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[GW2][LFG][PvE][Aus] - Returning player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I am coming back to gw2 after a year break, I started playing when the game came out and enjoyed playing fractals when they were actually hard and learning to beat them when there was not enough AR gear in the game to prevent being 1 shot.

Im looking for a medium+ size guild based in Aus timezone with enough members that frequently complete PvE content, I run Meta builds and would be wanting to run with people who bring the same mindset. Im mostly focused on the raids that are coming and want to find a group of people with a competitive attitude to take them down with.

I can play 3 classes at a top tier level (engi/ele/war) who only need minor tweaks to ammend for meta changes since I left. If I sound like I would be a good fit for your guild, please message me here as I have a few questions.

Bring back instance owners

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I have done an Arah run with the OP.

It was a zerker only group with ping (which he enforced being the party leader)

He screwed up several stealth attempts, which didn’t get him kicked even though the group had an expected requirement.

What did get him kicked is saying “you can’t kick me I record all my arah run”

Your not getting kicked for being bad, your getting kicked for being a jerk AND being bad

LF Elite PvE Guild (Oceanic)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kazin.2073



Looking to join an elite, active PvE guild.

I mainly focus on fractals (30/40/50 dailies) and have alot of experience speed clearing dungeons.

If your guild runs high level fractals during oceanic prime time daily I will be interested in joining.

Send me some mail ingame if you have any questions – 90 AR / >100 shards / 13 Skins

MadCast Gaming [MCG] [SoR]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kazin.2073


May I join your guild?

Pristine Fractals Useless

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Patrikan carm down. With the amount of bugs in the game when you did it, it wasnt really that hard haha. Try doing it now, its alot harder then it used to be

Mancleaver - ridiculous DPS build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


“Real men don’t need no toughness”

*Puts 30 points into the toughness tree"

How do I put this?

How are Rifle Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


They’re a better Ranged class than Ranger lol. Longbow is far more useful than Ranger’s and Rifle is a single-target obliterator.

Yeah man, that 900 range absolutely destroys the ranger’s 1500 range. God its not even close.

ACP1 Full Solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


People need to understand that ranged dps is simply not sopost to hit as hard as melee. Were you looking at his utilities? Dodge rolls, damage stability. That is all he had.

He dies in a few hits and has nothing but mobility on his GS + dodges to live while in melee range. How can other classes even begin to expect their damage to be the same from a distance with far better survivability (mist form, arcane sheild ect ect or 1500 range for rangers + their many evades)

People really need to understand warriors have some of the lowest survivability in the game, they just see videos like this of someone who is able to correctly utilize dodge rolls to survive with high dps and think warriors are gods.

Go do high level FoTM out of every single class I cannot think of 1 that has less survivability then warriors. Its balanced, if warriors didnt do more damage then other classes there would be absolutely nothing left, low survivability, low mobility average team support. Thats it

trend I am seeing in Pugs... War's only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I’m sorry but your kind of missing the whole point. Warriors that run the full zerker builds are some of the highest dps in the game, but they have low survivability compared to alot of other classes.

Against content that is not particularly threatening you might as well run maximum dps group setups for faster runs. There is a reason you don’t see LF2M FoTM 40 Full zerker Warriors only .

Its not that warriors are too strong, that build is balanced by its lack of survivability, its that the path’s are imbalanced.

With that being said….

You wouldn’t see the same treatment of warriors in sPvP situations. That is reserved for the likes of theif/mesmer/ele. Gotta look on both side of the fence before calling for nerfs

FoTM Weapon Skins

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Another bloody fractal rifle… seriously?

(edited by Kazin.2073)

FoTM Weapon Skins

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Something about this system needs to be fixed.

I have three 80’s

War: Axe+Warhorn/Longbow
Guard: GS/Scep+Focus
Mesmer: GS/Sword+Focus

I’m up to fractal 70, I have earnt almost 100 pristine fractal relics with a lot of them from higher level fractals.

Yet out of my 15 fractal weapon skins I am only using two of them across my three accounts, fractal focus and fractal warhorn. Its an absolute joke that after 15 fractal weapons I am only using two off-hand skins.

I have got:
Mace x 2
Hammer x 2
Rifle x 3
Dagger x 2
Shortbow x 3

Can you please introduce a way for me to obtain my desired items. Ive seen people who are up to fractal 20 with my most desired skin (Axe) yet at fractal 70 and over a hundred dailies I have very little to show for it.

Reason I don't use Berserker's Ammy in SPvP.

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Excellent contribution

Requesting advice on high FoTM Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kazin.2073



I main warrior and have a few questions are viable guardian builds specifically for high level fractals.

From what I know, this is what guardians bring to the table: (If I’m missing anything please let me know, its what im here for)

Greatsword 5 – AoE pulls
Staff 5 – Wall for better control of packs on monsters
Wall of reflection
Sheild of the avenger
Ageis for party members
Full heal on tomb of courage

Areas that the guardian is weak in:
Ranged dps
Melee dps
AoE dps

With this in mind, I put together a build for guardians without knowing too much about the class.;TIAg0CnA

(As always copy the link in dont click it)

10/0/0/30/30 – Zerker armor – GS/Secpt+Sheild

Main ideas behind the build:

Vit/Toughness loses almost all value at higher fractals for all classes, so might as well go maximum damage. Would something like full clerics be stronger? Is guardian ranged dps still useless with even full zerker?
Guardian’s strongest utility is their reflects so uptime on said reflects is maximized.
In high level fractals all classes must range the majority of the time, so investing into dps traits to improve a weapon of low dps (scepter) would not be worth while.

Main traits I’m very unsure on:
Might for party just looked useful
The two traits invested into the AoE regen from the virtue also looked useful, not 100% sure if they are the best use of points

Obviously this build can be improved upon, please tell me how.


Vitality Tree needs some work.

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I got a few
5- Take no damage, ever
15 – Deal 1000% Additional damage while health is above 1
25 – Increases magic find by 1000%

Ok maby they are a little OP but not as crazy OP as some of the suggestions being thrown out there.

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Ok, I’m going to attempt to explain healing surge vs signet.

Signet = ~200hp/sec
Healing surge = 260hp/sec (full bar) 166 hp/sec (non full bar)

This is where it gets tricky. In high level fractals, I will often die before I get a chance to pop my healing surge. Examples include:
Most common form of death: Agony
Direct damage sources that 1 hit you: Charr level humans 1 hitting you with charge or multi mages using their fire attack on you.
Direct damage sources that dont 1 hit you: IF you can get away after the first blow without taking additional blows, then you have a chance to pop healing surge. It is stronger then signet. Often you will down before getting the chance. That is also assuming that you dont take additional damage while your vulnerable casting your heal.

Direct damage sources that do less then a full healing surge: You have a choice to make, get your heal on cooldown for 30s OR not benefit from the hp/sec until later. Signet is always working away 100% useage, healing surge will never get 100% useage, so the value of 280hp/sec is not really accurate as it needs to come off cooldown, you need to have taken enough damage to justify using it and you need to put yourself in a position where it is safe to do so. These factors vary from fight to fight but I found the higher my fractal level got, the small this number was.

I used to run healing surge. Its good. I wouldn’t judge a warrior for running it. BUT in high level fractals, when you make a build, you don’t make it for the easier content, you think of what will work best for the most difficult content and is still viable for the easier stuff. On boss fights, you get 1 hit. Its pretty clean cut. Now you shouldn’t be screwing up and getting 1 hit, but it happens. When you get resed, you have no adrenaline and you in a situation where you need the heal. You only will recive a 5k heal and you will gain no further healing for 30sec. So you will gain 166hp/sec and not have 100% uptime for reasons previously mentioned. So when this happend to me, it got me thinking, and I can conclude signet provides more healing then surge for the difficult content of fractals.

All of this ignores two other points.
1: That the signet can be activated for an additional heal which provides 166hp/sec if kept on cd (The same as if you had an empty bar). Using the signet has its time and place and if performed correctly can be extremely useful.
2: Not casting heals = more time casting attacks = more dps

TLDR: Too often I die while trying to cast the heal and too often ive been forced to use the heal while at 0 adrenaline.

How are Warriors PvE dungoen wise?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Warriors = best class in game for pve content.

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


For high level fractals warbanner is beyond a must have. Mentioning lyssa runes isnt really a good example are orbs are a far better choice for dps. The ability to res a person who’s downed body could be in a really dangerous area from a distance in an AoE is beyond powerful. Im going to start listing examples:

Someone downs near a tenticle at jade maw
Someone downs trying to return to the fire after the blizzard boss 1 torch level
Someone downs trying to run past the monsters from the 1st boss to the 2nd boss – same for running through jade maw trash
Someone dies in grawl final boss- aoe around them or not still important to get them up before they are hit by another agony
Charr – Resing vets is super OP and if removed I would consider balanced
Azure – Resing someone downed by harpies before they knock them off the edge
Old Tom in azure – Resing someone so your able to put the gem in or active the fan because they died ontop of it or resing them quick so they can do their role in the poison removal
Dredge – Resing someone who is downed by the final boss before another attack will defeat them (and also so you take less time keeping the boss in 1 place as opposed to lureing to next lava spot aka less chance of superheat going down and healing)
Cliffside – You wipe on the seal stages by being overwelmed, say 2-3 people go down at the same time, your group doesnt have the dps to rally them. Someone runs out to hit seal and dies either in the lava or amungst the monsters on the arm seals

In every single fight people can be defeated, simply using a warbanner to res them quickly is a viable option but the above examples show the “extreme” need for the aoe, ranged “quick” res that warbanner provides. The res from the warbanner alone destroys the small boost of personal dps the signet of rage provides. With this build you already have 100% uptime on fury and swiftness. I would give up 50% uptime on 5 might (2.5 might of average) for an aoe res every 3min. This is ignoring the huge dps boost the warbanner provides to the party. Additional features that are forgotten include swiftness and stability. All around it is an unbelievably strong spell, one of the best in the game, signet of rage does not come close in a high level fractal setting. Remeber, it only takes 1 person being defeated to result in a wipe. The banner trait is a no brainer. The power trait is decent, but doesnt come close. Warbanner trait: Using warbanner more often = amazing, banner of disc having 100% uptime = amazing. Remember its not there just for regen and prec/crit dmg .People pick it up and use the aoe swiftness, fury and combo finisher. I often coordinate droping a fire feild with longbow F1, having two people use the banner combo finisher and using longbow 3 in it as well for 9 might on the entire party.

The aoe radius of banners is 900, there are very few fights where groups members often leave its radius. Best way to describe that to you. If you were on one edge of the circle your killshot would not make it to the other end. With stacking regen resulting from either boon duration or additional sources (Eg other classes) The regen boon will stay up on all people at all times expect a very few specific fights.

Balance advice for Devs 101 (GIVE & take)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazin.2073


No idea why so many people get caught up on fractal gear. You only need to do 1-2 fracs to get a mist drop which is the only “Fractal only” item you require to craft the back piece.

The rings would take longer to get but the stat upgrades are not worth mentioning. I’m shocked there are tears shed on this issue when you still have game-breaking problems such as culling in WvW

Vitality Tree needs some work.

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Your suggestions are way to much. The major traits are some of the strongest straits available to warriors (In a PvE context). The static bonus of +30% boon duration is also strong.

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


To say those that use WB are missing the point is so wrong its not even funny. In so many situations a WB will prevent a member of the party from being defeated which makes a HUGE difference to a boss fight.

What else would you use? Signet of rage? It has 50% uptime (more with boon duration) of swiftness fury and 5might. I already have 100% uptime on fury so thats useless. Warbanner is 5 might and fury and swiftness for the entire party with 30% uptime instead of the same for only yourself with 50% uptime.

So ignoring the res, which is a very strong feature of it, warbanner is significantly more dps then signet of rage 30×5 = 150 > 50. Let alone the AoE res that you can perform from a distance. So often someone will go down inside of an aoe or in a bad situation where its dangerous to attempt to res them, warbanner can save multiple people taking additional damage as well

I’m sorry but your completely missing the point.

How is my build low dps? I give up 100 power and 200 precision – the traits in those trees add very little dps except the +10% dmg one for 30% boon duration and better survivability for the entire team. So i would do 85% of the damage of a full glass cannon warrior and all of a sudden im “low dps”? Your so far off the mark its not even funny. Guardian support is strong, but a guardian’s dps wouldn’t come remotely close to 85% of the DPS of a full glass cannon warrior. Just wrong on all accounts

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Hey bean, I find I am rarly downed for 7sec to ever pop veng. Either I am revive, rallied or defeated. Even if I can pop my veng and kill a target there is a chance I would res anyway. I think its a little weak for fractals

Hammer & Longbow Fast Hands Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


When I saw hammer/longbow I was like out out of here. But it looks pretty stong in the context of dungeon vets (Aka stuff without defiant)

Would provide good utility and cc and support. Although on a boss fight this build is weak and for that reason I would not run it.

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


The 20% crit dmg and 9% crit chance is very strong.

Can a bleed warr PvE properly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Here is the difference, you have 70% condition duration on bleeds that do less then HALF as much damage as a condition duration build.

Most of that is wasted due to rounding down.

As a condition damage build you lose 70% crit damage but its gain more for each point then a crit damage build. Just look at the numbers or go to mists and compare how much damage a single shot does. Count it if you need to. Its not even close.

Can a bleed warr PvE properly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Any direct damage build would only get 10-20% condition duration from the strength tree. Condition duration scales down, so this will result in +0s-1s duration on most of your bleeds. (Eg 6sec from rifle x 10% = 6.6 = 6sec still) It only becomes strong when your stack it alot. It certainly doesnt do anywhere near as much for a direct damage build as crit damage does for a condition damage build (it has the same power, higher crit chance)

This is correct. Bleeds don’t always get to finish, so in some situations where a fight lasts less then say 10sec (its a guess not entirely sure) berserker builds will do more dps then condition damage builds. Does it really matter? How important is a fight that lasts only a matter on seconds. I’m more worried about the long boss fights.

Condition clearing is very very uncommon in pve. I do only fractals and there is no condition clearing from bosses in there at all. What there is plenty of is protection boons and high armor targets. In both these situations condition damage builds surge ahead even further due to the large hit zerker builds take.

1 point to make. While a target can die and bleed dps is lost, is does have a benefit. What if you go down? After you go down your dps on the target is still solid for a few seconds, this allows rallies to occur far more easily.

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


1.) When melee is available axe does significantly more damage then sword. In a range only situation I would swap to rifle/longbow for maximum damage. Now in the very fight specific situation of using longbow only and swapping to sword ONLY for the sword 2 ability for mobility, I can see that being useful. But in any situation where your hitting your target axe does significantly more damage so the sword does not come close

2.) The 10s of vigor is very strong. I do use endure pain, its situational. Endure pain doesnt save you from an agony attack but additional dodge rolls will. I do not expect to convince you why healing signet is better but I guess its more of a personal preference.

Zerker stance is 25sec CD 10sec of vigor compared to Endure pain 6 sec of vigor 90 sec cooldown. The on use of effect of it is only useful in some situation (and I swap to it in those situations)

3.) I don’t understand this at all. Your basically saying because I put regen on the entire party for 170hp/sec that I MUST put 30 points into defence for the +300healing? So what my banners will heal for 200hp/sec instead of 170? Thats not really worth 30 trait points.

4.) Signet of stamina does not stack with vigor, due to my high vigor uptime it would not do anything. Balanced stance is strong when stability is required and I do use it. For great justice is amazing. Might scales extremely well with dps, your also forgetting the fury. 105power + 20% crit for 5 people is really strong.

5.) I don’t take mobile strikes, double check the link. I take vigorous shouts

6.) By using clerics amulet I could push my banner to heal 130hp/sec more for a total of 300 hp/sec instead of 170. My dps is very high, it is not worth losing most of it for 170hp/sec for the party. Some classes can make strong use of clerics gear, banner warriors are not one of them.

7.) You need to explain, what traits are you taking with the 20/30 str/arms? You gain 100 power and 200 prec, which is really strong, dont get me wrong. The traits you pick up just are not strong enough to justify it. You mentioned earlier its worth spending 30 points into defend for 30hp/sec for the party but when I spend 30 points into tactics for 170hp/sec for the party you feel that is not worth it? let alone the other traits in the tactics tree being far superior to anything in the defence tree

The traits in the defence tree are weak. This build would perform at least 85-90% of the damage of a 20/30/0/0/20 build but would also bring 170hp/sec to the party, condition conversion, bigger radius of banners with higher uptime due to shorter cool down and additional boon duration. Boon duration = longer might stacks = more power and more uptime on fury.

Why would you take a 10/0/30/30/0 warrior over say a full clerics support healing mantra mesmer? They heal significantly more, they can keep up regen (though its alot harder) they bring reflects, timewarp and better survivability. Instead I do almost as much dps as a 20/30/0/0/20 build while brining a strong amount of support to the group.

Can a bleed warr PvE properly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


It does scale with other stats
Direct damage = power prec crit dmg
Condition dmg = Condition dmg prec condition duration (Prec is there because 33% chance on crit to bleed and sigil of earth) two critical parts of a bleed build.

This is only partly true. While one could argue that condition damage does scale to some extent, it does not scale to the same extent power/crit/prec do with each other. While precision does cap out eventually, it has a much higher ceiling for power/crit based builds then it does Sigil of Earth centered builds, all while crit damage and power can be stacked infinitely.

- Condition duration is not a real stat. Traits and sigils/runes are your only source of condition duration, it does appear naturally on gear and therefore limits how much of it that can be stacked.
- Sigil of Earth has a 2 second ICD, which means precision becomes useless relatively quickly for SoE-based builds. Not to mention that even if SoE didn’t have an ICD, precision would still scale substantially better for Pwr/Prec/Crit builds because the value of precision as a stat is highest on berserker pieces due being directly affected by both crit damage and power.

Now if they would just let damaging conditions naturally crit and perhaps up the coefficients on con damage a bit, I don’t think there would be such a huge disparity between scaling.

While condition duration does not appear on gear. It scale sooooo much better then anything else. Condition duration is the same as crit damage, % for % with the following assumptions: 100% crit chance and the bleed finishes duration. Now 100% crit is not realistic so as it is lowered condition duration is MORE beneficial then crit damage.

Let looks at some sources for condition duration for bleeds: Traits (50%) runes (15%x2) Strength tree(0%-30%)

Imagion if there was a trait that added 50% more critical damage, how insane does that sound? Well the bleed trait is better then that unless your 100% crit chance. It is clear that condition damage/precision/condition duration scales better then power precision crit damage. Remember, you don’t lose any power for going rampage items, you actually have a higher crit chance with rampages as precision is its main stat. So you still get same power, higher crit chance and lower crit damage. So your direct damage is likely to be 70% that of a berserker (you will have 50% passive crit dmg + ~30crit dmg instead of 109 crit dmg) in the direct damage department. Let alone how hard bleed scales ontop of that.

Now, I understand your point for crit chance on sigil of earth. Your missing the trait 33% chance on crit to cause a bleed which does not have a cooldown. This scales perfectly with crit chance. There are also additional benefits to crit, such as food procs (onnomberry ghosts) 30point talent in arms are two that I commonly use.

They don’t need to let bleeds crit, they are already many fold stronger. I crit 800 with my rifle with bleed spec, with berserker I achieve around 1200, the difference is I get 130 bleeds instead of 60 and they last twice as long (12sec for rifle 1 bleed). Let alone how well the sigil scales.

Sigil of fire is ~1k damage every5sec
Sigil of earth is ~(5sec bleed duration x 2 condition duration items x 130 bleed ticks) aka 1300 damage every 2sec. This is ignoring the 30% proc chance on fire and 60% proc chance on earth

The trait 33% chance on crit to cause bleed is very strong as well. There is simply no trait available for berserker that matches the dps benefit.

The traits scale better, condition duration scales ALOT better. (Think of food, there is +40% condition duration food available, you don’t see +40% crit damage food, not that it would be as good either)

Bleed rocks

Let's fix the rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


You’re not reading the whole thread. Warriors are fine in sPvP as I showed on my videos. HOWEVER, the true problem is Rifle gets out-classed by Long Bow and/or GS. Hell even Axe/Mace is better than Rifle.

And a “nobody” who doesn’t fight good players telling me that Thief is better than Warrior is just sad. Come back to me when you can actually prove jack because the only thing you proved is you’re a low skill casual who gets rolled by Thieves 24/7.

In-fact, I’ll tell you the difference between Warrior and Thief. Warrior plays the “carry” role much harder because Warriors put out team fight DPS better than Thief. This all makes sense if you actually tried to get good at this game, which you didn’t.

And you know why I say this? Warrior has higher AoE damage out-put and HB cleave on downed foes. The moment a Warrior downs you, its hard to get back up. Too bad simple-minded players like you can’t tell the difference between Thief and Warrior though.

And if you’re wondering where’s my proof? Scroll up. Kid.

Comparing a ranged weapon to melee weapons shows how close minded you are on the topic. If you need to release some nerd rage do it somewhere else please.

Fellow Banner Warriors, Rally to Me!

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Banner of disc:
90 Prec 10% crit dmg 170hp/sec can be picked up for fury swiftness – takes 1 utility slot

I’m sorry but no shout comes close to that much usefulness for 1 utility slot. Also remember banner traits effect your elite banner which should be used at all times except puzzles and soloing

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I’m up to frac 53. I’m alot less squishy then you suggest. I have high vigor uptime. Agony 1 hits you, no amount of toughness or vit will save you from that. You avoid it with dodge rolls, so vigor is a strong form of survivability.

More dps = faster rallies and boss fights dont take as long so they use less agony attacks, so I increase the survivability of my party with additional dps. Its a matter of correct positioning and strong use of dodge rolls. Through the use of omnomberry ghosts higher crit = more hp/s

They heal 340
With bow I hit 1.6 times per sec with a 70% crit chance.

0.7×0.66×340x1.6 = 240 hp/sec regen from food
Healing signet = 200 hp/sec regen
Banner = 170 hp/sec regen

Health regen is stronger then direct healing as you down often enough from agony. I die just as often as the guardians in my team. What make you think toughness is useful in high level fractals? Also whats your fractal level? You may not have experience with 1 hit kill agony mechanics.

Let's fix the rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Warrior is weak in SPvP is buffing the rifle the way to address this? Not a chance

Rifle scales better then Berserker gear. I cannot achive 3.4k dmg per shot with my rifle with direct damage but I can with condition damage. Your simply wrong saying the class scales better with direct damage.

Once again, going into sPvP and failing with a rifle has nothing to do with the rifle. Warriors are just weak in PvP by design. Thieves are a much better choice then warriors and its not because of the rifle skills. The key issue is their lack of disengage ability. Once a warrior is in, they are in. Can’t reset the fight. Look at the other strong classes, ele, theif, mesmer they are all able to reset a fight quite easily. Unless your suggesting you slap a stealth or leap skill on the rifle it will not fix any of that.

Fellow Banner Warriors, Rally to Me!

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Banners are fine. They are stronger then something like say shouts which are mobile (Aka come with you) so its balanced that they need to be picked up if you move around.

The on use effects are strong, and spending time using them is fine. Banner’s are not designed for a highly mobile fight, such a skirmishing in PvP, not every skill is ideal in every situation.

Banners are strong, no issues.

Can a bleed warr PvE properly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I used to play Sword/axe too and went the condition road, however Conditions have so many downsides it is painful.

you probably think conditions deal more damage than direct damage because it has to tick over time to do the damage right? At least in most other games it was this way.. no wrong with similar weapons conditions deal about the same damage as direct damage option

Conditions doesnt scale with other stats.. while critdamage benefits from power conditonsdamage dont.

CD doesnt do any good against yellow objects.. well critdamage or pricision wont too but when you go the critroad you most likely have more power than you would as conditioner

Bleeds can be capped at 25 stacks wich happens in Events or if you have 2 other conditioners in your party so some damage might be lost… same with burning if you got a elementalist or eng in your party. The weaker burning delays the stronger one.

Tag mobs in events with conditions can be problematic if they die before some ticks oocured you wont get any reward.

Some bosses have buffs that reduce the effect of some Conditions on them and some Bosses can remove conditions due to different abillities. And some Bosses can heal themself when a condition is applied…

Last but not least you wont know how much damage you deal unless you do complicated math. If you crit you see immediately “ok That was a 5k crit” to see what damage your condition do you have to calculate it.

Condition damage does do more then direct damage for bleed warriors.

It does scale with other stats
Direct damage = power prec crit dmg
Condition dmg = Condition dmg prec condition duration (Prec is there because 33% chance on crit to bleed and sigil of earth) two critical parts of a bleed build.

The bleed cap is an issue. But it doesnt cause to many problems unless you have three bleeds in the party, two is fine.

You tag mobs just as easily, tagging is more of a weapons feature then a bleed/direct damage feature. Some bosses have condition removal your right. They are alot more rare then monsters/bosses with high armor. Bleeds dont get reduced by armor/prot boon where direct damage does.

The deal you deal is easy to calculate, hardly complicated. Number you see for the attack + Number you see for the bleed x Duration of the bleed.

Eg: With no condition duration stats: Rifle hits for 800, bleed ticks for 50. 800+50*6 = 1100 I know my bleed times just by playing the class. So i can do the math in my head during the fight, not that it matters much anyway

Let's fix the rifle

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I don’t get it. Rifle 1 with a bleed spec is the highest single target ranged dps in the game. Whats the problem?

With my build and gear I do 3.4k damage per shot. (Direct damage and bleed damage included)

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Its in the link, full berserker. All ruby orbs. I will edit the guide to be a little more clear. Thanks for the help

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073



Feel free to post after this

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073



Healing Signet: I will struggle to explain why this is strong to most people. So I will make it short. I feel too vulnerable casting Healing surge, the cool down to too long and often you will not benefit from it before you die these disadvantages only provide an additional 80hp/sec assuming your full adrenalin when you cast it which you often are not as you need heals when you take damage, usually in high level fracs when you take damage you down, there are out of adrenalin.

Slot 1: Covered this earlier
Slot 2: For Great Justice, easily strongest utility for warriors, Might and Fury for the entire party, hands down winner.
Slot 3: With traits Banner of disc grants permanent regen for the party in a large radius that stacks very quickly so members can leave the radius and continue to benefit from the regen. Also offers 90 precision and 10% critical damage. The benefits do not stop there. During a fight you (or any party member) can pick up the banner to grant AOE Fury and/or AOE Swiftness to the party, great for between fights or during. The “5” ability also is a blast finisher (The strongest type) and should be used where possible. Remember the use of the banner is not limited to yourself, smart party members will make use of its effects.
Elite Skill: Warbanner. I’m sorry there is no argument here, signet of rage is trash, warbanner is very very strong. Not even close. Don’t bother attempting to argue. All you 5 signet GS/Rifle warriors please stop.


Full exotic/ascended berserker. Power/prec/crit dmg
Runes: Ruby Orbs – best dps

This build will bring your party: A high source of dps, aoe condition CONVERSION, aoe might, aoe fury, aoe swiftness, aoe vigor, aoe precision and critical damage, regen, instant res and much more. This build is very strong in for PVE endgame content. If you have any questions or suggestions about the build please feel free to leave them below

(edited by Kazin.2073)

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073



You will be running two weapon sets
1. Axe+Warhorn/Longbow
2. Rifle/Longbow

With the following sigils:
1. (Fire or Strength+Accuracy/Fire or Strength)
2. Accuracy / Battle

Warhorn: First I need to touch on what condition CONVERSION is. This is a trait in the warrior tree that not only removes a condition from all effected players but other converts it into a boon. This can turn a bleed into regen, a invulnerability until protection ect ect. The war horn trait results in TWO AOE CONDITION REMOVAL abilities on a 15sec CD, I had to caps all that to communicate how strong that is to a party. This is very very strong, like I cant get over how strong aoe condition conversion is… let alone the other cool kitten the warhorn brings.

1. AoE Swiftness and immo/cripple/chilled removal. AoE swiftness is very strong as you cannot begin to clear until your entire party is present, so time saved in travel is as good as time saved in killing a monster due to higher dps. It also can prevent a party member from dieing while can cut several min off a run (something that you would struggle to achieve with higher dps). Examples of this include any jumping required as puzzles are easier with swiftness and particuarly swamp where you can dis-spell their snares and speed them up. Very strong skill, it also allows party members to better dodge attacks, examples include the wells from cliffside boss, bloomhunger? in swamp, final grawl boss, ect ect

2. AoE Weakness and Vigor. This is soooooooooooooo strong. Ok, ok weakness. Lets start with that. I don’t know the crit chance of monsters, but I’m going to assume its 20% just for this argument. This means that you reduce the incoming damage to your party by 40% for 6 seconds. This is a similar damage reduction as 2.5 sec party immunity to damage. THIS IS INSANE?!?. Perfect examples include the char level where the entire party takes huge damage from the crazy vets. Sooooo strong, and with a 15sec cooldown you can maintain an approximate 40% uptime, thats 16% damage reduction for the entire party on average. Just massive.

AoE Vigor…. so strong. The extra endurance for dodge rolls converts directly into reduced damage and can easily avoid party members going down. Common examples include char level with the vets or mass dredge monsters where each dodge roll represents a huge reduction in damage taken. Really strong examples include the dredge final boss where you must roll constantly to avoid his many mechanics where a small boost in endurance can easily mean the difference between 0 damage taken and entering a downed state.

All together you can see how strong the war horn is in reducing the damage the party takes and is well worth the slot in any warrior build.

Ontop of this Axe 1 offers the highest dps of any weapon 1 ability in the game. Ontop of this it contains three combo finishers and leaves the off-hand slot available for the warhorn. Most warrior use great sword and it is clearly the incorrect choice.

The first set is your primary set. When In melee keep warhorn 5 on cooldown for aoe vigor and weakness. Use your combo finishers inside of combo fields and take advantage of your insane dps from axe 1. Longbow is used as a strong source of aoe damage and single target dps from range when melee is too dangerous(Longbow 1 is more dps then Rifle 1). In some situations it is best to swap out the warhorn trait for the longbow range trait if its safer being an additional 300 range from a fight. That is your call.

For the second set (Rifle/longbow) you will utilize your 5 sec weapon swap cooldown trait to keep both rifle 3 and longbow 3 on cooldown to maximize dps. The rifle burst skill is also used is berserker stance is in use.

Kaz's Endgame PvE Warrior Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073



Thought I would share a bit of insight to the warrior class that I have picked up over time.

I personally have tried just about every build I have found, each with my own variations to optimize them. After alot of testing and research I have found a build that has the correct balance of personal dps and group support.

This build is designed for end game PVE content with a specific focus on high level fractals. Not only does it offer more damage then common PVE builds but it also brings many support elements pushing you to become the most useful member in most groups.

A link to my build can be found here:;TUAg0CnsyYkxkAA

This build is primarily designed for higher level fractals, as from my point of view, is the only content in the game you cannot beat by repetitively smashing your face into the keyboard until the boss is dead. As a result of this, the examples I will raise will be taken from my experiences in fractals

Before I go into depth about how the build works, I need to specify a few points that the website restricts me on.

1: For my 1st Utility slot I change it depending on the fractal. The most commonly used utility for that slot is Berserker Stance. Due to the Vigorous Focus trait I have high uptime on vigor with the long duration and shoot cool down of Berserker Stance. The Burst skill of choice is the Longbow for AoE or Rifle for single target. Keep in mind while this is the most common, I constantly change it so it could also be considered “situational”

This decision for this shot is simply made with the following questions:
Do I need a stun break/Stability? Yes > Balanced Stance
Will I attempt to melee large packs of monsters (Charr/dredge/krait)? > Yes > Endure Pain
Is it likely that I will be required to res a defeated player in combat? > Yes > Frenzy
Is the boss dredge final boss? > Yes > Throw Bolas
Do I not need any of the above? > Yes > Berserker Stance

(edited by Kazin.2073)

High level fotm question

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Obvious troll is obvious

Build: High-damage & team-focused dungeon/PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


At 40+ it doesn’t matter how good your group is. Warrior’s on the charr level can 1 hit you. You do have a point when saying there are better classes then a range only warrior, to a degree.

Doesn’t take away from the point that melee simply isnt viable at high level fractals as everything just hits far to hard

9% Crit Damage vs. 130 Condition Damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


While Longbow has burning your build lacks condition duration.

Crit is to crit damage as condition duration is to condition damage.

You need both sides to maximize effect and your currently lacking the condition duration to consider condition damage.

Its kind of the problem with ranged warriors. Rifle has bleeds and direct damage, bow has burns and direct damage, you kind of get half the benefit of each when using them.

Fan of Fire- Longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


You half answered your comment.

Your right, FoF is weaker then an auto attack… at long range. At close range it is another viable AoE skill on the longbow. Many fights you cant melee but your able to duck in a little closer for a single FoF.

I think its fine, its not built to improve single target DPS, look at the rifle skills for example, you only need 1, 3 and F1 on some builds, 2 4 and 5 all are not worth casting 95% of the time.

Build: High-damage & team-focused dungeon/PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I would also like to add, I run high end fractals and use two weapon sets.

Bow/Rifle and Axe+Warhorn/Bow

Bow/Rifle is the highest single target ranged DPS and I use it most of the time.

Axe+Warhorn is used on in infrequent occasions that I am able to melee. Some situations I use it when at range only as I have the 5sec weapon swap so I swap to warhorn, use to two spells, throw my axe then swap back to bow.

Build: High-damage & team-focused dungeon/PvE

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I like your build, its very similar to my own.

One point that I find you are 100% mistaken on is the great sword. Axe/Warhorn > GS both in terms of utility and damage. Swiftness on party > mobility from GS, AoE vigor is huge ontop of aoe weakness. The burst of axe isnt as strong as GS but the sustained DPS is far far superior to that of the GS.

TLDR: Axe/WH > GS otherwise decent build

High level fotm question

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Don’t lisen to this guy, he has no knowledge on high end fractals.

You need to have full berserker gear for high end fractals. Increasing your damage by 2-3 times is alot stronger then being able to take 1 more hit (from some sources, most will take the same number of hits to begin with)

You will be forced to use range more and more as the monsters hit harder, rely on correct positioning and dodge rolls for survivability

Frac - Dredge: Legendary Ice Elemental Agony

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I was just wondering if anyone know what the cue for the legendary ice elemental’s agony attack? I have had difficulty seeing it. Thanks

The Warrior is designed to fail?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


I swear most of the people that respond by going to and listing every warrior’s method of removing conditions have not actually played warrior in sPvP.

Yes you can remove a condition with warhorn + quick breathing. Go use that warhorn in sPvP and come back and tell me how awesome that was. Runed Shouts? Really? You will be worse off in all match-ups.

Seriously. Go use the builds you recommend. Here’s what will happen.

Against a condition build – You will survive longer against conditions. You will still lose though because you are equipped for less damage via weapons/utilities, and will not be able to put on any real pressure via lasting damage. You will also not survive indefinitely like a bunker build since warrior has very limited self-healing options. So you lose, but you lose slower.

Against a glass cannon build. You have a little more survival since you won’t be strait glass cannon, but your damage output it way worse. If you ever played this game in sPvP at all, you already know that damage stats far out-scale defensive stats (unless its protection/vigor or defensive cds like stealth, mistform, etc) So you lose here more too.

Against a bunker: you’re beyond screwed. You can barely pressure a condition build (most condition builds are innately tanky), so you absolutely can’t touch a bunker. They will just chip you down slowly as well like a condition build (slower, but its an inevitable win for them) Warrior, due to poor self healing options again can’t win. Most bunker builds will kill you, and end fight at full life.

And this is coming from someone who started hammer + axe/warhorn build with healing shouts in sPvP. I’ve literally tried every build i think, even the weird stuff like sword/mace. GS glass cannon was the last thing i tried since i did not want to be “another gs warrior” But once you play enough sPvP you realize that its currently the most optimal build. And can beat most glass cannons, you can kill a condition build or bunker build if you end the fight relatively fast before the conditions/self heals overwhelm you. Its not easy, but its not impossible. Some middle of the road build though just will not put enough pressure on a condition or bunker build to ever kill them. You will just survive longer but inevitably die.

Cause sPvP is everything? k…

What is warrior good at ? Absolutely nothing

in Warrior

Posted by: Kazin.2073


What are warriors good for? best PvE class. /thread

Changes to Infused Ring drop?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kazin.2073


Still looking for an answer bump