Showing Posts For MangoCrush.7819:

Condi damage mitigation stat needed

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Why has everyone overlooked Healing Power? (or did I miss it?)

In the GW2 universe it is the one trie opposite to condition based damage. The issue atm in WvW is that, even though I have a Dragon Hunter built for max healing power, you instantly get 60 stacks of bleed + 30+ stacks of fire plus everything else under the sun, which gives me less than 1 second to react, and even if I do get it cleansed it goes straight back on.

So in effect the issue atm is that condition based damage has far outweighed physical damage, which naturally has Armor and Vitality and Healing Power to offset the Physical damage. Sure people have mentioned food to reduce duration/damage, but this food does jack when the total bomb from an Epi ticks for less than a second at more than your combined Vitality and Healing Power. At least with a Physical bomb most classes have the ability to either absorb or even be immune to it for a short period of time.

This brings us to the balancing, why oh why is WvW based on a PVE rule set when it is a PVP game type? Wouldnt it make more sense, and easier to balance moving to the PVP system. Sure if damage is decreased everyones kittens will be effected but it really does need to happen

Stormbluff Isle

some ideas to solve some problems

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


I will agree with the condition damage issue that is currently going on. Healing power does need a major buff to combat the amount of condition damage currently being used in WvW. For example having a full heal DH running full minstrels setup should in theory be in a no win situation with a full condi theif. But its not, no where near it.. sure people are going to say… “cleanse the conditions!” uh huh then what> spammable conditions are straight back on where they were 1/2 second earlier.

Pew pew problem? every class has the ability to reflect pew pew, problem solved

Stormbluff Isle

Looking to change servers (Early NA)

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


He knows his way through SBI guilds.

Just be careful you now have to be female and into ERP to join DC now days… lol Heir to Bannok

Stormbluff Isle

CRASHING - update: temporary fix inside!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Welcome to Crash Wars 2! Where to reduce skill lag and server load Anet has introduced a new feature that can remove players from the game automatically.

I heard about that WvW balance patch that was eagerly anticipated… so are the numbers even? 0-0-0? Bless Anet for finally resolving the issue then


Stormbluff Isle

CRASHING - update: temporary fix inside!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Welcome to Crash Wars 2! Where to reduce skill lag and server load Anet has introduced a new feature that can remove players from the game automatically.

Stormbluff Isle

Nerf Endless Run-away specs

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


yeah perm stealth trapper thief does need a nerf, maybe make it so that when the traps are activated they get pulled out of stealth otherwise fight trapper thief with traps

Stormbluff Isle

if anet nerf boonshare ,new meta build??

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Nerfing the crapped out resistance, and boon share would definitely put warriors back in the game. That’s more likely to happen than condis ever being dominant in zergs.

Wouldnt go about Nerfing resistance… but move it from being a buff to being like a stance or whatever that supercharged ele speedy thing is, still a buff but not a buff, if ya get my drift

Yea it’d just be like how quickness was before— just an effect and not a boon. Not sure why they did that anyways.

FOR THE PVE RAID BOYS!!! You know those Fashion Wars 2 people gotta get the power creep!

Stormbluff Isle

if anet nerf boonshare ,new meta build??

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Nerfing the crapped out resistance, and boon share would definitely put warriors back in the game. That’s more likely to happen than condis ever being dominant in zergs.

Wouldnt go about Nerfing resistance… but move it from being a buff to being like a stance or whatever that supercharged ele speedy thing is, still a buff but not a buff, if ya get my drift

Stormbluff Isle

if anet nerf boonshare ,new meta build??

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


As has been stated a million times before that since Anet has created a condition based damage game where it can now out damage a power based player, where power even has a direct counter being toughness. This would mean they will need to bring in some form of natural counter to conditions. Other games include that have condition based damage use items to target specific conditions say for example you have 6 slots in armor for condition based resistances (1 per piece of armor), you can then choose to populate with the ability to specifically target one condition making you super tanky to say fire damage or if you want overall resistance to 6 different conditions but you get more effect from the conditions.

But until such times as Condition based damage has a specific natural counter it will be way OP, and if they nerf boonshare yes it will become worse since resistance is the only way to negate the effects.

Having thought about stuff.. Healing power is also a way to naturally counter conditions, however it would need one hell of a buff to even be considered

Stormbluff Isle

Delete the Dolyak

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


You can simply resupply from EoTM or other maps and come back. That’s just silly.

Who the kitten does this?

SoS does this

Stormbluff Isle

Presence of the Keep.

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


no no they fixed it it was listed in patch notes

(note the winky face)

Stormbluff Isle

A plea to Anet regarding ping lag

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


I sit on a comfy 250 ping 24/7 in Australia… so I dont see an issue

Stormbluff Isle

WvW damage feed back

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Not damage appears in logs, especially damage from mesmers

Stormbluff Isle

Population calculation

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


ANET has always been incompetent when it comes to server balance.

Its also not Anets fault that people keep moving, some people actually like the server they are on and arent 2 dorra hookers who can get bought… Deal with it or make a good suggestion which may or may not be responded to by Anet

Stormbluff Isle

Reset glitched out skirmish scores

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


So let me get this straight you match FSP vs BB vs Kodash for one weekup which was really a boring matchup. Now after reset we see it’s FSP vs Piken vs Jade Sea. Everyone’s hyped for reset and the weekend in general. AND skirmish scores glitch out, anet reset them, thus reverting this week back to our old matchup…….
Another reset plz,,,,,,,
If not well guess another bored FSP week

If you are so bored of the one sided fights why not move servers

And give Anet more money? GG

Stormbluff Isle

Bringing PvP stat combinations to WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


I would be asking for the entire PVP system to replace the PVE system currently in WVW. Much better

Stormbluff Isle

4yrs later still server/skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


what gets me is there has been 0 response ever from Anet regarding this. its like they dont given any kittens

Seriously. It is ridiculous. This should be a priority and yet it appears as if they aren’t even looking into it.

No no new scoring is way more important than actual issues. Quite honestly I couldnt care less if my server wins or loses, I do however care about having fun, which this is a game, and I can tell you its not fun when skills take 5+ seconds to activate

Stormbluff Isle

I like world links

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


or they link servers that stack population at certain times of the day

Stormbluff Isle

4yrs later still server/skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


what gets me is there has been 0 response ever from Anet regarding this. its like they dont given any kittens

Stormbluff Isle

[BUG] Warrior Burst Casting By Itself

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


yuppo I have that issue also

Stormbluff Isle

WvW years of skill lag

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Skill lag.. will this issue ever be addressed for WvW? This is a bug and/or a failure on Anets part to provide an acceptable gaming experience.

Aaah kitten why do I even bother posting this, it will never be fixed

Stormbluff Isle

I have a question.

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Lets talk power builds… the counter for a power build is toughness. There are also invulnerability skills to power based damage.

Now take condition based damage.. toughness means nothing, condition clears and Resistance boon are the only combat for condition damage.

Since Anet decided that condition damage was to be made the primary source of damage, they really should have included toughness into the equation (or added another set of stats) to counter the amount of condition damage being taken. Just like every other freaking MMO does.

In all honesty though damage in general needs to be reduced a lot, and WvW needs to be moved away from PVE rule sets

Stormbluff Isle

Night capping suggestions?

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Off hours capping… how about Prime time capping nerf? I mean seriously you wanna kitten over OCX SEA times because its not NA.. OK give us OCX and SEA servers to play on.

How about this idea… You know how Anet does server linking, why not base it also on population by times of the day, so instead of joining say SoS with IoJ who are both fairly big in OCX and SEA times have SoS linked with a server that has no OCX and SEA pressence.

But saying that because I am from Australia means I should be penalised? now screw you mate!

Stormbluff Isle

Quickness Stacking in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Have you noticed there is not one response from Anet with regards to this issue. The sooner Anet move WvW to the same system an PVP so they can balance it separately from PVE the better. watching one group atm of 20 with no skill just revs and and mesmers pressing 1 button to share an ever stacking number of boons, great for raids and PVE stuff but in competitive PVP which WvW… nah forget it bro

But over that way is a wall you’ll get more response to this than you will from Anet

Stormbluff Isle

Quickness Stacking in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


hehe think I had 40 stacks of stab the other day was kinda nice

Stormbluff Isle

Mixed Borderlands Update

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Nothing is balanced, it can’t be, there are too many moving parts. Alpine isn’t even balanced with itself, EBG isn’t perfectly balanced, the 3 servers aren’t balanced in a match, the 9 classes aren’t balanced, coverage isn’t balanced.

The sooner you get over the myth of balance, the sooner you can actually have fun.

And for the record, alpine has just as many instant-death drops as desert. The difference is it’s not obvious they’re instant-death drops because of the sloping terrain.

I think you missed the point… 3 of the same BL’s is balanced… 2 BLs of one kind and 1 of another is not balanced. the unbalanced part is DBL is multi leveled (3D) where as APL is essentially single leveled (2D), this in itself makes the 2 maps very different and very unbalanced.

Lets move on to EBG for the most part the map is rather balanced (well it was until they moved breakable walls.. added more breakable walls in). Each keep has the same number of ways to attack from (although the double gates do need to be adjusted so that a couple of the keeps cant have both their gates attacked at the same time)

9 Classes that are not balanced… yeeep totally different topic and one that gets looked at by Anet before the start of each new PVP season and quite honestly until they move WVW into the same system as PVP rather than PVE it will always be unbalanced.

Balance isnt a myth, its what lets you stand up every day, and Im not the one complaining, just pointing out that having different maps for the BLs is a bad idea, since Anet already has a lot of balance issues already and they are just creating a whole new one. I am all for having 3DBL’s or 3 APL’s

Stormbluff Isle

Combat in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


its ok a lot of damage doesnt even appear in the combat logs, for example the mesmer mantra skills. You get use to it after a while and it will probably never be fixed

Stormbluff Isle

Mixed Borderlands Update

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Bring on unbalanced maps… you cant have 2 different maps, it truly is unbalanced. But then again everything that Anet is kittenedly unbalanced, like the massive power creep.

But then again there are so many kitten smoking wannabes on this forum who do nothing but kitten complain about every little thing and Anet is trying to accommodate y’all.

Can you have different maps for different BLs? sure… but if they arent balanced maps eg APL is 2 Dimensional and DBL is 3 dimensional, that is just down right kitten.

All the kittens were written by me and not the auto censor

Stormbluff Isle

Anet pls.

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


The only skill to be found in WvW is in “open-field” fights where landing damage on moving targets, anticipating your enemies’ movements, positioning yourself so you don’t die/give yourself an opportunity for a good bomb, knowing when to regroup, push, or retreat.

Dont totally agree with this statement, its not the only skill to be found in WvW. There is great skill in being able to take a tower that is defended with siege. Think about the purpose of WvW… the overall picture… its to capture, hold, defend and attack objectives. The skill comes in not only with your open field fights, which in most cases is nothing more than stroking of your kittens, but also in being able to defend objectives and attack objectives. Fighting zergs comes part and parcel of this.

Now back to Cid and his not liking of the DBL… the DBLs provide a different way of thinking, with different ways to attack objectives. Whole sections of the map were removed so you could have your “open field fights”. More sections were removed to help those who havoc move around the map faster.

The skill lag however is really quite unacceptable, but then again gives a good reason to take the war to a different map… doesnt it? If I was paying someone for a server that ran like an kitten with no legs I sure would be getting quite mad and possibly finding a new provider that could give what needed, and possibly new programmers while I was at it

Stormbluff Isle

Lags ... still?

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Dont worry its Anets grand scheme to kill off WvW… Yes it happens in T3 as well… taking 15+ seconds for skills to go off, and my ping is normal at approx 250ms…

ANET GET SOME REAL SERVERS! or change the way your server does boon and condi calculations which is what causes the issue

Stormbluff Isle


in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


SoS, don’t listen to the zerg kids in T1, SoS still has arguably the largest Auzzie crew.

Firstly learn to spell… ya kitten. Its Aussie! So get it right!

Those SoS “Aussies” are just down right bad and give being an Australian a bad name. 15 people roll your SoS OCX map queue when you aren’t running away to ktrain.

TRBO says hello

Stormbluff Isle

Tier4 what is the solution?

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819



quit the server linking and let all the servers go back to where they belong in the list. Dead servers can fight dead servers.

Close the dead servers let them freely transfer to which ever server they want, except those with a rediculously high popularion, this way their communities can stay together.

Give full servers incentives to move to lower pop ones.

Any option just remove the linking is causing more crap than its worth

Stormbluff Isle

ANET it is time for a WVW tournament

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Disagree.. WvW is nothing big a pile of stinky donkey poop right now. server linking etc… all terrible. Fix everything up first then do tournaments. Might I make a suggestion though that they lock the servers before announcing the tournament, this stops servers buying guilds and tanking down a tier (cough mag cough)

Stormbluff Isle

WvW System Suggestion

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


So.. wanna roleplay with me in the Norn hot springs later?

Stormbluff Isle

Rams buggy?

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Yes it cycles through the cool down twice on some occassions.

Dont worry its a feature not a bug, nor is caused by the massive amounts of server side lag

Stormbluff Isle

Anet Seriously... STOP Screwing with Glicko

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Hey maybe DH and SF can complain some more so SBI gets taken out of T4, be nice to get that glicko back that we are bleeding by being in this tier, even though we won the last match up while we were in T3.

Stormbluff Isle

How to reduce lagg/fpsdrops/skilldelay

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Give Anet some better servers… I mean like seriously.. its not a latency/ping issue to the server, its completely server side issues. These issues have been getting worse since they changed the way boons and conditions work, which effectively multiplies the amount of CPU processing required. Not so much of a problem for PVE since people attack one object usually but when it comes to WvW 90 players v 90 players v 90 players… that’s a whole lot of math.

Stormbluff Isle

Anet Seriously... STOP Screwing with Glicko

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Also most of us off hours SBI OCX people havent even bothered to log in after the first couple days because well… its Freaking boring as all heck.

Anet you screwed up… SBI doesnt wanna be in T4 and shouldnt be in T4, get your act together already.

Stormbluff Isle

request to REMOVE PVE mobs

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


but free stacks on the way to an objective…

Stormbluff Isle

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


having different maps for different BL’s… thats a bad idea. the differences between DBL and ABL are huge… its like eating plain white bread (alpine) and a multigrain bagel (DBL). It just doesnt work there are too many imblances between the maps.

My suggestion… why not have 4 diferent BLs for 4 different seasons of the year eg Summer = DBL, Winter = ABL

Stormbluff Isle

Naw Night Capping Isnt a Thing

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Here is an idea… put those servers who are stacked during off hours against each other eg SoS and DB

Another idea for Mag is to get Xushin a bigger credit card limit so he can buy more guilds lol

Stormbluff Isle

Poll: You see a 1v1 fight, what do you do?

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Run the zerg over the top of the duellers. They take up precious space on a WvW map, especially now that the server merges have gone through

Stormbluff Isle

Nightcappers are a myth

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


So.. thats right Penalise those of us from different parts of the world. If I hear anyone say “go play on an EU server” I would like to say a bigkittensince the ping times to Europe are insane from Australia, bad enough at 250ms+ to the US.

Here is a thought for Anet. Why not put servers who are non NA Prime time heavy up against each other, yes there are stats available, for example SoS and Dragonband are mostly OCX and SEA. put them against each other. After todays match up, pitting a T4 server against 2 x T2 servers…. GG

Stormbluff Isle

Improve walls pls, so we can defend

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


I think someone needs to teach people how to place siege on walls so it doesnt get hit

Stormbluff Isle

Another player bites the dust

in WvW

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Poor Xushin now having to PVE to pay the weekly gold to the commanders and guilds he bought. I have the feels for him.. Actually nah I dont.. sucker… they will take his money and in a month or 2 leave

Roll on out bandwagons!

Stormbluff Isle

Warrior Berserker Torch skill inconsistency

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Also in WvW you can be standing right next to someone at 90 degrees and this skill will say No Path To Target without any obstruction

Stormbluff Isle

Warrior Berserker Torch skill inconsistency

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819



Torch Blaze Breaker (4) skill does not rotate player towards enemy, all other skills do. Occasionally it will even set the skill off then cancel it blowing your cooldown

Stormbluff Isle

64 BIT Client Patches Slow

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


How does an “issue” like this even happen? Procedures not in place to stop this from happening?

Stormbluff Isle

WvW Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


The Walls… dont get me started walls one second not destroyable, then you hit the wall next to it with a cata, and hey presto the wall becomes destroyable.

I wish they would get rid of these auto upgrades, its causing problems with everything. No one even has any vested interest in keep keeps and towers, its like EoTM, or maybe thats the plan…

Stormbluff Isle

After character creation event not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: MangoCrush.7819


Norn, trying to get to the big ice worm, gates not opening, the event near the pub never ends, killing lvl 1 animals. A few people in this instance have been waiting for over an hour for the gates to open…

Stormbluff Isle