Showing Posts For LoomyZA.7041:
Also booted cant log back in
Whiteside Ridge | EU
Error code: 42:6:3:2158
Connecting from South africa
Intermittent lag, longer load screens, sometimes no model appearing when spawning at a waypoint and being stuck there for a good 5 minutes, unable to move or use skills.. Every patch this just gets worse, not to mention inability to farm, or the severe lack of tier 6 materials from mobs or heavy bags.
Can we have a tool to defrag or repack the actual gamefiles, becuase something is not right with the patcher, and i cba to redownload from scratch.
Are there any other decent mmo type rpg’s out atm or soon out that I could pass time with whilst these problems are looked into. Really tired of this, and just want to be able to relax and have some fun at the end of the day, not increase my already high stress levels.
My first few dungeons on my very first undergeared character (elementalist) were less than miserable, first you need to loose the mindset of fixed roles, and if u are insistent at tanking, guardians pull it off a lot better. But yeah i wanted to scream, cry and throw my pc out the window, these days, i generally lol my way through most of them, unless ofc u have a horribad group, which tends to happen. But give it some time, get your gear, try to run dungeons with friends or guildies rather than randoms. If youre new, generally pugs will either irritate you, or you will irritate them sadly, not in all cases though.
What is a laundrell?
you sir, made my day.. pmsl
Far easier to turn that 64g into the money needed to buy Pre-c, than it is a few coppers, and shattered dreams
Why is it only ever the EU login server that goes down, and consistently takes 30 to 40 minutes to get it back up ? Maybe look at the team managing eu servers
guild mission bounty = guaranteed rares, good chance @ exotic..daily
Not to be condescending but you really need to get a life. Stop playing for a day or two and your DR will reset.
Well apart from the first part, he has a point. There is a theory that your quality of loot is somehow connected to the amount of time played or spent in a particular area of the game, not necessarily DR in the typical sense. But less time played = better loot. Also you are encouraged to participate in all facets of the game. Get map completion, go play some wvw, level an alt, do world bosses.
I use to be like you, consistent blues all the time. Now after feb 26 patch i spread myself across the game, and maybe do 1 or 2 dungeon a day, fractal every 2 days, and in dungeons since patch i think i have looted around 4 exotics, and a fair amount of rares. yesterday in cof, i get blues all chests, then exotic in last chest ;p I am not using any magic find whatsoever.
Also world bosses now consistently drop at least 1 to 3 rares. But yeah, try to spread yourself around. If you are insistent on playing a high amount of hours a day, you are better off buying a second account, so one of them can rest and regenerate your loot pool so to speak.
get your lawyers to take action on the domain owners…
i have reported them consistantly and this is becoming annoying.
all of the messages have the title “I LOVE YOU” . and contents start with :
Dear hero _
Cheapest Gw2 gold is now on hot sales on "
Cant you just block messages with this title, or with the actual website of theirs in the message. A 12 year old taking computer class could implement a filter like that…now cmon..
Honestly, it’s not worth it at this point. You do make a decent amount of money, but you could get a little more from another method.
I used 51 skill points
I just made about 5g
I could have made about 6gAt the time of posting this, molten core -> lodestone promotion would have made me that 6g
Agreed, if you are looking to generate gold from your skillpoints, lodestones is the way, and to a smaller degree t5->t6 fine (venom for example) lodestone revenue is guaranteed where fine mats is more rng based. Your profit is further expanded by selling finished goods rather than the lodestone itself. I value it this way, 33s to 40s per skillpoint if im buying someone elses sp, absolutely priceless if they my own. but in my eyes you should aim for anything that will net u profit above 40s per skillpoint.
(edited by LoomyZA.7041)
Please make sure to throw food in the Mystic Forge when you can.
Today I found my long lost sister who it seems fell into the forge 8 years ago. Trapped and helpless, she lived offf the meager offerings of food being tossed into the forge.
She said there were others there. They are probably hungry.
Might try that i think my sister would count as 4 items
I apologise, i will stop spitting on forge from this day forth
don’t feed the rng troll, perhaps grind one or more items for which are materials based rather than rng, that match or come close to the value of your desired precursor, list, cross thumbs, sell and salivate
(edited by LoomyZA.7041)
The servers cannot handle large RP events…
we could always turn this thread into an RP event to keep ourselves amused while they bang their login server with a spanner till it starts working again
Same here. please change title of this thread, call it login problem or something.
Error 42 means the servers have connectivity issues. Example, cannot connect to the log-in.
indeed m8, but not everyone will catch on, and go and make a new thread
Same here. please change title of this thread, call it login problem or something.
I also zoned, and got kicked. cant login.
Whiteside ridge EU, connecting from south africa.
Hi there OP, i would just like to make a suggestion, also i think i would loose my mind with no TP for 2 weeks, i feel ur pain ^^
Just a thumbsuck but my understanding is the TP is essentially a web service or html of sorts, and you may have certain ports on ur router or isp shaped/blocked or a newly installed app or update that has corrupted ur html rendering capability, just check if u have installed anything since this started, small chance the problem is not the game itself, but either way, reinstall/repair wont hurt.
Exotic sigils and/or runes cannot be forged, where as major/minor can be placed in forge and combined to a random same rarity rune/sigil or 20% chance of a higher tier
The recipes are bound to account, they drop off their relevant dungeons, off either last boss or chests, from what i heard the ones friends got were from the corpse of last boss, ,so in another words Claw of the howling king recipe was looted off Howling king himself. I have heard unconfirmed reports that the actual crafted item, can drop too.
The items that the recipe crafts, are soulbound on use
Same here, all the passiflora nodes harvested to date, havn’t seen one. I am starting to wonder if market supply is just leftover from Consortium chest ? Very rare indeed, too much so for a masterwork quality item imo. You should in all fairness, in one round of harvesting the entire island, at the very least loot one to three.
Yes they have but, not enough to be able to get a precursor from just 4 gs. i would imagine its gone from 0.1% to like 0.3/4 for rares, 1.x to 2.x for exo ? I wish i could afford to test it out properly
Probably path specific too, read up on the little hint ie Claw of the Howling King, would only drop off that boss/path in AC
Dropped by the end boss of the relevant dungeon ie eternal flame = CoF (from what ive heard it drops off teh boss corpse and not a chest or those blue pouches) never seen it myself so cant be certain.
the 2h weapons are a skills from ele and also found on that big mountain place. all just last a few seconds though.
This same weapon is craftable, it’s called Volcanus, a 2h greatsword, costs and arm and a lef (350 molten LS, 100 destro LS)
What u might have seen weapon wise is probably guys with GW1 accounts that have bonus weapon skins etc
I suspect we were trolled by spidy and its infact a random trash drop, or, its a discontinued recipe from beta or something ? or its from forging 4 lower level sceptres possibly
Because it wreaks of awesomeness ! not to mention the material cost, 100 destroyer lodes, and 350 molten lodes
could this be tied to ependiture in gemshop, or lack thereof. Cause i havnt bought any gems in ages.
Something fishy is going on. During the recent free weekend/lost shores event i was claiming a ton of rares out of fractal and regular dungeon chests, i even so much as had a n exotic lvl 78 bow drop off a trash mob in one of the fractals. Now after end of event and that fatal update that removed the weekends quest and so on, i no longer even get rares in dungeon chests let alone mobs. Mobs in dungeons dont even drop anythign anymore even grey trash loot. IDK what’s going on, i deal suffiecient dmg to bosses and mobs for them to drop something, but nothing comes. any chest or boss loot is now blue at best, occasional green. This wearing approx 180 magic find in total. full explorer armor and opal jewels, wiht the new traveler back with an exo opal gem in it, as well as 25 stacks lluck, and off switch double explorer weapons with opal gem in each. with 30% food buff. PPl wiht half the magic find score or less or none, are getting better loot on a consistant basis.
I too am experiencing such issues, less MF gear i wear the better apparently. My friends are getting so many more drops than me, lets just say for argument sake in exactly the same gear. Should i be increasing my gemstore purchases. I think thats the only different between them and me, I generate my own money throug hfarming, they on the other hand buy gems quite regularly.
I’m so tired of all this gambling. There is a reason the real thing is illegal in alot of countries and states. goes against everything my sunday school teacher tought me.
How can you farm, when you hit the DR every 10 minutes? Now that the botters are as good as gone, maybe its time to remove the DR from the loot.
I would most definately prefer a monthly subscription of 10 to 20 $ for the piece of mind of knowing that all the countless hours i spend farming is not in vain and results being controlled, and that anet revenue is not proportional to my own luck or bad luck with rng.
(edited by LoomyZA.7041)
i third this.. ever since end of event, i am getting not a single rare in any chest or mob in fractals, and on the weekend, i was getting minimum 1 rare, up to 2, and even exotics dropping off trash ! in fractals, even farming fine materials is ridiculous, someone in half the mf gear is getting triple the drops. im at around 180mf
btw, it helps when getting shoddy returns, to switch between toons, there seems to be some internal dr per toon of some sort
Like title says..really nasty, down to 0.5 in the last 2 days. and yet again, this will be chalked up to bad luck, no doubt.
congratz on selling a precursor for 2g that’s really painful
DL speed has been fluctuatinng up and down from 150kb to 300kb to max 8mb line speed for short bursts.. this all the way from the bush in africa :}
ok, just got back in, char screen, some popup on loading screen, boots me out of game, and now i get connection error on loader screen
SAme as above, i got booted as i teleported to a new zone. This is exactly what transpired the last time the eu login server went down, please don’t let it take 2/3 ~ hours to come back again
Hi Peeps
To clarify the inscription issue, this is only with Inscriptions created by Weaponsmiths. If you create and use a Beserker Inscription with an Artificer for instance, your weapon will come out as Beserker. And as such inscriptions made by weaponsmiths will require a Valkyrie for Beserker weapons and vice versa.
Of course you guys do realize you are paying close to 10silver a salvage using a blacklion kit, yeah ? On numerous occasions it has been confirmed that mystic and BL kit have more or less equal chance. just sayin. But if your rares are from events, etc, that is ok, i guess. I save BL for strictly rune removal and any exo’s, purely out of superstition ofc.
[A Logical Solution]
(a) Rather add an internal cooldown to the Retaliation proc on the field, though current scope of the engine may not allow this from what i have seen.
(b) Swap out an existing defensive trait, or merge a reduciton cooldown of field with one of the traits that would have some sort of balancing effect on defense/dps.
I feel there may be more options that could be explored and alternatives found, hopefully in the near future. We all feel there is alot more that has been affected by this change than just retaliation uptime. dps from symbol uptime, talent bonuses, not to mention cleansing bolts being affected, which is particularly useful in situations where group is taking massive amounts of condition damage.
Also, this class is a Guardian afterall. It is meant to take less damage or have more reduction than other classes, sure its not a Tank per se, and we have been encouraged to forget this mindset, but tbh this is the reason i chose this class in the first place, i had a miserable time as a elementalist in terms of survivability, and i really wanted a warrior, but decided to opt for guardian which i was led to believe dished out a fair amount of damage, and had far more survivability and group utility. In effect i wanted a DPS guardian. The Hammer is far too slow and clumsy, whereas greatsword was amazing, the sound effects, damage, combos.
With regards to the skill slot changes, I can sympathize for some but after a few minutes of play i am use to the new layout. However, please do add to your To-Do list, a customization feature in which for example, u are able to enter an edit mode of sorts, and drag and drop skills around. Having this on the actual options panel, and defining for each and every weapon set will be cumbersome both for developer and end user alike. The Drag n Drop feature would be rather simple to implement from my perspective and would be much more friendly. But then players would need to adjust to the Arcade mentality of referring to skills as 1,2,3,4,5 rather than name.
On a sidenote, for those truly unhappy with these changes, and do not wish to continue playing their guardians, would it not be possible to perform a class swap of sorts. To be honest, i would now far rather have a Warrior as it suits my playstyle. is this possible now or in the near future, even at a cost. There may be certain challenges or limitations which i cant really think of. Perhaps and im not even sure, but Personal Story Quests may be tied to specific classes. If this is the case. i would far rather you reset them, and redo them from scratch and be able to do this class swap. i really think you should look into this for future. I have heard about race/appearance change that is coming soon, and yes perhaps class change feature may introduce some risk of unbalance, but perhaps in situations like these it may be warranted.
And lastly, i honestly feel alot of the balancing and adjustments you have made to the game and economy, while perhaps being in everyone’s best interests, have had a severe impact on enjoyment of the game and “funness” levels. I now have this sense of instability and fear of what might be changed in the future. it truly leaves a sour taste, and is distancing me away from the game slowly but surely.
I would really like to see some sort of platform whereby developers and the community can interact with each other constructively, and issues such as this are tabled ahead of time, and alternatives may be discussed or compromises, or even being prewarned, so as to be expecting such changes.
If anyone can come up with some more constructive ideas and perhaps more insightful ones, it would be great. My experience with the class may be limited, but definately love it just as much. we’re just going through a rough patch right now.
(edited by LoomyZA.7041)
just a guess, but from my observation, the fog & light, creates massive strain through generating shadows. i turn shadows off and its ace.
around 21 ectos from 19 crafted lvl 80 rares earlier this afternoon. using master kit & approx. 110ish MF (call it superstition)
Ori nodes not showing up as minable - Friend showed me spawns I see a ruined base like I mined it but I haven't, can mine 2 out of 5
Posted by: LoomyZA.7041
Lack of response to this incredibly game-breaking issue, not to mention massive thread, could ut be an indication that this is a new experimental DR system, that is currently being “Piloted” or tested on a select number of people. Also, i have a sneaking suspicion that the very affected, are those that mine nodes more than once a day. I’d appreciate if anyone that mentioned that their friends could mine as normal, could tell us exactly how many they mine on average / daily. would it be same as you or less. Either way, ANet is being highly disrespectful with no reply or confirmation of this thread if not the issue, right now i feel like a lab rat.
Lack of confirmation may be to avoid mass panic on the economy, ppl would be buying up ORI in mass quantities, and market would go kittens up. Whats ur theories
(edited by LoomyZA.7041)