Showing Posts For Lorvul.5482:

Golem Armory and additional golems

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Keeps should be able to have a special guild claiming upgrade called “Golem Armory”. Here, a certain number of golems can be built and “stored” into an armory to be used whenever and never despawns. The golems can only be accessed by the guild that claimed the keep and it can only be upgraded with a golem armory by the guild itself. Members of the guild that can claim towers/keeps should be the only ones to access these golems.

The reason I say this is because golems are a very expensive piece on the battlefield, and also a game changer. I wouldn’t know how many golems to be able to store in the keep, but I was thinking maybe 4. The “Golem Armory” could be bought in increments of 1 with a cap of 4. And the upgrade can’t be built until ALL other upgrades are complete.

Furthermore, I think it’d be nice to have other types of golems available for play. We have “Siege Golems”, but we don’t have any type of golems for zerg control. It would be nice to have a golem that is equipped with Arrowcart Arm and/or a Ballista Arm to help fight zergs. I think this will be a cool and fun addition. What do you guys think?

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Suppressed Messages

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I don’t know if it’s just me but having messages in /team, /map/ and in-game mail suppressed is affecting Guild Wars 2 gameplay. I know they are trying to stop spammers and trollers. But I have a job to do. I organize guild members, communicate with a ton of other guilds and commanders and sometimes I need to send 25 in-game letters, or I need to go over plans in /team in WvW. It just seems there needs to be a better way that doesn’t disrupt from gameplay.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by Lorvul.5482)

The missing "element" from GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I disagree slightly. If any map has large, useless, empty space, the map will end up dead. You need a reason for players to be in a space, or they’ll simply ignore it.

This isn’t a one-player Zelda game. In a game that’s focused on multiple players, a space needs to have a purpose, or it’s not worth the developers’ precious time and the costs to keep that map up doing nothing on multiple servers. A big space that has purpose, however, can be welcome.

There are 2 different type of MMORPG’s…..You have “Sandbox” MMORPG’s and you have “Theme-Park” MMORPG’s. Everquest, Dark Ages of Camelot, and Vanguard were all able to do a nice hybrid of both MMORPG’s. This lead to the success of Everquest and Dark Ages of Camelot. A lot of MMORPG"s have become to “theme-parked”, leaving no little open space for player-based customization. Guild Wars 2 was supposed to be a hybrid, but it’s becoming more “theme-parked” like WoW became.

Having some “theme-park” content is nice, it attracts your “action junkies” and your “content junkies”…but these players don’t stick around in the long run. They come and go, but it’s your “sandbox” players who stick around for years upon years. UO, Everquest, DAoC, all had a fan-base that stretched over for half a decade. This is because there was always something for players to do. It allowed the players to be creative and create their own fun.

Now, I don’t want a 100% “sandbox” game. But I’ve been waiting years for that one game that found a medium between both types of games. Here is some beta footage of a game that is coming out in 2013 that is “sandbox” based and notice how open and free the world looks……

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

The missing "element" from GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


.lets see if anyone can guess the MMORPG’s I speak of

WoW – Elwynn Forest (Goldshire -> A classic, such a nice place to chill out. the other thing is that Elwynn forest enters into Westfall and westfall/elwynn forest enters into darkshire, and darkshire is like elwynn forest except darker, darkshire also has that nice mini villege too.

^ That all in general is a classic, the whole feeling of it is great.

Aion?- Some nice zones.
Tera?- That zone with the rainbow/clouds/green grass/tress/hunting lodge/etc

NOT rift anyway, rift is a great game but in my opinion most of the environment/zones are very dark and lacking creativity. There’s no real feel to it, also the beach in rift is also like dirt. etc…

Look at some zones in the games Everquest, Dark Ages of Camelot, and Vanguard. Zones were massive with just open fields….it would take 30 minutes in RL to just walk across them.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I think I’ve made a similar post before. I agree that if you want to make new a legendary system you can’t mix it with the old ones. Making it so you can’t auction them isn’t the solution because the new prestige would then be mixed with the old opportunity. They’re suppose to be special, and the only thing special about them currently is that they are very, very expensive.

The old Everquest epics had a few nice appeals.

First off, they were a conversation piece. It was a chance to introduce some lore and maybe some cool stories of your own. For example the oldschool paladin epic, soulfire, in a series of events made you kill Lucan, the leader of Freeport. That made you kill-on-sight with most of the guard and anyone who helped you shared the same fate. If you saw a paladin running around with soulfire you know what they did and you could ask them. I never played a paladin but I knew that much. It was a cool story to tell and the item said it all.

To compare, when the legendary items were new I asked a player with Bolt, a sword I wanted for my Mesmer. His story was “I gambled and won. It was about 250 combines in the forge and I got 3 precursors out of it.” What a story… Suddenly I didn’t care if I got the item or not. It was now auction fodder because I don’t care to show off the rich man’s vanity. That’s all it is.

The second thing they did was involve friends. You could not do it alone, it was impossible. The glory of getting the item wasn’t just your own, it was also your friend’s and guild’s. To get the item you would need to participate in group events, guild events and sometimes you would need just 1 other kind soul to help you. This made it a bit elitist, which sometimes I like. GW2 prides itself on always smiling at more help with content. That’s awesome, and they pulled it off nicely. However, right now I feel like it doesn’t matter who shows up. Do you really care who’s in your group to do dungeon runs? No, so long as they can do them. How many names do you remember? 5% at best. Working towards your legendary right now is antisocial.

Now the oldschool EQ stuff they had wasn’t perfect. Some of it was downright stupid. However, the theme was great. I knew a while back they said they were introducing new legendary weapons, however I have yet to hear anything solid. Maybe they know people don’t like their legendary weapon system.

I couldn’t agree with you more…you explained what I couldn’t….the “Awe” of having an Epic Weapon in Everquest. I did play Everquest and was a paladin….and it took me months to organize a group of people that were…
1) Willing to be Kill-on-sight with one of the biggest cities in the game or..
2) Already Kill-on-sight with on of the biggest cities in the game.

The first time I attempted with not enough people. After about another month of finding and putting people on my friends list I found enough to try it again. This time with success. Having the epic actually meant something to me.

When I get Sunrise in GW2 it will not feel anything like that, not even a fraction of the gratitude I felt. I knew in Everquest that when I had the Fiery Defender it was special….I never did ever finish Nightbane…even after playing for 7 years (and I only ever played a paladin)……that’s how rare it was.

Oh…also, after you did get your epic 1.0, 1.5, then 2.0 you got a title with each one as well. So that made it even more special. You wore the hell out of your title and everyone knew you are one of the few!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by Lorvul.5482)

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


My main point is that Legendaries are too easy. My suggestions were “in addition to”. Not just making it a grind, but so much more

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

The missing "element" from GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I hope these ideas are implemented in a future expansion

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Legendary Weapons lost their "Awe"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Maybe its just me but Legendaries are too easy to obtain. Whoever can grind longer or has a larger credit card has a legendary. Maybe you are like me…you are walking around Lion’s Arch or you are in WvW and you see someone with a Legendary. In my mind I say “oh look….another Legendary”. It’s like having a corvette and everyone has one thakitten loses it’s value. When I first heard they were making Legendary Weapons and they were going to make them “difficult” to obtain I had no idea they were making it a grind. If you make it a grinding game to get a Legendary…well guess what….a lot of people have a lot of time to play. Everquest had Epic weapons but implemented them correctly in my opinion. Not only did they make it a grind, but there were controlled elements that made it impossible for people to obtain an Epic over and over gain. This is what needs to be done….

1) Make Legendary Weapons Account Bound on acquire.
2) Make every component to make a Legendary Account Bound on acquire.
3) Story quests to accompany the road to getting a Legendary….give these weapons a history, a purpose. Not just “Grab all these items and put them into the Mystic Forge”.
3) Get rid of items you need to “farm” and start adding in unique ways to obtain items such as:
– Group event that can only be done once a week or once a month (server wide)
– Having these group events in locations such as; at the end of a Jumping Puzzle
– Having group events in a location where a key is required to enter.
– Having these special keys be a long chain of quest in themselves.
– Set challenges such as: defeating a dungeon in a certain time will have a special
named boss that isn’t normally there.
– Or challenges such as: defeating a dungeon in a certain time will trigger a
special door that requires a special key. The door will disappear after a certain
– Utilize guild challenges to obtain certain items like Guild Bounties.

Now, some of these can’t be done anymore since the game has already been “corrupted” by the current system. So the only thing that could be done is to add new Legendary weapons and start implementing a “better” and more “controlled” system of obtaining them. You can even make these previous Legendary Weapons a “precursor” for future Legendary Weapons that actually take skill and time. By adding in “controlled” events that drop an ingredient only once a week or once a month you can actively limit how many Legendary Weapons are acquired. If you do once a month…then if 3 months have passed then there shouldn’t be more then 3 people with that legendary per server.

Let me know your feedback, but I think this really does need to be done. Most people have no desire to obtain these skins anymore as all it has become is a grinding game to get something that too many people already have.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


this was why guild wars 1 was great…you could have many people using the same class but they could all have completely different skill set ups, not just like the healing, 3 utility skills, elite and traits that can be different in Gw2, but the main attack skills could be of many random assortments of your choosing, and if i remember correctly you had to earn most of them aswell

Yeah, I did love that about GW1. Had so many skills!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I"m just a fan of adding new skills….not ones that are MORE powerful, but ones that add spice to the game. Reward those who want to keep achieving with new, cool skills to show off. There won’t be any imbalance if it’s implemented correctly

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Improved Combo Fields

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


But do you like the overlapping combo fields idea?

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

The missing "element" from GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


It would be nice to get some feedback

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


It would be nice to get some feedback

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Improved Combo Fields

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Creating a concept is always difficult. I work in the gaming industry so I go over this all the time. Out of all the ideas thrown out, very little make it to the drawing board or beyond. However, I feel this idea should be considered and taken to the drawing board. This idea is a seed and I would like to see where it goes

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Improved Combo Fields

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Anything worth doing is never easy….Look at dynamic events. It can be done, and this is what gaming companies strive for (at least the successful ones do). Things can always be improved

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Profession Identity Crisis

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


GW2 has done very well in making each character more unique from the next. With traits, attributes, etc. But I do believe one element of identity is missing from the game that makes any MMORPG interesting. Implement utility skills, heal skills, and/or elite skills that aren’t gained normally but by earning them through a series of quests.

For example, I believe the racial skills were just given away too easily….these should’ve been earned. It would’ve been better if a Norn needed to find a certain NPC in order to learn a certain shapeshifting elite. Have the Norn find the NPC, doing a series of missions/quests…then in the end the skill becomes “unlocked” or “added” to the available skill list. This would make characters stand out in awe. So when people see you transform into a werewolf, it’s not just “well….any Norn can do that”. It makes it less fulfilling.

Now, this could’ve been implemented with any of the racial skills. But, now it’s too late and the only thing that could be done is to add new skills that could be achieved this way. Here are some examples for each class…
- An elementalist turns into a whirling firestorm, or transform into a water golem.
- An engineer drops a bunker or an electric fence.
- A mesmer summons a colossus clone of himself or illusionary trap pit.
- A ranger summons a swarm of animals.
- A guardian summons an angel that acts as a Elite spiritual weapon.
- A necromancer gets access to more minion options or obtainable minion skins.
- I can’t think of anything for a warrior or thief at the moment…but you get the idea..

Maybe it’s just me, but GW2 is missing this individuality. Skills that are earned not simply by using skill points. Maybe some of the NPC’s are at the end of certain jumping puzzles and must have a key to unlock a passage etc…..make things a challenge to get!!!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Improve Profession Identity

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


It would be nice to have each profession have a line of quests, missions, story, or whatever to get something that is profession specific. Have professions stand out from the next by missions you can do (or quest line) to get armor or weapons. Of course this will be purely cosmetic base, but it will make your profession feel apart from the other classes.

At the beginning of the game each profession is given a unique item for their profession. Necromancers and mesmers get masks. Elementalists get an elemental headpiece. Engineers can get a backpack, guardians get a helmet or shoulder pads. But it all just stops there!! Why is that? Why not allow each profession venture for personalized profession gear? These could be semi-legendaries or brand new legendaries all in themselves. I think this is missing from GW2 and adding this wouldn’t affect the overall goal of the game.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

There is a desire for mounts! [merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Personally….I think the Waypoint system makes the game a bit dull. There is no feeling of success or achievement for traveling to a far away land. Everything is too easily accessible and it takes away from the feeling of any type of accomplishment. Yes, it makes things easier. But it also makes the world feel smaller and less alive in my opinion. Maybe in a future expansion they can add mounts and the “new lands” that are discovered will have little to no waypoints. That is how they would successfully implement mounts….(or they can just revamp the waypoint system and implement mounts).

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Improved Combo Fields

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Combo fields are awesome, fun, creative, and give a dynamic to battles that I love. But there is one dynamic variable that has been overlooked…… combo fields affect each other in PvP. I have several suggestions that should make combo fields more interesting, and require more skill in PvP or WvW…

1) Lets have enemy combo fields cancel each other out. Imagine your enemy throws down a fire field, then you counter it with a water field! The combo fields only cancel out where they overlap. So you will get different geometric shapes on the battlefield, making battles feel more chaotic. Remember, entropy is the key to realism. Here would be a sample list of what elements cancel out other elements.
- Water cancels Fire
- Fire cancels Ice
- Smoke cancels Light
- Light cancels Dark
- Dark cancels Ethereal
- Ethereal cancels Smoke
- Poison cancels Water
- Ice cancels Lightening
Poison can’t be canceled by anything. And lightening doesn’t cancel out anything.

2) Your enemies can sure your combo field against you!! So, if there is an enemy water field, I can do a burst combo finisher to get the same AoE regen. Or, I can leap through an enemy fire wall and grant myself a Fire Aura. This would make fights more epic.

This wouldn’t make PvP have a longer learning curve…but I think it is necessary to keep it interesting. Let me know what you guys think!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

The missing "element" from GW2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


What GW2 is missing that MMORPG’s get wrong so much is the easiest thing to do. “Open Space”…that’s right. Open-space of plains, forests, deserts and oceans makes the world feel more alive and thriving. But most MMORPG’s forget this element and the world ends up feeling rigged, constrictive, and in the end, suffocating.

It would be nice when GW2 opens up more maps, north of Tyria and the Crystal Desert, that they make things more open and less rigid. Not every inch of the game needs to be filled with action….let the game breathe a little and people will feel less confined in the game. The art to crafting a world is illusion…the illusion that the world was naturally made, not by man. Hopefully GW2 implements this, or a future MMORPG does….

There has only been a a handful of games that successfully done this. I will not name drop…lets see if anyone can guess the MMORPG’s I speak of

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Remember, with Rune of the Soldier with Pure of Voice; SY will FIRST get rid of 2 conditions on your allies (including yourself). 90% of the time I never pick up conditions from others, so it’s basically a free super buff with a stun breaker. I do frontline a lot, and I’m really hard to kill. I can remove 8 conditions every 48 seconds…that’s a good amount of condition control. I only ever get killed (which is still hard) against a “skilled” necromancer. Thieves, rangers, and glass-cannons just bounce off me. There has been many times I 4v1 and won…or was in a worst situation and was able to get away or wait for friends to show up (since I have my commander tag on). I have defended camps solo against unspeakable odds. I’m very happy with this build

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

WvW Upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


It would be nice to see an alternative to using money to upgrade towers/camps/keeps. Maybe allow the use of Badges of Honor (however, I think the drop rate for these are too low if they did allow that). I go through more siege in a hour then I make in badges when playing for 14 hours. Would be nice for this system to be balanced a little more.

Anet wanted WvW to be a 24/7 game all on its own, time to completely separate it from PvE and get rid of needing money to play.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

GW2Esports [LFG] - Do you need a team?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


GN: Lovul
Main Profession: Necromancer
Alternate Professions: Guardian
Account name: Lorvul.5482
Practice Availablity: Any (for now)
Current PvP rank (Not Leaderboard): 11
Level of Desire: Active Tournament
NA or EU: NA

I’m only rank 11 for now, but I mainly did WvW. I finally found a solid build I like and I win 85% of the time in pugs (15% mainly due to having less then 5 players). Let me try out and you’ll see that I’m a solid player…..

Here is a video of me doing WvW on my guardian as a commander

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Looking for tPvP team

in PvP

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I’m looking for a tPvP team. I generally have people from my guild, but they aren’t always on. So I’m looking for more solid PvP players. I’m interested in any class, just as long as you are a solid player. I have Teamspeak to use. I currently play guardian or MM Necro and I"m usually top player of every match and have 80% win ratio (20% mostly due to pugs and not having a full team). Mail me in-game if you are interested to try out

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

WvW Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Thats the reason to exist the unmaned buff.
Capping the amount of players per map wont happen, but you could ask for something different, which wont impact the entrance of people at Wx3 maps.

Like base the unmaned buff duo to a scaled buff.

You have 20 ppl at map, enemy server has 40ppl = unmaned buff active
You have 20 ppl at map, enemy server has 65ppl = doubled unmaned buff active
You have 15 ppl at map, enemy server has 80ppl = tripled unmaned buff active

Got the idea, ask Anet to scale the unmaned buff. They wont cap people to play wx3 because one server dont have enough people, its not those 2 other servers if your server dont have ppl for it (no intention to be rude).

Completely agree. ANet’s stance since Day 1 as been “WvW is a 24/7 game”, not having numbers or having numbers is a part of the game. They will not “soft-cap” or create “primetime” matches. WvW in a sense is designed to be a coverage game, if you don’t have the manpower, why should the other server be kitten because it does? Should Army 1 only bring 20 tanks and 20 aircraft with 10k troops to invade another country because they have fewer resources? No.

I do like the idea of scaling Outmanned buff. At first scale it remains how it is right now. But as we get even more outmanned it starts applying stat buffs, hp, etc. Eventually at the end it allows players to carry double supply (since there’s a shortage of people that can build).

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Never thought I'd grow bored of WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


It was interesting for a while, but it does need more variety after 9 months of the same thing. Changing which opponents you get would be a minor improvement but what would be nicer to see is a variety in maps and accompanying game mechanics.

Week-long matches is another thing worth looking into again. It’s too short, and the map is too small and volatile anyway, for guilds to really be able to stake out territory and make WvW more of a war setting where you expect front lines to be established, etc.
But for the current setup, where it’s more of a larger hybrid of GW1’s Alliance Battles, a week is a long time and matches do get stale. Rather than focussing effort on finding the right tweaks to WvW as it stands, I think it’d be more tolerable if we just had some variation.

For a start, how about a map rotation? There’s still only the EB and Borderland maps; it would be nice to see more than two different places.

I completely agree. There should be a different borderland for each color…It seemed Anet ran out of time and just decided to give all three colors the same home map. Would be nice to see a map where Red BL is harder to invade and Green BL is less difficult….to bring more balance to the gameplay

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

WvW Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


WvW becomes unbearable when your server only has 20 people on and you are fighting against a zerg of 100+…….I’m suggesting that there be softcaps in population. If one server is only fielding 20 people then the other 2 servers are “soft capped” at 40. When the lowest server increases to lets say 30 people, then the other 2 servers “soft cap” goes up to like 50. These are just example numbers. But the larger servers still hold the advantage. This will also have the larger servers have a queue much earlier if a server can’t field the numbers…so these overflow WvW players can hit other borderlands.

This suggestion makes WvW more fun for the players on the servers that can’t field as many WvW players

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I have half zerker half knights….I realized that when I had full knights that I had too much toughness. I shaved off toughness inch by inch until I came to a point I call my personal equilibrium

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I change weapons when I know I"m fighting zergs. I"ll trade with all weapon sets and I do change my utilities to Wall of Reflection and Hallowed Ground depending on the fight. But mostly, the setup you see is my roaming/go-to setup….Unless I know I need to change my setup then I will. I use staff quite a bit…just haven’t recorded any video of me using it yet

Also, give scepter/focus with Sigil of Fire a shot…you’d be surprised on how much damage it will do to a front line of a zerg

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I’ll definitely give it a shot man. Thanks for the advice!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Just a little advice, you’re not running any active condition removal and in the clip you are struggling with conditions most of the time, I would swap your heal for the signet of resolve, which gives a bigger heal and also has passive condition removal, I would also advise changing retreat to contemplation of purity, especially if you are running save yourselves as this will convert all your conditions into boons.

Nothing better than getting hit by a necro’s boon corruption only to then turn all your conditions back into boons or removing the conditions from your allies then instantly turning them into boons.

Every time I use a shout I remove 2 conditions and 1 turns into a boon. Look at my build, the traits that I have along with the Rune of the Soldier. I do very well removing conditions for the most part…I only struggle with condition Necromancers.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I’m sharing my build with the rest of the community, it has never stirred me wrong. I do extremely well in all WvW situations and always feel in control of the situation. Hard to kill, burst damage, killing power, team support…..this build can do it all very well. Whether you enjoy roaming or fighting huge zerg battles. It also does very well in PvE of which I can solo Lupi in Arah, provide enough dps to do Arah p4, and destroy in CoF………Here’s my build

Here is a sample video of me in WvW….enjoy

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Guardian WvW Build

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I’ve been using this build for a couple months now and it’s never stirred me wrong. Just sharing it with the the community. Let me know what you think

Here is a sample video of just some of the fights, enjoy

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Redid my video to have better quality so it’s more watchable. Let me know what you guys think and comment on the page. I’ll be making more videos, hope you enjoy

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Holy hell, crazy fights in EB. Was holding all our towers at T3 for as long as we could for 14 hours. Manged to lose Durios due to being Outmanned and being double teamed by IoJ and DH……But we held off 40+ zergs with 10-15 consistently throughout the night. And the fact that we had 3 towers uncapped is impressive…took some good strategy, siege placement, and great players to pull that off….imagine if we could actually field numbers 24/7. I hope everyone else had fun. Hope to fight DH and IoJ again tomorrow. Good luck all

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Let me know what you guys think about this video…..

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF Commander)

I think it is garbage and unwatchable.

Thanks man, that’s exactly what I was going for!!!

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Sorrow's Furnace WvW Guild Recruiting

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


House of Gorethorium [Gore] is recruiting new members into the guild. We are a dedicated WvW guild that plans attacks/defenses and we try to have as much fun as possible. We are a smaller WvW guild (30+ members) and we are seeking to be a medium sized guild (80-100). 100% representation is not required as we know most people like to PvE or they may have a mother guild they share with friends/family.

We are seeking WvW players from the casual to the hardcore. We are friendly and help train new players in WvW. We help share builds and ideas for all classes, weather you want to make a build that is fun to play, or make a build that is effective…we do it all. If this sounds like something you’ll have fun doing then we’ll be happy to have you.

Right now we have moved up from T8 to T6 in WvW and we will continue to help Sorrow’s Furnace move up in rank. We need people in WvW more then ever. We also take people interested in server transfers and will help farm gold to help you to transfer. Message me by mail in the game if you are interested or if you want more details.

Here’s a small sample clip of me commanding WvW (Quality is poor, will fix that later)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

(edited by Lorvul.5482)

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Here is a video of me pushing zergs back in WvW. I’ll have an improved quality video uploaded soon

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Let me know what you guys think about this video…..

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF Commander)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Fun times at SM last night. Getting too many loot i had to set up a vendor right next to me

LMAO, freaking Banjo!

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF Commander)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Awesome fighting in EB. I’m loving it. Here is a little video I made this morning of some fights I had with DH and IoJ. This is my first video, enjoy

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF Commander)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


My first video of WvW….against of course DH and IoJ, enjoy

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF Commander)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I was on mumbles with like 6 other commanders lol

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF Commander)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


That was a great battle indeed. Once I built that AC in the middle of the north tunnel it was over. We started pushing in. Then we got a 2nd AC and a catapult built. It was a long battle. Had a lot of fun

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF Commander)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Had a lot of fun in EB against DH. Was able to take our towers back and defend them pretty well. Kept our camps most of the time and was able to cut off supply lines to SMC…keeping everyone starved. Then was able to push pretty hard into SMC and DH land. But at last I can’t play forever, wish the other big WvW players would actually be on this week, we are missing over 50% of our major players in WvW. Come back!!!! lol

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF)

Not really I enjoyed smashing you at the camps

I’m glad you had a lot of fun fighting at those camps, they were good fights. But when your HP (the red bubble in the center bottom of your screen) drops all the way and a message displays a waypoint for you to respawn…that means you died and lost. No hard feelings, it must be hard to keep track of everything on the screen. We all get confused sometimes.

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Had a lot of fun in EB against DH. Was able to take our towers back and defend them pretty well. Kept our camps most of the time and was able to cut off supply lines to SMC…keeping everyone starved. Then was able to push pretty hard into SMC and DH land. But at last I can’t play forever, wish the other big WvW players would actually be on this week, we are missing over 50% of our major players in WvW. Come back!!!! lol

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

Arrowcarts [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


I like the upgrade to Arrowcarts…there are other ways to take a keep/tower other then using rams and pvping the door down…..this forces zergs to be more tactical….gives the true meaning to defending a tower/keep where (in history) it took 10 times the amount of people to attack a fortified position. 10 people could defend against 100……now 2-3 players can defend a tower against a zerg of 20-30….sounds absolutely reasonable

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Gore is filled with cowards. Prove me wrong

Says the guy too scared to put on a signature and has contributed nothing positive to this thread.

Scared? I’m sorry what exactly makes you think that. I don’t care enough to make a signature on here. Still haven’t proven me wrong though.

I’m also not in Gore but you wouldn’t know that seeing as you are obviously an illiterate troll.

Implying you have to be in Gore to have the ability to prove a statement i made wrong.

I have no idea what you have against Gore…..I’m one of the main commanders from Gore and we have been inactive most of this week. The times that we were on though I think I have noticed 3-1 odds against us and we were still winning……Had some trouble taking back Rogues a couple times? lol

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Incredible fights today. Been having a lot of fun. I’ve seen more DH action then IoJ, that’s only because of the attacks on SMC by DH. I’m that commander that kept pushing into DH territory, taking rogues, and taking Wildcreek…… much fun fighting. Much respect

Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore] (SF)

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Lorvul.5482


Congratulations to SF for finally moving out of the black hole known as tier 8

It seems you are doing well. Perhaps one day I will meet my old friends on the battlefield.

..Or maybe someday I’ll see you at a table in a restaurant in France. Perhaps we will both be with our future families. We’d smile and wave but go our separate ways.

+1 point if you catch that reference

Alfred said that to Batman

Commander Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Sorrow’s Furnace