Showing Posts For Lemrish.5970:

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Great job with the video!

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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What happened to SoR?

in WvW

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Guise… whaa haapaan..?

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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Blackgate Season One WvW Video

in WvW

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Great job Blackgate! That video is really well done. /Salute

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Seeing how SOR/BG 2v1 of JQ in week 1 prevented them from securing a Season 1 win, I wouldn’t be surprised if JQ goes hard against SOR the entire week as payback. Will be an interesting week for sure.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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Gold league ending results, speculations!!

in WvW

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


If BG wins this week, the only way to stop them winning the league would be a massive transfer of JQ/SoR guilds into Mag/SoS for the week 6 match to somehow push BG to third for that week.

Then they would have to transfer back to 2v1 BG in week 7.

JQ/SoR guilds transferring into Mag/SoS is possible but it would cost a lot of gold to transfer off and transfer back. JQ has already spent a lot of gold buying GD, MERC, WvW, TKG, NS, Agg before seasons starts so their funds might be depleted. (Unless these guilds refund JQ Waha since they have failed to win).

BG, in comparison lost guilds like SUPR, MERC, TKG before seasons and only received ZDs guild who spend 3k gold of their own to transfer. (MERC, TKG moved from BG to JQ btw).

A lot of people from JQ, SoR are upset and shocked for their loss and will likely take “permanent vacation” from game and not transfer to Mag/SoS.

If they do transfer, my body is ready

This kid gets it

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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SoR ~ TC ~ MAG Week 5 Gold League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Congrats SOR on your first win for seasons. Well earned.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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Meet Sanctum of Rall's Army

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Hey guise,

Just wondering where your army went too? They seem to have disappeared after week 2 of seasons. Did they transfer to JQ or smthng?

Nope. We’re showing up every night for BG’s loot bags! PPT is not something we value like BG so why don’t you just go back to shooting arrow carts in your siege-capped objectives, buddy?

It’s a shame you don’t value PPT. It’s a part of the game people would leave to join higher rated servers, you know to win. If SOR doesn’t value this part of the game, what are you offering that would entice people to join that they don’t already have on their current server?

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


These tears taste so sweet

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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SoR/Blackgate/Mag 11/08/2013 Gold week 4

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Very disappointed. Past 2 pages filled with Mag raging about specs and posting screenshots with diagrams trying desperately to prove a point. Where your trolls at?

I am missing the TW/IRON trolls from yesterweeks.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


People taking breaks/quitting once season starting makes no sense. I can understand doing so beforehand or afterwards but this is what most hardcore WvW players have been looking forward to since this format was announced. To just “take a break” 2 weeks into it is just weak.

To quote Dog Chapman “There ain’t no warrior heart there”

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:

SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG

In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.

The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.

This is gold. In my opinion [DIE] could use some more training. That BG militia group looked much more coordinated then them.

Great Vid

I wonder if this was before or after we wiped them off SoS BL last night… wiped them out of bay after they broke a wall/door, then wiped them out of hills later when they tried to sneak it during the awesome garrison fight and we had to come back.

According to people I know on SOR, they raged and logged soon after these repeated wipes.

I hope this poor performance doesn’t further affect SOR morale. We need some better fights next week!

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:

SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG

In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.

The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.

This is gold. In my opinion [DIE] could use some more training. That BG militia group looked much more coordinated then them.

Great Vid

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


These SOR tears are so delicious. Thank you so much.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Seriously, players like you are such tools.
good riddance

Nice, to be expected I guess.

And no sorry I’m not leaving Rall and I’m also not giving up, I play gw2 for wvw only I don’t do dungeons, I don’t do most of the new content because it’s fluff, I champ farm when waiting in queue. When bg rolled the score over us this week I was still in there havok squading flipping camps and sentries and running with the shrunken zerg. I transferred from sos to sor in order to get on a server with more people for more options to do wvw.

Yeah I am a pug not part of a main guild, but I do a lot of what is asked of any other players, I’m on TS, I do supply runs to help repair bases and build siege, I tap siege when needed the pugs get blamed for them disappearing even though the people who dropped it don’t bother to do it themselves or remind others, I run ruins for the bloodlust buff, I’ve solo capped supply camps and sentry points even in places not convenient to be in, I report enemy movements even when I lashed back “we already know” for doing so, I don’t take supply from bases unless it’s near cap or upgrades are done especially smc, you drop a ram I’m running to build it and then let a better operator use it, I don’t attack the door when asked, I stack when asked for an ambush or supply checkittenep up with the zerg formation, I eat my food and oils, I have the correct gear and specced for survival on a necro in zerg battles, I plague to help save the melee train, I plague to help commanders escape while I sacrifice myself, did I miss anything? well etc etc etc

Would just like my server to play as a team again, not as a bunch of groups out for personal glory.

You are an unsung hero on a server full of elitists. Keep on fighting and I hope SOR leadership see your cries on this forum and change their ways.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


This probably should be posted on the sor forums, but since it seems sor doesn’t want to care about their server pride at the moment I’m just going to spill it here.

There’s been a problem brewing on sor for some time, it just hadn’t reared it’s ugly head before the season started but it’s something I noticed as the weeks went by, a certain attitude from sor guilds and and sor commanders. Last week “for the fights” mantra I kept hearing really made me disappointed in sor as well. Look, every player and guild has the right to play the game however they want, I’ve been a part of guilds like that, but there is a time and place for these things.

We all have had an entire year to go around to just “for the fights!” and not worry about the scoreboard, the moment we started the season that should have been put aside until certain things happened. When we’re far ahead or behind in score with no chance of the score flipping towards the end of the week, hey forget the siege and go for the fights, no one would have a problem with that.

The first three days of a match up when we’re all fighting to take the lead put your efforts before yourselves and do something for your server, get the points from ppt or grab the orb buff and get to stomp. If you can’t find it in yourself to help your server win a match up in a season then please get off the top 3 servers where everyone went to get the top competition. You can find fights just as well fighting on the other side and arrange your gvg’s as well if that’s your thing.

It’s sad that sor is not motivated by the season, servers like maguuma and sos fought and stayed in gold league while others may have tanked, even though they have no chance to compete in it. I’m glad they’re making a wvw overflow map, a lot of guilds are going to fit right in there, no points for the server, plenty for yourselves, and nothing but fights.

Sor is self destructing because of the guilds, some of them are unwilling to play with others, they pull good players from the server into their guild and then play among themselves. I’ve heard commanders sound disgusted they have too many pugs with them, some will do things to shake them off, some commanders are unwilling to work with pugs at all, which I think is very important to maintaining numbers on your side.

If you are not out there leading whether we’re winning or losing with the pugs they will give up wandering around aimlessly getting slaughtered. But I suppose that’s what you want right? well 12:30pm on a saturday outmanned on a bl, the pugs have already given up and the ap hunters are gone so who’s left to fill the space?

Now you guilds have what you wanted, an open queue and a ton of bg to fight, but the price? There is hurt pride and broken morale all in the name of just looking for fights to fill your bags up, and it’s only week 3 of 7 where we were expected to compete for first, instead what’s left of the season is talk of waiting to 2v1 with jq on bg on week 7, so I guess we should just get the karma train running for 4 weeks huh.

I know commanding the pug zerg can be trying on the nerves, but if you want better players you need to train and lead them, all I ever hear is blame being set on them for anything that goes wrong. Even the week before the season I mentioned in chat that commanders should be out and leading, and yet I got back the “it’s training week for guilds” that attitude was bound to bite us back.

Then I constantly hear well bg has two times our numbers, of course they do they use their pugs, you fight with your minimum numbers and claim to have better skill but unless the lag and skill lag goes away completely, or you have more skillful players than the other side then it means nothing, numbers will crush you and be available at more places than you can be at once. Your pugs will also not get better if you keep throwing them to the wolves, ridicule them, and blame them for everything.

We still have a number of excellent guilds and commanders around, I appreciate the work they do to coordinate us and creating the fun that can be had from wvw. I don’t need to name other guilds or commanders this was in regards to, if you read this and are offended then really ask yourself if it’s true, do you care enough to help the server or not, if you’re not offended then I’ll say keep on fighting please, the people that follow appreciate it, Rally up Rall.

I’m really not surprised by the elitist attitude of SOR guilds based off of how they portray themselves on this forum. It’s a shame that they discredit the militia that put in many hours every day. Hope you find a home that appreciates your efforts.


Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


I remember alpaca, was a while back.
On your tactics: Completely impractical for use with a pug group.

I didn’t say PUG group, that’s your projection. I said “explicitly form groups; the PUGS can follow (whatever commander) who they want”. Take 7 TW with you, and off you go. Have 7 RISE follow one of their commanders, and off you go. 7 FEAR, 7 DIE, 7 LUN, 7 HEL, 7 WR, 7 GSCH, and whatever PUGs decide to follow you. You only need to keep a grip of your 7 guildies, and are you telling me a commander can’t keep 7 of his own in check?

More than likely none because everybody wants to be on the bag wagon.

*Does that include your own guild members? *

BECAUSE 2) Most randoms are casual. They mine the ore, cap the sentry, what have you instead of what needs doing. Its called cat herding for a reason.

As stated above twice; 5 guild groups. Not PUGs.

At least in TW, small groups DO split off. But it’s done in gchat or whisper, you’d never know BECAUSE 3) there are whole tiers of information and command/control you as a sulking solo are oblivious of.

I know all about your separate CCOMS channel. It’s not relevant to the discussion. If a bunch of people with bad ideas get together and talk about them while rejecting everyone else’s suggestions, the bad ideas will not suddenly become viable.

Based on the novice-level suggestions, oblivious seems to be a theme..

Ad hominem. I’ve read many of your posts, so I know you’re skilled with them. Continue.

And the last part…. Yeah, TW sucks at organization? Lacks understanding of skirmish engagements and use of extensions? (Those are the names of the “against numerically superior forces” tactics we don’t know about BTW) I mean sheesh, if we’re bad what does that say about the rest of the game?
By all means, lead us to glory O armchair Marshall. I’d donate an evening to your grasping reality lol

TW is nothing short of pure art when it comes to combat in the open-field, but you’re panicky, rank amateurs at prioritizing targets on the map and at having an overarching plan before the match even starts. Starved for supply, you rush off to save a tower but give up 2 camps. You send your only large force to capture a keep while THEIR only large force takes garrison. You win fights, but lose objectives. Always have.

You break up into smaller groups often, really? So where are the results? The map looks the same to me. When the BG zerg is focused on us for 10+ minutes as we assault Bay, I scan the map and see no camps flipping, no other objectives with swords, and all of the ruins held by BG…what are your mythical splinter groups doing, “strategizing” in TS? Pffft….

Well said

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


BG hasn’t gained any other guilds besides ZD since monday. As the poster above stated, morale in BG is very high at the moment.

Folks, anyone who plays in NA timezone knows exactly what is happening here. SOR NA guilds are just not showing up whereas BG guilds are playing crazy overtime.

Where is WARD/ACO/RISE/TW/TYSM/GSCH? These guilds have not been out in force for a long time and has considerably weakened SOR NA.

I guess it is true what people say about SOR being a blackhole server

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Well Played BG, you guys win, unless JQ can stop you, well played I must say =) As for SOR keep fighting til the end!

Isn’kitten bit early to throw up the white flag?

We still have nothing to cover your russian slot. Or ZDs planning to stop PvD? Don’s think so.

there’s no point trying to win against the overstacked server who buys to to queue up 24/7 to win, were just guna enjoy fights in our primetimes. Its a shame that BG dont realise how stacked they are and how bored they must be of the queues.. pity. Pretty much single handily ruined the seasons for all servers

Wow, BG gets one guild and it is stacked all of a sudden. The current blowout scores are because you are not showing up at all. And doesn’t sor play for fights? there is no reason to tick below sos

There is no reason to compete for first, we will never achieve it, so whats the point?

I see the SOR quitter mentality seeping into these forums. Guilds who are currently in the process of moving to SOR from certain EU servers should take note.

Sorry, were learning from BG.. this is what you did right?

besides any guild that reads the matchup forums and bases their move on it is pretty stupid

You’re right. They can just take a look at the pitiful 125 ppt not even 12 hours after reset to know what they’re getting themselves into.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Well Played BG, you guys win, unless JQ can stop you, well played I must say =) As for SOR keep fighting til the end!

Isn’kitten bit early to throw up the white flag?

We still have nothing to cover your russian slot. Or ZDs planning to stop PvD? Don’s think so.

there’s no point trying to win against the overstacked server who buys to to queue up 24/7 to win, were just guna enjoy fights in our primetimes. Its a shame that BG dont realise how stacked they are and how bored they must be of the queues.. pity. Pretty much single handily ruined the seasons for all servers

Wow, BG gets one guild and it is stacked all of a sudden. The current blowout scores are because you are not showing up at all. And doesn’t sor play for fights? there is no reason to tick below sos

There is no reason to compete for first, we will never achieve it, so whats the point?

I see the SOR quitter mentality seeping into these forums. Guilds who are currently in the process of moving to SOR from certain EU servers should take note.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Well Played BG, you guys win, unless JQ can stop you, well played I must say =) As for SOR keep fighting til the end!

Isn’kitten bit early to throw up the white flag?

We still have nothing to cover your russian slot. Or ZDs planning to stop PvD? Don’s think so.

It’s the weekend. No T1 server should be ticking the lowest (115ppt) hours after reset.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

10/18: JQ/SoR/BG (Gold League Round 1)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


My god. Loving the JQ tears.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

Blackgate Recruiting SEA, Euro, and Oceanic

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


How competitive are you guys? For comparison, JQ weren’t very competitive when they rolled SoS last week: they weren’t actively hunting down our numerically inferior zergs and wiping us. How often do Blackgate’s commanders make choices that are aimed at maximizing the score count, and how often are they made for some other reason?

Wish there were a way to see what the WvW on BG is like before transferring

Since the addition of the Bloodlust Orb buffs, actively hunting down enemy zergs is key to maximize “Score Not From Tick”. You can check out how well Worlds do by clicking on this link

BG has been ranking 1st in NA for this stat since these buffs were added. Currently we are at 47% (1st). For comparison sake, JQ who you faced last week is at 34% (12th).

Hope this gives you some more information before deciding if you want to join us

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Is JQ tanking for more guilds or what?

It’s only Monday and BG is already running at +425 :o

Ok Ok, I’ll bite, but….
I’m just going to reply with the following.

Blackgate has had the strongest Oceanic presence of all servers, everywhere. Ticking around 400ppt is no unusual thing for BG in that timezone.
The last week however the following gems have been posted considering your Oceanic timezone

A [GoF] representative, guild leader and i assume also community leader started this recruitment post, stating BG needs oceanic guilds

Also, the following gem was found browsing through Posts from Oceanic players looking for a new home.

Blackgate is a tier 1 server but is undermanned during Oceanic time. Refer to for more details.

But really, it’s us, JQ, who is stacking themselves ;-)

Even if you throw in SoR in the matchup, the BG oceanic tick is the following:

It was our late NA staying up until 2-3am that got us ticking so high. SOR has NA just as committed as BG’s so we usually negate each other. Give your new NA guilds some time to adjust. Also, don’t worry, your superior SEA/EU coverage will have you ticking back high in no time!

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

9/20: Blackgate/Jade Quarry/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


So is JQ and TC’s strategy tonight to ignore Blood Lust caps? This is seriously boring. I want SoR back. At least they put up a fight.

I was farming Riot this morning. You should wake up earlier.

How about you come farm us now that we have more than 3 people on?

Good fights. Thank you, NS.

Epic videos man. /respect

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

GOOD Militia Commanders on JQ/BG/SoR/TC?

in WvW

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


You might want to see if you can get into either of these server’s community TS to get a feel for how the communities operate. BG has it’s fair share of militia commanders that tag up when one of our guilds aren’t out in full force. These commanders are also in constant communication with guilds who may be running tagless in the BL via commander chat in TS.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

Believegate Operation Officer Wiggums

in WvW

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Belief levels at maximum in here

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/26 BG/SoR/TC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


BG on EB right now need to work on their manners and sportsmanship.

Yeah, yet another day I see Titan and [CA] laughing at dead foes.

Bandwagoners gonna bandwagon.

Let’s try and keep things classy SOR.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

[KnT] of Blackgate is Now Recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


KnT is a great guild. You will definitely learn a thing or two more about WvW following their commanders. Amazing community leaders as well.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Dominating NA prime time on a NA server is what is actually required. Until that happens…… /shrug

SOR ticking at 80ppt during NA prime time. What happened to playing for the fights?

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


BG destroyed both servers when there was a lower tier server in the mix, but to show true superiority BG needs to become a King maker. BG needs to choose who becomes second place. Then they will truly put JQ and SOR in their place.

Dominating NA prime time on a NA server is what is actually required. Until that happens…… /shrug

With the amount of times that Anet has very vocally, very clearly, and without ambiguity, come out and said “WvW is a 24 hour game and is about how well a server can maintain their score 24 hours a day for the match”, it absolutely baffles me how people on the most populous servers in the game are still deluded enough to argue that off-NA-Hours playtime is less valid than NA primetime play.

It is definitely a foolish thing to say. However at this time SOR needs to find ways to rally it’s fairweather populous and touting themselves as dominating NA probably helps with this, though their NA performance to date in this matchup hasn’t been very spectacular given the number of recent guilds they’ve obtained.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


I’ve always wondered how we’d compare to certain NA guilds on SoR and tonight you guys gave us the chance, thanks for the fights.

Fighting those guilds during your hours is a horrible representation of how the guilds compare. Fighting 5-10 members of each of those guilds about 6-8 hours before their prime is in no way a good representation of a guild, this would be like me saying “I fought 5-10 Merc during NA tonight, really shows how they compare to my guild”.

We all know about your attempts at a Sunday SEA time push by SOR NA. Screenshots of a certain FEAR member post is available a couple pages back showing this.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


It’s funny. Not one week ago, BG was whining endlessly about how stacked SoR is, and how unfair it is that their EU unbalances the server. Now, it’s all bravado about how SoR sucks trying to take Bay, and how the PPT for SoR is so low. BG has been ticking 300+ since reset most of the time.

Let me guess, still doing the Mulder, and thinking that SoR is trying to get more guilds to transfer over?

Apparently, things are balanced if BG holds at least a 20K+ lead in PPT, but not if SoR is ahead, even by 2K.

Seriously, make up your minds.

Nice showing by DB so far.

SoR is stacked. The problem they’re having is a demoralized player base that is not showing up. Over the past few weeks they have recruited more guilds to their server than any other. Yet even with more guilds to their server they’re not back to where they were a couple weeks ago winning week after week. Either their continuing to play possum to attract more guilds or their fairweather player base just isn’t showing up.

In terms of sheer WvW player population SoR is by far the most stacked server. BG just happens to have a more committed and dedicated WvW population who puts in a lot of over time.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Great job this week DB! Hope to see you guys again. In the mean time until SOR stops playing possum so they can recruit more and works out their internal issues, or wvw gets more love from Anet I’m gonna take a break for a couple weeks . It is sad to see how a toxic community can ruin such strong server

Well said.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


All I have to say is fantastic performance by SOR NA in BG BL this morning during SEA. You’re ability to obtain Bluevale Refuge with a full map zerg was awe inspiring.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Ok so, in order of pics;

#1. First there was this…

#2. Then there was this…

#3. And then this…

#4. Nek minit.

LOL Epic.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


We know now why u hide behind AC’s, u are pretty tera bad in open field.

Open field fights with full map zergs. Only SOR would think this involved any skill. The blog mentality at it’s finest. It’s a shame your NA woke up so early and couldn’t accomplish anything.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


All this crying from SOR so early in the AM is quite amusing

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Are we talking server or wvw.

In WvW SoR have more EU and NA.
We in BG have more SEA.

In what magic world do we have more. I mean you got 3 more guilds in after eating several other guilds.

I’m confused. Blackgate is often listed as a full server, and Sanctum of Rall seldom is. The other night we had one of our borderlands outmanned at NA primetime. I think that there is enough evidence that Blackgate has a larger WvW population.

SOR was in first place for weeks. It’s been 2 weeks since they haven’t been in first and for weeks now they have been recruiting many guilds [KISS], [SONG], [WARD], [ACO] being the most noticeable. They have recruited more guilds than their opponents. JQ gained [PRO] but lost a couple more and BG gained [TKG].

It is really hard to believe that a server that was winning for so many weeks in a row and then recruit so many guilds can now have such difficulty fielding players. Either your player base is demoralized and you’re bleeding more players than you can bring in which a previous poster said is not possible as SOR never gets demoralized, or you’re tanking in an effort to get even more guilds to join you.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Dear SoR and BG, please do not abuse DB too much

DB is holding their own quite well. Their capture of SoR garrison on reset night seems to have demoralized the fair-weather players on SoR.

Given how more stacked SOR NA is now with top JQ NA guilds joining their ranks recently, it was quite surprising seeing DB holding their Garrison for hours after reset.

Great Job to those DB guilds who were on SOR BL last night!

It does seem like SOR does have a larger fair-weather player base then most servers. Over the past few weeks they have added [KISS], [SONG], [WARD], [ACO] that I know of. All guilds who run 25-30 in WvW on a given night. Yet they still have difficulty getting their people base out. Maybe they’re trying to recruit more guilds and are making it seem like they are the underdogs? It seems to be working since they’ve added more guilds then any other server over the past few weeks.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


3 to 4 hrs ago sor were running map zerg /laugh at us on every map and now they farm cof to buy more guilds?

Sor please stop faking your coverage i know IRON played this time last week so dont hide in order to recruit bro.

And when BG ticked low u guys all say RIP BG and say all things about BG imploding but look at when sor tick so low, you guys tick low because you have no number? U should stop faking coverage and come out to fight, stop trying to stack your server further i thought sor only care about fights? Then why dont you come out and fight instead of searching EU guilds to stack some more?

Kitten kitten

Your signature pretty much sums up your post. IRON is EU. They play in the EU timezone, not SEA timezone.

This is the weekend and 4pm in EU

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


I’m pretty curious as to why SoR is doing so poorly, ticking at ~100. I know it’s the weekend, but did the server lose people, taking a break or?

Well they just received some of the better NA guilds from JQ in WARD and ACO. They’re probably trying to recruit more EU coverage though. The last time they were ticking this low they were able to lure KISS and IRON to their server and this helped them PvDoor with map zergs in EU time . We’ll see soon enough what will happen. All we can do is keep fighting the good fight.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Great Job DB! Keep on fighting and show your haters what you are made of!!

Wait, who are our haters?

The forum contingent from Mags

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Great Job DB! Keep on fighting and show your haters what you are made of!!

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate v2

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


JQ, you are a mainstay in T1 and have fought well considering your coverage hole for the EU timezone. Imagine if SOR didn’t tank and finish 3rd the week before KISS joined T1. This match up would be pretty even right now if you got their help for EU. Just keep on fighting and collecting those bags

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


I just saw a Dragonbrand SEA guild on SoR. It’s name is [AT] “Just Break Into.”
DB SEA reunion on SoR?

There have been so many troll tags created I have NFC if this is real or not but I doubt it.

Yes they are from Dragonbrand. Don’t let the fake tags fool you. SOR is just trying to mask their most recent recruiting efforts by creating a bunch of fake tags. They’ve managed to get another EU french guild to join their ranks as well. It’s a shame they didn’t send this french guild JQ’s way for the sake of balancing the EU time slot.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/12 Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry/Blackgate

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Congrats on all your new guilds SOR! Your superior recruiting tactics are impressive.

To any guilds outside of T1 browsing this thread and are considering any T1 servers, please consider joining JQ. They could use some more people for their NA/EU times

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


I believe SOR is the only server to ever reach NA T1 and never have what it takes to pull out a last minute victory. Even with their overwhelming numbers, they seem to quit when their opponents put in extra hours and provide fights in time zones they are used to PvDoor in. What a shame.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
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To SoR Asian Prime Commander & Rallians

in WvW

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


SOR has been the top server in T1 for weeks now. This is due to ultimately having better coverage than their opponents. They lift the pedal off the gas when there are opportunities for recruitment of guilds to their server. We have seen this recently with their recruitment of an EU guild KISS. Now they achieve over 400ppt during EU time. If you are considering joining any T1 server please do your research. Visit the mos millenium site and see how servers are trending over the span of a few weeks and not just this current weeks match-up.

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

[GANDARA] [GTG] Gandara Thieves Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lemrish.5970



Questo è un mondo reclutamento forum. Se siete alla ricerca di un nuovo mondo, allora siete nel posto giusto.

Ho sentito dire che “SOR” ha acquistato un numero maggiore in Europa fuso orario in modo che possa continuare a “PVDOOR” quando non è necessario combattere.

Se non si mente piena mappa “ZERGS” catturare, da non perdere. Buona fortuna nella vostra ricerca siamo spiacenti il mio italiano non è così grande.


Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

Recruiting Active Filipino WvW'ers (BG)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


Amazing guild and community leaders. You won’t be disappointing with these fine folks

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai