(edited by Moderator)
Showing Posts For Lilius.9850:
Yeah.. I had a friend on Vent last night trying to finish her, he tried for over an hour before logging off in frustration.
I got lucky, a friend and I did it together, I think it took us 15 minutes. We only managed it because he somehow managed to get knocked into the doorway so the next time she tossed her skill, while I was thrown back (yet again) he was unaffected and able to finish her.
is your friend a 500ap bearbow ranger?
Lv 80s:
Human Ranger
Human Warrior
Lv ~30s:
Human Guardian
Human Mesmer
Throw away characters for personal story AP:
A Char and Asura
They’ll probably put the permanent one on sale in like 4-5 months or so.
Btw, you cant get 2 week ones in alliance bags. they’re all single use ones.
What I did was take a look at all of the skins, and basically just picked out 10 which I think look the best and brought a couple of each. I didn’t really put too much thought into it, they will all make money in the end, some more then others, but I would rather have a few skins that I actually find appealing, in case I ever actually feel like using them before selling later on.
The skins I picked were;
You dropped 1000g on these skins… 0.o
right now its 18 gems for 1g… At these prices people defending gem store with their bs comments such as “Anet is giving you choice of buying stuff with dollars or in game money” becomes irrelevant, completely irrelevant. wtf will happen in 4 months? 3 gems for 1g? i mean what in the kittend of bullkitten is this? Anet is pretty much forcing you to spend real dollars if you want to buy anything on their store.
Spend real cash or grind your kitten off….sounds about right.
I already spent $60 for the game and if they want more it’ll be for an expansion, not the overpriced gem store where they’re selling you an ugly mini for $5. I remember when 1g was over 100 gems and when it got under 100 gem i was like wtf? Now its 18 gem for 1g, now i can really say wtf and where is this going? will this seriously reach 1gem=1g and they will allow this to happen? that’s funny
Now, 5 months later it’s 11 gems for 1g
At this rate, In another 5 months we might see 2 gems = 1g
the 5 pack keys are 53.28% off per key lol. Highest discount EVER in Gw2
I bought 25 keys (through 5 x5packs)
-6 ticket scraps
-3 total makeover kits
-2 hair kits
-5 transmutation crystals
-1 bonfire
-4 tomes of knowledge
-4 merchant and 4 trading post express
-4 revive orbs and 5 instant repair cans
-a bunch of boosters that are going to rot in the bank
-mini scarlet and mini cathe which sold for 2g each
-250 alliance packs that led to 2 tomes of knowledge
Keys are a waste of money. They should go for 99% off because this stuff is complete kitten
(edited by Lilius.9850)
gold is deflating every week, so the main trend is that it will cost more and more gold for gems. However there are some days (like thursdays at 8PM PST) where the gold to gem price drops 50s-1g. Check gw2spidy for more accurate results.
not likely. This will kitten off the old buyers, and make the new buyers think that they can wait for the stuff to come back, therefore making anet lose a ton of money
Damage wise:
Guardian > WarriorAm I missing something?
Because every CoF speed run I’ve ever been on was 4 Warrs and 1 Mes.No Guardian in site.
Look it up, warriors have medium damage.
Guards ,necro, eles, and thieves out damage warriors.
Damage wise:
Guardian > Warrior
Hp wise:
Warrior > Guardian
Warrior = Guardian
I’ve only recently started to play GW2, for the past 3 weeks or so. In that time I’ve thouroughly enjoyed the game up to the point of now having to get gear at lv80.
Firstly, I think that it is absolutely rediculous the sheer cost of crafting something and the difficulty in obtaining the materials required. I’m not talking about farming materials, which simply requires effort, I’m talking about vendor materials! I require 30 “Obsidian Shards” to craft a single item. I do not wish to waste skill points or laurels, which I need for other gear, but cannot purchase these with my 200k Karma! This is because the vendor requires you to put together a massive group, mess about pointlessly for ages to retake the Temple of Balthazar, then you can get what you need. That is completely rediculous! Just put the NPC in a camp somewhere, done. People do not want to screw about for hours just to purchase something.2)
Secondly, I am fed up of being on the floor dying from a single hit from any mob, boss or event in the world! I got to lv80 so I could avoid that but find myself fighting for my life every step of the way. Furthermore, when you’re in danger you run FASTER not slower! Duh. I want to be able to walk through a zone without being slowed, stunned, knocked back and killed because I cannot out-run mobs and I do not want to have to kill the entire map to get two ore nodes in the distance!3)
Thirdly, respawn timers are way, WAY too quick! You spend 10-15mins cleaning all the mobs so you don’t die only to find they respawn like 40seconds later!4)
Lastly, why is my character so weak?! I have a Ranger with a DPS build who only has 16k hp and no defence at all. This means anything and everything rips my face off at the first touch. Because there are no healers or defensive abilities (bar one) I am on the floor dying all the time. In my 3 weeks of playing I have died over 200 times now. It is getting tedious. Why should a DPS class be forced to stack ‘Tank’ stats just to nerf their DPS to the groun so they can survive more than a single hit?
1) That’s why we have organized temple zerg that clears out these temples every DAY on most servers
also, you can google gw2 temples to see which temples are open, and you can guest to them to get the shards
btw, “rediculous” is spelt ridiculous
2) Get stability/ condition removal utilities
3) Dunno why you’d be clearing out mobs in anyzone, they’re supposed to respawn back.
4) Learn how to dodge. Its not our fault you go full zerk and die because all you rangers do is plink away with your longbows at medium range and expect not to get hit by mobs. Also, troll urgent is the best healing utility for ranger
5) chill out a bit. You’re raging too much because you don’t know how to play the game, it’s not the game’s fault
No more smurf armors please anet
It’s gonna be a another 1 or 2 living story releases until the ticket prices goes up from 1.
Then it’s gonna be another 6 months for the prices to go over 80g. (look at 2013 halloween weapon prices- still at the same since release)
So Arenanet published blog what they wanna do till end of 2013. In that blog was also precursor hunt. When we came close to end of 2013 they told us that they will not be abel to implement everything they published in blog. I understand that precursor and after also legenedary suppose to be a big thing.
And now we are getting close to end of February and there is still no information about anything on prec. hunt. I dont know how they cant tell us anything,beacouse if they wanted to release it till end of 2013 then they had to have something done. I suppose they focuse on Living World and last patch for LW season 1, but still some information would be great (and not: we are woriking on it,but we dont focuse on it…).
I’m having everything done for twilight for 3months and almost everything ready for second legendary only precurosr not, but i’m not gonna pay 500g+ beacouse some gets lucky perhaps with 2 precursors in one day.
I logged in just to say:
I got dusk last night while throwing in 100g worth of exotic 3g greatswords.
Sold it for 800g.
Any pictures? Also how do you farm the items needed to get them? I’m surprised people already have 250.
36 per (overflow) map per character per (guest) map.
If you have 1 main and 2 alts, that’s 3 characters, and say that you guest to 3 different servers with 1 extra as the overflow
36*3*4 = 432 → more than enough
1 main char 1 alt char, 1 main map, 1 guest map, 1 overflow:
36*2*3 = 216 → almost
raids? what is that
no profit = not gonna happen
Dunno why you people actually bother with suggesting stuff that are never going to be implemented
(edited by Lilius.9850)
Skipping enemies, speed runs, kicking and spot selling, stacking/LoS exploiting (I don’t care what you say, it is to me)…some of the reasons I will not do dungeons in GW2. I have issues with the poor “dungeon” design,“bosses” and dungeon armor designs as well, but other players are the main reason I stay clear of dungeons in GW2.
stacking made you quit dungeons? Lol.
(edited by Lilius.9850)
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lilius.9850
Ticket #341173
5 days now without a reply – It’s a very simple issue.
I thought the response time was 24 hours?
Roll warrior as your first choice
Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Lilius.9850
Your request (341173) has been received
it’s been 4 days already. help
awww common 45 views and no replies on the picture? boooo
This picture is how a real marionette should look like, not some weird gear “watchwork”
The haunted mansions in GW2 needs scary stuff
Like this-
It’s a pretty creepy picture, view at your own risk. Also, if you experience weird things after viewing this picture, good luck :P
Or just save them for Alts
Only in GUILD WARS 2, there is no Guild wars
The RNG Gods finally decided to stop $@*&ing me over
So I’ve dumped about 200g – 300g in the mystic toilet for precursors 4 months ago, and got absolutely nothing – I vowed to never play an RNG game with anet again.
Today I seriously don’t know what came over me, and I decided to blow my entire fortune (70g) in the toilet. YOLO I guess, since I had a kittenty day.
So, I bought a bunch of random rare dyes and threw them in the forge. The first 90% of dyes were complete trash – 50silver dyes…
Wtf is wrong with me I thought -
Then something changed. I got an Abyss dye (40g). Then a Midnight Fire(8g). Then a celestial (29g). Then another celestial (29g). Then another Abyss. And in between a bunch of random dyes worth at least 1 gold.
Soooo my 70g went to 150g after selling everything. Wow
I’m not done yet Lol. I decided to blow my fortune again on RNG – since I was on a roll
I exchanged 40g for 500 gems (holy *!# the exchange was brutal; On launch 1g got you 500 gems) – Anyway, bought a metalurgic pack of 5. opened it, got an amenity dye(50g). with another 3 rares and 1 uncommon.
I exchanged another 40g for 500 gems – and got 1…2…THREE Amenity dyes. OMFG OMFG
I spent another 40g for gems – didn’t get anything good this time,and decided my luck was gone. Stopped after this
Anyway, thank you to the RNG Gods from taking my 70g to 140g then to 230g(prospective).
I sold 1 amenity dye for 50g, and saved the other 3. You know, since all these new dyes tend to go up in price (like glacial and pyre).
The point is:————
I still lost- 300g – (230-70) = loss of 140g. The toilet still wins
Is there an Infused Version of the Light of Dwayna?
If there isn’t, Anet plz make the infused version have bigger wings (and get rid of that flappy blue beaver tail)
Im a civil engineer and I Work 60-70 hours a week in the field. I love this game and really enjoy the time I get to play it. Ive got 4 level 80s, two with map completion, all in at least exotics or better. I unload real money on the gem store regularly.
Im getting discouraged by content like tequila and the worm/marionette because I have not completed any of these, not even once. I realize that if I log at the exact right time after guesting to the correct server and sitting in the zone for an hour+ to get a spot then maybe I have a chance to complete these but that’s not realistic for me.
I have a wife and a 3 year old, they need my time too.
At least I have Spvp solo Q, hot join. If it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t have to gear grind to be on equal footing Id have never bought this game. On a side not that’s why I don’t do WVWVW, because of the ascended gear power creep they implemented.
Back before I got a real life I loved to spvp in WAR and later SWTOR and Rift for a time. So I consider myself a kitten fine player.
Please make content for people like me. We are the ones who actually bring money into your pocket with our real jobs and gem store purchases.
cut out the garbage with the power creep gear grind nonsense, make some more content that I as a great player can do on my own schedule without needing to depend on having no life and the stars aligning.
So, they put in a couple of fights that you can’t just queue up for and do “on your time” and by your utter convenience and suddenly this is a big deal? You think you’re the only type of player who plays this game? Plenty of people here are willing to put in the time, casual and hardcore, and try and down these events. Nothing is stopping you except for your own real world commitments which is not anyone else’s problem.
The majority of the game is very casual friendly. It’s not dependant on gear. It’s not a hardcore raid or die game by any stretch of the imagination. Most content is catered towards people like you, and people who just want to take the game at their own pace.
They put out less than a handful of bosses that are challenging and can’t just be done in a night and out come the wallet warriors and people who, with a 60 hour a week schedule, a wife, and a small child, have no business playing a video game anyways.
Geez. Reminds me of WoW, except this time there is no excuse for it, because like I said, this isn’t a raid or die game by any definition of the term.
If you’ve got a family, work, and infants to care about that take up your time, you should DEFINITELY not be playing video games – your family comes first, dont neglect your kid
can we still get wintersday boxes?
Are they still dropping?
Is it worth it for PvE and WvW roaming?
1. make gold running dungeon paths
2. buy cores from TP
3. Make the lodestones from cores
4. Win because you just saved 50-80g and tons of time trying to get them from trash mobs
The color scheme is pretty terrible
1-400: 19g
400-450: 16g
450-500: 70g
Started with 26k HP last month. Never changed armor, weapons, runes, or anything.
Last week I noticed my HP was at 24k, and today it went to 23k…
Does this happen to anyone else?
Also the runes of the soldier the 6th effect " remove a condition per shout" sometimes doesn’t work.
All my characters are zerkers…D:
There are a bunch of legit gold traders that sell for $0.10-$0.95 per g.
Though you do have to look hard and make sure he’s not a scammer.
How do i use skills easily?
I use my left hand on the wasd keys to strafe, and I use my right hand on the mouse to drag/rotate the camera. It’s very hard for me to press the 1-9 keys during a battle without stopping to move.
Should I use macros? rebinding the 1-9 keys to “r,f,v,t,g,b,y,h,n” is kind okittenward as well.
I have an i5-3450 and an HD 6870 and I play on the highest settings and get 50-60 fps in most places.
How were you NOT able to play on even medium before ? O___o
I’m guessing that Envy was a laptop ? (I don’t know anything about laptop models any more since I’ve stopped using them) I guess a laptop i5 would be a significant downgrade from the desktop counterpart – and the “7750” would be weaker if it was an “M” designation for a laptop, but it still doesn’t look bleak enough to not have even been able to play on medium settings. I mean, I initially played GW2 on a MUCH worse laptop while I was building my desktop and it still played it on lowest reasonably enough – and that laptop was so much worse than what you had !
I highly encourage anyone who wants to play decent-looking games for cheap to build a desktop if you can. I spent less than a low-end laptop to build mine and the upgrade potential means that it won’t be entirely junked when it starts to fail me.
The Radeon HD 7750m is like only 10% worse than the Nvidia GT 650m.
I think it was my CPU (i5) that was being bottlenecked
The graphics are just awesome when you turn on high settings…
Unfortunately I myself play on low settings so I can’t experience it. When I was at a friends house we played it on high res and I was like WTF this is a different game!!
Too bad I can’t buy a better computer.
Lol yeah I was totally like WTF IS THIS GAME OMG
Just got a Early 2013 Macbook pro /r
-core i7 2.4Ghz
-8GB 1600MHz Ram
-Nvidia GT 650m
-Samsung SSD
Playing on medium is so beautiful So many colors that I never got to see on low settings
Upgraded from a 2012 HP Envy 15
-Core i5
-6GB 1333MHz Ram
-Radeon 7750
Don’t know if this is sarcasm/ hidden thread at the logout bug…
where’s the article on these new armors you talk about?
Hmm..gemstore loads for me, but I don’t see the new armor in it.
the gemstore is a separate thing from the game – it usually updates a couple hours after the main update
it’s 11/26
and it’s going to be in a few hours
MMO forums are always a pool of tears.
But here are mine:1. Content+reward scaling – simply the best feature any MMO can offer.
All content is relavent. I can be level 70 and go to a level 5 area, level up and actually have a decent chance of getting loot appropriate to my level.
I cannot express how much I hated it in WoW when there was a zone I wanted to go and experience, but had absolutely no reason to do so because once you outlevel a zone there is no reason to go back.
To put this into perspective, there are currently about 11 starting zones in WoW, but once you outlevel one of them you will never go to any other of them. That’s a kittenton of time, money and resources spent on content you will never experience, unless you level up an alt.2. Structured PvP – exactly how PvP should be done. Everyone is max level, has all abilities unlocked and has best-in-slot gear immidiately. And throw in a sense of progression via ranks, skins and finishers and you’ve got an unlimited amount of fun.
3. Freedom – being able to do whatever I want in order to progress my character is phenomenal. I can level up by questing, exploring, crafting and PvP’ing.
4. Attention to detail – the art/enviromental team in GWII is ridiculously talented.
They put details into EVERYTHING. Just to give a few examples: your character’s pose changes depending on the enviroment. When you run through grass it moves according to your character. Leaves on trees move as if there is wind. Sounds change depending on everything – if you walk through shallow water it will sound like shallow water,5. Character creation – the character creation is mind blowing.
So many body types, sliders for everything, so many skin colours, tattos, fur patterns etc.
You can actually use most faces and make at least two completely different characters if you customize it right.
I am a bit put off of Wildstar because the character creation lacks.
No body types, no height slider, hardly any skin colours and no lenght sliders for stuff like ears, horns etc.
Obviously it isn’t even in open beta yet, but it seems like there won’t be any of this.ArenaNet would make good money if they made a race change kit. Heck, if I told you how many times I race changed in WoW you would call me crazy.
If these 5 points are what you truly love about gw2, you should really try elder scrolls online when it comes out.