, 1 Control and 3 DPS (or any group of well combined Hybrids of varying degrees) configurations and the such. You keep the integrity of NOT having a Trinity, while giving teams the option of virtually creating one. And, if I may, can some encounters have an “Anti stacking” mechanic, like maybe a boss fight with an effect that doesn’t harm the player, but does harm those within a certain range of the player, or a pulsing blind – something to make people move around instead of just stack.

3. You gotta give us a heads up! On the Enemy bar where you tell us what they do – Tell us their Aggro Preference, this way we can plan and say “Okay, well This aggros by Range, We’ll have the Ranger or Ele kite it around while we all rotate Chill and kill it.”

4. MONEY! The primary the reason “Speed Running” and “Zerkers” came about is because – Times are tough all over man, that Gold is hard to come by for the casual player. If the dungeons get harder, more exciting, less exploitable through the first 3 changes then they are going to take longer – so you’re gonna have to up the anty! I don’t want the daily grind of farming Silverwastes to be the most profitable way to make gold. Please don’t keep making me run Silverwastes… I want to tear my eyes out.

5. Show your Dungeon Mastery through Dungeon Ascendeds! They’d require the Exotic piece + more currency, so people can’t “skip”. We can always change the stats in the Forge if we want. AWESOME new Dungeon themed Skins!! A 3rd way to get “Raid Ready” and promote upgrading to the expansion AND help people feel like their hard work is paying off.

6. A few new Runes, and a new Sigil or two. For those of us who are in guilds and ARE going to have structured groups, we’re going to need some control in order to have order. I propose Taunt Runes. Here’s an Example:
Rune of the Lunatic
(2)10% Increased Protection Duration
(4)25% Chance when hit to gain Protection
(6)Your Shouts taunt enemies within 600yd

Of course we would need a few to cater to the different Control focused utility categories.

Don’t want to have a full rune – but want to have a “kiting” weapon?
Sigil of Attraction: 66% chance on Hit to Taunt target.

Maybe a second Sigil that has a chance to convert Damage to Taunt for an AoE effect.

BAM!!, now those who want control they can regulate have what they need.

7. These two are for later down the road – Two New Modes. A “Champion Explorable” mode for level 80’s who want an ultimate 5 man challenge! Like Emril took the Explorable mode and “kicked it up a notch”. And “Run-Solo” Mode where the dungeon contains encounters meant to be soloed and really test the players skills and self reliability. This would double as a GREAT way to test out your build.

And Finally, how ArenaNet can benefit from these changes – Change the Dungeon Potions to Dungeon Boosters. Gem Store purchased/Black Lion Chest “+20% Damage in Dungeons”, “Increase Ally Healing Effectiveness by 20% in Dungeons” or “Take 20% Less Damage in Dungeons” Boosters. Maybe even a “10% increased Gold from Monsters in Dungeons” :-)

I know some people are going to react harshly to this post, and that’s just fine. I have merely gone through and examined why I am straying away from this product (when I LOVE this game), and what me and other GW2 players I know have been really starving for. This was how I could see is fixed with minimal change to the current model and mechanics, and the addition of a couple items.

We want Zealot Amulet for HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Hmmm, new amulets. Aside from zealots, anything else you folks think would be interesting?

Healing Power, Power, %Boon Duration.

For those of us who play Support in PvE (especially Guardian) I would love gear that allows me to Heal my allies (primarily), Keep my boons up on my allies longer (Boon Duration), and actually help kill the darn thing! (Power). This is similar to the old Giver’s combo (which we still don’t have in Ascended, Trinkets OR Weapons), but with Power in lieu of Toughness – as longer boon duration equals increased Protection up-time, survivability is implemented in the usage of the Boon Duration stat.. I know we have Runes, like Rune of the Monk, that accentuate this combination ; But I feel if we add a rune to the effect of ~ (1)Power, (2) 7% of Power = Healing Power, (3) +Power, (4)% of damage Heals allies (350yd), (5)Power, (6) Revive faster, Share your boons with your revived ally. ~ we could make a pure support character with a little bit more soloing ability – not crazy high damage, but a little more kick than what we have now. Zealot’s is great if you want to “Primary” in damage and “Secondary” in Support – this would be the opposite. I think with the addition of raids we should be able to move freely through our combinations and formulas within the Trifecta (Control, Support, Damage), and this is one that is not yet been fully addressed. A “Support Meta” – if you will.

Maybe call it Saints gear?

PvP Ranger Multi Use Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


High survivability build has worked out well for me for most roles in tPvP.

There are multiple condi removals and regen to counter those you cannot remove, high toughness for taking physical damage and some nice condition damage as well as damage modifiers to take them down or keep them busy until help arrives. Longbow w/sigils and Wolf provide control for point captures and defending. Shortbow with Lynx to bring them down.

Works well for NPA, FPA, and Bunker – you can basically be useful anywhere your team needs you at a moments notice. I just wish I could have put in a swiftness for mobility, but there was nothing I was willing to sacrifice.

Frost trap may be substituted with Muddy Terrain if you would rather the immobilize since you have a 50% chill with sigil, but -66 skill regen and -33 effective heal with chills and poisons make it hard for them to get away and heal up.

Everyone runs out of cleanses eventually especially if you just keep applying conditions >:-)


Arkeals Minion Master Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Cool build! Check out mine

For TPVP or SPVP you have to focus on getting your crit up there.

Arkeals Minion Master Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


So I’m rather new to Guild Wars 2, but I decided to be a necromancer because of all the minions which seem rather fun.

I don’t really understand what boons are or conditions and how good it is to get rid of them, but I don’t see why this wouldn’t be the best skill set:
My Build

Welcome to the game!

Your Boons are similar to “Buffs” from other MMO’s. They give you a stat boost or other benefit:

Conditions are “Debuffs”, they cause damage or hinder your toon. Some Stack in inensity, some in duration. They are good to have on your enemy – not on yourself!

here’s a complete list from the Wiki

You can look up just about anything for the game on the wiki.

(edited by Heithinn.6508)

Necro Leeching Build "Minion Scholar"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I think you meant to say warhorn instead of focus.

You are absolutely right! Axe/Warhorn :-) Dagger/Focus

[Merged] Signet of Vampirism and related changes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


The new heal is definitely geared toward PvE and Dagger/Melee use. Like all skills, it’s meant to be used when the situation dictates – A melee fight with burst health loss. If you know you have this type of boss, you swap to this heal, pop it while the boss is doing to most damage to the entire party to keep you all up and take him down.

No profession will ever be without it’s flaws. A world of immortal gods would be without challenge.

Necromancer or Elementalist?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I’ve played around with both… It’s a tough call. I would have to say Necro by a small margin.
I’m stacking my Ele in Celestial gear (Curse you Charged Quartz Crystals!) with a 10/10/10/30/10 Dagger/Focus Cantrip build. I did this to make it so my attunement really can change my whole situation as they are ment to – Fire for high damage and condition Damage, Water for healing, Vulnerability and CC, Air for Crit damage and more CC, Earth to prevent incoming damage and bleed foes. Well rounded, with damage and survivability.

Then there’s my Necro <3 Me and my army of pets… Critting, CCing and stealing your life with automatic condition removal :-)

BEST Solo roaming WvW build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I have a necro I made for pve when game came out. I literally know nothing about the current state of necros.

I would really love to be able to solo roam like I do on my warr/ranger. so mobility is an issue, what wep sets to use, runes, sigils, armor the whole nine yards.

I like being able to take multiple foes at once, a good mix of both dmg and survivability.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Check out the build and explination I posted under Necro Leeching Build “Minion Scholar”. I have tons of fun with it in WvW.

Necro DPS Build In Action 9sec Kill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Pretty cool!

Q: What do you do for everything other than the boss and for the other 150 seconds Lich is on CD?

Witch Race For Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


None of the racials really “compliment” or are better than what a Necro has, so it’s really an aesthetic or character choice.
Charr, After so much death on the battlefield did they seek a way to control it?
Asura, The only thing technology cannot stop is death, maybe their curiosity took them to the occult side?
Sylvari, Many plants have the power to take life and give it, maybe the Sylvari is the Homeopathic Necromancer?

Necromancer's Bane

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


“This means that any sort of stunbreak that you might need or heal, or utility that could be used is locked out while in death shroud.”

Foot in the Grave: Entering Death Shroud grants you stability.
As far as healing Death Shroud prevents physical damage, Shrouded Removal will remove a condition when entering death shroud and you can buy time for your heal to CD before dropping DS

And unlike other professions, the necromancer’s skills don’t seem to care at all about how much death shroud you have. A few of them help fill death shroud but not a single one really effects it in the slightest. "

You have several weapons that increase Life Force, an entire utility category that grants Life Force, a passive Spectral Armor proc that grants Life Force, and an entire tree dedicated to life force and reducing your CD’s for Death Shroud as well as traits like Soul Marks and Spectral Attunement that grant even MORE Life Force.

Death shroud is such a selfish ability that you can’t even res allies while in death shroud and lets not forget about being able to finish people while in it.

I too would like to be able to rez people… but traits like Transfusion and a well timed Doom make it a less selfish ability.

A build to remedy your “downsides” would look something like this –

The entirety of Necro play doesn’t depend on DS – it’s just one type of Necro playstyle.

Necro Leeching Build "Minion Scholar"

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


This is by far my favorite Necro build. It creates an extremely well rounded toon PLUS it works well with the new changes and upcoming heal (if you can bear to part with your buddy the Blood Fiend)

With just a flip of a few Traits and Skills you can change to a Well Siphon build… not quite as much damage or siphoning, but better for those melee friendly, support heavy fights with blinding and life sucking survival combo fields, stability and condition removal and more damage % through vulnerability for all! ( )

The build and gear choice explain it all, your minions – kill and heal, your crits – kill and heal (so if you’re caught with no minions you’re still generating health)

I went with Bone Minions over Flesh Wurm because each individual minion siphons health (2>1) and they’re a nice AoE when ya blow ‘em up. Bone fiend’s double tail attack also creates 2 siphons for a total of 7 siphons/sec PLUS your crit and hit siphons. Minion health and damage are increased, with recharge rates lowered through traits. 6 Minions are also 6 sources of condition removal via Fetid Consumption which I chose over Siphon Mastery because I feel as though it has a better effective healing level – but can also swap out for condition-light fights for 20% more siphon damage and healing. All this benefit from minions without even using their abilities yet!

With constant healing and condition removal staying above 90% health for both Scholar Runes and Blood Magic 25 is a breeze – it’s like Scholar runes were made for this build. Blood Magic 25 combined with the siphon damage from crits and hits more than makes up the power difference between Berzerker (the very popular) and Assassin’s gear. With Blood Magic 25 and Death into Life you get a nice healing bonus for your siphons which does (however slight) effect their healing (Going from full Magi stat gear (Prec, Vit, HP) to full Assassins only decreased healing per siphon by ~20).

I took Spite III as a fail safe to help keep my health over 90%, but you can switch it out if you like something better.

I chose the Axe for range, auto attack vulnerability and the multiple hits of Ghastly Claws, alongside the Warhorn for tiny Locust crit and hit siphons and to daze my foe and high tail it out of there in case I need to increase my range from my enemy. The 3&5 of the Axe/Focus combo along with Bone Minion explosions make for a nice AoE burst. I went with Dagger for the quick strikes and health siphon with a second immobilize in case they think they can run away from me, alongside the focus for a vulnerability and regen to bounce to myself for added health and a nice chill to reduce frequency of damage from skill attacks and to slow them down in case they still try to get away!

High Damage, High Health Regen, Automatic Condition Removal – could you ask for anything more?

Minion Tips:
Need to put them away for a minute? WP or take any form changing elixir! (like the ones you get from running dungeons) and “poof!” they’re gone!
Making a run past NPC’s? Send one in to blind, another to immobilize and never underestimate the Flesh Golem wrecking ball – point and laugh at your enemy on their backs as you run by! Let them keep the NPC’s occupied and your party safe, then when you get to your safe spot – pop an elixir to kill your minions and reset the npc’s if necessary.

(edited by Heithinn.6508)

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


UGH, message too long with all the quotes, but anyway…

Yep – Damage is not my first priority. However you didn’t notice/mention I get a ~15% damage increase from traits. 10% For low Endurance – since I dodge to stay alive and Heal I am low 99% of the time. 1% for each boon I have – 95% of the time I have Aegis, Retallaition, Regeneration, Protection & Might, all of which stay on me longer due to Boon Duration. I’m glad you’re fine with a 7. I’m fine with my spec.

Being comfortable forever suits me just fine, why would I want to be uncomfortable with something I do to relax and have fun? If I didn’t have other toons I enjoy playing as well I’d mix it up a bit, but I built this toon to be Support, and that’s what she does.

Healing, Buffing, Reviving, providing combo fields.. I know, I may as well just go to a corner and /sit because I’m not pulling big numbers huh.

Yep, I use it here too.

Again, you’re assuming I’m useless because I don’t pull big numbers. And you’re right, I never will be in a perfect group, but it’s not because “I’m a support guardian” it’s because of the variety of people, some good, some bad. Me switching out my spec is not going to improve group quality. I do have great pug groups, because I try to prevent bad ones.

I have shown a spec where a staff is a viable part of a play style.

One of those builds/flavors being Full on Support, just like your Full on Damage.

I’m pretty sure the intent shared by all is to make it through the dungeon. If they want speed runs, all zerkers, etc… they generally post it in the LFG advertisement.

Seriously? I could give 2 squats what someones spec is, and I am not so judgmental that I scope out everyone in my group to criticize their choice. The only time enjoyment is sacrificed is when some rude elitist ruins the fun vibe the rest of the group has.. and people like that are easily replaced.

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Using that video to justify a staff support build in dungeons is just hilarious^^ please go on, popcorns are ready.

Funny… I thought this thread was about “Why a Guardian would use a Staff…”. Well, that video shows a Guardian… using (wait for it)… a Staff (omg!!) to solo a boss.

I have no need to justify my build…. but your popcorn looks tasty.

(edited by Heithinn.6508)

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Oh, wow, look at this post on another thread… hmmm..

MF Wasted??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


W-wait.. You’re that guy.. from that other thread…

No.. I am serious

I don’t care how much damage I do – that’s not my role. Honestly the fact that I do any damage at all is just a bonus. Let the other 4 people damage while I keep them cleansed, rez them, buff them and use whatever I can to make the fight easier be it a projectile reflect or stability.

Why Toughness and Boon duration? Well.. I need to be alive to heal and rez you don’t I? I already have plenty to cleanse, so Vitality is moot.

It’s all coming together now. O_O

You’re very welcome to spend 3x longer on your runs so you can collect 10 more gobbly kittens, but don’t expect us to~

We can now upgrade that to 10x longer.

Wow dude, you act like you know me and like I run my Support toon ALL the time… you didn’t actually read anything I posted did you? You probably just scrolled through it to see what you could pick out to boost your ego. Go back under your bridge.

(edited by Heithinn.6508)

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I don’t care how much damage I do – that’s not my role.

Would you be okay partying with a thief who tells you, “I don’t care about using my heals to keep myself alive – that’s not my role.”?

Well.. this isn’t even a proper analogy.. I didn’t say “I only heal myself, screw damage and everyone else”.

I said I play support – my damage is not my first priority, Keeping everyone alive and buffed IS. And last time I checked more people alive with higher numbers getting hit by less damage is better for a group than one selfish zerker guardian swirling around with a greatsword.

This is a perfectly reasonable analogy. In this game, every character has responsibility over three roles: DPS, Support(boons/damagebuffs/survivabilitybuffs), and healing. You willfully choose to give up damage to produce as much +healing and +survivability, right? So why can’t a thf give up one of those roles (healing) to focus on one of the other roles? If your mindset works as intended, then his damage should make up for your lack, and your healing should make up for his lack.

The misconception you have is that doing damage is selfish. This is incorrect. If a monster dies faster, then it can deal less damage to the team. That actually means that increasing the speed of kills in a dungeon will help your teammates out.

Let me put an example before you:
Would you rather have a 15 second fight with 5 seconds of protection and 2 aegis, or would you rather have a 3 minute fight with permaprotect and 5 aegis uses? Which one do you think would actually lead to someone being more likely to die?

Edit: Regarding “Selfish zerker guardian” You do know that even a full zerk guardian can provide aegis, protection, reflects, heals, etc. too, right?

No, I completely understand what you’re saying. It’s not as if I have 0 attack, I still have 2.4k attack, it’s not as if I set out to NOT do damage.

The reason I built this toon like this is because 1) When I first started out on GW2 I wanted something I was comfortable with. 2) I don’t want all my toons for full on damage, I want each to have it’s place. 3) I pug out a lot in LFG and the general population of “pugs” don’t pay attention and don’t care about anyone else in the group OR they have never done the dungeon before and need the extra support.

And yes, I know full Zerkers CAN do all that stuff.. but the majority don’t. They only heal when they need healing, they only aegis when they need aegis. And when they are on CD they get hit like a truck because they have barely any mitigation stats – generally only from the 5-10 trait points they used outside of their main power traits.

SO, in a perfect group where everyone dodged and used their available damage reduction skills, and group buffs on their well rounded toons – I would have no desire to be a support guardian, because I wouldn’t be useful. I have had over a year to see how useful I am.

The original question of this thread was why a guardian would use a staff, not the merit or viability of anyone’s build or play style. And though I could go full out damage I choose not to on this toon – I have other toons that do different types of damage. I choose to play a role Anet intended for my profession, even if it’s not the most popular. Everyone else can play however they want, just like me. So as for your original comment about the thief – that’s fine because I can generally keep everyone topped off for the most part. Whatever floats your boat.

(edited by Heithinn.6508)

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


People that staff bosses are bad players. As such, don’t expect an intelligent, well reasoned answer for why they do what the do. The best answer you’ll get is, “I’m running a staff build lolz ofcourse I use staff, you elitist!”

I am going to have to edit this now.

People that staff bosses are self convinced players. As such, don’t expect an intelligent, well reasoned answer for why they do what the do.The best answer you’ll get is, “I’m running a staff build because I’m a healer and it’s my role and I support the team and res people”

Awe, there’s still some errors, here, lemme help…

People that staff bosses are selfless players. As such, don’t expect unintelligible, egotistical answer for why they do what the do. The best answer you’ll get is, “I’m running a staff build because all the Zerkers and damage stackers are too focused on their numbers to dodge attacks or heal themselves and have no mitigation”

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Not sure if serious.

No.. I am serious;4RFV10H3kFF90;9;44-4TT;729B58620-120;0QitaQitaOJGB1-c170;1Y5Z5XaXaYaW57B-2F0JV9ecX9e;9;9;9;9;9;4V1N5c

Great in WvW too.

As someone stated the staff is a support weapon. I’ve been plying this way since BWE. It’s extremely effective support. I don’t care how much damage I do – that’s not my role. Honestly the fact that I do any damage at all is just a bonus. Let the other 4 people damage while I keep them cleansed, rez them, buff them and use whatever I can to make the fight easier be it a projectile reflect or stability.

All my symbols heal and they are all huge so when I drop Symbol of Swiftness I’m giving you swiftness to get out of the way of attacks, healing you with 5 pulses and giving you a Light combo field for cleansing or retaliation – so you do more damage and receive less. Meanwhile Orb of light heals whoever it passes by and I can detonate it for more healing. Empower gives Might and a heal at the end. And if you creatively use Line of Warding you can not only stop following enemies during runs but assist kiters or protect the range camp from attacks. I heal you when I dodge, you all have my Virtue of Resolve passive heal – which is stronger and stacks with Regen as it’s a separate buff. My Mega support Elite lasts 10 seconds longer, which is a lot when you can spam Heal Area. And I have 3 group cleanses not including cleases that happen with Light Field.

Why Toughness and Boon duration? Well.. I need to be alive to heal and rez you don’t I? I already have plenty to cleanse, so Vitality is moot. With Boon Duration I get longer regen and protection. And yes I am lacking on damage, so the longer I can keep my might or fury or whatever boons are flying around the better off I am. Granted, it may take me a year to kill something, but I’ll still be standing.

As I stated, I was a healer for 6 years, this is the role I am comfortable in, it’s a role I enjoy.

So when you see a Guardian with a Staff… assume this is why.

There are so many things I want to say to you…

Then say them :-) or am I supposed to be a scared, kitten little girl who can’t take criticism or allow other people to have opinions?

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I don’t care how much damage I do – that’s not my role.

Would you be okay partying with a thief who tells you, “I don’t care about using my heals to keep myself alive – that’s not my role.”?

Well.. this isn’t even a proper analogy.. I didn’t say “I only heal myself, screw damage and everyone else”.

I said I play support – my damage is not my first priority, Keeping everyone alive and buffed IS. And last time I checked more people alive with higher numbers getting hit by less damage is better for a group than one selfish zerker guardian swirling around with a greatsword.

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508



Would be awesome, but I don’t think they ever will. I’d like it even if just the dummies had it and got conditions so you can check your build.

They want this game to foster community. When you add a DPS meter you attract and promote Elitism and the “Looking for Ranger, Min 12kDPS” LFM posts.

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Not sure if serious.

No.. I am serious;4RFV10H3kFF90;9;44-4TT;729B58620-120;0QitaQitaOJGB1-c170;1Y5Z5XaXaYaW57B-2F0JV9ecX9e;9;9;9;9;9;4V1N5c

Great in WvW too.

As someone stated the staff is a support weapon. I’ve been plying this way since BWE. It’s extremely effective support. I don’t care how much damage I do – that’s not my role. Honestly the fact that I do any damage at all is just a bonus. Let the other 4 people damage while I keep them cleansed, rez them, buff them and use whatever I can to make the fight easier be it a projectile reflect or stability.

All my symbols heal and they are all huge so when I drop Symbol of Swiftness I’m giving you swiftness to get out of the way of attacks, healing you with 5 pulses and giving you a Light combo field for cleansing or retaliation – so you do more damage and receive less. Meanwhile Orb of light heals whoever it passes by and I can detonate it for more healing. Empower gives Might and a heal at the end. And if you creatively use Line of Warding you can not only stop following enemies during runs but assist kiters or protect the range camp from attacks. I heal you when I dodge, you all have my Virtue of Resolve passive heal – which is stronger and stacks with Regen as it’s a separate buff. My Mega support Elite lasts 10 seconds longer, which is a lot when you can spam Heal Area. And I have 3 group cleanses not including cleases that happen with Light Field.

Why Toughness and Boon duration? Well.. I need to be alive to heal and rez you don’t I? I already have plenty to cleanse, so Vitality is moot. With Boon Duration I get longer regen and protection. And yes I am lacking on damage, so the longer I can keep my might or fury or whatever boons are flying around the better off I am. Granted, it may take me a year to kill something, but I’ll still be standing.

As I stated, I was a healer for 6 years, this is the role I am comfortable in, it’s a role I enjoy.

So when you see a Guardian with a Staff… assume this is why.

(edited by Heithinn.6508)

Guardians - Main Weapons Staff - Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I’m a guardian and I know the benefits the staff can provide. Please help me understand why a guardian would have their main weapon as a staff in dungeons. Okay, the staff is a great weapon for certain scenarios such as clearing blossoms in TA. But why would a guardian use a staff as their primary weapon during the entire dungeon run? Dungeons are my favorite thing to do in GW2, they are amazing but I am constantly seeing guardians using a staff as their primary weapon. I main a GS and the damage is great. During boss fights, I see guardians spam number 1 on their staff. And I’m thinking, why not use a GS or 1 hander sword to dish out a lot more damage. Perhaps I’m missing something and if so, please explain that to me. But why would a guardian main a staff versus a GS or 1 hander sword/focus?


For 6 years I was a healer on “another” MMO. I pre-ordered and between BWE’s I’d peruse the wiki and the different classes – I gravitated toward the Guardian because I felt this would be the best “healer” eventhough there is no Holy Trinity.

I run Staff (for range/spread out support)and Mace/Focus(for stacking/melee support) I keep all the other weapons in my bag – just in case. I’m traited to heal everyone around me. I roll in Giver’s gear and Clerics Weapons/Accessories so I’ve got Power, Toughness, Healing and Boon duration coming out my ears. I do “okay” damage but I’ll tell ya what – it takes a lot to kill me, my regen lasts forever and ticks high, my support is strong and people in my groups only die due to thier own lag or stupidity – and I run, Shelter, then rez ’em so they can do it all again.

Some folks prefer to make sure the group kills the boss – they don’t want to solo it.

I have toons that support, toons that crit, toons that condition… toons that siphon health, toons that control. I like to have a toon for all reasons so I’m not stuck typecast on one toon.

No joke though – a staff is INVALUABLE in TA. Just sayin.

(edited by Heithinn.6508)

MF Wasted??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I understand that sometimes people are farming dungeon currency or gold – but why does everyone ALWAYS skip everything?

Magic find works on loot from kills only, yet we run by all this possible loot – you could be missing out on your legendary pre’s!! When you mention something you get “this is easier/faster” meanwhile someone falls behind and we stand around for 10 minutes waiting for them to trek through the 30 angry npc’s we just ran by – then finally someone goes to help them. THEN if for some odd reason we wipe on the boss we just ran to – the cycle starts all over again. How is this faster or easier? Just kill everything!

NOW granted sometimes you get a very experienced group and things go off without a hitch – BUT here’s my point:
I did not gear out my toon and salvage and scrimp to raise my Magic Find just to waste it running by mobs.

Please join me in the LFG Full Clear Revolution! Bring MF Food and Banners to hand out if you want to! Make an event of it in Open World – get some new Guild recruits out of it! Take some time to help people who are intimidated by these “LEVEL 80 EXPERIENCED ONLY” LFG posts and help them through – use it to get your Dungeon Master Achievement!

Encourage our fellow dungeon goers to make the most of it!

Quit the QQ PLEASE!

in WvW

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


Ugh…logic sucks.

…guess I have to grow my baby thief…he’s only a young little guy …level 22.

You don’t necessarily HAVE to grow him – just hop over to the Mists and play around with the practice NPC’s and different builds. But I will say, I’m leveling a thief now and I love it. They’re not just dastardly in WvW, it’s very useful in PvE too – especially Shadow Retreat for those long runs, stealthing to rez fallen allies and the amount of CC you can achieve – Bosses don’t seem so bad if they’re always blind ;-). One lesson I learned in PvE (and felt like an idiot) – If you’re stacked and someone is pulling… don’t stealth them to “protect them” on the way back… the mob will just reset and everyone will say “awe”.

Quit the QQ PLEASE!

in WvW

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


If I’m stumped by a class and keep getting my lunch money stolen, I make one of that class myself and learn it so I can counter it better.


Quit the QQ PLEASE!

in WvW

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


This is not my first MMOPRG. Please remember these 3 things while playing.

1. This is not real life and in no way effects your physical well being – it’s a game.
2. There is no such thing as perfection.
3. If you can’t beat it – play one.

I have seen MMO’s completely RUINED by people crying “This profession is OP and I can’t kill it WAH!”

“What’s with all the Mesmer’s Clones” “Thieves shouldn’t be allowed to stealth so much” “I can’t kill that Bunker Warrior” – BOO HOO.

Each class has a specialty, they can all be defeated. Some professions are better equipped to kill certain specs of other professions. Some people just have more skill with their profession and can kill anyone – like they have 2000 hours of WvW/PvP to your 10.

Could be your play style doesn’t match your spec. Just because “So and So” posts on some forum that “this is the best spec ever” it doesn’t mean it’s the best for you. GW2 specs can be customized based on play style – by matching your play style to how you trait you will be more effective. Try to see the big picture of how your toons skills & traits work together. Don’t limit yourself on “These Utility Skills” have them as defaults, but be prepared to switch out when you think the situation might call for something different. For example my PvE 6-0 are different than my WvW 6-0, shoot I may even switch out a weapon or offhand.

Could be your gear or your utilities. If you’re traited to increase “Power – Precision – Crit Damage” and you’re wearing full Berserker gear with your highest damage utilities – GREAT… You can hit like a horse… but you die if a feather falls on you. You need to be well rounded, be able to stay alive as well as kill. You wouldn’t go into battle naked, nor would you go with armor and no sword. Have a Melee AND a ranged weapon (or a weapon/skill that gets you to your target – or your target to you) – don’t limit yourself by proximity.

So the guy on the Thief kitten ed you off… I’m sure you’ve done the same to someone else… it’s a game, get over it. If you’re that upset research the class and figure out how to counter it – more Control works 99% of the time.

Otherwise you’ll keep kittening, we’ll keep getting nerfs and boosts that never quite get it right and our toons will be no good for WvW, PvP OR PvE.

Enjoy the Game!

(And YES I realize the irony of QQing over ppl QQing)

Targeting Clones please explain

in WvW

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


No matter how big, how small, how stealthy or multiplying… if you cc it THEN beat on it – It will Die.

Too many people go for Zerker gear with a billion Power and 300% crit chance instead of thinking tactically and having a balance of offensive and defensive skills on their gear and bar.

I don’t care how hard you hit, it all equals ~0~ if your dead or you can’t catch your target.

Targeting Clones please explain

in WvW

Posted by: Heithinn.6508



Wack a mole indeed. Just 2 hours ago there was an experienced mesmer constantly trying to disrupt our supply lines, so we had to chase him off each time. He never succeeded in killing a dolyak, let alone a player. After like 20 minutes of chasing the mesmer away continuously we decided to go for him. Bam, stealth. Blink. Stealth. Stealth. We had full swiftness and we managed to catch him, but then he tried to run away in the opposite direction again using stealth, but luckily we had our eyes open and managed to catch up again. We then resorted to one thing: popping every single immobilize skill, stun and ward we had. Managed to kill him at least.

The brilliance of this Mesmer is you spent 20 minutes not defending, capping or guarding anything – just chasing him. I’d say he won even though he died in the end.

Targeting Clones please explain

in WvW

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I don’t play a mesmer but I like the whole clone mechanic. I do have a question about the targeting system though. I get that I lose target when the mesmer goes stealth but sometimes I will just randomly jump target from mesmer to clone. Is this caused by some mesmer ability?

Also I don’t have any of the auto target option on, so I don’t think it’s from that end.

No, we can’t do anything about what you have targeted anymore than any other profession- that’s on you and the game.

Shatter Evasion Block Mesmer

in WvW

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I play one of those Mesmers that hops around everywhere. The only advice I can give you is -

If it’s standing still – it’s a clone.
If it’s running toward you – it’s a clone about to shatter in your face.
If it has buffs – KILL IT! it’s the real Mesmer.

Thiefs can use Shadow Trap. Ranger pets – I’m told – will stay on the real Mesmer.

There are only so many things we can use to go invisi:

Decoy (Utility Skill): If we are running, then suddenly stop, it’s probably Decoy – check for buffs, see if we re-appear.
Veil: Has a tell tale purple smoke wall.
Mass Invisi. Has a cast time, interrupt if you can. Look for a purple glow.
The Prestige (Torch Skill) 30 sec CD, lasts 3 secs. If you get blinded – we used this, you’ll be burning if we’re near you when we pop back.
Desperate Decoy (Traited): Same as Decoy, but automatic at 25% health

Range people are better off trying to kill this type of Mesmer since it’s a high possibility that they are spec’d so that clones cause conditions to NEARBY enemies when killed.

Chill them, so they can’t move around quickly and your eye doesn’t lose track, and their skills recharge 66% slower. Same idea with Cripple.
Immobilize them – so they can’t dodge and create a new clone.
Torment them – so the more they hop around, the more it hurts.
Weaken them – they can’t dodge and create clones if they have no endurance.
Hint: Mesmers have very few ways to remove conditions, but with both methods they will either remove or steal your boons – so timing is crucial.

Hope that helps!

Life steal necro - Viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I did want to add very quickly that according to the tooltips they added this a patch or so ago, well siphons and hit siphons do not scale off of Power, they are fixed values unless you talent into Bloodthirst.

Life steal necro - Viable?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I’ve been working this Vamp Spec on my Necro.

I haven’t tried it in sPvP yet, but it works quite well in WvW, and wonderfully in PvE/Dungeons.

Weapons. Mainset. MH I went with Dagger for obvious reasons with the Blood sigil – again, obvious. OH I went with the Focus for the vulnerability and regen, as well as the chill, once I have them I don’t want them easily getting away or enjoying any boons that might save them or hurt me (enhanced with Chill of Death). OH Sigil You can go Perception (Yay Crit) or Leeching if you’re someone who switches weapons more than the “average bear”.

Offset I went with Axe for a ranged option as well as the vulnerability and the multi attack of Ghastly Claws for leeching. again, Blood Sigil. OH I went with the Warhorn because if I run out of wells or want the enemy at a distance daze, cripple and swiftness are my best friends – plus the leaching from locusts is handy. Again, Perception or Leeching are your choices for Sigil.

Heal. Well of Blood – I may as well increase my heals and get leeching as well as the regular well pulses (thanks to Vampiric Rituals). (Ritual of Protection also gives me Protection for all of my wells, and Ritual Mastery reduces my Well CD’s)

Utility 1. Spectral Grasp. Nice interrupt ability and it gets them into my wells. (Shorten CD with Spectral Mastery)

Utility 2&3 Well of Power & Well of Suffering. I may switch out either well with Well of Darkness for PvE if there are other professions stacking vulnerability or throwing stability and there are no real conditions going out, the blind’s help me get hit less. For WvW I want as much damage going out on my target as I can, and I don’t want to be feared or get stacked with conditions, so these two are great.

Big AoE mobs I may drop all 3 wells at once and just go swinging away with the dagger, and they go down like ice on a griddle and my health doesn’t budge.

Single Target I take my time, dropping a well at a time as I need them to keep sustained damage/leeching.

I didn’t choose any traits that incorporate Death Shroud because I rarely use it. I have plenty of AoE that serves dual purpose, I don’t have to deal high amounts of burst damage because I have survival longevity and I do a decent amount of sustainable damage… Death Shroud is basically an “OH CRAP!” button or an “I need to get just a little bit further away from this boss” button.

Elite. To me Elites are a personal choice. I like Lich, but some of you might like Plague, it’s really just personal preference with this build.

For gear I went with Precision/Vitality/Healing Power, with the Sanctuary Runes. Precision because of Vampiric Percision. A nice big health pool is always good. Almost 30k (eat your heart out Warriors) is nice. The heal on Vampiric Precision scales with healing power (as does the Blood Sigil I believe), and a 50% crit chance without Perception stacks is nothing to shake a stick at.
I went with the Sanctuary Runes because 1. More health is always useful against either NPC or Player. 2. 20% longer chill times for my Spinal Shivers when I use it and when it procs with Chill of Death is nice. 3. 25% chance for damage to be reflected back to it’s source? Yes Please! 4. So when I’m at 20% health I can’t be stunned, crippled, chilled or in any other way incapacitated? SWEET!
I was running the Vamp runes for a while, but a 5% chance when struck is pretty wimpy to me. The mist form at 10% health did come in handy in WvW though, it bought some time for CD’s.
I looked onto the Mesmer Runes because the precision is nice, and 33% longer daze on my WH seems like a good deal… but, I only go ranged when a.) I run out of wells or b.) the fight/situation calls for it, I TRY to stay Mainset to maximize my leeching, so a benefit to my offset seems wasteful.

The only talent switch out I make in WvW is SOMETIMES I’ll switch out Spectral Mastery for Fear of Death. Otherwise the gear and the setup work great for both PvE and WvW without changing a thing.

Hope this helps inspire some new vamps, or rekindle some old ones :-)

Life Siphoning; Anet's Balancing Nightmare!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Heithinn.6508


I’ve been working this Vamp Spec on my Necro.

I haven’t tried it in sPvP yet, but it works quite well in WvW, and wonderfully in PvE/Dungeons.

Weapons. Mainset. MH I went with Dagger for obvious reasons with the Blood sigil – again, obvious. OH I went with the Focus for the vulnerability and regen, as well as the chill, once I have them I don’t want them easily getting away or enjoying any boons that might save them or hurt me (enhanced with Chill of Death). OH Sigil You can go Perception (Yay Crit) or Leeching if you’re someone who switches weapons more than the “average bear”.

Offset I went with Axe for a ranged option as well as the vulnerability and the multi attack of Ghastly Claws for leeching. again, Blood Sigil. OH I went with the Warhorn because if I run out of wells or want the enemy at a distance daze, cripple and swiftness are my best friends – plus the leaching from locusts is handy. Again, Perception or Leeching are your choices for Sigil.

Heal. Well of Blood – I may as well increase my heals and get leeching as well as the regular well pulses (thanks to Vampiric Rituals). (Ritual of Protection also gives me Protection for all of my wells, and Ritual Mastery reduces my Well CD’s)

Utility 1. Spectral Grasp. Nice interrupt ability and it gets them into my wells. (Shorten CD with Spectral Mastery)

Utility 2&3 Well of Power & Well of Suffering. I may switch out either well with Well of Darkness for PvE if there are other professions stacking vulnerability or throwing stability and there are no real conditions going out, the blind’s help me get hit less. For WvW I want as much damage going out on my target as I can, and I don’t want to be feared or get stacked with conditions, so these two are great.

Big AoE mobs I may drop all 3 wells at once and just go swinging away with the dagger, and they go down like ice on a griddle and my health doesn’t budge.

Single Target I take my time, dropping a well at a time as I need them to keep sustained damage/leeching.

I didn’t choose any traits that incorporate Death Shroud because I rarely use it. I have plenty of AoE that serves dual purpose, I don’t have to deal high amounts of burst damage because I have survival longevity and I do a decent amount of sustainable damage… Death Shroud is basically an “OH CRAP!” button or an “I need to get just a little bit further away from this boss” button.

Elite. To me Elites are a personal choice. I like Lich, but some of you might like Plague, it’s really just personal preference with this build.

For gear I went with Precision/Vitality/Healing Power, with the Sanctuary Runes. Precision because of Vampiric Percision. A nice big health pool is always good. Almost 30k (eat your heart out Warriors) is nice. The heal on Vampiric Precision scales with healing power (as does the Blood Sigil I believe), and a 50% crit chance without Perception stacks is nothing to shake a stick at.
I went with the Sanctuary Runes because 1. More health is always useful against either NPC or Player. 2. 20% longer chill times for my Spinal Shivers when I use it and when it procs with Chill of Death is nice. 3. 25% chance for damage to be reflected back to it’s source? Yes Please! 4. So when I’m at 20% health I can’t be stunned, crippled, chilled or in any other way incapacitated? SWEET!
I was running the Vamp runes for a while, but a 5% chance when struck is pretty wimpy to me. The mist form at 10% health did come in handy in WvW though, it bought some time for CD’s.
I looked onto the Mesmer Runes because the precision is nice, and 33% longer daze on my WH seems like a good deal… but, I only go ranged when a.) I run out of wells or b.) the fight/situation calls for it, I TRY to stay Mainset to maximize my leeching, so a benefit to my offset seems wasteful.

The only talent switch out I make in WvW is SOMETIMES I’ll switch out Spectral Mastery for Fear of Death. Otherwise the gear and the setup work great for both PvE and WvW without changing a thing.

Hope this helps inspire some new vamps, or rekindle some old ones :-)