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A fourth stat on gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Yay .. power, precision, ferocity and condition damage .. to be ready for the
upped condition cap in HoT .. lol

No. That isn’t what I was stating at all. That’s just adding a 4th stat that’s already there.

A fourth stat on gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Honestly if I’m going to go with Zerker gear, if I had a 4th stat i’d want either toughness or vit honestly.

But the point was to distance zerker gear away from it being picked the majority of the time, while still keeping it viable so that those who want to use it, can, without feeling forced to use something else.

I think what would be cool is a 4th stat based on how much of your set consists of that archetype. Similar to runes.

All 6 Berserker equipment? Add 1 stack of Vulnerability (3s) every 3rd hit, but conditions have increased duration. All 6 Soldier’s equipment? Gain Protection(1s) every 15s, but decrease crit damage by 5%. All 6 Valkyrie equipment? Increase crit damage by 20%, but decrease crit rate by 5%. All 6 Dire equipment? Increase Condition damage by 5% of toughness, but decrease condition duration by 5%

Those examples are more like a bonus for having a set, but I think it’d add a whole new dynamic to the way people play. Like at that point, is it worth running full sets of something, or is it better to mix and match to experiment?

Like i think of it in WVW, and it would really make Hammer warriors think about whether or not they wanna run full Berserk armor, and rely heavy on self healing, because now they take a lot more damage. Or Full Dire Condi Thieves who have great escaping abilities, but is it worth hiding all the time if your bleed which usually lasts 5s, now only lasts 2s per stack?

I think this would be fun because then it’d add a new level of challenge in the way players play.

I quite like this idea, I guess it follows the same sort of role that warcraft does where using the same armour type gives you a strength / agility / whatever bonus as to stop people minimaxing gear and taking other classes gear.

Though I do like the idea of mixing gear. Take the examples I gave, one set giving 50% chance to stack 2 bleeds instead of one if you only have half of it, or 100% if you have a full set and the other set of gear increasing the amount of stacks of conditions you could have. If you could mix that you’d have, rather than 100% chance to add 2 bleeds per swing, or a max stat of 50 bleeds (random number) you could have 50% chance to stack 2, with a max stack of say 30.

I do like your idea but I do feel it forces players into a certain set up without much experimenting.

A fourth stat on gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


By adding a fourth stat to gear, while one may argue it upsets the balance of things, it could instead create a higher diversity while making the other sets more meaningful. Some could argue it makes things more complicated, but I disagree that this is a bad thing.

No it would not. People would again go for the maximum amount of damage and a new set of Zerker gear would emerge.

The fact that Zerker (assassins) gear is picked as main endgame gear has nothing to do with its stats. It has to due with game mechanics and the ability to avoid, dodge, mitigate most/all damage thrown at the group. Adding more stats does not change this. Hence adding another layer of stats would just convolute things even more and end up in people picking max damage once again.

You pretty much contradicted yourself. It has everything to do with it’s stats. That’s the whole point. Zerker gear means you’re pumping out the most damage, because of it’s stats. If the gear didn’t have the stats to do the most damage, people wouldn’t pick it.

So explaining it in a more simple terms – adding a 4th stat would mean you’d be able to increase the damage of the other sets without ruining their role. As said, by increasing power per toughness and precision per vitality on soilders gear, then it would do a lot more damage, but it would be slow but hard hitting. The same goes with the other sets but I won’t repeat the examples. It would increase the damage to all of them (and as I already said, the mobs health could be adjusted to compensate). Having an extra stat means you can tweak the gear much easier to balance them out to do more equal damage while filling different roles.

Birthday mail? gone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


few years ago I try out guild wars 2 from a friend account .he had some birthday mail at the time and today is my brithday.

Have the stop with the birthday mail & gifts?

It’s your characters birthday, not your personal one.

A fourth stat on gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


So, people are often complaining how Zerker gear is the only gear needed for fractals and such and that it creates a lack of diversity.

By adding a fourth stat to gear, while one may argue it upsets the balance of things, it could instead create a higher diversity while making the other sets more meaningful. Some could argue it makes things more complicated, but I disagree that this is a bad thing.

These stats could only be active in fractals (or maybe solo PvE as well) as not to upset the balance in PvP. Obviously mobs would have their health raised or adjusted so they aren’t burnt through so quickly due to the change.

In this example, it would add different stats to different gear but perhaps making it less desirable on berserker’s and more attractive on others. An example, with numbers that would obviously be tweaked

Berserker’s :- Power, Precision, Ferocity

+ [Insert fancy name here, let’s call it dedication] + x% weapon skill reduction.
So on Helms, shoulders, chest etc at level 80 exotic we could have 1% with rings being 0.5% and 1 hands being 2% while 2 handers 4%. Totaling up to around 10-15% (I haven’t done the maths as said, numbers can be tweaked

Obviously this wouldn’t affect auto attack and just skill 2-5.

Rampagers :- Precision, power, condition damage.

+ [Aggression] Each piece of gear can add an extra stack for bleeds so with this gear you would raise the cap to say 35-40.

Sinister :- Condition, power, precision.

+ [Hatred] Gear can add a percentage to increase the speed of stacking. So let’s assume with zero gear you’d stack a bleed every hit, with half gear you’d have a 50% chance to stack 2 bleeds per hit, and with full gear 100% chance. (Or if suited the stats could be swapped onto rampagers and visa versa)

Soldiers :- Power, toughness, vitality.

+[brutality] Every piece can add a percentage of extra power for the amount of toughness you have and precision for vitality. While nothing fancy, nor quick, it would allow for massive slow hits.

I won’t go through the whole list but obviously there’s numerous things that could be implemented from standard haste, weapon speed or even utility skills. Healing gear could perhaps add a HoT or even a new damage type DoT that reflects the healing you do to yourself as damage to the enemy.

Numbers tweaked so that other gear types are just as powerful as berserker’s and gives a reason to use something else, while not breaking zerker for those who like it.


Older skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Very little in the way of armor has been removed. While there’s a small subset of armor that’s unobtainable, the only ones that have been actually removed are ones that were only obtainable from the old sPvP system and several of the others were just never obtainable in the first place. You can see the list here:

Thanks, that’s such a shame, some of those are gorgeous. In fact I think I got a few pieces of some :\

Older skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I started GWs on release and played for a couple months before having to quit (absolutely no fault of the games, I loved it then and I do now) and doing spvp I’d get tons of skins to go into the wardrobe after most (every?) match.

When I came back last month, it’s all changed. I decided to level another couple of classes before diving into spvp but I have been doing some. The thing is, now there’s skins rather than armour for it but there just doesn’t SEEM to be even close to the amount I remember. I mean clearing the map out for completion and almost done now, I’ve unlocked the basic stuff, then there’s the crafting stuff like iron / bronze and the (what I think is) zone stuff – glyphic, etc.

Are all the older skins still in it? I’ve not seen any real cool stuff like I remember, if any skins at all from spvp.

I really don’t like the pvp changes, or the NPE but I’ve read numerous complaints about the latter.

Did any get removed? are they in those reward things, like the rank up box things you can change or they automatically change every 2 weeks?

What if Crafting did not give XP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I would like to request that crafting no longer give experience, because it directly skews the value of crafted items.

I would venture to say that Key farmers, and lazy levelers represent the majority of people crafting. and they are creating the whole Tradepost/crafting convolution (worthlessness of items) which is IMHO a detriment to the game.

So, in short.

YOU don’t like it, so remove it for everyone? Correct?

In fact, the economy in this is absolutely spot on. The majority of items are sold for what they are worth. It’s a very stable economy that doesn’t give any leeway to greedy players trying to buy out and re-list everything at ridiculous prices.

In most MMO’s I play I do extremely well in abusing the auction houses, market places, trading posts etc and making a killing from it. I actually dislike it since making money is rather addictive yet boring. In GW’s however, you can try all you like to buy out the 9999 items and re-list them, but it will quickly level back to their proper pricing. This is a good thing.

Besides, it’s hardly hard to make money anyway. Key farming is boring, but if people want to do that, that’s their choice. It seems like you are in fact the lazy one here, looking to make a quick buck sitting at the TP all day.

Actually, I don’t even know why I’m bothering with such a silly post. I’ll give you a short answer that’s the only thing needed:


Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


This couldn’t have been posted in one of the….many, MANY other similar topics on the subject?


Old Promises

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


You think Anet lies?


I was promised millions from a Nigerian prince years ago and yet to see a penny of it!

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


OoOoOoooooOooooo a developer huh…citing your profession over the internet always convinces people.

Hey, it impressed me!

And as a veteran astronaut and Congressional Medal of Honor awardee, I’m not easily impressed.

It wasn’t intended to impress. Besides, I’m not the only person on this forum with coding experience. Anyone with a little common sense understands that just because something seems simple doesn’t necessarily make it so. And that applies to pretty much anything, not just coding.

What games have you developed?

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Please fix. Ill be loging in to check if its has been removed.. wont be doing anyting other than checking… cant stand to play game like this.. bad move arena net for a joke this is more like a hack.. somthing lizard squad would do to make ppl not play.. you just hacked your self arena net are you stupid

kitten , my whole day is ruined now that you won’t be playing.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


lordkrall. tragedies happen every single day. and tomorrow, tragedy will happen to your loved ones. how would you feel?

Yeah, no.

If that happened to me….. ignoring the fact I wouldn’t make a DESPERATE attempt to connect two things that share little to no relevance except for the fact one is a plane that crashed and the other is a virtual character mimicking a early 1900’s plane like children do….ignoring that fact…

I wouldn’t be playing the kittening game! I would be dealing with the tragedy.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Tried to report OP’s post for harassment, but it was already reported. lol!

“harassment” for thanking the developers for something he enjoys?


How many of you did a Titanic ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


That’s extremely offensive!!!!

I might have maybe known someone who probably could have known someone else who may or may not have had a mother, father, grandmother, dog or even a kettle that had been on the titanic 100 years ago.

Can we get rid of Rezzing totally dead?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I kinda agree with the OP

Though not entirely, I think there should be a time limit to how long you can stay dead though, which can be refreshed if someone starts to rez

Pilot Mode, or somthing somthing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


All my characters have theire hands up, and have pilot cloth on, how do i turn this off, i am new to this game, it was fun some minuts, but game like this all the time.

Help Pls?

It’s just an april fools joke, it is only today so you’ll just have to grin and bear it.

Or, we all will :p.

It was rather humourous for 5 minutes, and then wore off, but I assume I will be laughing again when it’s gotten too much to bear.

Beserker Power + adrenaline

in Warrior

Posted by: Izziee.8392


As far as I know the Berserker’s Power trait is still bugged and does not work with burst skills since september 2014. I will test momentarily to confirm it.

EDIT: Confirmed, still bugged. You lose the 15% damage modifier from having full adrenaline built up before the skill actually connects, resulting in the exact same damage as you would with 0 adrenaline.

EDIT 2: Video of it

I don’t know if that’s “bugged” or intended. The burst hits pretty hard.

Though that wasn’t the point I was asking anyway, but thanks. Guy above answered pretty much I think, though it’s always nice to have numerous opinions I felt this was the case anyway, just wanted to make sure.

Beserker Power + adrenaline

in Warrior

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Is it worth spending adrenaline with greatsword and the BP trait?

Yes I know you get 20% fury but that seems pretty worthless to me as I seem to crit everything all the time anyway.

Is key farming allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392



From Gaile herself:

Making new characters for Black Lion Keys is NOT an exploit. Have fun all!

It is also discussed in the wiki.

Edit – the link doesn’t work though

Is key farming allowed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I had an interesting video be recommended to me in my youtube list about key farming. The whole reset character and drive to level 10 thing. I wondered is this allowed? I don’t have any more character spaces to do it but if it were I think I’d buy one.



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I’m doing these personal story missions omg I’m a guardian stacking vitality, toughness and healing on every piece of gear I’ve got, I have 5 healing spells including my ultimate, I told myself I’ll kill everything slow but at least I won’t die.

Omg you have 5-6 enemies jump on you fear, knockdown, fear, knowckdown, kittens you’re at 20% health pop every heal rinse repeat you’re dead.

What is this? I thought this game was about skill based combat, using dodge to avoid attacks and all that. It’s like I’m playing world of warcraft PVP versus 6 players at the same time. There is no tactic in this game except hope somehow enemies ignore you and fight NPCs then pop all cooldowns, run away, pop all cooldowns, run away.

This also happens in outdoor combat in events, hearts etc. Combat needs BALANCE.

Man, I was going to reply nicely but after seeing your responses to others I’m not so sure.

People always say their experienced and this and that yada yada yada and always the ones with problems how to do things. Frankly, I think the others were right and it’s a case of you learning, though I personally hate the L2P response as it doesn’t help people but jumping down his throat for giving advice isn’t the way to go either.

I’ve played pretty much every sub based and buy to play MMO out there except for ESO and Archeage (which I think is F2P anyway) and in every MMO I’ve always kitted myself out for maximum damage. Logically it might sound like going full defensive is the way to stay alive, but in actuality, it’s far from it. Taking tank-like builds are best for group work, when you have some DPS or healer, but solo it’s just pointless.

Sure, you can argue how you take little damage etc etc etc…but here we see, this just isn’t the case, since it’s NOT working out for you. Mobs take longer to kill you sure, but you also take longer for them to kill you, and they just end up whittling down your health pool as you put your abilities on cooldown and slowly chip away at their health.

The same old saying that offence is the best form of defence is true, the only MMO I can think that really suits going tank mode is Warcraft, because tanks still have ridiculous damage, especially AoE. It’s a game designed for children and very little thought process. In Eve online I can take my tanky-as-hell Gallente battleship and end up dying in a mission because it took too long to kill kitten or, I can take my paper thin minny autocannon fast but close range battleship and blitz through the mission 10x faster and 10x safer because kitten just dies so I don’t need to tank it. In wildstar I can destroy things with my DPS warrior / Slinger and use my mobility and utility, while kiting and never taking any damage and killing 10 mobs at a time, or go tank / healer and have MORE chance of dying (not that I do really) and certainly take a ton longer to kill. I can use the same example for every MMO really, except maybe warcraft but as said, that’s designed specifically for lack of braincells. Hell, that game even rewards bad players.

In GW’s I’ve gone pure power+precision+ferocity and kill the mobs so fast they pose little to no threat.

The game isn’t hard and the guy was right, it really is a player issue and as hard as that may be for you to accept if you won’t take peoples advice I don’t really get why you posted that.

Besides, I’m personally SICK of games that handhold and developers REALLY need to stop listening to players who complain about it’s difficulty because games have become so bland and generic lately, especially MMO’s. I exclude this, wildstar and eve because eve’s probably the most brutal out there, WS tries to use difficulty as it’s selling point and this has little in common combat wise with other MMO’s.

My responses to others? I only have 3 replies, one which is a thank you, one is a neutral response explaining what I was accused for, and one was sarcasm for sarcasm. I swear, I thought this community was all right, but a lot of you are just horrible people, jesus christ. I’ve never been accused so many times of being a troll in all my life as I was in the first page of this thread.

No, you got 4 replies, 5 including this one and all but the first, including your “thank you” are sarcastic and/or passive aggressive, including this one. This community is nice, one of the better ones if you don’t feel it is, then perhaps you better ask yourself why. Even now you get advice, don’t listen and rather go off on one.

Does everything need a knockback?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Knockbacks are probably one of the stronger elements of PVE mobs and I like them because it makes people wanting to achieve optimal play think about how they approach OW PVE instead of just scrubing their way through it. I’m assuming your talking OW. Considering these effects can slow you down quite a bit in PVE and if you’re doing it enough, it’s worth rethinking and optimizing your build for OW PVE, something few people do.

For instance, If you’re a theif, doing OW farming, you want to use D/P and open with #3 every time. You will never suffer a single knockback if your fighting a single mob. If you fight multiples, you do #5.

I don’t know what OW is I don’t think, I took a long break and pretty much a solo player atm.

Can you be more specific as to where you are having all this constant knockdown? Knockdowns are usually limited to higher leader types (Veterans, etc.) of the various races but some have more than a few types that can cause them (Dredge, Centaurs, etc.)

Part of the game is to LEARN the tells when an enemy is about to use a knockdown and actively avoid it (or interrupt it with your own CC)….there are very few CC attacks in this game that don’t telegraph that they are about to be unleashed.

They seem to be all over, like the Risen brutes knocking you down and the raptors interrupting you, all in the same area, but it’s really not limited to these at all, far from it and I’m not talking about vets/champs, actually I think their fine to have such abilities. I’m more talking about trash mobs that barely do 1% of your HP and have no reason but to annoy.

It’s not about LEARNING the tells, because they all pretty much open with it.

It’s not hard, it’s not a threat, it’s just trash mobs that die in a few seconds so all it aims to achieve is to be annoying. Again, I’d be far happier if these actually did an ability that did say, 40-50% of your health (obviously not chaining them as that be silly) because stuff like that makes you panic and play tactfully. Getting knocked down with out losing any health just makes me sit there with one hand on my chin.

Again, it’s not gamebreaking, it’s not hard, it’s just plain old annoying.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I’m doing these personal story missions omg I’m a guardian stacking vitality, toughness and healing on every piece of gear I’ve got, I have 5 healing spells including my ultimate, I told myself I’ll kill everything slow but at least I won’t die.

Omg you have 5-6 enemies jump on you fear, knockdown, fear, knowckdown, kittens you’re at 20% health pop every heal rinse repeat you’re dead.

What is this? I thought this game was about skill based combat, using dodge to avoid attacks and all that. It’s like I’m playing world of warcraft PVP versus 6 players at the same time. There is no tactic in this game except hope somehow enemies ignore you and fight NPCs then pop all cooldowns, run away, pop all cooldowns, run away.

This also happens in outdoor combat in events, hearts etc. Combat needs BALANCE.

Man, I was going to reply nicely but after seeing your responses to others I’m not so sure.

People always say their experienced and this and that yada yada yada and always the ones with problems how to do things. Frankly, I think the others were right and it’s a case of you learning, though I personally hate the L2P response as it doesn’t help people but jumping down his throat for giving advice isn’t the way to go either.

I’ve played pretty much every sub based and buy to play MMO out there except for ESO and Archeage (which I think is F2P anyway) and in every MMO I’ve always kitted myself out for maximum damage. Logically it might sound like going full defensive is the way to stay alive, but in actuality, it’s far from it. Taking tank-like builds are best for group work, when you have some DPS or healer, but solo it’s just pointless.

Sure, you can argue how you take little damage etc etc etc…but here we see, this just isn’t the case, since it’s NOT working out for you. Mobs take longer to kill you sure, but you also take longer for them to kill you, and they just end up whittling down your health pool as you put your abilities on cooldown and slowly chip away at their health.

The same old saying that offence is the best form of defence is true, the only MMO I can think that really suits going tank mode is Warcraft, because tanks still have ridiculous damage, especially AoE. It’s a game designed for children and very little thought process. In Eve online I can take my tanky-as-hell Gallente battleship and end up dying in a mission because it took too long to kill kitten or, I can take my paper thin minny autocannon fast but close range battleship and blitz through the mission 10x faster and 10x safer because kitten just dies so I don’t need to tank it. In wildstar I can destroy things with my DPS warrior / Slinger and use my mobility and utility, while kiting and never taking any damage and killing 10 mobs at a time, or go tank / healer and have MORE chance of dying (not that I do really) and certainly take a ton longer to kill. I can use the same example for every MMO really, except maybe warcraft but as said, that’s designed specifically for lack of braincells. Hell, that game even rewards bad players.

In GW’s I’ve gone pure power+precision+ferocity and kill the mobs so fast they pose little to no threat.

The game isn’t hard and the guy was right, it really is a player issue and as hard as that may be for you to accept if you won’t take peoples advice I don’t really get why you posted that.

Besides, I’m personally SICK of games that handhold and developers REALLY need to stop listening to players who complain about it’s difficulty because games have become so bland and generic lately, especially MMO’s. I exclude this, wildstar and eve because eve’s probably the most brutal out there, WS tries to use difficulty as it’s selling point and this has little in common combat wise with other MMO’s.

Does everything need a knockback?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about the difficulty level, this isn’t an issue at all. Also knockbacks are fine in PvP I think, personally anyway.

It’s just, in PvE does every single mob need a knockback / stun / interrupt that it just opens with. It barely serves any purpose other than to plainly annoy, and that it does. The damage they do is pathetic, hell, if they even get a swing off by the time you’ve gotten back on your feet, and it’s even worse when you get 3-4 mobs at a time who do it, even then it’s still no threat but just plain ANNOYING.

I would rather the mobs had a special that hit 4-5x the damage they do in a knockback, that would be more scary and keep you on your toes at least (rather than on your back, doing nothing, twiddling your kitten paws)

I’m not saying there’s NO place for them, but really, does what feels like, every other mob need to have something that stops you from playing your character? Can’t there be a more interesting, more dangerous ability?

I guess I’m alone with this and probably get shouted down but I needed to get it off my chest since I just had a mob knock me off a cliff to my death (which, THIS was probably the only time I’d say leave it in, since it adds an element of danger)


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izziee.8392


So I was clearing out my bank and getting rid of a ton of food. I just spam ate the lot for the achievement and that was that. I needed to log off however and when I log back on my character today I notice a nourishment buff (different icon though, not the apple) and it had some really decent stats on it – I can not remember what they were as there was only a few minutes remaining and I ate something else to see if it would stack / refresh / overwrite the buff.

Well, it overwrote the buff so the one I had was obviously a food buff. However, it was something insane like 33% magic find, experience and karma (or something along those lines)

I’m curious how I obtained this? I know food doesn’t stack but I’m wondering if because I ate so many different types (like 300 in total and 12-15 types) you get a special buff, or if this is from something else

(I also downed a ton of the crappy +3% damage to XX potions too)

Does anyone know what buff I’m talking about, it’s not an apple icon, it is overwritten by food and it is called nourishment.

Thanks in advance.

What to do at 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I played at release and had to stop for an influx of reasons, none the games fault and I recently came back and a lot has changed.

So far I’ve run around choo chooing in frostsound, and that’s pretty much it. Could I get a little help please :p

What are those statues in orr? I see they are contested but how do you deal with them? Kill kitten around there until a champ spawns or?

Where is the best place to farm those boxes (like the icy things in frostsound) I really dislike snow area’s though, and orr ain’t much to look at.

What 80 zones are there? Can you get to the woodlands up north, cascade or something.

thanks :p

THANKYOU Guild Wars once again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


To cut a long story short, I played GW since shortly after its release and met my missus there shortly after that. After meeting her in the game, I met her and her daughter in real life and have been together since. Anyway, a few days ago, we had our forth child together.

So now thanks to GW, we are a family of seven. Me, the missus and our five girls. THANKYOU ONCE AGAIN GUILD WARS! (And obviously GW2)
We also had/have an amazing time playing with the GW/GW2 communities. THANKYOU GUYS! Best gaming communities ever!

So you have twins?

GW is only a couple years old right? so twins twice..


They met in GW not GW2

That makes much more sense, and less pain.

THANKYOU Guild Wars once again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


To cut a long story short, I played GW since shortly after its release and met my missus there shortly after that. After meeting her in the game, I met her and her daughter in real life and have been together since. Anyway, a few days ago, we had our forth child together.

So now thanks to GW, we are a family of seven. Me, the missus and our five girls. THANKYOU ONCE AGAIN GUILD WARS! (And obviously GW2)
We also had/have an amazing time playing with the GW/GW2 communities. THANKYOU GUYS! Best gaming communities ever!

So you have twins?

GW is only a couple years old right? so twins twice..


Crafting descriptions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I can’t see any :p

Example, cherry tart just says 30min duration and not much else.

Is this a bug with patch or is there something I can do to fix it?

Best update in GW2 History

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Just back from a walk to the other side of the building, and there are absolutely no issues with the download on our side. It’s a meaty download, to be sure, but I advise that you just sit tight and let it do its thing, or you could try again later in the day when traffic may be lower.

Aside from the fact that it was incredibly slow (70mb FO line) I’m still stuck on 99% and it’s currently downloading at 56kb/s

Best update in GW2 History

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I’ve been stuck on 99% for ages with 1 file remaining and the launcher constantly flashing

Verbal abuse because of good drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I’ve been away quite some time in GW2, can someone explain somethings to me please ;p

What’s pinging? Just linking the item in chat or?

What’s a maize farm :O

What do you mean with the mobs being tagged? I thought loot was free for all in this game (One thing I really like about GW2) are these special mobs that won’t share loot?

Seriously, if I’m running through a map and decide to kill some mobs (which, I pretty much kill everything in my path 24/7 regardless of what it is) I don’t care how much kittening someone does, my loot is my loot. I despise ninja’s and think they’ve ruined the community of many games, and a good reason why I dislike PuG’s and things as in (other) MMO’s I usually greed and find everyone else needing, but in a game where everything is shared (as in, I initiate the tag, kill the mob and you’ve hit it, we both still get loot) then I owe you kitten.

I’m a bit confused about this :O

Chilli Peppers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


They’re definitely still in the game, but not a very common drop from herb nodes in Ascalon, only.

Okay thanks. I actually been away for a long time and found 500 in my bank. Stupidly I thought they were easy to come by since I had so many, so just spam cooked 120 or so..which seemed to be an expensive mistake.

I could sell the 500 for around 120g I believe, but then again, that may not be much since as I said, I’ve been away for a year and a half so I assume people have millions.

You probably got them when the chili cheese poppers were the vogue, way at the start of the game. You could buy them with karma then. But as bot cheese and chili peppers were karma items, Anet decided to remove the chili from the karma merchant and make it a rare drop instead…

This is likely the case if they were sold for Karma.

What do I do with them then? they sell for something like 25s each (is that a lot or has inflation hit the game and having 10’s of thousands the norm now?). I’ve maxed out cooking on a couple characters but if they’re needed for something important (as I don’t get why they sell for so much since people could level cooking without them) then maybe I should just save them.

Is it likely Anet would reintroduce them as karma items?

It is actually one of the most expensive cooking ingredients on the market. Out of the top of my head, only lemongrass comes close in value.

Its main demand is for Curry Butternut Squash Soup, which is a lvl 80 power/ferocity food and for several steak dishes that are required to complete the Fine Dining collection achievement.

Gold inflation isnt really a big issue in GW2 compared to other mmos, so the gold you get by selling will be worth a bit.

Most people that focus their gameplay on getting valuable rewards end up with 5-10g per hour, so 120g will be an equivalent of 12-24 game hours.
You could also buy about 800 gems with 120 gold, which is an equivalent of 10$/€.

Edit: i think its unlikely that they will reintroduce it as a karma item.

Thanks, that’s a great help.

Chilli Peppers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


They’re definitely still in the game, but not a very common drop from herb nodes in Ascalon, only.

Okay thanks. I actually been away for a long time and found 500 in my bank. Stupidly I thought they were easy to come by since I had so many, so just spam cooked 120 or so..which seemed to be an expensive mistake.

I could sell the 500 for around 120g I believe, but then again, that may not be much since as I said, I’ve been away for a year and a half so I assume people have millions.

You probably got them when the chili cheese poppers were the vogue, way at the start of the game. You could buy them with karma then. But as bot cheese and chili peppers were karma items, Anet decided to remove the chili from the karma merchant and make it a rare drop instead…

This is likely the case if they were sold for Karma.

What do I do with them then? they sell for something like 25s each (is that a lot or has inflation hit the game and having 10’s of thousands the norm now?). I’ve maxed out cooking on a couple characters but if they’re needed for something important (as I don’t get why they sell for so much since people could level cooking without them) then maybe I should just save them.

Is it likely Anet would reintroduce them as karma items?

Chilli Peppers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


They’re definitely still in the game, but not a very common drop from herb nodes in Ascalon, only.

Okay thanks. I actually been away for a long time and found 500 in my bank. Stupidly I thought they were easy to come by since I had so many, so just spam cooked 120 or so..which seemed to be an expensive mistake.

I could sell the 500 for around 120g I believe, but then again, that may not be much since as I said, I’ve been away for a year and a half so I assume people have millions.

I’m a bit torn whether or not I should sell them, I’m kinda a hoarder (in game, not RL) and at the price they are at I feel I should save them, but I don’t even know if i’d use them :p

Chilli Peppers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Are Chilli Peppers still in the game (to farm I mean). I’ve searched and seen numerous posts of people saying they can’t find them but not much else.

Gold Farmer Spam

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I’m sorry Vivisector, that’s just not the case.

You’re not costing the gold sellers anything by reporting them. However, you do flag their accounts and they would get shut down quicker allowing less damage to be done to the accounts rightful owner.

The best way to counter gold sellers? Make sure YOUR account is secure.

1 – Do not use the same password for GWs as any other MMO.

2- Use a different email for GW’s than any other game

3- Never ever sign up to fan base sites with your email. Fan base sites are almost always far less secure than official sites, and often get hacked. If they can match your email with your user name, that’s one step closer to compromising your account.

4- Do not abuse Gold sellers. While it may be tempting, a lot of them are actually forced (It’s not a myth that most of them are chinese, the reason for this IS some prisons force the inmates to do the selling. Sending abuse could anger one into making you a target.

5- Never ever visit gold selling sites. Some will have keyloggers that automatically download

6- Try to use browsers with noscript running like firefox

7- An often missed one, keep FLASH up to date. I once had a wow account stolen not through keyloggers, or any of the above methods, but due to flash being out of date. Confirmed by a GM to me, and strong apologised.

8- Obviously keep your firewall/Virus scanner up to date. Do regular scans, get malware bytes and scan with that (Sometimes conflicts with programs like norton, so don’t keep it running in the taskbar if you have issues. Windows defender isn’t enough. Old versions of I.E. were pretty bad also, I don’t know about the new ones, not used it for a long time.

9- A more drastic but safe thing is to run a program like CCleaner. Just to keep your system running smoothly. Make sure you back up your registry though when you delete the files. I’m yet to have an issue with it however.

So, in reality, every time you get a mail, that’s just one innocent persons account compromised. (In most case’s). You can state how it’s the users fault, but not every gamer is so computer savvy and these things happen.

A month has past. How are liking the game?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I love the game, it has so much to it (Just not being your standard themepark MMO telling you where to go put’s a lot of people off I think, but personally I’m use to sandbox’s and the fact that I dislike PvE raiding, it all suits me fine)

I’ve just had a hell of a lot going on this week and I’ve found very little time to play, I have a nice guild but people need motivation to talk and I’m worried not being around is going to have people leaving so I might end up enjoying the game less with no one to talk to. We’ll see, I hope that’s not the case.

How to play with lowlevel friends - issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


It won’t as I play at my own pace and level up my character too :/ It was always a problem in all MMO’s before – that if you want to play with friends you have to synchronize your game time and always play and do stuff together to remain on the same page. But it’s terribly limiting and frustrating in actual world, and never works. Some people lag, some people are just too eager to go further. But, by then, the sync is gone and you cannot do the same quests, etc. etc.

Yes, I can help kill the mobs – sigh – I’ve described what happens when I try to help – it’s just 3 secs of pure madness and then dead bodies on the floor.

I just wish there was some kind of “leader” system. If I’m in party leaded by my friend, I could perceive the world from both points, mine and leader’s. So the heart would say: you’ve done this, but leader didn’t, so you can still do this with him if you wish so. This would be a solution for this problem. Not sure if this is a breach for some kind of grind or exploiting, but I’m sure there could be some rules around that (like no money / karma as a reward, or substantially smaller amount, xp is still the same though).

Well, it shouldn’t be a problem because as you level up there’s a wider range of zones to go to. Just go to a different one with your friend then you can both do the hearts together.

How to play with lowlevel friends - issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


You should get a little heart next to her portrait I think, telling you the % that she is at. Otherwise, I’m sure she can work out what she needs to do from the description..telling her what to do. You can just help kill the mobs. In fact, this is a far more user friendly game than most MMO’s for playing with low levels.

Besides, you’re only 24, that won’t take long at all for her to catch up on.

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


@ Izzie

I do really appreciate you showing how unproductive and useless your posts are, I will now save my own time by not responding or reading them! bravo!

And this effects me how?

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


This is my story.

I joined a party for HotW explorable. Since you don’t get ANY tokens on the way to the final boss.. well, I had earned nothing so far, even though I was leading the group, calling out strategies, etc.

At one point, I called out a player for doing something terrible (walking down the hallway face first, attacking totems on the boss) etc. This was only after I had explained the situation, it wasn’t blatant flaming.

So I guess this guy had a buddy or (two?) in the group. Long story short, we were downing the boss when he got to a very low percentage and I was kicked from the party, allowing me to gain absolutely nothing from my time investment.

Balanced? Fair? How many votes does it take to kick someone from a party of 5?
2 votes? 3?

Either way, I feel totally kitten in this scenario. And you better believe that if it doesn’t get looked at, IM going to be the one kicking out the terrible player with my friends right before the last boss goes down to prove some points.

You was “leading” the group? Everyone always talks about leading them. You sure you wasn’t just being plain old bossy and annoying? Demanding this that and whatever?

A player did “something terrible” and you said something? Yeah, can tell right there I bet it was condescending

Then you got your comeuppance, there’s actually a currency in this game, it’s called Karma.

To top it all off, because some irrelevant group didn’t stand for it, you’re not going to kick the next innocent person who screws up? I bet you NEVER screw up, I bet on your first time you get it perfect.

And you “demand” that it get’s looked at? By who, Anet?

Yeah, everyone’s innocent on this forum, never screw up and the best player out there and it’s never ever their fault, no no, can’t be. I mean, just look at your attitude, we can totally see you’re the one who got screwed here..right?

1. Leading in terms of – this is the strategy. You need to turn around and walk backwards. You don’t need to attack totems. I don’t sit around passively, it’s not my personality (you should try leading, it’ll get you somewhere)

2. Yes, did something terrible in terms of, I explained by TYPING OUT what needs to be done, then there was blatant disregard for anything just said, leading to the players own death. Then I called them out on it “Dude I just told you walk backwards what are you doing?”

3. I didn’t say im going to kick anyone for screwing up. I said i’m going to kick Bad Quality players when I have them in my group right before the last boss goes down. Kicking these people will (not only void them of the reward they don’t deserve) but HOPEFULLY cause some sort of attention to the situation (which is what I really want, I want it resolved).

And about your comments on my attitude? You’re not my mom or my boss, so I don’t really care, and i’m sure no one else does either.

EDIT: Oh and yeah, we had two first time HotW explorable moders in the group. Hence why LEADING is required.

And you should try reading, it might get you even further. I’ve already stated I’m a raid leader, in fact, I’m a GM also.

usually, if someone disregards what you’ve said, then that just further makes me question your “leading” skills.

“bad quality” Yeah, that make’s it alright then. Someone that isn’t “your” standards, but you basically admit, stamping your feet because you’re not getting your own way and making someone else suffer.

Why would I care if you do or not? Don’t flatter yourself. Someone’s already blocked you from a forum thread you created so they don’t have to party with you, that say’s a lot.

You just enforce my theory basically. Nothing else to say.

You don’t have a theory. And sorry, but once again, no one cares what guild you lead, what raids you lead, what you do on sunday nights alone in the basement, and how bad your hair smells. You can’t possible think telling me these things will bring you validity do you?

I AM stamping my feet, and i WILL make others suffer (if you had read what I said you would know this>) IF THE ISSUE DOESNT GET LOOKED AT. I will do this to prove a point and MAKE it an issue that needs to be looked at and resolved.

Do I care if someone insignificant blocked me? No. Do I care if a griefing issue as large as this one in a “Grief-free game” goes on without being looked at? Yes.

HAHAHAHA! Yeah, you deserved it. No, I don’t have a theory anymore, due to your last post, I have facts which you summed up nicely for me. I do like how you speak for everyone btw, because everyone cares what you think also right? Oh wait, obviously not. Since, ya’ know. You were kicked.

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


Stories like this are rarely completely true. By “called out”, he probably means said “you kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten don’t kitten kitten kitten mother kitten kitten kitten” and then went AFK.

maybe not that extreme, but if you’re only going to tell half of the story, we get to make up the other half.

You want sympathy? Show us chat logs.

Exactly this.

Goes for the above post also. Exactly the feelings I have on the subject. It’s one of those things, what comes around, goes around.

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


I don’t see why anyone would kick through the middle of a fight after doing the whole dungeon with someone just for funzies.

You need to play more MMO’s. There are a lot of kittenes out there who do just that sort of thing.

I had a guy in the last game I played continually pull and then leash a boss so we couldn’t kick him from the group because in that game you couldn’t kick mid combat. That game also had an issue with groups kicking people at the start with no word why simply because they weren’t the ideal class after that person had spent an hour in queue. Or guildies would get 4 people together and queue for the instant teleport to the dungeon, and then wait for the 5th guildie to make his way through the queue, kicking everyone who got in the dungeon before him. I have been kicked from a dungeon partway through for various reasons, even ones as dumb as “my guildie just logged in and wants to do this dungeon so we’re going to finish it with him”.

Lots of people in MMO’s are jerks.

I’ve played MMO’s since ultima online, never happened to me. It’s one of three things, you, the people you choose to group with or you’re just really, really REALLY unlucky. If stuff like this happens, you need to ask yourself why, and possibly reevaluate your own methods.

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


This is my story.

I joined a party for HotW explorable. Since you don’t get ANY tokens on the way to the final boss.. well, I had earned nothing so far, even though I was leading the group, calling out strategies, etc.

At one point, I called out a player for doing something terrible (walking down the hallway face first, attacking totems on the boss) etc. This was only after I had explained the situation, it wasn’t blatant flaming.

So I guess this guy had a buddy or (two?) in the group. Long story short, we were downing the boss when he got to a very low percentage and I was kicked from the party, allowing me to gain absolutely nothing from my time investment.

Balanced? Fair? How many votes does it take to kick someone from a party of 5?
2 votes? 3?

Either way, I feel totally kitten in this scenario. And you better believe that if it doesn’t get looked at, IM going to be the one kicking out the terrible player with my friends right before the last boss goes down to prove some points.

You was “leading” the group? Everyone always talks about leading them. You sure you wasn’t just being plain old bossy and annoying? Demanding this that and whatever?

A player did “something terrible” and you said something? Yeah, can tell right there I bet it was condescending

Then you got your comeuppance, there’s actually a currency in this game, it’s called Karma.

To top it all off, because some irrelevant group didn’t stand for it, you’re not going to kick the next innocent person who screws up? I bet you NEVER screw up, I bet on your first time you get it perfect.

And you “demand” that it get’s looked at? By who, Anet?

Yeah, everyone’s innocent on this forum, never screw up and the best player out there and it’s never ever their fault, no no, can’t be. I mean, just look at your attitude, we can totally see you’re the one who got screwed here..right?

1. Leading in terms of – this is the strategy. You need to turn around and walk backwards. You don’t need to attack totems. I don’t sit around passively, it’s not my personality (you should try leading, it’ll get you somewhere)

2. Yes, did something terrible in terms of, I explained by TYPING OUT what needs to be done, then there was blatant disregard for anything just said, leading to the players own death. Then I called them out on it “Dude I just told you walk backwards what are you doing?”

3. I didn’t say im going to kick anyone for screwing up. I said i’m going to kick Bad Quality players when I have them in my group right before the last boss goes down. Kicking these people will (not only void them of the reward they don’t deserve) but HOPEFULLY cause some sort of attention to the situation (which is what I really want, I want it resolved).

And about your comments on my attitude? You’re not my mom or my boss, so I don’t really care, and i’m sure no one else does either.

EDIT: Oh and yeah, we had two first time HotW explorable moders in the group. Hence why LEADING is required.

And you should try reading, it might get you even further. I’ve already stated I’m a raid leader, in fact, I’m a GM also.

usually, if someone disregards what you’ve said, then that just further makes me question your “leading” skills.

“bad quality” Yeah, that make’s it alright then. Someone that isn’t “your” standards, but you basically admit, stamping your feet because you’re not getting your own way and making someone else suffer.

Why would I care if you do or not? Don’t flatter yourself. Someone’s already blocked you from a forum thread you created so they don’t have to party with you, that say’s a lot.

You just enforce my theory basically. Nothing else to say.

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


It doesn’t matter what his story is. Kicking mid-fight should not be possible. If you end up with a group member who is griefing, kick them after the fight and then attempt again. No biggie. The potential for griefing is far greater with the ability TO kick mid-fight, than to NOT be able to kick until the fight is over.

Again, I haven’t an issue with what you say about kicking midway through a fight, then again, what if someone just decides to go AFK or grief them back? It can work both ways you know.

I don’t see why anyone would kick through the middle of a fight after doing the whole dungeon with someone just for funzies. There’d most likely be a reason for it. I wasn’t there, I don’t know, but one thing I do know, looking at the OP’s attitude on how he’s going to kick the next undeserving person who isn’t even related to the issue? Yeah, I’ll stick to my first instincts and think that he probably deserved it.

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


This is my story.

I joined a party for HotW explorable. Since you don’t get ANY tokens on the way to the final boss.. well, I had earned nothing so far, even though I was leading the group, calling out strategies, etc.

At one point, I called out a player for doing something terrible (walking down the hallway face first, attacking totems on the boss) etc. This was only after I had explained the situation, it wasn’t blatant flaming.

So I guess this guy had a buddy or (two?) in the group. Long story short, we were downing the boss when he got to a very low percentage and I was kicked from the party, allowing me to gain absolutely nothing from my time investment.

Balanced? Fair? How many votes does it take to kick someone from a party of 5?
2 votes? 3?

Either way, I feel totally kitten in this scenario. And you better believe that if it doesn’t get looked at, IM going to be the one kicking out the terrible player with my friends right before the last boss goes down to prove some points.

You was “leading” the group? Everyone always talks about leading them. You sure you wasn’t just being plain old bossy and annoying? Demanding this that and whatever?

A player did “something terrible” and you said something? Yeah, can tell right there I bet it was condescending

Then you got your comeuppance, there’s actually a currency in this game, it’s called Karma.

To top it all off, because some irrelevant group didn’t stand for it, you’re not going to kick the next innocent person who screws up? I bet you NEVER screw up, I bet on your first time you get it perfect.

And you “demand” that it get’s looked at? By who, Anet?

Yeah, everyone’s innocent on this forum, never screw up and the best player out there and it’s never ever their fault, no no, can’t be. I mean, just look at your attitude, we can totally see you’re the one who got screwed here..right?

If he’s calling out strategies than yes, he’s leading. In GW2 dungeons it’s very much necessary that someone takes on that role. If they didn’t like it, they should have said something to him. How else is he supposed to know what they think of his behavior? Them kicking him out after he has walked them through the entire dungeon and helped them get the last boss down to a sliver of health is the most kitten move they could have taken and much more immature than the idea that he may possibly be bossy. Get real dude.

If they didn’t like him, they should have said something at the start before he put in all the effort to finish the place. That would have been the polite, mature move.

Actually no. I’ve been in groups before (As a raid leader) with say 4 guildies and 1 PuG member. I don’t go bossing them around, if they need advice, I’ll offer it. Some people just think their entitled to start demanding things, and personally, I’ll just ignore them. I know what I’m doing, and I expect those guys did too. It’s been the case more often than not, that when a person like that get’s kicked from the group, it goes smooth as butter.

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


What happened to you, was frickin’ awful.

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do… in a “pug”. That is the price you pay for running with strangers who, for whatever reason, have you in their sights. People can be horrid.

I’ve had great pugs, and I’ve had terrible pugs.

If I were you, I’d chalk it down to the latter and do you best to run with people you know, as much as you can. Even if you have to pug a 5th.

In my opinion, chalking it up to “some pugs are just terrible” is completely unacceptable. WoW had a kitteny community and created that behavior, but other games don’t need to follow in their footsteps. ArenaNet should strive to make this as good a gaming community as possible and not tolerate behavior like that. Further, they need to implement features in the grouping system to make booting someone mid-combat impossible, as well as taking measures to avoid groups of friends being able to boot anyone they don’t like simply because they’re all friends. People try to do all sorts of bad things in real life, that doesn’t mean we let them get away with it.

While what you say speaks some truth in it, just read the OP’s “story”. Let me try to make something clear to you here, not everyone decides to tell the FULL story, or how it REALLY went. There’s a lot of clue’s in the OP’s post to say there’s a very good chance he deserved it. You know those people you were talking about from other MMO’s? Yeah..

Just got Griefed HARD - Kicked during last boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izziee.8392


This is my story.

I joined a party for HotW explorable. Since you don’t get ANY tokens on the way to the final boss.. well, I had earned nothing so far, even though I was leading the group, calling out strategies, etc.

At one point, I called out a player for doing something terrible (walking down the hallway face first, attacking totems on the boss) etc. This was only after I had explained the situation, it wasn’t blatant flaming.

So I guess this guy had a buddy or (two?) in the group. Long story short, we were downing the boss when he got to a very low percentage and I was kicked from the party, allowing me to gain absolutely nothing from my time investment.

Balanced? Fair? How many votes does it take to kick someone from a party of 5?
2 votes? 3?

Either way, I feel totally kitten in this scenario. And you better believe that if it doesn’t get looked at, IM going to be the one kicking out the terrible player with my friends right before the last boss goes down to prove some points.

You was “leading” the group? Everyone always talks about leading them. You sure you wasn’t just being plain old bossy and annoying? Demanding this that and whatever?

A player did “something terrible” and you said something? Yeah, can tell right there I bet it was condescending

Then you got your comeuppance, there’s actually a currency in this game, it’s called Karma.

To top it all off, because some irrelevant group didn’t stand for it, you’re now going to kick the next innocent person who screws up? I bet you NEVER screw up, I bet on your first time you get it perfect.

And you “demand” that it get’s looked at? By who, Anet?

Yeah, everyone’s innocent on this forum, never screw up and the best player out there and it’s never ever their fault, no no, can’t be. I mean, just look at your attitude, we can totally see you’re the one who got screwed here..right?

(edited by Izziee.8392)