Showing Posts For Hiwi Kiwi.7386:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Just gonna add my two cents in. Guys, 8 hours isn’t kitten, to be blunt. To make the legendary wvw armor, it takes (at a minimum) ~4months or more? 1 week per ~1-2 ascended armor pieces, then 1095 tickets (3 weeks) for one item for one leg armor. Do the math. X 6. 3 × 6 = ? Yea. You get the idea. Don’t complain about a few hours, trust me.. it gets you nowhere. :/

Sorry if someone else stated this, was too lazy to go through every post. :P

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Q:WvW/PvP Legendary Armor Set Skin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

With the work required for pvp/wvw sets being near the same as pve – I don’t see why the skin isn’t just copied. None of this ‘false leg armor’ bs, tbh. :/ I can understand anet has other priorities at the moment, but to outwardly just say ‘sorry all your hard work in the other game styles is kitten, kthnxbai’ is a bit.. horrendous.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Geo glider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

People are paying for skins so they can be seen by others, not just for themselves.

The glider is great and it should look even more flashy imo, and should sing war songs too.

So, we should risk real life pain just so those who pay money can look ‘good’? :/ No issue with people paying money for something, but to say it is more important than someone’s health.. Finally logged out of WvW today because I just couldn’t take the headache that had started from seeing them.

As everyone has said – perhaps an option to just turn them off? Also, oh god the raven.. lol Thankfully it doesn’t bother me too much.. but I see what you mean, certainly.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Geo glider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386


But really.. the visuals are a bit over the top on this glider. It is so overwelming that I have heard many, including myself, cannot look at it without getting a bit motion sick. It also destroys the fps of lower-end machines.

I know everyone ‘loves’ it, but can we be practical here? .. Perhaps just a bit of a nerf on the visuals, not completely destroying it. :/ I dunno.

*waits for the incoming attack of ‘u suk’ and ‘get better comp’, blahblah.

Thanks, Anet.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Male Charr Creation Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Just wanted to note one of the charr male faces has a graphical glitch that gives it two sets of overlapping eyes. :> Please fix when you can <3 ty


" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Do we get to keep the demo characters now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386


:> That isn’t how demo works.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

+1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to all of these. Wow, wonderful suggestions that would bring so many to this game!

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

The Staff Nerf

in Guardian

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Anet effed up this time. :/

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Please undo the Guardian Staff Nerf

in Guardian

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Anet – stop breaking what doesn’t need to be fixed. This is how you lose people. This game already has a lot of things that keep people away – something I am not even going to delve into. Don’t force people who are playing to go the same path. Fix it.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Too Much Dismounting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Being honest here (and I am sure others may agree or disagree), it almost makes me not want to ride mounts at all. Shocking, right? Really an annoyance, in the end.. Not concerned with the whole ‘NPC’ clutter, as I have played games that had mounts with no issue. Also, GW2 has this wondrous mechanic where you can hit ‘F’ on NPCs, you don’t need to see them. Personal thoughts, though.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Unidentified gear - Please No, No, No, Nooooo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Gonna be honest.. this may break the PoF expac for me. :/

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Yea, agreed with serenity.. what is the point of legendary armor if it doesn’t look cool? :/ I don’t need to stat swap.. and I despise raids because of all the elitist kittens there.. Thanks anet..

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Please give the option to hide mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hate to be blunt here.. but I will be the one to say what is on most people’s minds.. “Get over it.”


" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Deluxe Edition - no items

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Yep.. so I literally JUST found that out guys. Sorry! Hahahahaa. Redeem’d and everything is fine now. :> <3

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Deluxe Edition - no items

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386


So – I already sent in a ticket about this, but it has been over 3 hours since I purchased the deluxe version of the expansion. I also bought BL keys with this, through the website of course. However, NOTHING has arrived. In fact, the website continued to want me to buy the expansion as though I haven’t.

I have my invoice, my card has been charged.. and I am starting to worry. I understand Anet is swamped, but ..

This post was more for people who are having this same problem – not a pity party nor bashing the slowness of anet! :> So be nice. lul.

But seriously – anyone else with this issue?

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

(edited by Hiwi Kiwi.7386)

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I see an exploit coming. For people who worked their bums off with many characters having map comp.. this seems unfair. Also, consider what could be exploited outside of just map comp. I don’t agree with this. Sorry.

Also “just ignoring it” is not a solution. You don’t want to play the game – don’t play. You don’t want to work for what you get – then that says a lot about someone outside the game as well.

#saltysomuchnotreallylearnsarcasm <3

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Less Time Consuming WvW (Ticket Dailies)

in WvW

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I’ll be honest.. after weeks of grinding in WvW just for a small number of tickets, this is a kitten good idea. :< +1

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

WvW Pip Display (SUGGESTION)

in WvW

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

So! Bare with me here – a topic that has come up a few times struck my interest. A working ‘pip display’ for only WvW maps. Nothing too obtrusive – just perhaps right above the map, near the exp bars we already have.
Many people have complained about having to keep track through going through the multiple menus.

Suggestions? Comments? What do you think?

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Toggle Backpack items over shields?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

^ this.

It would be epic if this was possible. :> Adds variety.. since it is Fashion Wars 2. `

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Still having issue also.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Still having the network issue – patch fixed nothing. Byebye guild missions. ):

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Stuck in the map or seeing map art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hope you get it fixed, Meridius!

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

update on HoM fix? dont merge without answer

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Agreed, this is rather frustrating.. I get they are working on HoT, but fix the original game before the expansion comes.. v.v;

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Let us make child characters!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Until people on the internet do what they always do and make everything about you know what. I say no to children being in this game and being playable.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

#sorry mini XD

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

lol.. Poor little rock mini. ):

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Tengu and New LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Yep, also if you notice (with the new LA) there are places that definitely lead into the Dominion of the Winds, where the Tengu are. I expect (and hope) an expansion one day that connects these and gives us the tengu as a race.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Game closing error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I get this a lot too, sadly.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Land Spear Confirmed and then I was alone ;-;

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

oh dear.. o.o something brokededed

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Cannot consume writs of experience

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Those who are level 80 no longer can use them, but you can get 20 of them and turn them into a tome of knowledge. Characters under level 80 can still use them.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Karka Inn Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

It seems the Inn at Eastern Ward Waypoint is quite bugged.. opening at night or day does not work.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Electro Dye

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Bought that dye when it was 90g .. no regrets.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Darn. I had already purchased an extra character slot for the new class. ): And I have all the classes already.. I wonder if I could get it refunded, or if it is even worth it..

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Please Take Care with In-Game Mails

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I received this mail also – it would be nice if Anet would do something about it.


" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

“Don’t Pre-Purchase Heart of Thorns” has hit 2500 on reddit and this thread alone is 60 pages in under 24 hours. And yet, (unsurprisingly) total silence. This is how I imagine Anet HQ right now.


" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Rework hearts - Make them fun!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I’d give you a lengthy post about why I agree with this post and why I disagree with the people who think hearts should be boring and monotonous. But.. I won’t. So here is my +1 for this topic, I certainly agree that hearts should be more engaging.. I have map comp on ONE character, I refuse to do it on any other.. Simply because the content is just a bit too repetitive to me. (Note I don’t make legendaries, so there is no drive to complete it again.)

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Gem Store spring cleaning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Anet’s way to make you spend money, simple as that.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

In memory of a lost friend.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Condolences.. I have added my vote.
While some may be against adding an npc/tombstone in respect to a fallen player.. GSCH did make an entire server possible because of one person. (Sanctum of Rall) I do feel as though there should be some way to commemorate those who have fallen .. so I wish you luck in getting this approved.

May all the best wishes be with you in your time of pain, and please do take my sincerest apology for your loss.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Salvaging is still crashing the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Issue noted on my own account as well. ):

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

[BUG] Graphical Issue with "Hidden Pistols"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Nah, mods run by these threads and check them. I am sure they note them down for future reference.. this is just a very small graphical bug, however. It does not impact the game in any way except look, so it isn’t a big issue to them. Don’t worry, it will be fixed eventually however.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Client Error/Network Error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hey guys, I am posting this for a friend because he does not touch the forums. He is having an issue that I was having a while back, that I thought to be fixed.

He continuously dcs/errors out with this code being one of the errors:
7:11:3:191:101. Usually they are named client errors and sometimes network areas as well. This only happens in Silverwastes. He has restarted his computer multiple times and it has not fixed it.

Thank you!

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

so the game exits by it self, and i lose 500g

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I’d send in a ticket, it is probably your best bet at getting a response.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Hall of Monuments Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Yay! A wild soon appears, quick guys capture it with a masterball before it escapes! :P No really, thank you for the news Chris!

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

I can't believe Tequatl can fly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Logically? He is a dragon, kitten happens. <3

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Please stop making us press CTRL constantly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I don’t understand why they don’t fix this. As well as make it an option to right click a stack of items (ie. loot bags/luck) and hit open all. It’s like they enjoy our pain ..

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Is this a roleplaying game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I’ve roleplayed most of my life on the internet, but never on games like GW2. I people roleplaying very annoying.. it is just spam to me every time I go into the Grove. But do I say anything or complain? Nah. I can’t do anything about it, plus it is just un-needed drama. I leave the area and move on. Sadly, unless they are actually harassing you, there isn’t much to be done. shrug Not hating on roleplayers, by the way.. just don’t see GW2 as a place for good rp. (My idea of rp is paragraphs, not one liners.) But, preference and all. Good luck and happy roleplaying. Try to have fun regardless.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Character Creation Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Yea, there are multiple threads on this. Don’t worry, I believe this will be fixed soon. Just make your character small and do the looks, then increase the size after.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Broken Dye Preview

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Yea! Except my feet.. I restarted my computer and it seemed to fix it. I have windows 8.1, so maybe that has something to do with it.. Or maybe it is on Anet’s side since you seem to have the issue also. o.o

Electric Blue Dye. I got it before it was 300g+

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

(edited by Hiwi Kiwi.7386)

Broken Dye Preview

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, if so I apologize. I was changing my dye color and it sort of went nuts.. Restarting my game does not fix this. <.<


" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Bug or ment to be?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I don’t think this was intended, good eye.

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Always been like this, found it funny actually..

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "