Showing Posts For Marsh.7214:

Mystic Forge doesn't accept Killstreak Experience Boosters

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


I have the same problem, kinda bummed cause I have a ton of them.

Worth doing or not?

in Thief

Posted by: Marsh.7214


They’ll never add a race change option, it would break the game.

Up the amount of gold for monthly achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


The gold reward for Monthlies definitely needs to be looked at. When I get ~4 silver for doing a Daily and ~54 copper for doing a Monthly something is wrong.

For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!

in Crafting

Posted by: Marsh.7214


If I hear about creatures of metal and steam one more time while crafting in Hoelbark I am going to throw my computer out the window. (I’m being hyperbolic for those that are going to tell me to calm down). Also the ‘less violence more violets’ sylvari is incredibly annoying. I find it’s the phrases that rhyme that are the most annoying because they get stuck in your head after the millionth time.

Ranger Bug List

in Ranger

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Unless they fixed it since last night pet names still arent sticking if you try to swap a pet from ‘storage’ to one of your two ‘active’ slots. Upon entering storage the name is lost. Also if you swap your pets it locks the two ‘active’ pets and prevents you from being able to bring any out of ‘storage’. It doesn’t seem to unlock unless you restart the game client.

Handies Complitation of Suggestions.(Work in Progress)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


There’s already two rather large suggestion compilation threads, do we really need a third?

Making "deposit all collectibles" a big button like "sell all junk" and "autopickuploot"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Both options would be ideal really, I spent ten levels using the ‘Deposit Collectibles’ option with no idea WHERE it was depositing my collectibles.

Also instead of an auto-loot, an AoE looting style could be a good compromise. Hit F once and you’re done.

Daily Achievements should reset midnight "local time"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Resetting at midnight local time (for wherever your located) makes the most sense. If that’s not possible why not have them reset at midnight seattle time, the same time they do game updates.

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


No problem

And to make this post more productive I’ve remembered another suggestion, lol

Larger field of view when it comes to the camera, or the ability the zoom out more. Overall the camera really needs several improvements.

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


However, atm, it is the ‘4th’ post of this topic.

Fixed that~

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Oh god, that would be AMAZING, haha. I’m notoriously bad at that sort of thing.

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


That would also work, basically just anything that would give space for more keybinds lol. Half the time I forget I’m even carrying food cause I can’t see it in the main UI.

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Thought of another, lol

Add a swappable slot on the skill bar for food/potions/misc consumables. It would work just like the utility skill slots, just instead of having various utilities when you click the little up arrow it would allow to chose between whatever consumables you have in your personal inventory.

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


I think they mean player titles you get via achievements.

Also I remembered the suggestion I really wanted to make.

In the bank add a sorting filter. An example would be to have a filter that reads “Show only items you can use” and selecting that will make everything in your bank that your character can’t use red, ala unusable ingredients in the crafting discover pane. It’s a pain to have to mouse over every item in my bank to figure out if my current character can use it due to level/class restrictions.

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


So, I had some time on my hands, and took the UI suggestions from MrsAngelD’s thread that weren’t already in this thread and formatted them.

* In some cases the friends list doesn’t remember nicknames & resets.
* Allow movement of UI elements.
* Within range indicator below 1-5 buttons is inaccurate.
* World Map: Turn on / off items from legend. Would help trying to locate that last POI or Vista for a zone that you just cant seem to locate. (ie hide/unhide Points of interest, vistas, and hearts individually)
* An apply button for trait points, as well as a minus, so you can work on a build prior to applying it.
* Character specific keybinds (I don’t need F2-4 at all on a necro, but as close to me as possible when playing elementalist)
* Reorganisation of the skill bar (same skills, but if I want weapon skill one in position 5, I should be ablte to move it there.)
* Tactical minimap (toggle option) change minimap behaviour to:
- left click: ping
- left click (hold): draw
- right click: personal waypoint
- right click (hold): move map
* Improve Fog Of War make it more definable to show the areas not yet explored compared to explored areas
* Tooltips for portals on the map listing their destination.
* The ability to bind to mouse wheel up/down
* Chat font size currently scales with your UI it should not
* The Elite Skill that is included in Deluxe Version should have a tooltip on it stating how it can be obtained
* See how many of each collectible you have in their tooltip
* Change the white text color of boon stack number because it’s really hard to see when there are 2 digits. The boon icon is already white (in the background), and the number is also white.
* Casting / Charge bar below target bar. (ability to see when target is casting)  

If you look under the spoiler you should be able to just copy/paste the list into the OP. I don’t mind doing this with the rest of the list, I just didn’t want to go full steam ahead if no one’s interested xD

Fee for more regular content updates? More stuff in the store?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


How do you know that there won’t be regular content updates now? The game came out less than a month ago, give Anet some time to establish a timetable for updates.

Race Change Through Gem Store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


I can’t be completely sure, but I would think that would be pretty game-breaky in regards to personal quest story lines.

Compilation List of Suggestions & Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Oh, thought of a couple more

Bank Suggestion: Add the ‘Compact’ option that the personal inventory has.

Misc Suggestions: Harvesting tools of the same type should be stackable.

Add the option to show your name above your player. Half the time in giant group fights I can’t figure out where my character is in the mass of bodies.

Also for this suggestion “Option: Reporting a player as a botter/spammer should automatically block them.”

You may want to say:

“Option: Reporting a player as a botter/spammer should automatically put them on ignore.”

Just so people don’t confuse blocking with account banning (I did at first, lol)

(edited by Marsh.7214)

What happened to the Suggestions Sticky?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Do I honestly seem impatient? I was merely curious as to whether or not it was missing for other people too.

What happened to the Suggestions Sticky?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Is it missing for anyone else? I also can’t navigate to it via the link to it in the current sticky.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Marsh.7214


It would be AMAZING if there could be a voice pitch option (or just different voice options) when creating a character. My main annoyance is that my female Norn has basically maxed out Charisma (her description is Captivating) and yet she sounds like a man, or a better description would be that she sounds like Mulan when she was pretending to be a man. Some Charr NPCs even sound more feminine than my Norn, which is mind boggling in and of itself.

Awful Performance (Freezes/Crashes) with Nvidia Video Cards

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Have you updated your drivers? I’m running a GTX 465 with the 306.2 beta drivers and haven’t had a problem.

Cannot represent guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


You’re welcome

Cannot represent guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


There’s an entire sticky thread dedicated to guild issues here. You’d probably get helped faster posting this there.

Unresolved ticket

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Look here. Reopening your ticket through the email link re-prioritizes it and makes things go faster for you, so I’d say it’s the best course of action available at the moment.

Underwater Reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


I don’t really move during fights though (leftover habit from WoW), so unless I’m drifting in the current I don’t think that’s it.

What /age should really display

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


You realize this is the Game BUGS forum, not a suggestion forum, right? Posting multiple threads of suggestions isn’t going to do anything but waste the devs time when they have to come in and close them all.

Underwater Reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


This happens to me all the time, I thought it was just something I was doing wrong. It’s usually when they’re at about 20 – 25% HP left which is incredibly annoying.

Multiple 502 errors

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Marsh.7214


So, I keep getting 502 errors when trying to navigate any of the forums, and it only happens on the gw2 forums so I know it’s not my connection. Possibly it’s because of heavy stress on the servers, but just in case it’s not I thought I should mention it.

“502 – Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.
There is a problem with the page you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. When the Web server (while acting as a gateway or proxy) contacted the upstream content server, it received an invalid response from the content server.”

^ The error I keep getting

I don't like how consuming dye works

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marsh.7214


It would be amazing if dyes were accountbound instead of soulbound once you consume them.

... Forum kittens?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marsh.7214


From what I can tell, the word “kitten” is used to replace inappropriate words.

Making light armour help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Leatherworker makes medium armour. If you want to make light armour you need to be a tailor~

No Karma gain from Renown Heart events

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


This was already answered here.

“Karma is currently only earned from Dynamic Events (the Orange colored titles/markers on the map – not including Skill Challenge events).”

Edit: also here.

“In earlier Betas, they did give Karma, but it has been a long time since we took that out.”

(edited by Marsh.7214)

Pet stow away doesn't work

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


…If you don’t want a pet then why are you playing a ranger? It’s a key component of the class.

Ranger pet names still bugged and not saving

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Darn, I was hoping the latest update would fix it, since they seemed to change a couple other things that had to do with ranger pets.

Cinnamon Sticks not avail?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


“· The following Cooking Materials are no longer sold for Karma and are now acquired through drops, gathering nodes, or loot bags: Butter, Chocolate, Vanilla, Chili Peppers, Thyme, Black Peppercorns, Cinnamon, Bay Leaves, Walnuts, and Oranges.”

List of the foods removed, taken from here

[Bug] Can't change pets anymore.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


“· Ranger pet swap recharge is now the same in and out of combat. This closes an exploit with swapping ranger pets to generate very long buffs.”

^That is taken from here. So, it looks like it’s a new feature~

Ranger pet bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Marsh.7214


Having the same problem, but it seems to only reset names when changing what pets you want to swap between. So if I only have two pets and switch back and forth I’m fine, but if I have a third and swap one of my pets out so I can switch to the third one the name gets reset.