Showing Posts For Mangoes.5163:

Sound Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Absolutely do not change Quip and Dreamer.

How do you move and still fire grenades?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I use the spacebar to throw the default nades. It works surprisingly well.

Weird bug, cant cap

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


see that cold resistance on your bar from the new zone? it’s blocking your ability to capture.

PvP no cap bug

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


if you have cold resistance from the new zone you can’t cap.

Feedback Thread: Summer Update (26 July 2016)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I’ll keep it short: please strip the “Unique” designator on the old ascended fractal rings/accessories.

The designator was previously meant to ensure that you had to run one ring/acc with an offensive infusion slot and one with a defensive slot. Now that all infusion slots are unified, there is no reason to keep these pieces unique. It’s a legacy gotcha that will only serve to confuse newer players who will be wondering why they have to buy two different items that are literally functionally identical.

Bomb Kit bug

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


This bug makes bomb kit basically unusable on all the HoT maps, because they have a lot of verticality – ensuring that your bomb will go off on the wrong floor and hit nothing at all.

Adventures, do they need changes?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Please listen carefully to the feedback from all the Oceanic/Asian players in this thread and tune the timers more leniently for adventures.

As stated, some of these adventures are excruciating enough when you’re close to the Anet servers – which makes them basically impossible for all of us suffering at 200+ ping and beyond.

HoT league encourages people to throw matches

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Why not just replace MMR with divisions? People are matched based on their divisions

Bet you there isn’t enough of a PvP playerbase for the higher divisions to get matches within any reasonable timeframe.

Enchanted Treasure Chest missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


After the most recent patch, the Enchanted Treasure Chest from the Treasure Hunter rare collection is no longer showing up at all in my home instance.

Re-entering the instance does not fix the issue.

Autoloot Mastery lets the client CRASH

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same issue. My crash message is the same as Kodiak above – parentModel.

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


1) The function gyro stomp has too little health and a really slow stomp. The combination of these two factors means a downed target can pretty much autoattack the gyro to blow it up if they are using the right amulet.

2) Gyros desperately need a lot more HP in general.

Chaith's Idea for Robust Scrapper Identity

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Given how close we are to release, and with an eye towards the idea that minimising the amount of additional work/passes required to implement would help these changes get accepted, I’d suggest:

- Instead of circling gyros, which require an art/engine pass, simply display a buff with the number of gyros ready for use. Buff is visible to enemy as all other buffs are. Simple and doesn’t require anything beyond icon art.
- When the F key is used to deploy a function gyro, simply deduct one from the buff and spawn it into the game world, using the current code to implement the rest of the actual “flying over and picking someone up” bit.

Since the Scrapper Reveal

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I appreciate the communication.

I think the best way to look at the issues with the Medic Gyro is to compare it to the one competitive heal engineers currently have – the Heal Turret.

At their core, both have the same functionality. They deliver an initial heal and then sit there applying an area-of-effect heal (in the case of the turret, mostly regen) to allies around them.

But, as you know, nobody uses the healing turret this way. It is always dropped, overcharged, and then immediately picked up or blasted. The reason is simple – the cooldown only begins to run when the turret is picked up or dead, and the gradual heal from having the turret out is never worth the loss of having the big initial heal ready to go again.

The medic gyro currently suffers from the same problem, but worse. Its cooldown is 30s, basically twice that of the turret. Its gradual heal is not that great that an engineer would consider having it out all the time to be superior to letting the cooldown tick down.

Your adjustment of the initial heal upward is nice, but it doesn’t address this fundamental issue – that is to say, it is almost always going to be better to use and then destroy the gyro ASAP so that the cooldown begins to tick down.

A cooldown of 30s will render the Medic Gyro ineffectual. Please consider lowering it significantly, or it will likely see no use in actual gameplay.

n.b. Even if you take into account the traits and toolbelt attached to both heal skills, the gyro remains uncompetitive. Yes, it can be traited to leave a lightning field and superspeed on death, but an untraited turret can blast its own water field on explosion.

Make PvP build keybind open trait menu in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


This is a small quality-of-life feature I’d like to request, that would make many players who tinker with their traits very happy.

Please either:
1) make the button assigned to PVP build in the keybinds menu open the trait menu when pressed in PvE, or
2) add a keybind for opening the hero menu directly in the trait tab.


The Problem with Kinetic Battery

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


The one thing I DO want to see on Kinetic Battery – please give us a buffbar icon showing when the battery is off cooldown, like Streamlined Kits.

Engineer Bugs (Updated & Consolidated)

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I think minis are still triggering the mines created by Streamlined Kits + swap to Grenades.

SPvP doesnt allow replacement

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


why would anyone want to be the replacement player? seems like an awful experience for them. can’t see why they should have to suffer along with the other four teammates just because of one leaver.

Other games have solved this by prompting players in the queue that a backfill spot is available, and that if they accept they will get the win reward no matter the outcome of the match.

Ascended Nomad Amulets Not At Laurel Merchant

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same issue on my account.

I, too, completed the achievements pretty much as they were released.

Stronghold can't be amazing with the timer

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I would love to see some TF2-style overtime.

If either lord is being damaged when the timer runs out, push the match into overtime with 15 seconds on the clock. Once the lord stops getting damaged, the 15-second timer begins to run. If damage occurs the timer goes back to 15s; if the enemy team cannot damage the lord again within 15s the game is over.

Trading Post display bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same issue.

I’m on the Mac client.

I'm done.

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


While you’re here – how do we catch up to the people who ground a significant number of games out before the change?

It feels like such a significant change to the way points are earned should have been accompanied by a reboot of the ladder.

Burn condi is broken, nerfed, or glitched??

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Definitely noticeable, not just for burning, and easily reproducible.

Take an engineer to the mists and throw your poison grenades on a target golem. Watch as the poison damage fluctuates per tick.

edit – this is a sample of the damage fluctuations from the above test.

All of these ticks were evenly spaced out – some of them have reduced damage for no reason.

(edited by Mangoes.5163)

Bug: FOV settings and spectator cam in PvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


If you spectate someone in PvP, it seems your FOV returns to the old default setting. After exiting the match, your FOV stays at the old default, and when you move the settings slider your FOV goes wild for a bit before settling back onto the new setting.

All chat in bubbles is showing up green

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


As per title. All text display in chat bubbles (/say, /party etc.) is green in colour rather than black.

Rune of Scavenging's 4-piece...

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Nope. It’s still broken.

Rune of Scavenging's 4-piece...

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I’ve definitely had it bug out on me. It seems to always work after switching runesets, and then fails at some point afterward following a death.

I suspect it’s related to the old bug where in PvE/WvW, Rune of Scavenging’s heal proc would also break when you broke a piece of armour, and then the functionality would be restored upon repairing.

Please show which kit Engineers are in.

in PvP

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Engineers don’t have weapon swaps, so at this rate you might as well put a little buff on every single player stating what weapon they’re carrying: “This player is currently wielding a rifle.”

Question about Razer Peripherals

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I have an Orbweaver and did try to use it with GW2.

Through the Razer software you can indeed bind the thumbpad to WASD, but it ends up being extremely uncomfortable to use – the thumbpad is really more like a hat switch on a joystick and its movements are very small and clicky. I gave up on using it very quickly.

Guild Bank bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same issue. Locked out of all tabs with full permissions.

PvP Queue "Unable to gain access..." error

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same issue. /10

Error: 42:0:9001:4409:101 When Queuing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same problem. Can get into custom arenas but cannot queue for unranked or ranked.

Caledon Forest Won't Load

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


More people with the same issue on just this one map.

Caledon Forest Lagging

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Same for me. Other maps are generally fine, but without fail Caledon Forest results in massive load times and, if I can even get into the map, skill lag lasting up to minutes at a go.

It’s less pronounced when I choose a waypoint far away from the jungle wurm and particularly bad if I choose either of the two waypoints near the jungle wurm. This is regardless of whether the wurm is actually up or not.

Arah Story Bugged: Dragons Resetting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Had this same bug today.

We eventually worked out that it wasn’t staying in combat with the adds that stopped the reset. Rather, when the dragons fly to the rear of the airship as part of their circling animation, it seems to take them out of “combat range” with the party and their health resets.

The solution was to have at least one party member follow them to the rear of the airship and back every time they circled. This prevented the reset and let us finish the fight.

"Swift Closer" achievement bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


I didn’t see hide nor hair of a buff on the run where I got the achievement, if that helps.

Rolling boulders being culled in COF path 1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


As the subject states, the rolling boulders in Citadel of Flame, path 1, are being culled if your graphics settings are too low.

This is problematic because you can’t dodge them if you can’t see them. The problem only started with the PvE culling update.

What's coming for us in the new patch

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163



Error with Salvage-o-Matic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


The gemstore listing for the Salvage-o-Matic states that it doesn’t recover upgrades.

The actual item itself states it has the recovery chance of a Basic Salvage Kit.

Which is it?

Guild/party chat lagging out rest of game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Some of my friends and I have been experiencing lag issues similar to those mentioned in the various threads on this forum. I’ve noticed some commonality between our issues and would like to see if others are having the same problem:

Please post in this thread if you frequently experience the following scenario:
- your game works fine (all your skills are activating, you can move about the world and gather from nodes etc.)
- you have no trouble communicating in local chat (/say)
- but the instant you attempt to use guild chat or party chat, those messages do not go through; sometimes they will go through, but after a significant delay
- when you open the guild window to see the roster, it takes an eternity to update and you experience lag as long as the window is open.

I believe that the game may be attempting to connect to the guild/party/friendlist server over and over, and that that may be part of the cause of some of the lag issues.

Please keep this civil. If we can identify more people with the same exact issue, maybe we can find a commonality.

Still getting dodges queued on stun/immob

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


The previous patch stated that this bug was fixed, but:

I am still getting dodges queued while stunned or immobilised. The dodge fires off when the CC wears off.

game client unable to access login server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Getting this exact same problem constantly.

When this problem happens I cannot party with people, or read or use party or guild chat, making it impossible to dungeon. It’s very obviously not my Internet connection, because I can talk with people using /say just fine.

A trace I did indicates that I am getting 100% packet loss once the connection reaches a particular IP address in Austin, TX which is owned by NCsoft. I have little choice but to conclude that the NCsoft server is dropping the ball.

Error: 42:1000:9001:4116 (& other issues)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Just wanted to say I am having exactly the same issue.

Engineers feel so unrealistic

in Engineer

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


basically you play the engineer class if you want to be Batman

if you don’t want to be Batman, change class

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


maguuma now closed

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


oh, my god. I love you.

edit – now contested.

(edited by Mangoes.5163)

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


The biggest problem with rallying the server to do the event is that you’ll probably gather tens of people, get all pumped up, and then watch one of the events bug out and stop the entire undertaking in its place.

Straits of Devastation Event Problems

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Just a note to Anet’s live team that these events are so bugged, so often, that players are pooling together to help each other identify servers to transfer to so they can finish their legendaries:

That should give you some idea of exactly how much of a problem these bugs are, and how the complete lack of communication you’ve given the playerbase stings.

After weeks of watching these various events break at the drop of a hat and NPCs get stuck the instant they leave their spawn, I’ve simply decided to vote with my wallet: I won’t be spending a single cent more on this game until this event chain is fixed. Cheers!

[Bugged Skill point][Sparkfly FEN] SHARK [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mangoes.5163


Bugged on Maguuma.