Showing Posts For Kirigato.7183:
How powerful they are and also fun
Is gw2 graphics good currently?If so how good is it?
What i meant was the profession and the elite spec not just the elite specs and btw u missed daredevil
Rank the profession including elite specs
For example when we slash the monster with a sword they would be a cut on the area u slash on the monster. Wouldnt it be cool and make it feel real?
(edited by Kirigato.7183)
I’m talking about the game itself and what can make me hungry and I really want to know what makes it fun so I don’t have to feel bored plyin it
A few friends around me quit and said that gw2 is boring. Recent i bought hot but im thinking what makes it fun?What motivation i can hv plyin the game. And what makes guild wars 2 fun and not boring im not talking about comparing the other mmos im talking about what makes gw2 fun
Can u guys rank them according to the level of awesomeness and fun
Which one these class are the most fun to play and what is their similarities and differences, pros and cons
oh thanks very much forgive my stupidness
i bought heart of thorns a few ago and i can see the beta test character slot but when i tried creating a beta test character during the final beta test i couldnt find the beta test create button all i could see was the normal create button
I just started playing pvp a week ago it’s really fun but I’m really bad at it are there any effective ways for me to improve other than playing pvp for a hundred hours per day
I cant create beta character until the beta test comes right?and when is the next beta test?
(edited by Kirigato.7183)
After i purchase HoT and type the code does it mean i already have it or i nid to download it?
Thanks for all the replys I’ve decided to try revenant after HoT comes out Thank you so much
why arent they any swordsman class in guild wars 2
Why do you say so
Sorry if I’m asking too much but is there any class that resembles Healthcliff
To be more specific I was actually referring to Sao the 1st arc
(edited by Kirigato.7183)
But warrior doesn’t have evasive attacks, I dun know bout revenant tho
So can u fully describe wat class is he the closest to and explain y
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could challenge anyone to a duel anywhere
Is the berserker strong? What does it excels at?
Is the warrior mobile,fast and can evade attacks?i tot warrior didn’t have a lot of quickness and evasive attacks.
How about the elite specs, reaper?
Thank you very much guys
(edited by Kirigato.7183)
can u send me a full build pls
Sry if im too much of a sao fan
Is it mobile and does it have flurry attacks and can evade attacks?But i thought it has heavy armor.I wanted something like a light armor sword/sword mobile and can evade attacks and maybe even solo small bosses in dungeons. Is there something like that?
Something Like Kirito
Is there any class including revenant and elite specialisation that resembles a swordsman
What if only the leader has heart of thorns and makes a guild hall will the members have acess to it
Will there be a discount for heart of thorns
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kirigato.7183
Will next expansion be the price of hot + new expansion or jus new expansion pack price
Will there be a discount for heart of thorns
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kirigato.7183
I was thinking since they made the game free why not give a discount for heart of thorns to those who paid for the game
Why not black swordsman or dark swordsman for the new elite spec. Dual wielding swords ,gain access to quickness stuff and mobility
Would be better if they make heart of thorns free for those who bought the game or maybe give them a discount
I’ve been hearing some good things bout necro is it really strong now?
Is there going to be something like a bunker reaper,if so what is the strength and weaknesses
Is it true that reaper hard counters daredevil
Is the necromancer elite spesialization going to be strong,if it is what are the strength and weaknesses
Is the elite spec for thief going to be strong, if it is what are the strength and weaknesses
Tristan.5678 can u send me a detailed version of that build I wanna try it out
Is necromancer,guardian or warrior better at tanking
Is thief and assassin the same thing .if they aren’t how, different is a thief
Ty but may I know wat r thief used for in dungeons
I’m playing a necromaner now but I’m not sure whether should change to thief when it comes to helping my team in dungeon or should I stick with necromaner and I really nid to know what is a necro used for in dungeons
I can’t login during the installations