I used the search feature, but couldn’t find the answer. Did this system totally remove monthlies? If so, what happened if we weren’t capped on the achievement points for monthlies? Are we just out of luck?
Daily and monthly points will be merged, with a new 15k cap.
This will probably (though no guarantees) happen at the next patch.
Great, thanks for the quick reply.
I used the search feature, but couldn’t find the answer. Did this system totally remove monthlies? If so, what happened if we weren’t capped on the achievement points for monthlies? Are we just out of luck?
Just a heads up, the icons don’t appear right away (at least, not for me). Only when I got closed and triggered the conversation.
Spent 2 weeks moving and another several days deathly ill. I missed out on two weeks and am unable to get the title now. This is the first title for tournaments I will miss.
I know it’s not a huge deal, but I am disappointed with the way the meta achievement is handled this time.
What are your top three requests?
#1. The living story needs to be replayable. Similar to how you could replay WiK/WoC in GW1 on each character. If you guys (the GW2 writers/living story teams) never played Wik/WoC you should try it! I would be OK with never getting an expansion for GW2 if this feature was added. I think a lot of the living story thus far could be translated into instances. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t “make sense”; we could go back and play missions that didn’t relate to our particular story in GW, either, and people accepted it without issue. Such as the starting island missions for Cantha/Elona. Sometimes people just want to experience something again, and sometimes other people had real life commitments that caused them to miss certain aspects of the living story. The missing ability to replay the living story takes away from the general replay value of GW2.
#2. Using characters/lore/factions, etc. that are already established in game. I echo a lot of what others have said that it was frustrating when the Pact or Destiny’s Edge did just about nothing. I also kept waiting for the Tengu to send out some warriors to defend their land (seeing how it’s RIGHT NEXT TO Lion’s Arch), but the most I saw of the Tengu were a couple of archers that were towards the end of the story at the top of the wall. You can’t tell me they didn’t notice the aetherblade attack or Scarlet’s final attack in their backyard.
#3. I realize this post is mostly about the story aspect of the living story, but I have to say I was fairly frustrated with the rewards/achievements that went along with the living story.
Achievements: Every 2 weeks I felt like I was having to grind achievements for the sake of filling some achievement quota that was given to the living story team for that particular update. Some of those “run around to X different zones to collect X” were just not needed. Also, HAVING to do some of the dailies to fill the meta achievement was lame; there were a few updates where I couldn’t play until the last day or two of a living story and I missed the meta achievement because I couldn’t grind out those daily achievements.
Rewards: More ability to obtain rewards in game instead of having to use the gem store. Some of the weapon sets that were introduced with the living story were much easier to obtain in game than others, making it so some were hard to get without scraps from black lion chests. Why can’t finishing the meta give you a choice of 1 skin from the set?
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
Being able to stow in combat is my #1 want. IMO, we don’t need anything to make up for it (such as a buff, etc.). Anet wants Ranger to be a pet class and having a buff would mean we don’t have to be a pet class anymore. Which is OK, I suppose. But, we should still have the ability to stow in combat if needed. It would simply help with some of the mechanics in this game. I get so frustrated when my pet becomes a liability to a group or to myself.
For example (PvE content), right now in the living story content there are two different achievements which are MUCH harder to get on a ranger because our pets counts against them. If I could hide my pet in combat I wouldn’t be hindered and I wouldn’t have to consider bringing in an alt because my ranger is a headache.
I can give many more examples of a pet being a hindrance if needed.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Kilaelya.1420
My main is a ranger. The only class that HAS to have a pet in combat (it can’t be hidden). I swear I’ve dodged correctly for “No More Tricks, Scarlet”, but if my pet gets hit does that count against me? Like for the Canach mission?
I should probably just switch to a different character for this.
This is insulting. These skins were supposed to be some of the PvE end game rewards. Is this a joke?
I haven’t logged in since this patch went in today. I’m taking a break.
I’ll look into it!
Thank you so much! I’ve had this legendary for about 6 months and by now I can sometimes just tune it out…. most other times it’s still super annoying.
I really enjoyed GW1 armor. I’d like to see more armor like FOW, etc. Also, my ranger misses her druid armor.
On that note, wouldn’t it be nice to get some class specific gear?
Super Adventure Box Teaches Skills!!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Kilaelya.1420
Aw, that’s so cute!
I would actually made eternity if this is what it looked like.
Kudzu’s footprints need to be a different shade of green. Right now it looks like a puke green instead of a grassy green.
I changed the screen shot in my OP. I hopes this helps with all the suggestions that have nothing to do with this problem. There is also a post in the main forums about this problem now, too: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Where-s-my-birthday-present/first#post2697826
Sup Billy.
Yep, Charak is correct.
Regarding your birthday gift, if you started a character on the day the game came out then you should expect that character to receive the birthday gift in 2-3 days. The game released on August 28, 2012, so there are just a few more days to go before it will be 1 year from the day the game went live.
If you were in “headstart” when that character was made, then it would be 12 months old now, I believe. But perhaps Anet will begin granting the birthday gifts going by the official game release date and “headstarters” will get their gifts on that date just as with everyone else that started a character on day 1 of launch.
I am not trying to be rude, but re-read my post. All of my characters got their presents already EXCEPT for 1. That one being my very oldest character, the very first one I made.
PS: Billy Corgan is the name of my computer (the lead singer of the Smashing Pumpkins). I am female IRL.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
Thats not the birthday gift, everyone got the wxp booster
I am showing the absence of the birthday gift.
I just posted about this in the bug forums, probably the better place to put it. All my characters except for the very first I made (my main) got their presents.
My main character (my ranger) did not receive a birthday gift, however all my other characters did. Oddly, she was the first character I made out of the bunch. I’ve logged out/in, deleted all mail, etc., but have not received it. Screen shot attached with /age and mailbox as proof. I started at headstart. Anyone else have this problem?
Edit: Different screen shot for clarity.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
For the people who don’t understand why this is a big deal: Karma is important to some people. Even if karma isn’t important to you doesn’t mean it’s not important for others who play this game. There are still a lot of items that require it (e.g. obsidian shards).
This is totally our fault, we dropped the ball on this plain and simple. We planned to have this messaged ahead of time to be fair to everyone, communication broke down between those who knew it was supposed to be messaged, and those who were supposed to message it and it simply didn’t happen.
As game director this is ultimately my fault first and foremost, and I’m sorry for those who potentially lost some karma as a result. It is our policy to message these kind of changes ahead of time with lots of warning, I’ll do everything possible to make sure this doesn’t happen in the future.
I’d recommend not using your karma consumables yet, give us a day or two to try and see what options we have available to help mitigate the issue.
Thanks so much for posting! One of the nicest things I’ve seen lately.
Reduced the time to fail timer and increased the restart timer on the event to secure Shank Anchorage in the Cursed Shore..
Regarding the Chan event (which ties into these escort events being changed), this makes it harder for legit players doing this event. Champ jesters take out the Chan escort in the blink of an eye (especially because the NPCs can be targets of bombs). Is this a temporary change before re-doing this event? I was hoping the change would limit the amount of times embers could spawn (like on the champ giant event before Arah).
Well, these changes affect both Chan escort and Balth escort so it’s probably OK we talk about them both in this thread.
I cannot express how frustrating the last week has been since these changes have been made. NSP does a temple zerg everyday at server reset. We can’t do the Chan event together because we spawn at least two champ jesters right outside meddlers. The jesters put bombs on players and NPCs. Players may be smart enough to move away from the NPCs with bombs, but the NPCs sure aren’t. Nothing has been worse than watching an NPC with a bomb run over to a dead NPC to rez in the middle of the other NPCs… only to watch that NPC kill everyone else and fail the event.
Because of these changes to escorts myself a few others have had to do the Chan event PRIOR to our zerg showing up. We have to do this event with no more than 4 people to keep the mobs from scaling up. If people are sitting away from keyboard in Meddlers, it actually scales up the event because the first wave of mobs spawn right outside of Meddlers. To make this even more frustrating, I had one day this week where we successfully got Chan to Anchorage ~40 min before the zerg started, only to have a small group of people grief our efforts and kill the Champ/Eye/Wizard in front of Arah without our 5PM zerg.
Until NPCs can upscale with upscaled events (or some other change is made), please consider reverting the changes made to these events.
Something changed to the veteran subjugators. It’s those mobs that throw down the giant AOEs circles. Failed again just now because of those mobs. You can’t revive the NPCs during the Balth event.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
Previously, NPCs could die and their death would count towards a max number of deaths morale could have. Now, all NPCs health pools count towards “morale”, so if all the health pools are zero at once the event fails.
I’m not sure how it got missed in the patch notes, I know I wrote one. Sorry!
Previously, the event failed after X Pact NPC deaths. This meant that if you revived one of the NPCs, you could actually bring the event closer to failure if the NPC died again, so it was better to leave any dead NPCs behind and never revive them. It’s now based on the current total living Pact members, if they’re all dead at once, the event fails, but reviving the NPCs will cause the morale meter to rise. As long as one Pact NPC is alive, the event keeps running.
It’s OK, I’m glad to know the change was to fix another bug! However, this makes these escort events even harder now. It was previously more forgiving if the NPCs all wiped to an AOE in a few seconds. Now this is very challenging, especially to us on lower populated servers, because as you could see from the video above these NPCs are SUPER squishy.
I’m not sure what a fix to this would be. Other than changing the vets/champs with crazy AOEs or increasing the NPCs health (e.g. at least one of the NPCs being a champ/legendary). NSP tried many times last night and failed on the Balth escort event. We probably spent 1.5hrs on it. We couldn’t do the Chan event, either, as a zerg. We had about 4 people do the Chan event while everyone else was doing Grenth so the champ jesters wouldn’t spawn and kill the NPCs right outside Meddlers.
It seems Gandara EU have their temple captured… I’m now confused as to what is going on.
I’m just gonna guess this: medium sized zergs have the worst of both worlds. Big enough to spawn champs/extra mobs, too small to fully absorb all the damage for the NPCs. With a big enough zerg your could soak up the damage from those wells, because they probably only hit a max number of targets.
I have the same problem. I am missing two and have gone through all the locations at least twice. I gave up – I am waiting for the Kiel benefits of reduced waypoint costs. Porting around to all these buggy dive spots is expensive.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
Meaning that you agree it is a bug? Or it’s intended and just insanely hard?
I would guess it’s a bug. The patch notes only mentioned changes made to the risen nobles, iirc. The two veterans are a rise plaguebringer (the first one that died in the video) and a risen subjugator (the last one to die, I would assume that has all the AOES). If I count correctly there are 6 very large AOE circles on the ground when the pact dies in 10 seconds.
Edit: Also, the bigger problem is that this patch had a stealth change to how “morale” works. It’s most noticeable on the Chan event in Cursed Shore. Previously, NPCs could die and their death would count towards a max number of deaths morale could have. Now, all NPCs health pools count towards “morale”, so if all the health pools are zero at once the event fails.
In a game where there are no single target heals to keep NPCs alive this isn’t a challenge, it’s ridiculous.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
Here is a video someone recorded of the event failing as soon as it is started. I really wish we can get a dev response on this. I finally gathered all I needed for the mystic clovers and now I need to get the Obsidian Shards.
I was there on my guard last night. It might be hard for others to tell, but there were only TWO veterans alive (around :45 sec in) when you see all the red circle AOEs on the ground in the video.
The very last patch states :
“Performance : Fixed an effect loading bug”But for me it’s even worse than before.
I don’t have and SSD by the way but a regular SATA HDD.
Yeah, I just want to confirm I am still having the same long load times after this patch.
Hoping for new legendaries, personally. I want a shortbow, but not one that shoots unicorns.
It actually gave me a headache last night. It’s much easier to watch the video than experience the graphics on a full screen client.
Not a single world has the temple uncontested, risen vets AOE kills the morale extremely fast making this impossible to complete.;
Yeah, last night the NSP temple zerg tried several times to escort the pact from Rally Waypoint to the temple. Right out of the gate 2 veterans put down almost a dozen red circle AOEs EVERYWHERE and instagibbed the pact. I wish I had taken a screen shot.
While we’re at it. The changes made to how “morale” works really sucks. The chan event in Cursed Shore is impossible with a big zerg now. Two champ jesters putting bombs on people = instantly dead NPCs and a failed event.
Pretty trippy, man. I just need some good tunes to go with the show.
Btw, it has been like this since Tuesday’s update. The legendary priest isn’t as bad as the champion priest (as shown in the video).
It seems like it is mainly people who have an SSD. I have one and am getting much longer load times. Mostly in fractals.
I wish that all open world PvE zones were on one server with districts. Main towns/wvw can stay on individual servers as needed.
I’m not sure why GW moved away from districts. I thought it was a great idea in GW1. You could literally see everyone else who played the game.
I think we should wait and see what happens on the 6th.
I’m guessing more “content” which doesn’t really have an effect on the overall story and focuses on lockboxes.
So, you don’t think that Roxx and Braham will become part of a bigger story? I sure do. Many times now the people working on the story for this game have said everything in the living story is connected. What connects everyone more than the dragons?
Aetherblades and Zephyrites hint at Kralkatorrik and the Crystal Desert. Maybe some of the people that don’t see the point of these updates are missing the lore being introduced along with them? I thought the Zephyrite update was the most exciting part of the living story to date.
Huh? I guess I don’t see the big deal. The next update is for the year anniversary of GW2. Birthdays in GW (and a lot of other games) are a celebrated thing. Even if we are getting a celebration in DR, I’m sure the story will go on (Roxx and Braham are shown in one of the concept arts). I think we should wait and see what happens on the 6th.
ANet I believe already stated that they are working on ways to make lodestones more available. This obviously will lower their individual value by increasing the supply to better meet the demand.
Yes, to confirm with you they did indeed say that: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/T6-Dust-Crisis/page/7#post2193354
Who knows when that update will be in, but I would bet next week we will probably see more of them come into the market.
Better farm and sell them now.
Farming shelt/pen was how I met other players in my original server. It was good community building. But then they nerfed event after event, and I saw less and less of the regulars. I eventually transferred out.
So thanks Anet for splitting communities! Now let’s hope these changes will help solidify server awareness and unity outside of WvW.
So much this. I used to make friends with the other people farming. The nerfs to pent/shelter was really the last straw for the majority of the people who farmed Orr and the familiar faces went away. I am optimistic about the changes to champs – and hopefully it brings people back to Orr! It will be so much better than solo farming some random type of critters for their blood, claws, scales, etc.
I can’t wait for this update.
After a day of playing around with stealth on hunter’s shot… wouldn’t it make more sense if it were on point blank shot instead? Knockback that puts you into stealth, but at 900 range.
I’ll have to play around with hunter’s shot more, but I feel like I’ve lost a dps skill. For most of my open world pve fights I just use 1 and 2 now, even more boring than before.
NSP (Nothern Shiverpeaks) has a big PvE presence. Since last fall we has faithfully done giant temple zergs every day at 5PM PST starting at Arah. People from other servers guest to us to join in.
This is a really good idea; one that we’ve already talked a lot about. With templates, we’d want to give new players a few default builds to try instead of the one. Templates would also make highlighting other players’ builds much easier.
Templates! This game seriously needs templates.
We need this now. <3
So happy about the LB change. No mention about splitting pet dps between PvE/PvP, though?
MF is the biggest question for me from this blog post. I, too, have spent a lot of time and money (and laurels) on a 2nd set of armor with full MF. This includes ascended MF earrings, rings, necklace (with infusion), back piece, weapons and now 2 pieces of celestial armor. Will I get reimbursed for the time and money put into my gear? Should I even bother getting the rest of the celestial pieces? I hope we can get some answers sooner rather than later.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
I like Kiel as a character, but it’s too bad the Abaddon fractal sounds way better. Is there anything more the devs can tell us about Kiel’s fractal? Any appearances by something/someone specific? It sounds sub par now. By far.
(edited by Kilaelya.1420)
I want this option to right click on an NPC → Mute.
Currently bugged on NSP. First phase isn’t showing up. This has happened several times now.
I have to agree for the most part. I like this update more than the previous ones. The RNG type items are less obnoxious and are in a good spot now. The zone is beautiful and plays like a jumping puzzle. I like the music. The 2 new mini games are great (yay roller beetle racing). The content feels more engaging.
However, the lore has issues, I’ve had a lot of problems with some of the aspect skills, I sorta wish champions wouldn’t spawn in the marketplace (people just leave them alive), and personal peeve is that some of the audio has issues.
The song plays once an hour. On my server it starts ~5 minutes before the new hour. There are two parts that play independently and repeat every 10 minutes by “Summer” and a group of four Zephyrites. The rest of the song plays in order. I uploaded the song with the dragon lesson here: http://youtu.be/ni8ovR2LajM
There are a few problems with the audio:
1. One NPC’s vocals do not match the text bubble above her head.
2. One NPC’s audio cuts out and does not play in full.
3. I’m not 100% sure where Summer and the group of 4 go in the song. Because the rest of the NPCs sing only once an hour and in order, these independent parts should probably be the beginning/the end. After thinking this over quite a bit it seems the group of 4 could be the end continuing on for the NPC whose audio gets chopped off. Summer is also the only named NPC who sings this tune, so he seems like a good candidate to be the person to start it.