Showing Posts For LostInSmoke.2590:

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Fights like Wurm should be instanced. If it were easier to get a single group of people together for the fight, WITHOUT PUGS, then Wurm would have been killed day 1, and would be killed often since.

Many of us are not even trying to fight the Wurm anymore, because we can’t get a competent group together to do it, without being overran by useless pugs that won’t get on TS or use proper gear.

Wurm vs Tequatl Loot Comparison

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Bosses need more loot in general, and big bosses need a LOT more.

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Give us INSTANCES for bosses like the Wurm. Having people try and organize Overflows is a terrible, bandaid system.

The Marionette is Well Designed: Here's Why

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Hey, thanks everyone! We spent a lot of time tweaking the balance on this, and I’m glad that so many people appreciate our efforts. We REALLY like hearing that people are making memories and cheering each other on. Those are the kinds of experiences we make MMOs for.

I’m not surprised that the Wurm is not liked by as many people. We were making that specifically for the hard core groups that are all about the organization and figuring out the strategy and tactics. It’s really cool watching the community grapple with this puzzle and innovate as they get closer and closer to finding a winning strategy.

The current design for the wurm boss is intolerable. You’re forcing people to wait around for hours just to attempt to fight a boss in a game. Do you NOT see the problem with this? Seriously?

There are no reasons these fights shouldn’t be instanced. Making people wait around for hours is absurd. We all have real lives.

Consumables Nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Making changes like this because of “technical limitations” is a cop-out. Its bad enough we have such small limitations on the number of people in map. Upgrade your servers or something.

I mean, the thing about Fire Eles, is they don’t last long at all. There is hardly any point to them with a 30m cooldown. And why jump from ZERO cooldown to 30 MINUTES? Thats ridiculous. If the servers was really what you’re worried about, a 1 minute cooldown would already cut the fire ele use down by thousands per an event like teq. Its not like using them before was crashing the servers, so any cooldown should have been enough to have an effect.

(edited by LostInSmoke.2590)

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Needs more buzzwords.

To clear the air about Berserker

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Removing stat combinations with critical damage would be a big change and would probably make things more interesting by not allowing extreme speedkills (with enemies not having almost time to react) and nerfing reflect in a quite strong way.

How would that make the game better? Getting rid of speed kills and making fights last longer? That is the idea of a person with brain damage, and it would ruin the game. Those are the kind of changes I’m talking about, that would cause large numbers of people to quit. And rightfully so.

They don’t need to make boss fights slower.

“If they bother doing the dungeon at all, the only dungeons in the game that offer any challenge are often ignored for the easy “Zerk-friendly” ones.”

Wrong. There are no dungeons that cannot be done better in zerk gear. I’ve done them all. CM, TA, Arah, HotW, any of them can be done better by a zerk party, even fotm 50.

(edited by LostInSmoke.2590)

To clear the air about Berserker

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I still don’t agree there is a problem that needs fixing, other than making bad builds like condi beter.

I like the way it is now. I like zerk builds. Its like playing an NES game. We die fast, and so do enemies.

Don’t reduce the effectiveness of zerk, just buff the bad builds.

[PvE] Revising the "DPS Meta"

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


we introduce ascendent armor !!

QQ 450 gold to craft a full set it requires 30 laurel plenty of time gated mat QQ

1 month later

Finally i’ve complete my zerker ascendend armor, it costed a lot, but now finally i’m done

2 day later

Jon Peters:
We are trying to take steps to address some of the dominance of Berrserker/DPS players. More info next week, I think.

is this a troll, yeah?

I WILL quit this game if Anet messes this up. I have 2 sets of zerker ascended armor made already.

[PvE] Revising the "DPS Meta"

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


So after people have gone out and bought ascended armor and weapons for their characters best possible builds, Anet now wants to change the meta completely? That’s completely unfair.

I smell a NGE level catastrophe coming our way !
be careful what you do here, it might be the beginning of the end for the game

- after going through all the time gates and all the laurels.
- after spending considerable time figuring out what works and what works best.
- I’ve been playing since beta and if suddenly all my gear for all my 8 characters is made obsolete.

and so would a lot of people !
GW2 NGE No thank you, we don’t need that mistake coming our way ever !


ANET: If you mess up the zerker meta, and my zerker ascended gear, I’ll just quit this game. I own 50+ games on Steam I could be playing.

Don’t. Mess. With the Zerker.

[PvE] Revising the "DPS Meta"

in Profession Balance

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


This is a terrible idea. First of all, everyone’s been spending hundreds of gold making new Zerker Ascended armor. Changing the balance now is a giant screw you to the player base.

Second, people don’t want long and boring fights.

>Seriously, we’re all mostly DPS proponents here, but I don’t think any one of us really thinks that being able to massacre a boss like Lupicus in 30 seconds by just stacking on him and popping a reflect is good design.

Lupi is just fine. Best boss fight in game.

CDI- Character Progression- Vertical

in CDI

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I like the new ascended gear system. Those of us with 15K+ AP, 8 level 80s, and etc, need things to do at End Game. Crafting new gear is something.

Personally, I can’t wait for Legendary Armor, and how about some Legendary or Ascended Runes.

No fractal skin box ever dropped. Proof? API!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Oh. BTW, What’s with Non-Infused Rings Dropping at high 40’s? Wasn’t there pretty much a 100% chance that anything above ‘x’ level would by infused? I mean… if you cant break rings down in the forge or by kits…. you really shouldn’t need a non-infused ring at lvl 48…

Yes, at fotm 26 and above, you used to only get infused rings. You can check Dulfy or Wiki to confirm that.

I’d also like to know why non-infused rings are dropping in 31+

No fractal skin box ever dropped. Proof? API!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


This is not considered a bug.

The Fractal Skin Box is not dropping for the Fractal levels currently available (up to level 50).

It’s not accessible to anyone at this time.

Can you get a bit more specific here? Is it not available just because they haven’t been added yet, like Ascended armor drops, or is fractal weapon boxes not available because they will be a higher than 50 fotm level drop?

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I don’t hate scarlet

Fractals 30 -> Non infused ring

in Fractured

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


In my party, we got 4 normal ascended rings, non infused, and we had level 30 as personal reward. So it seems that they now can drop at level 30… on the other hand, I’ve never seen 4 ring drops at the same time, so they may be more common now.

“WE” don’t have a “personal reward” “YOU” do. If your PR level is not 30, you don’t get 30 rewards just by being there.

And yes, 26+ was only infused rings before. AFAIK, this has not changed.

What was your Personal Reward Level?

New Infusions not acc bound and on TP

in Fractured

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


10 ar infusion up for 450g, lets see how fast they fall.

Punishment for players that realy care

in Fractured

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


The only way to get to 80 is very simple to never do maul. So even at 80 you never got to see great rewards that he gives. So what are you really loosing an log farm area. and it has been stated rewards for fotm are increasing on order of the dungeon update with champ update it isn’t even as good of a farm spot. Only thing you are losing is the prestige of saying im 80 and that is it.

No, people are losing literally, hundreds of hours of work. This is an insult to one of GW2’s most dedicated playerbases.

If anything, they should be giving people something for each FOTM PR level they are STEALING from everyone.

Punishment for players that realy care

in Fractured

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


This is a stupid change, that only punishes the dedicated players. Bad move .

I want my fotm levels back.

Battle of Claw island & Retribution bugged

in Personal Story

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


This mission still has problems, over a month later.

Lunatic Inquisition Regular Broken?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


mine is not advancing, im stuck at 6/8

Nerfed Champ Bags/Boxes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


This is a terrible terrible change. Like usual, something that only provides a moderate income gets nerfed, and TP tycoons still make thousands.

You’re nerfing the wrong stuff.

JQ 3 easy weeks in schedule, SOR 1 and BG 1?

in WvW

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Not only does JQ get more easier weeks, they get more purely easy weeks. SoR’s only easy week, we still go up against TC.

JQ has weeks where they only have to play against SoS and Mag. No offense to those servers, but that is a total bye week, where they will get first place both weeks, with no effort.

This entire season is tainted. If JQ ends up winning (and they are likely too) It won’t be because of any skill on their part, but because whoever did WvW schedules don’t understand anything about WvW and gave JQ 10+ free points.

OP skill lags since WvW seasons started

in WvW

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


buff servers plz

JQ 3 easy weeks in schedule, SOR 1 and BG 1?

in WvW

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Game over man, game over. Thanks for the terrible schedule.

"Key Maker" Daily Meta Achievement Broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


just confirming, it does not work for me either

can not put blueprints away

in WvW

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


We’ve temporarily disabled the pack-up skills on all of the deployable siege weapons to stop the siege duping exploit. A real fix to this will be coming with the release on Tuesday.

So glad you guys found the exploit.

I think it’s safe to assume the dupers will be permanently banned, but what will you do about the duped Omega Golem Blueprints that have been distributed through the trading post? The sheer number of them is enough to devastate the upcoming WvW Season 1.

I doubt anything can be done. There have been over 10,000 sold already, in the hands of hundreds/thousands of people. There are another 10,000+ on the TP, and probably hundreds of thousands sitting on numerous accounts.

Even if many of those are destroyed by banning the offending accounts, there will still be tens of thousands that exists, that were legitimately paid for.

I think those of us in WvW are just going to have to get used to dealing with large numbers of golems.

Hint: Trebs counter golems pretty hard.

Is precursor crafting going to happen or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


How about fixing the drop rate for precursors. I’ve played over 2,000 hours and haven’t seen one, and frankly I’m tired of the statistical aberrations that have gotten 4 or more, with no effort, just handed too them by the forge. Its the worst drop system ever.

One in 1,000,000,000 or whatever it is, is ridiculous.

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


GvG should have its own game mode, and stop taking up space in WvW for people trying to WvW.

Until then, why don’t you guys move GvG to the JP?

Claiming keep & buffs - can we improve it?

in WvW

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


They should make it so, if your guild has higher buffs, you can overwrite another guild’s Claim. Problem solved.

Enough with the overflow server, already

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


People that are actually on that server should take priority over guests. Guests should get kicked off server if its full, to make room for people on that server.

Waiting between events doesn’t work. I sat on map for hours and never got back to BG after all the crashes started.

Don’t say “use join party in map” either, its not working. Most people get some sort of “network error”.

i dislike timers

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Wrong OP. You shouldn’t just show up to get loot. If there wasn’t a timer you couldn’t fail. Go back to candyland.

Good Job ANET

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


My only complaint is the connectivity issues. Moar tears of the casual please.

Fractals took WAY too long

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I only have two problems with fractals in their current state.

1. The Reward vs. Time is far too low for high level fotm. Fractals 30+ rewards better than just champ farming for an hour would give.

2. Leveling alts in FOTM takes too long. Once you have one guy at 30+ if you ever want to do another, its back to doing one level at a time, forever, until you get them to a decent level.

I’d like to see a system where you gain more than one level, for completing fractals that are X levels above your PR.

Example, Have a PR of 1 and complete FOTM Level 20, you should gain a few levels, not one.

Bauble Checklist for W2 Z3 (Storm Top)

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


So, hows the search going? Any word on if we’re missing something or if there’s a bug yet?

Tribulation Mode - I am ready

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I think most of the people in this thread complaining never played anything in the 8bit generation or earlier. Not everyone thinks candyland-easy games are fun. That’s why ultra-hard games exist in the first place.

Fix the Twilight Arbor Forward/Up Path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I just hope they fix the dungeon reward system. They need a buff to make up for the last patch, that was actually a nerf to dungeon rewards.

[merged] Invasion Canceler not advancing...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Can we please start getting a checklist for things like this.

resplendent watchwork boxes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Boxes dropped from Queen’s Gauntlet no longer contain coin. However, the first time you kill each boss each day will grant more coin than it did before.

Killing each boss once per day will be more profitable than it was previously.

And now no one will farm gambits anymore. Thanks a lot /s. Players want to farm gold, that is what we want. Stop taking away all the good farms.

Is legendary armor coming out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I like getting new gear, keep it up.

Economy concerns

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590



Whatever you guys do, you need to fix the system of loot tagging. Getting drops in these large events is ridiculously difficult, even in a five guardian party.

Suggestion: Stop nerfing all the good farms

in Suggestions

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Every time people find a good way to make gold, it gets removed. Based on what stays, and what gets fixed, Anet seems to think an acceptable “income” is no more than 5g an hour, or so.

I find this ridiculous. How about you just let us have some fun?

Constructive necromancer thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


This really seems to go too far to me. I’m guessing many people will drop Dhuum now, in favor of Close to Death, or other traits.


in Crafting

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I hope so, it sounds cool. That would be one more thing for the record speed runners to use.

7/19 BG-SoR-DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I’m sorry, were you guys saying you wanted BG to build more siege? I’ll get right on that.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


yep. New content is great, but bug fixes please.

Sanctum Sprint - No End Chest For First

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


I’m having the same problem, is there an official response yet?

Griefing WvW JPs

in WvW

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


You keep using that word, I do not think it means, what you think it means.

A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.

PvP inside PvP area is very much intended.

All these new topics about Achievements

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Agreed. People that have played longer, and put in more time, should get more rewards.

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: LostInSmoke.2590


Terrible idea. Its fine how it is. People that have been playing longer, and put in more time, should be more rewarded.