I didn’t got how you do that reveal with hammer #3. I tried that but I don’t seem to understand how you do it.
Do you mind explaining?
The Rev it self didn’t change noticeably after the recent patch.
Expect that the most annoying bugs are still there, some legends are still simply not useful and the general concept of this profession retains the basic flaws that exist since HoT BWE (some legend combos have little to no stun breaks, other has little to no condi cleanse.
I hope they will really look into the real problems of Rev in the coming months.
Rev would be good if basic bugs would get fixed. Try to fight a mesmer with sword: PS will hit envoirmental walls and flag poles, maybe one projectile will hit an illusion. Same with UA, youre like if you hit once.
The Rev Vs Mes (especially if its power Rev Vs condi Mes) match-up has one more issue!
If condi Mes apply confusion on you (and condi mes applies multiple stacks) and given the hard time a power Rev has to cleanse condis, the use UA will trigger confusion 5 times. This means, against a Mes with 1200 condi damage, 622damage/stack per UA use.
In other words, you ’ll beg to hit some illusion standing next to a wall for the UA to end prematurely!!!
(edited by Ilias.8647)
This far, without having many PvP games or spent my usual time in WvW with Revenant after patch, I got to say that even without having any buff in the Power Rev I feel I am having a little less trouble with some classes.
This is probably due to changes to other classes. For example Thieves in 1v1 seem to bug me a bit less probably due to this CD between stealth attacks.
The slight increases in some skill CDs aren’t that noticeable (at least at my level) but still we got the same flaws as a class as before.
I consider it as bug cause other similiar abilities doesnt proc it multiple times….
Wiki considers it to be a bug as well
For the same reasons I believe its a bug as well. Its just weird why its not on official bug list…
(edited by Ilias.8647)
Do we have any official word about UA triggering confusion condition multiple times being intended or a bug?
I don’t see it on “known bug list” and I ’ve asked in another thread and someone replied its intended. Still, its listed here so I thought of asking here as well.
Something a bit irrelevant to this specific bug but relevant to UA…
Guys, pls forgive my ignorance, I seemed to have missed something. Is UA triggering confusion multiple times intended or a bug? I see it not in the bug list…
I think all classes will be good just will take more skill to play them. I hope anet stays on this coarse
As you say in the video you posted in the original post, the few nerfs alone aren’t that much of a big deal.
Still, what worries me most and what I keep saying before and especially after the patch is that this class (Revenant) is getting fixes way too slow.
The Revenant concept seems outdated in some sectors (ex. condition cleanse/handling) while most legends need some sort of fixing, with Jalis and Ventari being the most urgent ones, as they are rendered close to useless. Being unable to clear tons of condis that some profs can throw to you while they got the ability to reapply them with no problem isn’t skillful play.
I would accept the “careful approach” A.net says is following but it seems that this approach applies mostly on Revenant buffs/fixes while nerfs can be as “careless” as it can be (ex. PT energy increase by 75%).
Imho the recent patch wasn’t bad… it was just too “meh” for a profession that really needed more attention.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
Issue is that with this pace the Revenant feels to “stay behind” more and more.
We end up being left behind more and more each patch. Game progress and professions evolve in each patch while Revenant is battling to get some (not even lots) bug fixes.
Typical example? Revenant’s condition control abilities are so poor that could only be considered ‘viable’ in a time long passed… when the current condi meta was only a crazy-dream! Not to mentions that large reworks needs to take place in Jalis/Ventari and smaller ones to Shiro/Glint/Mallyx and most weapons.
Got stuck in place (not inside wall) after a UA use! Couldn’t dodge/move/jump… return to char selection screen and went back in game to be able to move again.
Is this happening every time or often/seldom?
I activated several times UA on mobs in PvE and turned the camera while UA was hitting and in combat log I saw five hits every time.
What I saw instead once, was after a use of UA I was fixed on spot and was unable to move/dodge/jump. It took me return to char selection screen and get back in to be able to move again.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
Can you say you’re surprised with the amount of crying in spvp about revenants?
You mean sPvP subforum? I see no mentions to Revenant.
My first comment of this balance patch?
“The revenant will have to wait another 3 months in order to hope for a better life!”
It depends…
Modern ships and ocean-worthy vessels of the 15th century were higher. Still, there were ships that were really low. Ships of antiquity in Mediterranean Sea weren’t high! Ancient Greeks had really low ships and that why they didn’t travel that much during winter.
Then again, as others mentioned already, there are soooo maaany exaggerations in Guild Wars universe that the height of sea worthy vessels is the least.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
If we are to accept in advance that ANet won’t listen, that the balance patch will be garbage making balance even worse then… no, neither patch not a test server or anything else would help. If people really believe what they write I wonder why they keep up playing the game (not to mention why they check these forums?).
Maybe you are right, notifying in advance or a Test Server might not help in avoiding changes in the wrong direction. But I don’t think that devs aren’t listening. Maybe the communication is slow and clunky and changing things around takes time but I can’t say that devs are not listening. Still, the issue is still here! There are changes that are obviously in the wrong direction and stuff that are wrong and doesn’t get fixed in a timely manner.
I hope ANet could do some progress without any player getting involved but I don’t see it. As I said earlier, lets just hope that this time there will be less mistakes that we ’ll have to live with for another 3 months!
I personally don’t think we need a heads up, people will complain no matter what, and ANet could always change there mind about something. Then you get the “you lied to us ANet” posts.
ANet won’t be the first company/developer that would do that, so they don’t have to “re-invent the wheel”. Pre-release patch notes usually are subject to change and devs would have the freedom and last word altering them, change something or not include a change at all.
The best thing would be to have a Test Server and make changes there so people can’t experience them and find if something feels wrong. But since they don’t want to adopt the “test server solution” at least having a heads-up. Its not about people complains. Complains will always be there no matter what, pre or post patch!
Thing is that sometimes devs make some changes that are simply wrong (or at least wrong implemented) and you have to live with that for at least 3 months before a tweak/revert happens. Listening to people who are able to provide serious feedback could relieve them of much effort making changes and then revert them back… or worse!
Still all these are theory! Tomorrow is the day and lets hope that what changes are to be made are well though and won’t be reasons for more needless reverts/changes in the Autumn Quarterly Update!!!
(edited by Ilias.8647)
Hey folk!
Tomorrow is the big day! Summer Quarterly Update is almost upon us bringing LS3 and presumably some balance changes. Of course lots of attention goes to LS3 with every right to it but regarding the balance changes we have no list or whatever to know what is coming.
Communities should be informed way earlier about the planned changes, not to have a hundred of QQ posts (you have these no matter what) BUT to have some player feedback on the coming changes. We got no Public Test server or something, at least announce the planned changes a month or two weeks prior to the patch.
This has been discussed a dozen times before but I see little progress in it. I don’t know what the devs get by not announcing upcoming balance changes but we may be spared some of the fuss of the changes “into the wrong direction”. As they do it now, any “unfortunate change” will just go live and stay for the next 3 months.
I prefer sword over shield due to:
1) Shield roots you as opposed to mobile sword, which saves your kitten a lot as you can then line of sight (see 2nd clip at the intro).
2) Shield has high cooldowns and energy cost. I’d much rather spend that energy for shiro’s stunbreak or 1-2 pulse of glint’s protection. And because of the cooldown, sword actually has a higher block uptime.
3) No matter the weapon or legend you are on, you will have a cc available to interrupt, especially crucial when enemy is rezzing. Immob helps set up burst, good for teamplay (see last clip when we immob + stun druid).
4) I do not own The Flameseeker Prophecies or Ghastly ShieldEdit: formatting
I own Flameseeker Prophecies shield but that isn’t enough to prevent me from giving it to my Warr!!!
Overall I prefer sword over shield myself (especially for reasons #1 & #3). I find Sw#4 block quite useful. Especially since the shield #5 is rooting you (which is a big disadvantage imho) and not healing you that much any more, I feel that shield takes away more from a Rev than it gives. Energy costs are ofc another big ssue atm!
No matter what, since I am looking to play more aggressively with Rev I believe that Sword OH is more fitting.
Btw, thx for the reply!
What Cryptic says above must be correct since I ’ve witnessed, when I managed to land a hit and successfuly pull my target, that using staff #5 resulted in my target getting a full hit from the skill (still I believe that its unfair that you must have to zero-in your camera to achieve that, which is hard otherwise).
@akaCryptic :
My issue with sword #5 successful usage is how to achieve a hit in a somewhat reliable way. Do you always set it up with immobilizing your target with sword #4? Do you find it rather reliable?
For example, PT+Sw#5 is great in theory but its rarely successful since the target will more likely move slightly at least, which results the skill to miss. Thats why I find Sw#5 an unreliable “target isolator” in the first place. Do I do it wrong?
If all of those light and medium armor classes can use a GS, why wouldn’t a heavy armor rev be able to use one? I feel like the rev is more of a melee class than a ranged one, so if someone wants to use a ranged weapon, why not go to a ranged class instead of making the rev something its not?
Most classes have some sort of weapon choice that gives them the ability to fight outside of their “usual” range. Arena.Net made Revenant look like an exclusively melee class because they gave him only a single weapon that has solely ranged attacks (hammer). The choice of weapon and its utility is something that the devs can decide almost freely. For example Mesmer GS is ranged, like Hammer for Rev.
Although another weapon choice would be nice, there are so many issues with existing weapons alone that it would be reasonable that they look into these first. Sword #3 not taking weapon dmg into consideration and hitting random objects, Sword #5 is far too easy to fail to connect, Shield #5 healing is too low for the disadvantages the skill has (root), Hammer is overall too slow and some ranged attacks fail to hit target above your level (like tower walls), Staff #5 is rather hard to control the exact direction your character will follow (unlike Warr GS #3 or Ranger GS #3 for example) are some of the issue existing weapons have.
Still, in the end, the question remains the same. You want more weapon choices before the whole profession gets the much needed fixes/reworks? Personally, I wish for the reverse.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
… I still kind of doubt that the GS would be good enough for me to replace Hammer with anyway lol.
Yeah, Hammer is good but so clunky!
Generaly slow weapon and #3 can’t hit targets high above you (like player on top of walls).
Skill #3 annoyed me as a blast finisher when trying to blast my own lightning field to get Swiftness. You actually stop and jump in-place, something that takes 0.75sec, and resume running. Its a shame cause it has low CD but its has nowhere near the functionality mace #3 as blaster finisher.
For sure Revenant gives you the feeling he needs more weapon choices. He has access to only one ranged weapon which is slow with no condi functionality.
On the other hand Revenant needs fixes and augmentation to the existing ones. Some of its weapons use is so… flawed I should call it?
… Main role is to roam and duel non condi builds. In teamfights use cc and boons while focusing the weakest link and getting support from your allies. …
I like the way you put it in the 1st part!
Roam & duel non-condi builds… as the condi ones will melt you almost like you are AFK!
In team fights its more fun and what you say is mostly right… try not to be focused and, like a hunter on a prowl, pick the “injured calf” and finish it!
Imho Revenant isn’t bad, especially in PvE, as in cooperative game modes you get the support of your team without worrying too much for some things you have to worry in PvP/WvW.
In WvW it can be fun in groups or, if you are highly skilled and play specific builds that are around, you can enjoy roaming but without the success you would have with other classes.
Still keep in mind that at the moment there will be times where you might feel helpless against some builds.
Revenant is the newest profession of GW2 and, unfortunately, the buggiest atm.
For the past 8 months some legends saw little to no use due to bad design and bugs. The bugs and some poor design choices made Revenant not a popular class after the first few weeks/months (and after the first nerfs).
You won’t easily find a leveling guide since Revenant is new, rather buggy and feels unfinished. Not many people put time on him and I guess investing time for a leveling guide on something that actually should be fixed first isn’t the most sensible thing to do.
Personally I dont use mallyx when roaming solo but if I’ll sometimes swap if Im with a +5 man group or dueling a condi build. No matter how lackluster you think they are, 4/5 legends see use in WvW and 3/5 in PvP. Now compare that to other professions utilities. Signet, arcane, conjure, glyph eles arent a thing are they?
At the current game state its more valuable to be able to deal with condis cause tons of condis fly around. The issue I recognize is that if you want to have some basic protection versus condis you are pigeonholed into Mallyx. Other legend that have the means to deal with condis are too sub-par.
Yeah, 4/5 legends see some use in WvW but are all possible combos viable? Nope. Why? Because some combos are simply too weak. All Rev builds for WvW includes Elite spec (herald) which also means there are serious problems with the legend design.
Since you can take 2 out of 5 legends and each one comes with fixed utility skill set, each legend must have a few means to deal with most situations. The way they made them makes several legend pairs to be completely lacking something significant thus casting them non-viable.
The fact you are forced to take Mallyx in order to have protection Vs condis is a fine example of what I (among others) am trying to say. Thats a design flaw that need to be addressed.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
I would like to use this build posted by Josh, as an opportunity to comment on the state of Revenant.
I don’t doubt this build is working better than most obvious ones, especially in terms of survivability versus conditions, but… don’t you see some issue here?
This build deals damage but it utilizes Mallyx and Glint legends, none of which specialize in direct damage output. On the contrary, you pick Mallyx solely for the survivability against condis and its a waste of the many and powerful condition Mallyx provides. Yet you pick Devastation traitline and not Corruption, which would hone even further your ability to deal with condis.
Some of you may ask… “its working, where’s the problem?”
And here is my point! The problem is that it doesn’t only works but it works better that the dedicated legend for direct damage… a simple example of the lackluster legends! Why pick Shiro if Josh’s build deals tons of damage and helps you with condis?
The build post above by GoblinKing is the current obvious choice for a DPS build but its cleanse potential (provided by Staff and Invocation’s minor trait) is simply lacking in the current environment where there is an abundance of many strong conditions.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
What they want is a metric ton of warriors, guardians, revenants, and eles with a smattering of necros.
It’s that simple. Stop pretending like this is the worst class ever, it’s far from it.
Classes like necro and ranger are far worse off than us.
Zenith, mate, it doesn’t require you to be any kind of genius or mad scientist or even a top tier player to see that the Revenant class have some obvious shortcoming in almost any aspect of it.
Some legends are poorly performing, the rest are hampered significantly by certain things. The much popular Shiro/Glint, that people considered OP’ed, performs poorly against condition builds. Once you run out of cleanses (pretty soon) you just beg for a mate to cleanse you of you stand there and die.
A proof of bad design is that builds which are considered good utilize incoherent parts of the Revenant profession. Picking Mallyx with 0 condi dmg, going power build without Shiro, using Hammer while dumping Jallis, picking Staff but never picking Ventari… All these simple but basic stuff are considered to be performing poorly. Isn’t this a sign of bad design? Go in a different professions sub-forum and post such inconsistencies (ex. like Condi Warr with GS) and people will laugh at you. In Revenant such things are considered as “working”!
One last thing… Have you mentioned that Revenant, since HoT release, have no builds that are considered working that doesn’t include Herald trait line? Ofc in most if not all oter profs the Elite Spec make the profession more powerful but in the case of Rev… the Herald elite spec puts a Revenant in “working” state!
(edited by Ilias.8647)
Yeah, its extended beta… didn’t you know? :p
If the Rev was introduced into the game 3 years ago as is right now it would be acceptable. Yet, to the unfinished state they applied nerf after nerf…
1) Too weak Vs condi builds.
2) Some legends are way too lacking (Ventari/Jalis) to what they are supposed to do.
3) The legends that are considered OK got nerfs that broke prof more that it fixed it.
4) Build diversity is close to not existent!
Personally, I doubt they will be able to bring the profession at a good shape in the next patch. At best, I hope they will manage to implement lots of bug fixes but the Revenant needs a general reconsideration in many fields, some of which seems to be rather large.
To go one step further, this trait is rather weak.
Its healing is barely noticeable in the current (condi) meta where there is abundance of strong conditions (burning, torment, confusion).
All in all… 3 things are extra urgent for Rev…
1) Fixes to the numerous bugs
2) Improvements to most legends (even the most popular shiro and glint have issues)
3) Means to deal with condis
As Euthymias mentioned, Crystal Hybernation/Soothing Bastion as it removes your mobility and gives you too little to compensate. Unblockables, and some AoE can take advantage of it too easily.
Yeah, the one that /bow’d back at you once you found me AFKing near North BL camp.
Great skill mate! Didn’t have the chance to tell you.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
The thing is replenishing doesn’t even work.
As for the thread itself, neither I was using sigil of doom, nor Venom Enchantment. I wasn’t even running mallyx at all that time since devastation proved to be better both dps and sustain wise thanks to Assassin Anihilation. It was just sigil of generosity at work.
Here you go, posted it not a while ago http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Revenant_-_WvW_celestial_roamer
You were that Desolation Legend that fought in Gandara BL that morning? Nice!
If the rest of your information is accurate, you can assume one thing at least.
If he wasn’t using mallyx, then he is almost certainly using the first trait in Corruption, Replenishing Despair. Why? He isn’t really inflicting torment, nor using demon stances. So the other two traits would be out.
For sure he wasn’t using Mallyx legends but still he can (and did) inflict torment of crit and using Axe#5. And he did apply poison as well. I am 99% he had Venom Enhancement, unless he used some sigil/rune. Still this seems rather unlikely since his poison application was rather frequent and I don’t remember myself having torment without poison.
And, as a last argument… Who would ever take Replenishing Despair?
This trait seems too “meh” in the current metagame..! Are there any build that integrate it for some reason?
Hey there guys!
Today, early morning, I faced a Desolation Rev (Herald). The player was at Legend WvW rank but probably was a PvPer as he seemed he knew really well what he was doing and his skill usage was perfect most of the time.
While I rarely (if ever) encounter the build he used it seemed it was quite efficient. To some extend I could tell the traits/legends and weapons he used, his gear eludes me and I didn’t have the chance to ask him. So maybe someone of you can help me if you are familiar with that build (which isn’t a copy/paste from metabattle ofc).
So… his build should look like somewhat (I left empty the things I couldn’t be certain of) like this :
About weapons/legends I am absolutely sure he was Sword/Axe-Staff, he used Shiro/Glint and from Stability on dodge, Confusion and Burn (when used Elite) he certainly used Retribution and Corruption (along with the obvious Herald) traitlines.
I made the following assumptions :
Cause of the rather frequent poison application he should be using Venon Enhancement. Other than that he seemed to be able to maintain his health high enough and was still susceptible to heavy condi application (from a Reaper) although sometimes seemed he wasn’t taking that much damage (possibility he used Versed in Stone). I don’t think I saw any Taunts.
Still, don’t take any of these for granted!
So, anyone familiar with such build?
…Another question is what exactly would revs want done to improve condi cleanse that is honestly already there just that its in different legends something would have to be given up obviously and i highly doubt it would happen but if revs could what would they give to obtain decent condi cleansing in glint or shrio?
Actually, since Rev can take 2 legends with a fixed skill set on each, there should be a potential in each legend to remove condis to some extend. Currently, Shiro and Glint have no condi cleanse!
And the fact that most go after Glint isn’t the ease of use but the flaws/bugs of other legends (Jalis & Ventari mostly, w/o saying Mallyx is 100% OK) that force you to play something with less bugs/better potential. Glint has good healing which augment Shiro and his poor healing.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
…One can meet a revenant on wvw and say about their skills set within 2 seconds…
I think this was known at the very beginning of designing the Revenant.
I can’t say that switching legends with fixed utility skills is a liability on its own. The whole concept behind the use of two different Legends was to have a legend at a time which specialize in something and switch to the second legend to make up for the drawbacks of the first when the need arises.
I bet that if everything worked OK the whole concept would at least felt different (if not working fine). That should be the Rev’s strong point from the start, I mean what class can change their utility skill set that is focused in something?
As an idea it sounds great but there were some issues :
1) Some legends feel from lacking to useless (reducing available viable choices)
2) Even the better working legends/traitlines have numerous bugs and shortcomings (lessening the usefulness of the already few viable choices)
3) The weapon choices are few (by design) which at least half of them having serious flaws (even more reducing variety of the class)
So yes, when you meet a Revenant you can guess their build and be well prepared for that even before you meet him. This is because the viable choices are so few that anyone willing to have a win chance must stick to them.
In other words, its not the bad concept but the bad implementation of that concept that cause trouble on Revenants.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
…Actually the pointless buffs and nerfs wouldnt be so bad, i can understand experimenting if it didnt take them months to correct it and at least 9 times out of 10 they correct it eventually. So that thing they say about waiting to see the effect of changes is really pointless…
This is the bad part of it…
Supposedly they give time to the community to adopt! Still some changes are unnecessarily big and silly that can turn strong stuff to garbage or garbage to OP’ed!
They can hardly draw any conclusion from such procedure and the bad change stays there for several months.
No matter what, increasing any skill’s cost by 75%, is way too much for balancing.
It would be more reasonable to increase 25%, see how it goes, then increase it once more if you see the previous increase was not enough. This lets players and devs evaluate the change and adopt, maybe making some suggestions.
Going from sky-high to rock-bottom only leads to lost time instead of balancing.
What are 90-100% of all Revenant builds running? Invocation. If you are not running it you are doing it wrong. And that is a serious issue. This limits build diversity by a third. Which is huge. And at least 80% of them are Running Herald(Just guesses on my part for percentage but from what I’ve seen that’s about accurate). This is an absolutely devastating situation for the future of the Revenant profession.
Rev is currently the most pigeonholed profession I can think of.
Condi (mallyx) builds seriously lack stability and Power (shiro) builds seriously lack condi cleanse!
In most builds herald and invocation trait lines are a must while alternatives are more or less bad. Two trait-lines are almost mandatory to anything you do.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
I ve played Warrior and Rev for quite some time.
Do what Eph told you but keep in mind about some stuff you may not distinguish from the very beginning about the Revenant :
1) Its really hard to find a good enough build that doesn’t include Elite Spec
2) Revenant has a lot of bugs right now… when I say a lot I mean ALOT and some are stupidly obvious!
3) Power Revs have quite high DPS but die to condi builds like no other
4) Till now, their mobility is getting nerfed patch after patch
EDIT : The 4 points above are mentioned towards the Rev mostly (although some are true for warr, to a lesser extend)
(edited by Ilias.8647)
I don’t think its a bug per-se. Rather, I think its due to the fact that UA is programmed differently than most other skills and is actually programmed to act kitten separate attacks, likely for a specific reason related to the unique properties of the attack. Perhaps its because its a single-target attack that hits multiple enemies. Perhaps its because they wanted it to end if the original target died.
This could be the issue, still it shouldn’t trigger Confusion on every hit because this makes it more than a double edged knife!
If its intended… its just a really bad idea!
Why staff is tied to Vantari?
1) AA damage isn’t that bad
2) Could be better if its 1st skill interrupt
3) Good block
4) A small heal that cleanse 2 condis – where rev lacks
5) CC with good dmg (still).
At the current state I believe that Staff is in way better position than other weapons.
UA triggers confusion for every hit right now (5 times) and this is a known bug.
it’s not a bug…it’s intended
Then why the same behavior doesn’t apply to the numerous other skills that inflicts multiple hits (Warr : GS#2, Sword #F1 Guard : GS#2, Sword#2 Mes : Sword #2, Ranger : LB #2 etc etc)
GW2Wiki : Confusion is a condition that deals damage each second and additional damage each time the affected target begins to activate a skill.
So, confusion is triggered per skill activation, NOT per hit! … for all of you that pretend you don’t know it.
UA triggers confusion for every hit right now (5 times) and this is a known bug.
No other similar skill triggers confusion this way (warrior’s 100b for example).
We are waiting for a fix…
If they removed unblockable from PT and set the energy cost back to 20….would that redeem Shiro?….make it back the go to gap closer for Revenant.
Personally I think this isn’t a good idea.
The unblockable attacks are just 2 and this has a certain reasoning behind it. PT (shiro legend) can be paired with Grasping Shadow (sword #5) to pull. Its an almost obvious combo that pulls your target (ideal for fleeing enemies or singling out an enemy). If these skills could be blocked then you dash forth and, in case of block, stay there!
Unblockable skills can still be dodged and miss. I don’t see why 2 unblockable attacks are so much of a big issue. I don’t think A.net nerfed PT cause of the two unblockable attacks in the first place.
No matter what, increasing a skill cost by 75% at once is a certainly a not-so-bright-idea!
Most power Heralds (I haven’t ever seen someone who unlocked the elite spec and doesn’t use it) are extremely weak against anything that uses condis.
Revenant overall is junk if it doesn’t use Elite specialization. With elite spec it becomes better than core profs but no where as close as other profs w/ Elite Spec
The reason why the attacks were powerfull was that they couldn’t be blocked.People mostly used PT as a gap closer and without a decent gap closer we get royaly rekt by anyone who has access to a ranged weapon. Also we get Unblockable from a Devastation trait so no bigy there.
Still you have got me thinking now…what if PT costed between 20 & 25 energy, did no damage but gave the 2 stacks of Unblockable instead.
Yeah, two unblockable attacks that can miss or be dodged, right? I don’t think that the damage dealt by PT alone was the issue.
The whole idea of PT granting you 2 unblockable attacks is that you could chain PT with, lets say, Grasping Shadow. If the PT isn’t unblockable then its way to easy to negate GS and your Rev will stand there..!
Unblockable trait from Devastation traitline isn’t the same as it needs one attack to be blocked in order to trigger.
What u said about PT as a gap closer and the effect of ranged waeps on Rev is true.
(edited by Ilias.8647)
4) Asassin stance
-Make PT cost 20 energy and remove Unblockable from it.
So, we assumed that the reason they put a CD and increased the energy cost of PT was a couple of unblockable attacks?
Cause I thought they didn’t want us to be able to use it that frequently and chain powerful attacks.
I think that the idea of PT becoming blockable isn’t good and will just reduce the skill functionality and synergy with other skills (there was a reason they geve it 2 unblockable attacks in the 1st place). Of course increasing its cost by 75% was an even worse idea but forfeiting partial functionality just to get things less worse isn’t actually a remedy but more of a bad medicine towards the wrong path.
No matter what an increase by 75% is way too much for anything. Making 20→25 would make more sense and would let people judge it. Now they are close to breaking it!
(edited by Ilias.8647)
Does that mean we have to wait 2 months for over 10 profession-breaking bug of Rev that’s supposed to have its day-1 fixes?
From what I understood… YES!
We ‘ll have to wait ’till Summer Quarterly Update (isn’t it then that they balance professions?) to have lots of bug fixes. Now don’t ask me why bug fixing must wait for a balance update…
Then we can hope that they will review the mess of Jalis and Ventari, make Shiro more worthwhile again and then look into the concept mistakes… like poor condi handling, lack of ranged weapon variety, skill-set (un)availability while underwater!
Look it from the bright side… we may beat Ranger’s record of being useless profession for the longest time!