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Thief Class Mechanic: food for thought

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I’ll get the ball rolling with some highdeas…

I would LOVE to see the Thief core class get Marks, (not your typical necro well/mark either). Imagine having the ability to provide a debuff/mark on your target, (maybe a huge red skull on enemy for a tell), that once cast, starts to store party member damage done to that enemy until it either reaches a dmg cap or a time limit cap (3 sec?). Once the Mark is fully charged, it triggers and releases all party damage done (or maybe a fraction of it) back onto the enemy. This would have to be tweaked so it would not be oneshotting or over powered.

The idea here is to provide something unique to Thief that increases its damage, while also adding a unique damage boost utility to everyone else sharing the party with a Thief.

Thief Class Mechanic: food for thought

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


We are now approaching the 8 week mark since HoT’s release. While a vast amount of effort has been pumped in to the well being of the expansion by the Anet Devs and player’s assessment alike, one can only feel let down by the current state of the infamous Thief.

Whether this longing is created by a saturation of god like, yet well executed, Elite specs currently running a muck in PvP and basking in their comfortable entrusted Raid slots in PvE, or a possible overlooking, I believe that it is time to talk balance.

Over the past few months, I’ve seen a tremendous amount of ideas being tossed around the forums with hopes of saving the Thief/Daredevil class. These ideas ranged from introducing new class mechanics, tweaking numbers to raise dps, and complete overhauls. There have always been limiting factors that seem to obliterate these concepts before they truly come to fruition, the biggest restraint being our unique class mechanic: Stealth.

I am still baffled by the notion that our “Unique” class mechanic is as deceitful as it is limiting. Gw2 has grown tremendously since it’s dog days. We have seen classes change in entirety from their prior effectiveness. Now that we have new classes (scrapper) with the ability to provide group stealth, it truly does seem silly to hinder Thief dps potential due to it’s effectiveness in providing a now saturated party utility.

Now that we are seeing the shift in Dev response/support from getting HoT ready and on the market to dedicating more time for reshaping old core classes and really getting a good balance going, I’d like to dedicate this thread to any constructive ideas that may help get our beloved thieves some more playing time

I know that everyone has pretty much had this disdain-train of thought rolling since the announcement of Daredevil, yet, I’d like to also acknowledge some of the positive changes we saw from our short lived cb2/3 to release: new Staff auto animation, new graceful dodge animations, general staff dps increase, SOME dps increase in old thief (p/p). Let’s make some new changes asap!

Trasmog for my reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


my old Halloween look was an attempt to emulate the Nazghul

Got 100% map completion on VB, no reward [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I too am having verdant brink map completion bug out. It shows that i have all but one hero point (10/11) and the missing point is right by the Auric Basin entrance. However, I’ve completed the hero point countless times, it even shows that it has been earned while hovering over the pod. Side note- only have 11% tyria map exploration, really bummed that I can’t complete Dark Harvest.

**Editing because I found the fix to my particular bug: Go to the hero point east of Faren’s Flyer waypoint and commune with it to get 100% map completion. Apparently they changed the Hero Point from an Itzel Bladdancer to a commune which I’m assuming has to do with the wrong Hero Point showing up as incomplete. Hope this helps!

(edited by Imhotep.3850)

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Scout Acan still bugged. It seems the workaround by repeating episode 4 and siding with Tizlak does not work to change episode 5 either, so story progress is at a stand still. Very frustrating.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


What if we buff pulmonary impact so that it copies all damage done by DrD over its 2 second application and slams enemies with it for its final tick? This may help with integrating more burst on interrupts with Impacting Disruption. I could see P/P being in a better spot with Dash, Headshot and Unload. Might be too OP, I don’t know haha.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I was really hoping that Daredevil would have a more mobile evade oriented attack. Consider S/P #3 paired with Signet of Malice and even Invigorating Precision, it offers plenty of health sustain and decent damage. I think that staff should utilize a greater evade and damage frame to be more appealing for daredevil. Maybe adding an evade to the staff’s 3rd auto attack chain along with retaliation and having Vault be a hard hitting damage/evade skill? With raids in the close future, thieves are in a pretty vulnerable position to have to deal with damage mitigation which dodges will not fully account for, (even if we have one extra dodge as DD).

Rate the Elite specs!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


1. Reaper
2. Druid
3. Herald
4. Chronomancer
5. Scrapper
6. Berserker
7. Tempest
8. Dragonhunter
9. Daredevil

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


If our grand master traits end up staying the same as they are now, could we possibly buff or change the way Steal works on a Daredevil? The change would still welcome the traits that benefit Steal like Mug, Thrill of the Crime, ect, but maybe had some sort of mechanic or effect that rewards us for out of stealth combat?

Also, after watching the live stream notes for Druid, I do think there is a lot left to be desired from Daredevil. It’s a great profession concept, it just lacks the extra umph the other specializations have been given. Aside from the new dodges, (locked behind GMs) and finisher elite, I don’t see any groundbreaking implementations to the Daredevil.

(edited by Imhotep.3850)

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I’ve taken the liberty to take my example UI a step further. Now it’s broken down into two images.

  • In the first, you see what it looks like when you have a dodge selected
  • In the second, you see what it looks like while selecting a dodge

This needs to be baseline for Daredevil so that we have the same access to Tier 3 Grandmaster Traits as all of the other elite specializations.

I agree over 100% this. The CORE of your specialization should be made baseline and we should be given new GM traits worth just like any other class, as of now, Thieves feel the most underwhelmed executed spec.

This NEEDS to HAPPEN along with the rework of idle, running, and combat STAFF animations.

I am liking these suggestions so far, but lets keep the ball rolling. What sort of new GM traits would help bolster us yet still fall under the thematic role of Daredevil? The diversity of the three dodge rolls are well thought out, yet being tied down to our GM traits does seem to hinder our optimal build potential. I don’t think that it is too far of a stretch to have the Daredevil utilize new dodges as well as it’s 3rd dodge for its official “class mechanic”.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Thank you for the update Karl!!

Let’s continue to keep the feedback positive! One should understand that HoT releases in exactly a month from today. This reflects the pressure that all the devs are working under to release classes that keep their customers happy. Any scrutinization over desired changes not being able to make it in before the release of the game is pointless. Keep up the constructive feedback and we will continue to see transparency with the game’s devs.

The Law of the Jungle

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I totally agree with being vocal about our constructive feedback, even if we are off base with our desires for DrD and baseline Thief, we should still voice anything that may benefit the class and help mold the specialization. This is generally the rule of thumb for all constructive beta feedback for up and coming classes. Something that I can interpret is that our assigned class mod, Karl, is more reluctant to keep us posted on the Daredevil desires/changes. This could be due to the Tempest uproar/feedback keeping him busy, but honestly, we can’t just berate the forums with doom and gloom and expect our class to be reverted to its prior glory. We have to keep our feedback easy to read, and level headed and hope that it helps speed up the back and forth between the community and the developers.

Staff animations

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Made another post on the BWE3 feedback thread addressing the staff animations. It would be great to get some sort of confirmation from Karl that we are generally dissatisfied with the recycled animations, even if they don’t make it into the release of HoT, they certainly should be worked on for a more appealing looking/feeling specialization.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Hey Karl! Could we perhaps get some word on idle/running animations for the staff? Also, there are copious amounts of threads popping up on Thief mechanics for the DrD and base profession being under tuned for the expansion. I feel like it would be great to have some sort of insight on any future changes that Thief is awaiting in order to compose a general ground rule for our constructive criticism. Thanks!

Please take a new bank snap shot for BWE2!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


They might not have the ability to do a new bank snapshot without resetting the beta accounts. Which would be fine of they weren’t trying to test the mastery progression. Which is best done over the course of more than just a few days.

And testing mastery progression is better than everyone being able to find their builds for HoT.

I get that, but I would not have made the time/emotional investment that I did into my bank prep if I had known they weren’t going delete everything from last Beta as it says they would. I could have spent that time doing other things..I know it’s silly, but I’m just really disappointed I won’t have that stuff..especially the Dreamthistle GS skin, that I spent a LOT of time grinding out the gold for. I could have spent that gold to raise up my crafting levels, but I really wanted that skin for this weekend. Oh well.
/end whine

I’m pretty bummed too, saved up a whole set of dream thistle weapons and a few other ascend/legendary goodies and a total makeover kit to test on a new Reaper I made only to find my old empty bank staring back at me I get that beta is pretty much more about giving feedback on new content and implemented changes rather than perfecting aesthetics, just a little bummed because I assumed we’d get an updated bank snap.

So whats everyones Reaper gonna look like?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Sylvari reaper. Dark Trahearne…


Screens of your Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Sylvari Guardian of the Light


Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


My thief’s newest look. Master of Whispers; Vale Moonshadow


Good Ranger sets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I went with Falconer’s and Strider’s


Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


The Sandstalker, Desert Ranger in Dry Top


Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Some screens of my main ranger.


Screens of your Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Warden Paleroot, Sylvari Guardian with a new sword


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


Warden Paleroot, Sylvari Guardian with a new sword


Credit Card problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I too am having no avail with purchasing gems at this time and my card keeps getting declined even though I am certain it has the proper funds in it, any insight on this issue yet?

Guild Wars 2 ceased functioning

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Imhotep.3850


I’m having the same problem. When I log in and go to play all that comes up is a small grey window and I’m unable to close it without force quitting.