Showing Posts For LeroyJenkins.1942:
Disconnected, and then couldnt log back in for an hour or more after that. No rewards, pretty disappointed.
I agree I was very disappointed when I saw the skins where in black lion boxes. They contain mostly crap, and I would rather just buy the skins for gems straight up. I will not be buying any keys, I am not a gambler. I will buy a costume and that is it. If they decide to put the skins in the gem store, I will buy one of them also. I thought Anet was better then this though really.
totally agree, game needs more armor types. I think there will be plenty after they get the bugs ironed out though.
hoping on the door worked for me THANKS!@!
I find necro pretty awesome at wvw, one of the top classes…. I am amazed you find it so bad. Necro is SUPER Tanky with lots of aoe and single target damage. It is great for defending or attacking keeps/towers etc. Targetable wells marks pulls, tons of condition cleansers. Very diverse class. Whatever you are doing is not working, so maybe it is time to find a better build. I have noticed there are ALOT of REALLY BAD NECRO’s not sure why. They waste all there LF before the fight really even begins.
This patch was suppose to fix it, been waiting 3 weeks to finish this quest. Trahearne still will not move after the very first conversation about the gates not working blah blah. He just will not move..
I tried finding vanilla ALL OVER for the past 4-6 days, and I found NONE!!!! So I took a different route and leveled my cooking with as little vanilla as possible ( SUPER EXPENSIVE on the TP) I am now 400 cooking. I used this guide,
I’ve seen one guy solo a supply camp. Also my friend and I duo supply camps easy if no one is there defending it.
Has there been an official response about material drop rates?
in Crafting
Posted by: LeroyJenkins.1942
I’ve been trying to farm vanilla for cooking for few days and have yet to find ANY! The cost in the TP is 1s 22c yesturday it was 90c. The price just keeps going up, and the end result of whatever i make with it, will cost more to make then I will get for selling it. I think this is broken. Prices are not going down they are going up on crafting mats.
Materials simply cost to much. 1s 22c for 1 vanilla to make something that isn’t even worth CLOSE to that. The crafting system may not be broken but the gathering system definatly is. They need to raise the drop rates of certain materials (cooking)
I would love to see WvW exotics with different stats and why is the only way to get rabid (thoughness/condition/crit) gear over a karma vendor in orr???
Totally agree, they need to add different stat sets… I mean only one set of stat gear is kind of lame.
[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades
in Suggestions
Posted by: LeroyJenkins.1942
I love this idea, totally agree with it.
No i do not want to keep people beneath me out, its just they cannot buy upgrades with influence so whats the point?
They can buy upgrades the same as everyone else. I am AGAINST this idea of being able to claim keeps out from under smaller guilds.
I do give the larger guilds the oppritunity to claim all the larger keeps hoping they will use buff’s on them etc, but most of the time they don’t either.
Totally agree with this. First time I saw the outmanned buff I was like WTF?!?!?! How is magic find and increase experience suppose to help against a massive zerg camping the main spawn. It doesn’t help AT ALL. The outmanned buff needs to be added damage or damage reduction buff or something of the sort. At the current state the outmanned buff is useless and basically means, get out while u still have armor on.
I had it , then it stopped, but my friend still has the issue.
I’ve spent alot of time playing in the wvw with some guild mates. and i kill alot of enemys but i dont win badges, they kill or kill assist and win 2 to 3 badges, and even if i kill them alone i wont win a thing. what gives? is it becouse i am warrior? am i bugged, its making my game experiance bieng fustrating, i went the same times has them and i got 19 badges, and they win like 40 to 60 every single time we go. It is making me get really furious. So please, you are doing a good job, but do something about this, its pissing me off.
thanks in advance
ps: i know alot of peaple that says the same
My friend gets alot more then me as an elementalist ( I am necro) It has to do with hitting as many people as possible and if they die, you have a chance to have a loot bag drop at your feet. While I think this is a terrible way to do it, ( because in intense pvp it is hard to notice the bags even tho they sparkle, and sometimes you just cannot get back to the bag to loot the stuff because enemies etc) You just have to be diligent at spotting and looting these bags. I have also noticed Keep lord and Supply lords also drop badges. Most drops are 1 or 2 badges and some loot. Just keep your eyes open.
Would have been nicer if it was some kind of points system, like glory in sPvP badges can be frustrating, but they are account bound and not soul bound so that is nice.
Try doing it with someone who is on the same quest, I was doing it with my brother and he was able to further the quest when he initiated it, but not when I started it. Weird bug , but that fixed it for us
Well I tried this but my friend ended up doing it without me. So I don’t have this option, unfortunately.
Well there was a topic in the wiki about it saying it was fixed, well Ive been trying for 2+ weeks to do this STUPID quest, and EVERYTIME it gets stuck at the npc’s first step after they talk, and they WILL NOT move. It is very frustrating. My last topic was merged and never commented on…… I asked in map chat and it seems very few people have this issue, but there are some out there. I believe it is because I tried to do it when the quest was bugged and not after the bug fix they implemented, but now it seems Anet has just kept going with updates and not fixing this issue for EVERYONE. I am getting very frustrated had my character level 80 for a WHILE, BUT I cannot finish the stupid storyline because of this bug. PLEASE FIX IT, and don’t merge my topic if its just going to push it into the depths of darkness.
It was removed from the wiki it seems, and I thought there was a fix put in.. But my quest is still getting stuck on report to treherne at fort trinity he just will not move or do anything.
Same issue. I was rep’ing the guild. I did it with a friend also in the guild. He used his worked fine then right after I used mine and it didn’t work.
Could they be? It would really be nice if rare craftables (along with refined materials like dowels and inscriptions) could be put into the collectibles area. They tend to really pile up after a while, and the bank space is fairly small to be shared between five characters.
They need to make money on storage (bank/warehouse expansions) plus you can put them in a guild warehouse.
Ya, it is really annoying hope they fix it soon.
Well I clicked and dragged my mini map to the top hand corner of my screen, and now I can not move it back down. I also cannot see any of the loot I get on the side of my screen like this, very annoying. I have tried everything for days, my friend says his works fine. 7850 video card amd processor.. idk
Same condition necro level 80. Love the class but on keeps and big bosses, the bleed limit seems low. I can stack up to 12-15 bleeds constantly by myself so 25 seems a bit low to me.
Well it was on the wiki that they had a fix for this quest, keep trying it, but the quest npc just stands there at the beginning and does nothing. Cannot finish my storyline.
I also have a res skill on my necro, and it does not work on defeated players. It only works on downed state, if it wasnt also a passive I probably wouldn’t use it. Only really good for world bosses, but the cooldown is huge…. so.. not the best.
Same problem with my guild.
I finished the story quest with a friend, that rewarded us each a 400 influence scroll. Well he used his, and it worked. Right after that I used mine and it never showed up.