Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Also, the reward is the skill you learn from playing, too.
Same is true for PvE players, right? They just play to become good. So why we don’t just remove gold from the game entirely? You dont need it.
kitten kitten exchange of goods and services.
you’ve gone full kitten.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Then theoretically you should be that much furtherm correct?
And since you’re ‘that much better’ at the game, it should be easier to win more often, correct?
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
You are absolutely kittened if you’re playing for a ‘rank’.
Play the game to be good at the game, screw fair weathers.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
They are trying to remove the problem that you highlighted though.
I understand their reasoning, I believe they are not telling us everything when it comes to rank based rewards, which will be the major thing. Someone who is rank 60 should get something a rank 10 doesnt, regardless of their previous PvE standpoint.
Also, the reward is the skill you learn from playing, too.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
I really want to dump my glory, but I don’t want to spend gold as well? As of right now the only thing I stand to benefit from spending my glory is cheaper bags and cheaper cultural skins.
You can get dungeon gear for free in pve… actually at a profit.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)
I’m hoping they give us something like poppy has in league of legends, or even Jarvan.
“You’re Mine” 210s CD (after shout cooldown trait) – Player targets enemy, gaining damage and condition immunity to all other enemies. Gains swiftness and stability for the duration, and deals 20% more damage to the target. Duration 10s.
The Crucible 150s CD – Creates a 600 range ring which cannot be passed by players, friend or enemy. Duration 15s, can be cancelled after 3s. Cannot be passed with stability, but can be teleported out of. Allies gain 5 stacks of
might and fury for the duration.Totally, because Warrior needs even more god mode, especially in WvW and versus AI classes like Mesmers, Rangers or Necros!
If you want to play on cheats, go play some sandbox.
GW2 is not balanced around Ultimates or such.
Warriors don’t have much going for them except 1v1 superiority or super tanking (and thieves/guardians do each of those better).
Play to the strengths of the class.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
I rarely see the same people … happens now and then, but not very often at all.
I’m usually playing about the same time each day too.
I had the same guy in 7 of my games in a row. If we really have a lot of people playing, the match algorithm doesn’t randomize enough. If there isn’t a lot of people playing, then it explains itself.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
I’m hoping they give us something like poppy has in league of legends, or even Jarvan.
“You’re Mine” 210s CD (after shout cooldown trait) – Player targets enemy, gaining damage and condition immunity to all other enemies. Gains swiftness and stability for the duration, and deals 20% more damage to the target. Duration 10s.
The Crucible 150s CD – Creates a 600 range ring which cannot be passed by players, friend or enemy. Duration 15s, can be cancelled after 3s. Cannot be passed with stability, but can be teleported out of. Allies gain 5 stacks of might and fury for the duration.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
I would not use sword warhorn with this. The weapon set just does not bring anything to the table, apart from some weakness/vigor and a leap for a bit of mobility.
Try Longbow instead. It gives you AoE, which synergizes incredibly with the Might on blocked trait. In a team fight, with a guardian or something on the opposing team, you will get to 20+ stacks easily. Also, Longbow 3 inside fire field=more might, Axe Burst and Shield 4 gives you fire shield (more might), Longbow burst gives you a reliable condition cleanse (solving your condi problem), the advantages are numerous.
Another suggestion might be to use Axe with Warhorn instead of shield. You don’t get the shield 4 into evis combo, but that didn’t crit often anyway. Warhorn 5 is a blast finisher for even more might, and warhorn 4 guarantees swiftness.
Other changes I would make is use Vigorous Focus in Discipline instead of Mighty Defenses, as a smart player will stop attacking (and you will thus gain only a few stacks of might, which have a short duration anyway). Short temper is way better, it’s an offensive based trait and it can give you a lot of stacks very quickly. Mighty defenses only gives 1 stack per attack blocked, and you only have 1 blocking skill on a long cooldown.
Vigorous focus also synergizes well with Warhorn 5 (if you take that with Axe instead of shield), granting you a lot of vigor.Lastly, I would take 3 stances instead of just EP with FGJ and Dolyak Signet. Dolyak without signet recharge is plain inferior, and FGJ does not bring much to the table on this build except for a bit of might and more Fury. It is good for damage, but most your ‘burst’ damage comes from very high power along with high auto with axe, evis (which only crits 1/4 of the time anyway) and retaliate. As it is now, blind spam will kitten you (no berserker’s stance), and like I said, Dolyak is just bad without the CD.
My two cents.
I’m going to try all of this, I didn’t know that about fire field, and pretty much negates any need for might on block since you’ll have fire field up almost half the time. Ill drop might on block for vigorous stance, though i might run balanced/endure pain while keeping FGJ. While 25% of the time doesn’t seem like it a lot, it’s actually quite noticeable. I’m going to leave shield for the extra leap.
That gives me 10s, followed by another 5s after that rotation, which should max out might in almost any situation unless they literally stop attacking me, which… if thats what they choose then sure!
Last thing, blind spam doesn’t bother me much considering how mobile axe/shield is and how retaliation works. Necros are the only class I’ve had a hard time, only because they outlast me and negate so much damage. Thieves end up killing themselves almost all the time.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)
Was messing around with a build idea and came across this combination of things:;9;49-T-T3;318B;107ASNk05;1H7W3H7W36gH
Anti-Bunker, being blocked gives you tons of might, does more damage per boon on target.
Extremely Tanky with endure pain and shield block with vigor on warhorn
Strong against fast attackers via retaliation (thieves/mesmers/rangers)
Gets stronger the longer you’re in combat via stacking might.
Might scales retaliation, which eventually goes from 350 to 500+ per hit
Not too good condition removal, only 3 per 7 seconds, and only if you hit your target.
Not too good when focused by 3+ players (not a bunker, even though he’s tanky)
Any critiques? I’ve played about 4 games in tpvp and won 3 of them.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Never gonna happen as it would cost Anet money to do so. Gems are created out of thin air.
It might, considering it’s related directly to the economy.
Who knows, it’s worth a shot.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
I contacted support and they told me they legally were not able to look at suggestions via email, so I’ll post it here and hope for a decent response.
I’m hosting a charity event in roughly 2 weeks for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation () and I’d like to ask if it’s possible to have gems deducted from my account to be donated directly to the charity.
This would give players who may not have a stable enough income to donate directly a way to donate via time spent playing guild wars 2.
I’m pretty sure this is a really really long shot, but it’s worth a try.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
What exactly is this charity going toward? Also, I dunno. I think doing all that might take more than 28 hours. Especially given the fatigue that would accumulate toward the second half. The path might be straight, but the land isn’t flat. It’s all a gradually steepening hill.
The charity would be toward either Childs Play or Save The Children. Last time I choose ACS because my step mother was deep into that, but this year I’m not too interested (also heard bad things about ACS)
My previous charity stream took roughly 46 hours. I’m saying exploration will take about 28 hours if that was all I did, but I plan on going well beyond 26 hours. My personal community has a small competition about charity streams, the longest one so far was 52 hours, I’d like to go for 72 which means I need to fill 72 hours worth of time.
Guild Wars 2 Charity Stream (22NOV – 25NOV)
One Time Boons
– $25 Choose my Race
– $25 Choose my Class
– $100 Choose my Name
– $100 Choose the Charity Guild Name
– $5+ Join The Charity Guild
– $25 Join me for a story mode mission
– $100 Choose a dungeon and participate in it
– $25 Participate in a dungeon run
Milestone Conditions
– $1000 No Exotic Quality Items
- $2000 No Elite Skills
- $3000 No Rare Quality Items
- $4000 First Utility Skill Type Disabled
- $5000 No Masterwork Quality Items
- $6000 Second Utility Skill Type Disabled
- $7000 No Fine Quality Items
- $8000 Third Utility Skill Type Disabled
- $9000 No Heal Skills
- $10000 No Dodging
- $20000 Cleanse The Temples before the final dungeon
- $30000 Burpees for the duration of the Zhaitan Cannon Fight (oh god)
- $40000 Final Dungeon Blindfolded
- $50000 Final Dungeon No Hands
– WvW Break (Assault Stonemist or a Garrison Keep)
– PvP Break
– Alternate Game Break
– Adventure Box Break (If it’s open still)
– Griffon Rook Run Break (Ill donate 100 dollars for the first person to finish the puzzle)
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)
Hello GW2 community!
I’m in the planning phase of a guild wars 2 charity marathon (as the title indicates) which I would like to start in November. I’m not new to streaming, and I would have done this much sooner, but the internet at my current residence wasn’t up to the task… until now.
However, I still need ideas for mid-stream events, conditions, and boons for donators. I would like to emphasize the communal effort by placing many many debuffs on myself and requiring the players of the game to help me out through tough situations, as well as provide them with decision making capabilities (boons!) during the stream.
These are just examples btw:
First $25 – Pick my Race
Second $25 – Pick my Profession
First $50 – Pick my Name (tasteful plz)
First $100 – Name the Charity Guild
$25 – Join The Charity Guild (EXCLUSIVE CHAT OMG)
$25 – Give me a dyejob
Milestone 0: No Crafting
Milestone 1: No Exotic Quality Items
Milestone 2: No Elite Skills
Milestone 3: No Rare Quality Items
Milestone 4: Utility School Disabled
Milestone 5: No Masterwork Quality Items
Milestone 6: Utility School Disabled (Again)
Milestone 7: No Fine Quality Items
Milestone 8: Utility School Disabled (one more time)
Milestone 9: No Heal Skills
Milestone 10: No Dodging
4th Hour: Confident (walking only)
8th Hour: Blind (Wear a Blindfold, someone has to lead you along)
12th Hour: WvW Break (ASSAULT THE CASTLE)
16th Hour: Intermission (last time I made an ice cream cake)
etc etc
The ultimate goal would be to unlock all of the temples of Orr, and initiate the final story and defeat Zhaitan. Possibly doing 100% exploration before hand to level, which I calculated would take about 28 hours straight to finish.
I would also like to talk to an Arena Net employee about potential backing in some way?
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)
Is this mechanic ever going to return? It used to be my favorite mechanic, other than the abuse from hackers. You just felt so important carrying that thing with you that an entire map was dedicated to protecting you at that moment, It gave WvW an ultimate focus, and ultimately decided who was the victor in a match, which I think is necessary.
If I had design control:
Orb would spawn on the middle island every 4 hours, once on an alter it cannot be removed. The keep ownership can be changed, but the orb is stuck until it resets.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)
ebay bp and yb in the same match
dis gun be gud.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
First: I love my warrior to death.
Second: I carry every weapon combination possible for various situations.
Third: I’m running full Berserker, including ascended, and I’m not changing it.
My goal is to not lock myself into a specific weapon set. I understand I may take a 5% hit in effectiveness with that particular weapon set I might need, but makes up for it with the other 5% x 15 weapon combinations that are possible with the warrior.
The other goal is to maintain 90%+ Critical Chance, as I want my burst skills to always be able to crit.
For the longest time I’ve run
And Utilities I’ve run:
Healing Surge, For Great Justice, Signet of Fury, Banner of Discipline, Signet of Rage
This is fine and dandy and has gotten me pretty far. All of my damage is relatively high.
Couple of problems.
1. I can achieve well over 100% critical chance with this build, which I believe is wasted. My base critical rate is 58% with nothing but my gear modifying it.
2. Because of 1, I’d like to get rid of some of the more useless utilities on my bar, the main offender being Signet of Fury.
3. Banner of Discipline/Strength is nice for PvE, but as a WvW player, I find very little use in it. Even though it provides 15% critical damage, I rarely have time to set it down and move it along the battle field. I would love to replace this with a similar utlity. I was thinking frenzy might fit the bill for WvW (faster finishers, more damage output on certain abilties) or even bulls rush or bolas.
Any thoughts? Man I’m sure this post looks like an amalgamation of crap.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Please keep the negative comments coming, we don’t really want anymore transfers
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Not anymore. They built as many AC as possible to avoid combat with us. xD
Lot of good that did ebay, we like our upgrades, and wiping 3 omega golems.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Any idea if this thing has effects or not?
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Did T3/4 Kiel solo.
If you get aggro, just run to the rear of the island and they will reset to the middle of the shipwreck and leave you alone.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Couple of ‘facts’ based on experience:
The weapons are each on independent 1 minute cool downs. They seem to only be useful for knocking down enemies.
The plunderers will continue to toss the loot into the portal EVEN IF you remove them. Once they start the animation, they do not need to run back.
I think potentially you can kite the mobs around with a heal/tank trio while the other two use 1200 range pulls to yank the plunderers and assassinate them. That would be my best strategy.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
IDK, at 4 minutes when we died we had at least 20 active veterans.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Just opening up the discussion on how to tackle this monstrosity
So far none of the mobs seem to have direct ranged attacks, and are so incredibly tanky that you cannot kill them all at this stage, unless maybe some of my buddies aren’t running full damage.
Any ideas? We tried to stay by where the mortars spawn and just yank the plunderers to us, but the mobs start spawning in the back at about 4:30 remaining.
[EDIT]T3 we managed to complete by kiting after about 2 minutes remaining, it was very hairy.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
You deal X damage. Now you deal X + 5%.
Only applies to damage you deal, not your summons. Does not affect Conditions.
So then for single target this is the highest damaging sigil (besides night) at the high end of power/crit scaling? Considering it has no cooldown like Air or Fire.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
It says 5% damage, how is that calculated?
It doesn’t seem to effect the Power or Attack stat directly, so is it applied after damage calculations?
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)
Finding build information on the internet is pretty tough, especially for non sPvP (no calculators for WvW or PvE still).
A sniper build utilizes range and glass cannon stats to off set it. The armor is pretty easy to understand, go full berserker stats on every item, ruby orbs in each slot, and +5% damage increase on your rifle (or whatever your flavor is, I think 5% more damage is the best one because of global cooldowns on Air/Fire).
Traits, however, seem to be pretty flexible. I’ve been playing around with a few options, but I’m still kind of at a loss. This is where I need help…
There seems to be two different ways to build primarily:
1. gain adrenaline through traits
2. gain adrenaline through utility skills
Through 1, you lose a bit of damage, but you have more potential utility with the ability to swap out slots on your utility belt more freely.
With 2 you have a much higher damage cap, but lose a ton of utility by having a few hard placed utility.
Any thoughts on full out builds for WvW and PvE?
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)
Just wondering if there is guilds/players around this? I’m in germany for the next 3 years and I’d rather not leave to european servers.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
We don’t either. We’ve had 4 major guilds transfer in the past month.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
You guys got WaR from our server, which was our most active WvW guild.
That’s not ‘some transfers’ based on world complete, they abandoned our server.
When did I say WaR specifically transferred for server completion? Jeez, are you still mad about that? They had their reasons for leaving, as did SM. Let it go. The fact is we did get some glory chasers and world completion people because I don’t recognize half of these guild tags running around. Its not a bunch of people with one tag, it’s one or three of them.
I’m responding to the people who are saying they got server transfers from world completion.
WaR left very intentionally, and as far as I’m concerned, stabbed us in the back during reset last night very intentionally.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
You guys got WaR from our server, which was our most active WvW guild.
That’s not ‘some transfers’ based on world complete, they abandoned our server.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
All of last night was Maguuma propping up Devona in EB.
It was exceptionally funny when we abandoned our slots on EB and went to maguuma BL, and a few groups of Devona followed us there to attack us as well, ignoring the entire map.
ho hum, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but there sure seems to be some match manipulation going on.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Maguuma currently camping Borlis Pass spawn camp while Devona’s Rest takes towers on our side of the map. Zero action happening anywhere else on the map.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
This certainly is fun, having devona riding magumma’s …. all the way into our keep. Funny, you guys pulled out to let DR have the keep, and they couldn’t take it.
I hope you have a blast, WaR.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
The most important part is that you can port golems back to spawn through the waypoint after a door is finished, saving the golems for another time.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Warning to Devona’s Rest, there be dragons in the tiers above. Magumma is by far the gentlest among them.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Borlis Pass – Phantom Core [CORE] is recruiting for WvW
Core is a guild from Borlis Pass. Core is a group of strong players who look to excel in all aspects of the game. We believe there is always room to improve. We are looking to field additional players in WvW across all time zones. If you would like to join a group of individuals who have the skill to win, help each other in all aspects of gameplay, promote a positive gaming environment without drama and are dedicated to taking their gameplay to the next level – look no further.
Cores accomplishments and items of note:
- Server respected Commanders covering multiple time zones.
- Proud member of the Borlis Pass WvW Alliance (PACT)
- Anti-cheating code of conduct. We will never exploit to win in WvW. We believe in a fair fight and sportsmanship. Within that framework…alls fair.
- Mix of Time Zones. Core has active members across all timezones. Players range from Pacific, N.America, to Euro.
- Tight knit community. Core has a high retention of guild members due to our belief that each of our members is a person who brings value to our community, not a number.
- Voice communication. Core hosts and promotes voice communication for better group coordination.
- Knowledgable community. Information regarding all aspects of gameplay can be obtained from our members. Character builds, WvW strategies etc.
- Unique guild events. Core holds weekly/monthly guild events, covering every aspect of the game. Holding guild exclusive events for special seasonal events also. Events of note include Lotteries (prizes including corrupted weapons, cash etc.) and guild EB Jump puzzle clears with siege donations to active WvW members.
- Dungeon Masters. The ability to clear all dungeons swiftly. Core kills Lupicus with no deaths, Magg’s Defense without death kiting. All dungeons are on farm (this includes all paths of Arah). Speed clears of any dungeon.
- Currently Core has the record for the most Legendaries on Borlis Pass, with well over 20 in the guild.
What is CORE looking for in prospective members?
A desire to win in WvW and excel in gameplay.
The ability to work individually and within a team.
A positive attitude. We want people to encourage success.
Loyalty to the guild. We request that our guilds members wear our tag with pride and contribute to our community.
Shoot me PM or message Hymn in game for more information.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Good to see that Krew is not just intent on leaving, they also want to sink the ship that got them this far.
Control your people, please.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Golem Ben is probably the fiercest on the server, no doubt.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
On a serious note – It baffles me beyond reason how people get so upset over a guild transfer.
It was the events leading up to this that made it upsetting. Krew has been throwing it’s weight around since the inception of the alliances, the only reason there was a BPA and PACT was because Krew refused to work with PACT forever. Then Krew finally decided to work with us, for a while. Some falling out was had between a few guild leaders, and once again polarized the server.
the fact that they moved to the server opposing us at the time is just salt in the wound.
So yes it’s upsetting, as an impartial guild watching something we spent time building up crumble because two people can’t get along.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
y naut?
15 characters
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Yeah I don’t care about the ‘invulnerability to get into keep’ thing, but the fact that it’s on their downed bar is kinda silly.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
WvW achievements have some extremely long term goals attached to them. 250,000 kills, 1,000,000 yaks killed, etcera. My question is, were the titles initially supposed to be multiple tiered?
For instance, you have Ultimate Besieger, was the original intention to have a title for each tier? So, you would have Exceptional Besieger, Besieger, Novice Besieger, etcera.
Just wondering.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Multiple commanders is not always a bad thing, but its rarely ever a good thing for the zerg.
I’ve been on maps with 9 [NINE] commanders running around haphazardly on reset day.
For the ‘so my guild can see me easily’ thing, get kittening voice chat, you don’t need to confuse the public when another commander is doing their thing.
I hardly ever run around with my commander on anymore, too many people with it that theres never a time slot where I’m alone, let alone with respectable commanders.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
nope. All trebs are vulnerable from counter trebbing or other siege as far as we know.
There is two positions so far that I’ve seen that are usable and can’t be hit by treb or mortar, one is in green territory, other one in red territory. Both use cliffs to shield their treb from incoming fire.
Anyways, stonemist is supposed to hold that level of dominance on the map, and should always be that way. It essentially takes a combined effort from both opposing servers to even make it contestable.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Fellow sgt and commander, I agree.
Helps to have a top level planner to direct teams and the commander(s) around, as ground founders often have narrow vision.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
Borlis pass on the rise!
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
What a thinly veiled whine.
1 player preventing 60 players is not a good mechanic. You’re lucky they didn’t need the infinite stealth mechanic instead.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
My IGN is Hymn, and my guild [CORE] lives on US server Borlis Pass. I moved to Germany nearly a month ago, but I’m not willing to switch servers and leave my guild.
We are a guild of medium activity, about 40-50 players on during US prime time, but only 5-10 players during my prime time. Our main focus is WvW and PvE. Our guild leader has eternity and has now turned his focus towards making the guild very WvW active.
Message Hymn or LilacX and mention this thread and what you’re interested in.
Level 80 preferred.
Commander of Phantom Core [CORE] on Borlis Pass
(edited by Hymnosi.5928)