Showing Posts For Lord Vem.8649:

Next up: Reanimator and Prot of the Horde

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

I agree completely, take em out as minor traits and make em majors. Put in more useful stuff.

Think before you leap - patched content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Another thing is that they are far too quick to react to is ‘balance’ changes. Thieves have been nerfed in every major balance patch and now they have no 1200 range skill. Now that they are handicapped in WvWvW, ANet will have to patch in some other changes to balance it… again. Warriors never get better, eles get buffed etc.

I don’t understand you. How is constant adjustment to make the professions as balanced as possible bad? That’s good, VERY good.

Reasons DS/power got buffed out of its mind

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

I agree… but im not sure ive seen many if any posts about zerker builds being poor post patch xD. Condition builds on the other hand…

1. +15 percent of crap direct dmg is still crap direct dmg.

2. 100 percent well crit isnt a big deal on con builds. First bc they dont deal dmging cons, second bc the most u can hope for is a 66 percent chance of bleeding for 2 seconds. So for blowing a 35 sec cd u might apply a 2 sec bleed 4 to 5 times over 6 seconds with intermittent 1 sec instances in which 2 stacks are on the target… compare to MoB… aoe, regen, 3 stacks for 16 sec, 6 sec cd..

3. doesnt apply to con builds. Even if ur gaining might every LB, it isnt enough to make up for loss of stacks.

4. The longer u use ds in a con build, the less dps u do.

Wow, uh okay. I think you missed, like, the whole point.

1. Axe 2 deals good damage. So the extra 15% helps as does the 20% when foe is below 20% hp.

2. Title says these things buff power/DS builds. Not condition builds. Pay attention.

3. See above.

4. See above above.

WOC and Corrupt Boon - Removal Order

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Good work on doing this research guys. Very helpful to know.

How do you think ANet will fix no Stability?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Yeah, stability is meant to be elusive for us. Just part of the prof; we shine elsewhere.

Well of Power after patch

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Every one of you is missing the point, are you KIDDING me. Do any of you read the wiki or even play other classes.

Here have a read:

I think you are the ONLY one missing the point…

Terror Data - Durations

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

I don’t think there will be a nerf to a class only because of a Sigil…

On topic:

If I cast fear without the Sigil and then switch to a weapon with it while fear is still on the target… is the remaining duration increased?

Why is there something rather than nothing? Is our universe real? Do we have free will? All philosophically deep question that we should try to answer.

Sigh, the poor guy tries to bring it back on topic and you go all existential on him. So anyway, BACK ON TOPIC:

Are necros op now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

I think we are good now but not OP.

Trading post problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Doesn’t make much sense to me either. Probably just congests the Trading Post

Couldn't Move in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

In mid battle in EB, all of a sudden I couldn’t move. I couldn’t jump either. All skills could still be used. It wasn’t immobilize either, I even tried using cleanse (consume conditions) in case it maybe was immobilize but the condition just wasn’t showing up on my UI for some reason but still nothing. Went on for bout 10 seconds or so and then I got downed. I was quickly revived and could move around fine. I tried using both mouse and keyboard to move. Also I saw in chat someone saying they got stuck and couldn’t move about 30 min before that in EB as well, I just thought nothing of it till it happened to me.

Looking for Guild on Gate of Madness

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Looking for Guild on Gate of Madness. I’m an experienced, active lvl 80 necro player.

I’d like:

-small (maybe 30 people max)
-friendly and accepting (no racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, etc)
-active players (no point being in a guild if you’re the only one online all the time)
-participation (I want people to actually DO things together; I hate it when there are 10 people in your guild online and none of them are actually doing anything together and none will join you for a dungeon or whatever)
-representation of the guild (just shows loyalty which is nice)

I don’t really care what the guild’s main focus is (WvW, sPvP, pve, etc) as i participate in all of them. Also I don’t care if it’s a brand new guild with only 2 people in it and no influence/upgrades. For me a guild is a nice, small group of players to play with and get to know, not a massive group of 300 where i can never remember who’s who and everyone really just wants the upgrade bonuses. I am always happy to help people or join them in dungeons/spvp/wvw.

Message me here or in game if I am online.

Adding more end-game content by enchanting!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

/sigh. It was a hyperbole…

Trading Post Search By Armor Class As Well?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Not a major concern but by all means would be a good addition.

Adding more end-game content by enchanting!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Awful idea because at lvl 80 endgame you don’t need to deal more damage to lvl 1-75 mobs. They fall pretty easy anyway. A level 10 character would not be happy to see some twinked lvl 80 come along and make him feel insignificant in the lvl 10 zone by 1 shotting everything. Also soloing dungeons would be just awful. The whole point of them is TEAMWORK!!!

Two solutions to the cond damage problem

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Olba has some good points. In relation to poison and burning, bleeding would be way too powerful. And the hemorrhage thing just wouldn’t work. Necros have a trait that applies a bleed for 1 sec 66% of the time that they crit for example. Because it lasts for 1 second and they can apply it one or more times a second, the hemorrhage calculated off of that bleed would be guaranteed to last 1 second (say they didn’t invest in condition duration). And new hemorrhage would get created in less than a second from another applied bleed from another crit or whatever. If you have two necros doing this that hemorrhage is going to be applied and disappear every 1/4 of a second. That seems like even more calculations to me. Also it would have to be a weird sort of non-condition condition. It would affect Target the Weak for example (+2% dmg for each condition on enemy) and some other traits and skills. So it would have to be in the group of things like invulnerability and haste except it would have to be able to be cleansed like a condition.

My suggestion: increase base toughness on everything, especially dungeon monsters and bosses(Less dmg from non-condition sources) which should balance the discrepancy. Then lower base vitality a bit so that the whole game doesn’t take forever to kill stuff.
^This suggestion seems way too simple. I’m sure I’ve forgotten about some factor in there.

(edited by Lord Vem.8649)

Adding more end-game content by enchanting!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649


WvW Supply Caravan Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Brilliant idea. Maybe make it so that only the first 5 or so people in the area can get the xp so you don’t have 50 people huddled around a dolyak (unsure if that is possible to implement though). Overall I think this is a great suggestion though.

how crafting weapons/armor should have been

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

I’d love this actually because of the way they mishandled healing on some classes the bonuses from full sets come nowhere near close enough to handle the boss fights so this would help out alot if healing could be stacked.

This might make healing easier, but don’t forget that without stats like Toughness and Vitality, you will still die in one hit. And without enough Power, you will only be healing and dealing no damage. This would mean you’d be a dedicated healer, and that’s against the philosophy of the game.

The stat spread system is a way to maintain balance between stats. For the sake of game balance, it has to stay.

Yeah that would come pretty close to bringing the trinity back. I think OPs post is an awesome idea though, just make it so you can’t stack two or more of the same attribute on any item. I would be really excited if this happened.

My 2 cents: also it could be arranged so that you could get certain attribute combinations ONLY through crafting which would spark more economic benefits to crafting. Another thing is as you level, your armor and weapons you craft could get more slots for insignias and inscriptions. Like lvl 1-30 gear has 1 slot, 31-60 has 2 and 61-80 has 3. The gear already has this basically (except my numbers are way off i bet).

Would love to see this implemented in an expansion.

The dialogue... oh lord, the dialogue...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

I like everything about this game except personal story. Absolute rubbish. TERRIBLE writing, bland voice acting and bad story line overall. A couple leaps of logic or believability in there too. Writers should all go play Baldur’s Gate (a bit old I know) to see how’s it done.

life blast tpvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

You’re all right. Not sure what I was thinking with 10% lol. My bad. Still does feel like really low dps though.

Old Necro needs advises

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

a. Yes, for the most part power builds can just be done better by other professions.

b. You will do more overall damage and get those extra bleeds, but isn’t huge. Mostly people get it because there aren’t any better alternatives.

c. No

Just an anti zerg suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

If zergs were smaller, you’d never break through the defensive siegespam ever.

All this “oh small groups need to be more cherished!”. Your small group doesnt stand a snowballs chance in hell against a reinforced Keep with Sup. Arrowcarts on the wall and just a dozen defenders.

Stop trying to break zergs when right now they are the only thing that can break through rediculous siege and entrenching defenders. Remove them, and no tower or keep will ever swap during primetime. Giving the nightcapping PvDoor servers an even bigger edge.

^^Truth. You’d have to rebalance EVERYTHING in wvw. Wall and gate hp, damage from siege, ACs, NPCs… I don’t mind zergs at all. I feel like a siege should be done by an army, not 4 guys and a ram.

Why Lich Form...Makes Me Feel Like A Reject.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

The reason people don’t like it is because the best strategy with lich is 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1. You can throw a 3 in there if u want or a situational 5 but you really don’t have to for your enemy to die fast. People think of it as a free kill every 180 seconds. I say meh, whatever, we’re a little underpowered at spvp anyway.

Also fun tactic: summon the 5 minions right before it ends if you’re using staff. The regeneration on mark of blood is enough to keep those little suckers up for a while afterwards and they all do a bleed each so it can add up. Mostly that’s best for fighting pve champs though, not spvp.

life blast tpvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

It’s way too slow at 1 second per cast right now, even if it does hit like a truck.

A toy truck. It deals maybe 10% more damage than staff auto-attack IF on max life force.

life blast tpvp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

Interesting idea. I kind of like it. It would make DS pretty bursty. Pop in hit 1,3 then pop back out would become a staple very fast.

Idea to fix 25-bleed stack contention

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

No, they wouldn’t have implemented if their server could support it because it’s not a good idea at all. 1. 10 stacks of poison is -330% healing… so, you take damage when u heal…? Or just no heal at all? Either would be ridiculous. Anyone fighting necros couldn’t heal ever.
2. Poison has (double I think) more damage per second than bleed so that’s way too much damage to stack intensity on.
3. Way too much damage would be coming from conditions all of a sudden with both poison and bleeds stacking in duration.
4. The every single class would have to be rebalanced to accomodate for this so that their damage is fair.

SOTG Interview: DS To Get a Unique Condition

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lord Vem.8649

Lord Vem.8649

I’d really like to see something that protects from condition removal.

Not something that necessarily removes the ability to remove conditions (That trivializes the matter) but forces the player to make a choice to cleanse or not.

For exampe: A condition that if it or other conditions on the target are cleansed then it “Explodes” dealing half the damage the conditions would have dealt over the full duration instantly.

Say a Ele has 12k worth of conditions on him, he can make a choice to keep those conditions on him and take the full duration or take 6k damage instantly and be very vulnerable to be finished off from quick burst. This would force players to think twice about cleanses instead of mindlessly spamming as much removal as possible. Still could be very beneficial to cleanse but it also could end up killing you.

I really like this idea. It fits the style of play Anet likes to go with and it would change the game for necros, making them much more viable in more situations. (Even tho I think most of their imbalance is in defensive ability/no mobility). Use this idea and make a unique icon or effect on the targets with this condition. 50% instant damage of the total bleed damage might be a bit much tho, I’d say reduce it to 33% maybe.

The problem with giving a necro more ability offensively and not giving them more access to stability or mobility would be they would be top priority in all fights. Most of the time in small fights necros are targeted first anyways, so this might only encourage necros to get more of a face pounding than they have in the previous months.

Something that explodes on condition removal is not viable in pve. Almost no monsters or bosses use cleanse. Could maybe work if it did something else as well and had the explode as a secondary ability