I love how you can choose traits without worrying about stats now.
Overall i like the new system better
Yaaaay I waited so long for you to make new builds again !
Necromancer FTW
I’m a returning player in GW2. When i started GW2 i didn’t know much about ping and I chose the BlackGate Server which is in NA. I live in Dubai(UAE) so i get ping about 250-300. If I switch to an EU server by how much will the ping drop ? Where are EU servers located. Will it be worth deleting all my characters to switch ?
Thank You
(Major) Power
(Minor) Precision
(Minor) Toughness
Why do people hate mounts ? Mounts are cool.
Wow dude really ? Are you really gonna complain about this ? The megaserver will fix so many problems and encourage group play and you’re complaining. If you really wanted to rp why don’t you all join a rp guild ?
GW2 is a superior game to almost every MMO in the western industry atm and Wildstar/ESO are both average ones. People would like WS/ESO for a fresh experience however neither bring anything major to the industry.
Are you being sarcastic ? What did GW2 bring to the mmo industry ? Zergs pvp zerg pve and more zergs, zerker meta, lame storyline(traherne), repetitive combat, boring dungeons ( stacking,etc), hearts are not fun, unbalanced classes. Shall i go on ?
Then go back to WoW and shut up perhaps? If you hate the game that much why rare you burning our own own and your braincells with rubbish?
GW2 was trash, is trash and will always be trash, yet Wildstar have literally no chance of reaching any of the commercial and number success that GW2 did.
Are you a time traveler ? Let’s see what happens on the 3rd of June. Let me tell why i’m burning my brain cells on you. It’s because of your comment. You said GW2 is the superior game.
I agree with you. I recently watched this anime called Log Horizon, it’s about these people trapped in an MMORPG and they had a fight with these monsters with the holy trinty. It looked super fun. Tank Healer DPS. I loved how they coordinated.
GW2 is a superior game to almost every MMO in the western industry atm and Wildstar/ESO are both average ones. People would like WS/ESO for a fresh experience however neither bring anything major to the industry.
Are you being sarcastic ? What did GW2 bring to the mmo industry ? Zergs pvp zerg pve and more zergs, zerker meta, lame storyline(traherne), repetitive combat, boring dungeons ( stacking,etc), hearts are not fun, unbalanced classes. Shall i go on ?
Sounds promising
I tried WildStar. It’s so much fun and i enjoy it waaay more than gw2. GW2 is just really really bad at end-game & living story sucks kitten . IMO Wildstar > Guild Wars 2
There are many top tier MMORPGs coming out this year
1. EverQuest Next
2. Wildstar
3. The Elder Scrolls Online
Does Guild wars 2 even stand a chance ? What do you think Arenanet should do to retaliate ?
In terms of graphics
Guild Wars 2 > Every other mmo
Enough nerf has been announced and there are other factors to include.
Wow you’re a lunatyk.
I don’t think the Rock Paper Scissor balance would work in gw2.
That would be so kitten cool !
PU Mesmers
They are so annoying.
I wonder if there is like this rotating wheel, with dozens of different things about the warrior from minor traits to individual weapon attacks, that anti-warrior individuals walk up to and spin. And once the wheel stops, they will complain about that on the balance forum. No matter what it is.
Because that is what this seems to be. It’s gotta be real, right? Tell me someone put you up to complaining about Warrior Deep Cuts of all things.
This ^^^
Second one
t3 armor
Yeah, please buff the last thing of the warrior which might be bad so he’s overperforming all the way. Seriously, they should bring the warrior in line with the other professions before buffing anything.
God I hate these posts. The question of warrior OPness has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Dual Shot is extremely poorly tuned.
The warrior LB is a condition/hybrid weapon with access to burn and bleed on top of immobilize and blind. It is not meant to deal high direct damage.
Anyways people started to complain about this when hambow got viable.
tl;dr the newbs started ranging about the LB not dealing as much damage as axe or greatsword.
I’m not "ranging"about LB not dealing damage. I’m raging about how crapy this skill is. Slow aftercast, doesn’t hit more than 1 enemy, etc. Idc if the damage is decreased to make it hit more than one enemy or reduce aftercast.
Dual shot has to be the worst warrior skill ever. It’s so bad compared to the rest of the skills.
My suggestion is to make it pierce or have splash damage. Don’t increase the damage or anything otherwise there will be loads of people asking for nerfs.
(edited by Kratos.6293)
Although rifle has the best single target dps. Longbow is better because of the large aoe fire field & blast skills but the auto-attack on bows suck badly.
Guys nvm i found the fix. Just move your GW2 folder from the Program files folder & Put it in another folder like C://Games etc
I’m having the same problem now. Gw2 client keeps downloading about 10mb every time i open it. Is there a fix ? I don’t want to redownload the client.(might take a week to do so lol)
lol, peeps, you can pile a whole necro convention here, but there is no other 3k auto in this game, not by a mile (and ranged in bonus). any other skill on the same ds, some with lesser damage, have 10-20 sec cd. its skill-less spam and way out of size for damage/effort. just copy the build and spam away #1111111111111.
lolwut ? Are we even playing the same game? Stop embarrassing yourself.
Check these videos:
Good idea because Condition DMG is realy low.
Condition DMG has a +-30% DPS as Direct hit DMG.
2800 Condition DMG -> Bleed DMG 183/2745(15 stack) DPS, Burning 1028 DPS, Poison 360 DPS = 4133 DPS.I make with same gear/food/might stack 5.5-9k per autoattack crit hit vs 3 targets = 11-18k DPS (Autoattack speed is 0.5 sec per hit)
Warrior make 42k+ Hundred Blades every 8sec, 3.5 sec cast time = 12k DPS without full might stack.
But there are other factors to include like dodging a warrior can’t stay in one spot and keep using 100b but condis can run around evade and still do damage.
Between Charr & Human. I think Charr is the more warrior like. Guardian suits for the humans. but IMO Norns are the best warriors ! The lore fits perfectly.
Those guys probably had different traits. 30 25 0 0 15
This thread should be deleted for trolling.
I got this email that said:
We are sorry to inform you that your login account xxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx will be shut down or partially limited within 72 hours due to currency transactions or abnormal login. If you want to remove restrictions, please click the following link to validate:
We will investigate into this case through verifying the account’s ownership. If the verification goes through, we will cancel any restriction.
Please keep in mind that Guild Wars 2 is a global game with hundreds of thousands of players. This means that standards of behavior must be upheld. For your convenience, you can obtain more information about our rules at the address listed below.
GM Cuache
Guild Wars 2 Support Team
It’s a scam, right ? My antivirus reported it as a scam.
The knew weakness is the dependence on “Healing Signet”, as every other war heal is simply too under powered to be on par with it.
Having a heal that far outperforms other heals because of how good it is, is not a weakness.
Mending: 20sec cd, 1sec cast.
Heals: 5.2k and removes 3 conditionsNow mine,
Bandage Self: 20sec cd, 1sec cast
Heals: 4.8k, no other effects.Even your “bad” heals are good.
That’s just the F1 option for the MED kit. So you got more heals + fury. Then you guys also have water fields which you can just blast to heal 100%.
The skill can be interrupted easily. Long duration makes avoiding it even easier.
Warriors are in very good state right now. Mostly because of healing signet. Some would even say that they are op but imo they’re balanced.
Cool name 9/10
My Norn Warrior’s name is Krag Bloodaxe
No buff needed. It’s one of the longest whirl finisher in the game…
If you dont know ho to use it I can’t do anything for you.
How is it being long a good thing ?
You do know that having toughness, high health etc means nothing if you don’t play right.
Yeah i agree, it should be on par with the auto attack.
1. Ranger ( Pets are bad )
2. Elementalist ( Defense / long cooldowns )
3. Necromancer (Low survivability ever since DS nerf )
Mesmer is OP. Mesmer can go 1vs3 and win easy. Not any other class can do that, maybe for except Engineer. Still OP as kitten.
1 What class do you play?
2 If every mesmer can go 1v3 “easy” then why am I not seeing more “nerf Mesmer” threads? Why am I not seeing more 1v3 easy “Videos”?
3Engineers 1v3? No…no no no. Maybe, MAYBE if their opponents are bad AND they happen to have played for quite some time. Maybe…
4 Play a mesmer and see how OP they are for yourself…..
Please get your facts straight !
Here’s a outnumbered engineer video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQd53qlCvo8
Ex: Blast combos, etc
I’m guessing it’s warrior.
Occasional 9k bombs, too. 8k even in CoF.
Could someone use this build and see how fast they kill a veteran giant ?
Warrior theoretical healing achieved 8D
- HS healing signet: 497hps
- Regen boon: 419hps
- Adrenal health: 713hp/3s
- Total passive heal: 1153hps (on myself)
- With 419hps regen boons on 19 other people
Then you have #2 skill on banner of tactics for active heals \o/
Let’s take a look at the damage you can do with this op healing build. :P
I hope it’s intended because you mesmers are way too op. Look at classes like rangers, they need to be buffed.
Elementalist Buff
Rangers Super Buff
Awesome !!!! I’ll be so kitten happy if this was released.