Showing Posts For Master Archer Nente.9284:

Why everyone wants to run instead of kill

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Zraw has never been experienced in uw. DS has never been experienced in DoA.
NAME has been formed out of DL before they completely fell appart.
I cant tell much about NAME casuals anyway because the only runs i did with them were some DS+NAME mixes.

We usually do not skip Lupicus, for our 12 minute duo we did, tho. He usually doesn’t take more than 5 minutes (including turrets and abominations).

NAME casuals near the end of GW were around 20 minutes.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Giganticus Lupicus

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

I’ve noticed that if you get the grub debuff in phase 1 it takes approximately 7 seconds for the grub to spawn.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Plague of Skippers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

I’ll play the way I want thank you very much. By the sounds of things you have too much time on your hands, fighting pointless trash mobs is nothing but a waste of time. Many bosses don’t reward well enough for the time it takes to kill them.

Plus when you’re trying to farm a dungeon doing the same things again and again gets old fast, so any way to speed things up is great.

All in all find a group that thinks the same way as you, just don’t think you can tell others what to do with a game they paid for.

so if i have the rights to play the game as i want, i can now feel free to do the following stuff, according to all those skipper’s “i can play however i want”-logic?
- exploiting (hey, it’s in the game sometimes and until its fixed, i can (ab)use it, right? i mean i can play however i want…)
- cheating (i’ve paid for the game, so lemme cheat plox)
- griefing (my 50 bucks, my game so i do it because i can)

“you can’t tell me what to do so you have no rights to complain if i do one of the above stuff”

dungeon skipping would be exploiting flawed dungeon design. i guess it’s just easier for a-net to clean up the mess afterwards, because so many (MANY) players are doing speedruns right now. would complicate things to prohibit speedruns until those dungeon design flaws are fixed.
AC and CM are examples of a better, fixed design. (though, they’re still a bit flawed)
CoE is an example of a good dungeon design. (the reason, why it’s the least played dungeon, i guess…)

the rewards at the end are not supposed to be obtained within 5-7 minutes, you know…slashing those “trashmobs” is part of getting those rewards.
fully completing a GW2 dungeon is also not some sort of 6-hour odyssey like in many k-grinders. well, skipping is a major part in many traditional mmorpg’s, considered and intended by developers. [“/say: everybody to the left wall until next room, k”]

a game have rules. dungeons in GW2 have their rules.
flawed dungeon designs making it possible for players to bypass these rules.
conclusion: skippers are exploiting.

it’s quite a shame, that speedruns and skipping strategies are so openly postet and discussed at these forums…not very promising for the future.

You obviously didn’t play much GW1 did you? A-Net has always let players speed run through things (even though they obviously didn’t particularly like it) but they resolved that it was better to allow the players to have a choice. You are trying to deny players choice which will not make you very many friends, even among people who also enjoy clearing content.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Dungeon complete reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

fifteen- chars

Sorry that happened to you

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Does profession priority exist?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

In the current meta most people seem to have a hard on for warriors, mesmers, and guardians. The team setup with them is quite good and it has a relatively low learning curve which is why it is so popular but I’d say that an Engineer and Necromancer are an incredible asset to the team IF they are good and know how to play their class correctly (and some of it is also situational— they excell in dungeons like TA.) Rangers have been nerfed so hard they are definitely one of the weakest classes.

So in the meta I’d say that there is a stigma towards anything that isn’t a Warrior, Mesmer, or Guardian but in reality most Professions can hold their weight. However, Pug mentality will always dominate so I’d have at least one of the three professions that everyone seems to like fully geared for pugs runs.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

(edited by Master Archer Nente.9284)

Fastest Twilight Arbor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Depends on your team. My group can do all three paths with little variance in the time for each path so for us that would be a no for your question. If the other paths are a problem for your group than maybe it might be better, or you could switch characters and get a full 60 every time.

Also you only get 20 tokens on your second attempt. Then it turns to 10 on your third and then to 2 after a while.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

How To Convert Karma To Gold/Lodestones

in Community Creations

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Karma booster and Bonfire don’t stack.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Compilation of dungeon solo videos old

in Community Creations

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

This is really inspiring to read/watch you guys are really good. Been working on mesmer solo of lupicus myself because I find myself kind of bored with the game these days.Definitely want to try some of these, they look fun!

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

What is this New Trend

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Barely. As Strife mentions in the comments, the nerf to reckless dodge means you need to switch frenzy for endure pain or w/e. Still totally doable.

Good luck with that tactic. With just Endure Pain I estimate less than 5% chance for success (with perfect play).
Fight is already quite taxing. With Reckless Dodge fix you have to save Shield Stance, can’t just reflex dodge everything and need more defensive utilities which make it slower which increases chance for mistakes.
Also food-change makes some difference.

As you can see from the vid it really just takes well timed dodges and knowledge of the mechanics. Nobody said it was easy, but the point is that it’s entirely possible.

You’re arguing with the guy who made those videos.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Is Guild Wars 2 Doing Well?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

I’m not sure how long they will be able to sustain this though. Their Achilles heel is a AAA MMO targeted to a mature audience. The Disney stuff might be tolerable for awhile but; it’ll get dumped really fast. Your average MMO gamers is over 30 and is demanding mature fun content.

Fixed that for you. I’m an average MMO gamer over 30, therefore I’m as entitled to generalize about the entire demographic as you are.

I’m not generalizing. Its a fact. MMO’s are not appealing to younger audiences. They might buy the game; play it till level 10 or 20 then quit.

It probably has something to do with how the younger generations seek something for nothing and are too impatient to work towards something. The entitled generation. The ones that grew up with credit cards, smart phones and google.

Probably the biggest load of crap I’ve seen spewed on these forums and there has been a lot of kitten crap spewed on these forums.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Not finding enough leather. :(

in Crafting

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

I have WAY WAY WAY too much leather. Just salvage medium armor and you’ll have all the leather you need.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

What is this New Trend

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Faster and more challenging

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

The vines tend to attack people who are using a staff first. Then other ranged weapons second.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Evolved Destroyer.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

When the shield starts to flash you need to get out of there. That is the only AoE knockdown that isn’t the tooth that the destroyer has.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

has dungeon reward changed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

There are multiple ways that DR can affect you. One is running too many dungeons in under (what we believe is 2 hours) a certain amount of time. Another is running the same path on the same character in a day (reset at the server reset) There are other types aswell.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Dungeons & Leaderboards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

We need, damage done, healing done, average dps, downed/deaths, and time taken.

Only then can we start to think about not full speed clearing but fully clearing since it will increase the damage done and also average dps. Healing NEEDS to be taken into account also. Too many times are healing/support roles being given the short straw.

That would be silly because that would force a Holy Trinity.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

I am definitely interested in doing more Arah.


Name: Leon of Kryta
Profession: Warrior
Gear: Full exotic zerkers (and a side of soldier’s when necessary)
Traits: DPS/Shouts

Name: Kyou Fujibayashi
Profession: Mesmer
Gear: Full Exotic Zerkers (have other sets but for very specific team setups)
Traits: DPS/Phantasms

Name: Ryou Fujibayashi
Profession: Elementalist
Gear: Full Soldiers/Full Zerkers
Traits: Normally the standard Boon/Bunker

and everything else except Ranger and Engy but I’m still working on a bit of their gear.

Experience: I frequently run Arah. Can solo all the P2 bosses (cept lupy, working on him)
Schedule: PST evenings

I run at least two paths of Arah almost everyday but it’s my favorite dungeon and like to do it despite the tokens (don’t really need them anymore after I finished my few armor sets) I have Vent/TS/Mumble and a mic and am willing to go on runs with new players.
Also would like to get better at lupy—so surrounding myself with other experienced players in a motivator.

NOTE: currently have 5 guilds but a few are storage guilds. Send me a PM before any invites so that I can free up space.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

(edited by Master Archer Nente.9284)

Dungeon chest runes Soulbound.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Throw them in the Mystic Forge. I have gotten several gold by just saving my Major Soulbound runes and throwing them in the forge hoping for a superior.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Gigantic lupicus is too challenging

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Lupicus is one of the best boss fights in this game… and sadly it is easy.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Dungeons & Leaderboards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Like mentioned above:

Power has been trying to get people to be interested in it for a while but sadly it hasn’t really taken off like it was in GW1.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Arah Path 3 Hot Potato

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Throw past the person. That’s how my groups do it. Never had any problems if you aim past the person for whom you are aiming. Also, personally, I find that it helps to check the option for “Fast Casting Ground Targeting” (or whatever it is called) in the options menu.
You can easily do all the “Hot Potato” sections of Arah with two people.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

A plea to nerf Dwayna (Arah p4/Seer path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

I have nothing against more difficult encounters and I haven’t done simins since the new patch. I will say though that the problem is that none of the other dungeon encounters are of this level of coordination, dps requirement, luck, timing and of course after already having spend a long time within the dungeon draining your energy.

I really feel there should be another difficulty mode added to dungeons. I feel that people should be able to do explorables in a more doable environment like most of them are now and get rewarded tokens. But have the same explorables tuned up highly to give a challenge to hardcore pve’ers with organised groups that award far better rewards.

You could include simins to this new category of difficulty.

I also feel that some of the storymode bosses are harder than half the explorable bosses. Make 3 difficulty levels.

- Storymode, Easy, lore driven introductory/tutorial type of dungeon. Make them even easier

- Explorables: Harder, pretty much mostly the same as they are now but reduce health bars, make them a tiny bit easier, balance the really harder fights to be much easier

- Hardmode: Have all fights tuned up with many new coordinated abilities like simin/subject alpha/lupicus. Bring back old-school searing effigy etc. Make them hard and unforgiving but completing them twice as rewarding. Also make it less about DPS but more about coordination and survivability/support.

That way, people get a challenge and those who can’t do hardmode can still enjoy the same content and at least some of the same reward. I know storymode was intended for this but storymode is completely different, less content for it and of course not nearly as rewarding.

I would love this kind of addition to the dungeons. Hard-Mode that is actually challenging but they require effective use of mechanics and teamwork rather than just Bosses with loads of HP. Would support 100%. Obviously only for Instanced-Dungeon content.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Look as in game a warrior alone can do more damage than 2 other players while facetanking a boss……

What Game are you playing? In most Dungeons and Fractals, Warriors use the rifle most of the time. Show me some Videos of Warriors at Fractal lvl 30+, who are “facetanking” Bosses besides exploited Mossman.

There are actually more dungeons than just fractals. There have been a few vids of warriors soloing various explorable modes.

Yeah and the guy who did the soloing of those explorable modes is an EXTREMELY skilled player, one of the best. Same with the guy who soloed some explorable modes on an Ele.

Skill =/= OP class

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Group is skipping mobs and you die...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

As a frequent skipper, I have never experienced any of this. (I have also played Mesmer heavily)

Guess I don’t run with PuGs often enough.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

"Experienced Only"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

I know someone has said it before but the best place to learn a new dungeon is within a guild (and I don’t even mean one of those “big anonymous guilds that hammer out dungeons all day.” because any guild with 4 other players that play in the same time schedule will work.)

I’ve been playing since beta and their are several dungeons that I know very well, like AC or TA, and others that I don’t know anything about, such as CoE.

With my experiences with being new to a dungeon, most groups don’t mind telling newbies what to do as long as you get on a VOIP server like TeamSpeak, Vent, Mumble, Raidcall, etc. The reason for this is that most dungeons are extremely easy and easy to explain… when you are speaking. This is not true about typing though which leads many people, including myself, to require TS or vent when taking people on their first run. Microphones aren’t required (encouraged maybe) because all you need to do is listen to the instructions and follow them.
Even with PuGs you can find groups that are on a TeamSpeak server that are willing to provide you with the info if it will make the dungeon smoother.

I wish you luck and urge you not to be discouraged because there are many players in your position who want to experience the content for the first time.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Please change frak weapon skins

in Suggestions

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

Seemed a little unclear what you are asking but I’m going to assume you mean that they should add a prompt that indicates, “Are you sure you would like to salvage/sell this?”

If this is the case, I’d support it.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]