Showing Posts For Izithel.6853:
Why are you aggressively against people having the right to choose what things about their character they want to make public?
Why are you too dense to realize that the development time would be wasted with nothing to show for it?
Those people who will pester you about AP/Mastery/Gear will still do so anyway, maybe even more so if you hide it.
Not to mention, again, that anyone who does pester you about it can simply be blocked.
If you refuse to do so I am only left to wonder why you willingly keep exposing yourself to ‘awe-full’ people.
but I don’t think they understand how many people are really, really awful
You know what they say, if you meet one kitten -hole a day, that person is probably an kitten -hole, if you meet many kitten -holes a day, you’re probably the kitten -hole.
Either way, let me say again:
“lmao you don’t have a legendary weapon yet are you autistic lol”
I don’t believe you didn’t make that up.
This got a ‘that happened’ vibe, all that is missing is some imaginary witty smackdown, people suddenly bursting in applause and then Einstein giving someone $100%
and really racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc. things and I can block them all I want, but it doesn’t make me unexperience it.
I wouldn’t call you an SJW, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a Tumblr blog, either way, if you can’t mentally handle these kind of things, go find therapist, seriously.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
This thread is getting so derailed. All OP wanted was info on when the next raid will be released…
A answer to which is obscured by the mist. Giving a release date would just be spoiler now… or like Crystal Reid herself said once : a stoiler because it would also divulge too much about the story
I know :P I was just slightly hinting that maybe a new topic would be better for the convo that took over this thread.
It’s inevitable that any topic about raids will eventually derail on to the topic of people wanting an easier raid mode or for it to be removed completely because lore/elitism/loot related reasons.
And it’s usually the same people doing it because they just can’t stop mentioning it in every post they make about raids.
(edited by Izithel.6853) show you the official retailers, I suggest you avoid buying from a shady site and finding your account blocked.
I don’t think “don’t play with those type of people” works when you’re just hangin’ in LA and someone starts giving you crap for not playing 24/7 and getting everything as soon as it’s available. Like, it’s not who you hang out with, and some things can’t be solved by avoiding certain people.
And you didn’t just right click this person in chat and select block, why?
Your logic makes no sense. If something is desireable it must be rare to stay desireable. If too many people have something I feel repelled by it instead of desireing it.
Whereas I and others desire things for their own sake and are perfectly content if everyone else has one too.
You might be playing the wrong game genre then, especially since skins are the sole proverbial carrot in this game
Does anyone feel the same? I might start collecting stats after this.
Collect stats first, then come back.
People ‘feeling’ things having changed is irrelevant.
It’s not just “one of the 153 skins”. It’s one of the most desirable skins in that group.
Which is why it’s worth so much, not because it’s so rare, but because everyone wants it
Don’t see anyone here complaining about any of the other skins with similar rarity but that are many times cheaper simply because not everyone wants it.
So yeah, having it not accessible due to arbitrary rarity is going to make a lot of people unhappy.
If you’re not happy because you don’t have one lousy skin and feel that it’s drop should be more common because of that I can’t help but call you entitled.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
That kind of rarity will not stop poor players from being poor. It will only stop them from being able to enjoy said skin.
There are 113 different skins (acquirable with gold, 153 total) for Staffs, plenty of them are beautiful, some are rare and others are common.
Are you telling me that people can not enjoy the entire weapon class because one single skin, one that is both nice and rare, is to expensive for you?
Next you’re going to tell me that people can’t enjoy their weapons because the Legendary skins require to much money and/or time investment.
and I don’t see that there’s really any reason for an item to have a lucky_rare_ low_ drop_rate. If you want something to be rare, make it expensive on the gem store.
So it will require Large amounts of gold anyway, become in-acquirable for large stretches of time, can not be traded any more and you can’t get lucky and get one dropped for free?
Because how else do you know something is rare?
Simply searching the marketplace will show you how many of them are on the market for sale giving you a decent idea.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
gw2efficiency – the site used by raiders to gear check.
First time I’ve heard of GW2 efficiency being used to check gear, then again I don’t pug anyway.
The OP has a point, nothing anyone here can do about it short of giving them the money to buy it. Rarity sometimes seems to exist just to make the richest players richer.
Rich players can get rich without rarity, playing the market with rare items is not an easy way to get rich, not to mention takes long to.
Playing in on common items that are used frequently ( e.g. materials) are much better suited for that.
Rare random drops are there mostly to make you want to play specific content and get you excited to loot it.
The real problem is that any loot in the game is incredibly boring, greens and blues are salvage/vendor trash, rare items are only worth as much as the average ecto’s salvaged, and the large majority of exotic drops are not worth a kitten unless it’s a level 80 with berserker stats or a rare rune/sigil.
The only other loot that’s exciting in this game (outside of Precursors) is the kind that’s a rare skin, specifically one that’s very nice looking and not the kind that’s ugly or on an underused weapon class.
Why? Simply because those are at least worth some gold, and guess what will happen if those dropped more commonly? They’d end up being as unexciting as drop as the rest of the loot you already mindlessly salvage daily or sell for less then 1 gold.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
Thanks for asking, but I can certainly say I’d prefer it to be fixed over the current version.
Maybe another item could later be added that replicates the current look for people who really want it.
Oh god how much I wish I had insight to your code to realize how it is even possible to randomly create a bug like this.
It usually starts with something that was a great idea when designing something years ago …
If I know anything about MMO’s it’s that their code is usually an undocumented mess with so many inter-dependent systems that getting a change trough without breaking the game is often a minor achievement once the original devs who knew the code have left.
Hmm, looks like I’ll be playing something else tonight, just in case.
I decided to go and play some GW1, level my dervish a bit.
This topic has been done to death.
The horse has been beaten to a bloody pulp. Enough already.While I agree that there are some topics that are beating a dead horse and need to stop (mounts come to mind), this is one of those that if not kept in the forefront, will be forgotten. This is an easily rectifiable change that can be implemented going forward if devs are reminded of it on occasion.
Yeah, all they need to do is implement some more variation for the male armour going forward.
STIHL.2489 Seems to be arguing in bad faith, I think he’s best ignored, he’s not interested in a honest argument, just in shouting his myopic views from a soapbox.
I’d rather a raid that is scaled for single player.
I could get behind this, like some quasi-living story add-on, just a single player walk though.
Kind of like infantile mode for SAB?
I have heard that Arah used to be a 5 Person Dungeon, but because it was the last part of the Personal Story they made it a Solo Dungeon, so, I would imagine something like that being done, but as opposed to removing the 10 Man Raid, like they did with Arah, they could just put in some side entrance, to this other “Story Mode” kind of deal, just so people could get.. whatever it is they think they want.
They also made it a solo instance because it was boring, broken and a buggy mess, nobody in their right mind wanted to run that more then once.
So far the raids are neither of those things.
I’d rather a raid that is scaled for single player.
I could get behind this, like some quasi-living story add-on, just a single player walk though.
Kind of like infantile mode for SAB?
Exclusive group only content will not sustain the game since most people are casual players.
Plenty of ‘casual’ players enjoy the raid content as well, don’t pretend that only people without jobs or social lives are raiding.
All that type of content does is push the devs to make more and more of it for a small section of players meanwhile there is content stagnation in the core PvE part of the game when they could just use existing raid maps to extend PvE. Both content is possible on the same maps just with different instances just like story and open world. I don’t see why they couldn’t do raids on existing PvE maps also. Really all raids are is a jazzed up story instance that requires groups of players to access the content and get the rewards.
Seeing Raids as just ‘jazzed up’ story instances show a great lack of understanding what the draw of challenging group content is, it’s like saying the world championship football is just jazzed up kicking a ball around in the backyard.
And you can’t do raids in generic PVE environment because the diffrences in world design are rather big, and vice versa.
Content stagnation in PVE is not because of raid development, rather the redesigning and balancing of existing HoT content they did recently.
Besides, there has been new open world content recently, almost every 2 weeks a patch has introduced some new events, just not a great amount yet.
Not to mention HoT came with 4 rather large zone with several bosses and big meta events, 2 full armour sets, 1 heavy armour set, 4 full weapon sets, 2 partial exotic/ascended weapons sets for the elite specialisations.
The raid which was also promised part of HoT has only 9 encounters/bosses total and rather small zones to go with them, 1½ worth of weapons and an armour set (that’s rather ugly so far)
So I can’t say your kind of solo ‘casual’ players got the short end of the stick.
The only diffrence the main PVE part was all released at once while the Raid was delayed and it’s release staggered.
Dungeons have explorable modes but they have made them purposely difficult to keep casual players out. Excluding casual players will be the death of the game eventually.
I keep seeing you talking about how the content excludes people even tough there is literally nothing stopping you from enjoying the content except for your own choices and priorities.
And if you really don’t care about partying up then why are you playing a blasted MMO?
And what’s with the silly idea that the current raid content is killing the game? I’ve seen plenty of old faces back because of it, and I see plenty of raiders walking around with gem store items, so it’s not like they aren’t financing the game.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
lesser reward is fine for me..
just want to have fun and not wasting time..
I’d prefer explorable mission modes on the maps for single players in addition to the full team raid mode. Many are like me and prefer playing maps alone.
It’s an MMO, you can expect content to require groups.
Dungeons and fractals don’t have solo modes either.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
Yeah nobody wants to raid with us second class citizens so we get the rusty water fountain, and the busted up bathroom to make all of you look and feel better.
It’s not outlawed for anyone to use the golden fountain and pristine bathroom, you’re just unwilling to use the ramp and door to get to them because it’s to much effort and time investment to you and somehow you convinced yourself the ramp is a mountain and the door a ironclad gate.
Talk is cheap and moral outrage is rarely backed up with money or participation.
What can you expect from outrage flowing fort purely about feeling good about yourself and virtue signalling to your peers.
I thought most people were asking for an easier version, so that you elitists can continue to use your special bathrooms and water fountains, we’ll settle for some thing stripped down and low class as far as the rewards.
We’re talking video games here, not racial segregation.
yay more raid…. that i never will play……. i can’t lose 6 hour on a boss. you know…… real life
Your own choices on how to spend your time are not the responsibility of the developers or any of the players.
Plenty of people can combine their work, social life and the raids without to much problems or sacrifices.
If your priorities leave you without the time to partake in difficult group content it’s not anyone else their problem.
So no fun allowed in GW2 if you want to be up to date with equipment?
I didn’t know you couldn’t get ascended gear anymore outside of raids?
Nor did anyone tell me you needed the latest of the best gear to enjoy the game?
(edited by Izithel.6853)
Currently, no, but what exactly is preventing you from asking for them to be available somewhere else?
Because I’m not an entitled kitten who thinks all content and their rewards should be available and cater to me and my preferred play-style.
Maybe you should go play some single player RPGs so you can mod in whatever you want instead of complaining that in an MMO some prestigious items are not easily and widely available.
Your entire argument can be boiled down to this:
Either make unique raid rewards available to everyone with no effort to gain them trough said raids and/or never ever make raids again.
Actually, my point is that a whole gear category should never be considered an unique reward for a single gamemode. Especially if it’s a gamemode for only a tiny minority of players.
Notice how i was not saying anything about other unique skins obtainable from raids. In general, i see no problem in leaving them as they are. It’s the legendary armor (armor, not skin), straight buyable ascended gear, and ascended stat sets that are unobtainable by any means that are a problem.
Can I have my Legendary backpiece then without having to bother doing Fractals/PVP?
Oh wait…….
And yes, certain stat combinations for accended trinkets being exclusive to raids is pretty bad, on the other hand, some are exclusive to LW S2 achievements so that point is moot really.
Not to mention, due to the cap on magnetite shards it still takes at least 2 to 3 weeks to buy a piece of ascended gear.
Doing your daily gathering and crafting of ascended mats will get you more gear quicker.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
Why even complain about raids? You knew raids where coming with HoT. So why did you bought hot then if your so hard against raids?
I think most of them are just mad they can’t get the unique skins and other rewards from raids, not because it’s to hard but simply because they can’t be bothered to invest the time and effort into it like most other people.
The complaints about lore, accessibility and other new pve content being lacking is just a distraction from what they really want: loot.
If the PVP leagues and recent WVW changes had added ways to get more ascended or new legendary gear they would be complaining about that too, make up a bunch of excuses to hide their true intentions (from both themselves and us) and whine that everyone who disagrees with them is just an elitist trying to keep the loot to themselves.
Also sup Valheru.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
Your entire argument can be boiled down to this:
Either make unique raid rewards available to everyone with no effort to gain them trough said raids and/or never ever make raids again.
Once again typical Raider being abusive when they lost an argument
Apparently dismissing someone’s bullkitten is being abusive.
I’ve come to the conclusion that you, Ohoni, will remain angry that there is content that was made which did not cater to you and worst of all, people are actually out there enjoying it.
Remember that GW2 does not require a subscription, there is nothing stopping you from just not playing until the content that you want is released.
Just like nothing is stopping you from playing the content that is there but you your self.
ANET, who have access to all the data, have declared that Raids were a success compared to the amount of resources they put into it and no matter how many essays worth of text you put down here it won’t change their mind.
Your ignorance on how game development works is certainly not helping your case either.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
It isn’t really even difficulty that’s the major factor, at least not for me, it’s the massive inconvenience of it all.
I don’t think this is a reasonable position, but you’re entitled to hold it.
I doubt making explorable maps is the bottleneck for LW3 and more other open world content, scripting/designing large scale open world events/encounters seems much more likely, and those would take a different skill-set and design approach then the small scale and linear bosses/encounters that the raid team specialises in.
Sure, adding them might contribute, but is unlikely speed up the release of the content you crave to any meaningful degree, if the increased number of people working on it doesn’t slow it all down because more time needs to be used to coordinate.
Yeah, fractals is the avenue that they touted as being a way to bring back the best bits and pieces of old content into a playable form.
Has this actually happened? Not since the molten/aetherblade fractals were added, but it’s still theoretically what they’re supposed to be doing.
I don’t understand the lack of new fractal content to begin with, if anything it’s would probably be the easiest to add something to, you don’t need much lore justification for it being there or to fit it into the existing world.
You don’t need design huge new areas, can often reuse mobs and pretty much all other already existing game assets.
At most you need to design a single unique boss or boss like encounter.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
Case in point: had you not dedicated devs to the raids then no doubt LS3 could have been completed by now and played by vastly more than will ever step foot inside non-cleared raid instances!
Yes, because 5 people working full time on raids are holding back all the other remaining development teams from getting any work done in time. /sarcasm
According to their description you need Legendary Insights to craft the armour, they only drop once per account per week for every boss.
So yeah, you’d probably need more then just a few kills to craft legendary armour
Some of those things could be retooled for fractals maybe, they’d fit in there much better.
Raid story is told through hidden notes, environment and npc dialogue. It does not work like arah.
Yup, the only ‘lore’ you might miss by not fighting the actual bosses is some meaningless boss banter to give them some personality and vague hints at what the notes and environment proceed to explain in a crystal clear manner.
And that’s for only 3 bosses really, the other 3 might as well be giant space-fleas out of nowhere with some very vague lore given to why they are there and you have to fight them (VG/Gorse/Sloth).
Edit: Scratch that, make that 2 only bosses, you could remove Trio and all you’d lose was some loot.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
The treatment by some people here as if development is some kind of zero sum game were any kind of work on content you don’t like directly takes away from content they do like is silly and betrays an ignorance on how development for video games work.
My HoM titles and rewards disappeared as well, logging into GW1 just now seemed to have fixed it.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Izithel.6853
As a veteran player I’ve got zero incentive to currently purchase the expansion, the current content given for those prices is not worth it.
Not even a character slot in the base version nor a lower price for existing players
This new system is stupid and Anet is stupid for thinking you can blame it on ‘easier for newer players’ and get away with it.
The old system wasn’t exactly rocket science and did it’s job well.
The new system is blatantly broken, due to the way gems are bought now you will either always have to many or not enough.
Yeah, it looks nicer but it’s completely useless to anyone, well, maybe not useless, but certainly stupid enough to turn a majority of players away from using it.
No, I’m not going to buy gems, with gold or with dosh until the system is changed to a state were you can select how much gold and how much gems to buy/trade.
The repeated excuses by Anet were they simplify or ruin a system in a game to make it easier for ‘new players’ is starting to become really tiresome and it’s only a matter of time before they see their player base drastically shrink over this.
Please either add a custom amount button and/or change the increments of fixed gold/gems to more reasonable ratios.
(edited by Izithel.6853)
kitten it, now how am I supposed to do gold doubling scams like in eve online?
The kick function is fine – if people don’t want to play with you it’s their right to do so.
If you don’t want to lose the time you’ve invested in content then be the instance opener and all your troubles are fixed.
Ideally – play with guildies or people you know.
As you can clearly see from this topic the function is not fine.
Not a single version of any kind of vote kick system is ever going to be fine, it’s the reality of the situation that no matter how it’s implemented there will be abuse and there will be excessive whining about it.
It doesn’t matter if you need many votes to kick, few votes to kick or just allow certain people to kick or no kicking at all.
Someone out there, alone or in a group, will abuse it to annoy people.
The system as is in GW2 is fine, it’s not perfect but it’s the best compromise you can get in a vote kick system without making it a complicated convoluted mess.
Requiring 3+ people to kick would make creating parties with requirements too much of a hassle to bother with it. Im sure some people would like that. Id stop playing if that happens, avoiding the clueless, trolls and dumbs is already too exhausting enough with the party controls we have now.
I have to agree whit you, while increasing the amount of people needed for a vote kick would solve some issues, it would create a slew of other problems.
Way points are there as a money sink, having mounts would make them redundant forcing Anet to make new money sinks elsewhere.
Personally my main issue with mounts would be that they would make the sense of scale of the world much smaller.
Personally I would be behind you for mounts if the maps were bigger and the amount of way points less and further apart.
But seeing how the world is small enough already and most classes got plenty of ways to move around quickly enough there is no real reason in the current world.
Really tough, considering guild wars history there is no need and base to implement mounts outside of an “every other MMO has it so why not this one?” argument.
So yeah, no mounts, there is not a significant amount of reasons to take away development time from more important issues and implement a system such as this at the current moment.
Additionally you don’t know the cost of appearance modification.
It could take 1 crystal for an entire wardrobe change. That would mean ANET is giving you free stones.
Wait and see.
The picture in the blog indicated it will be a 1 charge per 1 item conversion.
The picture got 4 items selected for transmutation and got the cost calculated at 4.
Previous system:
Acquire skin once to apply it once, collect skin again if you want to apply it again.
New System:
Acquire skin once, apply it as many times a you want.
Nothing else about the system changes, then again, I’ve the feeling that a lot of people who speculated that such a system change was going to happen partially just assumed the transmutation crystal thing and the costs would disappear or be greatly diminished..
Yup, you do, end of the world, I know.
Imagine how those who got multiple of the same legendary now feel.
Personally, I quit the game a few months after release and ran a couple of dungeons when stacking and skipping wasn’t a ‘thing’ yet.
And it was terrible, a lot of trash would kill you quickly, 1 hit or 2 hit kills were common and failing a single dodge would be the end.
It took ages to finally get to the end, dozens of wipes on bosses due to AoE that would instantly kill you and then the rewards at the end were terrible, the trash dropped a few silvers at most and the amount of rewards you got from bosses was not worth the time spent.
But, it was kind of fun regardless.
Here is my problem, I enjoyed the difficulty of killing all that trash and fighting the bosses without stacking and skipping, but it’s just not worth the time and especially when you wanted to do repeated runs it would just shatter your hopes and dreams of ever getting enough currency to buy a full set.
Now I came back a few weeks ago and was introduced to skipping and stacking.
Stacking and skipping takes away a lot of the challenge (tough skipping does present it’s own unique set of challenges.) but the effort/time and reward ratio’s were much more acceptable.
The ‘fun’ I gained from successfully completely running a dungeon was less on a per run basis, but the reduced frustration with terribly designed boss fights and trash packs balanced it all out.
Personally I wouldn’t mind being forced out of the skipping stacking, given that the rewards from trash and bosses are increased or made much easier to do, with me preferring an increase in rewards.