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The Minstrel 2.0 (Mc-whatever will never be able to hold a candle to Maklain the Minstrel) and Job-hobo-tron remind me of Bulk and Skull from the original Power Rangers. A comedy side-story that gets directly involved in problems.
Problem is, Braham and Rox is also a comedy routine, as well as Motto, and lets not forget Faren.
I agree with this 100%, I really do enjoy Braham and Rox, I think ANet have done an amazing job with both of them. However, as pointed out there are a lot of characters who just don’t seem totally serious, like everything is a joke or a laugh and it seems really off.
I feel they need to switch their current approach, from mainly funny and a few serious characters, to serious characters and situations and a few funny moments to ease tension.
Incinerator and Predator are some uber-leet Iron Legion prototype weapons.
Frostfang is a corrupted axe of some icebrood bigwig who had it shaped after Jormag.
Kudzu might be another weapon made from and by the Pale Tree herself, similarly to Caladbolg.
Kraitkin is more than likely to be a staff of a high-ranking member of the Oratuss – if not an actual Prophet (possibly DSD corrupted then).
Rodgort (Trogdor) was a dragon or a demon, and there was a skill named after him in GW1. The torch that was created in his image could actually hold his essence/power.
Juggernaut might be related to the Colossi.
Quip, Moot, and the Dreamer… ugh, the less said about them, the better.
Rest are too vague to make an appropriate guess.
On Quip, Scarlet was using a single/double set of Quips in her playhouse against the player, I think it was in the pirate zone where she used dual pistols to inflict bleeds in an AoE cone infront of her.
With that said, can we say they are Legendary because Scarlet is using them and she is now a major character in the current lore?
Would it be because it is a controversial topic within the Norn?
Some see it as a beacon of hope and that the Norn will eventually be able to take back their old hunting grounds. While others see it as a trophy of a failure?
I remember hearing two female Norn talking about the tooth of Jormag and how it was silly and pointless to bring back a trophy of prey you could not kill. (Paraphrased)
The other Norn replied something along the lines of her Grandmother dying in a fight against Jormag/Jormag’s minions and that it was a much more honorable thing to do.
So even though to everyone else it was seen as a great thing, an Elder Dragon injured by a single man! It is still seen by some as more of a trophy of a failure so is not normally discussed?
I really do feel like people who didn’t or havn’t played GW1 just don’t understand how much time and effort went into trying to fill out the Hall of Monuments.
The money required for the Minis, Weapons, Armor, Follower Armor and then the titles. Guild Wars 2 is honestly easier in this regard. It is so much easier to get a full armor set, or to get the weapons you want (including Legendary weapons, excluding the whole one time event weapons however).
I guess I just see it as a way to reward those players who have stayed loyal to the brand and product, they have played for atleast a couple years in Guild Wars and then came on over to support Guild Wars 2. I personally don’t have 50/50, I think I am around 27/50 last time I checked.
I can see how it can be upsetting if you havn’t played the first game and it seems like veteran players are getting more and more, but it is due to the years they have put into the first game. They certainly did not sit back and do a few easy things to get to 50.
As someone said 500 points is equal to doing dailies for a month and getting a monthly too. Which actually isn’t too much. Yes, if you are trying to be competitive in Achievement Points then it can be annoying to see, but if you are really trying to be that competitive you should know that you are only 500 behind the top scorer? Otherwise it is another factor?
There must be an event which triggers here which causes Bandits to completely swarm the entire Seraph camp, but even when the event is not active the respawn rate of the bandits are at a mega high, constantly killing the NPCs.
It makes the whole camp kind of useless, especially when you use the Waypoint there and are immediately put into combat from one of the many bandits.
(This problem has been here since September 2012)
In my personal opinion I really do believe that Cantha was by far the best part of the Guild Wars universe. I really enjoyed the theme set out in front of us, from having Assassins which were an amazing addition to my all-time favourite profession of any game the Ritualist it was by far amazing.
It was the only real expansion where there was really any player choice which effected gameplay, along with the amazing diversity which was seen with the whole Luxon/Kurzick history.
I was incredibly excited to make a heavy Canthan themed character when Guild Wars 2 came out. I admit I was a little disappointed when creating a character that I couldn’t choose where my heritage came from and then a little bit disappointed again when the only district to be missing was the Cantha one.
(We clearly have the Elonan, Krytan and Ascalonian districts)
Cantha would be a great place to take us in the future.
We could enter Cantha during a civil war or uprising against the Emperor as citizens want to expand beyond their borders because of over-crowding, or that because an Elder Dragon is rising or has awakened in the region it causes a civil war as people want to call the aid of the heroes of Tyria as stories of the defeat of Zhaitan spread far. Or maybe even have the Tengu want their homeland back so travel to Cantha with the aid of the other races to re-take their heritage and rightful place, sparking the start of a war.
There are so many great ideas which can be adapted and put forward. So many areas which we could be exposed to, like fighting through city streets and rooftops, to the sewage systems and Jade Sea.
I really think the Human race in Guild Wars 2 needs this diversity. The other races have clear diversity within them (The Collages you clearly hear about constantly, the different Legions are easy to tell apart from afar, the different Spirits of the wild and finally the time of day Sylvari are born) where from a distance you are able to tell how the races split apart into further sections.
The Humans make it incredibly hard as all over the city everyone looks the same. Nobility, Commoner and Street Rat all look the same and it becomes hard to really distinguish.
Personally I have found the Human lore to be rather weak/watered down in Guild Wars 2, adding something like Cantha would really strengthen this.
(Sorry for the long babbling text which probably went in circles by the way)
You guys do understand that this wasn’t an oversight on ANets part, right?
This was a decision, you are buying the armor for the looks, not for the stats. You are meant to be noticing that T3 gear is not appropriate end game gear by itself and going and getting the appropriate gear another way.
A way to put it. Go farm dungeons/do dungeons and earn the rewards to buy that armor with end-game stats. You then spend the money you earnt from the dungeons/farming to go out and buy the T3 armor. You transmute the T3 onto the end-game gear to get your desired look.
I have also got to disagree with the pricing. I have not yet got a single part of the T3 armor and yes I do want it. But it is a rare thing. You don’t see everyone running around in it, lowering the price will make it just another casual bit of armor and it will lose the meaning.
I see the Skritt as the ‘fourth wall’ breakers of the game.
Have you noticed that all the things they find “Shiny!” are all really dull in-game wise, but to us they are all shiny because we can interact with them?
So no, they should stay an NPC race, both as a joke race (Finding what they say/do funny as their actions are comical) and as a fourth wall breaker.
Care to elaborate on this? They just seem like a newly freed race which is xenophobic due to past events. So…
Not sure if serious. Winning an event mini-game is serious stuffz guyz.
What makes sPvP or WvW so different?
The fact they are competitive?
WvW you get experience, loot, titles, achievements and realm bonuses.
sPvP you get titles, achievements and armor.
Costume Brawl is casual PvP if that, it is literally just a mess around. If you want to make it competitive you can whisper friends/guildies and set up your own tournaments with your own set of rules (E.g. No one is allowed to use _ costume etc)
I can see why they should include Cantha in future expansions and why they shouldn’t include it.
Honestly I would love to see the return of Cantha. It is the only other known Human Empire to still be around.
It has rich lore which can be played into an expansion, the xenophobic Emperor trying to keep the 5 (Possibly 6 with Tengu) races out of his country/region while fighting a new Dragon threat.
The Tengu are demanding they are allowed to return, both to reclaim some of their more sacred home lands (I know they came from all of Cantha, Elona and Tyria but the refugees from Cantha are the ones who caused the alliance between the Tengu tribes) and to help defend it.
The Pact are trying to move in to eliminate another Dragon threat but are struggling as they are still clashing swords with Canthan forces at every turn.
This sparks an uprising within the region, causing a splinter group to smuggle/escort large groups of Tengu and Pact soldiers into the region to form a foot holding and help take the current Emperor off the throne.
(Is just one idea of how the story could work, that is leaving out all possibilities with the forest and jade sea.)
So it doesn’t make sense to me really that they would avoid it.
Maybe the Gargoyles we see in GW1 are just possessed statues? Maybe Gargoyles were always in the Mad Realm and we only saw them because they chose to take over the carved sculptures? Now we are seeing them without the statue form?
Or maybe they had a drastic model change? I have no idea, but it is interesting to see them flying out of the doors.
Its really strange but in the beta events I remember running into a small ‘arena’ of sorts in the Norn starting area (or maybe it was the person story I can’t remember) where you were put against others in this tiny ring.
Standing at the side is a Norn and a Charr (Or another Norn I was only listening, was an intense fight). I remember one laughing at the Sylvari, claiming that Sylvari arn’t strong, so they are no match for Norn and not a threat, the other then says that they are tougher than they look. The are as strong as a Human but there is nothing to break, you try to twist an arm or break an elbow and they just twist.
(Something along those lines)
It is rather easy to do if you have a spare character slot.
Create another character with the desired item.
Use a transmutation stone on the item you want with a useless item.
Then hop back onto the main character you want it on and use a second transmutation stone to get it onto the gear you want.
Probably didn’t explain it the best, but you can already do it following these steps. (It is how you can get Engineer stuff on a Ranger for example.)
Where does Dark Knight, Shaman, Samurai and Witch even come from?
I havn’t seen any of these names mentioned anywhere.
Just imagine your dove is this, also imagine that everytime David Attenborough ‘Dolphin’ he actually means ‘Player Character’, and there we have it! Guild Wars 2!
But seriously, there are birds that flap underwater to swim.
At the Ascalon Settlement, there is a monument dedicated to an ‘Unknown Soldier’, perhaps this might be the memorial to our Guild Wars 1 hero.
Came here to say this, but you beat me to it.
I was sure that the monument there was to our heroes who put them there 200 or so years ago (Which would be Prophecies characters)
I have yet to find a bug which has stopped me leveling/completing a map/carrying on with the personal story or ruined the game.
I mean there are bugs there, an event is stuck or NPCs take 10-15mins to start moving from a spot again, but apart from that I havn’t had much trouble, I must be lucky.
I doubt the Ritualist will come back exactly as it was, as it has basically been splintered into the Guardian/Ranger/Engineer.
As much as I absolutely loved the Ritualist I find it hard to see it making a return, unless it comes back as a Soldier Profession?
Summoning and using ashes to buff, do damage and spread conditions, possibly?
It would be nice to see it back, I would just love to see it back at all, even if it was just limited to NPCs.
As people have mentioned I am pretty sure they are aware of it and it has started on the 14th.
Tip: Sometimes clicking the ‘Next’ button unlocks the rest of the dialogue from others. So quickly read the initial text then click Next and you should be good to go.
lambofodd, where has it been said that it is going to be free? Because looking back at GW, EoTN was not free?
I don’t want to poo on anyone’s ideas, but I highly doubt that the Quaggarns or Skritt will ever become a playable race. The Skritt are just too dull when singled out and the Quaggarns are a docile race that takes a while to get angry.
Tengu are a certain, the Kodan I can kinda see making an appearance and I would like to see Hylek, although I doubt Hylek as they are seen as a ‘lesser’ race and I struggle to imagine them building a large city in a swamp.
So you want the Ritualist to make a return?
I am pretty sure in one of the betas there was an Asura in Rata Sum (found in the lower areas I believe) stood on a platform dancing with people cheering around him.
I am 100% sure it said under his name “Dance Vendor” or something along those lines, he seems to have been removed come release of the game, but it has always made me think that in the future new dances are going to be sold, either by the gem store (Getting a token and taking it to him) or another way.
I agree with a lot of what he talks about.
The one thing that didn’t really ‘click’ until there was a brief change, was the way conversations are carried out. 1 on 1 talking. It isn’t really a bad thing, but as he mentions it gets stale quickly and can often take you out of the pace of the game.
This was changed in some dungeons (Where characters would talk to others in the background as you played, if you wanted to listen you would need to move yourself closer. Very much a nice thing) and sometimes in the personal story when a cutscene takes place (Such as when you are introduced to your mentor when joining an order and especially a cutscene involving that said mentor at Claw Island).
I think every comment he made was valid and should be taken with consideration, but I have 100% faith in ANet to improve on this because when looking back at the original game, Prophecies was the worst when it came to story telling and it became amazing and engaging by Nightfall.
But they are incredibly dumb and dull-witted when alone, which means having Skritt who venture out and explore the world on their own (Putting them into the current Hero situation) will result in a lot of very stupid Skritt running about.
Also having this problem with cutscenes and scouts ever since the 14th patch.
I am having the same problem except it only seems limited to the Sylvari for me, even when out of the starting area Scouts remain silent also, this is only happening on a newly created character.
Having the same problem here! No audio and the mouth doesn’t move either, it is really strange (It is even happening for Scouts when I talk to them)
After the latest patch (I believe it was today’s patch 14/09/12 or yesterday’s) I seem to have run into a rather annoying bug when creating a Sylvari.
After creating a Sylvari cutscenes seem to ‘bug out’ as anyone other than my character is silent, the dialogue appears at the top as usual, but Caithe, The Healer and even Scouts after doing the starting area just do not say anything.
I have tested it with already existing characters and it works fine, I created every other race to see if it was a new character bug but it seems to be limited to the Sylvari.
I was wondering if anyone else has run into this bug, or if it is just me, either way it would be nice to get some feedback on it.
TL;DR Newly created Sylvari cutscenes fail to play the audio files and animations when it comes to anyone but the player’s character.
I don’t know about a race-change, but I would really like to be able to alter appearance and character name post-creation like I coul d in GW1.
Whats wrong with race changing?
Do you know how hard that is going to be? You have a personal story to consider and the intial choices.
Expansions will be coming with content packs, adding a race change feature will guarantee that bugs will be present as people start to get their previous race’s “DE Hero” talking to them as if they were still that race.
Either way, it is a huge thing to ask for with the personal story / world. How are you going to make those level 10/20/30 choices in the personal story? Especially the 10/20 choices which focus on your bio questions.
I am all for a character re-customisation, such as new skin tones, face, hair maybe even gender but race would be near impossible and would cause more problems than fix.