Showing Posts For Jan.4830:

Get rid of all walls

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Should take a look at videos of the new borderland maps, they feature towers and keeps with much better defensive designs.

Couple of things anet talked about:

1. “Boxes” of walls around gates to allow defenders to shoot at attackers hitting gates from all angles

2. Floating platforms around/above accessable via teleports inside the keep to hit attackers with

3. more natural chokepoints ie: long bridge leading to the keep door

That and the new shield generator seige blueprint should make fighting to take structures (when defended) more interesting then they are now.

Yaks Bend Alliance

Immunity to burning condition

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


You seem to have missed the part about being immune to burning only “When in or near the Fire Keep”.

This buff is also dependent on controlling all 3? of the fire shrines which are OUTSIDE the keep proper. Very contestable, very ninjable.

Saying this is targeted at classes with burning is like saying the air buff immunity to falling damage is targeted at classes with fear…

Yaks Bend Alliance

S/s still viable in wvw?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jan.4830


Define “viable”.

Define wvw.
(solo or group roaming, zerg fighting.)

Yaks Bend Alliance

(edited by Jan.4830)

Bow+Rifle Warrior discussion

in Warrior

Posted by: Jan.4830


Would this build be for:

Wvw ( If so, please specify if solo or group roaming, or zerg fighting)
PVE outdoors
PVE dungeons
or Fractals?

Yaks Bend Alliance

Why buy primordus weapons??

in Warrior

Posted by: Jan.4830


Short answer is yes, items that people generally consider better looking are more expensive in the trading post, regardless of stats.

Yaks Bend Alliance

2/15 YB/CD/EBay

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Had some Good Fights in Eternal and brought it back to Yaks BL to run some camps.

Just wanted to give a shout out to that [scRn] Warrior Commander that single handedly had to deal with us for quite a while, it was quite the uphill battle on his end, but by The Great Lord Flame Ram he never gave up. /Salute to you sir.

Many thanks,

I wanted my supply camps on YBBL back and figured that me running headfirst into yall would be perfect to distract and entertain while the rest of my guys took em back.

Crazy i know, but it’s how we do things over here in Yaksbend, Map>Self, doubly so for commanders.

I will say you GF and FTF people really do kick kitten in the field.

Good fights!

Yaks Bend Alliance

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


The Yaks’s bend alliance is incredibly welcoming, the the free mumble slots for small guilds is great too.

Yaks Bend Alliance

12/24 Yaks Bend / Maguuma / Dragonbrand

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


More screens. Mods if you’re gonna ask us to report them, they cant be targeted, and so arnt reportable.

Note the shot coming up through the floor. From under the keep.


Yaks Bend Alliance

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Awesome take your largest most dedicated segment of your population and make them spend and hour or 2 to download a patch they dont care about during their most important and busiest part of the week.


Yes. Clearly they didnt release anything for wvw-and-are-ignoring-us. Clearly.
“Wintersday is coming and along with all the other goodies there will be a few updates to WvW. Some of these changes are the result of forum feedback while others are part of our longer term plans for WvW. Here’s a quick preview of what WvW will get for Wintersday:

Advance notification of new builds
In order to allow WvW players to make good decions about siege placement, assault timing, etc. we’re adding a new build pre-announcement. This will be in the form of a message broadcast to all players some time before the current build expires. Because this notification is tied to one of the final steps in our build process, and those final steps take a variable amount of time, we won’t be able to say exactly when the current build will expire. Instead, the message will provide a window of time in which the new build will become available.

Alt+F4 is no escape
If someone that you’re fighting disconnects during combat (via Alt+F4, killing the client process, etc.) their character will be instantly killed, death penalties will be applied, and XP & loot will be handed out as usual.

No more insta-build walls & gates
Destroyed walls and gates will now rebuild when they reach 10% health rather than on the very first repair. This means that when attackers down a wall or gate defenders won’t be able to instantly rebuild it. Walls and gates which are destroyed can still be damaged if they have any health.

Breakout events
We’ve added a new event type to WvW called Breakout events which trigger when one or more teams have been pushed completely out of a map. They’re designed both to help players break out of severly camped portal keeps and to provide assistance in establishing a foothold in each map. Here’s what designer Matt Witter has to say about them:

Break Out Events are special WvW events that will happen when a team has lost control of all defensive structures, not counting supply camps. An NPC commander will appear in the team’s start area and an event will start that prompts players to gather around. Once enough players are in the commander’s presence he will summon his trusty dolyak to give all allies in the area full supply. He will then lead the charge to the nearby objective and give players protection and assist with building siege to assault the objective with. Those benefits, along with a defensive boon that he applies to all nearby allies, makes the attacking players a force to be reckoned with. Defenders will have their work cut out for them, as once the gate or wall piece is destroyed the commander will move to the tower lord inside and attack anyone in his path.

These changes are just a small part of what the WvW team has been up to lately. As you may have already heard, we’re hard at work on some larger updates that we plan to deliver in February. We’re not quite ready to talk about the details yet but as February gets closer we’ll start to reveal more of our secrets.

Happy Wintersday and we’ll see you on the battlefield!"

No excuses for the slow/non-existent download though.

Yaks Bend Alliance

(edited by Jan.4830)

Commanders - What will happen in the future?

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


But Zergs learn over time that some shineys get your killed, and other shineys get you karma, and badges, and points.

Plus commander tags can be turned on and off. Most people learn eventually to turn them off if they dont actually want to command.

Having 50 people ask you where do we go? what do we do now? you arnt leading rabblerabble tends to make people with tags find out how to turn it off pretty quickly if they dont feel like leading at the moment

Yaks Bend Alliance

Easily the dumbest thing you have done ANET

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Honestly guys what is with this whining.

Information that there would be a major content patch on the 15th of Dec has been out for a month.

If you knew about it, ignored it, and went ahead and dropped 50 golems still, then it’s nobodies fault but your own.

Take reponsibility for your own actions, be informed.

Yaks Bend Alliance

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


I think theres a hacking mesmer around…. If you see if report it guys.

No tolerance for this kind of kitten’s kittten kitten.

Alternatively there’s a new bug with mesmer portals.

Sorry F.A guys, we hate this kind of crap, if we see them we’ll make sure we get them reported/ banned.

Yaks Bend Alliance

Crystal Desert vs Darkhaven vs Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Whichever guild from CD that set up the East Keep defense on Yak’s borderland with the orb yesterday

Superior arrow carts galore, triple catas on both inner and outer gates, double defensive trebs assaulting courtyard and multiple superior ballistas holding down the bridge.

We want that guild. Well played fellas

-A YB Commander

That would be my guild, EDMW. Too bad we are based in Singapore and it was 12pm and only like 5 of us were on when you did that, 8 golem rush was it?

As a fellow singaporean who was in the first siege as Spetrix, (died horribly along with most of our seige to those amazing defensive trebs), i cant say how glad i was to have been in one of the 9 golems that took the door down. Big shout out to guilds OF, Badgers and Grawls for pulling it off, as well as the smaller guilds that were with us.

I salute the 5 defenders in the keep for getting there fast and doing the best they could to defend.

There were however at least another 35 CD players on the map who were tied up trying to take the lower right tower and supply camp, or who got distracted trying to retake the north supply camp.

We made a HUGE effort to hide the golems and our army on foot.

Exited Garison via water gate, then used chain mesmer portal Golems all the way to Askalion hills.

I believe the keep defenders had no idea about them incoming until golems were ported right on the outer door.

Took about 6 mins start to finish to get both doors down. It was very close because about 25 defenders had finally come back to the keep and were behind us on the bridge to the Lord’s room when we capped the keep.

Believe me the only reason we dropped so many golems, made use of mesmer chain mesmer ports/Distraction tower capping was because of those first few seiges where we got massacred.

It was absolute LAST thing we think of to do in order to take the keep and the orb back. That keep held out for almost 12 hours. Really amazing defences, great fight, but the speed and organization done by the our yak commanders Patricide and Rheas and allied guilds won it in the end.

(Hopefully it’s not all capped again by the time i write this of course.)

Yaks Bend Alliance

Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


This week opens a new chapter of WvW for Yak’s Bend. The map has been completely dominated, and the hard work put in by hardcore wvw players that have been here since day one is finally paying off. Of course your going to hear people from other servers whinge about how we did this or that, but the bottom line is, Yak’s Bend has a massive player base that is down to WvW. We have Commanders that will coordinate attacks. Guilds that are formed, and function solely on WvW. And even our PUGS are down to smash face. Bottom line is, look out for Yak’s Bend. Latest Screenshot to hurt your kittens is right here, enjoy.

*I dont think we need this particular brand of chestbeating.

There is no value to this thread. Forum mods, requesting threadlock.

Yaks Bend Alliance

(edited by Jan.4830)

10/19 Gates of Madness vs Yaks Bend vs Sorrows Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Believe me it’s not fun for us either. (I’m leveling my alt too.)

Since we were in the exact same position last week vs Sanctum of Rail, sitting at +5 and +15 points, we really understand.

Getting classy things like SOR guys building a chain of 20 rams of rams from their keep to outside our spawn.

Fix the plague that is free, 1 day cooldown transfers anet… (Losing guild perks is NOT enough.)

Yaks Bend Alliance

10/19 Gates of Madness vs Yaks Bend vs Sorrows Furnace

in WvW

Posted by: Jan.4830


Have to commend Sorrows Furnace for an amazing defence of Cliffside in the SF borderlands.

Took 4 hours of INTENSE seige, hell lot of dying, hell lot of repair bills to take it. (for a short while before it got taken back by you guys)

To the commander who defended it: Holy hell, Arrowcarts, arrowcarts everywhere.

Yaks Bend Alliance