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Stop this one time event nonesense

in Suggestions

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


It absolutely blows my mind that ANet is spending time and money on special events, when the list of bugs in the basic game is so insanely long as is. What about the re-balance patches? Or fixing the blocked progress story missions? Or the Black Lion items so many people are waiting for?

Considering it’s already been confirmed that many bug fixes and balancing changes will be put in with the November patch I wouldn’t worry about that. They did say that the patch notes for the profession changes alone was 5 pages along. I doubt they devote too many resources to these one time events.

Under Siege Personal Story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


I was just doing part of my Personal Story and during it you have to use trebuchets to try and destroy the enemy siege. When I defeat all of the enemy siege a cutscene occurs and then I come back to my character and my character isn’t there.

I dodge around, use 3 on the greatsword as my guardian but it appears I can’t move at all. Then I look at the mini map and I’m moving but can’t move my camera nor see my character but I’m moving. I press M and then exit the map and I can see my character and then I get a crash.

This has occurred 3 times now, it might be due to I’m using FOV beta, I shall try it without and post results.

Edit: Just tried it without FOV beta, same problem. I ended up doing it, you need to not press M and use the minimap to lead you to the risen, there you can just see yourself in the distance. Fortunately it was rather easy as a guardian, I suspect it might be harder for other professions if you need to see what you’re doing.


(edited by KittyWitty.7813)

It was frustratingly fun...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


2 hours, one time my kitten decided it would be fun to cover my monitor with his body while I was right near the end. Then it took me a few tries to realize the jumping down to the chest and jumping through the broken part of the clock.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


‘’once you complete it it will be rewarding’’

yeah sure, if you can complete it. Ive been trying for 5hrs, and its impossible for me. Ive given up on my emissary of the mad king title, because I simply cant get it

The jumping puzzle doesn’t count towards the title, it only gives the achievement, so you can skip it.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Second image is without changed FOV.


(edited by Moderator)

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Human ele, speed boost from trait, took a good 2 hours, I kept getting caught out by one of the planks and kept hitting my head on it. Plus I didn’t know what to do for the planks where you have to jump off and jumping into the tower. And my kitten blocked my monitor when I was really close to the end and knew what to do. Plus had a bunch of Norn blocking my view and giving everyone a speed boost which put me off.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


I wont even bother to read your whole Q_Q thread.

ill just say this, people who spend RL money on a faded RNG wich yielded nothing even after 30$+ (like me) are allowed to complain, because THEY are the ones who support this game spending so people LIKE YOU can enjoy more content.


I won’t even bother reading your whole QQ post.

I’ll just say this, people who spend real life money on gambling for things that are expected to be in the 1-2% range then complain that they didn’t get their skin are rather entitled and soar losers and this is their way to cry that they didn’t get it, they spout terms like “We support the game so we should win the gambling with RNG.”

No, you paid to gamble and essentially lost, I hate to throw out an anatomy like this, but it’s like going to a casino, blowing all your money then whining when you don’t win when you know that the odds are against you. Some people have luck, others don’t.

Diminishing returns - an unprincipled irresponsible retribution system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Like they have been listening already? THEY ARENT LISTENING. They obviosuly don’t care about their players else they would never intentionally go after people with the new rewards system.

They haven’t been listening? Then tell me why did they bother with the 25th September patch? Why bother changing the tokens? Why bother fixing the exploits that people have been posting on the forums? Why fix other things? They do listen, however not to people who have indecency to insult them and wish misfortune upon them and their company. Seriously, the first thing I thought when I read your post was “entitlement” this isn’t helping the case at all. Sometimes I wonder why the devs even bother reading the forums when it’s so full of non-constructive criticism, people whining and there’s only 1% of the post actually being worth while.

Overpowered Monster Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Oh God, those sharks, one hitted my poor squishy elementalist.

This game needs a dungeon redesign team or to bring back the Trinity

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


It would help if you told us what encounters were you having troubles on and what profession you was playing.

The first time in AC, I knew what was coming, still got downed, still resorted to graveyard zerg rushing The Lovers. Graveyard zerg rushing means to me that I’m not good enough for an encounter and have to cheese it. Nowadays I can take a random PUG, completely disorganized and can do The Lovers without anyone being downed once. I learned the trick to it, I learned how to do dungeons, I learned how to dodge and how to play my professions. I hear a lot of negativity towards thieves when it comes to dungeons, I was completely perma blinding all the trash mobs without any problems.

I’m going to throw out a generic comment and say “L2p” but unfortunately that’s what it really is. You simply need to learn how to play properly, the outside world doesn’t teach you anything and doesn’t prepare you for dungeons. Only after doing a few dungeons do you start to see it and you see things work, it might look chaotic, impossible, completely hard, disorganized and making you wish you had a healer, but then it starts to make sense.

Sorrow's Embrace Fire Golem: Way Too Hard (story mode)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


I personally don’t see the problem. I ran a PUG, we did fine, then we got annihilated by the second golem, no-one was dodging, everyone tried to rezz each other but got hit by the AoEs, people dying to burning etc. We wiped but changed our approach. I took condition removal, our warrior changed from rifle to bow because it has no conditions on the auto-attack our guardian took out the utility skill which reflect projectiles. We slowly killed him with rezzing, dodging and we didn’t have to resort to graveyard zerging. I think it’s a matter of you encountering a bad party.

guild wars 2 vs. the world of mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


The only negative things at the current moment would be the bugs in the higher level areas, at around 40ish all of a sudden half of the events and some hearts, a lot of skillpoints are simply bugged.
Everything else people are complaining are generally due to complaining about grind for cosmetic pieces of armour or they wanted a gear grind and they’re confused that they aren’t getting better gear or stats. Or they’re simply complaining that Anet don’t want a feature they really like from other MMORPGs or it’s not the MMORPG they wanted.

If they iron out the bugs, add a few things here and there, change a few values it will be quite nice, eventually the whiners will get tired and migrate to another MMORPG.

Damage Meter

in Suggestions

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


If there was a damage meter, tell me what incentive would I have to revive a downed player or play support/control in a dungeon? I’m competing against them, I can’t run over to help them, it would hinder my DPS. That is the exact mentality that you’ll get if you introduce such a tool. Throw down a healing rain? Nope, would ruin my DPS. Bring a profession that doesn’t do as much damage as another one to your party? Nope, not enough damage, slows down the dungeon.

To add to my last post, it would also encourage more glass cannons. Trust me, we’ve got enough glass cannons and a lot of them can’t dodge or migrate damage enough with their utilities, which results in them downing and being defeated a lot. Unfortunately they don’t see if you’re downed you’re not doing as much damage as if you were alive if you’re that concerned about damage. But nope, they play glass cannon and demand a rezz when the boss is shooting AoEs at them which is a death trap if you try to run over to rezz them.

Why doesn't aoe and DOT's break stealth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Thieves are completely OP? I personally have no trouble with any thieves. They heartseeker me? I take hardly any damage, I’m more scared of the tanky condition built ones with their bleeds. If I see one, it generally means a free kill for me or I scare them away from the point. They’re very squishy and I can usually 5-6 hit them and I have hardly any power at all. If you build a glass cannon and then get ambushed by another glass cannon can you really claim that they’re OP?

Grind - Staying or Leaving

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


A lot of people cry about the dungeon grind. But tell me what would be the point of a dungeon set if it wasn’t a grind?

You’d do the dungeon once, get the set, never set foot in it again because you have no incentive. It’s very rare for people to do dungeons for fun nowadays, people need a reward. Dungeons sets are prestigious, not something to be earned within a day, if you do an explorable a week, you’ll eventually get there. If you think of it as like a checklist and go “Okay, I need to do 100 runs of AC explorable to get this set and I need to get it now” of course you’re going to feel a grind.

But tell me, what MMORPG doesn’t revolve a grind. It’s impossible to make a MMORPG that isn’t grindy and keeps players for a long time. That would require new content being pumped out than players completing, which is physically impossible unless the content is a 2 minute job and has no thought or effort put into it. Grind is put there to keep players busy. Anything can be considered a grind, it’s just subjective to the person.

Damage Meter

in Suggestions

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


If there was a damage meter, tell me what incentive would I have to revive a downed player or play support/control in a dungeon? I’m competing against them, I can’t run over to help them, it would hinder my DPS. That is the exact mentality that you’ll get if you introduce such a tool. Throw down a healing rain? Nope, would ruin my DPS. Bring a profession that doesn’t do as much damage as another one to your party? Nope, not enough damage, slows down the dungeon.

Increase objects hit box.

in Suggestions

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Yes, they have a very small, precise hitbox. I whack my greatsword around right at it, nothing, have to run around in circles, up in the object’s face if it had one and then whack it in one spot and sometimes only a certain part of my auto-attack chain actually hits it.

The Most Obnoxious MMO Community To Date?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


MMO bandwagoners are realizing this isn’t the MMO they want, they probably have nostalgia for an old MMORPG and suspect whenever a new MMORPG releases that claims to be different it means it’s their old MMORPG V2. They try it out, it’s not their thing, they complain on the forums, demanding the game be changed to their nostalgia rose-tinted glasses view.

But, for the actual in-game community, I found it’s been pretty good, I remember playing WoW for the first time and someone criticizing my choice of talents. However I found people are genuinely nice and I’ve had people join up for mini adventures.

Rewarding combat, really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Level 19 =/= Accurate representation of the combat system.

No, seriously in WoW that you love comparing it to, I could kill mobs at level 19 with spamming fireball. The first few levels are to ease you into it. Hit 30 and try to auto-attack mobs in the field and dungeons, I can tell you, you will want to dodge.

hard, grindy, unfun - chose any 2, not 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Fun is subjective, I still find them fun.

You have lost a Customer and a Player...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


I still don’t get what all the fuss is all about. They reduced the amount of gold coming into the game because they didn’t feel that dungeon speed running was intended as a way to make gold. They also made CM harder because that dungeon was laughable, it’s 10x easier than any of the other story modes. They also fixed CoF speed running because one of the explorable paths was significantly easier than the others and was bugged. So they changed it and now everyone is crying because they didn’t farm their CoF set and 100s of gold before it was fixed.

Tell me, why do you want the dungeon sets so much? They’re supposed to be prestigious, not something you can get within a day, they’re supposed to take days, weeks or even months of work. I mean look at GW1 not everyone was running around in full obsidian 3 weeks in, yet we had people getting full CoF through speed runs within a week. What’s the point of prestigious armour if everyone has it?

Mobs we love to hate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Any mob that stunlocks you, pulls you, runs faster than you, chills/cripples you/immoibilizes/knockdowns or if they’re everywhere. Risen mobs fit into that category quite a bit.

Missing Voice Over

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Yes, it’s been reported a few times in the Personal Story board, but we were told to take quotes/screenshots of specific instances of it occurring, then report it. Which I’m doing on my new warrior.

Missing Voice Over

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Recently some parts of the personal story have been quiet for dialogue, these worked previously but no longer do. I decided to printscreen every piece of dialogue that is broken in the personal story. I’ll update when I find more, the starting images are for the personal storyline for the Asura in the Statics College, first mission called Piece Negotiations.

Honour of the Waves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Yeah, I heard there was some sort of safespot for the first boss, I’ll try to find one when I do it on my new thief.
For the last boss even if I dodged twice the birds killed me, now I may have been a glass cannon, but that’s the only boss I’ve found so far that can outright kill you even if you dodge. We basically had to graveyard zerg rush him, I could only survive if my mist form was off CD. I heard somewhere that the birds get off you if you jump into the water, but I looked down and saw 4 champions sharks, that didn’t seem appealing either.

Dungeon gear costs way too much

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


Next you’re going to tell me that Legendaries require too much time to get.

Honour of the Waves

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


I did HOTW on my ele, story mode and was just wondering if there was a viable tactic for the first boss and The Hunter?

The first boss has AoE everywhere and it seems unavoidable, I tried running onto his platform but the AoE followed me there and he kept pushing me back and hit quite a lot on me.

The Hunter, his birds literally tear anyone apart, our warrior kept dying despite dodging twice, the only counter I could think of is building specifically to not be a glass cannon to survive the birds.

Personal Story Missing Lines

in Personal Story

Posted by: KittyWitty.7813


On the way to 80 on my elementalist, the story was fine, no problems. I finish the story, still fine.
I created a new character and started a new story at around level 18 all of a sudden half of the NPC’s dialogue has no audio. So I figured it was just a messed up quest, so I reported it and moved on. The next part of the story, happens again. My character speaks fine but it’s a hit and miss whether or not the NPCs talk to me in the cutscenes or with dialogue outside of cutscenes. This only happens in the personal story.

I hopped onto my Necromancer, did the street rat human storyline, happens again, for every part of the story. I did this storyline in the beta and it worked perfectly. I asked around and it seems to be happening to other people but they are at level 60 and it’s happening to their level 58+ stories, the same ones I did perfectly. I’m not sure what I did but I’ve tried resetting the sound settings, updated drivers but I don’t think it’s a problem on my end since it’s happening to other people.

Any ideas?